A GREAT DRAWBACK] IS THE DANGER OF ICE IN|- ~ 'HUDSON BAY. Boats 'Would Have to Be Built] o RA a Ve Bel Aly ER Cal Coat oa Very Stoutly and Would Be | TOSS. {voor Pi ' CARPENTERS 5 , ON FRIDAY Slow--The Crops Could Not ; Se A CL - j ig : on Aus St, "Be Moved the Same Year. i + Every Evening, at 8.80 dock, oo. * : Montreal, July 4.--Capt. Gray, of] F RE E SHOW : . . . * [the Hwdson's Bay Supply company's} < * on ; wah WANTED-FEMALE, | ship Pelicaf, now in port, has had ie WBE LR 2 & ; ) thirty-seven years experience in the "JA GIRL TO SATURDAY NIGHT, ON r hy ak : PRIN- navigation of Hudson Bay and con- adam : oo 'Bousewol cess street, a sum of money. Ow tiguoiis waters, and is naturally All seats in the Pai are entire "ie to street. may RAYE. Stmie by "peoving. property - cess greatly interested "in the recent dec-|free for this attraction. ? A --- ldrations hy Canadian' ministers that $i." 1COOK, WITH, GOOD REFERENCES, a railway must be. built from the . om-- * lady preferred.' Also ome girl to western grain fields to Fort, Church- . ih : pedo fommon ork ; haute Fy Hill, to provide an additional outlet i Ivy Lea, Ont. to Europe for Canada's growing grain . > : " gg supplies. He does not attach the * {A GIRL; ABOUT a? YEARS FOR | same value to the Hudson Bay route : = genera onl Houssw er. pa as appears to be held in government : > to 60 William street: : cireles." In ue first place it is dan- Fae os 2 ; . LADY SEWERS "MARE SANITARY : 2 ] A immense quantities of ice moving shout hs is a £ A Partic 3 oF nd : - : . and vesséls would have to oe built et i ept arom so 'stout!y: to. provide safety that they S y Co. i eR = » 3 rE 4 fie would be necessarily very slow. Then,| - : - . 8 : ite again the route is only navigable for : a3 oh A WANTED---GENERAL. voik . a period each summer of between h STEAM OR GA IND BOAT, 85 TO| Kr Le : ny. f : ; 45 feet. Not old. full' particu- | gerous at all times on account of the Ng three. and four months and even then | Be Ba the ice danger is still there. One : lars. J. As Johnston, Ignace, Ont. ' y ki io grani crop cotilld 'not bel - pe MAN'S BICYCLE FRAME. 22 - : ; ved until the following ~ July or] 7 vd ) n er S 1 . S of Nugust, which would be a great draw. : Oe Sgr bs ake Preferred, : " i Lack. i Co., 109 Broek St. i a REMEMBER TAG DAY ros : Lap .__ |THE OPPORTUNITY TO Do you want t ver cial offerin THREE WAYS OF SUICLOE. rh AR kinds Po wan bh hear of a very spe ering a LE rn RE Sil, done. J. Birch of Petticoats ? Decided Upon All For Thrée Girls ge Flootrician, 306 Wellington street. | - We've always an eye open to anopportunity to Chicago; re bred gr AA to the anerry A Sarde gi colare: ou nar or ol pickup unusual bargains. Ee amd Pol ha Department of Militia & Defence| Lotie. General o 98 da ay We've just profited by that, and a fow days ago |, [lL Honk Brite sented! conn afeton Rife Range: [racic nolhiko seeovoiass| UF sre Aut Hie we unpacked a special purchase of petticoats. age, a border at the farmhouse of] NOTION TO CONTRACTORS. Satiwy four hundred dollars. IE ARCHITECTS. All white--of fine lawn and nainsookl" Not the HG raves, vight wiles, front Hysol melon Tein on! conmtrutRion' Cot Ke. ' : "scrimpy sort (you know the kind we mean), best way out of the difficulty was to|lo th Hoary Ee Militia assed DRESSY but splendid full-fashioned skirts--generous comuit suiciie in such.n way . that [unci 'moon he SULN uel ha received | thelr, SPEnG On rook "Bt, | HENRY: P. SMITH. ARCHITECT in every way. | I SBT it p . . BRICK HOUSE, 417 JOHNSON ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF-|SUMMER COTTAGE, HED OR fice, Cor. Queen ay Bagot stroots. unfurnished, - on ab re Rideau, Apply to McCann, 51 Brock street. wes Ting . . hoe A 2 3 Por Miss' Carvie- Nelson eighteen Ifans and specifications may be seen, odern . y - full 5 "IPA CHE 3 3 SEOTION 10TS 4 nemo re prottily tritumod with Yul. Taco and |r oe, wteamed sty ge i 5s ice Gali | FPA 08, SOP SITIO (FOWED ORD ARCHITECTS RE gi oEtapns insertions--others are graced with fine embroi- of morphine; for ~ Miss. Eva Spill- |érn Ontario, Kingston, Ontario, and the remainder of year or longer as may and Wellingtoh streets. 