Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jul 1908, p. 8

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ot Ls THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY %, 1908. LINDA oes or mm pax. mira FE ORRIR- = B0c. ties for 50. ot Jenk 2 : 25e, at ins" le. URS1 | Cabmen's Case Further Adjourned or Ins, Sale fF cosine | C ham, 205c.; 3 Ih. cans tor . rr T Until July 14th. In Cleveland Store--Six matoes, 406: J. Crawiord. ; "If you 'come back again, you will H. R. Smith, of Syracuse, N.Y., is} 1 . | i TOURISTS. 4 not be allowed to go without some : Removed a visitor in the city, for a few days. - . i : 2% expense to yourself, . Mrs. David Green, Lyndhurst, is "vis- With these words, Magistrate Far- iting Mrs. Smith, Division street. 5 When in Kingston you are KA rell, on Saturday morning, discharged Cooked ham, dbo. 3 Ib. cans tos EE _dially invited to inspect our | James Macnamara; on a charge of matoes, le. J. Crawiord. i play of Fur Garments and { drunkenness. Macnamarsa- Was. Ie: 3 A. W. Burteh, the horse radish deal- Peltories. Our showing is { manded in 'the police court on Thurs- . ; Aer, is lying very it wt his residence; questionably the finest of day wniorning. He claimed to belong 451 Division street noth. House in Canada, in Rare to Montreal. J Jenkins' great gale starts to-day. Exclusive i= : The assault case, in which two local! FT AMES BURST OUT OF THE $10,000 stock to be cut in two. cabmen, are involved, was further en- '1 The market this moming was very Russian Sables, larged until July 14th. BUILDING. largely attended, but the prices re: Hudson Bay Sables, : - , : mained about the same as usual, Russian Ermines, Should Get The Busby. Employes and = Customers Were|, Saturday only, ook ham, 25¢.; Before getting the puggarree for the | . panic-Strick cans tomatoes, . Crawford's, Chinchillas, 14th Regiment's helmets, the officers ange en--Bad Start For Mrs. Robert Marshall and son, Bert, Canadian Mink. considered the s.zgestion of Col. Gor- the Fourth--Bodies Found in |(lifton, Out., are visiling her mother, Silver and Gross Fox, ete. don to get the bushy, the old coun: the Basement. Mrs. Smith, Diviflon street. i try headgear for rifle regiments. 'The | Cleveland, 0., July 3.--An explosion You. cui buy aionges from: Me. 4 bushy is much more attrac ive than of fireworks in the five and ten cent $5 at Gibson s Cross drug store. : . the helmet, and is worn by the 3rd Fstore of Kresge & Co., this morning, Oscar Stevenson, a teacher in the] . , John McKay Fur Houss Victoria Wifles, of Montreal. Tt would | was immediately followed by flames west, is with his parents, Mr. and Th _ . x - - ! 8 ost S800 or $900 to fit out the regi- | bursting from the windc ws of the Mrs. W. Stevenson, Barrie street. ie Eg Wh ed yg ii TT 5 sd Sr 3 149-155 Brock St © ment with the bushy. Probably xt | hunding. : y Figg Paul's Susy school and par- A Jory iflercting programme has been arranged for After St ¥ . S | year it may be secured. The pufegar| Ten or twelve girls employed in the 15) _juchie, day, July Tth, Bro- oppers To-night. u reall go od 5 000000 See Ee | ree around the helmet adds greatly to | place somped al er vo he phy's Point. Boats leave Ferry whari nl 4 Tara Quite 3, Rubel ot | a ' things have ' v ~~ the dress of the regiment, but the |joast four were seriously injured. 'Fhe oO ad a to iihson's Red . e place on sale a . . ! T 4 oh : a busby 1d he still re striking. sthers i sel i ife . x ' : . < " A & yusby won e still more riking others jumped into life nets held by Crows drug store. Phone 230. 540 Pairs Children's Fast Black 430 Yards China firemen and escaped injury. ®) d ¥ Men's and boys' clothing at cost of} 5 al William Swaine, pi tuner. Orders 5 re oe Sitk § : | manufacture at Jenkins' sale. i Jace Numbes o ii ----y oy } dh Cotton Stockings b 20 inches wide, pure silk, Colors, { J S ef u ] i thi wore taht {A fat. aca bet Jonsod, Alexander Seamless feet, all sizes, a particularly | are brown, green, navy. «+ = "=o otf . i ' vo soap. | Watt, missing from his home at gin- Arin 0 ? | : Tot 1a: s Coal Oil and by he flames has not yet been ascer-| yoo' noe ar ot ia good wearing make. Values range from Yours To-night while the lot lasts, Gif : The fire is'now under control. Jenkins' : fs. ) : -- ts Henry Miller, an employee of the $10,000 Stods Bat, Male starts