A new lease of Un. rc 1s THE PROPER THING will begin the day' TO ROB WHILE ENROUTE TO € you don | ANCIENT CAPITAL. ---- 3 Montreal Feels the Effect of the Flow of Criminals For the Ups Are Numerous. to Quebec Montreal, July 14.~The flow of cpiminals Quebec thé ter-cen- tenavy, is proving an awkward thing Montreal, and operations en j route seem to be the proper thing in { criminal life. The murder in a dive, recently, broke up ome gang of : as | thieves and pickpockets, but anothe , 'A price you are willing to pay. has been nha ie on Mont oulor: {for the past week. Citizens have been held up in broad daylight by the J gang in quiet localities, and people are terrorized. The latest case report- jed to the police is that of a lady visi: PIA | tor from London, England, who was going up Cedar avenue, olf Pine aven- ue, with her little hoy, vesterday af- | ternoon, when she was set upon and { throttled, and her hand-bag, contain ling about $100, taken. Hold-ups oc: !eurred last Tuesday, Friday and Sat- | nrday, an' the police are convinced | they are the work of the same rang, fo ir James Mills, of the Union | Angle Line | it's easy to find : to for | A size to fit you perfectly, flor A fabric to agree with your skin, A weight to suit the season, Your money refunded on any garment trade. marked with the Pen-Angle in red that is defective in material or making. . {Steamship company, of New Zealand, {who has been in Canada for some | time on business with the government, has, it is semi-officially stated, made a proposition to the government of- Viering to perform the Pacific end of | the All-Red steamship plan if the ne- [cessary subsidies are forthcoming from the Canadian and Australian govern b ments, 'and he is giving a contract | covering a number of vears instead of {the year-to-year plan. He will put on a fleet of twenty-knot stsamers, which will meét all the requirements. The Perfect Dres Bhoos, Preserves the finest les gives a brilliant poiish 1) Tub off or soil the dn nticst No dealer edroful of his » putatior Will say anything else is as goud, At all Dealars 10c. and 25c. ting ther and will % TRIED TO MURDER FAMILY. Infuriated Man Was Fatally Shot. : Delmont, N.o., July 14.--FEnraged by family troubles, Amos Polhemus tempted to murder his wile and y | children, yesterday, but was | probably fatally shot ~| daughter, Helen, | place. ] | Probably at four himself his eldest postmistress of this expressed his inten- tion of killing all the members of his "family. Arriving at his home, he seiz «dl a hatchet and struck Sarah, his ixteen-year-old daughter, a glancing | blow consious in TT agra | | by Polhemus the head, rendering her At this juncture Helen an I peared with the revolver, and. as the [irate man started up stairs with the | avowed purpose of killing his wife, | who was lying in hed with a baby. Helen shot him in' the neck. He made |.a dash for the girl. who hot the bullet taking effect in. the abdo men. on again, ANNUAL PARADE. An Accident to a Lad at Merrick- : ville. Mer icky ille, Ont. nual 12th of July Orange Association Grénville was held Fifty lodges were in procession and not less than 8,000 visitors were in town to participate in the "day's pro. ceedings. This is, by all accounts, the largest gathering of the kind ever held in the county. Everything pass ed off harmoniously, with the tion of an accident to a lad, named Porter, from Smith's Falls. He thvown from a merry-go-round sustained a broken leg and other juries. It is reported that he died this morning. These are the kind of Biscuits that Beaver Flour makes--light, flaky, tasty, inviting, appetizing. "Beaver Flour" is equally good for Bread and Biscuits -- Cake and Pies -- because it combines the famous pastry-making qualities of Ontario flour with the strength of Manitoba wheat flotir, 74 Ask your grocer for "Beaver" July 14.~Thé an celebration the of and here vesterday of Leeds excep- was and in- re l -- a -- Burglar Captured In Fernie. Férnie, B.C., July 14.