Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jul 1908, p. 4

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J PAGE POUR Thay Cold- Storage Feeling . Which is so pleasant warm. days is always possibility 4 kind of an ICE CREAM FREEZER Ice Cream Freezers are all alike in one respecl--tiliey use ice and salt for fregzing.: They differ in the method of using, it and small details. ; ICE CHISELS, ™=7 ICE PICKS? Toc: ICE SHAVES, EPR ICE TONGS We would like the opportunity of showing them to you, CAN --- Corbett's. ww on these AR easy one has the right AR EATA "AYA CATATAY) - - i BOATS! BOATS! Some good light Punts, made of Cypress and White Pine. FOR CAMPING or FISHING 'Cc mplete with new and well built. cheap. . ANGLIN & ©0. Foot of Wellington St. oars all Will sell CHE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BrrmisH WHI year. 'Editions at 2.30 WEEKLY BRITISH i on M: WANTED--A NATIONAL SPIRIT. Canada has but the one day, July ist, when its people can unite in a na- ional jubilation, and i is remarkable how indifferently it is regarded. Con- ederation came ébout peaceably, with- yut any strain or stress or sacrifice of ife, and because of this--the unconsci- sus blending of the country out of one ondition into another--there has neva sr been any particular demonstration »n Dominion day. The occasion has yecome one when-men, in meditative nood, have looked backward, have soted the progress that has been made «nd thanked God for the peace and that have abounded, and wosperity advances. aken courage - for [here is an inspiration in this and a There is wanfing, how- national new, atisfaction too. cultivation of the in Canadian aims of in wer, the pirit, the «hd accompl that sentime pride ishments, the growth nt' which is essential \ healthy national development. This is .omething which our public men must 1 :ncourage and stimulate in every way they can. Caruso is not happy. Why ? The weople expect so much of him, that a constant strain upon him. $2,500 he receives is not with- all and here is fle has to earn the yightly, and the contest ut its terrors. In public he is private all anxiety smiles, in always a pleasure to ear. It is not a great. ret a ---------- GOODNESS AS A TONIC. Daniels, passen- k Central in King- asion- The late George H. er agent of the New Yor -ailway, was known to many ton, having visited the city oce HEALTHY PLANTS Require the . Most Careful Atten tion As Well As Good Soil. Did you ever see a rosebush which- despit: the most beneficial environmen oi soil--of of atmos phere, seemed achieve ¢ healthy growth, A 'ton of manure will not shelp « plant that has a canker eating out it heer, You must destroy you ean remove tha effect. You cannot cure Dandrufi and Bald ness by rubbing hair lotions anc rubbing in vaseline, ete. You must look to the cause of th troablo~il's a germ. at the roots your hair which causes it to fall out Newlro's Herpicide destroys' th germ, and healthy hair is the sure re end to sunshine- never the cause befor on 0 sult. Sold by lading drageists. Send 10e in stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, Mx and $1. G. W, Mahood, special agent If you wish to he successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen. street, , CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE school, Bookkeeping, typewriting, tele- and all commercial thoroughly taught by experienced teachers. 'ht classes. Enter at Rates very moderate, business * shorthand, graphy, subjects > competent Day and ni y any time. , jPhone, 440, H. F. METCALFE, President. INNINGHAM, Secretary. Wood's Phosphodin The Great IFnglish Remec Tones anc. invigorates iho whe nervous system, makes ne Blood in nld Veins, (ures Ne ty, Mental and Brain Worry, D pondeney, Sexual Weakness, Kmiseionk, Sp matorrhea, axd Ffects of Abuse or Freese Price $1 per box, six for §8. One will please, will cure. Sold by all gists or mailed n pkg. on receipt of price. New pamph , mailed free. Th a Med cine Co. Wormerly Winds yb Toronto, Or "The Old Cab Stand * With a New Number ~ PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- , ed to, day or night. copralen T ------- You Can Rake The i Town Over-- You can tramp from end to end of it for better coal than we supply, and then--not find it. We snow good coal when We see it-- that's