| PKOR TWO, Pe -- I Furniture and Carpet Mid-Summer Sale 95 10'20 per cent. reductions. All new folds. Hundreds of ~our customers are * Yaiting themselves of this bargain sea- Fun and many 'are having their purchases © wed until needed, We do this for you wid guarantee safe delivery when want- vf: Bale terms are CASH ONLY. Hall 3iacks, regu Jar $45, reduced to $87. Racks, regu- 35, reduced, to Hall Racks, regu- lar $25, reduced to $20. Hall Racks, regu- lar $22, reduced to $18, | Buffetts, regular i Ng 275, reduced to¥ Tere Ak 304. a or 4 Po Bufiotts, regular ey -- £65, reduced to f° $56, ™ - Bufletts, regular NASI $50. reduced to NERC Bufietts, re « $45, reducs $37, laf to Lawn Seats, Chairs, Swings A fine assort- ment of the newest and best. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Curtains, Drapery, Furniture, Cretonnes and Coverings. All reduced. PHONE 90. Yours, T: F. Herrison Co., PORCH SHADES Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips of Linden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock. R. McFAIUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse FOR YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE. A nice Ham and a piece of good Sugar. Cured Pea Meal Bacon are necessary for the summer home. Also some very choice Cooked Meats. We have a yariety to choose from H, J, MYERS, 60 Brock St. 'Phone, 570, LOOKING {AROUND ? We would like to have an interview with the man who is '"'lookine around' for a home or a good building lot. o Perhaps you 'have'nt ex- actly decided yet to buy, but are just keeping your "weather-eye peeled' for a bargain, > If that is the case we'have a proposition that will be of vital interest to you. No agency in Kingston keepsgpetter posted than we do, and the chances are we have just what you have been looking for. SNAPS $1,400 Double Frame, $1,- 000 cash will secure this. $3,200 Double ceritral locatiqn. Stone $2,700 Single Brick, new. . MCCANN, ° 51 Brock street. vAVIIIIOIIIIIIIIIEIINY SUDDEN DISAPPERANCE OF KINGSTON MAN. Thomas Hampton Went to His Work As Usual in Morning, But Did Not Return--Police at Work on the Case. » t The mysterious disappearance of I s Hampton, of 163 Van Horne street, Toronto, a driver for the Wil- liam Neilson lce Cream company, is causing considerable anxiety to his wife, and the police are working on the case. Hampton is a Kingstonian, son of Henry Hampton, 112 Montreal street, and left this city several years ago. His wife's home is in Toronto. Hampton left his home, on Satur- day morning, in his usual good spir- its, and reported at his employer's works at sevenwo'clock. After loading his 'waggon with ice cream, he start ed on his rounds to deliver, and noth- ing more was heard from him by the ompany. (About 7.30 at night his team was returned to the Neilson sta- bles by a policeman, who had found the waggon at the corner of Queen street and Gwynne avenue, with the horses tied to a telegraph pole. ' Mri Boyd, of Dufferin street, was the last customer served, Hampton having called there about five o'clock. The Ha aptons have one child, a boy, two years of age. His wile says that she knows of no reason why he should want to leave home, and fears that something has happened to him. Mrs. Hampton, the missing man's mother, when seen at her home, én Montreal street, here, this morning, by a Whig representative,,said that she ult net account: for her son's disappearance. She had learned of his sudden disappearance, yesterday, and had written to Toronto, for particu, lars. : "My husband and I intended paying him a visit in a week or so," she said, "and everything has Leen all right with him so far as I know; and [ can give no reason whatever for his sudden disappearance." BOTH WERE FINED. LAN 15 MISSING last might. * MARINE NEWS. The Items Gathered About the Harbour. The steamer Plamanr pass:d up last night, on the way to Hamilton. At Folger s whard: Steamer Alexan- dria. and steambarge Waterlily, down, The steamer Mississquoi was up from river points today, and had on board q large mumber of holiday visi- tors. Steamer Glenmount cleared from Three Rivers for Sydney, Cape Ere ton, and will load rails there for Fort William. The steamer Neepawah ig to-day en- gaged in putting in