THE DAILY BRITISH WHICG, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1908. : "<0 1 GUD WE) GASE OF NERVOUS PROSTRATION {SPAIN'S NEW PRINCE GETS! - Cpe fhe Xu wo. HIS NAME. Bre Relieved In a Remarkable Manner By Pe-ru-na. : Mrs. b. Phelan, with hep sof and | -- { ul tea, at Rockwood Hospital, on daughter, left for Lake Memphrema: ! Real Game is J i i i -Plle i Fuliday, in honor of Mrs. u, \. Con jgor vestorday, Gun ® Jani ie, Luipold, Isa. Pe ru-na Is a Systemic Catarrh pelos vasitgr, Mrs, J. Bextra, ofl Mrs. T. Bertram of Dundas, whe has : que, Alejandro, | Remedy. Alberto, Alfonso, Victor, | Dandas. The rooms were hlled witn {Ween the guest of Mrs. J. C. Connell, . : Acucion, Pedro, Pablo, Maria | Especially Adapted to Cases of lovely jak roses, and branches of [West street, left for home to-day. green. Kefreshtnents were dispensed 1a! Te and at That His Comi ervous Prostrati a very informal way by the hostess'| Miss Mildred Sidon returned "to Host Unexpected So Was N us ration faughter, Miss Muriel Wenster, Miss! Port Hope, to-day, after spending a New ' York. . of Caused By Overwork, Mental Strain Lprints a cable .| or Extreme Summer Heat. flodency Birch, and Miss kdna Booth. {month with her grandinbher, Mr. John J Loose, Miss _iudred Jones, Miss Leta! agd family wall thew Carsdn, Miss Bessie Dowsley, Mus! summer cottage the early part of the Babe vordon, Mss Lunipan dandersor, | coming week, MisfMocaoe Memoung, Miss Neésig Lor 3 don = Macenzie and Miss bianche Rent, Gold in Cuwilight The most perfect weather has greet. ed the Royal Military College func: tions, thif week, yesterday's yunshine and "breeves surpassing ell that + went. before, and doing honor to Mry, "Taylor's garden party. Visitors were charmed with the beautiful situation of the commgudant's reside nce, apd Mr. Percival Gifford of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. Edward Ryan, at >. Mrs. George Webster gave a delight- - i June 27. : despatch fwanja, giving some tails The He ral from La! unpublished de- 'hers were abou eighty guests, and! Laird, Princess street. or 4 rare musion) treat was given them.| Mrs. Lailemand and Miss Ethel smever tired king out across the lawn and the college. grounds to Lake , Untario, Iresh and blue, Colonel and Mrs, Taylor received near the gate, +» Miss Elsie Taylor being with them the earlier part' of the afternoon, . and lathr moving off to do the honors in other parts of the garden. Tea and coffes were dispensed out of doors on the side of the house looking towards the fort, little tables and seats being scattered shout under the trees, and ices, lemonade and strawberries were found over, the edge of the croquet wn, down in the meadow which over, looks the town, The battery . band played delightful music in the grounds' Jusp outside the driveway, There were any number of strangers present. Mrs.' Lake, from Ottawa, was there, Mr. and Murs. J. M. Gibson, of Hamilton, and Miss Mar. jory Gibson, . Mrs. Bertram, of Dun- das; Mr. and Mys. Tremayne, of Hali- fax; Mrs. Lallemand, of Montreal, and her debutante daughter, Wiss Ethel Lallemand, Miss Marion Ross, another lovely Montrealer, Miss Holey, Adams, a pretty 'girl from Toronta, and all will carry away very delight. ful remembrances of June in King- ston. Throughout the afternoon, Mes, Robert Carson, Miss Leta Carson, and Mra. . Casey, were constantly the een- tre' of a. group of friends, telling mother: sister, and grandmother how proud Kingston is of her son, who, having carried the B.S. M. with honor leaves the college, for the army, with not only trophies which attest prowess in work and sport, but with the good word' of superior, subordin- ale, and con rary. It is the fast time that the home of the RM. ©. lias been the home of ite B.S. #9 the city rejoices with Me. #on's own pedple in the honors heda won! 4 - The guests from town included the Dean of Ontario and Mrs. J. C, Farthe, singy Mis. Ladd, Canon 'and Mrs. G. W..G. Grout, Canon and Mrs. Loucks, Miss Ethelwyn Loucks, the Rey, V. G.oand Mrs. Orclmrd, Miss Orchawd, the Rev. A. and