what we buy: wa hope you do=then You'll buy what we sell, the ~elsbrated Plymouth coal--all sizes rR. CRAWFORD "Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. ly on business in connection with he St. Lawrence Steamboat com- any. He was a close personal friend f Henry Folger, and, like him, was \ lover of literature. men--railway and steam- oat men from all find ime to write for the.entertainment of he masses, can hardly be conceived. {et Mr. Daniels, in illuminating the of the New York Central picturesque Haw busy others--can iterature giving description of many gave expression to in the. resorts, allway, or wtting to leasure houghts of richest quality. Mr. Fol- er, in the odd moments that were his \s business lifted its depressing bur- wrote sketches that in the literature of en from him, ook high ranks he times. Life is very much what men try to aake it. The genial ones, whom one aeets in jravel, who come and go sith all the freshness of the morning srecze, are really the best of human ature, and their kindly words have he of They way, as Mr. Daniels has done, but he memory of decidedly weet and refreshing. virtue an elixir. pass them is So the judges, will regulate the vot- New On- no overlap and is lists in Manitoba that there ors' ario, sea jing, no freezing out, no disfranchise- the ago, nent of the voters. Practically wremier's suggestion months vhich the: opposition would not ac ept. The obstruction of business has ost lollars. the country many thousands of -------------- BENEFACTORS OF THE PEOPLE. In Germany the scientist is encour- wged most by the state in the prose- The who are gifted in this ution of research work. pro- essional men vay are possessed of the true spirit or investigation--for patient, plod- ling, persistent experiment, so often without results--are, comparatively speaking, few, and they should have enerous support 'while they devote heir time and talent to discovery. The jerman government, in its own pater- appreciates what found wal way 18 o-be a great advantage, a panacea or the ills of humanity, and makes i# behind it the wneficiary of the state. he scientist who In our own land--in America, rich in ts resources and in the opportunities or splendid service--there is going On + better way ol encouraging original large means are esearch. Men of wetting aside the money that is ne essary to compensate those who are willing to serve their fellows by seek- jes or cures for thi diseases of the day. Thus Henry Phipps, the under of an institution in Philadel shia for tuberculosis research, at cost of £1,200,000, has just given John Jopkins University $500,000 for the study of insanity. Pliysicians are siving the subject their best thought but at the disadvan: tage, of having a practice to follow. I'he Henry Phipps idea is that pro- vided with an ample endowment the university may secure specialists who will dedicate their lives to the 'con- sideration of a growing affliction, and ng remed a ind attention, out of their experience suggest treat- ment which will benefit the masses. There is more honor. in this, more monuments that are silent and unc serviceable, though meant to perpé- tuate a memory or an event. Car negic bas dome much with his mil- lions, in establishing libraries, cep but his best work is the endowment of the institute at Washington, at a cost of $10,000,000, in which scientists will do research work. Rockefeller has done mich Yor education, but hisimost' appreciated gift is $4,000,000 to the New York * institute for inquiry into - tuberculosis, pneumonia, cerebro-spinal meningitis, and scarlet fever. Peter Brent Bigham, of Boston, follows with the princely contribution of $6,000, 000 for the study of diseases now re- garded as incurable. J The sufferings in the world largely the result of eonditions that men do not understand. With the developments of the age come the germs of diseases which are being slowly combatted in a scientific way. Those who have, at' great peril, sought the bacillus of disease, and laid down their lives that. others may profit by their experience, have been the bene- factors of their race. On a par With them, as the objects of the 'public's ad- miration, are the millionaires who are giving generously towards research work. What they cdnnot do them- selves they are