>= THES P.M. EDITION i INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Reporters On Their Rounds. Cabmen's phoue, 490. | Have you a motor boat to so read today's want ads, The waterworks committee has called to meet this evening. ®| Canada's sweetest and best table & | butter, Wiarton. Tey it. Try it Pocket combs for campers, sold sbson's Red Cross Drug Store, "wi mm Swaine, piano tunef. Orders | received at MeAuley 8. "Phone 778. The schooner Ford River has vived at Bath with coal from Oswego St. James' church Sunday school | whs held at Frophy's Poiat, By ste drenes t TOURISTS. When in Kingston dially inwited tof ins play of Fur Garments Peitories. Our showing guestionably the House in Canada, Fixclugive i= elt 7 been | you are ct oun and cor. dis. Fur un- ® any and in at of Hare finest in ar Russian Sables, Hudson Bay Sables, Russian Ermines, Chinchillas, i Canadian Mink, Silver and Gross Fox, ete, picnic to-day. Huyler's chocolate covered pepper mints sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Be sure to read the want ads. ix certain to be something there interest you. The hight There to ran shower of this John McKay Fur Houss, 149-155 Brock St. heat of Sunday. H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering"s. Leave orders at Auley's book store. Me meet to-night 10 arrange for the celebration on July 12th. "Should be at every camp," of swimming wings. Sold at Red Cross Drug Store. The Sunday school of the Methodist | church at Portsmouth held a pCnic at Lake Ontario park, this afternoon. | lathing caps and sponge bags,' at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, | Campers ! it's a well-known fact and | its up to you to act, that vou can! get genuine satisfaction at Gilbert's | stores | The A.0.U.W., of Toronto, | excursion to Kingston on next. The fare is $2.30 for trip. A dead horse the harbor at the foot treet, Sunday. "The was | notified. 3 | "For your special corn and callous Red Cross Drugs St H you want a summer your advt. inte the Whig now insertions, *50e.; week, 31; month, $2. In 1909 the 0 pir | Grgon's For the bride sweetheart, relative you will find in Spangenberg's An array of gift-gi/ing goods only beautiful but tigefu! You know too in dealing here you get just what you think you get and at the smalest margin of profit prices rns an Saturday the round not in] Clarence | was found floating Baek Comba, fine - mountings, $3 to 87, gold and gold filed $2, 82.75, $8.00, $3. up, quality right, cut steel with rich ¢ ountings , 0 und eavenger corn," a spweinl rasp, at re Gil son's boarder, get Thice oLe one Spangenberg JEWELLER, convention of the su- | f i | | perintendents of the poor of the state of New York will be held at. Thou sand Island Park. "Cam and callous Gibson's Red Issuer of Marriage Licenses. are Drug sold] Slore! rasps,"" at Cross "Phone 230, The majority smiths returned morning. The go to work in a To-day is the festival and St. Paul, whick will mn the province of Ontario on Sundaw next. It ix obligatory in Quebec. The lightning last Monday narrowly missed striking the residence of ¥. W Coates, Princess street. It burned several patches of grass on the lawn. "English Health Salts," are sold at Red Cross Drug Store. of the striking to work remainder few tin Monday | will likely Goal Oil and Gasoline Stoves HM convenience, economy and durability have anything to do with seclection of an OLL STOVE, and comfort and ease in getbing a moni. We would strongly re gommend Blue Flame and High Tank we are showing for safety snd comfort, From 75c¢ to $8.00 Everything for summer comfort all to be found at our store. ny W. A Mitchell's Hardware. TWO BICYCLES RECOVERED. days. of Bt. Peter be observed Gihson's "Phone 230. It is not likely Hill hotel, at the Thousand Islands, will he opened this vear. Some fifty additional rooms will he fitted the hotel will be opened in 1900, Prevost, Broek street, has a splendid assortment of gents' furnishings and ready-made clothipg at low prices. Ihe order