™ 75--NO. 165. wong ail KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, NEW HAD A DUEL. -- : Leaders Fought, Over Hot Remarks. 15.<There was a vio- CRAZY LOVE SUICIDE PACT. tg He Shoots Himself and Girl and | Portugal Both Are Dying. poe 15, --Sweethearts W ELPED Confession of Chicago Man on Deathbed. Bodies Dropped Through a Trap Door in the 70 KILL THEN New York, July from childhood Veronica Meehan, eigh- teen years old, and William Wild, twenty-two, lie- dying to-day in Belle- vue hospital as the result of a suicide agreement. The girl was shot twice in the head by Wild, who then turnéd the revol: ver on himseli. He fell unconscious ten feet from his dying sweetheart. Struggling to her feet the girl reached Wild's side and with her blood Lisbon, July ! lent scenc in the House of Peers, yes- terday, during the consideration of | the advances of money to the mem- | bers of the royal house, which finally | resulted in a duel': Alfonso Cost, the | republican leader, charged it was im- possible to 'probe the scandals to the bottom, so long as certain ministers who had been compromjsed in the | past, were sitting as judges. He nam- {ed Count Penh Garcia as such a min- ister, whereupon the challenge follow- Noted Engineers From Three Coun- tries to Be Engaged. Canada to Take Over -Assels of Company ¥ Floor---Many Victims Slain. I e-- Chicago, July 15.--George Evans Downer, confessed on his deathbed, yesterday, that he was on a vigilance committee which ran down and killed the notorious Bender family. 1f his death-bed tale may be credited, this will put an end to speculation as to the fate of the arch-muurderers. The Bender murders in the shanty néar Cherryvale, Kan., in 15873, have keen equaled only by the Gunmness maurderg brought to light last May on a farm near Laporte, Ind. The Benders, husband and wife, one son and a daughter, Kafe, ran the shanty near Cherryvale as an inn Kate was known also as Johanna She is believed to have been the di- rector of all the murders. She posed as a medium, and advertised pa pers in Kansas as being able tJ cure all sorts maladies, including as one of her advertisements read, "the cure of deal and dumbness."' In the country around Cherryvale, Kate Bender was feared by men and women. Stalwart, domineering in her manner, and afraid of nothing that walked or crawled, she also frightened the farming folk by her allered witch craft. She made potions from roots and her! and claimed for them ma- gio powers. When the discovery rhurders committed in shanty was made, it thought that Kate had deliberately created fear and repulsion for her, that neighbors would not bother her, her mother, father, and brother, at their chosen work of murder. 1 Those who answered Kate's adver tisement and wayfarers who passed at the shanty for food and shelter the victims. It is believed that Kate herself wielded the iron hammer which crushed the skulls of her vic tims and "then cut their throats, leav ing the other members of the family to dispose of the hodies. : In April, 1873, the Bender family suddenly abandoned their little farm the old man sold his mules, a watch and a lot of clothing, supposal to have been taken from victims mur dered in the shanty, and bought tickets at Thayer for Humboldt, a dis tant town. : Prior to the departure of the ders, mn of of the dhe was many Bender 80 wel len the disappearance of Dr. William "H. York, brother of a state who lived in the neighborhood Cherryvale, was reported. for him "his buggy was found wedged between two trees, the horse, still held fast by the traces, and nearly famish ed for want of food and water. On the buggy were blood stains. Not far away was the abandoned shanty. of the Benders. The bleating of a stars ing calf attracted the attention of the investigators, and examina tion of the Bender place was made Under a bed was found a senatqr. of In a search an trap-door DAILY MEMORANDA, Cheese Board, 1.30 p.m,, Thursday: Waldron's Sale of Skirts, $2.98, Thurs day £2.98 Sale of See advt, Bkirts, from Sale, $2.98. See Amusement Column for the four Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude ville, Skirts, at Waldron's $5 to $12, at Waldron's July 15th, In Canadian History. 