Mpeg dnd Mee, Johir Cochrane, Miss Coclirane, : Mrs. TD, R. Hemming, Miss Grace Hemming, Lady Car #right, Mes. A.D. Cartwright, : Ho Cartwrighs, Mrs, EK. J. B. Pensg, | ( mm. Herbert Pense, Mrs. A, 'Shortt, ajor and Mrs. Noxman Stuart | edhe, Jor. and R HK, Burstall, Mr, and Mrs. | aches, Mr. and Mrs. Frames |! nee; Mrs cArthur Flower Match, fi and Mw ty. 1), o John, Macnavghton 5d it Catruthers, Mrs. (iH, Fe ,Mgrie and Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Mr, Iva Martin, Mig rhyllis Shért, de John Brooke, Mrs, Harry E 183 Ada Bates, Ms, Joseph $ Mra. Edward Ryan, Mrs. W, C. B ber, Mrs. W, H, Herriman, Mrs, DE, « . F, D.'Laflerty, Mrs. 1, Norton. jon the slor, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Walkem hillian and Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Gildersléave, Mics Mabel Gildersieove, Miss Lois Saunders, Miss Macpherion, and Miss Edith Macpherson, Miss Heacon, Miss Madeline and Miss Cb delia Straubensio, Miss Helen Fraser, and Miss . Avie ra. James Denpistoun, Mrs. Hagl- tain, Mrs. Henry Hunkell, Mrs.) rt Robinson, Mrs, HoWard Folger, J . Frank Strange, Mra. Camgbell + Stednge, Mrs, Montague - Sirenge; 0 Cornelius Dermingbam, Mrs, R. aldron, Mrs. W, B. Dalton, Miss Ma. bel and Miss Lorraine Dalton, Mes. }. R.° Wi Garrett, Miss Mamie Garrett, Mrs. Octavius Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hooper, Miss. Smith andy Martha Smith, Mre. A. P. Knight,| POPI® went down to their Miss Mona Knight, Mre. F.:D. Monk, Mrs. James Higgins, Miss Madeline Higgins, Mrs. KC. Carter, Miss Madelon Carter, Mrs. Robert Suther: }. land, Miss Bessie and Miss May Stuy the, Miss Etta and Miss Kath Ion Kirkpatriok, Mrs. Hugh NGS Mrs. J, M. Platt, Mrs. W_ St. Fietre Hughes," Med. W, G. Craigs, Miss Ka: tis Craig, Miss Kate Gordon, Misa Constance and Miss Mildred Cooke; Mins Mabel. and Mise Dorothy Prown- field, Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Elta and Miss Lilla Callaghan, Mise Katie Mise (Cprrie Wilson, Miss K, Lyman, Mids Annie Fowler, h Folger, Mise Gina: and Migs | ryaret Fairlie] Mise Fronces Hota, Milly Ferris, Miss Blanche Hy don, Mise Gertrndo Low, Miss Stew. etman, Mr. Percy Stevenson, Mis Mik dred Jorg, Miss Atick Maciwe, Mis Alice, Miss Margaret' and Miss Muriel King, Miss E. Macdonell, Miss Atma 3 Mise Marion Lesslic, Mig Sybil ; The soidets sof thes first class and MY. Etnedts Dawson: wore dleo among] the guests. 1 iil -oe Mrs. Barbers - ve such a pleasant tea, on pH afternoon, that no ons 'wanted de leave, and post the Atilt greater st he ? -> Ree ¥ , Aico steest, J vear.. informal luncheons and high teas at Léslie, Bagot street, gave a little din- ner party, being : John Bell Carruthers, of 8t. John, Mr, J, Forsythe and Mr, M.. 4 Etnest Dawson. Norman Stuart # gone over to pay Mrs. E. T. Tay- oF a little Visit at the Royal Military College. ? Mrs. Phifipen," of Winnipeg, was the ara eons at a very delightful Laird, Captain | dinner, on Thesis Miss [gone dodn the He R.W, do livgy, | street, removed to their summer re Jeremy Taylor, Mr, and |dren, of New York, (Stewart. Robertson, Mr, and | suthmer. iss Maud Betts, Mrs. KR. H. Tothill, 4 Hiv, Mandell, Mrs. Chatles Maylor, Migs | od to pected out, frbm mal Week Miss Mucklcsgon Avonmore' Phi ' Mes. Edward Torrance, and Torehto. Cand on Monday, for a two months' has her. The latter will pay a visit her daughter, Mrs. Munroe Grier. oxpected home from Chambly today. athat id an wmconscionably late hour. The! ype. Mrs. Keubem Mcielland, who plays so perfectly, Ave several piano numbers, and her musical sster, Mrs, k, J. Mc: Lelland, whose musical gifts, are vo cal, sang most beautifully, Mise Ethel Lallemand, who has a very sii ed voice, gave several songs, and Miss Estella Bull, who inherits from: her mother § people, the Branscombe «, ber mugical genius, helped with the charming programme. As people suid good-bye they made many appreci- ative remarss to Mrs, Webster on the suceess of her tea. ; Khe hostesses at the golf tea, to- day, will be Mrs, Francis Hill Mac nce, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. de