Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jun 1908, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1908 B-- EE Th [PORTSMOUTH WEDDING. =, KINGSTON AFFECTED], x. [JULY WEATHERS mms Reporters On Their Rounds. teresting Address . . . MD MISS E. DENNISON WEDS| Th whi wil uot bn publisned ou|BY THE BREAK IN THE| The Young Peoples Society of mr | wane Issuing Marriage Methodist church, held a 7 Dominion Day. rock Street ° . REV. A. BRIGHT, B.A. \ tue shouer of tain fil about] CORNWALL CANAL. |Z Lil cening. he maim intr Soft Shirt Licenses ' ey . two o viock thus morning. ------ of the evening being an 8 SUMMER Ceremony Took Place Under a J. V. Mallen has secured 'a - per-| Merchants Lose Money--Many their pastor, Kev. 1 Burke. a Also the fivest stock of { apada Mr v Beautiful A. manent position in Brockville Sai - . tithed a § 3 mn ry ay . ireh, at the he tourisis gre coming to Kingston Sailor Ren lered . Idle By opening his address referred to the ca er Wedding Rings Home of the Bride--Left For in pumbers. Entertain them well Boats Being Likewise {Trains time of Joha Cabot, the Norweg SALE East on Wedding Tour. "Swimming wings' are sold at Gib and Boats As Carriers. in the tenth century, passing my . he C 1 elezant Ope of the prettiest of house wed- J 8om's Red (ross Urag Store. "Phone The Cornwall eanal oak : : ip through the centuries to the times And one reason why s r , In the City, A an 2 lings took place, Tuesday morning, at { 230. great deal to wingst { of Champlain, -and Jgoques Cartier, | people come here for their stock of suitable f » ri! . oN 1 n y » > bh wiera un oF the residence of Mr. and Mi - James K : ers il te a tu gat form for] merchants and seilors sulier by the | and on through to the conf thurati of | 2% because the assortment is s Weddin Gifts Dennison, Portsmouth, when their only ngs onians in the Collegiate Insta withdrawal of a large number of boats He also spoke briefly of tha on . large. No troublé to get just 8 C t daughter, Miss Mary Etta a tute in September, from traffic owing to being unable to | uebec and the Battle of the Plains of g A ; arpe 8, tied ® to Rev. Alfred lhe Mth band will play in Mac get their cargoes to Montr Quite | Abraham. actly what they want. Which we will be very pleas- ge . ROT s pe « Ic 3 » i) A A nt d o : Ingersoll, Ont. The ceresnony was per- [donald park on Thursday evening, | 5 number of sailors on upper lake ves Thi Ss the weather 'that makes ed to show Furniture; jm. by Rev. Dr. Mackie, pas | weather permitting : } said Mr. Burke I had thé pleasure ' : Bh y pa . + sels are coming bhoae, owing to their a ? a on 3 ¢ : Inderwear tor wi St. AndreW's church, and was The Portsmouth council will hold itd] steamers going temporarily out of | of visiting the citadel, and treading the | you think of Summer Underwear, Curtains witnessel by TOkly the immediate rela- | July meeting this evening and then | commission Captains and engineers | Plains of Abraham. I stood and | Hot Weather Sox, Belts, Bathing ' : . adjourn until September i the season | looked down on the grand St. Law Suits. Canoe Jerseys, etc. ve tives : i . of vessels are engaged by sens a Rugs Ihe drawing-room, where the vere. The condition of Thomas McAdam | but most, of the other men aboard | rence, and the: beautiful surrounding ' mony took place, was decorated pro-lcthowed very little improvement, at | cewssis are not. ani hence hundreds of | country, and then went to the spot Jewelldrs and Opticians. l fusely with greehery, growing plants | the general hospital, to-day. sailors are idle as.a result of the a known as Welie's cove and looked up N ] . 350 King St. inoleum, and flowers Fhe floral design was Fhe lith regiment had a good turn | cident that occurred to the Cornwall | the heights. 