--Monday morning the clothing store of Lson & Waggett was broken into | three suits of clothing stolen, | other articles From there the olars next visited the hardware store lof B. J. Quall, and open the damaging it to such an render it Th Mr. Quail, who lives and he, John- nd 1 besides bur broke register, to as useless noise awakened his store, armed with gu un, held the at his fifteen-year-old son summoned the i Murphy the hiding. placed over robber bay while } | | | jiach extent | | } ie, Policeman Loon ar rived. and {aud found the man | burglar was arrested i jail. He refused to door The in forced open front in and give his name MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. { MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. | MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. i MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT. Order from your Grocer. EW.GILLETT COMPANY § | (een brig LIMITED pectators watching them, were _~ TORONTO.ONY, { prised. to see the object of their con ris | cern and sympathy suddenly appear the crowd and look at the, pro eedings, Lyle, the little two and one thalf-year-old son of Oscar Papps, dis appeared. Neighbors declared that they had seen him playing on the river bank. It was taken for granted that he had been drowned. When he arrived on the scene a shout of 1 joy went up frém the throng. A Lively Runaway. Hamilton, July 14. | Carey, the well-known 4 und his son, Vernon, figured in an ex citing runaway Ring street last evening.- 'lhe front wheel of {heir buggy came ou and both men were compelled to jump, sustaining painful bruises. The horse ran away. He - went headlong into a stone He { Wood's Phosphodine, was knocked off his feet but seram 5) The Great English Bemedp. bled up, shook himself away from the ! Tones and invigorates (bo whole pp ass and continued his wild run ous system, makes new | ° . Ee 4 A *'m old Veins, Cu Nerv 'The animal was later captured practi- cally unhurt, - Lad Not Drowned. Chatham, Ont.,; July 14.--A score of men dragging the Thames river, with , at a point near Aber excited grappling iron Je, and a crowd of sur "Silver Plate that Wears" Ice Cream Forks Fancy serving pieces, knives, forks, spoons, efc., always in good taste, are marked "I847 ROGERS BROS. A great variety of exquisite patterns noted for quality. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Silver urns, pitchers, bulter dishes, sugar bowls, to be right, should be made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. Ww piano dealer George on wall 1 a N 'us Debility, Mer! « and Rrain Worry, Des. ondency, Sexuci Weakness, Fmis«ions, Sper \atorrhma, axd Effects of Abuseor EK. 'rice $1 per box, six for §5. One willp "Will Have Plans Drafted. rill cure. Sold by all druggists or mail plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet Toronto, July 14.-- The construction mailed y The W Mod' cind Co. of now filtraticn plant, for Toronto. Yormerly Winds» Frmonto, Ong, at 5 cost of $T.500.000. was discussed by the hoard of control this ing. It was decided to recommend to the council that Hazen. New York, prepare plans and specifications and the council is asked to whether the city engineer placed in tharpe of the work with resident engineer, to be aprointed im morn- THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal dnd County Deben- tures. Mort eages purchased, "Deposits Myr, Hazen, to he on the gr received and interest allowed. the time. S. C. McGill, Managing Director. ! alan decide will be a loaned bv ali -- ---- The Allan steamer Corinthian, for Montreal, sailed from Havre on Jul tron 3 at Ter-céntenary--Hold- sel said, was because the doctor call- Says THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 14,1908. | TOOK CHILDREN WITH HER. S------------ | Didn't Dance to Please Doctor. New York, July l1.~Mrs. Mary p. i Maynard, ot Engiewood, N.d., applied: Jo Vice-Uhanceltor Stevenson in Jer- sey City, yesterday, for an order re- quiring her - husband, Dr. Frank J. Maynard, to provide her with separ- ate maintenance on the ground that he has treated her cruelly. 1 hefdoctor censured her, she said, i for not accompanying him to enter- tainments given by the Englewood Club and ghe Hackensack Golf Club, to. which she did not wish to go be- cause shy was not fond of dancing, Dr. Maynard told her, she alleged, that. her refusal interfered with his practice and reduced his income. Finally, 'she said, he ordered her out of the house, and she went, tak- ing her two children swith her. Mps. Maynard was corroborated by her sig- ter, Mrs. Vandervoort, and May Worl a maid who took care of the children. Dr. Maynard, in his answer, denied | Wife THE KING'S OWN GUIDE NEW BOOK TELLS WHAT TO WEAR AT COURT. BERYL Chamberlain's Department-- Details of Old and New Styles of Court Dress Carefully Sét Forth. London, July 13.