Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1908, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE N-------------- This is the Way to |} Keep Well without Cascarets er -- ---- (OF ELEGTIONS =r IL | the pa- BY CORRESPONDENT OF PITH OF THE NEWS. ---------------------------------- Movements Of The eo wnas NEW OF DISTR 61 They Are Saying And Doing: | H. W. Richardson ' went to Dutt, LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS at noon, to-day IN GENERAL. The Very Latest Culled From All i Over The World. Mioruey-Leneral Foy ,THOUBLE IN ITALY CALABRIANS OBJECT TO DE. Rays LAY IN REBUILDING. Strike at Parma and Axe Barricaded. June 29. The {.ondon, despatch was stopgpld by ot Rome ensor "The Calabrian villagy of Olivadi, which was almo completely destroy. &1 by an darthquake in \906, is still almost completely houdeledg, in spite of the pariiamen®s special Yaw order ing the rebuilding ol the city. On the 220d there was a demonstration of pro test against the negligénce of the au thorities in this matter. A crowd of shout 700 persons, mostly women and children, assembled before the muni- Kipal' offers, shouting 'death to the government.' A squad of the Light Larabigieres was called and they Gred thir revolvers' into the air. The de- mondtrators immediately began to throw stones aud two of the soldiers fell, badly injured. The other six were on the point of being overpower od and fieed a volly into the crowd. The crowd fled, leavibg fifteen of their wanber on the ground. Three were dead, a man, a woman and a boy. The refhnining twelve were all seriously in- jured, most of them being women. The village is now occupied by troops, "Ihe strike at Parma has assumed Alarming proportions. Fifty thousand wasants refuse all terms unless the armers offer better wages. The farm- have armed themselves for the purpose of protecting the blacklegs, who are working in the fields. The strikers have occupied their old posi tion in the city beyond the River Parma, barricaded the streets nnd de- stroved the lamps so that the town is in durkbess. They have also orgauiz- wl a regplar war against the troops Skiemtishes occur daily, the strikers using stones and the troops their rifles Meanwhile, owing to the gen- eral strike, food is becoming scarce, and the sitnation is daily becoming more alarming. Details ax to the fa talities are unavailable, the stopping all telegrams ora CENROT BASEBALL RECORD. The Games Played on Saturday and Sunday. League--Toronto, 4-4; Jou- sey City, 240. Buffalg, 7; Newark, 1 Rochester, 4; Baltimore, 3. Provi degee, 3; Montreal, 2. American League--Washington, 0; Philad¥phia, 6. St. Louis, 0, Detroit, 1. Boston, 6; New York, 7. National leagpe--New York, Prooklyn, 3-2 Philadelphia, 1; ton, 15 Cincinnati, 4; Chicago, 3: \ S-------- Sunday Games. Easterns League--Montrea), 6; Torons to, . Bs «Newark, 1-0; Baltimore, 2-1. Pros idence, 10-4; Jersey City, 1-0 American League--Chicago, 5; troit, 10. St. Louis, 6; Cleveland, National League-Chicago, 3-2; { cidnati, 1-0. St Louis, 3-1; Pittshungy: He Rastern 4-5; Bos, De: i, | e-- s League Standings. : Eastern Jeague--Bulialo, .b8Y, Balti wove, O52, Providence, JOON; Torontos 50Y; Newark, AD; Montreal, ATS; Rochester, Al; Jersey Uity, S16, : American league--St. Lows, 603; Cleveland, 081; Chicago, D6; De wally: Bes; Philadelphia; Bos ton, 422; New York, 433; Washington, 387. " i 4 National league--_hicago, 63%; Pltasburg, 625; New York, 081; Um: cinnnti, av; Philadelphia, Axl; Bos ton, 429; St. Louis, A475; Brooklyn; A566, -- A SANCTIMONIUS RASCAL. . Ex-Sunday «School Teacher is Caught House Breaking. London, 'June 29.--John Fredegick Spepcer, the leicestor draper whaled a double. life, 'and while acting 4s 8 Simday school teacher, apparently, lebuling a respectable life, committed a number of burglagies, 'has been #emes tenced" to twelve years' penal servi tude. He wad onught in the act of | breaking into a house, and had a com} pléte outfiv of burglar's tools in "his possession. When arrested, Spencer had a piece of poisoned meat, intended for inconvenient watchdogs. INVITE CANADIAN OFFICERS. Could Teach Englishmen Some S$ ™ London, Jume 29.