' arab i THE DAILY BRITISH WILL LOSE HIS EYE BAD ACCIDENT TO LANS. DOWNE RESIDENT. Rf Sunday Evening Service at Half Moon Bay--Two Business Men Altercation, Fined For a Recent Stréet Gananoque, July 13--0Un Saturday afternoon Adelbert Deano, 'whose home is near the village of Lans- downe, met with a paeintul accident which, in all probabihuy, will cost him the sight of one eye. 1he mishap oc- curred near 'l housand lsland: Junction where he was engaged at work, and while cutting the head off a bolt with a coal chisel, a piece flew and struck him in the eye. He wus brought to town, and the injugy attended to, small hopes being held for saving the sight of the injured eye. At Kingston, Miss Hattie Haines, of Gananoque, was united in mar- riage to Bombadier Charles W. J. Adams, of %he Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, by Rev. Dr. MacTavish. the touple were unatiendeddund will spend, their honeymoon at (uebec. On their return they will reside in Kingston, The many friends of Miss Margaret, Raymond, youngest sister of Mrs, 7. 0. Middleton, hing street, leary with pleasure of her recent marriage. to (frank Mergan, of Chicago, in that jeity, where Miss Raymond has been located for the past few years. Fob several years she was located here, and highly esteemed by all who knew | her. Mr. and Mrs. Morgeat will reside on Parnell avenue, . The officers and members of L.OlL., No. 51, of this town, between fifty and {sixty strong, attended divine worship in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Sunday morning. Rev. Henry Gracey delivered the society sermon. : As the Maple Grove church is under- going extensive repairs, Rev. Wu 'I'redennick preached to the congrega- tion of that church in the school- house grove, Sunday alternoon, and will continue holding the service there uhtil repairs are completed. In bad' weather the gchoolhouse will be used, Rev . Mr. Norrington, presiding el- der of this district, conducted quar- terly 'meeting here, yesterday, and al- so Friday and Saturday in the Free Methodist «church, *heing greeted with large congregations. The popular Sabbath evening resort at Half Moon Bay, 'which was be- queathed to the town of Gananoque, by the late owner, in all probability, will be more popular than ever this season. Announcement was made that there would be service held there kay, assistant manager of the Lon- Sunday evening and from six o'clock don & Lancashire Insurance compeny, the river was fairly alive with canoes, { of London, England, who is making a [skiffs, motor and sail boats, heading | tour of Canada in the interésts of in that direction and returning about, | that company. | dusk, . . The two business men of King street who had the fisticuff encounter ga short time ago, have since heen sum- moned for an interview with Police Magistrate Carroll, and the town col- > fers have been increased by donations » from each. : George E. Abbott, of Bristol, Conn. spending the geason on Hay Island, has purchased R. J. Webster's neat. little motor skiff. ' George Taylor handsomely 3 WHIG, MONDAY, 18, 1908. B000000000000000060000 3 | - E---- 25Per Cent Off. Our Store Will Be A Shirt Waist Store This Week. July 13th, at 8 0' clock and All This Week. July is the Shirt Waist selling month and we are going to make it a banner month in this department. Any Shirt Waist in the store At 25 Per Cent, Off .This means your 'choice from: one of the largest and best displays of Waists, .be- tween Montreal and Toronto, Amusements. ( LAKE Y ONTARIO PARK ) TO-NIGHT 28 07 a ,, Free Show High Class Vaudeville New Moving Pictures Latest Illustrated Songs 4 All seats in the Pavilion ave free for this attraction, No admission fee what- ever being charged.' f & A GOLD PBARL-CRESCENT BROOCH, | YEARLING COLT, CHEAP, Fon with star at one end. Finder please quick sale. Apply to a return to . 168 Division St., coruer fd -- -- § Garrett, and receive reward. 