department is well assorted with new goods. Iirst class value and fit guarantead, Every few days Americans write for a copy of the Whig containing ad dresses of boarding houses in the city and vidinity, where they may aceammodation for the summer. your house advertised in the these people receive ? The . Canadian = Magazine for containg a number of articles on the Quebec ter-contenary Ewan contributes the subject, A. Hf. 1 Colguhoun writes on "Pitt the Empire Builder." while C. Frederick Hamilton disohsses "The Canadian Militia." Smith, Lady Edgar and tribute tg this good midsummer num- ber, that the Murray and | Were Stolen From a Second-Hand Store. Two bicycles, stolen ago from Jones' second-hand Princess © street, have been recovered by the police, 'Two lads are under #hispicion for the theft, but as My. Jones does not care to lodge a charge against them there will be no police court case, Mr. Jones had two lads ip epeel 8 wheel one night, and in the morning he found the rear door of his store open and two bicyoles miss ing. It is beaeved that while in the shop one of the boys pushed back the bolt in the door and that later in the i YO y z e wheels. hight they Jame and got th A great deal of complaint has é made about motor boats running To Arrange tertainment. around the harbor at nights without EA meeting of a chmmittes of alder hights, Several row boats have had a men and city officials was called for Narrow: es from heing run down, four o'clock this aftebhoon to arrange fad a srious uSsident will pega, nn- for the reception amd entertainment fa the lights are shéwn, The marine | ol'the Watertown, N.Y., city officials' | '4We stat used. party which visits Kingston to-mor- afternoon. The Yankees will be here from one til five o'clock, They 3 will first ditie wt the British-Am rican, | leaves 8 'a.m, returning, hotel. Mayor Ross will give them a ville, 6 pm. Only 50c. givie welcome. : h . : : # abe---------- Strawberries For Preserving. Buy now. Fdwards & Jenkin. Lhane brio Prompt delivery. Ce mp EERE TENE eee - Wheels secufe Is time papers store, somy July hearing John A article an ahle on to in Goldwin others con Boats Require Lights. been escape that lights must be Brockville Celebration. Steamer Amwrica leaves Brock Dominion day. New sponge bags and bathing caps Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. RRR Ready For the 1st July? RRRREY 5 RE RD DR SR BE SR 3 A Thin Suit, A Gool Shirt, Thin Underwear, Cool Hosiery, Etc. ? You'll need every une of tiene things to be comfortable. We're at your service. We've every good thing in Cool Clothes and ad for 00° iu the shade. I oe PE IFVSII IPE IIIPrm morning was most refreshing after the from | Fhe Orangemen at Portsmouth will | Mrs, ¥ lof little picnics, |ovtettes, and | Prescott, | street, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1908. [Ree | Gold in Guwilight Mrs. sliobert Carson, gave a luncheon party | the graduating { Military College, Brock street, in honor of at the Royal { on Saturdav, when (eighteen brothers in arms sat about | the festive board. The table was de- corated with scarlet and white, the college colors, oid on it, also, were {the two cups, won by the B.E.M., the | son of the house. Mr. Smith, of last year's class, came down and {joined the party. Mr. Frederick Car ison will go to the Quebec tercenten- lary on the 6th of next month, and twill be attached to the Army Service jC orpe. In September he will cross the jocean to become a Royal Engineer, {and Kingston will have a son iwatch with pride, = ? .- -»> -» The golf te, on Saturday, igreat success, the visitors in | theivg deligh ed with ouy class George was o town Country { Club, EE The hostesses will be Mrs, {ard Hooper. - at the croquet Noel Kent and Mis, party Rich- > - Ww. ictmrdion: of Winnipeg, entertained at imdormal hittle ndah tea on Wednesday afternoon, honor of Miss Pehanc, ot Pembroke, and the Misses Waldron, of King an ver - oe There a girls' luncheon Country Club this alternoon. - was was at the - ow marked hy a (quartettes, Saturday number all were >. Mr. George F. Ellis, the Sterling Bank of wall, transierred to the head office Toronto, presented, the ness men ol Cornwall, with a tiful silver He was a very jolly. oh late Uana'a, was by beau Kings - Minnes, spending is expected home ol tontan | . former » Lorraine been Miss who Gore the in to-morrow, | John Cansulus, Troy, N.Y.,! 