supplies' at the lighthouses at Four Mile and Nine Mile Point. At Crawford's wharf: Steamiarge Robert McDonald, cleared for Sodus, to load coal; schooner Winnie Wing, clear for Oswego to load coal. Swift's: Steamer North King, down and up, to-day; steamér Aletha, from bay points; steamer Neepawah, up on Mouday, with flour; schooner Kee- watin, from Sodus. M. 1. company s wharf: The steamer Advance passed up, on her way from Montreal, to Fort William; the tug Thomson arrived from Montreal with two lizht barges, and cleared for that port, with two grain barges. At Richardson's wharf : 1he schoon- er Ford River, is loading feldspar, for Charlotte; the steambarge John Ran- dall arrived from Washburn, light, af- ter discharging cargo of grain, ani will elear fcr Oswego to load coal for Booth's. : Gananoque Reporter : The distance from the railway wharf to Jack Straw Light has been a disputed question among boatmen for a long time and to put an end to the controversy the course was asured on Thursday evening. A gasoline launch trailing a ship's log went over the course and the log registered \ exactly one mile and three-quarters {from the south- east corner of the cement dock to the lighthouse. The accuracy of the log had previously been verified over the measured mile from Ormiston's Island to the Spectacles Light. For the pur- pose of testing the speed of longer distance than one mile, the run from Cabmen's Case Was Disposed of To-Day. In the police court, this morning, cabmen were involved, was disposed, of by Magistrate Farrell. One cabman charged the other with assault, but an After the evidence was 'concluded, the magisirate had a charge of assault laid ~ against the complainant, and found them Eoth guilty on a charge of assqult, and fined each $2 and costs. One of the witnesses told of the two cabmen jostling one another in their endeavor to get gn fare, and said that they both acted in a disorderly man- ner. In d'sposing of the case, the magis- trate threw out the hint, that the cabmen had better get on friendly terms - among themselves, or the re- sult might be far mors serious than a police court case. It was rath-' er unfortunate, he said, to have the present state of affairs existing. By G.T.R. For Quebec--14th Regi- ment Arrangements. ! The 14th P.W.0. Rifles will leave for | Quebec next Sunday evening at seven o'clock, via G.T.R. Gging by this route will necessitate crossing the river at Levis to Quebec and cover- ing a two and a hali mile march to the camping ground. However, this | cannot be avoided, and it will be but | a good experience for the regiment, which does not mind. The C.P.R. would have taken the regiment direct to the camping ground, but arrange- ments could not be concluded to go by that line. The picked company of the 47th Regiment will also go by G. T.R. along with the 14th. Lieut.-Col. Young. D.A.A.G., East- ern Ontario, left to-day for Quebec to get things in readiness for the Fast- ern Ontario command. Col. Gordon, 0.C., and Lieut.-Col. Hemming, '3.58 0., with their clerical staff, wil] leave to-morrow for the ancient capital. Bicycle And Automobile. A bicyclist wants' to know what to do when overtaken by 'an automo- bile. The rule is that when a faster vehicle overtakes a slow vehicle, the latter shall keep to the extreme right, and allow the other vehicle to pass it on the left. This would also apply to bicycles. 'When a bievelist uncer- tain, the way is to dismount. best Children Made Happy. { Children under ten years of age will! be admitted to Wonderland free every | night this week if accompanied by par- | ents. Bring them to see Kramer, the! funny Dutchman. { Jones' Falls And Return, 50c. Rideau King every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. well-known writers are represented in the August issue of Smart Set. Particularly interesting is Elizabeth Jordan's story, "Her Let- ters'"'; Lilian Bell contributes a bright skotch, "Dinger for Six"; Beatrice Demarest Lloyd, in "The Word 'and the Wise," contributes her strongest short story; Anne Warner handles & tense situation with great art in "The Night of the Eighteenth-Nineteenth"; Mary Fenollosa's Japanese play, "The Lady of the Hair Pins," is a vivid drama in one act. The poetry is of the