Boodesoosssnssssonsess 06086600 a, Another ] Look over your floors. Rug revealed ? Wea Rug in our large stock Off. Remember we have one of the largest stocks to select from there is hs Kingston. Tapestry Rugs, Union all wanted sizes. L.inoleums The same liberal offer Linoleums. stripes. CRUMLEY BROS. LLCRUMLEY DROZ: 00 Floral designs, Isn't the need of a re going to offer any at Twenty Per Cent. and : Wool Rugs in will hold good on all cheeks or i i 00000000006 0000000000 This Is the Weather For Living Out of Doors. For comfort and ease we have a big line of Verandah Chairs and Rockers, Lawn Set- Folding Camp Chairs and tees, Camp Cots. A big lice of Fancy Ruttan Chairs and Rockers, all this week at sale prices. James Reid, The leading Uadersaker. "Phone, 147, $40,000 STOCK TO BE- GUI Men' SC Furnis IN TWO. @ lothing, hings, Hats and Caps. Sale Commencing SATURDAY, July 4th, and Lasts Just Two Weeks. . . : Oar New policy demands that none of this season's goods shall be carried over until the, next; and that means a price must be put on them that will compel you to buy whether you need them just new or n E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO 114 PRINCESS STREET. ot. 9 THREE 60 T0 PRIS Mrs. Nuttall, Fannie Campbell and Roy Smith Go to Central For Six Months--John Shan- non Was Fined. When Mrs. Katherine Nuttall, Cherry. street, was arraigned beiore Magis- trate Farrell, this morning, on a charge of keeping a disorderly house, she said that slice wanted the case ad- journed, as ber lawyer was not pre sent. "Your lawyer says that he does not intend to appear," said the magis- trate. "Well, I want to have atather one. "Did you know before that your lawyer would not come ? 2 "Ng, 1 didnot.' Mrs, Nuttall asked to have Mr. Rig- ney come, to defend her, hut one of the constables reported that Mr. Rigney | declined to come. Mrs. Nuttall then {asked for Mr, Mowat and Mr. Nickle, bat both refused. Mrs. Nattall could not secure a lawyer, so the case proceeded without joge. Mrs. Nuttall then pleaded "not | guilty." . One witness called told the trate about people drinking in Nuttall's' house. Considerable bad language was used, and men visited the house at all hours of the night, Angther witness tll of being kept awake at night by rows in the Nug- tall home. He had wdso noticed drunken men going into the house, Mrs. Nuttall said that the evidence of the latter witness was false. Other witnesses were called, and all told of secing men call at the Nuttall house at nights, and of disorderly conduct there. : Magistrate Farrell stated that dur- ing the past year, several complaints had been made about the Nuttall home, and from the evidence one could not but believe that the house was of disorderly character. He then sen- tenced Mrs. Nuttall to six months in the Central prison. Frank Daryeau, arrested on a charge of being a frequenter of the house, pleaded "not guilty," * through his counsel; J. McD. Mowat. A witness called, stated that she saw Daryeau going into the Nuttall home quite frequently. Another witness also told {of seeing Paryeau go into the Nuttall | house. : The evidence in this case was not concluded, and Daryeau was remanded! ufitil July 23rd, being allowed out on hail. John Shanhan, arrested on a charge being a frequenter of the house, was arraigned, and pleaded "not guilty." A witness called stated that he had seen Shanhan at the Nuttall house on several occasions. He was with the police the night the raid was made; and with one of the constables found Shanhan secreted in the cellar. Sergt. Nesbitt said that he found Shanhan in the cellar. Shanhan said that when the row took place he went to the cellar, and made no effort to get away. Magistrate Farrell said that =~ as Shanhan could not ; give a satisfac- tory account of himself, it was plain- ly to be seen that he was a frequenter of the house. He imposed a fine of $25 and costs, with the option of two months in jail. Richard Cunningham stated that he was wot a frequenter of the Nuttall Bouse. He was out driving on Tues- day afternoon, and called at the house for the first time. The magistrate said that the dence producdd went to show that he had only been at the house on