1 conceived then the ery y Issuers of Marriage most unigue out to the cricket field last evening | canal dificult task that great Gen ole Licenses oil Cloth Pg arch, under which the bneidal cou- flor the weekly parade and drill, The loss te local merc hants is quite had when he stormed the heights Agents for "J." Brand Austrian Nes ple stood, was composed of ferns, Mrs. Hiram Shannon, Spencerville, is significant. While the Cornwall canal Rev. Mr. Burke then gave a general , G. BR." Collars Phone, Store, 666. Resi- wi d smilax and orange blossoms, same be- | staying with her mother, Mrs. Shan-|is blocked, verv few grain vessels will | geographical survey of Canada, its | Collars ; also WwW. G. R. a dence, 482. n ow ing banked with greenery and col | non, Albert street, who is very ill. come here to discharge their cargoes. | #ize, compared with other countries, | } sizes. lonade of large palms, the background Among the world's best things to | Duringsthe season of navigation, thou- and Europe. "We are proud of Can- | -- Shades eng arranged as an immense fan, drink is "Salada" Tea Its purity sands of dollars are spent here for ada, and why shouldnt we," said Mr : made up of interwoven vines with |g, and deliciousness stand un- | provisions for the vessels on their re- | Burke, "for Canada has much to be Draperies dashes of 'orange hlasai, Pink and rivalled. | turn trips. Much money will thus be | proud of, and ' boast of having a w - ' g In a a Sharbot Lake is being besieged with lost hv a number of merchants who | few of the largest things he O- 18 most Slietive, gene. ) visitors these days. 'the K. & P [did the supply work. Only a small f world' Canada has the n R i 1. nH sSohisy welding nay 3 eo railway report larger traffic there | percentage of the people know what | wheat belt in' the world, the biggest e pa 1 iplayed by the bride's "cousin "5 | this year than for some time past, the marine traffic means te Wweto sen fisheries, the largest grain mill, at 8 TO 10 work done Jennie Lewis, who ras Mteased in, hide You hardly 'realice that it is medi. | merchants in the suminer Mantreal, the largest elevator at Port Cheaper |i Cre i me sr oti tine, when taking Cgrter Lite Liv. | The supasiorty of Lig steamers over Arthur, (he largest canal at the Soo, O'CLOCK. d 3 ift, a crescent brooch, set in pearls. {T Fills; they are very small; no bad | 72! Ry SFaias ds Frain Carriers » gost ul d 5, larg oal seam nrin gs i eid 5 ' stended. effects: all troubles from torpid liver | reat. Trains mav reach their destina- | same large copper mines, and will July and ter - < I th > a eas oy ey oe Sh are relieved by their use. tion quigker, if they have a clear line, } have the largest bridge, when com We offer 100 quires of dinen : En 211 uf er nt r. 8 Tk Merchants and householders say | but il is seldom that'this happens y in the Quebec bridge, the scene nota paper with envelopes Au gu st oe uttifed in 8 gown of wus SLA that, better street sprinkling should | The largest of the Montreal Transpor- » recent disaster, Although there match At solutely new : h h an at tn e, with trimmings of Fale felis be provided. There is negligence some- | tation company steamers, towing two {is a lot of Irish in me," said M. shich we ha eax had . 3 . ate and insertion, fer yoil of why wo] where. 'The board of works should] lake barges, can bring 190.000 bush- | Burke, "I love Canada as well as a month. Our other times. Everything net ber caught uj 7th weange rg eniigaire. els of grain from Fort William to]von, for Canada is the land of mt mt. reduced for this sale. white het + Sod lth VA g ey Fxeursion among Thousand Islands Kingston, It would take three trains adomtion and my han. quire and 13 r pack 3 V € ¥ . » ; ' W Ja Ba Sp 2 '{ to haul that eargo, as a ear carries fter the address, a resent joined Beelng we re 1 Ag to av r . 1 yi { A PHONR® 90. the only ornament she wore being an Ryiday, July 3 3, by CW A, Sow inty LOW: Trashele. which woul mean 190 J heartily in singe 1 he one Seng We aifs Tot going io Have your FURS Mad Yours, Mntiyel Brooch set in pearls, : the A carloads of yrrain. It costs more than | Forever." Ice cream and eaks was public 100 quires tini ht, with Over and Dyed now, as we Bt Ate ir oum twice as thuch to haul grain by train | served at the close, and all present Cha elopes ap EXACT goo ' : Y x " are getting busy with new T: F. Harrison Co., The little flower girl Lorraine hr as it does by boat entoved the evening's enter vinment LY HALF PRICE cml er jt win, cousin of the bride, looked sweet "While at Quebec a few weeks ago, Caspian leaves Swift's wharf at 10.15 a.m : The large cross which was knocked off Mt. Mary's cathedral tower, last -- is new fresh stick and we offer orders week, by the electric storm, will be Was Badly Damaged. STRUCK BY AN ENGINE. tis price for toni i trimmed with valenciencss lace and in ; , _ . It t SI U00 t th we : Sor ' ox of blue ore | replace shortly by a much arger Cost Jal, lo ge AS Roe i | F G sertion and touches of blue, and wore the rocks the : se wee | . » our er, a!wreath of marguerites on her pret- | Ohe. 8 * City of Montreal off m Narrow Escape of a Young King- ty fair hair. She wore a fleur-de-lis] The K. & P. railway have just is- | St. Lawrence when hauled out at tg stonian. Exclusive Furrier. Phone 700 ¢ ler densburg. 