& THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1908. Fluffy White Underskirts Do you want to hear of a very special offering of Petticoats ? ? We've always an eye open to an opportunity to pick up unusual bargains. We've just profited by that, and a few days ago we unpacked a special purchase of petticoats. All white--of fine lawn and nainsook, Not the "gcrimpy" sort (you 'know the kind" we mean), but. splendid full-fashioned skirts---generous in every way. Some are prettily trimmed with val. Jace and insertions--others are graced with fine embroi- dery In all wanted lengths-- with underfrills, Each is worth considerably more.than we ask. $1, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50; 3.60, 1.75 and so on up to 5.00 each. CRUMLEY BROS. J THE SPORT REVIEW. Jara the only Californians who will be ---- lon the Awerican team, Oregon being Interesting News From the Var- ivf presented by Daniel Kelly, Forest : ious Sporting Fields. {Smithson amd A, CU, Gilbert, of Port Watertown ix to have an up-to-date { lanl. athletic aud baseball field. q | Newnrk News : While Saturday's lacrosse : Tecumsehs, {official retard of the v Cornwall, 4. Capitals, 12; a pwolessional. game of baseball, 3. Nationals, 11; Montreal, 8 Jack Cromin, the Providence pitcher Montregl Gazette ©: When Hogan was the distinction of accomplish asked after the mateh mm Toronto why fold, and his he had struck Felker on the head with | backed hy Manager Stallings, - his stick four five times, while "the Tigers, who saw him they were both walking towards the brick. Cronih made his mighty penalty bench, he Exvery [tn the city of Minneapolis in time he called me Tiwhen he was a member of the smashed him." troit Ameria league team, Murphy wants to Know [was that managed by Stal Elliott acquired the lings. - According Stallings the a team ? |sphare 'travelled a distance of between the 700 and S00 feet before it fell every ground, and Cronin had time to walk Press around the hases two or three just hefore the hall was recovered made the homer off Red Ehret, was pitching for Minneapolis Olympic | . there is no b longest hiv made g Loronto, | 10 claims ing this contention up O or do swat replied De which a vile nate "Jimmy" at time where "Chaucer" right to coach "Shimmy" forgets schools teach Ottawa Free cor" to Inerosse correspondence | to thing, the Perhaps "Chan about as much about says times knows Cronin lacrosse as Murphy. do- | ing as well, Speaking of the Uanadian team, the Toronto Telegram Another thing that might help | would bx to have Major Maude | t prepare oq pamphlet on "Lacrosse Kti Patt quette in England It will take hard |" Thursle A y x ve were on ursday guests ol study for Pat. Brennan to beg Heavy Bash md Mrs. F. EK. pawdon in the night places, and Clurencs. Bolton has = sold Billy Strachan to know just how te 0 : : Ro ur oadste furgoyne, , pick up the man he knocked roadster to Burgoyne, Camden dowh East, aud reslimd a good price. Mr own. Wit woch or. sa the frst meet pnd Mrs. Levi Brown and Miss Jessie Hin a cok or se w firs oe : ; ' | Huff attended the circus on Thursday ing of the year of the Ottawy fonthall last iin: N uM I . {last apanee is lorence club will be held for the purpose of un Maj . Ki h for {J {ner, has returned from visiting making .atrangeme nis Jor the comingliiends in Lolebrooke. James Huff SORKON. The Interprovincial league bud one of his best cows fearfully cut will be continued with Ottawa, Ham-| 0 getting ns ag barbed ilton Argonauts Montreal, Mise Jodie Hull abu brother the present champions, comprising it, spent. Sunday with their brother. Har and the Ottawa team, on paper, looks | 4g Hui. William Brown was remov- far stronger than it was last whson led tg the gengral. hospital, Kingston, when it finished third after great | on Yhursday, | $ulforing with typhoid series of games. . rf. Mr. and Mrs. 3S. Vandewater Ralph Rose, the Olympic Echo Lake, spent a few Jays here last champion, haz left San Frangisto week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Now York, where he will join the James Huff and soh, Frederick, spent erican toam in the Olvmpie games Sunday at Michael