Mow- bray Bell, Mrs. Edward L. Fortt, Miss Hora, Miss' Mabel Gildersleeyve, Miss Elcanor Maedonell, Miss Edith Fol. gi od Beatrict landy, : Mise lanche Mut. } -~ > -> Mrs. Thomas Muir, and her baby left, on" Thursday, by boat, for 7To- ronto, going on from there to Car ill, where Mr. Muir will be till the Ant of September. Miss Lillian Mun- | dell. went as far as Toronto with her sister, and has gone on to Hamilton for a visit. - The gaiety rush is practically end- ed, and from now on the social side of the summer will te marked by - - Lallemand of Montreal, will be with Mrs. Edward Ryan until Tuesdny. Mr. McKay Meikle, Clergy street is | going to spend some timb gt Mrs Clarence Mitchell's cottage on the Front Road. - oo» A telegram from Mr. William Harty, Jr, to-day, declared positively that he was at last bringing home his sis tery Mrs. Hugh Osler, and Mi.s Fran- ces' Sullivan, and that they would ar- riva to-day. The Hon. William Harty will be up from Ottawa for the week- .- Mr. J. Osler aud his cousin, Miss Elinor Gwyn, of Dundas, who were with Mrs. Corvelius Bermingham, for a few days this week, went up to Toronto, on Thursday. Toronto for the ball. Mi, J. May came up from Ottawa, yesterday, for a/day or so, bringing Tittle Miss Mildred Horsey back to her grandparents at "Hazeljiell Mrs. J. O. Crisp and Miss Kathle'n Crisp have gone down to Halifax for ths summer. > o> - Mrs. A. Eisenbud .and son, New York, are visiting their parents, Mr. Me. 'Arthur Britton was down from! : concerning the arrival of the Spanish king's new .son on Monday The interesting evegt, says the Her ald's correspondent, was | by the attendance of the queen at bull fight at Segmuir on Sunday Queen Victoria dislikes bull fights, and she understood that on this oecasion no horses would be seen in the arena and that the bulls were small, almost tame animals. But the bulls were powerful beasts, the toreadors wietched bullfighters and horses. were killed in "the ring The queen was greatly aflecged by the sight Monday, while driving with King Alionso, the queen felt ill and at two kilometres from La Granja turned pale and Jainted, causing some alarm. On her return to the palace Dr. Conde and Dr. Le Desma attended | ber, but the symptoms were not thor | oughly clear till seven o'tlock and no one expected the event immediately The queen mother arrived hurriedly id an automobile at eight o'clock, and the Premier Senor Maura, interrupted his speech in parliament and drove to | La Granja. Duque de Sotomavor and | General Echague, the highest court of- ficials, were in Madrid, but thanks to an automobile they were able, like the members of the royal family and the a precipitated | were | sever al | and Mrs. Joseph Abramson, Queen higher nobility, to reach La Granja | street. ' | in 'lume Miss C. Abramson, Queen streckt, has } It was one o'clock When the queen returned {rom New York, where she! gave birth to the baby, which a the Country Club, small pichics, with an occasional tea to vary things. i - -» Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart last night, those presenty Lake, Mr. and Mps. Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. i oe Mrs. Lake, of - - Ditawa, left Mys. Leslie, to-day! and - wer - * y night, in honor of Miss_Sullivad, of Kingston. - - - . WS Garrett and family have St. Lawrence to Dr. cottage, "Glen- Mrs, R farrott's Bs Mixes and family, of Rideau lente, St. Helier's Cottage, FY and, on Friday. Mra): Willi, Fisher and her chil- will be here this summer Wolle Bes y ie ee Mes. ob Weller, and her two laughters left, today, for Cornwall, ihére Mr. Weller is overseeing work Mr, irs. Bernard Browne, and ; PUL gicls, have left for a Shon. the further shore of Hifhwon, who was visiting Mrs Calyin, King street, has retarn- oronto. . Little Miss Phyliis Wavior is ex #thica!, in England Miss Vera Cabsom, rock street, is ape from school in Toronto. | Miss J. Drummond is back at "Lhe from 'her trip to Perth | > > - Meg J. H. Birkett, Bagot street, afer Leonard Pirkett, will leave stay