--Hon. Adam feck is much impressed by the riding of the foreign and British army offi: cers, in the International horse show, Lut says Canada could ereditably compete both in horses and . horse- mwanship. Negotiations will probably he opensd with the Canadian governs- ment in order to secure a contingent of officers and horses wilh the exhibit of othér horses for 1908.5 FELL FROM CHERRY TREE. * S------ Chatham Township Farmer May © Die As Result, Chatham, Ont, June 20. ~While picking cherries on the sixth conpes- sion, Chatham township, David Barr, thirgesix years, fll from a tree and sustained | serious injuries, from which it is expected he r mot recover. He fell a distance of fifteen feet, injuring his spine, breaking four ribs, and re colying. internal injuries, He is at inf permakeérs in the nearly all in Quebe Sir Charles Moss wifl act as admin lastrator: daring the of Liev tenantdovernor Clark, on a holiday "Henewe Lamb, with a previous cor viction, was sent jail days for swindling a Toronto rant keeper . Albert Melvin, wu Hamilton youth, was lined a dollar and costs lor breaking the seal of a Grand Trunk car at Tofonto. He paid up. The provincial railway cipabdonrd has made absolute the order ' that the Toronto railway cars must run to West Toronto. The Montreal' police have another Italian murder mystery on their hands. John A. Minero was shot ina street. fight, on Sunday night, by one of 'his compatriots, and has gince suc cumbed to his injuries Capt.-Gen, Weyler has finished his voluminous memoirs of the Cuban war, and is now writing the epilogue. It is expected lished 'at the end of the year. comnbine are absence i to for sixty 1 garet Anglin, the Canadian actress, appeared in "The Great Divide," un- der the muragement of Louis Nether sole. She was given a most enthusias- tie welcome. Jobert Carscallen, a Hamilton, Ont, youth, pleaded guilty 40 operating a gambling device on the mountain top. The devive consisted of a trick jack knife. He is a son of the late"Heury Carscallen, M.V.P. With the arrest of John and Fd- deared of the opinion that they have up the mystery surrounding re- cent disappearance of ame head of cattle onging to Dereham farmers After Slinging despesately to an up- turned boat, Frank Reno, colored, a cigarmaker, twenty-two years old, of 624 St. Dominique street, Montreal, and his sister, Carmen Reno, stxteen years of age, lost their lives at Bout de Flle, on Saturday. Dr. J. A. Gallagher snd J. J. John- stom, a Toronto druggist charged with selling liquor, were, on Monday, Ihe alco hol, sugar, water and molasses This mixture The was allowed to prescribe Edward Rock, William Grey Robert White, theee young men, leged 4oshave committed an assault on Hany Dinnett, at Hamilton, be cause he protested against them kick- ing his dog, appeared at court and were discharged. [The complainait--yve- fused to prosecute the young men? charged material sold was doctor and al- HAIAAINAAINNCIIMNNNCINNNK ¥ ® * ad 10c PER QUART. " + New York, June 20.-- Fl Newark's crop of cater- 4 pillars is a large one, and 4 'the annual harvest at 10 He ioents a quart has started. #8 This is the busiest time of the year in the caterpillar art Jand Saturday was #8 a banner day, ore than 100 visitors with cans of 'aterpillars appeared 3 ) ket their crops. * to In the crowd were a few grown . Atleast 300 quarts Of {caterpillars were turned # in yesterday and destroyed Withy the city's shade tree. WM commission. ? ---------------- DOCTOR SOLD KISSES. in Thirty FEEEZEXEERREXR RRS Sum of $5,000 Raised Minutes. New York, June 29.--The Herald has received the following despatch from Kansas City : "An offer by Dr. Ham- ilton Fisk Biggar, John 1. Reckefel- Jer's physician, to. kiss any woman who would give $100 to the "propa: gan fund" created the merriest time So owfbopathists, National conven- tidn. Yon fun continued for thirty mihutes and incall 35,00 was pledged Pr. Biggar started the list at 0 ym his own pocket, and then made x women delegates gake an interest by announcing that, respectfully nel wheorfully: from the bottom of his hey A he would kiss the first woman w ave fhe same amount. r. mbelle Spenger, of City, Kansas, promptly but blushingly rose and said she would contribute *One 'thoment, please," the white haired physician from Cleveland cried "one moment, I'm coming.' Dr. Spencer put forward: one hand and Dr. Biggar, bending low, gallant: tv touched his lips to it, while the cop ention cheered. 