one oc- casion. He could not be classed as a frequenter, and he would, therefore, discharge him. He hoped that this would serve as a warning for him. Ray Smith, charged with being a frequénter of a disorde rly house, wag quite surprised that the Nuttall home should be classed as such. He de- nied the charge Sergt. Neshitt 1 " magis- Mrs, of evi told of arresting Smith and Mrs, Campbell, near the quarry. Mrs. Campbell told him that Mrs. Nuttall had taken carbolic acid, and that she had endeavored to stop her. Afterwards, Mrs. Campbell and Smith, gave the witness the names of {the people who had been in the | house, The magistrate reminded Smith that he hatl been hefore the court before, and should have taken a warnin~. The magistrate aposed a sentence of six months in the Central prison. Fanpie Campbell was the last raigned, and she was also given months in the Central prison, magistrate eiving her a severe primand for her conduct. Band In Macdonald Park. By permission oi Lieut.-Col. Kent and officers of the Mth Rifles.the batid will play the following programme, under the awection of W: also H. Walker, bandmaster, in' Macdonald Park, this evening, at eight o'clock : March-- Down The Field" Friedman. Concert Waltz--' 'La Nouveaute" Harris Intermezzo-- 'Ivanhoe' .... Van Alstyne, Medley Selection} Mills Merry Melodies A Characteristic Pde" ar- six the re- Schulz. Song Waltz--'T Miss You y Select) lon--' 'Bits ot Rewmicks its : Two Step--* Southern Beauties' Polka March--* Seeing Paris' Regimental March, God Save King - Lampe. Johnson Mougeot. The Grocers To Close Early. The up-town grocers, comprising all those doing business west of Prin cess street, have decided to close their stores at 6 p.m. sharp during July and August. From The Best Gardens | Red currants, and raspberries, | lish gooseberries, cherries, ete,, | morning at Carnovsky's. Eng- every | Choice' of {key's." Sold i Cross Drug Store, True politeness doesn't sleep {there are no guests to entertain, {is an ever-present member of Hamily: | Winutt? s violet toilet water is sold i ingston at Gibson's Red Cross {Drug Store, H. Cleaver wul build a rubber he tory at Granby to fight the merger. "*"McCon- Red royalty candy, only at Gibson's when but thie place of business, Hm usements. (TARE OATARI FARE D- NIGHT = pr t Matinee, Friday." at 8:30 g \ Trapeze Acts, Acts, Camadiang Singmes & . ew Moving Pictures, Songs. seats the Pavilion any Ehtively free for this attraction. "Nb admission fee whatever being rged. Friday Children's 1 Cent Day on Cars. NOTICE I respectfully wish to inform thé public - generally that my NOS. 173-5 PRINCESS ST. Has fio connection whatever with any other store in the city. Yours Wu Ting;Fang Has Become "a Vegetarian. WU FTING-FANG. The first 'portrait of Wu Ting-fang made since his return to the United States ys Chinese minister shows that the genial and always entertaining Celestial statesman has aged percep- tivly in the five years since he bade adieu to America, Indeed, Dr. Wu still shows the efiect of that ill-health which compelled him to give up ali public service in China. 'Now Wu has become a vegetarian and has placed a ban on all stimulants, even the mild- est of wines, and claims that he regained his youth. Wu Ling- fang in this country speaker. eso official who can fultil Ya in this respect. Madawe Wu will short- ly join her husband, and"with her will come the only son of the minister and | his wife, as Allisonville Items. Allisongjlle, July 8 +The annual pic- nie of the four Sunday schools was held at French's Point. In the after noon a baseball match was played pe- tween Mount Pleasant and , Allison-| ville, resulting 12 te 5 in favor of Al- lisonville Mrs. Elias Pine, returned home, Sunday, after spending a comple of weeks visiting friends in Belleville. Royal Hicks intends starting, some time in August, for Manitoba, for: a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Wil liam Benson, of Picton, their automobile, to visit his | sister, Mrs. John McFaul, Sunday last. number from around here attended Foresters' walk at Ameliasburgh, Sun- day last. Deseronto Industries Reviving. Deseraonto, July 9.