'Phone, 213. ply o nd ns A 4 van, aged twilty-ive. Be deenk vector of Engineer Services, Head- be -agreed on. Male, prefirred, Apply - x RGB [CB 3 . ' a . 3 ers 4 ; - , Seec.-Treas. LA FFT ery. four ounces of laudanum, and for | Tenders het 'tie made on «© the form Jue Stmpean wa EwLANDS, ara one change Tha in . . Miss Hemriepta McDonald, red ix- | supplied by the Departinent; and ac TEACHE ™ S. 8. NO. 2, TOWN. Be Apply to In all wanted lengths--with underfrills, teen, he fut Aho muzele of a shot |VANed bY un acoobisd chiequa "on 4 Can-{ Skip af Ou, with cirtificate's duties | SHecots. Hntrance on Bagot streewi| Broken, $5 ' . * of a Si a hartere nl y nt. ' 5 17th. v t x . : : i" gun in hi mouth and pulled the trig- fof the amount of 'the tender, yA v8 commences Auguse 13 ary Phone 608. hy Each is worth considerably more than we ask. ger with his toe. the order of the Hoourabid the Minis-| Farry England, Sharbot Lake, Ont. EESONAL : LARGE AND MEDIUM S ' ¢ " . . naiedd ae Eso ter of Militia an nee, whiz ¥ . RSON: - : ventilated room $1, 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.60, 1.75 and so on up to Beside his hady was found on a wili'be fapfeited if the Purty. onmbrny Tr SHOND POLES. 23 FEBT T : mat tn ihe Residands, 5.00 each pm table' a paper wrapper that contained | decline to enter into a contract in ac- | 500 TELEphol Br LES * ith wh Compa MOLES. PIRTHMARKS I a of 4 . " ha the morphine. On = it was scrawled cofdance with ha Sender. a 1008 at Napanee, Ont. uote warts, etc. remaved; permanently, Sts, 174 Earl st 4 og 2 # "for Carrie. of ment dogs not bind itself to price also on 6 inch tops. Address without soar, Twenty years od The empty laudanum accept the lowest or any tender Parks, Lennox Telephone ence. Df. Elmer J. ke, Eve. Bar, vr ; g L CRUMLEY BROS. x a and which was written, "for Eva." An : . 14 Secretary. Speefalist. 258 Bagot street. 181 'Division a ith twelve empty envelope on which a picture | Department of Mila. fad Depeipe, ee" TEACHER FOR SCHOOL SECTION rooms, inoldiug extension litehut,: ; No. 2. Bedford, to commence after BUSINESS CARD. | quire at 179 Div] sion street, Ottawa, J 9, 1908. wa ung 29, 1908 Apply to the undersigned, of a shot gun had been drawn was x inscribed "Henrietta." ewspapers will not he ,.paid for this holidays. : » 1 i ont i it J salary, experience, etc. Must - = - Except that Te hail been acting | authority from the Departmene © ot I tant, James McNed, Sec |RLPOTRIC CARPET CLEANING, Sea £ | authority from the Pepartment. be Protestant. Feath Beds queerly and that he had become des- - Treas., Burridge, P.O., Ont. Se nd nye 3 ra H. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. pondent Graves said he saw nothing my ao Milne. 2 Bagot street. ; 1 : : in Hood's behavior that indicated that t ) ' BOARD. BY JHREE LADIES. ON Milne, 272 Sas DS aanNSON HUN ENTHEN he contemplated self-destruction. sd to. A room with two beds MARRIAGE LICENSES. eleven bedrooms besides, attic, : 3 preferred. State jowen, sales for, 8 marble "washbaxing in each bedroom. " : month, and references. i KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF OL water firnace. POLY Ax Fy CASTLE FOR TOURISTS SRALED TENDERS _ADDREmSuy| 66. eure' British Whig. Kingeton, {Ou Marriage. Lisonaen, 43, Clarence Ste Bond, 70 Clarence street, 2 cok ¥ tothe undersigned, and idorsed "en- Ont. v 5 Look ®ogid fy oh §* wot! A e i | 'ote Wom CWHICS ORnvas 0 d Léather Heel, $1.50. To Be Converted Into Hotel and [9 for heating apparatus; Peterborough, Women's White Canvas .Oxfofd White Heel, $1.75. Resort. thin office MALL 180" pur. 'n Weln | | PRINCE. DENIES PLOT. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT "Dry As A Bone" 1 Ro wr ys slip of paper en (HQ. 18-29-12.) CR FARIS, Sn Tay Ont. Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish| FROM OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, : : .Q. 2-2 " , i Women's White Canvas Oxford Leather Heg), $1.25. . , : : Se July 22 "190 a > Women's White Canvas Oxford White Heel, $2.00. Lisbon, July 4.--A group of . British qn. lon stich Women's White Canvas Pump White Heel, $1.75. capitalists' has submitted to the Por- | Peterborough, Onto Dell Hall, Not 1 Hertonegrin Cin vor : i WOMEN I 8 ha ) ed tc e Po eterboroug n ri all | He Was guy Tita AE, » 90¢. Sa i d 3 si sop, |and forms of tender obtained at this De- ( : -- ° Infants' White Canvas 1 Strap Ankle, size 4 to 7} Maso Hi Ja guificelss old Mouxish partment, and on, apphication to Mr A. | Belgrade, July 4.--The Crown prints The Ldnely Man W1 "S a . . .jcastle, St. Jorge, and grounds into |J. Grant, Trent Canal Oflice, Post Office LC abe LA nie i ge : Child's White Canvas Oxford, size 8 to 10}, 90c. an hotel and pléasure resort Peterborough, Ont. | George emphatically denied his alleged The Umtarian church has a cheer- 1 I . the recent plot to re- ¢ \ Infants' White Canvas =xford, size-4 to 71, 80c. tuguese governmgnt a' proposal tof .blans aud specifications cin be scen | spiracy. Misses' Whit " The te ui : Far ax Persons tendering aré notified that | complicity in bi mim . , > 4 s J hite Canvas oxford, 11 to 2, $1. ~The castle is situated 'on a highvhill | Ges will not be consideréd unless | move Prince Nicholas from the Mon- {ing and coniradely message for the . Infaots', Child's and Misses' White Canvas Sandals in the centre of Lisbon, commanding [made on the printed form® supplied, and { © eorin throne tonely man in religion. He has 90¢c. to $1.50. a view of thirty miles around. signed. with their Aetuul signaty oa by a nH the "heir to a royal crown |thought his way out of the old paths , Tha a $0 oo > Lac tender mus he accompanied hy . 1) Pp . > . ior \ ay y a The hotel would have 800 rooms, al, . accepted cheque on a chartered bank, | would not barter it for a little prin-|of religious belief. The church he has ; ; casitio, theatre, concert rooms and ex- {made payable to the order, of the Hon: | Billy 5700 (id recently to an offi (attended no longer has a gospel that| yg always under cover ensuring / tensive gardens. The total cost is es- |ourable the Minister of Public Works, | CIPalily, he & { his intimate friends. |lie is able to accept. He does not | f% Lerfectl dr Ww, : f = timated at "$1,250.000 equal to ten per cent. (10 .p.c) of the | cer who is one of his lind himself able: to join in the chorus Pp y y- e are taking y Tl =. to be 1 [amount of the tender, which will be for- | «Nor js there any reason why 1 should inc LE ab) 0 join th orders for next Winter, making le government appears to be favor. |feited if the person tendering decline to be jealous of my Montenegrin cousins. of confession about him. So he fan- deliveries as required. incline Ar \ woposal, enter mto a contract whet called upon : inbe fele: imsel i VX ion- ably inclined. toward. the proposal, to do so, or if he fail to complete the "l am as good a rider as Printe [cles himself to be an alien, exeéption 111 PRINCESS ST. - KINGSTON. stipulating only that the British com- work conivacted for. If the tender be | Mivko; as good a shot as Prince Pie- al and abnormal. But to that man Would be glad to have yours. me | pany shall be subject to Portuguese [it accepted the cheque will be return- tro. 1 am n better. shot than Prince [the liberal church offers the hand of law The proposal will be presented |ed. : 1d 1 i ov SS mpdtv ant brotherhood ie I The Department does not bind itself to | Danilo. Moreover, would gain Y [Sympathy al e 3 4 gs : a The lowest ait a ' ! in my |wide open its doors before him and James: Swift & Co to "parliament for: safction. accept the lowest or .any tender, their deaths ? ~They are not : ! By Order. , gives him hearty welcome. 