Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1908, p. 6

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LS STANDARD BANK OF, CANADA Head Office = = - +" Tororko $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUAT ings Departm D. of d a a rows No Deiays in making Wit! Arawals' interest addedfour tim 5 a year k Department insConn ation with all Branches. RINGSTON -- BRANCH J. §. Turner, Manager FOR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. ith great easel water is Phoell in water- ut opened and coal fira/started. Fire soon p brightly, drafts are: closed and check- « Immediately heat-power begins to : penetrate dome and radiator surrounding dome, The incoming: cold air framediately receives the ener" of this heat-power, and by natural law | macends up the hot-air pipes, thence to rooms. No rt pes into cellar or rooms beosuse there is tomatio gasidamper| providing or its escape draft rn pdx Be ol I "hl N So IV. > No Yneed to "shovel any/ashes away. All Baicely settled in aig scold him { for ! \ Operator is delighted. When asked the name of 6 In the morning'a gentle rocking of the lever removes all ashes from grates. ! operator's face, for he first opened damper irtq jdust-pipe leading from ash- pit, then direct draft at smoke-pipe entrance, and all dust passed up dust-pipe to dome, then out chimney. and easily removed from pit. upstairs operator finds that he re- quites no 'whisking off, and his wife don't LY making everything white." No dust in ash;pan ready to be On Vv. his furnace, he proudly said, ndfine SEND FOR BOOKLET. McCLARY'S London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, 8t. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgery. « LEMMON & SONS. Goodness gracious, Look what's here! And those prices Avxe not dear! Comfortable ? A hot weather suit costs very little money if you come to us. See the Homespun Summer Suits at $6.95. See the Swell Grey Worsted 2-Piece Suits at 9.75. TR Hot Weather Trousers, | | Hot Weather Underwear, Hot Weather Hosiery Hot Weather Shirts, All at 25 Per Cent. Discount. RON EY & CO, 127 Princess St. The Store That. Sets the Pace. | its THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, LIFE ASSURANCE, LONDON AND LANCASHIRE LIFE ASSURANCE CO. -- The "Insurance Record," of May 15th Last, Makes Pleasing Re- ference to This Company's Splendid Financial Position. "Insurance Record and Actuarial of London From and Statistical Journal," Eng. More than usual interest attaches to the, statement presented by the direc tors of the above company to the an- nual meeting of proprietors, held on Tuesday last, on account of the quinquennial valuation which fell to be made as at December 3lst, 1907, and which was reported upon by the wet: ary. Important and drastic changes have been made in the allocation of the fund¢, and the policy hitherto pur- sued Dy the directors of bullding up the reserves and resources of the com- pany has been given the fullest ef- fect to and the boldness of the course adopted wll * receive hearty ficials and staf upon its ramifications commer gation from those able . to Jug of the merits of the new depar- ture. The business of the past twelve months proved to be profitable and marked a considerable advance in the progress of the company--the total in- come now approaching half a million sterling. Ancothet important pro- nouncement Was that with regard to the relinguishment of the large In- tian busigess hitherto transacted by the London andLancashire, and the concentration of tho efforts of the of- ficials and staff upon Its ramificat ons in Great Britain and Canada. Thi stop has been taken after weighty vohsideration, and its effects on the fortunes of the institution will be watched with interest. were made for assurance of £842,821, deducting £102,242 declined and not tompleted, or in course of completion at the end of the year,there were is- sued 2,195 policies for £740,579, giv- ing a new premium income of £31,407. The total premiums received amount to: £329,399, and, after deduction of re-assurances, the net premiums were £820,060, an increase of £6,768 over the previous year. The total income was £411,214, including £90,748 from interest and dividends, theraverage rate yielded from invested and unin- vested funds being £4 2s, 5d. per cent. The claims by deatly were well with- in the expectancy, and with bonus ad- ditions' amounted to £136,061; those under endowment policies ' totalled £58962. After payment of all out- goings," the funds increased to £2- 287,868, the addition to life assurance fund being £124,039. The quinquen- pial valuation report ix printed in full in another column; so that ex- tended reference here is not necegsary. Suffice it to say that the pre iple upon which it was conducted has re- ceived the hearty approval of Thomas G. Ackland, F.I.A.,, F.F.A,, FAS, F.S.8., and, therefore, the executive of the London and Lancashire Life are to be congratulated upon the course taken. Individual interests loom largely this year in the affairs of the London and Lancashire Life, "as important changes in the personnel of the company have been announced. © G. W. Mannering (the respected secretary) seeks that repose which retirement from official duties--so long and so ably ministered alone can give; happy in unimpaired health and with the prospect of many years in which to enjoy his otium cum dignitate. W. R. Hopkins, F.L A., also felt that after many years of strenuotis work in the service of the institution, he was entitled to a re sjite and, therefore, wished 'to be re- lieved of his .official ties, and his re- signation has been reluctantly accept- ed by the directors. As recently as 1906, we