4 : g : $7 TWO D HOUSES NOS. 60 ARD Street. Apply A. 8, - LADIES: WATCH, SMALL, a gun metal case, on ' afternoon. Finder please leave at |. Whig office, and receive reward. : A NINE DOLLARS, BETWEEN TOYE'S : Store" vin prot and Wehacton Sac A COOK AND A TABLE MAID, AT Pinder please call at Whig office. for t . ' » Be WONDERLAND LT . the '"Avonmore," 207 William St. reward. GOLD WATCH, WITH CK SILK 's (GENERAL: MAID. APPLY 1 HE uard gold mounted, between 99 Fhe. Hoth re Pou tet Wout Mutity's evening to Mrs. Lesslie, 57 Gorge than: and Hotel Dieu. Re The World-Famed Dutch Comediang street. . + ! it returned to 99 Chatham : a CHAS. KRAMER AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- THE MAN WITH THE TWISTED vant, by July 15th. Apply in the TALK, evening to Mrs, P; C. Stev 114 Stuart street. ' WANTED-FEMALE. TENT, RROONI-RAND, Swe aah eh St. ar B Don Cat ack St., . 332 King St. - . . SING CK Moeation. on DWELLING, cHolCH house, modern. Apply to 7. 3 Boos Office, 159 ton street. * ward slreet WANTED--GENERAL. SECONDHAND SKIFF, IN QooD * ARDIY "J, N."* Whig office. ® TO-LET. FURNISHED DNELLING, OR B81 Broek streets Ran O% Tei 79 ALFRED th Be TE SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED ( unfurnished, on St. Lawrence on Rideau. Apply to McCann, 31 street. : Motion Pictures: "DARING ROBBERIES" . "POLICE WOMEN" Song--"WAY BACK"--=A Winer. CHILDREN FREB TONIGHT, if under 10 years of age and accompanied by their parents, 3c The King Edward 5¢ To-Day and Tuesday, 2 p.m._and 7 pom. "FOUNTAINS OF ROME" See Lhese grand pictures of one of the oldest Cities in the world. "The Second-Hand Camera" Tells a most laughable story of Amateur Photographers. Good Illustrated Songs and others. CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Mgr. Se. AT ROCKWOOD HOS-, od dinving-room girl, or 5° Reference required. Ap- cook also AT ONCE, tal, a ousemai ply to Matron. A good wanted. F INSURANCE RISKS. GOOD TR oe lowest rates, fair settle- ments. Ji R. C, Dobbs & Co., 109, Brock St. Telephone, 480. * " SUMMER BY AN AMERI- POR NE residence, three months. -- McCann, street, "Phone, 328, or 621; ' OPPOR! TO FURNISH . ran Ler on. slaciric work, Al kinds LARGE OFFICE Roo gf. work Droteht on a '| Apply to Geo. Cum: Electrician, 806 "wellington street 35 982 o A JOB CLEANING ASney our a v ? - yards oOr_ocoials, or REE FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGE Carte." Prices 'Hight. Apply "to | for the month of August with skifi' Lytle, General Carter, , 85 Main St. - nt H hgust_wit 'the city. Apply 'Oliver Chown., GET Galo~ s > ot 8 OR 4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR * the months of July and August ina plensant location. All modern im- Ditvements, Address "Py; 0. Box 15 ity. PERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS HAIR, warts, etc. without ecar. ence. Dr. KE Nose, Specialist. 258 IN + - BUSINESS CARD. SY GENTLEMEN TO PRESS: Spi Suits made at way's. Style, price and finish anteed to please. 181 Brock next to Bibby's Livery. TEACHER HOLDING A SECOND- T class certificate, to teach school section No. 2, known as Hill School. Dufjes to ~ commence at close of vacation, Salary, $380 per ear. | Apply to John Giles, Secretary, God- frey, Ont. SLECTRIO CARPET CLBANING, BLE and Laying. Feather Beds and Pillows clea by steamy H. Milne, 272 Bagot street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. Se. LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZFD BRIGHT well ventilated rooms, for the sume~ mer in ** th section of West, Hail Sts, 174 Earl street. Annual Meeting. THE ANNUAL MBRETING OF THE Oddfellows' Helief Association will be surance Kmporiu: Mark- held, on WEDNESDAY, July 15th, be- Godwin 3 In Oru, : Squa gining at 10 o'clock, at .the Granite ot. Bquare: Lodge Room. 4 3 » Members of the Association in good standing are invited to attend. R. MEEK, Sec.-Treas. R POLICIES OVER MORE OF oy building and contents than any other company offers. Examine them at MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Any Straw shape in 50e. from ARCHITECTS. THUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF ART Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. P. SMITH, ARCHITECT HENRY Anchor Building, Market Square; Phone, 845. n R & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER. POWER + Bank Building, Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213, OF , NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT MARRIAGE LICENSES. WN ot Seon B00E thet' Mahog's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF streets. Entrance on Bagot street. Marriage Licenses. 