1 expected to-morrow, hy her niece, Mrs. David Laidlaw, Karl street, Mrs Dawid Murray, and her family, will Mutray's summer cottage, to-morrow, Mrs. J. 8S. Patch, of Montreal, spend some time with Mrs. James du wart, Wellington street, at her cottage on the "front road. Mrs. K. T, Steacy, Johnson street, will take her children up to Welling- | ton to spend the summer, - Stuart street, left in Water- treet, | has week Mrs | ove out to Mr. Oak | 'oint, | will | "> Brouse, to visit friends Miss S. oH Sanday town, N.Y. Dr. Stanley city qn Saturday from accomPNanied by his visit to his father, J. Princess street Mr. and Mgs. Clarke Taylor and son, Keith, of Gananoque, spent Sun- day in the city with Mr. and Mrs, C. | Livingston, Barrie street. They came | up in their yacht, a pretty little craft. | Miss May Weir, of Kingston, is the | guest her friend, Mrs. Thomas Warren, of Bay street, Ottawa, for- | merly of Kingston. - Prof. Allin, of the Minnesota, is visiting friends eity for a few days My. and Mrs. W. F. McDonald, of | Smith's Falls, arg spending a few days in Kingston, guests at the home of the former's brother, McDon ald, Brock street. Dr. and Mrs. EE. DB. Sparks are pected home from their wedding on Wednesdag. They have ing un week of more at Cushing's land, Maine Miss Mabel on Tuesday tp Miss Caverhill. Mrs. B. S. Sills, her sister, Mrs. J. street. Johnston arrived in il Celina, Ohio, | family, on + a | H. Johnston, | of - University in of the George ex trip heen spend Is- Meck will go to Ottawa | spend a few days with | Pelleville, is with | Gould, Sydenham | i - | Wormwith, Earl gireet, | Miss Sara Gall, i Wednesday, to spend . Mrs. W. H and her sister, to Toronto, a week, Mrs. James Massie, has returned from her visit Falls, Mrs. Charles H ter, NB, will go oh Bagot street, at Smith's of Dorehes- ie expected in town this | week to spend several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wil Colborne street - Sydenham Mdoill, left, to-day, for avd | will go on to Niagara-on-the Lake, to spend some weeks with Mise Amv and Miss Beatrice MaGill, at their sammer cottage there Mrs. W K F. Swmellie, who has been spending some months at "The Avonmore" has taken Mrs. J. RB Mowat's house, 8n Johnson street, for six months WT, Mrs. Robert O'Hara will shortly go to house keeping for a brief period, in Mrs. Robert Meikle's house on Clergy street. Her sister, Miss Meta Dobbs will be with her. - 'Mise Carrie and Miss are expectod home at an week from to-day. Mrs. George Boomer, of Toronto, bas gone to visit Mrs. George Grover at Norwood, Mrs. Joseph Fisher is expected over from the states, thiz sununer, to visit her sister, Miss Milly Ferris, at "Wil low Cottage." : Misa Bvelyn - Kerr will arrive from Toronto, to-morrow, and stay with Mrs. Hugh Osler, on Bagot street. - oe Martin, son, - Mis mare,' "The Toronto Avon - Ethel Waldron "Arthur Place" Mra. Torrance Jack, of Toronto, is in the city, on a visit to her dangh: ter, Mrs. R. RB. Nelles, Albert street. Mrs. Froderiek Birkett leaves for (8. tawa this week. Archdeacon and the Misses Mae morine, Rafrie street, will leave, on Wodnesday, for a month at Sharbot ake. : : Mise Julia Wieacks, of Picton, will eve iy for England, fo Cisit br. tg} week-end with Mrs. J. Bagot street, on his land. MN way HD HI3 16 BROVEN Dr. 0. J. Stevenson and Mrs. 8 engon, of Kingston, who oa MADAM MEETS > "1 WITH SAD ACCIDENT, Visiting in St. Thomas for weeks, have leit for Mrs. Lallemand and Toronto. Miss Ethel Lal I after their vieit to Mrs. Edward Ryan, "Rockwood House." Miss Loretta Kingstey Mrs. Fagés, at Haliax. ; - and Mrg. announce 4 il West Street on Sunday Morn- ing--Has Been Ill Since Last November. ; Thomas McAdam, Yoel i 25 Wet oldest residents, unfortunate accident, | morming, Is at the {hospital, In a4 very dam erous He fell downstairs at hus home, la dis twenty leet had his right leg troken and subiercd in marriagt of | ternal injures ins pad Hurnhan daughter of Mr.