1842--Hon. Matthew Smith, member the Fixecutive Council oY Prince Ed swinging downward. It cove. ad a well six feet deep and five feet in diameter. Investigation showed that it had been used as a vault for dead bodies. The walls of the well were coated with human blood; but there were bodies, 3 A search of the field around the shanty was made, and although it was plowed, a sounding rod soon revealed a soft spot, and from a grave four feet deep was taken the body of Dr. York. It was easily identified. Fur- ther segwh brought out five other burial places, in one of which were the bodies of an old man and a little girl. The body of the girl showed wounds, and it was believed then that the child had thrown into the pit alive and buried with the old man I'he head of the old man had heen beaten. in with a hammer, and his throat cut All of the other victims had been slain in the same fashion. The first news of this wholesale mur- der reached the east on May lst, IST through a brief despatch to the Times. It was followed, on Mav 12th, witha long account by wav of Kansas City Three additional graves were found, and the families of the missing per- sons all through the middle west were heading for the Bender farm. Detec- tives from many states started out to trail the murderous family, but trace 'of was found. 'A German named Brockman, who knew the Ben was supposed to know of their and the Kansans took hold of him, strung him to a tree, and lowered him just in time to save his life. He was told tell what he knew of the Benders, insisted even then that he knew nothing them He strung. up a second the howled to him he'd pay with his life for hi Again when set down he vowed that he knew nothing of the murders A third time he was strung up and let down. Then he was permitted to Many of suspicious were the state and vigilance committees started hunts for the Benders. None ever reported finding them In Downer's story he said that when the vigilance committee of which he wag & member came upon the Benders in their flight and engaged 'hem battle, Kate was the last to fall died fighting savagely, preferring rath ér to die than be captured, HAHAHAHAHA, SEEK RELEASE. no no been no them ders, whereabouts, to but of time, and tell silence was crowd to 0 go persons many on of them arrests made in off Nhe handkerchief began to wipe the from his face, when she too fell un- conscious. A policeman, attracted by the shots, summoned an ambulance in which the dying lovers were hurried to Pellevue hospital, where they are unconscious to-day. A letter found in Wild's pockets, addressed to Mrs. Meehan, told how the two had de cided to die together. Wild shot the girl yesterday on their return from an excursion. ed. During the fourth bout of the duel which was fought, after adjourn- ment, the count was wounded in the arm, but his injury is not serious. CAUSED HAVOC. nder, Spain, July 15. eavy gales have caused havoc among fishing fleet coast. Three are reported wrecked and more than thirty men drowned. Nd word has been received of a numoer of boats which have been out A Fortune For Her. Pittsburg, Pa., July 15.--Mrs. Dora Bullus, whose husband, Charles, was murdered near Seattle, Wash., in 1904, has just received word from Hooper & Taylor, ,attorneys, of Birmingham, England,' that her dead husband was the sole heir of a fortune amounting for a long time. to about $50,000, left him by relatives ; in England. Bullus, being dead, his | ASK ridow will? of course, get the for- | » -- a, Since her EE foes death Mrs, ! BROCKVILLE SENSATION, 3 as s rte ersel wash | " Jullug has supported herself hy wash | Respectable Youths Aceused of I | Robbing G.T.R. Cars. Dynamited Residence. | Brockville,\ July , 15.~A sensation San Francisco, July 15.--dJohn Clau- | was caused here by the arrest of two dianes, a Greek, twenty-three years of |young men for breaking into G.T.R. ape, confessed that he had dynamited |cars; The G.T.R. complain that about, the residence of James L. Gallagher in | $300 of goods have been stolen. The Oakland and afterwards wrecked with [boys are well connected, and one of dynamite two houses owned by Galla- { them, B. Dickson, 1s an employee in a) gher, which were unpecupied. Peter | local bank. The other, R. Ey res, isa Claudianes, an older hrother of the well-known citizen. 