Love's. Mr. and London on July With, Rose's Mrs. Ralph Hamm, Napance, spent parture was preceded by that Sunday ere with Mr Hamm's Samuel Bellah, the Stanford pold mother, Mrs. EB. Hamm. Miss Lot- vaulter, who was also selected ax alia Brown, ie was the guest of member of the team of athletes whe | Ms, Stanley Brown last week. Mi. will compete against the best in the land Mrs. William Lapum and daugh- world next 'wonth, Rose and 'Bellah [ter, Eno, apdhtc Sunday with Mrs, Lopum"s mother, Mrs. Eliza Fields, Gretna. Mr. and Mrs. Sperry Shib- ley, Wilton, «spent. Sunday with Mr, and Mis, Willi Pringle. Mrs. Levi Brown spent Feiday with her father, William Hysted. Wilkie Pringle is disposing of his strawberries on King ston " market and realises a good price. ! ' * team is lacrosse News From Lapum. Lipum, June 27.-Mrs. Wesley of Wilton, accompanied Mrs. Hope, of Paul, says . A) Par by Ler Minn. Mrs Brown his fine FOmMe St. LIN John has wire lence Clifford, Tigers, and a evel eluh's for Ame in deo- ol Don't be -- ---- -- A Small Blaze. Bote chemicals in a vat at N. 's, Ontario street, exploded 8: o'clock Monday morning, and loguised" & Blaze, The firemen were quickly on the scope and the fire was soon extinguis With the use of ga Babeoek, and with very Hite damage. "Kingston And Ottawa. Steamers of the Rideau Lakes Navi gation company leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday, at 6 ame, ------ New uniforms have heen ordered for Ren QC. at the | 1900, | the | who | Tit * | council Thursday aud; HSE In THE TRUE I wae are LUST OF GOLD THE ne Yo ARI : PARK OF A NATION. LAK night Sermon By Rev. Dr. Macgilli ivray | 'TO-NIGHT : ® pri , at 8.30 in Chalmers--He Declared That | HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Elections C v | lections Can' Be, Won By TEX" Sketehr Artist, Sand Pictures Prayers {and Cartoossis { HARRY THORNTON LUhalmers adem SA PCH g spd the Lon-| tis Planoclogue Fill, Black ace Dancing of ist rated ving Fi ror in n i Singing Commed- ans SAM ( Singing the I he National on iby ' discourse * et And I bs in . His text Rings hold ods, fsraef ! | rederenns Rebobos ot mad to out there Xpransio people had Frue New York, was | Songs 0 xii, having ams making | wel | prey hy M to King tw calves of g up for preacher | the peopl worship mn heen pointed how OO ting an whngrmal « that the their Rehaoboar lof on and heads Ini} Hear GO to THE rou NOW Me in desire any riches time oald Hi M ATTRACTION 1 nday and Tuesday Canada 'Hattles British warning Mammonsm the and De of the t ; ms ravs "on gad , ATTRACTION 2. Ravenye An vt footing reli "The appli truct gious tality Comedy" that runny of list, ha mo mammeon, Lhe ATTRACTION 3. { Sad End of & VP J ATTRACTION 4.1 Hobert Da 50 WONDERLAND r 4--Big TFeatures--4. ANNETTE DUVAL Sagging Cowmedignne, JAMES HOLT And Wire Performer PICTURES, ROMEO AND JULIET Play, Beautifully o The medy i ---r of « Face the du hot probit § Nhe He agate FIouy why igor the fenr us rated Ne ng for ie of omality "Mary Blain whiis Oo much money an do "i { he fn ofthe anada eh and Tyre, jet Ke amd other their lust the « the 'Bn hea 4 sar wiv peril. Jt {that is | grentness, bu is not wealth and ¢ ned pansion | | | "i's | Juggler | ! i pensable to a the of | Men who scoff at matter { whould be {dire | Dr | Lie | nati Clo hike haive educational id, There men of pabilic | considerations must | aside from polities. The eo | { 1 | | { fear these the affairs she this Createst Colored Seng-- not allow of Macgilliveay no faint in our fairs, Moral be kept to Shakespare's tion our Tust rated SWEET rhea WILL WEST s Fave Six not Toronto Tenor A CRNOWLEDGMENT. I WISH 2 THANK THE ATLAS Urano y., thr h ther Agent J ' Mctanh. f hol \ very | prompt satisfactory ett lenwnt Hghtning A being days after claim was sent JAMES HAMILTON {plo Fave to do with the private | well the " i {representatives as public te their A paper recentl hn | Macgilliviay | | is going 1 the and will he Wig tions thing A are not WOR b> \ {tw ton Carne have f hewn 't Pray lers | { | INFANTS BURNED TO DEATH FH ARAN | | Awful Affair at Ardoch--House | Struck By Lightning. % | Ardoch, 8. Bf | Again busy entting