1t was found that her bot While 2 hie. rank . . . al ag ' i pin with pearl setting, the gut of the ud some new folders with the time + : n = walking along the Hons > table,' which are very attractive, and | tom was 30 badly damage at an Kingston Mills, late ond afte " NTE Cc groom 1 Mills, lat Monday after THE STATIONER THE FRONTENA The groom's gift to the bride was | which contain a map showing the | other large hol ML a nopu, William Babcock, aged. sixteen '. Old © " LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY a cabinet grand piano. 'The bride difierent places on the line make her ; whole y living on Barrie street, was' struck tn (Nisbet's Old Stand.) was the recipient of many handsome The civic light, heat and power com- | dent Woods stated, yesterday, that | 5 jiohy engine, aml yoceiwad severs ESTABLISHED, 1863 and useful gifts, many from outside | mittee, was called, this afternoon, to the vessel will be - an the wags three § soalp wounds, 'but his injuries are not | o T 1c ) ities, all testiiving to the popularity, | discuss the application of the Kingston |r four weeks a ng tion | OF © serious nature. He was remove Det Racha: gn and esteem in which she is held by | Milling company for a longer pe saved the boat from total destruction | to the general hospital, and. this | Toisieillelepelolofelol-fdetaf-fold-2 | Muney icanad on City and Farm Pro § p 1 § » " De - ur a and oun reli chise than ten years for the usé® of | Was an outside shes thing of Tot 4 th morning, it was stated that he was Lures Mortgages purchased Deponite ex- | the streets over which to carry ele rock elm planking bolted to the hull, | doing nicely. It appears that Babeoek Following the ceremony and the a rescived and interest allowed pression of good wishes for the happy | tric power from Kingston Mills, which prevented her being pounded (0 | had just stepped out of the wav for 8. C. McGill, Managing Director ouple, breakfast was served, and af City Clerk Sands made a fine cateh | Pieces on the rocks. She was leaking | one trois. and did not notice the light --- ter the nsual toasts and speeches, the [of perch yesterday afternoon, there badly and the syphons were y engine coming along, I engine was bride donned her travelling suit oi | being two dozen in his haul, and the stantly at work on the way © | only travelling at a sfow rate of ; river. Part of this sheeihing wilk | rood, and this was & lucky thing for navy blue voile over tafieta, the | smallest of them weighed three-quar- Eton coat being trimmed with Toscan | ters ol a pound. Une of the catch soutache braid, and white silk bouse, | looked like a Seotch herring and an with baby Irish lace. A Tuscan hate | other was doclared to be a ~finnan | #4 will have to be replaced, and as | death witheCopenhagen blue trimming and | haddie. 7 many others which were dented will Faginver George Gallivan was in handsome feather mount, completed Canadian Freeman : Some cloth- | have to be straightened Six of the | charge of the engine, and brought it the costume. Amid a shower of con: | ing merchants in Kingston are con- | *t*0 plates, three on each side, must | to a standstill as soon as possible also be replaced, and in addition part | Babeock was pushed to one side, and fetti and rice, the happy couple drove | tinually complaining about people \way at the noon hour and left via [getting their clothes outside the of the stern post, the rudder shoe and | when picked up by the men on the en part of the keel will have to be re fpine, his head was bleeding from the fast train for Montreal, where | city, They don't seem to be aware . d . they will remain "a week or more | of the fact that many of them are newed and a new wheel put on. The | wounds. One wound was about two Are you ;repared for among: friends of the groom, then - a | members of the civil service, enjoying Lity of Montreal was formerly the | inches in length. Babcock was brought warm. weather that will PORCH SHADES sojourn in the maritime provinces for | good fat salaries of good Uanadian shina, of the Anchor : ling nd nl | to the city on the engine. and was surely come during July and a week or two, after which they will | money. though an old vessel! is in first class | then copveyed to the hospital in tie August ? ke brief visit at Gananoque, re- The July Rod 1 G : shape. The damage is covered by in- | ambulance. ds h make , a jue, re ie July Rod and Gun, published | © -- Are just the thing for your turning to Kingston to spend at [by W_ J. Taylor, Woodstock. Ont. .JSurance. - , > Nothing so ¢ool and com- Verandah, made. of thin strips least a fortnight with the bride's " Nile » + : -- CONCRETE COAL SHED fortable as a White Suit, ! $ contains the story of Champlain Davis D Dock ents at Portsmouth, finally set- | Among other good le » "The a Ty Mock. made from Indian Head of Linden Wood tisticall parent | h, ) g other good grticles an W V . . : 2h a ar y tling in mid-August in the town of | Trail of the Kawazingemas," "In the K, is hoped that the Davie dry dock | To Be Erected By the Waterworks Suiting, such as we sell, at stained, all sizes in stock. i rg bg the groom is pastor | Next West!" "A Schoolboy's Search at be in Sperution ja within .., Committee. 25¢c. a yard. of St. Paul's Preshyterian church for an Ideal Vacation," "The Irish 3 weal ne of the Lanadian The w Wor . i ) ' e watér®orks committee met, last . v WV ETO aa The groom graduated from Queen's | Water Front of Canada," and many | government dredges here will render evenin with lds Orsi Graham snd White Pique, 8 yard University in 1905. others, all profusely "illustrated. The [all assistance to the Davis company | [faplev present i § 2nd up. Vic Last night the bride-elect was wait- | number is an unusually interesting one | I? building a dam, as it is in the I'he chief question for consideration White Drill 15¢. a yard ed upon by a number of the members | for the lover of the out-of-doors interests of navigation to have the] = ih regard to the erection of a and uy : i . r 3 , io shan > Per 8 8S 8 hy 1 rf AC a Rngoton Carpet WarGlioise of the _ Methodist church, at Ports Piles are easily and quickly checked dock In operation just a Joon as] ew coal shed .to replace the one de mouth, and presented with a band- | with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To possible. Ihe steamer Grantham, | gtroved by fire last fall. It was decid |] White Dueck, 15¢. a yard some clock. 'The bride has been for | prove it 1 will mail a small trial box which was in the dock at the time of] oq 1, engage William Newlands, archi- | Bland up over two years organist at the church j a= a convincing test. Simply address | the accident, has been pumped out tect to prepare plans and specifica 1 and always taken a deep interest in | Pr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely ---- tions for a new shed, and to call for harch work, and will he much missed | would not send it free unless I was Marine Notes. tenders for its constructior The shed AE Wig in church circles. certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- The steambarge John Randall clear- | will be 65x56 feet, of concrete, and Fane 1 , . ? 8 e n ' ancy Dress Muslins, 10¢ ah einer ment would Jrand the test. Remem- |.) for Smith's Falls with coal without a roof and up : Dominion Day At Napanee. ber it is made expre ssly and alone for The steamer Glengarry arrived from Several estimates were presented for : The Napanee Driving Park associa- suoulen, 2, bleeding or itching | Erie with coal for Richardsone', a new coal shed One of concrete Ladies' Elastic Ribhed tion have a good entry list for three Fe es, either externs] or internal. The steamer Acadian arrived from | without a ggof would cost $2,235. A + Vests, with or without races on Dominion Day. Cassie Point arge jar, 50c. Sold by all dealers. Fort William with 75,000 bushels of | roof could be added at a cost of sleeves, 5¢. and up. or, 'Tego, Jim K., Reo De, Silver i yS-- wheat 81.134. Other sheds with roof would King, Fox Pugh, St. Peter and Major PAID HEAVY FINE The steambarge Navajo has been | cost $4.05 and £4,600. The commit Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, ¥ CO. Windsor, Ont. Hamburg win start in the three given work at the Cornwall canal. | teer expects to have a satisfactory one - 10¢. and uj General Agents for Canada. « v . = minute class. Zac - Medium, 2:16} : i 2 The Nav } K constructed for $2.93 Fowards this : : : . 