43 Clarence St: © 608. [THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT A STRIKE AT PARIS. . - Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. The God Of To-Day. God lives not in the past. There is no past; it is but the closed tomb of the life that once was, and is not. Time and eternity consist of the frac! tional second | we call "now." I'he past i&8 but a memory; the future is unborn and - non-existent; the only time that really is, is now. And Cod lives in the now, if He lives at all. He speaks to-day, not by echoes from the past, but by speech in the pre- sent. God was never mote a reality, and never will be more a reality than He is to-day. MM you seek Him you will find Him, hear Him, know Him, where you stand to-day. FROM 0OT. 1.-BRICK RESIDENCE, 184 Division street, with twelve =ooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. En- quire at 179 Division street. VERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE ul Fire Insurance Company, Available aseets $61,187,215. In addition t which the policyholders have fo i : v security the unlimited lability of a friends in town. John Compeau, who the stockholders; Farm and city pro- has been visiting bia parents, Hs. and Perty re A at or De Mrs. Telesphore . ompeau, Victoria, PS Es rom Bhs avenue, left on Saturday to join his & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, 568. vessel, the Chieftain, at Cornwall. Mrs. John B. Turner, King street, has left to join her cousin, William Mac- this These $1 to department for hats range $2.50. | Yours as Long as They Last ~ For 50c. ep arm CRUMLEY BROS. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. GO tes earn twelve to ra teen dollars Weekly, Help . Will equip shops. practice. Careful 1 A Satisfied Customer, Is the best advertisement a busi- ness concern can have. ! wift's Coal customers. Are you one of these ? ata: course. ata rite Moler Barber Ca Toronto. OOOV00000000 0000 00000000-0L0000-00000000000 800000 F00FD00000-00-000-0-000000 mealiiassm-- STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS, Boat Employees Want Reports From Canada's Eastern | Shorter Hours. Ocean Ports. | Paris, July 13.~Many rumors of Montreal, July 13.--Movements of strikes to begin on the national holi- Allan Linu steamers: - The Allan Line! day, July 4th, the anniversary of the steamer: lonian.. from. Montreal and | fall of the Bastile, have been current Queves; for Glasgow, passed Father | for the past two weeks, but one Point. 12.25 a.m., on 'July 12th, with strike, which started to-day, came Rs first class, seventy-three a complete surprise. Not a single and ffty-nine steerage employee of the river passenger boats appeared for. duty yesterday morning The Allan line steamer Grampian apd thousands of Parisians who gen- from Glasgow: for Quebee and Mont- erally spend Sunday at Serves, St. real, arrived in Montreal, o 2.20 p.m.,| Cloud and Charentes, ;were compelled on July 19th. to find other means of getting there. NS 'Carthayinian fiom Glasow and! he steamboat lost some $6,000 in Liverpool, fcr Philadephia via St. receipts. The employees are demand John s, Nd. and Halifax, arrived at ing a twelve-hour day instead = of fii Philadelphia, 8 a.m., on July 13th, | teen. and sails. thence on July 18th. 5.8. lonian from Montreal and Que- bec for Glasgow, sailed from Mont- | real, 3.30 a.m., and sailed from Que- | Lec 1.15 p.m., on -July 11th. R.M.S. Turbine Victorian from Liv- erpool for Quebee and Montreal via Rimouski, arrived Montreal 7 a.m, on July 11th. S.8. Tunisign from Montreal and Quebecet for Livecpool, passed Father Point, 1.20 a.m, on July 11th, with thirty-six first-class, ninety-three se- cond cabin and 171- steerage passen- Zers and passed Fame Point 11.50 4.m, on July 11th. Steamer Grampian from