--Exactly what to wear at King Fdward's court is told in a book by a member of the Lord Chamberlain's department, issued, to- day, at the direct instance of his ma- jesty, who is a great stickler for ac- curacy in little details of official cos- tume and naval and military uniform. The king, in fact, isa w king eneyclo- paedia in this respect. On several occasions he has been' known to call his liege subjects to ac- count when they have been guilty of wearing an order in the wrong way. he had treated his wife cruelly, but ad- mitted that he had censured her for refusing to accompany him to social functions. He also al eged that his wife refused to allow him to see the children. This, Mrs. Maynard's coun- ed at unseemly hqurs. The vice-chancellor dismissed Mrs. Maynard's application and made an order allowing Dr. Maynard to see the children every Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. GOMPERS FOR BRYAN. Rgpublicans Ignored De- mands of Labor. Fairview, Lincoln, July 14.--Samuel Gompers,, president of the American Federation of Labor, will support William J. Bryan in the coming pre- sidential campaign. In political circles this announcement over-shadowed all others, even the arrival of John W. Kern, the vice-presidential nominee. While Mr. Gompers' support was pro- mised to the ticket, he specifically de- nied any present intention of taking the stumpgin the coming campaign. Reports gained currency that the la- bor leader would speak for Bryan, but. such announcement. He left Fairview after fifteen minutes' in- he made no Nearly every leading actor of the Eng- iish stage has a story to tell of being politely*hauled over the coals for some irregularity of this sort, The new book is designed to make errors of this kind impossible, Details of old and new styles of court dress, either of which can be worm by civil- ians as preferred, are carefully set forth. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, Lieut. Peary's Arctic 'exploration steamer liooseveit was sighted, Tues- day morning, twelve miles rom did. ney. ' vune fire losses in the United States and Canada totalled $19,512,000, as agamst $14,760,000 in Fhe of the' previous year, forest wgs are burning to-day, in every state in New England, and they uae causud tremendous damage and probably" loss of lite. 'lhe historic town of Flymouth is menaced. Lhe 5.5. YIritonia, Donawson line, {rom Glasgow, inward, at Father Loiat, Que., to-day; 8.S.Jacona, thomson lime, from siddleshoro, m- ward, at 7:40 a.m. tne grain has grown so fast. in the North West during the past two weeks terview with Mr. Bryan. At esent it is believed there will be no need for Mr. Gompers' service in an oratorical sense, and Mr. Gompers does not ex- pect to be called on te speak publicly in the campaign. The republican Mr, Gompers asserts, ignored the demands of labor, while the democrats acknowl them in their platform. His he says, and he will do what is démanded of him in ' the | interests of labor as best expressed | in the platfcrm Denver. | As the situation present, Mr, Gompers' efforts better ex- ) pended elsewhere | than on the ros- | trum. In his interview with Mr, \ Fryan, Mr. Gompers was attended hy Frank Morrison, secretary of the Federation of Labor, and James Dua- can, also a labor leader. convention, edged course, is cle adopted at 12 at be can Gananoque Oddfellows. Gananggue, July 1li--b. D. G. M; Smith, of . Parham, being unable to be present, the olficers-elect of Ganan- oque lodge, No. 114, 1.0.0.F., were | duly installed last evening by Past | DBDODGM. C.- WW. Knight, of Ganan- | as follows : P.G., Damon Buck; R. Sinclair; V.G., €. Smith; R. S. Bawden; A. P. Rus- AE. Meggs; W. F. Lloyd: Con., McKellar; 0.G.,, H. | Parker; 1.G., D. Bolton; R.S.N.G., R. | Chadwick; L.S.N.G.,; W. Clow; R.S.V. | G., W. Allan; L.S.N.G., T. Boucher: R.8.8., JJ. Murchie; L.S.S., P. Baker: Chap., N. R. Gardiner; ganist, R. Clifiord; representatives to grand ! August 12th, 'P.Gs. E. Hudson, Bawden, F. Lloyd, D.D.G.M., | Knight oque, N.G., S., Ww sell; Treas., or lodge, W. CW. = ¥ Mr. Fairbanks' Plans. 74 Washington D.C, July H.--Vice | President. Fairbanks will call on the | Prince of Wales on the afternoon f | July 22nd, the on which prince arrives at Quebec, the Brit- | ish battleship Indomitable. 'This is | the programme which has been con- | veyed to the state department. Ihe vice-president will leave King's wharf | at 2:30 p.m. for his call on the prince. | Earl Grey, governor-general of Can will entertain the American at a dinner The American represen- | Vice-President i Mott, his aide, and Lient day on and | the | ada, French guests same evening. on tatives igclude banks and Maj Admiral Cowles Sellers ir > i Rear Commander St. Thomas Settler Dead. Thomas, Ont., 14.