noted the translation of W. P. Glirehugh to a seat on the board of direction, in addition to the post of general manager; which he still holds, and now two of the colleagues, whose merits he so fully recognized when addressing the annual meeting last year, are seeking the freedom from the hurly-burly ofcity life which all business men probably look for- ward to but few ever attain. These gentlemen will carry with them into retirement the hearty wishes of their confreves, and all with whom they have been brought 'in contact that "many vears of happy days befall" them both. New blood has been in- fused into the executive by the ap- pointment of W. A. MacKay, which was announced a short time ago, as sub-manager, 'and who will in addi- tion assume the duties of seeretary when Mr. Mannering retires. The adoption of new measures in the con- duct of the business should have a still further beneficial effect upon the fortunes of the company, and increase popularity with the insuring pub- he. 'thomas Mills, district agent, Kingston. GRIEVANCE REMEDIED. Walkerville Will Have a Govern- ment Building. Walkerville, Ont., July 13.--Walker- ville's long standing grievance against the dominion government, for failing to provide the town with any kind of a federal building, is to be removed at last. The government has appro- priated $8,000 for a post office aml customs office. The grant was not made without strong representation on the part of the town. Although in revenue the receipts are in excess of most cities in Canada, the town was without any kind of a government building, even the post office being the gift of private parties, ---------- Serious Forest Fires. Utica, N.Y., July 14.--Serious forest fires are reported in the Adirondacks and along the Mohawk and Malone railroad, and unless rain falls in the next few hours, the 'loss will be enormous. Injured In) Collision. Texarkads, Ark., July 14.--FEighteen persons were seriously injured in.a collision on the Texas and Pacific railway, - yesterday, near Queen City. For tan and sunburn, Witch Hazel Cold Cream is sold at Gi"son's Red (ross Drug Store. It's being proficient in your profes- sion that commands the fee, During the past year 2,375 proposals i HARMONY RESTORED, Executive. Windsor; July 13.--Hatfmony was fe- stored to the ranks of the North Es sex conservatives, when Hom J. O. Reaume met the executive committee of the association Saturday afternogn. In reply to the question a8 to hath he wished to consider the advice of his executive in administering the pat- rottags, his reply was that he constd- ered the executive committee an ad- visory board end always would be guided by it, ~in meeting appoint- ments. Nothing further was done. Ar- rangements for the convention to be held in August, to nominate a candi date for the The sugzestion of the Ontario rail- dominion elections was Ottawa car fatality that the use of front steps of open cars Le provided has raised a storm of applause. Even the mayer of Ottawa has written to the board stron ly protesting against the making of "such an order, and communications of a similar nature have been rerehved, from Cornwall, London and other places. Judge W, H. Pinken, Chicago, who was chic of the promoters of the re- cent international balloon race, will arrive in the city to-day to consult with the exhibition authorities regard- Ing Me bossibility <f having a bal: loon race start from: heve during the exhibition. The exhibition authorities are anxipus to have such a race, and it is probable that an arrangement will be arrived at. Fhe exhibition this year will have the most valuable exhi- bition 'of live stock. ever scen in this city. Tt will be valued around $1,250; 000 and 9,000 animals will be shown. Have Energy: To Do. Human energy is almost unlimited n its power. Energy comes from rich, vital blood. Weakness and failure result when blood is weak and impure. Have utmost mental and muscular energy by enriching and vitalizing your blood with Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (laxative.) They help almost at once. ; They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug stove. Money back if not satisfactory. Costume Of Pale Blue Messaline. The drawing shows an attractive gown of messaline, the model being in pale blue. 'I'he skirt was cut cir cular, with a seam down the centre of the front, and was in train length. The lower part of the skirt was fin- ished by a deep applied band, cgé in squares at the top edge, in the same manner as the block effect on the bodice. 'lhe corsage had a yoke of white chantilly, and was trimmed with heavy lace with satin buttons. "'Three Swallows A Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." Drowned At Baltimore. Baltimore, July 13.---Five men are known to have been drowned and an- other man and three women are & be- lived to have met a like fate, last evening, when a wind and rain storm passed over the harbor. severe Piles are easily sod quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. 