Glasgow for Quebec and Montreal, 'passed Father Point, 6.20 a.m. on July 11. Steamer Pretorian, from Glasgow for Quebee and Montreal, sailed from Glasgow on July 11th, with threo| first-class, forty-eight second cabin, | and fifty steerage passengers. H.M.S. Altemarle, Exmouth, Rus Duncan and cruisers Ar rogant River 0-0 O00 0000000000000 -v EE A DYING FAITH ? WHAT DO YOU THINK ? twenty-one second cabin passengers, Declaves ' Christianity in America Do Business Women Make Good is Doomed. / : Wives ? Do = business women make good wives? Cp ighit true that woman s in- vasion of "the world of commerce has : Caused a decrease of marriages ? to read to learn how a party, while that ho believed the Amvrican chuich With four to five million women lin the minority, can cause a session wus dying, and only a fuller knowl earning their own living, social con-|to he prolonged like the last one, and edge ot Chrigt, could save it. | ditions to-day, declares the Rev, Joh publié accounts left unpaid. Dr. Eaton' left Torbnto accept | L. Scudder, pastor of the First Con-| The contract for painting his charge in Cleveland. During his | gregational church, Jersey Lity, N.J., pastorate in that city he added 847 | are entirely difierent from hose members to his congrezation, und has | which prevailed g hundred years ago. 1% is said, the problem of a | Ey women who marry, he says, downtown. church. . | marry as equals, with the knowledge Dr. Eaton painted a dark picture, they ean carn their own living if ne- and yet he that he did not in: | ce sary and that a ficdd is open to tend to convey the impression of hope- | them. lessness. With great earnestness he de A woman, he says, must either live clared : "he American caurch is dy- [as her own supporter, or as the bene ing--it is dying! It is dying ! Don't | ficiary of man: most women determine forget it, years from now, if 1 make their own living, either by lie in my grave, 1 wou'd ke Willing to | their fingers or their brain, have you confront me at the judy The clergyman related the case of ment seat of God with that state | the -Massachusetts school teacher who ment--by that statement 1 mean that | wis wooed ardently by a young man Protestant Christianity in 'America is | whose business career had not pro- dyi with marvelous rapidity, gressed further than the position of (hare on hér regular trip on Saturday "To-day we have a finance al epide- | salesman in an small shoe store. {as there was a large three-masted coal mic, That is to-day the thing we very good position was that of | schooner at anchor, unloading coal think the most ofthe thing that we teacher; she was making some-|at the Rathbun wharf. Her failure to * place at the Lottom of our life, the hing like $800 5 year, and said she| caused some inconvenience to thing that, hail our highest | did not propose to gfve up em $800 | several parties who had to proceed: by good. That is the thing that mer oy for a $500 man./ rail and take her at Kingston. have gona mad over; and so, sweep Unlimited opportunity has been af-| The -American Canoe Association ing over my lanl givanticsha | forded' women in America of recent Will go into camp at its camp grounds dow, is this awful of financial | vears to make individual declsrations|on Sugar Island, August 7th, to 21st, ruin which. constitutes 5 commeric ial f indape nd nce, and, being able to do [thus being here for Gananoque's big epidemio in sur minds. The church has | this, women are not as anxious to day of aquatic sports on August be n "pushed to the marey they formerly. Tha |l7th. the call God has achelor maid 48 proud of her ability | A number of students who have dur- lito an echo." to supjort herself, and the designa-|ing the past week finished their junior tion, "old maid," does not sting as it [and senior leaving examinations, have ace did -- learned with deep regret that Ganan- Although wed iing®will probably be |oque model school is now a thing of ew in proportion to population in the [the past, and unless they can get in- uturs, the mimister thinks the couples | to the model at Kingston, they will marry will be happier, becauss have to take a year in the normal, : It seems from a dis- has presented a bound volume entitled 1 he Order Of Procedure In Parlia- ment" to Gananoque's public library. Everybody will want to get this book dn his saventh anniversary strmon this) weex hey. bir. 