usual excellence. Numerous HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Rollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. FP. J. CHENEY & CO., I'sledo, O. We the undersigned have known ¥. J {Cheney for the last 15 years, y vl be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- hess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm, WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting direstly upon the blood and mucous suface of the system. Testi- monials rent free gn cents per . Sdald by Take Hall's Family Pius pation. for consti- | the long standing case, in which two] adjownment had to he 'made for the! ' The : ; : purpose. of sicurng Hurther evidence. | juilgment in the' Cornwall will | probate of the LEAVES SUNDAY EVENING. | yy the railway wharf to Jack Straw and return can, therefore, be safely esti- mated at three and a half miles. WILL UPHELD In Cornwall Case, Woman's Mar- riage Was Business. Toronto Star. . . divisional - 'court _ has given case, which occupied over 'a week in argu. ment before it. The result .is to confirm the judg- ment ' delivered by - Justice Anglin at the trial. The will made by Charles Cornwall a year and a half before his death is upheld. The action was brought by : Louisa OLD BOYS HONE COMING ARRANGE FOR A BIG CELEBRATION. ---- There'll Be Yacht Races, .ilorse Races, La'rosse Match and Other Amusements--Commit- tees Appointed to Maxe Arrangements. Wr large meeting of the general com- ttee for the old boys' home coming celebration was held in the mayor's otic on Monday evening, Mayor koss presiding. Jresent, Aldo, Robertson, Livens, Carson, Nickle and Hanley, and Con. Millan, Af, C. Nickle, W. Nich ols, Dr. G. W. Bell, M. Kirkpatrick, W. R. Givens, A. F. Roney, 1. Ronan, J. 8. Tumer - and Martin. = The first thing to be considered was the music question, and after a little discussion, on motion of Ald. Carson, the Mayer, Ald. Givens and Con. Mil- lan were appointed 5 band committee with power to aét. The horse races were also discussed and a committee sed of Dr, Bell, Ald. Carson and Ald. Robertson, were appointed to confer with the Gentlemen's Driving Association, to arrange for a matinee to be. held that day. The committee will be allowed $10 for the races. One race, will be a delivery rig race, open to any deliv- ery horse as long as he has ben driv- en on a waggon for a period not less than one month. This race will cause much rivalry between local dealers. ' On account'of the lack of first-class basaball teams in the city, the com- mittee decided to have a lacrosse match. The final arrangements were left with W. H. Dalby, manager of the local club. A fn: game wil be ar- ranged, and should take as well as baseball,. The committee appointed to look after the sports in the' fair grounds is composed of Ald. Nickle, A. F. Ronzy and J. S. Turner, Ald. Giv- ens and the sceretary were appointed a committee to arrange for the grriv- al of exewrsions from different parts of the province. There will also Le water sports in the morning, and the arranging of theses was left to Capt. Lesslie, J. H. Maenge and R. Easton BOLDIN THE. ROAS IN AS ECONOMICAL WAY AS "IS POSSIBLE. ~ The Appointment of a New Fire- man Was Delayed--Applica- tions Can Be Sent in Until Friday. Agnes Cornwall, the second wife, for will. The defendants were : Ann Archampaugh, a sister, and Frederick W. Cornwall, Eliza C. Grainger, Mary C.° Waters, A. C Uornwall, Charles W. Cornwall, J. 1. Cornwall, and H. G. Cornwall, of Alexandria Bay, nephews and nieces of the old man. f P Mr. Cornwall was a large property owner of Escott township, Leeds county, and he died at Gouverneur, N.Y. "Whatever love the.testator had for the plaintifi, the marriage on = Her part was strictly business," said Jue tice Britton in giving the judgment. His lordship quotes from a letter written by the plaintiff to a friend : "I hate those devilish Cornwalls as the devil does 'holy water, and all 1 can get out of Uncle Charles I will take for our side of the house, for Min. and Lib., wouldn't you ? My, they are hogs. If I told all T know the will. would not stand law. and the old will would give all to the d----d set, so I must keep still." "TWAS A GREAT DAY. Orangemen Pleased With Trip