| Mr McAdam has been ill at his re ¥ 1 Mek ; . urahats, rt Fog to Dr. home since November ith last, suf the i oT he place at the home of] tering from gangrene in his right foo i. gv P, A 8 {14 5 'ok { w o wast white ain With | kecently, he has been able to yet rane 0 5 SEOn | | an ye a tay Nin, Afuand with the aid of crutches. Sun Het Bu h . ido : a ] . lay morming, he was aboul to come He - i om, E Hes mg ie wore | downstairs, whin the gecident hapa > h FN Pr Se N ot ed He was av the top of the stairs, horher of the i en 1ey, New York, aml was being assisted his » groom. in-law, Miss Isabella Makins. Just as mI -- 0 - Matol {he took the step, seized 0 Wigs , er-| ¢ © marrmge of irs Mab "lwith a weak spell. One of the erateh trude Armstrong, of Prince Albert, to 1 d . : cs shipped away from and William R. Saunders, ILA, principal | | 1 i the Bund high i { | fell to the flo og below. When "© p - 5 ane i re i 16 una igh ool, ar a £8 | Crutch slipped away, it struck duate of Queen's university, will take Mak i ¥ ace on July 9th TINE, AR Was stunt ! yy WT the moment, mablé To ren a : assistance. My der Mr. McAdam qi CITY AND VICINITY. McAdam fel} heavily, and bein from in such a weak condition tlness, it was hort of a miracle that he was not kifled. He was removed to the General hospital, it beings found that besides having his rioht leg broken, he suffered internal ipuries as well He did not regain until this morning. At { i= visiting | aged seventy-live, street, ope of Kingston victim of an - Smallpicce, engagement daughter, Emily Edith (Daisy), | ples Henry Robertson, | Manafacturing Co, is to take place - HY. tha Mr. romto, their to Ch Kemp The wedding month, ol was ihe Sunda Gemeral on of the Toronto. | ne xt | and BOW conth Lion, me ol about - the - - On Wednesday last by B.S first he was him, In the Miss as" she for she was very his The Only Complete Tour. Steamer (Caspian's trip, Dominion Day, at M15 a.m., among the 1,000 Islands. © Your friends are going Please Be Generous. members of St nothing Will George's cathe | consciousness sextettes, | ito {leaves manager of | Corn-| ab} busi- | service, 'on Saturday nig thts | miniow day. rot Erontenae! « | leotor | Sed in the police, court, this morning, Mellroy was discharged. "I trust that this will be a lesson | Rev. | mig, and | sand, { them from { bu done | the | the | wera | cigarettes consumed | would be fearful to ec | lege or i reliable j of the larger corporations would | engage | parent, { year, and was likely ! tor be extra liberal in contributions the Sunday school picnic which Folger's wharf, one o'clock Tuesday, dral to-day, it wa doing and the noon, dated could hospital, that he In expected, friends that he will pull throuch. His doctors sultation this morning Wig as well as his many be able ta held 5 em hope To Race At Gananoque. W. H. Carson's May Wax is entered Mr. Mc in the 2.21 class at Gananogue on Do- | was employed It would have been also | havi Brockville hnrsday John class there fill first and omotme a machinist, nt the lox ng learned his trade Making, of Lindsay, who apprentice at the GAVE HIMSELF Adam is orks, thers at 9 Oy entered but the on did not under was the ghops Trial On July 13th. UP. My Fllen ged with the theft of $905, Thompson, Was Wanted By Police on Charge Arden, Judge Pric e | of Chicken Stealing. this morning, and elected to be tried | April 6th last, a warrant ummnarily before the The trial taken out for the arrest of way_lixed, for Monday, 3th Mcllroy, on a charge of chicken steal Mcllroy left the and the police were unable to locate him. On Saturday the accused. returned to the city, and gave