3 LR i Junction POPE'S: MEDAL REMARKABLE. Pec iar Design. on It Evidently 119 Allgdes to Modernism. "Rome. Jine 29.--The pope has or vel the customary medal struck on J; OCcas of the festival of the Apostles principal event of the year. The medal Fpope is : hand an' encyclical pescendi. ture of the other hand writhing hydra crawling books styled "The Bible," "Mehools," and endeavoring oy the encyclical. The allusion evidently is to modernism, A ges over Lade Carrying Trade. Detroit, Mich.,, June 29.--The stag- restau- | and muni- | the book will be pub- | At Sydney, New South Wales Mar- | 3 3 ' ward MeGaw, brothers, the palice are | Peter and Paul, recalling the this year is somewhat remarkable. The represented as holding in one indicates a three "I'radition, ? to BOSTON TRANSCRIPT. K. C. Taylor for Vancouver, left, at noon, to-day B.A "+ The Premier Not Disturbed By the My .ud Mr=. Keenan Barrie street, | Recent Provincial Campaigns-- | left on Saturday for a visit to Water He Trusts the People, and the town, N.Y People Trust Him. | Charles Jackson, Queen street, left . | Sunday on a holiday trip to Roches o learn how Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Ny ¢ dy feel about the beating, his provincial] Meo J {friends of Omtario got in' last week's! confine election is a mission upon which 1 umatism. have been sent," writes KE. W. Thom-| William son, Ottawa correspondent in the los ton Transeript. ~ Well, after all," Sir Wilfrid doesn't! Mys. H. feel a bit sore. He takes the event Lag been elected like everything else, as an incident of {ark county W.C.T.U. the game or journey, Stanley "Allen, of New York, i= I'he world is a place of troubles," {isiting. his parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Wil- he says. Certainly the blow to my liam Allen, Clergy street, party friends in Untarig was a severe; H. H, Hart and J. E. Jones | one, But they had to encounter | Watertown, N.Y. were in the "city { Mr. Whitney a very strong man, and to-day, on their way to New Liskeard: {they themselves were under a leader | Messrs. Arthur Thompson and J. M. | whose large ability is not so well un-|Grady, have taken positions in the of- derstood as it yet will be--he has been | fices of the Kh. & P. railwdy, here {leader but a short time. | E. P. Keaney, of the Bank of Otta- In some sense the result be wa, Pembr bas returned from strued as a stroke against my | spending his vacation in this city, government, but. really it should not Miss Nellie Dixon, Ordnance street, be regarded Some men's minds | has returned from a pleasant two are for the moment confused. They | weeks' vacation at Syracuse, N.Y. confound the parties of Ontario pro-| J. W. Shibley and party, of New vince with the parties of the country York, arrived in the city, to-day, and in general. In the same way some of | will leave my friends in Quebec congeive their, they will spend the swmmer. vietory there, which is only less strik-} Miss Dorland, who for three years, I. Shannon, lat work agein. president of the Lan- T.U . in { may leo 80 business office of the Standard, sever- ed her convection with the paper Saturday. The varht Magedoma, G.T. Fuliord, Mrs, Shirrefi, Master George and Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Ful ford, all of Brockville, on board, was in port on Saturday afternoon | Norman Wormwith, of the archives department. Ottawa, is home for a few days. He paddled up from Ontario, to signily the unusual electoral victory for our party in federal poli ties. Neither one nor the other set of these rejoicers and disappointed yet got the smoke of taneously but epposed tories put of their eyes, "My government may do less well gt the next Dominion elections than Mr. Gounin's success seems to indicate, and far better than Mr. Whitney's may ap- pear to demote. 