lilax. Miss Meta Bradshaw, who oon staying with Mrs. Birkett, will return the same dav to . New York, taking Mrs. James Wilson with | to in H Mrs, By W. Garrett and her voung summer cottage on Sibbitt's farm to-day Mrs. Hiram Calvin and her family fvo gond over to their summer home ot Garden: Island. : - > ow { Mrs. George Brown, of Hamilton, is! wig tin, DeCarteret, Alfred ret? : Miss Agnes Campbell, who has spent the winter in town, has returned to Stra third. Miss Dupny, Wellington street, was g Mes. O Mrs. Robert Meikle, Clergy street, will leave shortly on a visit ame: Thousand Islands and later wil goto Mitgwa. Mrs, W: K. T. Smellie, "The Avon- more," webt down to Gananoque to- dav. . Mc, Powers, ' of the survey depart- fend, Ottawa, after spending a day in town, has gone up to Picton, 3 - -> - Ses. K' Wallace Dunlop and family will leave on Monday to spend the summer at vhrom-Darrach Cottage," Jown the St. Lawrence. " o Miss | Laing, of Kingston, is visiting at the home of Mr. John R. Laren, Perth. D. E. Starr, Misgps Starr and fer Fred., Toronto, are guests at say, and will remain rR AES mo demtiuen of, Whites Goll Walla Walls, Washington, for the past 'with the west avd intends reburni to Whitman CoMege after her Fee {cluded inside of two hours after court EHEERRR ETH ANID Suteliffe nre Miss Gena Branstombe is 'in Picton] - Branscombe is delighted ipo ial sale, positively the 'ast night eof ,1 the sale. | YN latitades where warm weather is of long continuance, the inhabitants more or less sccuftomed to it. In Temperate Zones, however, where the change from winter to summer is great, the system is sometimes poorly prepared to meet the exigencies of hot weather. This is the cause of much sickness, Stomach estarrh, indigestion and dys- pepsia are not amoiig the least of sum- mer ailments, When the digestion is distarbed, the } INDIGE assimilation is Mag) STION affected, and as a» whe result the body does | not 'receive the nourishment it should. Lassitade, | weakness, brain fag, loss of flesh and | nervous prostration are the natural resulta. What is needed is a remedy that will restore the digestive organs to their! normal condition. | Such a remedy has been found in, Peruna. It bas proven fieelf of great! value in thousands of cases of this kind. Its action has been remarkable at) times in restoring some patients who | had given up all hope of recovery. ! But there is nothing strange about | Peruna's action. It simply tones up! was visiting for the past two [very healthy prince, He is fair, great- | months, {ly resembling the Principe De Asturia, - 5 | with features like those of his mother King strept, is] King Alionso gleefully announced | de C. Davies, inthe birth and a red lantern was hoist- | Cornwall. ed on the top of the flagstaff on the! Master Walter Macnee is at his home | tower crowning the palace. In the | on Union street, from St. Andrew's €vent of the child having been a girl | Col'ezs, Toronto. : | a white light would have been shown i. - {and a white flag would have been The engagement of Miss Alma E.| hung in the day time. King Alfonso, Ragers, AT.CM., Toronto, to thelWwearing the uniform of a captain gen Rev. M. Lindsay Wright, St. Lam- cel at two o'clock 'in the morning | bert, Quebec, is announced, the mar-/made the official presentation of the | riage to take place the third week injohild, who was clothed in the richest | duly. lace, wearing a gold chain and a cross was carried on a chased silver salver The ceremony did not take place in the throne room as tradition require but'in a newly decorated salon in the right Ying of the palace. As it was a cold dvening and the event had | ev Biwi -» Fair, P. - Migs Carrie visiting Mrs. -l i The engagement is announced Miss May Gertrude Smythe, third daughter of the late Dr. E. H. Smythe, K.C., to Mr. William' Herchmer Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, Kingston, and no h-ppier announce. ment could possibly be made for nev- er were two people more sure of theie | friends' deep regard and warm liking, and from young and old will good | wishes come to them. y - oe ow» Invitations have heen received here for the wedding, iin the Eddion Metho- dist church, ¥Dututh, Minw., on Tues- day, July Ttn, of Miss 'Alice Amelia Rockwell, daughter of 'Mr. John Rockwell, and a native Kingstonian, to Mr. Frank Merton Warren, "of Min neapolis. 