-~There is talk of the Deseronto Iron company starting their smelting works, which have beey closed down for 'some menths past, owing to the company not being able to secure charcoal. There are also signs of the Deseronto Furnittire com- pany starting their new plant, which will employ from seventy-five to hundred hands. one To Consider Their Request. Ottawa, July 98x Wilfrid ride promised the deputation of outside civil this morning consider their request: He them they under the civil service. Lau- the to assured | service Their Cash Is Short, Ottawa, July ¥.--The Army corps of Ottawa decided last not to accept the invitation to Quebec, They held thgir funds would not allow #. No. 5 Co. .of| tre. Army Service corps 'leaves on Tuesday for Quebec. They will stay fourteen days. : fo Rescinded Their Motion. Mbntreal, July 9.--~The Chambre De Commerce, of this city, had appoint- ed a delegate te the approaching cold storage convention in Paris, but they have" rescinded the motion as mark gi disapproval of the French fort "te rectify the Canadian commercial treaty. } Do vour feet scald and burn? Buy talcum powders at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store and dust in veur shoes R. L. Borden claims the . G.T.R. will cost $250,000,000 before comple- FREE SHOW mew ctasy | ARTHUR K. ROUTLEY| _ CHINESE MINISTER TO U.S: has | is | rapidly regaining his. old-time. vogue, | an after-dinner | He has proven the enly Chin- | kee ideals | came up in| would gradually be brought | Medical | night | light go! Shall show how all {God's | Jexpected to arrive at Gravesend to MEN, AT ONGE ON SA expenses. good locality with ry or ling horses to advertise duce our teed stock Sand try speciale. No ei de. nec sary ; we lay out t Yous wo! $25 a week and P rmanent. Write anufacturing Co., WANTED-FEMALE, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ouce. Apply Mrs. Jas." Reid, Princess street. AT 254 AT ROCKWOOR HOS. AT QORCB, a good dining-room girl, o Ax pital, hipusemalt % ply to Matron. Le Reference required. A good cook _ ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- streets. fies, Cor. Queen and Bagot HENRY P.., SMITH, ARCHITECT te. Anchor Building, Market Square "Phone, 845. POWER & SONS; ARCHITECTS, MERs 4ghant"s Bank Bui , corner Brock and Wellington a 'Phone, 213, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mabood's'D; store, corner Princess and Bag streets. Entrance on Bagot street, 'Phone. 608. . PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS _ warts, etc, removed; permanently, "without scar. Twenty. "ye years' re hat ence, Dr. Elmer J Nose, Throat and Siin ™ Biemish GOLD WATCH, WITH BLACK A STRING OF GOLD AAS, MORSES TO A YOUNG GIRL TO 45SIST WITH 1 housework. FOR NEXT SUMMER By AN AMERI-~ THE 1d ounted, een 5 St. and Hotel Dieu, returned to 98 w street. SES { er a Reddeis Srovery 3 5 Bir Finder return t io. Wiig wiley ceive suitable re Ward, i Ww. at the ay Sharia 1 A Senkina, aloep: Ph TRCARSE, 1 WiLL bE| an Ameri furnished McCann, Ta Brock street. {¥08,, 77 and $3 ALFRED : modern Foi dec Bay. Abn A. a T wr SUMMER Fore ACE, dr u. Ridea Pply to Moroes me, App Brid to Mrs, Barrie stree ' wSASOLING | LAUNCH, GOOD » 20 to 25 feet Jong. I eth" Trapt ame ra, cl Telephone to . Ge CoP I0% Brook St. > 1 "Bou can, a furnished dence, three months. MeCan, 61 Brock street, Phone, 3826, or 621; OPPORTUNITY "TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All Kinds: of work promptly done, PF. J. Birch, Electrician, ' 206 "Wellington stréet. JOB SHEARING ASHES ouT OF yards or _ocllars, or other baggage carted. Prices Tight. Apply 'to & Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. Specialist. 