himself up to Chief of Police Baillie, in the latter's office Mtliroy was charged with stealing chickens from' David Hartman, Pine street, but as the latter did not when the Perron, charg from Harvey appeared before On wa judge, July Jame T ing city, Paying Their Taxes. i people flocked Bartels, to-day, assessments and secure the cent, discount for money paid on or hefore June 30th. Tomorrow the | last day thagrdiscoupt will be given, I'he Fax pay two to Col their per is care rept re easbe im r 4 to prosecute, case w call for vou," remarked the magistrate to Mclliroy. "Driok have been the cause of your troulile, but 1 hope that vou wil realize vour position. There hag been no evidence offered against Referred to By Rev. Dr. Mac [YOU 50 I will dismice the case." Miellroy was employed as a driver Tavish in a Sunday Sermon fr. a Princess street store. Hi A Warning Given 'to the', placed under when he Young Boys. | hime If up, but was At Cooke's church, Sunday morning, [on his promise to appear in Lr, Muctavish pRsached a surong |ourt to-day sermon on the evils of cigarette smok- intemperance, 'LH hess evils he very Congpmenous anything could be to the national life, it shoul di once, Uhrnstians, he not doing their duty it they their cyes to these rampant [ed by and put forth no eflorts for |All the their removal. In regard to cigarettes fon the original statement had been given out to] Thi building effect that this country, thepe|inches. It will almost hundred mil ion | With the other The civic last vear It authorities at first to the ntemplate what owner that he must not rebuild up to hove by | the of the other huildings. Then bovs had | the owner declared that if he col- foreed to do this, he In't build depravity | at all. He thought the city habit was |*hould be satisfied with improve impurity, | ™*® nt he contemplated . manhood, | M® found that the city couldn't hin to rebuild thirty-three ke 'un-i D2 k, as the ok! building had oti re sixtv-three go | fied huild structures, and may {EVILS OF CIGARETTE SMOK- ING AND INTEMPERANCE was arrest allowed to go police CAN'T FORCE HIM - ud 4 To Build Further Back Than Pres- ent Line. store Wellington and own were done ward, [\ An old treet, petween Brock and Princess Ww is being rebuilt street tresposy line foot trespassed three now Ix at on were Jackson, on that styvet closed evils, store hy a thirty 1 pat in ae ie four buildings gave notice havoe had beer enused line these cigarettes, How many made unfit for their sehool, office * 'The| moral the c¢wgarette frightful. Lying, cheating, less of moral courage and wers the general results wire found workers, and In they were not wanted. was worl that the In enquiry heen fotlowing fore inche wa who! been to many used cigarettes a veay He i iti with the work i# now proceed to line othe tuteons in f , not It was the duty of every] the habit gmong ing then, z 10 disCourage RABBI DYING OF RABIES referving to © the i juor traffic, | i br. Maelavish said, that this been a, giant evil for many a to be formidal le] time. Une the signs was that a wave of prolibrion wag sweeping over the American con tinent, and that it was specially i- rected towards the barroom. Fully one-half of the territory and almost 4 k one-half of the populition of the Un-| said. "1 do not feel any pain vet, and fed States Eas ancer probicition. 1 trust the treatment will prove cad Seven states were entirely' under pro-| cessful. Put the doctor to be hibition. In our-oWn country the|discouraged." wave was rushing alongs, not perhaps| Rabbi Friedman is as impetuously or with such Pow. old and has retired as as could be desired but neverthe- | lor While walking im Fast sv it wa moving forward, Fifth street several days ago Speaking on local option, Dr. Mae- attacked and bitten upon Tavish stated that it might not be hand by a dog. possible to carry it in Kingston. It bp ought to be carvied, bat the chances DIAZ TO VISIT KING, were that public opinion was not vet ripe enough for it. Peiple rewired to