making it possible for others to do, and they are deserving of people's sincere gratitude. -------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. The cheese men in the west will not sell at 11}c. : per '1b. They may rue their decision. Boom prices are not on just now. Some one suggests that Sir Wilfrid Laurier should visit Ontario a little oftener. There is no doubt that the man's personality wins him favour wherever he goes. -- The larger number of the gas meters in Toronto out of order and repister- ing incorrectly, What akout Kingston? Are the people satisfied that their gas accounts are correct ? The combines collect about $3,000, 000 a year from the people. It is the people's contribution to the illegal deals of the day. Yet Attorney-Gener- al Foy does not think he is called .on to do anything. A longer election day is demanded. The workingmen, the clerks, the em- ployees generally have little chance to exercise the rights of - citizenship. How would it do to have the voting from 1 until 9 p.m. ? Back to the . block pavement, eh? Why not let the people see the differ- ent pavements in sections before ask- ing them to commit themselves to any system ? The year will Le gone tefore | anything is done--if some oné does not wake up, -- Hearst is satisfied with the recount His counsel is not pleased, however, and of New York's mayoralty vote. claims that over 6,000 votes were stuf- the ballot Hearst should give him a tip. fed into boxes. The Toronto News says the Ottawa government should destroy the com- by altering the tariff against But the Ontario government should drive out bines them. or expose the com- binsters, with head office in Toronto, and do its" duty anyway. s-- A St. Louis man has made another discovery of great economic value. Tt is to burn limestone . with the coal, securing greater heat, with less smoke Now family man and less keep consumption of coal. the while he experiments. your eye on -- The Ontario railway board has re- fused to stop the cars which connect Fort William and Port Arthur by ready service on t a Riding in to and from certain places Sunday. the cars cannot be an awful sacrilege. There is such a thing as being hypocritical when one would be holy. S-- Lord Northcliffe (better known as Alfred Harmsworth) will make a good newspapur of thé London Times. But how can his individuality be stamped on the editorial sentiment of several papers representing different phases of political life? A prise is one thing; a moulder of pub- lic. opinion is another, commercial enter- -- editor Mr. Buckle, Times, was as ggod a writer as Mr. Delane, but he _ had the same in- It is accounted for. Delane was everything to the paper--the spirit which dominated every department of the papers. Buckle 'was the editor, yet it was not Buckle that spoke of . the London fluence. on This is the age of great newspapers rather current . events, but the Times. than of great editors. Caterpillars Stop Trains. St. Petersburg, July 4.~Telegrams from Kieff state that there is a plague of caterpillars in many parts of south- western Russia. In some places the railway tracks are covered by swarms of the insécts, and traffic is being hindered owing to the state of ' the rails. French Gunnery Records. Paris, July 4.--A telegram to the Matin, from. Toulon, states that the recent gun trials of the first division of the nch Mediterranean squadron weré most satisfactory, 'Fifty per cent, satisfaction, than, in the erection = of tres of public light and intelligence, are | forgotten until last night, when A ' 1908. : "A Terror For His Size." por ing the Prince of Jurgenting the Peinet ir g Scheme. hes Free Press. . down by Hon: G.'P. vw rer Galt is one which will appeal to the imag- ination of the average Canadian. It will - bost honey of course, but then nothing wi 'is worth having canbe got without expense. Canada's Advantage. Mon! i Herald, A lot of good speeches, made in the House . of Commons to prove that Messrs. Fielding and Brodeur get noth- ing in return for what they gave to France, are being s| by the inac- tion of the senate, which will not let the treaty go through because it gives Canada too much. 