258 Bagot street: MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES 'COYER MORE OF building and contents than any other TEACHER Ne BLOND CLA 5S 9, certificate, for S Salary four hundred dollars. Secretar A oh to M, Avery, V, pply Sharbot company offers. Examine them at Godwin's I surance Emporium, Mark et Square. \ dat, T LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND- GLOBR Fire Insurance Com pany, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition t wwhich the policyholders have fo security the unlimited lability of a the stoekllolders,) Farm and city pro- perty insured at. lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents, "Phone, 568. - The Modern Problem, Canadian Courier, Ligin' eountys "Ont., something of an old one, {many respects always new. The boys and girls are leaving the farm. One of jthe finest and most prosperous coun- ties in Americg is being destituted of its, young folk by the business college and the correspondence school. and the glamor and glare of city life, This is worth a lament. Goldsmith will have to arise in Elgin and sfc the dirge of "tlie deserted village. Farmers in that beautiful Garden of Eden counly are more prosperous than ever! before; they have more cattle and | clearing and crops and huge bank | barns worth thousands of dollars |each and brick mansions, and money in the bank. But what they lack | nowadays is what 'their ancestors had "most of years ago--young folk .to take up the lamd and do on the | place. Great crops and no man to { harvest them; hired menshardyto get Jarl harder to keep; gon and daughter heir to a good farm wotrying along somewhere at a few dollars a week clerking or 'banging a typewriter. This {is the plaint of Elgin in a day, when { farming by machinery has lost most fof the drudgery it had in the ald hand days. Jr has a problem; but ° in The Love Of God. | Mats ie Davenport Babeock. | God's boundless Love and arching sky Above us when we wake or sleep, | Above us when we smile or weep, | Above us when we live or die, God's tireless Love ! Beside' the cot Of her sick child the mother sleeps. The Heavenly Father ever keeps L Unweary - watch---He slunbers not. | God' s patiente=Love ! Misunderstood By hearts that suffer én the nights Doubtad: yet waiting till Heaven's work things for 8904: anighty Love ! On . Calvary's height Siffering to save us,from our sin, To+bring the Heaveflly Kingdom in, And fill our lives with joy and light. God's shangelesy Love! The wandering: dishonors ; yet, is met my-son 1" Forsanies forgets, ae olin, Ww Repenting, £008 'Welcome, | What will it be . So > "shadow s flee away, For all Eternity"s bright day : The unfolding of that Love te hee ! Ss s------ A great many touring autos art coming through the city ow every day. Nine topring cars were at Moorg ss garage, on Wednesday night and the men had te work all night stting them in shape Bot By, 'Book { For Women.' It will give weak women many valu able suggestions of relief--and with strictly confidential medical advice i entirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop Racine, Wis. The book No. 4 tells al* about Dr. Shoop's Night Cure ane how these soothing, healing, antisepti suppositories can "be successfully ap plied to correct these weaknesses Write for the book. The Night Car is sold by all druggists. "3 Two Swedish battleships, the' Dris-9 tigheten and Thor, will pay a six days' visit to the Thames. They are day. Suspicion is' the enemy of peace anc happiness. : Success depends upon more than i in- i tending. ' DRESSY ELECTRIC | 'HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT ill August 3rd. . . "or N. Minaker and C. Dulmage, ENTLEMEN TO G@BT their ted Hunde at Gallo- Anish Jay 8. to 181 Brock St. Rext to Bisby' ® Livéry. BUSINESS CARD. CARPES CLEANING, Sewing, and iy Feather B and Pillows =k "by steam, Milne, 272 Bagot street. Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. Truth Is A Trust. Truth is a trust, and not a selfish treasure. It cannot be hoarded up vithin one's own mind without sin. If 'ou have been given a new thought of he true, you have simply been ap- winted agent for others. It is your luty to transmit the thought hem. alse to your duty as trustee of the ruth. How ean you face the God who as revealed the truth to you that rou might speak it to others if you efuse to speak it? There is quore sin u what vou have not spoken of the ruth than in avhat you havedeclared f the false. ------ to | To refuse to speak it is to be| BRICK HOUSE, 417 JOHNSON 87. Bourn redecorated, ar St Plumbing. i fo ROE OFFICE Roow ie No, 1 , I Bina, 0s street. LARGE AND MEDIUM Sze BRiGHT [razr amp "ike Phe Rese" ane -- sectio West, Clergy Sts, Trl Earl "a onl FROM OCT. 1.