be educated, and some people Teceiv- od their education in morals very slowly. But if the city could not ear ry local' option, artangesients might be made to have a by-law passed so that figuor cond he sold only in shops for consumption off the premis- es, And what would be the effect of this? He at least, that it would eliminate the element of pri- vate gain and that it would put an md to the treating system. and close ap the bars. If theese three things were accomplished, we would have taken three lone steps toward the goal of prohibition, boys mn Rev. had {Mo Hope Held Out For Man Bit- i ten By Mad Dog. June 29.--Waiting calmly that his physician "a Rabbit L. Friedman wm the victim rithd Cleveland, or the fate Pat him nt his bome, deg. If God desires to call me this time | am ready to gf' the rabbi some of hopeful | ol a at HOES sixty-four years an active pa Thirty he the or wns left President of Mexico Has Accepted An Invitation For London. New York, June 29.-The London corfespondent of the Herald eables : In all probability London will have another ruler of a nation as a visitor in afew weeks, 1 Joarn ion very good authority that an invitation ta vist England ha¢ heen sent by King Fd ward to Peesident Diaz, of Mexico Also, 1 leirn on oxeellent anthority from a Mexican source, that President Diaz will accept. the invitation. In Command Of Cadets. Lieut. Frederick Carson, _awirded the. R.M.C. commission in the Roy Engincers, sill go to Quebet on the 6th, 'to take command of thy sisty catiets who will spend g few days in camp there. The' prizes Lidut. Carion rocogvend lamb. Friday are weth 8250, SE -------- i -- Etrawbeivies For Preserving. Bay mow. hdwards & Jenkin. Phone It's Yours For Fifty Cents. A day among the 1,000 lands. Take steamer Caspian, Dominion Pay, at IS am, Premier Whitney is to speak at Ny. relati . Rushton Fairclough, of Le land Stanford - tity, : Shu Shomer. Spee on Dominion da Tio «Prompt Qelivery, { lemangs-will return to Montreal to-mor- [ Fell Down Stairs at His Home on ang SPECIAL Whitewear Sale, To-Morrow (All Day), Commencing at 8.50 to 6 p.m, 340 Fine White Nightgowns Ina great variety of designs and makes, some lace trimmed, others with fine embroideries and insertions, Stuer with hemstitched frills, Te, 9c, $1.25, 1.49, 1.75, 2.00, 250 and on up to 4.75. These will be sold To-morrow at 20 PER CENT. OFF. 600 Pairs Drawers In a great variety of makes, from 25¢ up to $2.50. 375 CHEMISES 100 CORSET COVE RS, the latest and pret- tiest New York designs, from 25¢ up to $2.25. These will all be sold at 20 PER CENT. OFF. ranging in price Beautiful White Skirts All the latest Embroideries and Laces. These skirts are made of excellent White Cottons and Nainsooks. The plain Hemstitched Skirts at 75¢, Lace and Embroidered Skirts from 1.49, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50 and on up to 5.00. Your Choice To-morrow, 20 PER CENT. OFF. REMEMBER---AIl our Whitewear ed in plain figures, and at regular prices is lower than you will find elscwliere for the same reliable makes, 'so that with 20 per cent. off To-morrow you are getting a very Special Bargain, is mark Special To-Morrow. 315 Pairs Ladies' Tan Lace Lisle Stockings Sizes 9, 10 inches. These are worth regularly 45¢ pair, and'are a small lof sent in by a German manufacturer's agent, OH fay had in value of this season's style he lot much below "OW. As the last stock, we secured the and will offer them To-morr A limit of two pairs to one customer. Hb. filer 1 SHOES FOR THE HOLIDAY All the Latest Summer Styles. Ladies' White Shoze, £1.00, Ladics' Chocolate Sloss, $1.50, and up. Ladies' Pat nt Slippers at $1.50 and 1.75, Ladies' Patent Street Shoes at $1.65, regular 2.25, The Best Tan, White and Black Polishes. All kinds of nice Shoe Laces and a fresh stock of Trunks and Bags. | | 1.25 and 1.50, 1 90, 2.50 -- THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ARESS000000480040 4 ae PRRINONN 000990000 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000000