1t shows A : Secretary Dept. Public Works, | Way.' : rand i at Ye is: oily one of Ah r BIG TRADE DECREASE ep mt. of Public Works The erown prince left Belgrade sud-|to him that he is only one of thou- : Depart noni of Pyolie 3 ha dicly ie ahht, on his yacht, and | sands who have had the same experi- Thousand Island & St. Lawrence : ' Between Sheffield and Bradford Newspapers will not be paid 'for this | steamed down the Dagube. de . bee ence. River Steamboat Companies 4 i tes. tverfisement if they Msert it . without | lieved to be en route to the Blac Le 3 and United Sta 5 of bh te. Department, Sea, Address, Rev. C. W. Cagson, at 25 In Connection with Now Y Ce . S tral & Hudson River R.R. London, July ~--A statement the volume of trade between Sheffield ; vo- 'a Bedidents Htmdon street, Boston, Mass., for the and DBradiord and the United States, ' Sporting Baronet 8 J cob . iterature, Ldinburgh, July 4.--8ir Claude de L4nve Kingston daily, except Sunday, just issued, shows a great decrease. Ba v | 4 i > Bradford's decrease in exports to the A 1A Crespigny is arranging a balloon race {5 0 Ad 2 00 bn. 7.20 ami ann : ] United States during the first six - between . the Valkyrie and the Lotus, a os Fa # J, months of 1908 amounted to mere ay as and, undéterred by his Hut Seely a Vingent daily, 10.50 a.m i ¥ y e i B «Ail «in. than $2,500,000, Shefliéld's decrease dents, will probably travel in one ol a Th; Batis pun. Wl = un [ the balloons. lke has had two leg | Under Ladies' Aid of Queen St. Meotho- | vincent 8 re Sonnet on ah Caps ~W i 9% m the lpst three months amounted to] SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE % A « | $569,000 while in the value of steel] ceived at the Office of he undebsigned | hones broken while ballooning, three dist Church, on Tork Bute. Yhrough slecper Cape Vine , Y inte to 12 o'clock .noon July 11th for the I »s smashed while hunting . imports, Sheffield fell from $815,895] UP to = ' rp acd arm hones smas : 2 J Week end round trip rate Kingston to oy 43 145 Je-chonts n of the flag pole in Macdonald three ribs fractured while steeple- FRIDAY, Ju y 10th, Watertown, good a Saturday or i ge Specifications may, be seen at the Office | chasing, one rib broken in a cab ac- via G.T.R. Ss mday, raring up to and including ¥ of the undersigned, : cident, one finger broken while rid- Special train leaves Kin ay, Oi, : : § gston, Ba.m., Jaze Ofticidle Than Patients. To . H. B. R..CRAIG, ing, and two fingers fractured on a fare $3.35; Napanee, 8.55 a.m. fare ii ondon,, July Jon yesterday s City, Engineer. | "rough," in addition to having been 53.80, and 'Belleville, 9.40 a.m., fare 9 e « g meeting of the Wandsworth Board of July 8rd, 1908, partly scalped by a favorite monkey, Kingston. tickets: good to returti ob. ait y en bn, O yards lx. ay a guardian, o - : ee mie trains except, No. 4 to July 13th; Nap- # , stated that he hac at morning Vvis- one Clearing Sate 'od 5 i anee and Belleville tickets good to July & d L & 9 ited" one of the. institutions of the See Wagg LS ey J ¥ ep eae, 11th, \ Metropolitan asylums board and dis- SUMMER SUITS : home om, ranged al hold bi EE - ------ - oval i o ise j 0! § : covered, to his great, surprise, that | | ' ¥ of swimming contests at the public NOTICE Th 2 4 4 the number of officials was forty in n io 4 : ! hi e undersigned have received: 25 Per Cent. Off verything, baths in the borough for the chil- : . . b. f ] I respectfully Wish to inform |iAstructions from "the Court to IXCOSS he nv or of patients. x excess of 'the number 'of Pa dren attending the local elemen- : . : ao ; tary schools. Three of them will he he public * generally ' that' my | offer for sale by ' J \ _ Collision With A Whale. u 188 Wellington: St. 100, 200 and 100 yards' tests, and the | Place of business, . S : : 9 2 Liverpool, July 4.