1 am mot discourng- ed, not worried at all. "You should consider that just on have with Mrs. the two simul provincial vie- Uglow, taking a week for the trip as| Thomas H. Hughes, of St. Paul, Mr. Whitney and Mr. Gouin had to | Winn. travelling freight agent for stand their record in office 80 { the Chicago & Great Western railway, in the vity on a visit to his must 1 on mine. It not one of | 8 which I have regret. The people must brother, Henry Hughes Pine street. judge it and I confess to much | . confidence in their common sense, We | have We have made some mistakes--not many, I be and rot. 'important. Our sue cesses are obvieas, and | think im-| portant. The of the electorate in Canada is not to be questioned by tine. The people are our final court of appeal. i "We are little disturbed by the alleg- ed 'scandals'»eat worst they are of trivial magnitude, mostly they have been dissipated hy sworn testimony, some are still vader examination. The honor of no minister has been im- pugned. 1 have not ever observed the Canadian people to be much misled by the mere suspicions, imputations, and accusations of any opposition. Also, we have plenty of tume before us. Our term does not expire until November of next Much water may flow past in eighteen months. It is true that we may go to the country earlier---or may not. "No-as you say--there is really no reason of common schse why a minis try. should held elections a year © or more before they are legally necessary. The choice of time has been a matter, usually, of ministerial strategy. Pre- miers have formed a habit of going to the country when circumstances seemed propitious. Whether it pow, or may be so later, I have real- ly not taken into serious consideration { am a man who crosses bridges when he comes to them. "At present we are fully occupied with our duty of carrying on the busi- ness of the country in parliament. In the natural course of events we shail have to consider, when the recess comes, whether we have or have not evinced any such weakness, or party disorganization, or failure to carry our measures, as would warrant rea- sonable men of honor in thinking the confidence of the clectorate with drawn from them. It is perception, or doubt, of possessing public confidence which has always caused reasonable cabinets in British countries to seek a poplar verdict before it becomes Jeg ally or constitutionally necessary to on oi TIED UP ALL DAY. had some misfortunes lieve, ed By Thieves. Port Arthur, June 29.--With ropes on his feet and arms, with laces about his neck, end rags jammed into his mouth, Joseph Rabb, aged nine teen years, was for twenty-four hours tied to a post behind a shed back of Guerard's livery. After a day of agony amd suffering he managed to break away, last night, and tell his story. He was knocked down by two unknown men, and, after being : (bed, was tied up. He had only a few samty were looking for another man. His injuries are not likely to prove ous. year The Cheese Markets. Belleville, Unt., Jufie 27.--Offered 3, 660 white and 75 colored. Sales. 1, 250 white at llc; 90 at lige; 300 at 11 13-16. 'owansville, June teen factories offered 568 boxes cheese, Sales, 521 boxes at l2c., 16 at lic. London, Ont., June Seventeen factories offered 767 white and 1, colored cheese; lle. bid; no sales. St, Hyacinthe, June 2 937 boxes cheese at llc; 10 colored | cheese at 121-16. Watertown, N.Y. sales 9,000, at lle. 27.~To-day six- be so June 27.--Cheese Wants One Man Power. Washington, June 29 President Roosevelt believes the time has come when the interests of the District of Columbia demand a better form - of one-man head of affairs for the nation- headed by three commissioners, which has prevailed since 1874. : It is stated that he will make this recommendation to congress next win ter, asking to have the power of ap pointment, as in the case of the com? the hands of the moval, placed in do so. - _ | president, "For my part I quite fail to pes ceive any evidence that my govern. ment has lost public confidence. Quite the contrary. Our majority is unim- paired in bo.h houses, The byeelce tions haste favored us L here is ne | United States which declare that im- | turmoil of agitation against us. ortant: citics in: the northern part of would be useless to interpret an exhi ljrta are in danger us pe bition of Ontario confidence in Nr od by revolutionists, dre declared here Absurd Stories. of Mexico, June 20.