their hay, i | rh "The Avdich Wadding bells . when Miss daughier , was united mn Myers, a prosperous The Rey. A LIVELY TILT. 3 Reshs, Persia, June 20. Fighting occurred here, yes- terday, between Cossacks and bodies of the pepulace while the fortner were en- ¥ gaged in closing a political ¥ club. Several wounded on # both sides. Juve anmerd are and re port a very crop uilding at Prog miss Monday youngest the new hridge full ared ori Is now h Schonawery last EEFEIT EE 41 HE | " Le we | James - Nehonawer, martiage to P farmer of this place ESRI | Ba, 1 Hand hy | pree, ww bride was very fattived in white silk {bouquet of white | bride attended sister William man. The Sehonawer s NS ofrfmony Father Du becammgly carried a The groom's Harlowe Happenings. and Harlowey, June 2 Mrs. Dead Creek, spent part of at Mrs, J. Midler x. Mi E. R. Marlin, Arden, were the Miss 8, Scott on Sunday last. S. g thompson and son, Oliver, and Migs {was a sucee A very sad affair IB. Miller ar iting hogs 7 ' 4 are visitin fric ely at Napa | day last, when the home of Mr. and j med and Tamworth. R of laying out the go. has the i Mr 8 Fa nest Bauder was struck. by the "road tow anh "| lightning and tn he tant Shikiren Nt pa towy | were mpned by the lames, Mach rchiba ritehley Ws | sompathy being extended to Ma pus out of joint Sandor thee sad hereave lasing at Mrs Vanping ha took him My i after friend Chompson and she put place, Mrs. Cuddy ent Sumday last, Elm Dale. Miss 1. on Saturday last at J A. Palmateer leaves on Mowla two weeks' visit with friends at Marmora. carnations, by the Christian acted party at 15th inst. Rhombo, last week 1 Cole and | guests of 1G was while as best Sr Prise HOT on the acenrred on "Tues Corny job } grant Master vlhow on Cloyne got Wednmiday Miss where Cons is on amd benrl| pong 4.1 home Pack | pany and san, L- | male at Wheel- | hell vitited | § Mrs fora Haves +) in | while | Taylo school. returned at ar betty home visiting parations which is hie arm Great are for the Fapping pre linto ter, ers to In Sth this vi th t busine Visitor Sunday Critehley, at R. G Ny A Miss of Gondkin picnic Bell Miller's 's grove July men, from hom mn on mumber of voung returned UN Godlins i ston last weel have D trip to King | A} Gilmour 11 home here Miss M. Weir! Ww cinity drive tock and shen I Fapping Young at M. Weber and Hartman's; Roy Pern William ( Watkine'; Mes. Dae cea here, J. Derue Wt Misuse N. Wat tJ. Gel at nt sander Married. Mary's cathedral, Mondgy | Watkins the marriage place of MeRinley wy, of € Lavton, Miss Kiley, of the town, Father Hanley per the my ihe bride hy sister, Miss BI E. E. MeKinley was grooms man. 'The pewly-married felt the Cape m the afternoon, | Mekiniey is son. of off IFTTERS TO THE EDITOR. en v Clayton Yawyer' St A Mrs iF At morning, {F. M, I N.Y same | formed | attended Rifey on took Grey Ea at J R. G was | old ae wohe | +1. Shultz's kine and Kine', Ples rl at to tian 1 <: h k, renew maintar Plev Jonnie cere: her na Gilmour, a comple na on Mi Clayton's steamer the re w wlents, | Increased County Tax Should Continue Only Two Years. Perth Road, 20. {To the Edit for): 4 draw attention to same that have gone ont in vour Saturday of last week, It appears that the ratepayers of the commty will continue with. an rate of rix and one-fifth wills dollar for the next should only continue cars im place 61 en, a off our consdlidatid "dilit one-third mills [the present time, whith 'sil be loll in 1908. And the rat epay: r {only he regpuested to pay 2-13-15 mills Linstead of six anbonaiibic mills, for | This is a question pf importance to this evening. There is yuite a Jot of | {he ratepayers ofthe county, as Shere business to dispose tiee al {has beeh considerable Bath n deren can secure their civie vacation. | (he taking over of the Kingston and RESIN {Perth Road a the huthline of Met With Accident. Longhboro Lake bridis, and as it has John Benn, blacksmith, met with a peen declared through the public press very painful accident. While at work | (hat the county" has been ingbeascing piece of steel struck his eye glasses [hor county debt insted of 'decrrasing and as a result a pleoe of the broken