1 surely would not send it free unless 1 was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Oint- ment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollén, painful, bleeding or itching piles, either external or internal. Large jar 50c. Sold by all druggists. The great city of London; grown ambitious, contemplatés the creation of a boulevard 100 feet wide from Paddington to Finsbury Circus. The improvement, if realized, will cut its way through densely built sections of the old town, and its estimated cost will be up in the scores of millions of dollars. If you are tired taking the large, old- fashioned griping pills, try Car- ter's Little Liver Pills and take some comfort. A man can't stand every- thing. One pill a dose. Try them. The father with a pretty daughter often fails to remember that when young he used to sit up with his best girl till long after ten o'clock. If it is a question of price--then, all things considered, "Salada" .is the greatest tea value for the mongy paid, for experience has proven that ° 'Sa- lada" (packed.in air-tight lead pac: kets) is tea excellence. Long after a hushand has forgotten that he ever wrote love letters to his wife before marriage, she can tell just what they said. y Five Years' Hay. Fever Cured. Don't leave home--don't experiment --just™ usé Catarrhoone;--it cures every case as quickly as it did Thom- as Eaton, of Westwood, Ont., who says: "Five years I suffered from hay fever and had to leave this part of the country a month previous to the time of attack. Since using Ca- tarrhozone I have not been bothered. My cure is complete." For summer catarrh, asthma and hay fever, Catarrhozone is guaran teed, Get it for 81 from any, dealer, Dr. Reaume Will Recognize Tar way board as to the outcome of the}. TUESDAY, s JULY 34, 1908. EE ating Carelessly | stomach troubles, but careful eating will never: right them. When your stomach 'is out of condition, it needs that no food can supply. It must be Shoroughly cleansed, and strengthened, ood never does this, BEECHAMW'S PILLS medicine human skill ever componnded, . | Don't attempt to cure your stomach by dieting. You will half starve and get little benehit. Give Beecham's Pills a chance and BB . will again know the pleasures of a sound digestion. Appetit A return and the stomach again work without any discomfort. The skin' will clear, the face ump out, while people will remark "How pelt ¥ you're looking." ese are facts, not fancies. Prove it y Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Sold by all Druggists Ia Canada and U. 5. America. In boxes 25 cents. 4 "frequently causes. BE are the greatest stomach Ew For Children} A We have just received a few new lines of Children's Ankle Strap Shoes. Neat and cool in Black, Brown and Patent : : Children, sizes 3 to (A 90c. ". 7 te 10, $1.00. Many other lines of Plain Strap Shoes in Brown, Black and Patent, 60c, 75¢ to $1.00, Children's Barefoot Sandals, $1, 1.25 & 1.50 White Shoes, 90c¢ and 1.00. Red Strap Shoes, 90c. Baby White afd Blue Canvas Soft Sole Sandals, 40c. Baby Pink Soft Sele Sandals, 50. " " Many other lines to choose from. In fact, we have mostly everything for Children. FPENDABLE pe SHOES = Sale of Buffets and China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu- lar price $30 for $20. 1 Surface Oak, regular price $25 for $17. | 1 Large Buffet, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. solid Quarter Cut Oak. hi will pay you to see them, ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Telephone, 577; Tha Fist Store Above The Opera House. I vangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St SePEEROETEsEPes Tr bares CEEAREREAEEARINELREREEEEHE Always fresh. SUGAR Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be to your interest and profit to use (especially for preserving fruit the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the wells known Redpath's Granulated Burt is the acme of sugar refining. Ask your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent. 5 >=>Kingston, Ont., June 27, '08. J. 0. HUTTON, Esq., Agent, Canada Life Assurance Compan: ston, Ont, pany, 18 Market St., King. Dear Sir--Re my whole life policy No. 10,465 (with profits) in your Company--I am obliged for your cheque, being ammount of surplus over premium, which is indeed very gratifying to me at my age to know that I have no further premiums to pay, but continue to re- ceive an increased annuity each year, as long as I live, and $1,000. le t estate. payable to my = | Yours truly, JOHN LOVICK. 152 University A enue, Kingston, Ont, Hoi i Pretty Shoes E AAA VN C0000 0000000 Also a line of China Cabi- # nets to match, $14 to $25, in The above are snaps. It In And Patent wi pg , Hie pool for summer. $1.25 & $1.50. Girls and * fan Cabvas" Shoes, Tt 0/0 0000000000000000000 000000000000 0000000000 EAL ESTATE Island, to rent, furnished. Houses and Lots for sale in the City. Fire Insurance A " $03 oc MARK, O00 w IMPERIAL When = you buy Underwear ask fos the IMPERIAL GROWN BRAND Every garment guaranteed. Dur- ability, comfort: Made only HOSIERY CO. Ont. by KINGSTON LTD., Kingston, 1.R.C. Dobbs & Co 109 Brock St. Typewriter, Headquarters. American Qils Coal Oil ' Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. "Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO., South . Cor. Ontario and Clarence, 2UECCORRERIEERRRRRENS) COAL! The sudden changes in ought to suggest the inom 'ot putting in some good coal, sell good Coal. fo 8 Lhe kind os sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the best money can buy, and there is none better mined. hy Sejiver it to you clean and without slate, at the very botto; hiv Yb tom Booth & So. 'Phone 133. Foot of West St. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH GLACIER The only substitute for Stamed Artistic, Durable, Economical ane Clasy D. J. DAWSON 'Suecessor to Dawson and Staley, '257 Princess streoty Fi Grade Pianos at Living Prices, Victor and "Berliner Gramo ss imme" Sewing Machune. Phoenix Extinguigher ; and a full line of Mugical Instruments, Music, ete. The Old Cab Stand With a New Number. 'PHONE 600. I: + Orders promptly attend- od to, day or night. CABS! | The Old Stand and The Old Hum ber. Phone 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended ta A signy or day. | Eis youd

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