to : Picton. The members of the local Orange lodges, who attended the big celebra- tion at Picton, en Monday, are more than pleased with the result of the day's outing. "It was one of the best celebrations we ever held," said a member, this morning, who has been attending all the Orange celebrations held in this vicinity for the past twenty-five years. '"The parade was the finest we ever conducted, and the whdle day's proceedings took place without one itch." Dispel Aches And Pins. There is nothing else to be had that will drive away aches, pains and so quickly and help them away so surely as Smith's White Lini- ment. It is the one remed-- that never fails to cure sprains, swellings, in- flammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and all deep-seated aches and pains. Big bottles only 25c., at Wade's drug store, soreness Received His Land Grant, City Auditor Miller has just received his Fenian raid land grant. Mr. Mil- ler served with the 4Sth Regiment, of Toronto, and was one of the veteran defenders of Canada in the sixties. He will now proceed to locate his land, and intends making a trip to New Liskeard, whetrg some day he may set- tle on the farm he chooses. Issued Wednesday. The Ontario Churchman, containing the first complete report in' one issue of the Pan-Anglican Congress. Twelve pages of real church news. At Up- low's. Miss - Lillie Dunk, Campbelliord, has the distinction of capturing the larg- est small-mouthed black bass that hast been caught this season, or for manv years ' past in this section. It was taken on a trawl, in Crow Bay, on Thursday last, and weighed six pounds six ounces, and measured twenty-two inches in length. ! Pond's Extract of Witch Hazel sold in original bottles at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store: "Phone 230. By your actions compel éverybody jthat day to The macadam roads now being built jont of the amount voted by the peo- ple are being constructed, the city en- | gi says, as economically as pos- At the outset he gave a sche- of figures showing the: likely cost of cach block to be constructed. These fignres, however, were merely esti- mates. Some blocks will cost more and others less than the amounts designated. In various cases it can- not be told umtil the scarifier has gone over the road how much stone will be required. 'There is $9,500 to he expended, and this should build twenty blocks. Ail along the line of road construction the roads have first to be well drained and grates have been ryt in. \ le. Fire And Light Committee. At a meeting of the fire and light committee, held yesterday afternoon, for the appointment of a fireman, to take the place of John Lemmon, re- signad tne matter was further delayed for the purpose of advertising in the local papers. Applications are to be sent in by ten o'clock Friday morn: ing, and a special meeting of the committee will likely he called during make the appointment. The members had three applications before them at yesterday's session. Chairman Rigmey presided at the meeting and also present were. Alds. Henderson, Nickle and Robertson. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Island ports, and at 5.00 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. GEORGE MILLS & Sel . Remodelling Furs There is no better time suited in every way for re- modelling furs than just now. ur factory runs the year round, and the new styles for next season are all set, and are being shown in our store. Furs purchased here in summer time are sold at 10% to discount, and are stored until" required without extra cost. We invite inspection and comparison, with absolutely no obligation to buy. 0 to be a witness for your good charac- ter. " i Both hands should be right-handed so far as good fellowship is concerned. Importers Of Fine Hats. Princess St. # THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1008. America takes a different route throtigh the islands, Thursday, 2:30 pm. Supper on board. Fare 50c. mm ------ Had Arm Brokea. : Mrs. Tilbuan, wife of Dr. Tillman, fell down a stairway, at her (home, on right arm. Has Taken Action. The Alberta Central Land Corpora- tion, limited, has issued a writ against D. G. Winley, of Collins Bay, to recover $2,101.25 alleged to be due on land sold to the defendants. Furniture Repaigiue. Upholstering, repairi 4 re- bibing _ fusiture. A specialty of Bei, shops and store fix- tures. W. H. Whittingham, comer Bagot and Queen streets. Brought Up The Keys. A few days ago a young man Folger's whari dropped a bunch of keys into the water and could not re- cover them. 