'lhey will be at home ip Minneapolis after October 1st. a Invitations have heen received by friends in Kingston to the wedding of. Miss Fox, daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Fox, and niece of Lord Falkland, to Captairi Alexander Adams, Roval Engineers. The marriageewill take place at St. Thomas' church, Regent street, London, on Thursday, July 16th. Mys. John Fisher, Brock street intended going over to her hrother's wedding, and taking her little dauch ter with her, hut the illness of her mother, Mrs. James Adame, prevent: ed this, of taken by Burprise, they throne room had not heen warmed The remarkable child was so little expected this time by the queen that she intendel to be present at the first polo match played here Tuesday. Th prince was given the name Jaime, Lui pold, Isabelipo, Knrique, Alejandro, Alberto, Alonso, Victor, Acucion, Pe dro, Pablo, Maria, hut he will be, call- ed Jaime. This name, somewhat out. of fashion, was suggested to King * Alfonso in memory of 'Don Jaime, whost centen ary is being celebrated in the Span- ish Mediterranean cities. The bap tismal. ceremony will take place later, the child's godfather being probably the Regent of Bavaria, who will be re- presented by the Infante Fernando and the Infanta Isabel According to the latest bulletin both the queen and child are getting on per fectly well HOIIIISICIICISEIOICISIRIDISIIINION IN HOT PURSUIT. City of Mexico, June 27. ~--Government troops . are now in hot pursuit of the band of two hundred arm- ed and mounted men who made a successful raid on the town of Viesca and, later, were repulsed after a hard fight at Las Vaseas. J EIEN EARL GREY'S VIEWS. EELS * DECISION WAS RESERRED. After Hearing of Argument in the Admiralty Court Argument in the case before Judge Hodgins, in the admiralty court. aris ing out of damage done to the barge Buckeye State, was concluded Satur day morning and the judge reserved his = decision.' Those present were Messrs. Gogo, K.C., and Mr. Clifie. Brockville, andf Francis King, Kings- ton. Argument was heard on Friday morning, Friday evening, and con REXEL E Will Extinguish All Racial "Re- sentment, London, June 27.~The Chronicle | publishes gn interview with Earl Grey | regarding the Quebec ter-centenary. | The interviewer dropped a hint with re | spect to possible French-Canadian sentiment, and his excellency replied by recognizing the unstinted homage | and hongr due the French pioneers. | "We are taking," he said, "the meat | effective means of extinguishing, eter- nally, the last spark of racial re- | sentment."' Farl Crey hoped the mother country would take her fulll share in the celebration of laying the! eotner stona of the empire opened to-day. REFERS FEEFERNE ' A FREE HAND. London, June 27.--The Times' Teheran correspond. ent says that the Shah's proclamation de- clares Persia to have been under martial law from June 22nd, and that it gives Gen. Liakhoff, com- mander of the Cossacks, a free hand to deal severely with the people. BODIES ON SAME TRAIN. Cousins, Separated For Years, Are United in Death. St. John, NB. June 27Dr. Henry MeDonaidl, 'of MeDonald's Corners, Queen's county, died some time ago in Chicago. The body was being bronght heme to New Brunswick for bunmal, Quite recently George McDonald, cou sin of the doctor, died in Malden. They bad not seen each other for vears. By strange esincidencs, hoth bodies, unknown te 'accompanying friends, were placed on board the same train, and arrived in St. John, vesterday. They will be buried to- gether at MeDonald's ('orvers. Elevator Destroyed. Duluth, Mion., June 27.