'Charles raton Claveland, formerly of Lloor Baptist church, Toronto, declared ol Sireet James Swift & Co Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen tral & Hudson River R.R. Jesus to The the stand pipe inside and out has been given to Frank Wright, his tender for doing: the work being $115. The contract for painting the market building, clock tower and pump houses at the bridge was given to Charles Rogers, his ten- ders of $105 being the lowest. Un. account of a breakdown on the Gananoque-Clayton feryy steamer Wherenow, at noon on Saturday, there was no 'service between the two ports on Saturday afternoon, holding a number of visitors coming to town until Sunday morning, when they got the steamer New Island Farmers Very Busy. : Harlowe, July 10.--The farmers are| Address, Rev. CC, W. Casson, at 25 all busy catting their $iay, and report Peacon street, Boston, Mass., for the a much better crop than last year. A | literature. number of young people attended the celebration at Nountain Grove, to- day. Miss Pearl Taylor left for her home in Latimer, on Saturday last. Master 'Archie Critchley, who had his army injured at school, has gone to Kingston, for treatment. The ice cream social cn Saturday night, was a success, and a very enioyable even- ing was spent. Mrs. William 1 homyp- son was the guest of Mrs. S Clancy, on Wednesday. Miss. Cora Parks, came home on Saturdaytfrom Toron? to where she has been spending the last few months. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grey were the guests of Mrs, Wil- liam Black, one evening this week. Charlio Hiller and William Black made a flying trip to Arden, on Tuesday last. Miss M. Bishop is home from sell ani Kingston, for af few weeks. Mrs. John and Venus for Quebec inward at Fame| Grey visited at Mrs, J. Hiller's, on Point, 11.30 a.m. | Wednesday. Mrs. C. Miller and Mrs. S.8. Lakeonia, Donaldson Linedrom|W. Black wero visiting at Mrs. S. Glasgow, inward 5.15 a.m., 8.8. Nord- | Parks' on Monday last. P. Critchley beon, - Hamburg American in-{ took a load of cheese hoxes to Arden, ward, 5.25 a.m. on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John | Thompson spent Thursday at the Cave. Mr. and Mrs. William Black spent Sunday at Mrs. Henry Black's. Meetings are being continued in the Holiness Movement church. Miss Myr- tle Thompson and Frank Thompson solved, en INDIAN MOCCASIN PICTURE. 3 Jeve Xingaten dally, excépt Sunday, . a.m. and § he Jaoave Kingston Sunday, 7.30 a.m. and i p.m, Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 a.m, and 6.15 p.m. Making direct connectlons at Cape Vincent to and from all points in New York State. Through sleeper Cape Vine cent to New York. Week end round trip rate Kingston to Watertown, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning up to and including Monday, $1.65. FOLLOW THE MAJORITY The majority of Kingston wood con- sumers are buying their wood from The Northern Wood and Lumber' eom- pany, corner King and Place IY Armes. said Symbolism in Decorative Schemes |4 of Many Indian Tribes. There is a symuolism in the decora- tive scheme shown by many difterent radian "trives. We may say that each etd every Indian occasion of pure type is a piclure, or is Loth a picture ahd a pictograph, it may mean some- thing, although it is not a picto- graph. The meaning must perfcree depemd largely upon the suiroundings of the maser. A thousand reasons might in- fluency this or that pattrn. Nome- times a very old~sand wise woman who made 'moccasins, might have a dream, and she would put her "dream" into the moceusin. Perhaps a wellcontent and simple-minded muk- tr would put in merely 5 reflex of the life about ler, the objects with whi-h she was im continual contact. There vould be presant the 'continual tf bute of superstition to the great fore es, life, death, the unknown