'This morning the water was clear and one could see bottom distinctly so William Aubin took a rake and soon had the keys hooked. Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and Queen leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, §- day and Saturday, at 6 a.m., and for Clayton, N.Y., 'i'uesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 615 p.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. Don't Shoot Them. The Ontario government.has passed an order that no partridge or grouse may be legally shot in Ontario for one year from September 15th next. As the open season by the game laws extends from September 15th to® De- cember 15th this means that no pari- ridge or grouse can be legally shot this year. Lost An Arm Last Night. Some time Monday night the arm of James Baker's Indian was amputa- ted by some. person or persons un- known. The arm was severed at the shoulder and carried away by the surgeon. James considers himself lucky as last time anything happened the Indian itself was carried away and was not -returned for some days. Get Your Share. is .the season when you can Wade's Ice Cream Soda to utmost. The jee ~créam is pure cream, sugar ang flavoring. The ~ syrups are made from juices of selected fruits. The glasses carefully washed, rinsed and polished. Everything in and about the fountain is: cleanliness = itself. This enjoy the made - of J Wade's drug store. .Had A Close Shave. At nine o'clock, this morning, Wil- liam Dinnie, driver for James Sowards' coal yard, had a narrow escape from drowning. He was load- ing soft coal off the wharl into his ed up,"pushing him iuto the water. He went down twice, and was nearly ex- hausted when he was pulled out by James Sowards, standing nearby when he fell in. Thel prompt action of Mr. Sowarils was all that saved Dinnie from: losing his life. The man was well nigh exhausted when he was pull- ed on land, and it was some mo- ments before he came around. 14th Parade. The Quebec contingent of the 14th Regiment had a good turpout on Monday evening. The rain put a stop to the review on the Cricket Field, so the men were drilled in the armories. They marched out King street, and in Wellington to Princess and to the ar- mouries. Both Lands were in atten- dance and furnished fine music along the line of march. The regiment is in good shape for the trip. Every man is taking a great interest in it, and they are bound to make a name for themselves while there. The regiment will leave on Sunday night by special G. T. R. train, arriving in Quebec Monday morning. Oddfellows' Relief Association. There are about fifty directors and representatives of the Oddfellows' Re- lief Association here for the annual meeting. To-day the committees are in session. To-morrow, the annual meeting will take place. The business is being transacted in the Granite lodge room on King street. The sociation is in a prosperous condi- tion. D. M. McIntyre, Kingston, is president; John Donogh, Toronto, vice-president; R. Meek, Kingston, sec- retary-treasurer, and A. H. Blackeby, Kingston, superintendent of agencies; J. M. Farrell, Kingston, solicitor, and Dr. D. E. Mundell, Kingston, me- dical examiner, as- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Canon White, Ireland; Mr. Mabett and wife, Rochester, N.Y.: S. A. Campbell, Atlan Neilson, Conway; G. R. Nimmo, E. Decairie, A. Decaris, Montreal; CC. L. Farnsworth, T. H. Berney, Samuel Myers, Ottawa; J. E. Johnson, Horace Shaver, W. A. Shaw, W. L. Stonehouse, S. S. Sharpe, R. Chadwick, Joseph White, R. J. Qua, W. J. Murray, Toronto; John P. Mor- rison, Braniford; G. W. Barragar, J. E. Parkes, Belleville; W\E. Flammi!