'Sir John's Experience. Belleville 'Ontario. The women of New York are form- ing an anti-suffragette association. Sensible women those. Sir John A. Macdonald embodied woman suffrage in his dominion election bill many years ago, but he had to abandon the idea because of hostility to it in par- liament. x One Brave Boy. Toronto Star. | At a Belleville Sunday school the ballot on cigarette smoking stood 1K for abolition. to one against. No doubt the ballot was secret, but if the boy who cast his ballot in the minor- ity could be discovered, the chances are his character would turn out to be worth while. He isn't a sheep any- way, Ontario's Big Failure. Toronto Globe. J. J. Foy seems to think that his failure as attorney-general should be as satisfactory to the public as any other minister's success. That he al- lows violations of the 'law under his nose hy combines in restraint of trade is evidently regarded as a matter in which the public should take no inter- est. He is mistaken. It is not for this that the people of Ontario voted. ------------ Favors Slavery. Melboutne, July 4.--The Papuan le- gislative council. bas passed an ordi- nance for the institution of forced native labor. With certain liberal exceptions = it compels every native to work on the government. plantations, unless plant- ing himself or working for employers. There is strong opposition to the ordinance in Anstralia, and it has been . reserved for the governor-gener- al's assent. Staniforth Smith, councillor and di- rector of agriculture of Papua, has sent to Mr. Deakin a minute dissent- ing from the majority of 'the legisla- tive council at Port Moresby. He gives as . his reason that "no man, white or colored, should 'be forced to labor for the benefit of another, whether receiving wages or Tot, un- less as a punishment for violating the laws of the country." Natives refusing to labor for one month annually, without pay, are liable to imprisonment for six months. The law does not apply to mission students. The nafive population of Papua is estimated at about 400,000,- while the Europeans number some 800, and the other aliens 400. -- Tragic Sequel To Romance. Paris, Julyy 4.~A young bride took her life yesterday at Aix-les-Bains during the absence of her husband at the gaming tables. Count de Bistram, a young Russian nobleman, and Countess Sophie de Sgiebneff, aged nineteen, had made a romantic marriage at Odessa some weeks ago, and were spending their honeymoon, at Aix. 'Lhey appeared greatly devoted to each other, but a few days ago the young, bride re- proached her husband for going to a gambling club, and the first dispute arose between - them. 1t passed over, however, and seemed the a missive at the club from the wife, asking him to come home at once. He sent her a verbal reply that be would return as eoon as he had finished his rubber. On his return he found his wife stretched dead on the floor with a bul- let through her heart. Beside her lay a letter saying that as she was npw certain that her husband did ~ not love her she had no wish to_live. count received An Excellent Job. Donaldson, July 1.-~J. Mundell has finished the contract of opening a new road from Fish Creek to Snow Road, and has made an excellent job of it. The school picnic, held in Mundell's Grove, on June 25th, prov- od to be a success. A number frown around here attended the annual pic nic at- Lavant. Charles Blake has erected a fine stable. Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Raspberry visited at their home in Darling. D. Hannah has re- turned home from New Liskeard. The party held at KE. Raspberry's, was well attended. C. Chapple and Miss Hazel Jones attended the celebration of July st held in Lanark. We are all glad to hear that Mrs. J. McKenzie is able 'to be around again. Miss €. Nicholson intends having a social at Beatty's school in the near future. Visitors: Mrs. P. Cameron, at her home; Ida McFarlane, at E. Raspberry's; Misses C. and E. Nich- olson, at A. Cheater's. : ------ England's New "Garden. London, July 4.