jt. glass penetrated his eye. He i= un | dergoing treatment at the Hotel | ments she Dieu. No Other Such Drink Wad ore ata dards, is sola, by wheal £ 1ow un the han all praper | June ' v t heverag | with to your ref gure: SOT that oda it which it 18 Wa is delicious and whole is Frew | may someti I because evi as well as the erved, . are Drug Store No City Council Meeting. No special mevting of the cil will be held this even | tended. The mayor decided might well regular session a week hence, did not call a meeting from any ohiections issue 108 made agamst | water, ry ingredient in inerea glasses in and on at two wl the clean pur ten Vears wx we the are paying ny nt pend will city coun three and | raising as that have ar mm the ther Ww as aml, ne cordingly, of beloes Notwithstanding all the "Improve has made on the Pdunty { buildings, count and, bridges, land the freeing Fe toll roads, the county of Frontegad ic left in a | first-class fmancial Tondition to ene large her county of county roads to all mmmicipalities, sual in proportion to valuation, ¥nd a vight to draw one-third of total expenditure from the government.sd, WM. STON NESS, There is a probability that coal oil will he found in the Jamieson ouar vies at Pyranville, if the present indi cations become stronger as they go down in depth. system Lord Milner is alarmed at the pro- sect of a series ol cold trea- ties between Brigish and foreign countries. "For cooling the blood," physicians recommend elferyestent cooling salts Ruy them at Giison's Red (ross Drug Stove. House lighting haa offered Hamilton at ten' oh Lent. pelow Niagara A. fast voulls quite likely to pro dace a slow old age. The sell-righteous man the ehief of sinners, ' { i Wenally Ary "a | Ep A TWO lirock & SITUATIONS VACANT. FOR SALE. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates ears iwelve to eighteen dollars weekly. . Help secure positicdns. Will equip endps. Cone stant practice. Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course Cata~ logue free. Write Mojer Harber College, Toronto, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion le. a word. Each cone secutive insertiom thereafter Lalf cent a word. Mipimum" charge for one in- sertion, 25c. | three inserdons, Ble; six, $1; one month, $2. CANOPY TOPPED CO seats. Apply McCana, t. RIAGE, al to TWO, Goon Bi Ve unning HOUSES gton NOS Apply AND B, a0 i sirect A. oO CHEAP, 1 first-cls RICYULY IN WANTED--MALE, a x NIGHTS, TO MUSH Hwinina ted before 7.150 10 ADY'S SORFR MAN d-eart carrying i Bijou Theatre DOCTOR'S Reward sign DICINE CASE > Whig office BRASS child's Photos Apply nt PONY SILVER WATCH, WITH ween Yacht and Cor he nd Earl Sts throvgh FOIL; inder please return to SHAN Al WANTED-FEMALE. tant Vial COOK, this require 1B." Whig oft FIRST CLASS WOMAN Rha Refepencey, 208 BAGOT ST, CONVENIENTLY nalan located and confortable soitd brick house, eles SI POON, MOdETn Lmpro ves Inspeet ton way be arranged J, Massie, "hone, 177, < ROOM EXPERIENCED DINING and one kitchen girl. Give re Murray 11 Bartley » 8. con Clu, Chaffey"s Locks, Ont ONE MONEY AND BUSINESS. fo rer Oping KEY N A i TON Al i OUR POLICIES i ' building company o Godwin's ot Square. COVER MORE OF d contents than any other ers. Examine them at psurance Fmporiom, Marke WANTED-GENERAL. BOAT, 25 TO full particu 1 mt Tknace, Ont STEAM on bh feet lara. J GASOLIN® old, Give Johnston, Not A, MISES. FROM 1.200 TO this week. App Hale's Lottages, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND "ire lusurance Company, assets $61 187.215, In addition t which the policyho ders have fo y security the unlimit Hability of a o regular se the stockholders; Farm and city pro. twenty-five ars, perty insured at Jowest possible g on g fo or rates. Before renewing old or giviag now is your chance. James |atursey new business get rates from Strange The Carriage Maker, Princess Nit & Stxgnge, Agents. "Phones, 568. -- " EE -- = GLOBE Available FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1 WILL fer the balance of stork, consstin unsbow = ¥ FORTY 1K 1 400 ms. eac i. MeUay, 5t. West THRE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinde of work promptly