Woxdayy Yours To-Night, 8c Pair. . .35 Only Embroidered 'Shirt y then went down the fire scape in the) Dr, C, Trow and Mr. Livingston, of 165 Pairs Ladies' Lisle Thread Waist Patterns A . y ] 0! mT § " Spangenberg Ss ' It convenfence, economy and durdbility| and opened the windows, ailting Ton Toronto, have been guests, for a few Stockings An ary of milt-giving goods not a OIL STOVE, and comfort aud vase ia J Hospital. They will returm by boat > 3 3 v a only beautiful but useful. You otting a meal. We would strongly re - aby of Shed Hirough the windows| {o-morrow, Dr. Edward. Ryan going und grey lace fronts. These are worth waist, Loh Yuty designs. They 2 a ne ei You get, up| commend Mine Flame and High Tonk Wo| At least seventy-five, he says, \got| Money-saving sale at Jenkins'. 0c and 50c. They are a manufacturer's worth $1.25 each, At 12:10 firemen removed the hodies| you 'ph pk Comb ° oy fe > 4 3 phone 600. - sk Lon ba wir ne stool From 75¢ to $8.00 of six women who had heen smother-|" Jenkins' great sale starts to-day. Your Choice, 25c. 35¢c Each. : . Ay le Sverythi o e fort all tc : 4 " og i $ 0 $3.75, $6 and be rerytl ng or Sum er comfort all to man, found in" the bhagement was still Miss Philles Cains and Miss Hattie : 3 hts alive. She was rushed to a hospital, | Watson have returned from Ganano- received at MecAuley's. "Phone 778. tained. * 12} & " in an arance. aC to 18c. 15¢ Yard. 0 . BE i store, as soon as he discovered the il : ; , For the bridh Lawsetheart, asoline Stoves 30 , Roll bacon 1le.; breakfast bacon, a hivt o Drath Leben eart, or fire, ran hastily to the top floor and | je < Saturday only. Crawford's. : aieiiens-- : . 4 4 aed ig oe have anything to do with seclection of | {he wirl clerks to come out. He pull- dnys, of Dr. W. ©. larber, Roskwood Some Tan, others white and black With material enough to make ' : kuow® too in dealing here you get with them. ¢ i d at the smallest arg of howing for safet nd comfort, > . « ; Te d iy Pow Sy margm Are showing lor, sa'uly io ont. Good rubber tired eab always when lot of samples. Yours To-night while the lot lasts, Hi gold and gold filled mountings, ed in the hasement. A seventh wo-| $40,000 stock to be cut in two 3.7 0, 7 - , I Ww. A Mitchell's Hardware. ee eat tn Svioyihie Misi Nuh : IMP ORTANT : 2 = . MARINE NEWS. aol oL Raynlly candy, '"McCon- 1 000 YARDS HOR N ISH . key 's; res, at Gibson's Red Cross p AMO vook's Catton Koot Compouv What is Found | "ABout the |drug store. Bed 4 ' a MAKE ROCKSES FAMOUS E GL . : ? y : JEWELLER | 2 ihe great Uterine Tome An Wharw Miss Laura V, Asselstine has closed J SF onl af effect on , : : on s Af 1 Wh = el ferlatoron which wonien ow The schooner Acacia cleared for Us- her school at Yarker, and will spend . . - . » » a Rogulatoron which womens |. | TE a To This cotton requires no introduction. Its wearing qualities are so well Issuer of Marriage ¥ { soronathoNo. 1. 83 {8 4 | "The schooner Trade Wind cleared for Mrs. 1. M. Atselnting, at their cottage known that the mention of the name and the guarantee of these Sr : A special case "ser box, | Oswego. al Jmstniew Tarik i ici Licenses. fon Cici can, §6 pen Bok |Opmego. ee came | JL Cunmiagham, piano tuner Hors makes is sufficient. repaid on receyt Jt price Chickering's, Leave orders at Me This lot goes on sale To-night much Relow its value, at 10¢ Yard. ree pariphlet, Address : up from down the river yesterday. w . . mien a. TaroNTa. 02 WA The. steamer. Alexamirin -- was ~at|Atley's book sta, . What you will find here To-night in plenty : Folger's last night on its up trip. oI 18 reported that Sn YelWcrente: New F rilli i r t i I'he schoober: Mary "W. liydon. ar tions being made, the Kingston Board be rl : ngs in grea variety. rived from Oswego - witl coal for R. ot Rejusation is vis thst the quia Ribbons in plain colors and fancy. Vu ") Vv ol 'roptenac w 1} 3 veri i - : pe Missi i fed ed regarding the deh AF any 2h a Corsets,all the well known makes, from 50e, Toe, $1 on up to 3.00. ? Bley J ISSISSUOLl carrie . . fl o : T3 3 3 3 3 Ara are 'of ore oe ve in all likelthood, will he placed in Belts in silk, elastic and leather. Many new arrivals this week. points &o te sity yesterday. hata below cost at Jenkins' Cool Underwests for ladies and children, all sizes. pole tug Reetlett will sunve from sale: Men's Summer Underwear, both Balbriggan