'The po- meth arrested, is said to have planned er a third party. the dynamiting and to have sed $1,000 for the job, which he vefusd X divide with John. i | America takes a different route en through the islands, Thursday, 2:30 Jovs' wash suits, Livingston's sale. |p.m. Supper on board. Fare 50c. THE RAILWAY SUBSIDIES 1he Federal Government Estimates For Thirteen Millions. | I -- TRY ETREFEF FRIEFERXREEZREE FERRE or 5 ing. son of a f tice are aft Change Of Scenery. treal for a distance of sixty-five miles, A subsidy is also granted to the Nipissing Central company for thir teen miles of fts proposed line from New Liskeard to Guiges, Que. There is no subsidy for the Brock- ville, Ottawa & St. Lawrence project. The House of Commons, yesterday, again discussed the Aylesworth elec tion bill, the opposition protesting against federal revision of the elec- toral lists in the unorganized districts of Ontario. Edmund Bristol (Centre Toronto) made a strong protest against the provision for. federal revision of lists From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, July 15.--Thirteen millions of dollars is the generous total of the railway subsidies, provided for in the resolutions proposed by the governs ment, and which" the commons will ruch through before Saturday. In all seventy projects-are assisted, of which number twenty-six are revoles and forty-four are new subsidies the bonds of the Edmonton, Yukon & Pacific railway are guaranteed by the government at three and one-half per cent. for 130 miles at $13,000 per mile for the first fifty miles, and $25,- 000 per mile for the remainder. The San Juan, P. R., July 15.--Gov. Post has received a petition {rom twenty Porto Ricans who are con- fined in the penitentiary at Cueta, a seaport town of Africa, belonging to Spain not far from Gibraltar, asking that the Govern- ment take steps to have them liberated. These men were incarcerated in the time of Spanish rule in Porto Rico for. political reasons. 5 1 FELL INTO THE SHAFT. Terribly Injured at the Nova ward Island, born at Crapaud, P.E1 1870--Manitoba entered the Confedera-| tion. | 1885--Niagara ed 1801--Sir Dr. G. M spect mg | park open- | international Baden-Powell ssioners arnived George Dawson, the seal British Columbia. 1885--~"The remains of Pito Whildren, supposed to have heen murde ed by H. HM. Holmes, were discovered at Toronto 1904 commi fishery, the in Tororito in who declared glecting Degponstration honor of 1a Dundonald, that the government was Y militia Bijou Theatre--Tragic Justice of a' Redskin': Niagara of South America' "Palaces, Castles and Citie Romantt and Stoned Riv TMusirated Song, "Top 0' The Bridget McCue." SELF SEALERS We Carry in Stock ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. Drama, "The Scenic "The Travelogue ios of the or Rhif® Mornir Scotia Mine. Ont 15.--Allar the Nova fatally injured [down a. twenty-five-foot winze, vester- ldav. The heel of his boot caught on a piece of timber, and he tripped head we into the shaft. A number of his ys are broken, and internal injuries [are feared. MeMillan'is about twenty- {eight vears of age and unmarried, He {comes from® Venton, Que. | y Mg was Cobalt, July Milla: probably of Scotia mine, by falling | ril mday, Me of the late J. passed away suddenly, Peterboro, at the The deceased lady troubled children at anee, resitlence, in age of three vears. a long time affection. | | relict | | { { seventy for been Four | had | with a heart | survive. A long service medal has been issu- ed for. Surgeon-Major Dr. R. N. Hor- { ton. Prockville, who has completed in Northern Ontario. He declared it to be unwise, impolitic and unneces- {sary andra slur on Ontario, whieh | was treated differently from the ptiver provinces. He said it was different branch lines in Manitoba and the [from the treatment accorded Quebec. North-West, the guarantee being for | Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated that = in 3,000 per mile for fifty { Quebec s unorganized districts there | three and one-half per cent!" aré no lists. : In all the new subsidies cover 1,500 To this Mr. Bristol expressed sur miles, which at the minimum subsidy |prise.. He went on to protest and in- of $3,200 per mile would represent $6,- timated that 'behind the clause was £86,400, while the at the tne influence of Mr. Conmee. minimum: would amount to $5371.) Mr. Boyce (East Algoma) followed 200. Then there are rth subsidies to jit a protest against what he charac- bridges to the amount of $300,000. In | terized 'as unnecessary and monstrous many