--J, ( Schlichauf, a justice of the peace one of the best known residents West Elgin, died on Munday of complication of heart trouble and 'dropsy, He donated the land on which the M.C.R. station was built at West Lorne on condition that the town be named, .Bismarck, the place being known by the joint names un- til a few years ago pioneer of the section and was over | seventy years age. He leaves = and family of eight children. ans. sori i Farmer Killed By Train. i Brantford, Ont.,, July M.--William Prouse, a middle-aged farmer, residing in Brantford township, was killed at Cainsville. He went to the village ta make purchases, and later sat on the Grand Trunk tracks ie thought he had a fit, to he was subject, and that while lying un- St. July and a of widow down It which j conscions he was run. over by a train, which terribly mangled Ris body. RB The Name of : Black Wateh On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco 11th with seventy second cabin aml sixty steerage passengers, Stands for Quality. jparture from its shed on Lake ! amount {aged drowned oft, the net is expected this afternoon. A adjustment of the department of fin- ance Deceased was a | that 1t is fully expected tho harvest will be from three weeks to a month n advance of the usual time. lhe Seeppelin made 4 successful de- Con- Constunte on Tuesday on its twenty- four hour trip through the air. it started in the divegtion of Constante. the I. Eaton company, Winnipeg, has donated $5,000 to Wesley College to erect a ladies' building. This wall go a long way in making up the sufficient to get the $50,000 from the Massey estate. tobert Graham, Amherstburg, Ont., twenty-two, an employee on Stark dredge, No. 3, Barpoint, was dredge on Monday night. Still searching for the body. ur. Graham was a resident of Rod: ney, Unt. The announcement of the formal ap- pointment of the new Japanese cabi- re- ang considerable retrenchment in prose will Le two-principles. of the policy of the new cabinet. "That during the past six years Police Magistrate Kinosford had re- ceived several thousard dollars in fees for bailing out prisoners to which he was not entitled," wes the judgment of Judge Winchester, contained in the re- port which he made this morning asa result of his enquiry into the Teronto fee system. Lieuts. manding Berr and W hitney, com- a detachment of the con- | stabulary, attacked and stormed Cota, cn the island of Mindando, which was occupied by the outlaw Uyan, on Fri- day Jast. Fourteen of the outlaws were killed and two captured. Lieut Berr was slightly hast and one pri- vate was seriously wounded. Rumor has it that. tMere may .be soma che in tho Windsor branch of the pirincial police force, either in- the dropping of two local officers, C. Mahoney and Bred. Campeanu, and gp- pointing two others, or the addition of another man protably from she Windsor police force. Political reasons would solely ke the cause es A WANDERING LAD. He Travelled Much Over the West- ern Peninsula. Windsor, Ont., July 14 year-old Charhe Morden, of was picked up by the Detroit police while wandering around the yesterday afternoon, and turned to the Windsor officers. "The boy ran away June 3rd from London. He walked to St. Thomas and from there all the way to Port Huron. He was turned back at the horder and back: to St. Thomas and after dering about for a time headed for Detroit where the police picked him up and learning his story sent him back across the border. in his pocket he asked Chief Wills let him go so that he could tart walk back to London, but the decided to hold him and make quiries. Fifteen London, streets, over wan- 1bc. to to chief en Do Not Like The Idea. Some of the aldermen do net like the idea of being ealled upon to pav out of their own pockets the cost of entertaining visitors' when the, latter receive a civic reception and welcome. They think the city can well afford to stand the small cost. For a re- cent entertainment of visitors the al- dermens have been invite! to foot the jrost. The members. of the R.CH.A. made final preparations, today, for the trio to Quebec. All the gun carriages {and other equipment were loaded on (ears?in the local railway vards. The men leave, to-night, at six o'clock, {via the G.T.R | The members of Streat | Methodist church Sundav school are {holdfng their picnic at Staley's Grove { today.; The trip made | steamer Pierrepont. i 'Miss Hurse, the Vietarian Order inurse, will be glad if those willing to tgive flowers for the sick will tele hone her, or leave them at her lode ings, 269 Broek street. i Svdenham was via the Author is a Member of the Lord : sent | HAY CROP IS POOR. - Report From Around Newboro, Newhoro, "July 13.