-Fire, ves- terday, destroyed elevator "D,"" of the Consolidated Flovafor company, No. | dock, and sheds of the Northern Pa- cific Railroad company, at Rice's Point, entailing a loss of more than $1,000,000. Virtue's Reward. Paris, Jone 27 =A man named Buu- don, who promised his wile not | Thaw Church Burns. Appleby Manor, Penn., June 27. The Presbyterian church was burned to the ground, last night; having heey. the congregation by Mrs. William Thaw many vea The bell was haw. 'His name was i across ite face. If was struck by lightning. It was given to rs ago. the gilt of Harry K. T broken to bits by its fall from the belfry. The First Of The Season. Joseph Daunt i gain a gy Ty potato growing. He left at y to-day, a mess tubers of fing size. A aa pam I, Daun lag given the its potatoes of the"season ' Come To-Night. - To Thomas Mills. & Co's big remov- is on her way to Birley, Queen to touch any strong drink for a whole day, was drowned vesterday, while ing for mu dink 'of water at » 25¢. Cooked Ham, 25¢. & days' celebration on | runners the mucous mem- branes of the organs involved, restoring SENERICIAL them to their normal conditions and leaving Natare to perform her duties unhindered. That person who has sound, healthy mucous membranes lining the entire digestive tract is well-guarded against the usual summer &ilments. Peruns is the means whereby to at- tain this most desirable condition. If you suffer from any of the above mentioned symptoms, try a bottle of Peruna. One bottle of this remedy, is often sufficient to convince any one of its merit as » safe and reliable remedy for all catarrhal conditions. We have many letters of gratitude re- ceived from persons who have expe- rienced its benefits, These testimonials are proof to us that Peruna bas not failed in the mis- | sion for which it wae intended, that of relieving suffering and restoring health, PE-RU-NA'S "The fatigues entailed by my duties system about a year ago. I felt that I the severe strain upon my nerves, as, & long for ofNice hours to be over in order "I gradually grew weaker and a few "After 8 fow weeks' treatment bry a cided to experintent on myself. mo firmer, my sight stronger and I h accountant at the office. "Peruna certainly worked wonders down from overwork MR. P. BRIEN, 23 Third Street, Limoilou, Quebec. I then broke down completely snd was obliged to take to my bed, I was also suffering from palpitation of the heart, critical condition and as the doctor held out no great prospects for me, I de "I took several remedies advertised as tonios, but did n&t derive ary benefit, "Peruna was then given a trial, and before I had taken it a week I fol my condition improving. After a few wooks more had elapsed, during which ime I followed the directions carefully, my shattered nervous system be "My expectations were realized, for in three weeks I assumed my duties as sy I believe it is the most efficacious tonic," as accountant began to weakem my would not long be able to 'withstand thing unknown fo me before, § would to rest, months Ister my sight was local physician, I was in the same oped to be out soon again, on my system, Assistant War Gorrespondent Recom- facts as a good, true friend mends Pe-ru-na. Mr. H. B. Manley, Assistant War Cor- respondent daring the War in China, care "Black and White," 688 Craig St., Montreal, Canada, writes: "When a man travels in extremely hot or cold elimstes, he realizes how valuable a fried he has if he carries a bottle of Peruna, "I know of no article in my traveling outfit which I have learned to praise higher. "If you are suffering with the ex- treme heat, Peruna restores you, or if you are afflicted with a cold, la grippe or bronchitis, Peruna restores you in a short time. ' "Or if you suffer with sleeplessness or if your appetite is poor, again Peruna and is the | | i | and for persons run- | tonic needed. i "I have tried it for menths am | only too glad to acknowledge it as . true, loyal standby in fimes of trouble, | I donot hesitate to recommend it to all, Completely Ron Down Restored to Health, = Mrs, J. Colson, 851 Notre Dame gtroet, | Maisonneurs, Montreal, Can., writes: | "Last winter I contracted a severs cold which affected my head snd throa 4 #0 I had to take to