--Stoties City in me. 1 am conscious of having dove well by Ontario, of having striven to deserve approval from the people there--as from those everywhere else. "lf they rcfuse it to me--well, it and that the bandity who sacked Viesca are being closely press by Mexican cavalry and will be captured within a few days. Reports that bridges disppointipent, sometimes. It may he that Untatio will treat me very well. In any case I shall not complain © the decision of people whom I respect LAnd there is plenty of time." I must not be supposed to report his words accurafely, for his sentences were written in the course of talk, broken by question, reply, comment, and reference to matters local, per sonal and excluded here. But the gist of his remarks are 'there. And the col location indicates fairly, I believe. Sir Wilirid's deliberate philosophic, ami- ablo way of thinking. He doesn't take his polities hard, though he does take duty seriously. The effects of listening to Sir Wilfrid whether he speaks to one or to mgny, stroyed along the lines ave ofliciglly denied. British Army. showing Iiritish battles from the days of the ancient Britons until the last century, and also giving types of the British soldier af diflerent periods, Tuesday. There will alsa be two lively comedies aml an illustrated song Bung hy John Robert Davis. -------- Pleasure Craft Burned. Smith's Falls, June 29.~In a fire among the hoathouses here, on Satur day night, seven buildings and a large kb noes and row boats were senso number of en Albert street, | is confined to her room with muscular Norman, Barriefleld, og. the] sick list for a few days, i= able to be A. Lavell, Smith's Falls, | of | for Sharbot Lake, where! ing than that of the conservatives in|has been the effitient assistant in the | Ot- | tawa with Farrell Dyde and Lawrence | Her maiden name was Mary Georgina Port Arthar Youth Cruelly Treat-| heaty | rob- | cents, and it is believed his assailants | seri | 7 ~To-day | government, and he wishes to have a| al eapital in place of the organization | missioners, as well as the power of re- | emanating from border towns in the) ing attack- Whitney as one of a lack of confidence | i he absurd. It is declared that there | is not an orggnized™force in the north | must bo so--the world is g place of {3 0 hoon burned and much track de- | Mexican Central's] | | Occurrences In The City and Vicinity--~Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Ree membered. Mrs {cows kil Naucy Howe, Hillier, (had six led py lightoing Gapanogue's merchants are going to observe a Wednesday hali holiday during July and August M. B. Hermon's drive house, { hop hous», Hilier, was struck | ightmng, during the storm. here are ninety-six candidates now i writing for the entrance examinations lat the high school, Gananoque, nearly | equally divided as to boys and girls. | About forty are town pupils and the { others are from the country. ~The barn belonging to the farm Frank Hill, Glenora Road, near the "ways," was struck by lightning. By a queer freak one end was badly shat- | tered into kindling wood fragments. | Fortunately the bam escaped burping A pretty June wedding which had for the bride one of Renfrew's most charming young ladies took place Tuesday, when Miss Anva Bell Fergu- | sony youngest daughter of John Fer- | guson, ex-M.P., was united in mar- {rage to James McCreary, Jr, armn- | prior. | A rate of nineteen. milis on the dol j lar for general p@poses, to produge | $26,271, and 8 mills for schools, mgk- ing a total of $37,468, was agreed up- {on in Gananoque, and a by-law pass: {ed fixing twenty-seven mills as the | rate for current year. That is the same {rato gs the rate in 1907. | Tho death occurred, Saturday