cases the double subsidy will { legislation. The allegations 'made by doubtless be earned, but even at the { Mr. Conmee as regards 'unfairness in minimum the total subsidies stand for the revision of the lists were unable a sum of $13,057,600. The bond |to be substantiated. : guarantees cover a sum of $11,067,000. | A first reading was given to the = bill abolishing the double liability of | | railway employees: ¢® prosecutions of | negligence. At present they are liabla under the eriminal code and the rail- | way act. The bill repeals the latter. line nins from Edmonton. westward, and is part of the Canadian North- rn's transcontinental system. The bonds are also guaranteed of 539 of Canadian Northern miles vears at revotes Among the new snbsidies are: To the Canadian Northern company, line of railway from Hawkes- to Ottawa, sixty miles, and for Hawkesbury to Mon- for hury the line a from | | A N - ! Walsh was third with 159 feet } inch | Flanigan first with 170 feet 41 inches; | and McGrath, second, with 167 feet 11} AT OLYMPIC GAMES. The Results As Telegraphed to Canada. | Dvwudon, July 15.--In the third heat | Jf the. 3,500 metFes walk, yesterday, ! rouldin of Toronto, maintained a fiftv-vard lead throughout. His time} was 15 minutes 54 seconds. In the! inal 3,500 metres walk, Larner easily | lefeated Webb, Kerr and Goulding, in| 14 minutes 55 seconds. They fimished| wig sixth. Kingsbury won in 32 min- in the order named. | utes 22 4-3 seconds. : In the final 1,500 metres run, Shep-| J, the 20 kilometers cycle race, An- ard, New York, caught Wilson on the | derson, Canadian, was third. Hanson, tape. Hallows was third and Tait! f Sweden, won. Time 34 minutes 33 fourth. Time 4 minutes 3 seconds. | 3.5 seconds. Morton scratched. In the In the hammer throwing, Con. Walsh | fourteenth heat Rengrd won and inches. | In the 20 kilometre bicycle race, | Young was third. He led for a maj-| ority of the laps. Weintz won in 33] minutes 39 4-5 seconds. i In the first heat of the 20 kilometre McCarthy, Stratford) was sixth. Mere- litlh won in 353 minutes 21 seconds. In the second heat Andrews, Canadian, 2-5 | twenty vears in the Canadian militia HER FATAL (Girl Drowns With Her Fie on Her Wedding: ~- rip. Premiemtmees---- English one July | Vane RC. 15 Bav Was, yesterday, the sce ouver, ne of of the saddest drowning accidents {the, kigtory of the city. Mrs. E. Shep- in | threw 159 feet } inch. In throwing off | hreyfus and Morton; Toronto, follow- - jed. Time 55 1-5 secdnds. Young and | Anderson scratched. 'In the 600 yards bicycle race, heat HO |x: 2, Bailey beat McCarthy, Strat- ford, Time 350 4-5 seconds. In heat. | eight, _ Andrews, Canadian, won on jtape. Time 55 4-5 seconds. In the fan- icy diving, heat 1, Geidzig made eizh- ) points. Fretschmidt, seventy- {eight, -and Zimmerman, of Canady, iseventy-four. The first two qualify. { The Canuck's screw dive was greatly {applauded. = i | In gymnastics, Keith, of vo on her (led his squad in four events completed. Toronto, herd came here a month of the six marriage trip. Mise Anderson lalso from Calgary. | S, H. Reed, a medical student from {the east, putting in his summer holi- was Issued To-Day. The Ontario Churchman, containing b a Montreal last week. and Stand the Loss----Closer : tslon Ottawa, July 15.~The policy of the bulk of the loss must Tali on the Do- dominion government in regard to they minion of Cantda, The Phoenix re-building of the Quebec bridge will| Bridge company, however, has been a be embodied in a resolution and: an] very heavy loser, too, butiit is not act of parliament of the present ses-| contemplated that the Phoenix com- sion by which this work is to be} pany should be called upon to make brought under the supervision of the|good the expenditures which had al- transcontinental rdilway commission, | ready been made on the bridge, and and to be carried thiough to comple-}the bond issue of $6,000,000 now out- tion with as little delay as possible as | standing will become, thereigre, a a link in the transcontinental lines. | charge on the treasury of Canada. The names have been mentioned of] As soon as new plans can be pe three eminent engineers, one a Cana-| pared . for the Quebec bridge, tenders dian, one a Britisher, and 'the third an] will be invited thereon, and the American, to whom will be entrusted | Phoenix company will