herafter; the air, the sun, the wind. The trees, the earth; the immediate ighorance, the common , ncecssity, the passing evint of present importance--all these abstract or concrete things might come into the mind of the worker} len to across . on Wanderer, The steamer North King did not call the stop we ke a fear It will pay you to follow their ex- ample, hechuss, never yet has wood heen sold in Kingston at our price. $1 a cord, cut and delivered. background and as Avere of become distant Line, We do not deliver less than a quar. IN UNMARKED GRAVE. ter cord. The Northern Wood and Her Answer. Milburn Peck, were as blue as Samuel fer the heavens eves A Drowned Man at Windsor Was Buried. Windsor, Ont., July J3.-A body, never s who Oo be s but my love Was sadly commmhglec All winter I stood al the portals Fate, Both longing and fearing to knoek ; One should not be rash in a matter weight, all may be lost with fright of For by a shoek, At last, one night, putting prudence to fight I charged the sweet But fancy my feelings As I barked to the answer "1 ought to say 'no, said Fair, "Yes 1 more waited for weeks hair-- Why didn't Foe like a brave victorious wight she gave : surely . the ought, with a scolding and don't rumple my 1'vé you tell me before 7" There ave a whole lot of 'counterfeit in style with empty in this old warld. pockets Watch Chewing Tobacco The big hlack plug. they stand on the same footing, and In lieu of that y {interested person's standpoint to {not entirely in the best interests {prospective teachers, and may have a [strong tendency to lessen the already | scanty supply. mutual affinity will Le the lasis marriage in place of mercenary tives. Loath To Quit. Hamilton Herald. Apparently the more aggressive mem- | Jey; bers of the opposition at Ottawa don't know when they are beaten. That the bottom has fallen out of the Hodgins street, spent | the past harges is a fact which ought to be plain to everybody. Perhaps it is plain | Ny, : fighters at ham Ottawa, but they hate to admit it. [week's visit at Alexandria Bay, {with lieveless attempt to show that, Bailey and Mrs. R. M. Stevens. h Major Hodgins himself, and | "counsel also, abandoned | treal: Mis. FE. may vet be some | to even the conservative Anyhow they wasted a lot of time in the yVithon the major's the charges, there reason for suspecting that the Trans railway commissione sontinental i of interfering somehow guilty of mo- {ville in| be of Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Lake, Gar- Street, spent some time during the past week with relatives in Brock- Mrs, Francis Keyes, River some time during . the week with Wingston friends. and Mrs. Bethuel DeWolfe, Syden- street, have returned from a NY. Mes. C. NH. Mr. M.' Campbell, of Mpn- B. Ross, Robert Ross and H. Orr, of Toronto, wére the ruests of Mr. and Mrs, George Toner, nner. street, during the past week. Miss F. Sunbury, of Waterville, their daughters, and Mrs. A. lassificntion work in order to benefit (Que., was the guest of Mr. end Mrs. favored contractor. { William Edwards, Jr., King street, To have accepted the report of the | during the past week. Mr. and. Mrs. najority of the committee and frankly (Henry Allen, of Toronto, spending the wdmitted that sered and that the opposition had err- | Wd in backing the erring major. would | Li .. N have been the manly course. The per- guson, of Major Hoduins had | past two weeks with the former's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allen, Sy- denham street. Miss Mary Belle Fer- Brockville, spent the past sistent effort to préduce the impres- [four days in town, the guest of Miss sion that after all something may be wrong and that some seandal might he uncovered f the investigation were ing a Mies is spend- relatives in Lula Beerman," King street, Maud Cornell, James street, fev days with continued, reveals the partizan spirit|Lansdoine. at its worst and will séfve to disgust] |v ille, spent fair-minded citizens, Brock- with Miss. Gladys Struthers, of the past few days supposed to be that of Frederick Cook, the young Englishman, = who was drowned while bathing off the Canadian Pacific railway. wharf, Mon- day night, came to = the surface six miles down the river,' Saturday. Goro- ner Lavelle decided that an inquest would not he necessary, as none of the friends of the dead man chimed it. The body was busied in an un- marked grave in Windsor Grove ceme- tery. Snider Road Items. Snider Road, July 1.