and fine light weight oronto with two light barges for| <MéOonkey's Choice of Royalty 1 > 8 He 44 Co., and clear for Oswego candy," fresh on Satmrday at Gibson's Wool. he 3 Red Cross drug store. Phone -230. The C.P.R. e Assiniboi Th hy s ge CF h Soat, _bie As iihola, The rain shower at noon was timely, mn n to-day, he-| ofier the past couple of hot days. 5 : - - tween Owen Sound and Fort William. | g A J . Thi 3 a am. Quch a shower twiop a week would he oC 5 The Assiuihoin i us fect Jongy ith | welcomed. The weather conditions sa ? in or ec ami . aA Cc nches beam, 26 feet 9 in-| fr this season have been much better thes. in depth, anid has a speed of | than n year ago. Women's Plain Cotton Stockings in white, black and colors. en knots. dravol . endi : . . » It is stated that the steamer Arun- Provost, Hiro wieset, hie 8 Spi na Women's Lisle Thread Stockings, n white, colors and black. dell will not he able to leave the gov- | ready-made clothing at low prices. 'The Women's Lace Front Stockings in great variety. ernment. dry dock until Thursday at|erder department is well assorted with Children's Stockings in many makes of Cotton, Lisle Thread, Cashmere. 9 least, There is considerable work te y 700s First cl ralue fi * r 3 ' 3 " i : TO-NIGHT, 7.30 {} CLOCK. he done to the vessel. and it is being De fmcood Vet clase, veive' Au it Special Value in Boys' Stockings. Our Famous Leather Knit, all rushed along. The steamer is losing Don't miss Jenkins' great sale. sizes, from 1up to 16 yeags. practically a wholec month's work, as a result of the accident, and one of the best months at that. To-day, Russell Marshall will play, after the evening service at Sydenham Street Methodist church, the following pro J y » steg np ave ap . + ao 3 . 4 . » » uly ith, the steamer would have been | gramme : Fantasia, I minor ite us in irt ais um S ey busy ith excursions down the | (Raulkes); Andantino No. 2 (Semaive); river, and all the month would have | March Fimebre and Chant Seraphigne i . heen very busy. The Arundel re 0) ' ckaby e li V alues up. to $6.00 aground on June 15th. B' was an (Guilment); Rockahy March (Berlioz). leased on the 29th of the month. , First Baptist Pienic. or 1.98 ac . The picnic of the First Baptist Sun- i NEWS OF DISTRICT. day schdol took * placa at Brophy's . Point, on Friday afternoon. Races The Tidings From Various Points| were run by the children and young . . in FasterneQntario. /| people, the first prizes being won by Panama and Voile Skirts Miss L.. Blanche Gibbard, of Napa- Frank Lerange, Frederick 'l hompson, nee, has gradimted as a nurse at the (John Bawden, Norman Pickering, In Navy Blue and Plain White. Values Brockville: gencral hospital, Misscs Elma Lake, Edna Singleton, , A quiet wedding took place at the Mabel Smaliridge, Edith Clarke, Ilda up {o $6.50. home of Mr. and Mrs." John Berry, Hughson. Second prizes were also giv- I'renton, on June : 29th, when their|en to William McCullough, Norman : daughter, Marv Louisa, was united in| Frost, George Friendship, Misses or . ac . marriage to Walter Collins, assistant | Minnie Stones, Marjorie Lake, Della a + en a ; r superintendent of the C.P.R., Mont- Young, Mabel Smallridge, Alice veal. Friendship, Bessia Friendship, Agnes Through the death of Mrs. Sarah A. | Litt n. Baseball games were played . Ambrose, relict of the late Michael | during the afternoon. A great number Covert Cloth Shirts Ambrose. Trenton loses an" old and |enjoyed .the pleasant outing. ws most estimable citizen. Her death oc- : his .t . Cp : or curred within a stone's throw of the Netting Is Reported. Long White Silk or Lisle Thread Gloves. RY sHT Short Tweed Coals place of her birth, over seventyfour| A citizen who summers on the lake Long Black Silk or Lisle Thread Gloves. A BY. | shore, stated, this morning, that il- ' ; Mrs. (Rev.) Horton and daughter, legal netting is going on in the waters ! hi d ? Ww f Miss Horton, of Morven, are home s : pr wt n a ria Di 3 above the city. Last might, about - il re S terproo Coats from the hospital, Kingston. In May | 14 30 o'clock, he saw some parties put- b . Mrs. Horton was placed in the hos- | ,: t far: from where. he 4 a FOR pital for treatment Miss Horton ng out jou no } ar : pa tie in a : . : . ¢ abides. As week, some parties & a went to the city to remain part of the the same locality placed a dead horse . ime wi wr apr fbw davs af-1]. . . mp with, he 1 ote r. A Ne a An in the water and allowed it to float os sr her arrive Vor pn v h : ter No Serive , however, Miss y on| down the harbor. .It will take: a de- racte Wro-pne ' $ : ore - ee -------------------------------------------- " ® contracted pleuro-pnenmonia, and was] junent of police, health officers and . also placegl in the hospital. ate Taylor and: Mise: Jaina | fishery ovSrsetes to "keep watch yp OFFERED A CUP e608 0600000000000000000000000000000000000005 y : 2 are spec Taudvin can be de- Vanalstine, daughter of the late John there. "Inspector Taucvin BOX ; -- . ® s eu - ; Tr ame bd) x x pended upon to investigate : the net-| For Winners in City League Base- White Muslin Bl Vania, were maid, in Napanee, |e, an is 0 dligent. of a y sday, > sence > o i . ; te us in ouses invited guests. Both bride and groom Ory James Baker, the well-known tobae- : are employees of the Robinson com- copist, has offered a handsome silver Whi M li D , pany. The groom, who has been a Church Notice. cup for the winners in the city base- r We havea fineassort- tte us mn rawers 1 vesident of Napanee hut a short time, First [Church of Christ Scientist-- ball league. - 'The cup was expected to . =e ment of the newest - Trunks, Bags, . ; .-- Suit Gases, ' is popular, and his bride is one of | Qunday/ 11 a.m., subject, "God." reach the city this afternoon, and Worth 50c 75¢ Napanee's popular young ladies. Wednesday, testimonial meeting, 8 it will be placed on exhibition. At 2p . ] . Shawl Straps And All Travelling Requisites. ® » » ® ® - » ® > They say a Smith's Falls young p.m. Frea reading room every after-|a meeting of the executive a hearty | @ F lady fell into the river and would | 10, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock, vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Ba-| @ or 25¢ Each have heen: drowned had she not. had Monday and Thursday, 8 to 9.30 p.m. ker for his donation. The OGL.C. ® i . enough presence of mind to unpin her | 5, George's éathedral--S8 a.m. holy | team is at present at the head of the . ---- "Merry Widow" sailor, turn it upside| op munjon; 10:15 a.m. matting; 11|list, but the other teams are working x * Ss * ® ® ° down, climb on board i and finddle a.m., hold communion, preacher the hard and will make the raee for the ashore. An Amprior girl uses hers | pov. I. Gi. Orchard; 4 p.m., baptism; trophy very interesting: - for a bath tub, but the © worst we've | » rari I rg Long Lisle Gloves Tard of thém doing in Almonte is th? evensong, preacher, Jean Ya , hanging the washing out on the, rim. White, Black, Tans. Worth 50c¢., 60c. S-------------- Dr. Campbell ; Laidlaw, a recent} : i She Is Recovering. Excursion From The Island. Queen's University graduate, who Granted It A Second Year. . Ottawa Journal. The steamer America brought an ex- has been taking up research work in : or C atr. Mrs. . Richard' James, of University | cursion from Thousand Island points, | the London, England hospitals, hold- . . avenue, Kingston, who was confmed | at 11.40 o'clock, this morning. This |ing the London exhibition commis E { . progressing well. She was in Ottawa | son. 'In the afternoon, she carried | this scholarship for another year and A Ple } : " : rd ® to the house for several days, is now | was her first up excursion of the sea-|sioners sc holarship, has. been granted ° ® ® -- at the time of the smashap on the | back quite a few from the city for a will continue his research studies. ------------ -- > . ) Britannia line of the Ottawa Eleetriel trip among the islands, . 2. 1 sd ® i Railway company. She was on the ! By -- The people always flock" to Jenkins * as : . A i, Sr, 7 WR nT, : THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE : . $e jumped in time to escape serious in- | teacher ones.the staff, has been ap- Burlars last night entered two | o J , ° ® : N i * . . " jury. The shock to her nervous sys- pointed principal of Cobourg Collegi- | stores in Foxhoro, near Belleville, and : an tem. however, proved considerable, | ate histitute, at a salary of $1400. took cash and goods. They escaped. 00068000000000000000000000080000000000000808 ang she was laid up for some time. Everything reduced at Jenkins' sale.| Everything reduced at Jenkins' sale. A i 3 -

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