--Mr. Code, in- spector of eastern branch of the Union bank, was a visitor at branch, Tuesday. The Misses Gallas gher, of Hastings, ave spending a few days in town, the guests of their brother, J. J. Gallagher, manager of the Union bank. W. P. Richards, commercial master of the Duluth Busi- ness College, who has been spending his holidays at his home here, return- ed to Duluth on Wednesday. Mus. Robert Bolton is critically ill at pres- ent. Elmer Knapp launched a new gaso- line boat, on Saturday evening. The boat is built after a model designed by the buiider and owner, and is fit- ted with a double, cylinder Ferro en- gine, and is expected to make about twelve miles per <hour." Edward Lan- don' has secured & position as guide at Chafiey"s Locks. Miss Catharine Landon, of Dunkirk, N.Y., is spending her holidays in town. : The, Lipicurean Club held a picnic party "at Grass- Point, on' Wednesday evening, in honor of the birthday an- niversary of Miss Lena Pilice. An en- joyable time was spent, the same evening, at the home of Miss Fdna Akland, By street. The following ean- didates from this locality were among the successful ones at the recent en- trance examinations: - Serena Flem- ming ard Sanford Bolton, of Newboro school; Maggie Moore and Mabel Top- ping, of 8.8. No. 3, and Sarah Me- Cann, of 8.8. No. 1. The houseboat Annadale, in tow of the yacht I Wonder, were in port a few days last week, with a party of Americans, who are enjoying the fish- ing in Newhoro lake. D. J. Moriarty, of Holy Angels' College, Buffalo, N.Y., arrived home for the holidays, on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Mae Pin- kerton has been engaged as teacher in the public school, here, for the com- ing year. R. Davidson has completed the contract of painting¥ the govern- ment bridge here. Miss Myrtle McKin- ley, of, Berryton, is the guest of her sister," Mrs. Green. Having is now the order of the day, and the crop is very much poorer in vicinity than was expected. W. 8. Belton, who has been critically ill for some weeks past, is slowly recovering, and his friends soon hope to see him out again. Mrs. Francis | n, Ot- tawa, arrived in town, on Saturday evening, and is the guest of Mrs. Robert Bolton. Miss Annie Bulger, Westport, was the guest of relatives in town, on Friday. Summer tourists are coming to town daily in ldrge numbers, and this promises to be a record vear. The salmon fishing at Devil lake appears to be the great attraction. Francis Hart, of Prescott, is the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Ann Hart. Ernest Mertiman, Kingston, was renewing acquaintances in town on Saturday. F. C. Landon is fitting and painting Loon's Lodge cottage for the Chester party, who will arrive about the 3rd inst. George E. Foster loft, this morning, for Montreal, to accept a potition as travelling salesman for the Boke Stove company. CAPITAL TIDINGS. w So Says \ The Government to Aid the C. N. R. Company. Ottawa, July 14.--The first case be- fore the railway to-day, is that of the Grand Valley railway's application to cross the G.T.R. and the H. & B.R. tracks in the city of Brantford. Arguments were laid be- fore the board on hoth sides in view of a future decision. Work has practically ceased on the building of the C.N.R. from Montreal to Ottawa. It already runs ts Hawkesbury and between that point and the capital contracts were made and some constructive progress. It said now that the financial stringency has caused a hold-up of the work, and that the C.N.R. awaits action on its application for a subsidy. The line was to run into Ottawa this summer The government has, this morning, proposed to grant the C.N.R. a sub- sidy of $3200 per mile. The railwav subsidy resolutions will be announced to-day. include no subsidy for the provosed line between Ottawa and Brockville, in advecacy of deputation was heard last week. commission, is Fhev which a large by the government Watch Social Columns. Toronto, July 14.