't For Ma € avalo was on her way to mg- | construc « = A ees 1 -- Muriel Wilkes, 2:16}; Grace Pointer, Securing Liquor For A on ston when the accident oceurred >» amount about 81.500 insurance was gi 0s Black Lace Hose, 9c. and up 'Elephant" Pure Liquid Paints L154; Prairie Oyster and Ayliffie will a 'Indian, List." From an examination of the heoks | reecived for the destruction of the old | 9 (Fully guaranteed). These paints. are start in the 2:16 class, besides seven Fo purchase liquor for any person | in the collection office at Kingston | one Tan or White Hose the best preservatives for wood, frop|hOrses start in the named ----ari se, in a French gown of Persian lawn, her hosts of acquaintances NewEngland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m., to8 am. the best place to get an a'! round Lunch In the city, Meals ol 1 wm shortest notice. English 3 hin dishes a specialty, 'Phone, have to come off in order to repair | Babeock, as had it been going fast, he the bottom. Six plates were piérced ) cortainly would lave met a terrible At AE CERTAINLY MEAN BUSINESS When we state that we are not going {o re main in Kingston, and that this stock has to be sold before August 10th. White Muslins, from 5¢. to 40c. a yard. We are compelled to get west in August, and before going, this stock must be sold. race. { Who is on the license inspector's "In- | Mills, it is found that the water at Plain, Lace and and Stans, they dry Quiskly with a hard | Kingston and flupance will play base dian list" is a very serious matter In | the foot of the locks there was, in Catholic School Grounds. all Sites. HT flowy su en, be ---- det the ball, This is one'of the most pleasant | the police court, this morning, a young | 1886, just the same height as it ig | Canadian Freeman For sale br "Jerounds in Canada and no doubt | man who pleaded guilty to such a] his year. It has not been as high 1 he Cathohie schools throughout the city closed lagt week after a most A. "STRACHAN. many of our citizens will gvail them- | charge, lodged against him by Inspec: | any season since. ny : selves of the day's outing at Napanee. | tOF Wright, found this to be the case, successful season I'he different build ---------- when = Magistrate Farrell imposed a Fxamine Your Chest ings and grounds surrounding are in ine 2 enty days ps . pnt CON y quite If one feels dull and spiritless, in the 'me ol = Jad als, SE twenty dave When it's hard to expand the chest, | *Pienu ¢ han uhd i Ag jul The spring or early summer, they call it ' hg there is sure to be congestion and | CORtrast to some Bis ngo. i 5 . the 1 : . of St. Vincent Academy that has been brought before lawns in frogt . 'Ss pring Fever." But there is no fev- i id. N 0 . 9 That Beautiful ev--usually, 1t is the afte= effect of | COWIE. and the magistrate explained rd athing iy Ne it the inflam the 'enverit and St Mary's school i 4 P that the penalty had been made very |. 0 las an Nerviline--it re-1., mong the prettiest in the -eity SH, i Ww HEE RRL our winter habits. 'The nerves are t o . i . mostly at fault. Tired. worn-out | Severe in such cases, so as the mem Sites Sond st n-=jurenls the cold and reflect great credit, not only up ubnr es dence nerves leave us languid, lifeless, and | Pers who had been placed on the "In- Lio nis phevmania housands ve A ere. care ats. bot oiio the to without spirit or arshition A few | dian list" could be safeguarded. ; -- Noe} - for ols, fruhs parate school board. x ' 8 - pV ol lai sore. throat and sav a 25c. hott is py doses of Dr. Shoop's Restorative will The young man charged, claims that | 50 > nd sa o 6 n absolutely and pi Fo change all of | he did not know the man for whom he worth it's