-G. Genge is repairing the damage dome by light- ming to Stanley - Snider's barn, S. Dradet's new barn is completed. Miss S. Walroth is home for the holidays. P. Genge had the misfortune of having his hand badly hyrt, while working in the mine. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Walroth, at Moscow. Miss Edna Genge, at J. Walker's, Holleford, and Mrs. B. Snider at S. Snider's, Mr. and Mrs. C. McKnight and D. (lark, at J. Walvoth's. Mrs, C. Snider, spending. a few days with friends roth, at T: Kennedy's, Cole Lake. C. Card, st Martin Snider's. E. Genge at C. Reynolds. Miss Maggie Talon, at J Genge's, The railway and munjeipal hoard has to the city of Toronto. ¥ 'holidays with her parents here. { Guelph. Archbishop Gauthief will hold in Gananoque. Mr, and Mrs.' Jacob vil accompanied Mics P. Gaylor to Ar. den on Saturday. S. Parks made a business trip to Northbrook, Monday. Miss Mabel Morrison is home for the holidays. ZL Lombardy Briefs. Lombardy, July 10.--The local 1.0. L. members intend going to Merrick- ville to attend the eclebration of the 12th. Herbert Vaughan, of Ottawa, visited his aunt, Mrs. Thomas Breen, last week. Miss Sadie 0'Meara home from Boston, Mass., where sho is a nurse-in-training, to spemd her is Lillie Taylor, teacher at Rankin, came home, last week, for the summer va- cation. Miss Poppelwell, teacher in the village school, He' taking an ad- vanced course in botany and nature study. at the McDonald Institute, services in the Roman here, confirmation Catholic church, with pigments, quills and beads. These, the moceasin-maker put down as best she might. She could not write it out, for her product was no letter and no pictograph. So in time she thought of symbolism, just as we do in our mathematics. the shorthand of thought universal. came to use the condensed astronomy or astrology or She struggled toward Modern Science. New York Tribune. * An improved apparatus has been ¥ritz Lang, of Munich, Miss made by Dr. Fri wma PY Which the insides of the stomacls can be Feafera is actually swallowed by the patient, stomach the illuminated by a small electric lamp attached to the apparatus bottom next Monday. | Photographie filin twenty inches long clearly photographed. The his be and when it reaches walls thereof ean At the of the camera is wound a Mr. and Mrs. Edgar II. Cottrell and 20d 8 quarter of an inch wide. All rt ov York ams oer the surgeon has to do is to pull a ittle son, of New York, are Sipettad icord and thus run the film past and Mrs 11éns. The electric light is then turned w on, and after to arrive, this week, to visit Cottrell's parents, Mr. Thomas Balie, South Elmsley. A new the the sensitive film has 3 : been impressed: with the image the bridge across Otter Creek, was built, 4 this week, to replace the one burned| Trent is turned off and another sec- "Jin the recent fire. ea. The word of encouragement you to-morrow. tion of the film is brought into until the' requisite number of pictures play, have been obtained. i ordered the annexation of Deer Park |give to-day may be of great service! The man with nothing to do usually ; makes criticism a specialty. . Lumber Co, Cor. King and Place d'Armes Sts. Only Knew The Boy. Lippincott's. Among the guests at a fashionable New York reception was a recently appointed young editor of one of the dailies, who thought extremely well of himself. He received an introduction to the thirteen-vear-old daughter of his hostess. : "And how do you like new r men 1" he asked the little id most condescending tone of voice. "I don't know," she replied, artless. ly; "the only one 1 know is the : one who brings our paper in thé morn. ing." A ---------------- Silence is golden when you | phout to "knock" your neighbor MEER Eo By EP,