my bed snd oculd || \notdo my ousewe lh, A friend sd vised me to get a bottle of Pe and 1 procured a bottle, I felt better from | the start. I have taken thrée bottles and am a new woman. My daughter's System was also completely ron down and after using Pesans she is again tes stored to health i Er ------------ THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, ssi, Tells About a Lot of Things in Short Metre. Breakfast hacon, 15¢ Crawford's Usually political promises good only during the political campaign To-morrow is the refuge of the man who should have done it yesterday. breakfast bacon, 15c. Crawford's. A good many of us turn the knob to the door of success the wrong A whistle of encouragement wavs better than a ure way al dis 1% growl of couragement, Pure gum rubber baby comforts and nipples are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, It's mighty at trouble when trouble sight Don't extravagant with secrets if you want them to remain as such. Big crowds throughout this locality are to attend Broeckville's two July I¥€ and 2nd Conceit always seeks the society of the man with a small amount of brains. oN Bring up the boy so that vou will never regret being his father The wiso man runs from the danger that does not benefit' him by putting to flight "For the wowders are sold at Cross Drug Store The man who is forever ting nine of performer, Cooked hams, Saturday only, 26 Crawford's. The man who usually to talk it over" with you is trespass er on time, . "Baby's Own Tablets," soft sponges ant! teething beads. Buv them at Gib son's Red Cross Drug Stote Phom 230, Fas Lpwards of 100 crack long distance from all over Canada will take part in the big 10-mile Merathon race at Brockville's Pominion day celebration No man has a right to a wile shies at housecleaning The best clad man is not always the best man for the community, The Trusts and Guarantee company, hiosited, Toronto, has been appointed administrator, with will' sonexed, of the estate of Henry Bray, late of the village of Burlington. The estate «4s composed of real estates and cash in bank. 1,000 Islands--Rochester, Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. for Thousand Island ports, and at 500 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. Watertown And Retorn, $1.65. Tickets good going Saterday, 5am. or 2 pm., Sunday 7.30 am. and 4.30 am. returning wp to and including onday. Campbell Bros', For advance siyles in straw hats, "Pwverything {or she baby." Seo the window at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It, pays to buy infants' foods thefe. ¥ The inconsistent individual is ak to aflvise is laughing oi Cay out be your going borated talcum Red baby," Gibson's contempla is times out ten a poor Ib wants who Cooked hams, Saturday oly, 5c. Ib. - Crawford's. fountain at Bt. Cyr la Riviere. ways a stickler for consistency, ---------- Ji -------------------------- Great Cut Price Sale of High Class Summer Waists. on E=TH IRD OFF $1.50 Waists, for $2 Waists, $3 Waists, for $3.50 Waists, $4 Waists, for The same reduction in all Choice selected goods in Mull broidery, Tucking and fine Val is the time, to lay in a supply David M. The Leading Milline bo for «= - stated, Em. Now those ed styles, prices between and Lawn, trims with . Lace. The for the hot days latest Spence, ry and Mantle Store. Sale of Buffets and China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, vegi= 1 1 I solid Quarter Cut Oak. lar price $30 fon $20, Burface Oak, regular $25 for $17. Large Buffet, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. Also a line of China Cabi- 1ets to match, $14 to $25, in price | The above arc snaps, If will pay you to see them, ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Telephone, 577s The Fast Store Above The Opers Ilouse. TRY OUR STRAWBER ---- SHORT CAKE ORANGE PIES FOR SATURDAY. . [0 J ALSO PLUMS, PEAC AND APRICOTS. I ------ R.H. TOY E, 302 King St CE tema wp er ------ . Nordheimer Steinway # anos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK Pianos 'S ART STORE, 169 Princess St.