after- noon, at her home, near Glenora, of M W. J. Langdon, aged nineteen { years. She had been ill about a week | with rheumatic trouble which develop- led into a complication of diseases. end by of } rs { Brown. She had beeg married about a year. | After an illness of almost a vear, { which had a serioys turn a month James A. Freber, Renfrew, pass- away, Wednesday, at the age of | forty-four years. Mr. Fraser was born | in. Aenpriar, and from there he moved | to Perth, coming to Renfrew seventeen years ag He was for some vears | band master for the Citizens' band. In the general hospital, Brockville, Saturday, David - Turkington, a fent of Mmllorytown, pass- led away, a victim of typhoid fever. | Deceased came over one week lfrom Watertown, ill, and immediately entered the hospital. He was thirty five vears of age and at Mallorvtown, where his life was spent until three or four vears ago when {he moved to Watertown. His wife and son survive, also his aged mother, 2, J. Turkington, four brothers wo sisters. |. Brown, Lyn, is the owner of ia cow which has established a record {in giving milk. The animal reae | days, gave 610 pounds of milk, from Iwhich 30.380 pounds of butter was F made, the Jargest amount known for | that period. In a previous test che {gave 650 pounds of milk from which twenty-seven pounds of butter was |secured. and is again under another test, which C. V. Jones, of the King School, is conducting. The has viven as high as pounds of milk in one jon | : former resi ago was born {one rs. and ~ | , {ston Dairy 'same animal | ninety-eight day. MINING IN HASTINGS. | interesting News | Mince. --~An' industry of conneetion with From Diffesernt Belleville, June 26 |gome importance in the mining business is being establish ed ix Madoc village, namely, a mill {for the grinding of tale for the Cana dian trade machinery has been installed and work will shortly commenced. The material will be pro- lewred from Mr. Wellington's mine, | about a mile distant. The product of | this mine has heretofore been manu- |factured in"the United States, hence { this is an, addition to Canadidn in- { dustries. ~ The reduction works at Deloro have from «The be { heen runnigg constantly on ore | the O' Bricgss mine. Arrangements are | being made for treating the ores from | others of the Cobalt mines, some of which have been sending their produce {to New Jersey and Swansea, Wales Operations have been commenced in the Diamond gold mine, nea¥ Queens | boro. W. A. Hungerford, of Madoc, is opening a fine vein of tale twenty feet wide in Madoc township. Thomas Cross, of Madoc village, has, {discovered and is opening up a very promising vein of copper near Moira Lake and will operate it on a large | neale - The Letson copper mine in Dummer township, which has been idle for {some time, is being pumped out, pre- paratory to the resumption of opera: {tions. The ore ix rich in copper and An interesting series of still pictures contains a percentage of silver { The Lehigh Cement company's plant lat Point Ann is. well advanced to- {wards completion. The chemists' la- horatory is being fitted up, and mara- will Be shown at the Bijou to-day amd, factoring is expected to be commenced 'within a few weeks, | EX-CONVICT ARRESTED. | Greek Fisherman is Charged With | Assault. Victoria, B.C, June 29 Frank Ni i | a Greek fisherman, was arrested Oak Bay, by provincial police, just as natural--just as gentio=ag the action of laxative foods. : So phoose your own way. Give Nature the aid of proper food and exercise, else the help of Cascarets, One way serves as well as the other, But some way is essential. For one can~ not keep wellunless the bowels move freely once every day. Live outdoors, and let your work be exercise, Ele walk ten miles a day. Eat little meat, no white bread, no rich pastries. Eat many green vege- tables, plenty of fruit, and bread made of whole wheat. Do that, and you'll have little need of a laxative while you keep young. But when you grow old, and the bowels become less active, you will need this help anyway. Cascarets are for those who live indoors, who eat rich , who eat and drink too much. This vegetable laxative does for them exactly what proper living would do. It cuuses no irritation, as pill cathartics, salts and castor oil do. Its action is Reid & Charles Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.25. Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heel, $1.50. Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $1.75. Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $2.00. Women's White Canvas Pump White Heel, $1.75. Infants' White Canvas xford, size 4 to 7}, 80. Infants' White Canvas 1 Strap Ankle, size 4 to 7), 90c. Child's White Canvas Oxford, size 8 to 10}, 90c. Misses' White Canvas oxford, 11 to 2, $1. ONLY 3 Infaots', Child's and Misses' White Canvas Sandals h 90c. to $1.50. ' ] REID & CHARLES 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. FOR OOOO (SEW Rea aE eee ee Bese ele sis ele) eie voles) Gasoline, Turpentine, Mythelated Spirits, Benzine, Paint Oil. In nice size handy bottles, correctly labell- ed for domestic use. If you want small quantities, order this way. Larger quan- tities, by gallon. Delivered promptly to any part of the city. Phone 223. Te The 8t. LawrenceSugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows, Made entirely from Cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Exstery Ontario. MBSOLUTE | "oso SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. r | -- P. Walsh, Coal Deale BARRACK STREET Must Bear Signature of ii If you wish to be successful ats . tend Fhe Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, # CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Boo shorthand, typewriting, toto graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by competent experianced tea » Day od night classes, Faster ab any time tates ver® moderatey iPhone, 640, » METCALF, Presidents . CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: 4 is that the hearer gets destroved. Apprehension for the safe Mur To the Ladies of X ons present in the hospital in go precarious 3 wige th has held lake navigation nga inning of 1908 is not lift- ing, : spite of the efforts ofowners 'start their boats. Not more than ' mt. of the tonnage of the js under way. There are vessels, representing an invested capital of nearly seventy-eight million thousand dollars, and 'a light. His influence is the nature that light. His influence is in the nature of that which Matthew Arnold signifies regarding Goethe, who ~~ "saw Life steadily and saw it whole." Or like that of Saints Beuve, who conducts an essay so persuasively as to effect miracles of conversion to his view. { Mes. Garfield has received a pension of oun et all colas, lat 4 i nearby | charged with assaulting Olive oo Mere was lit- | ray, an eleven-yeur-old child. The child tle or no insurance. : lwas one of a Sunday school picnic ---------- {at the Beach, and with her brother Pension For Mrs. Cleveland _ |rame near the Lreek, who was mend: Washington, Jone 29.--It is thought 'ing the mets, The Greek set . the likely that congress will saprovide a Brother to a near-by store to pur ion of 5000 a year ior Mrs | [chage candy, and then, it is claimed, pled the child away in his boat. * * i d oo» f Graver. Clev h following dont. | Nicolas is an ex-convict, having ser ved five years' impriscoment for murder of Tony Constantine, a follow countryman, five years ago. year sinee 1882. 3 : Brockville and Ogdensburg, Wednes- (day, July lst, America leaves § am, returning, aves Ogdensburg, 4:30. | Hike. return. : Business and civic apathy makes a dull place te live, ie Buy Pienit Supplies. : For July Ist at Edwards & Jenkin, © Phone "TI5. Ganandgue Celebration. Dominion day. Steamer America, 8 he! the | BE R. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, in irregularities "tr fon, at all' Dry or by mall, $2. DR. LITTLE NEDICINE CO, Toremto, Out. I have removed to the fo Board of Education roams, treal street, corner member the place. J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. The Old Cab Stand With a New Number | PHONE 600. Orders promptly a ed to, day or night.

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