doubtless be the duty of preparing plans for the|among those who will exert them- new bridge, and the recommendation | selves - to obtain the contract. The of the Quebec bridge commission will] minister of railways has given notice also be acted upon, which advised] of a resolution to authorize the gov- that more thorough and expert engi-| ernment to take over "the whole of neering oversight should be given, to]the undertaking, assets, property, and the structure on behalf of the domin-| franchises of the Quebec Railway and ion government during the course of | Bridge company' upon the terms and its erection than was given to the old | conditions provided for in the statutes bridge. of 1903, and that the moneys required A careful review of the circum |to pay therefor be appropriated for stanees connected with the collapse of | that purpose out of the consélidated the former bridge has shown that the | revenue fund. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The United States Atlantic fleet has reached Honolulu. Two men. were run down at Lachine, and killed, Mptorists have adopted St. Christo-. pher as their patron saint. v A police boat commenced the pa- trol of Toronto Bay to-day. The pope has increased thirty-nine pounds in weight, and is now on diet. Harry Dakin, ¥ialt, while stealing a in a ball game, fractured his Leslie M. Shaw, New York, is form- ing a forty million dollar merger of Canadian public utilities. William Brown, an Orange sympa- thizer, was fined $15, at Toronte, for injuring a street car on the 12th. Rev. James KE. Dyer, superannuated Methodist minister, Toronto, is in a precarious cotlition at Grimbsy Park as the result of a paralytic stroke, The Roman Catholic mission house at Chippewayan, on Lake Athabasca, has been totally destroyed by fire, to- getlfer with all fishing nets and other necessaries and twenty or more team dogs. Perhaps the by trains most remarkable case of martyrdom for science is that of J. Hall-Edwards, Birmingham, who has had his remaining hand amputa- ted for the agonizing disease known as "x-ray dermatitis. Five teams have entered the com- petition for the Kolapore cup, which opens on .Friday, Canada, England, Malay States Guides, West Indies, Guernsey and India. The winner the H rd memorial used the Ross ase nkle. A Robert Graham, Rodney, fell off a dredge into Lake Erie and was drown- ed. Forest nurseriés are to be establish- ed in Durham, Simcoe and Lambton counties. <Hrancis S. Wright cut his throat with glass and is in 'the Toronto gen- eral hospital. Plant of Genesee Fruit Rochester, N.Y., burned down. loss is $125,000, Bad milk and the intense heat are blamed for the death of 120 babies in compan yy The 7 The lord mayor's reception to the Olympic guests at the Mmnsion house was a cosmopolitan gathering, guests attending, some in flannels, some in morning and some in evening attire, while the Germans and Swedes were in uniform. The keeping in exile of Ensign Ull- mo, of the French navy, for treason, will cost $16,000 per year. Immigration - officials are advising farm laborers not to go west, but to stick to Ontario farms. The United States government will not oppose a just and harmonious in- crease in railroad freight rates. A little son of Alfred Parks, Wel- land, had his head crushed in a swing bridge, and was instantly killed. Two gates of lock 13, of the Wel- land canal, were carried away by the steamer Mary Horton. It is hoped to have the break repaired to-day. | : : : Judge Alton B. Parker will offer his |# -are impending. It is stated to the democratic national |W that the conspiracy 28 for | M4 Widespread in Poland. | ¥ Sosnowice is now flooded | }4 with troops. TO KILL CZAR. EXER Berlin, July 15.--A de- spatch from Sosnowice, 'Poland, states that more than a hundred men and women have been arrested for complicity in a plot to kill the czar. Other arrests ¢ FEEREF REESE services committee as a campaign speaker Bryan Jenkins, a mulatto, must stand his | trial at New Westminster on a charge | of murdering Mrs. Mary Morrison, of Hazelmere. The Prohibitlon national conventiow for nominating a prohibition president. for the United States, is in session in Columbus, O. W. H. Walker, Bufialo, N.Y., had his leg pulled off by an immense hawser which tangled about him. .He is aged Murderer At Bay In Barn. Chicago, July 15.