dome. F, J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street. "King A JOR CLEANING ASHES OUT OF TO-LET, yards or cellars, ox other earted. Prices right. App Lytle, General Carter, 85 ARCHITEETS. ARTHUR ELLIS, fice, Cor. Que to S. Tata st. ARCHITECT, OF and Bagot streets. Pr SMITH, ARCHITECT Anchor Building, Market Square FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, ete, McCann 61 Broek street. Fine INSURANCE ON dwellings and Good companies settlements Jd 108 Brock RISKS, household effects Prompt and liberal R. L Dobbs & HENRY NOS. 77 and 79 "Phone, all modern 1st May. ALFRED STREET, fmprovements. Possession street. Apply A. HB, Cunninghani TN TO ar wade at CGallo- finish guar Brock St. 5 - DRESSY GENTLE their Spring Suits way's. Style, price and =gnteed to please. 131 next to Bibby's Livery. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Brock " Sal and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212 HED OR COTTAGE > now vied SUMMER Fk ) \L ww NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. h flee, seeond floor over Mahood's Drug RRICK HOUS JONSON store, coroner Princess and Bagot mioders rede streets, Muotrance on, Bagot street. [t " r » ', pl bine > Phone 608 ! St SITUATIONS WANTED. ST. rated, Ape LARGE OFFICE "ROOM. IN EX. change UF hers, No, 114 Broek St Apply to Chr, Heal Estate Broker, 98 Clarence street MATERNITY week or from the NURSE month best EXPERIENCED wants nursing by First-class references medical doctors. Apply Nurse Atkins, 248 Montreal street. PERSONAL. { 5 go HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS |- MARRIAGE LICENSES. warts removed without Twenty ence Elmer J 8S. KIREPATRIUK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. LARGE AND REBIUM SIZED RRIagY Weil © t tied ~ for the mer Resitlonce at wection ari and Nis, 174 Coal! Wood For permaner years' exj Lake, Iiye, I Skin Blemish sireet, |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT. Unitarian, REV, C, W. CASSON. St iter leryy Ne Thront and L Speelalist. 258 Ruagot ya PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From Over The World. alleged West 'luronto. Sewer hitre Kighteen tramps were rested at | A Social Gospel, \ day tion j Joo ition by-la large Frunk and W new gospel | bedi pare It is the Instead strug it to | the complexity other; ached gospel of Social Iva of m for Faoronto hy maiorite to of- North-Toronto the Metropolits carried in Fhe plams Vice, Ihe Sw has town the he quality com get | Swift's freshly it shang sal * $ atu fet {oar ser sh a ocial good of the wh of our human rel i not ihk Vessel the rest ar d to! Coal arriving. aved hfe He | Order t pro | claim a endeavor 1 hospital, Toron been closed agam for the pirst| last August . Ries: meh Winnipeg bxpross, from Toron. | TWH wrecked neat Tottenham and! = lt inpred be u ig wl Drolet, each | "oun to drowned | Hive } playing nu les , w 198 Cottage nehiove to * the time on The to, Albert seventeen at Mm an old is Po loads of mined toofe trom litth ond waw own ] hy tu that he hnmnmty ol rude vi Passe frers and I'n of a ae 8 fellow now for Henee Local hi next winter " oithpot Msist we Jame ars wore , while HBV, ss Swift & Co Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cafe tral & Hudson River R.R. mankineg bout i : be gi nar | ne i pan F al a r con capit h to chance levelop their i we ve weling the (Untarno Gazette, { on whieh constitutes salvation - Cason, M the Address Bea street, litery ture, Rev. C. W. members of Bastor h [abhor nt rit { in 84 for the two of tin Trment offended heeause invited garden Windsor, first Japanese child their numix were not to King's party t Ihe tawa HATS OFF. Kingston daily Re Leave 5 2 00 5.00 am Leave 0 horn mm Ut Pt Sunday, nd Sunday the arrived when n la born to Mr { wen Ahout Indian's American time the American 7.80 aw. and Healthy Hair hn Ind immemoriy | Facts ne ! Shimizn, lang hier nm ul neh s reversed its previow Je to | 1 ul pu peneral, 10.50 a. my The from n uctipnu J iend 6.15 por I tao e-] 4 ¢ Pp ' at Cape nis In Now Cape Via pari AY conmamis headed in all kinds of we thet 4 Simts : b two recom v A ' sleeper roubjed with fallis Air Vols that