-BRICK RESIDENCE, 48L Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. quire at 179 Division 'street, COTTAGES ON CRUSO ISLAND, furnished and well stocked with fruit and all modern conveniences. Also cottage on Is K., ite C.P, R. Station, with 10° Tova and ex- to kitchen ; lately Sowpieted, ruished in terme. Aly to Doyle, St. Lawrence Ag ue. | SITUATIONS VACANT, MEN AND WOMEN TO TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. earn twelve to secure MARRIAGE LICENSES, C; 8. KIRKPATRICK, Boues Marriage Licenses, 43 A Satisfied Customer Is'the best advertisement a busi. ness 'concern can have, | Swift's Coal Has, for years, ter all it's customers. Aré you' 'one of these ? oF Clarence St, James Swift & Co '| Thousand Island & St. Lawrence Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 leacon street, Boston Mass., iterature, y Loughboro Council. 6.--Henry McRow, ull 'of account for crushing stone, #250; Thomas Redmond, conveying reorge Burley to Kingston hospital, »; W. I, Shales, culvert and job on Sediord road, $4; John Hogan, break- ng stone, ¥3¥; Wiliam Kennedy, reaking stone, $14; 'Thomas Trous- lale, provisions supplied: George Bur- «ay, $3.90; William Snook, job near ledford boundary, $7; George Kemp, alvert on the Bedford road, £2: Geo. Amey, job on the Pageé road, $7; Wil- iam Guthrie, job near his place, $10; seorgb Lees, breaking stone near Pex- ry Buck's, $4.50; M. Granger, job. on fediord road, $5; . Isaac Hurley, cul vert and job on Freeborn's hill, $5. Che reeve and treasirer authorized to roreew from the Union Bank $500 for wwnship purposes. Moved by J. M. Stoness, seconded by W. A. Leeman that this council agrees to sign over 0 the county of Frontenac their one- juarter interest in the Sydenham and Naterloo road for the prick fixed per mile by arbitratidn on the Perth road. We to retain our one-third from the rovernment, and this resolution to be withenticated as a by-law.--Carried. doved, OrserTrousdale, that® this ouncil make applidation to the coun- July balance in | 5 56 River Steamboat Companies for the | yn Gounestion With New YorkGane tral & Hudson River R.R. i, Leave Kin vS aingaton 4 golly. except Sunday, oLaatd" Kingston Sunday, 7.80 a.m, and Lodve Ca Vince: roy ape nt daily, 10.50 amy vileking reer connections at incen 0 an rom all points in N York State. Through slee ud sent 3 New York. © . mel Vin eek end round t rate Ki on Watertown, gol pas Sunday, returning up Monday, 1.85 Why Buy Imported Mattresses ? When you can get better and cheaper goods from your own dealer, made by the Kingston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St. Capa olin, Saturday » * "nd Including FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE. A nice H and a piece of good Sugar- Cured Pee gn 'Bacon Tre cma) for y judge for necessary proceedings to wtablish as a county bridge the one rossing Des:rt Lake Narrows.--Car- ried. lerk write to the several bridge com. | sanies for prices for a steel bridge, 36 feet span and. 18 feet wide, for con-| crete floor, to be erected at the out- let of lake at Syduslam, Adjourved Commenced Hay Cutting. Point Travern, July 7.--Rain is need- «d very much in this: locality. Manly Juetta is building a new cow stable David Wood. Sylvester Church ind, party gf frieMds passed through wre to the Point one day this week. with a arty of 'friends, attended the Sunday school picnic at Sandbanks, Domin- on day. D. Mcintosh hada ploughing seen on Thursday. - Frederick Bon- rard launched his new boat, the Moved, Ruttan-Leeman, that LL skidoo. 4. D. Collier has been vis fling his brother, Joseph Collier, at . Mr. and Mrs, John Lonoy Distillers. ta ir Fie Ae so uy cl ce ts choose from MYERS, 50 brol- "Phone, 570, spent Sunday at Mrs, M, Minaket's. Collin Hudgin spent Sunday at Wil- liam Head's. Mr, Bush, our popular young school 'teacher, has returned to Consecon, to spend his holidays. Col- lin Hudgin purchased a fine new bug- gy. Clara Head is visiting at Mrs. Claud Dulmaege's. Mrs. Hilton What- tam and*L. T. Vorce, of Pulaski, spent the week-end at Wesley What . tam's. Ansony MeGlochlin visited in this vicinity "Sunday afternoon. Some farmers here have Sormmenced to cut their hay. ee BEBE om wR RPV SR CRS ER 0% WHR Eee EY pi