--A despatch from Benton Harbor, Michigan, sdys : After having shot and fatally wounded James Kirk, August Gross, y wterday, barricaded his home and now is stand- ing off an armed pgsse which seeks to fifty vears. capture him. Gross is known to have While Lieut. Peary is on his quest | firearms. for the north pole, Lieut. Shackleton, . " of England, will be doing his best to See The Narrow Channels. ¥ reach the south, By taking the America on her own William Laird, seventeen wears old, tour of the islands, Thursday, 2:30 was committed for trial at Toronto,|p.m. 50c. on a charge of attempting to assault Hazel Calladine. Ottawa cabmen are organizing them- At Lindsay, Ont., W. J, Mulvihill, ! selves into a union. About a hun- foreman of the G.T.R. bridg® gang,' dred and fifty names have been re- was: instantly killed. He was struck 'gistered so far. A movement is also by falling girders, | being made towards forming a local It was stated at the meeting of the union of jhe teamsters. including the Soverign bank, that the.:sharéholders express drivers, etc. About seventy- would not be called upon for their five names, it is said, have Been se: double liabilities. cured. Charled, Mannieg knocked David{ Buy Blanco and Pipe Clay at Gib. Morrison down in the barroom of alson's, Red Cross Drug Store. Phone Vancouver hotel. The latter's head! 230. ~ truck the wall and he died. - Manning| You save money by spending it at is charged with murder. Livingston's sale. Investigate matters. 2 THE WILES OF WOMEN Law to Annal Marriages With Women Who Deceive Men. Atlanta, Ga., July 15.--There pro-,by scents, paints, powder or perfumes mises to 'be a lively time im the cosmetics, artificial teeth, false hair, Georgia assembly this week when the | iron stays, 'corsets, pads or padding, bill introduced by Clenn, of Whit- hoops or high-heeled shoes, low-cut field, relating to the wiles and bland- | waists, lingerie, lace, variegated drop- ishments of women, comes up for ac- !stitch or rainbow hosiery, or by any of | EEEERFERET herd. Formerly Miss Patterson, of Cal- days as a sleeping car conductor on | the C.P.R., made a gallant attempt the first complete report in one issue | of the Pan-Anglican Congress, Twelve tion. other deceitful means or artificial prac- i ul onnets, Hats and Tax of Linen, Pique, Drill, ete., | in White and Colors. At Half Price. ; ed Sailors at Price. You Can Get Long Lisle Gloves For Ladies', in White, also | Black. ! H YOU CAN GET Summer Parasols and Sum shades, ! AT COST PRICE AT . 0 ! ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess streets Summer Goods Soups, in tins and glass. Sliced Dried Beef, in tins and glass. ' Canned Chicken. Canned Turkey. Scotch Mackerel. California Soused Mackerel. California Mackerel, in Tomate Sauce. . Lunch Tongue, 4 Ox Tongue, in tins and glass. Sweet Pimentos, in tins. Jas. Rodden & Con Importers Of Fine Grocetdes. For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. best SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN SURANCE AGENCY. bi 2 LADIES' BICYCLES Ja good running order. A bargain fon cash, AT TURK'S Second-Hand Storey 'Phone, 705. \ --- Count Venzel Kaunits, a minister of Bohemia, married last week on sixty-first bixihiay fr beautif peasant girl of twenty, present his in in Brann, + at £ 000, to the University of Prague count and his pride ve gary, and a girl companion named y . fund 4 | The measure; on which a favorable [tices the marriage, upon conviction, contributions. of over report has been ordered, provides that 'shall be null and void. ala Jif any woman, whether maid or widow, | Glenn, of Whitfield, the author of} A resort | swe ehall betray into matrimony any un- the bill, has been at a summer 3b tdayy jsuspecting male subjects of this state recently and says the bill is needed. ihe Times | Florine Andersen, wading, stepped in- jat rescue, but failed. They clung to Rothschild, | to a hole made by a dredge for the [him so that he had to he rescued | Both were drowned. Mrs. | himself A strong tide was running. twenty, and Miss {1 he bodies hate pot yet Leen retover- Shep- jo The *new proprietors of pages of real ' church news. At Ug- newspaper include Lord low's. Jord Cromer, and Lopd, Northcliff, the last named ing a controlling in- [Shepherd was only terest. Anderson slightly younger. Mrs, { new pier. If it's worth. doing, and urgent, do| @