weight in gold Dominion Day Picnic. The Always Busy Store. . Jo these depressing 'symetoms. The Re- | purchaded the liquor, was on the "In- At Lake Ontario Part. Baseball | REE l cu ous v storative of course won't bring you | dian list. game between the Canadisn Locomo- : . ; back to full health bm a day or two, tive and Y.1L.U.B.A, teams, for a purse | . S000 000COCOOPISIOOIOGOIOIOGOYROS But we want I Handsome and solid stone build. but it will do enough in forty-eight "Three Swaliows. " . We Hope of 850. Managers Moran aml Palmer hours to satisfy you that the remedy Sir John Power & Sons, each claim to have their teams in the R : i y Rings ing, containing tem rooms, all is reaching that "tired spot." Drug- "Ihroe Swallows" Ifish Whiskey, pink of condition for the big game 3 wodern conveniences, new hot [gists everywhere are advising ils use Famous for over § century, You'll Enjoy Dancing in the pavilion. Admission to Good qaality at 5c Per Dozen as a splendid and prompt general f of }iohest standard of purity, grounds 15¢., children 10¢ Pint or Quart Sizes bel to get rid of the stock, and we know this is the ynly way it can be a Buying $1.00 Books for 25c is surely like _a money - maker, Well, that is what we are actually doing. Call in the first time yon are down town, water heating apraratus, electric ionic. It gives mare vim and more | posers" 0 Hig Maiesty the King." y $A. light, city water. Large veran-| spirit to the spoonful than any other Yacht Club Races. known nerve or ccastitional tonie. Everybody Going. Your Vacation. The Kingston Yacht club will hold an and balcony (recently renew- i Sharpens a tailing appetite, aids | 4 searchlight 'excursion: : under races Dominion Day at 10 am. for ed). Stone coagphouse and | digestion, frees sluggish livers and the aupices Sydenham street Epworth sailing yachts, motor boats, dinghys ; . kidneys, and brings new.dife, strength dav" July 1 But remem- I canoes. Entries should he de stable. Spacious grounds with|and ambition. Test it a few days Langue, Sonlay Soe A th. Ith be hithe aE I Sa or ee op nal + S i 7 t r w wi . om » retary o ve large handsome shade trees wd ha Sarkinged. Sold by all dealers. {207 ¥ so ge it k : ; committee, at as early a date as pos- The diocesan pilerimaze will take : Hea week or " sible. Full attendance is hoped for . lace this year on July 7th. x » . , Ningetonumus have 50,555 invested | Make Your Outing Enjoyable. a month you I of members and their guests. All races THIS PROPERTY WILL BE in Canadian bank stoeks. By wearing one of Campbell Bros." need some kind Nest will start from club house and finish SOLD AT LESS THAN NALF new light felt straw or crash hats. of an outing , Bk Same: ; ' ITS VALUE. Nervous, Sleepless And Weak. "In Everybody's Mouth." bat and ¢ To stop any pain, anywhere in . t . Not sick enough to lay up, but vou we bh e al \ of ">. mo . Pak rs Mrablets, we uta of sorts, blood is fru, esses ther. kinds. Come Pain sans congimtion- -blood pressure kidneys deranf ~that is a ail ef , eh + aire ay Prescott counties Sh Tingarey ad in and vig before you " ar Pink Pain ata will quickly purly the bloud, invigorate and paci: | anniversary of the Boyne at MeCrim- All prices. too, I a in Pain fy the nerves, aud increase your emer | mon, Grengarry; lodges of Stormont Headache, Neuralgia, painful periods gy. vitality and power, Perrosone] at Crysler, and those of Grenville at with women, ate pred instant help. 20 will renew your appetite and diges- Retvickille, oll. upon Sseturday, July Tahlete 2%. Sold be <1 om tion, make vou sleep soundiv--in fact The weather is delightful; hot days will make you well. Tg Ferrozons, nh deer dnd, Jout by a resident of - and cool~migh tis. : price 50¢. per box or § banes for $2.50} Cobden, when found, had five deer Beef, Iron and Wine, "Our Own' at draggists or N. C. Polson & Co. |eornered in a Seid and was holding ; > make, pint bottl ., G0c., at Wade's Drug Store. Also Bottle Wax by the stick or in pans . 9¢ and 10c. Corks, all sizes. Dr.A. P. Chown 'Phone, B43, 183 Priccess a W. J. F. MALLAGH, THE CORNER BOOKSELLER (Successor To F. Nisbet ) He Tea ss ossasscess sss Bsus etettenteeTIeentqetetttttterrenen them there. |

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