a ol nine capity nishment ston te y or VOTERS' LIST, 1908. Municipality of the Village of Portsmouth, County of Fron. tenac. tablished I). Macintosh Hank actin sphere of Commerce, to New York silver Jovin i by hi mana ng i Mae at the as nadian who ved breeding infi lig into the sealp and thi 1) of kair-root., true cause of bal ne liseavery nd ¢ of itreal, 2 ich a tenders anager, rece hangs cup thy soa the Mon hw end | SO0CPS Led Ne ia .3 explaine the of all hairvigors which bald. g a fancty ro's Herprewle is { terminator of the germ. BA. the and ure inter church, suocends Rev, Dr. Jackson ding resigned the chair of | " in 'the Wesleyan | *'¢ oi Montreal. {and 81. G mey, says | trea! friends. non treat rider direct ex It des the Hon. G the Hudsoy from Galt that built Speaking at ham intimated y 11 ns nal dis rad would be etther | 1 Nay "w f or by fn troy without delny Peter L Richardson, pastor Melood ernment, Rew B.D (it who stematic permits ed ride sami Mick ir to street ol rey Sold iw Tk nd 10c ay m mips Detroit Ww. recent hh he offered must before India can christianized the christianity alwed Nati the : 1 HLF natar- | + t the HUME tern Christ, and have neglected Mr them that Christ himself was | # (or f { FRINK the Capita! la | Ne in Saturday's | Toronta, Strick Ree | arraigned in the on Monday morn breach the uniil be feeding 18 agalr wi tot an orient Frederick Taylor, plaver, match against foree Carling, was (Ottawa police court, a charge The case Taylor pleaded guilty. wh ane v bor GERMAN 13th, to Mr man, a son WARTMAN At to Mr: and 8 daughter CAMPBELL At June, to Mr Campiell, a cross whos At Haihiia -- and \ error Mrs, Herbert nD Weorlay Mr Jot of ol adjonrned ing on pence WAS Friday Napanee ind Mr m w s¢ MARRIED. VALLFPAU~LOCAS At § Jone 24th, J. Reginal Miss Mira A. Valleau CRA VES WRIGHT, At the Mh Arthur Cr 'Fila Weight, both of CULHANE-NAPHAN,~ have | June 22nd ive { tend, and Daniel J. Calhane, ville, i DAVIS--GILLESPIF. -- 27th | AP Bere fesvmor 'Brophy's Point, on July 1st removed Clergy 350 Johnson St. has Cor L. Sang, Laundry, from 206 Borrie St. to SAM KEE'S, CAUSE FOR ALARM. Epidemic Influenza, tarrhal Troubles, Increasing. A marked inerease in troubles of the breathing ovghos is noted Wi many localities. H you 'will Hyome: at hand to use with the attack of cold in the hepd, monia, colds bronchitis, hoarseness, sore threat, croup, in fect any respon | story afection, the trouble will quickly overcome. If the nttack is neglected and be come severe, speedy relief will come in | most cases and a porsistent use of | Hyomei will cure. i The directions for using it vary, but the priscioml is always the same, that | of destroying all the germs in the air | you breathe and having it reac h the air passages with dry medication from | haa the ue and euralyptus forests. INAREL 1n Remember that liquids or moistors | yonrs i= barred from the bropchial tubes | HALL --~At Desorontn and tangs. Ws the dry mr of Hyomei | o re. Fliza all, lor n od tht that reaches the spot. G. W. Mahood Hall = ged Mary sight Yeae guarantees it. Grippe, Ca- Pnewmonia | Band Picnic on Army only hrst i Under Auspites of Halvatie fmen- | te At Onlgary danghter of MM. Davis, Napanes, 10 Williaa § Gillespie, Kansas City, CAUVGCHEY -RBARK PR «AL on June 23rd, William Big bland, to Mis Parker, dimghter of Northport. STEVENSON CRA. ~At on Jume 10th Miss Pathion - second daughter of » and Crab, and Jowph Stevenson erty of eserantc bw orth HH. Caughey Martha & we Wall | Clarence St, Rie, aves food of snd 1.30 p Samuel barker, | ; Return Fare, 25¢ and 15¢c. | | '! PA Islander at 10 aun taily h, at fin which a growp of Jd thie = [Gentral Federation of Women's lak were. driving, broke the front axle and ith. | turned completsly over Fresy ceen o pont wae hurt, howl an ankle Jie arse | bocated ribs aiid esilarbone heok of Jobnlen, and swedained a Tractuned fskull. Bo Cone Newport Ri, logntes to DIED. Pieton, Minaker Arie i ont Fann one "" wife ie { LA Mary. Georgina Brown =e of A five n ih Moplansde, Toronto, J, Langdon, aged nineteen yensd did $16.00 dumdee. NODON 1a Haliowsll, Jone 20mk, Complete outhit, $1, ot emp Ba Wee a -