<The columns of Toronto newspapers used to advantage by one enterpris- ing house-breaker in this city. "Twas last night, that the resi Mec- is social were discovered, dence of Chancellor Mackay, of Master University, whose family { out of the city, had been entered and: a large quantity of valuables stolen. { The burglar had left behind him a city newspaper, folded at the social page. and the paragraphs, announcing the leaving the city of several pro- minent families, were carefully mark- Two places thue marked were the residences of A. F. Rutter Aemiliug Jarvis, °° ed. the and | ' ? : i Baseball On Monday. | Eastern league--Toronto, 1; Buffalo, 0. Rochester, 5; Montreal, 1] Pro- vidence, 5; newark, 3; Baltimore, 3; | Jersey City, 2. American league----Detroit, 6-2: Bos- ton, 24. Cleveland, 3: New York, 0. St. Louis, 3-4; Washington, 2-2 Chicago, 1-9; .i.ladelphia, 5-2, National league--iiuisburg, 0-4; New York, St. Louis, 3; Brook- lyn, 2. Poston, 3; Cincinnati, 2. Philadelphia, 6; Chicago, 5. 7-7. Lawyer Commits Suicide. Mount" Vérnon, N.Y., July 4.--C. H. Ostrander, for twenty-five years counsel. for the Westchester Fire In- surange company, and formerly, a law partner of W. Bourke Cochran eom- mitted. suicide by inhaling gas. . Mr, Ostrander was reputed to be wealthy. Recently his health became bad, and at times he was melancholy. It 'is { supposed that in a morose moment he took his life, Purchased popularity runs to cover when adversity shows its face, You mav regret that it was pritilege to say the last word. All business and no pleasure is not { the right kind of business. ¢ 12 The old Mossic law is too aged for this 'day. and generation. your the Joeal ORE WHITE GOOL New White Cotton Repp. and Linen Skirts, $1.50, 1.75,-2.25, 2.75, 3.00 up to 7.50. New White Linen Coats, $3.75 and 5.50. New White and Fancy Cost or New White Embroidered Underskirts. New White, Black, and Colored Heather- bloom-Taffeta Underskirts. Shona New Golf Jackets, White and Colors, $1.75 tod00, | : Great cut price sale of High-Class Sum- mer Waists still on. See them. 33}% off. David M. Spence Everything required for either an old or nek house may be had from us. If You Have Never Inspected Our Stock. Do It Now. We have the reputation of keeping any customers we get; and, there must be some good reason for this, You Come, Too. 8 'The Chicago Jewel Gas Stoves are durable, easily cleaned and practi- cally indistructible. Every ® woiflan who uses a Chicago Jewel would not part with #it, if she could pot get panother. See them in ® wor king order at our store. 77 PRINCESS 'ELLIOTT BROS., "™" OO0000OD0O000000000000O 'JOLVCO0LVC00CUUL. > For Picnic Parties We Can Supply You With All Your " Wants, Especially, in Cakes and Fruits. A TRIAL 1S ALL WE ASK. R. H. Toye's, 302 King St ALUMINUM ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., Toronto, 0 es TORONTO, ONT BOYCOTT CANADIAN GOODS. ---- Angry at Suppression of Opium Traffic. B.C., July 14.--Chinese merchants threaten to precipitate a boycott of Canadian goods if the pending legislation is enforced to put an end to the opium traffic here. En- couraged by. the success of the boy- cott against the Japanese, they evi- dently think that concerted action can bé arranged to prevent the stopping of this iniquitous practice. It is very profitable, and though several young girls have been in the Vancouver po- lice court during the past few months, having been arrested in Chines¢ opium dens, nothing seems to deter the manufacture or sale of opimm. It is not thought that any boycott will re- sult, as the better class of Chinese are unanimously opposed to the opium traffic. Vaneouver, FOR SEVEN WEEKS ) Thousands of infants die annually who could be saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowrer's Exrtracr or Winn STRAWBERRY. There can be no doubt about if. Bixty-three years experience has proved this sterling remedy to be the best for Diarrhoea. Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus Sume mer Complaint, and all bowel troubles in both children and adults, : Many of the imitations sold are posie tively dangerous, as they often check the diarrhoea too suddenly and cause inflammation. ' Always insist on the gentiine D Fowrer's. Sold at all medicine dealers #435 cents a bottle. ] "Mrs. A. B. De Marchand, Bath, N.F writes : "MY baby 'was troubled wit] or Played With Matches. Chatham, Ont., July.14.--Mr, Fos- ter, a farmer residing on the Bear Line, Dover, lost a valuable team of horses through fire, on Saturday af-| ternoon. The fire caught in his barns and stables, and parts of the build- ings , were completely destroyed before the flames were extinguished. . The barn is partly covered by insurance. The fire was started by children play- ing with matches. \ The Allan steamer Hesperian a iat Glasgow on July 12th. rrived