--During the flower. season just closed, 150,000 boxes, con- taining 60,000,000 blooms, were dis- patched from Spalding station--the centre of the flower-growing district in the fens--to London and the pro- 'vinces. Young Men's Snap Brims. We were fortunate in securing an- other consignment of these popular of hits were registered at a range of 5.500 meters (6,000 yards). hats. See them to-night at Camp bell Bros'. . ing the ter-centenary will be "a little red-faced | of Bobs." 2 : '| Campbell Bros'. PROMOTION RESULTS | ERLE As Announced at the Sydenham . High School. : Lower School Form 1. To Form Promoted conditionally -- George Cochrane, Prank Garvin, Alice Keeley Olive Godirey, Earl Campsall, -- Lower School Form IT. To Middle Schooly Otto Vanluven (honors), velle, Alta Johnston, Lena Harte, Alma Tovell, Helen Sigs- worth, John Shales, Arthur Harte, Florence Walker, Cora Wagar, Frankie Joyce, Norman Freeman, Russell But- terill, Bert Johnston, Willie Agselstine, Effie Genge, Rhoda Haywswd, Lizzie Campsall, Gordon Nicholson, Ina Powelly. WHEN SLEEP COMES, f * Men in Dangerous Situations Are Often Drowsy, Anyone who has seen men in situ- ations of great tension knows tnat some of them--in fact,'a small minor- ity of them--firemen are calkd upon to do may desire to sleep. 1t afiects some men more than others. A case in dlustration is cited by a surgeon writ- ing in the British Medical Journal. Au Honning Spruit, June, 1900, the writ «r happened to bo the only surgeon on the spot when Col. Bullock (now Lien. Bullock) was attacked for about nine ' hours by a Boer force double his own numbers, better armed and assisted by artillery. We were without this in- valuable assistance. During the attack the writer visited the trench in which one men was lad- ly hit and another was lying appar ently dead, except that he had not the color of a man killed in action. The writer turned him over to get a bet tex look at him and found tiie man had been sound asleep, and this was not the only = case of sleeping that day. Col. Bullock's force was called upon to repel an attack at about 7 a.m. onyempty stomachs, were allow- ed to lic face downward in shallow irenches and endure the shell and rifle fire from all but. invisible foes; and in the sun, after a sleepless night of travel in railway trucks, a -few of them went to sleep. The. main cause, the writer believes, was the tension of} the situation in the aksence of active shysical exertion. The writer felt the same desire for sleep, but active em- ployment kept him awake. The wound. ed, except-the most severely wounded, soon succumbed to the leautiful action of this natural anesthetic. President Roy's Notes. Montreal, July 4.--A new develop ment in connection with . the St. John's bank, has come to light. It appears' that in the "black list" isub- mitted to the courts there were notes classed as good security, signed by C. S. Roy, brother of the president. Some of these are found to be the president's own, with his hrother's name substituted. This makes the position of Me: Roy much worse than it was before. ---------- The Pain Must Go. are - Just received another '25 dozen Neal = Dainty Patterns in ot li » Men's Soft Bosom | "All new goods. This season's Tooke Bros. and Crescent Celebrated Makes - $1.00, 1.25 values. To-Night Our Price 69c. Sizes £4 to 44 _ Early Closing Cotimencing MONDAY, July" 6th, our store will close eveni ngs at 5 o'clock dur- ing July and August (Saturdays excepted). THE H. D. BIBBY CO. The wholesome and @ ainty Shredded Wheat wafer, for luncheon, or any meal, with butter, cheese, fruit or mar- malade, will give you new strength and vitality. Always Ready to Serve. Always Delicious. Sold by all grocers. 955. The worst aches and pains quickly disappear after Smith's White Lini- ment has been applied. 1t. quickly penetrates, soothes the inflamed parts, draws away the soremess, and gives relief as if by magic. Gét it to-day, and have it handy, costs but 25¢. only at Wade's Drug Store. ---- Sentenced To A Square Meal. London, July 4.--When the new po- lice court at Ussett, Yorkshire, was opened, yesterday, the first prisoner, a beggar, was sentenced, much to his astonishment, to receive a good square meal. -------- Tolstoy Museum. Moscow, July 4.--By a decision of the Russian douma a former residence of Tolstoy, at Moscow, is to be con- verted into a museum. It will include a public reading-room, and will be Sale of Buffets fs 1 1 n and China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu- lar price $30 for $20. Surface Oak, regular price $25 for $17. Large Buffet, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. Also a line of China Cabi- ets to match, $14 to $25, in solid Quarter Cut Oak. The above are snaps. It will pay you to see them. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Telephone, 5773 The Fist Store Above The Opera House. opened in August. Nest On An Express Train. London; 4.--While a Great Kastern company's express was rung ning between St. Margarets and Bunt- inglord, the fireman found a sparrow sitting on a nest among the coal. July Summer Hats To-Night. Light, cool hats from 25c. up at It is announced that F. Hawken, post office inspector for the district of Ottawa; will be given four months' eave of absence and then superan- nuated. He will be gucceeded in the lOttawa inspectorate by Mr. Bolduc, now inspector at Quebec. 4 The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, has paid a dividend. at the rate of six per cent. per an- punt for the half year énding June 30th. The business of this company for the first half of this year has been. reatly in excess for the same period of other years. "The chronic borrower doesn't like to think .we shall recognize our friends in heaven' You will soon be winded if you try to whistle prosperity to your side. A lot of people endure trouble which they are too lazy to remedy. Afraid To Sleep. Migs Nora N. Strauhenzie, well- known in Bedford, says "Every year 1}. was attacked with asthmg. I used every medicine 1 ever heard of, and treated with many good physicians. I was able to get relief but never a per- manent cure. When a bad attack came on I was afraid to go to sleep, the choking and coughing were so severe. (Catarrhozone cured me,' and for more}. than a year I haven't heen bothered." Catarrhozone _invafiably 'cures Asth- ma and Catarrh, 25c., 50c. and $1 siz- es. The latter is guaranteed. Sold everywhere, - New York Tribune. lumifation come from the ceiling from any point above the heads the diners," tor. "Nothing is so painful as to dine || Manchester Guardian. qwired Pat. ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. Lighting The Dining Room, dining-room il Or of decora t*Neyer have your said the woman with the lights glaring in your eyes from above. lf your eyes happen to be weak it's positive agony, and yet I've known hostesses who had the wit | to provide perfect, food and to get to- gether just the right people--I"ve known such hostesses to make the mistake of lighting their dining-rooms from above. "Qoftly-shaded candles or lamps are the things for dining-rooms. A chan- delier is admissible, if it be hung low, but candles are more artistic. In a room for conversation and eating bril- liant lights are not needed." A Stiff Conundrum. Two Irishmen were telling conuu- drums, and when their supply ran out Pat suggested that they make some said Mike. " Phwhat is ;around a. barnyard in legs and barking up. "AN right," it thot goes feathers and on two like a dog ?"' "My, thot's hard. swered Pat, after some moments thinking. "'Phwhat's the answer » "A chicken !"' but how'd the 1 give it up," an- of} LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co..Lt 81 WILLIAM ST. ss TORONTO. ONT ------ DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Women's use, in irregularities or supression, at all Druggists, or by mail, $2: DR. LITTLE MEDICINE CO, Torogto, Out. : Get Busy. Don't sit down in silent woe ; - Get Busy } Swear you'll get another show ; Get Busy : , Luck will stop and smile on you, If you'll stand a knock or two ; Don't give up and don't got blue ; Get Busy. Start something. Stir $ omcthing up ; Get Busy : ¥ pset Melancholy's cup ; Get Basy : Fortune loves the busy bee, Plum chock4ull of energy ; Face the rough-house cheerily ; Get Busy: . Stagnant waters do not flow Get Busy ; ~ Microbes :n the slow blood grow ; Get Busy ; Microbes of the wreiched blues. Where despair discouraged brews | Shake the moss roots fromx your 'shoes ; Get Busy. Here's your creed and here's your tip; Get Busy. ; . Practice that stiff upper lip ; Get Busy Here's a prophecy It you'll only up and DO. You'll triumphantly go throdgh ; GE1l. AUSYH for you; Only the choicest selected hill ~ "My, thot's foine; h barking of a dog get in there 7" fn- "Oh, I just put that in to make it harder." nu Pu 3 grown tea loaves are used in "Salada" Tea. giving it a delicate fragrance 'and de- licious flavor.

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