- ler, Brooklyn, N.Y.; P. W. Tucker and wife, Francis Tucker, "Little Rock, Col.: F. A. Ritchie, Brockville; Mrs. H. Meredith, Mrs. G. Kendall, Chica- go, Hl;« M. Coweles, Reston; James B. Klock, Mattawa: A. A. White, Bos- ton; M. Costello, Lynn; S, W. Gordon: Cava Vircent: M. M. Blewitt, Mont- real; J. Douglas, W. R. Talbot, Win- nipeg. Pain will depart in exactly twenty minutes if one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken. Pain any- where, Remember ! Pain always means congestion, blood : pressure--nothing else. Headache is blood pressure; toothache is blood pressure on the sen- gitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets--also called Pink Pain Tablets --quickly and safely coax this blond pressure away from pain centres. Pain- ful periods with women get instant ye- lief. 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by all le Sunday, and as a result, fractured herigy _|the "scattered showers" the weather probs. on |be rebuilt at cnce. cart, when the horse unexpectedly baok-| $000000000000000000000000000000000000000 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Repo On Their Rounds. Pay gas and eloctric accounts and save dscount, The old "rounder" soon finds out that nobody wants him around. J All pure frait juices dispensed at the fountain in Gibson's Red Cross Drug Kingston got a small portion of | prophesied in The light rainfall laste was refreshing. Pond's Extract, with cold cream is sold at Gibson's Red Cress Drug | ore. The drinking fountain for Clarence Park will be in. place some time in August. The water connection is all ready. {43 Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after i Don't forget this. The Macdonald Park flagpole will Silas Grimshaw putting on a top- i ae ole has the contract of . mast and otherwise for $150, the figure city engineer, 'What you wear has much to de with your keeping cool these hot days. We are ready: with lots of hot weather and outing needs. Come and see how well we can do for you with - Cool Underwear, Outing Shirts, Cool Sacks, Bathing Suits, ' Fancy Vests, Etc P. J. HUNT, "J." Brand Austrian Collars. rr Good News From Our Ready -1a- Wear Section. Special prices on all lines } in this department, includ- ing Wash Suits, Wash Skirts, White Waists, : Children's Dresses, Whitewear, etc A call will convince you as to the excellent values we | are offering. Agent for | | Big array of White goods, including Pique, Duck, Drill, Linen, Lawn, Organdie, Nicest range in the city. NEWMAN & SHAW: The Always Busy Store. Bathing Caps A large assortment. From 25c¢ Up. | g b go. esl notice. English ind Chi Have your FURS Made Over and Dyed now, as we are getting busy with new orders. W. F. Gourdier. Exclusive Furrier. Phone 700 "GET THE HABIT?" Of going to the King Edward for your Cigars and Tobaccos, as we carry Uigars from! 2¢. up to '$1 each. Tobacco, 25¢. 1b, 'up to $8 Ib. Brier and Meerschaum Pipes, 10c. up to $20 set. . Cigarettes, 5c. package up to 40¢. pack- age. Walking Sticks, 10¢. up to $4 each, Hammocks, $1.25 up to $6.50 each. Also a la variet; of Sportin Goods, Razors, Razor Straps; Poke Knives and une of the finest rtment of Fishing Tackle to be found anywhere. Remember the place, 354 King 'St, 2 doors from Princess St. 3 CLIFTON A. REED, sodomy MOUNTAINS OF CuaL Are now here waiti 1 " rd your Winter Supply. ng, lor yo te order P. WALSH, Barrack si. SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Ladies of Kingston : I have removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- Notic: to Oar Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. A. GLOVER. IF IT IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room enstalled I can do it in first-class style and at the right price. Give me a Phone 335 DAVID H 9 62 Broockst NewEngland Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 a.m.. to 3 a.m., the a. best place to an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on short- infse dishes a specialty. 'Phone, 65 F : : : Plain, Silk and But- terfly. nd Dr. A. P. Chown Phone, 843, 185 Princess Sg. or supression, mail, $2. DR. LITTLE MEDICINE CoO., Toronto, Ont. that you and I should indulge abusive language. you in the by-ways and DR. LITTLE'S FEMALE REGULATING PILLS Best for Woulans use, in irregularities t all Druggists, or by Freedom of speech doesn't mean in for There's plenty of room, too, hedges : : 2: 2000090000000 00000000e "Blest be the tie that binds" some: times doesn't mean much to the choir. 3 Ly oe