--The Scotch ; hn winners will be given certificates for } NOS. 1735 PRINCESS ST. PUBLIC AUCTION aby yootminy, TostoE Tava 2 LADIES' BICYCLES jitoficiency in sash case, Has fio connection whatever with been in, collision with a sleeping whale| In good running .ordér. A bargain for de His 0 c _ any other store in the city." Yours| At their warerooms, Wellington in the North Sea. The drifter was uch, Ag TURK'S Sécond-Hand Store, : a . ' i wh. lings ¢ ARTHUR K. ROL ITLEY Strect West, Toronto, on SATUR- ! 'Phone, 705, sondon, July 4.--Mr, ,. of Palmerston-road, Bowes Park, an ec- : DAY, July 11th, at 11 o'clock % OR ' pig j \ J a killed, its body being washed up lator ar Mali wad bay TO FORM A BOARD centric. old) gentleman, whose funeral |* a.m. : H ats dil d S Te 2 ook pied Shy lene, ke | Sole of Prgsarving CRaPPles| THE PASSENGER 's * Goldfish At A Wedding To Act in Interésts of the Share- his own coffin and had it ih His Jina i od ; tn TEAMER a A " a i 0 or many years, an ept 8 mi! : " » London, July 4.---At a Blackburn holders stone in his back garden. ' Table and Whipping Cream 2 ARGYLE wedding yesterday the chancel of the| London, July 4.--A meeting of G. said ; Now lying at Kingston, where sho - : SA TURDA Y J l church was arranged as a rustic - ar- | T-R. shareholders, representing £1,- : 2 i and decorgtéd with roses: Floral | 900,000 capital, whe dissented from| '© World's Gold Output. ten. tenner is a pa aie ommencing 5 u ly Oe or oo the board's decision regarding the] London, July 4.--Gold worth $410,- ] esol Sooden construct Class in Inlan: 200 feat arches stood on either side, and two i } \ , minigture fountains played over ponds formation of an advisory Hoard in Can- [000,000 was produced by the world's / ! n ntaining 'live. goldfish. ada, resolved to form. a committee to|mines in 1906, nearly _ sixty-one per 4th, and Lasts Just Twe Weeks. I 2 'do all such things that it shalt con-|cent. of the output being supplied by : An Excellent Heply, sider necessary in the interests of the|the British empire. The total valde " z ! London, July # The Financial News | "harcholders." James Fairbaitn, chair: | of the workLs output of minerals was J 3 : abi "BD Wilkie' Addn < at | Man, said the interests of the share- | about $4,245,000,000. Our New policy demands that cone of this i DD i i Thea. a% | holders had een abominably violated. : . It was only necéssary to put the mmt-| 80 Per Cent. Of Food Adulterated. y 2 y bd \ , is excellent reply to the I ) R season's: goods shall be carried over until the Cann, Be cy, oie] ter prominvatly: Defofostmar to ret London, July 4--In his annual "sé | i i . sides of the Atlantic. all the support théy wanted! The|port the medical officer of health for next; and that means a price must be put on . au G.T'R. is looked -upett' as 'au 'alien| Wandsworth states that no fewer thag ¥ Join the rush at Jenkins' sale: line in' Canada. eighty per cent. of the samples taken them that will compel you to buy whether you Two towers; to cost $120,000, are at private houses' for anulysis under s to be built on the Church of Our Lady + The Last Straw. the sale of food and drugs act "were need them just now or not. at' Guelph. Vienna, July 4.--Frau Rappaport, of | found to be adulterated. : : The people always flock #o Jenkins' | Walring, Bohemia. and her two " Fs sale, danghters attempted to commit sui-| See Wagponer's Ylae serge and | hhek} i o% y ; The Lonisiana legislature has passed | cide because the loeal newspaper had'| chaviot suitings as 25 pc. off. Nore | EB. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., a bill making bomb-throwing a' capi- | hinted not only that they were extra-| serve. Sale lasts fifteen days oply. | | tal offence. vagant in dress; Dut that they dressed | Some mei are foolish enough to 114 PRINCESS STREET. 3 Bargains, bargains, at Jenkins' sale, | with bad taste, Iboast of the enemies they mgke, x almost capsized, yWwhile the whale was 4 i oa.