a sd Sm : Sry : Apt Ye i = Mi Ee ' 1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1908. aL Reduce [Sseceeesanessensonense Rengo Rapidly Reduces Excess Fat Without the Aid of Tire. some Exercises or Starva- tion Diet. Guwilight CIIVIV III III PIP ve { - COSTS Ho NG. TO TRY. | Miss Annie Daly, Brock street, and Rengo will reduce excess fat » the strength and » eats it t is a pro tof I to a tea, yesterday. 'The guests were in- the taste and safe and L 8H vited to Ldke Ontano park, and and build Kathleen, thought out and carried time. Out a delightful novelty in the way of there with the sound of the breakers, the sweet, sweet smell of the milk- | weed, in profusion of bloom, just now, and with the cool air blowing over a No liued part of the hillside looking West, a number of their friends sat tabout on the grass, drinking tea and #4 eating ices. The hostesses looked ai- iter the tea, Miss May Bolger, Miss Gertrude Whitehead and Miss Mildred Jones assisting them. The guests in- leluded : Mrs. J. C. Farthing, Mys, {Vere Hooper, Mrs. Charles hirkpat- rick, Mrs. Harcourt Callaghan, Mrs, . { Harcourt, of Hamilton, Miss Ina Per- This Illustration Plainly Shows ceval, Miss Katie and Miss Carrie * What Rengo Has Done. Witon, Miss Constance and Miss il- ite properties. It" will not. injure the dred Cooke, Miss Fdith Pense, Misg digbutive organs. 4s so many drugs and Grace Worrell, Miss Katie Cotter, uididaty do. PaNitively. Fede' aprples Miss Mhlbel Dalton, Miss MN, Going, fat rapidly and do so without harm to iss Milly Ferris, Miss Lillian Kent, the subject. It is vety palatable and: Miss Kate Smellie, Miss Gertride and pleasant to eat. It is prepared in a Miss Gretchen Power Miss Aone highly concentrated form and is conveni : . 5a' | ies Anes ent to carry in the pocket 80 one can Young, Miss 'Alice King, Miss Mona have it with him at all times. "Knight, Miss Helen Macafow, Missy Miss Alice Kegan, Rengo requires no ex- 9 al}; hausonti hy Eb > I rances Sullivan, ! starvation dieting tohelp of Toronto, Miss Edna Lockett, Miss it out as so many of the Emily - Sears, Miss Jessie Dickson an-cn led remedies do Some of the Aoi . " : right ahead "OMe ol the guests stayed on past snd attend to your Yegu- | the tea hour and ended up the lar daily duties. It com- ing with val $ , o : \ : i vaugleville, ( ; . pels proper assimilation K § ongratiilations of the food and sends the OF their al fresco hospitality fell in j food nucriment into the, *howers upon the hostesses. muscles, bones and nerves N » or . ind builds them up in- . : : Bstead of piling it up ju! MIS. Tranidas Hubbard, Jr,, of New the form of exeess fat York, widow of the Labrador explor- There is nothing "lyst or, has he yt : 1 eer hols 35 Food a hak, ps =, pr 1 married in ia land, to Eat Rengo Likesale by all druggists at arok lis, the son &i we Right Fruit or Candy. $1.00 per full sized box, | Hon. John Edward Ellis, M.P., recent or BY Jnail prepaid, v ly under secretary of state for India. Rengo Bldg. Detro, Mich. The com-| The bridegroom-elect owns extensise pany will gladly send, you a tral Ruek- coal lands and mines in Northampton- age free by mail, i you write them | hire Mrs AT - hea 1 direct To PRUIOIL: DO free. Packnaes my ehire M 8. Hubbard was born near drig stores | Rice Lake, and was a daughter of the Fomsale and recommended dn Kingston | Inte .James Benson, of Bewrllev, Mins by Wade's Drug Store. | Hubbard will be remembered by many | in Kingston, as she paid Mrs. Normap, | Fraser a little visit when the latter om : | lived on Alfred street. | a | Miss Mary Hora, King street, gave {a high tea at the Country Club, on on | Saturday, in honor of Miss Constance | Norten-Taylor, Her guests included ASME | Mrs. (I'. D. R. IMemming, Mrs. Ivy Never Fails to | Mart#h, Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, ! iwynne, RESTORE GRAY or FADED | toronto, Mrs, H: R. V, deBury, Mrs, SU. r | Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Wiciam Cartwright and Miss Lily Norton- evon- Hay's vr Your Fat. § Gold in i her sisters, Miss Geraldine and Miss : Evelyn | H Mrs. Norman Leslie's mother, Mrs. Saturday, bringing Miss Kerr with them. { Dever, comes out from wngland, the - Miss. Ada Temple, of Toronto, is !former may go down from Quebec to { the guest of Canon and Mrs, Grout, St. John and pay Her a visit. Brock street. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carruthers re- Mr. and mrs. Fulton Cole, of To- turned to New York on Saturday, af- ronto, have been the guests of Mrs, [ter a week's visit with the 'groom's J. 8. Turner, Barrie street, for afew | People. : d | Miss Phyllis Short, *'Underwood," is "Miss Meta Dobbs has returned from [Visiting Mus. YYjives Adams, of To-t a little wit to Mrs. George Hague at ronto, at her Walfe Island Mrs. Hague has had | Gananoque. the Misses Urisp, Union street, as her | : WR AE ; Visitors at Ardath."' | Miss Porfia Mackenzie intends re- i w- eae turning to St. Johg, N.B., on Tues Miss Gertrude Low, of Ottawa, has | day. gone down for a few days' visit | . Octavius Yates ®Alpert street, with friends among .the islands. {intends going down to Quebec the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Queen | ¢nd of this week or the beginning of street "Thve returned "after a short visit | next. She will stay with Mrs. .siex- with their son, Me. Charles S; Chap- | ander. Gorrie, who wiu be there from man, at Ingersoll. | Montreal. Sr wel ae : | -Mr. Arthur Yates and his party, of Miss Mildred Jones, King street, | Rochester, N.Y, will go down in their Fit, to-day, for 'Rockford,' Brock- | Private car to Quebec next week. ville, and wiil frobably be away al Sw month. pe | Madame Molina and Miss Lina Mo- Miss Farfy 'Muckleston, and the | lina, New York, are the guests of Rev, Charles H. Shertt, have gone | Mlle. de St. Remy, Portsmouth. Ma- down to Perth. jdame Molina has not been in King- The Bishop of Nova Scotia and Mrs. [ston to pay her sister a visit for Clare Worrell have been, visiting the | many years. Archbishop of Canterbury, at Lam-| Miss Gertrude Storke, of Hull, Eng- beth Palace, and are being feted ev- laud, is the guest of Mrs. M. M. Boyd, erywhere, | University avenue, 4 Miss Charlie Worrell, of Halifax, is' Mr. John Nicolle and daughter, Miss coming to town, on Friday, .to visit |Laura Nicolle, Union street, and Miss her sister, Mrs. Charles Stafford Kirk- | Jessie Sherman, have left to spend a patiick, Frontenac street. week in Montreal and Quebec. Lac Kirkpatrick has taken a beau- . > titul 1 in London, and will make| Mrs. N. Wilmot and Miss Emma Wil- gland her home for the future. mot, Clergy street, have returned from > le ee a' very enjoyable visit in New York. Miss Agnes Young, of Toronto, is| Mrs, A. C. Johbston, Montreal, is on staying at Mrs. Joseph Power's, Syd-{a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. enham street. Bailie, Barrie street. Her son, Court- Mire. Hoary Gracey, of Gananoque, | land, accompanied her. peil hor sister; Mrs. W, K. T. Smel- Mr. W. C. Wright and Miss May ie, William street, a short visit this Wright, ' Colborne street, are home week, from a visit to Toronto. - wv. Dr. A: B, Meldrum, of the First ww. ws a Pre bytetian church, Cleveland, is tak-| mh, marriage of Miss Sarsh Fliza- ing a holiday in these parts, and has | hath Munter, daughter of Mr. and been in Kingston this week, (Mrs. Henry Hunter, Barrie street, to His old friendy have said good-bye, | yp, David Waters Houston, B.Se.. of ver) regretfully, to Mr. James Swift, | Omaha, and a graduate of Queen's Jr., who goes to North Bay. Iwill take place, in Chicas h a 2 Me, ond. Mr. Houston is: oon 2 RY Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grant, of Pic- 2nd, Felon 13 a son of tie «A Lr, . ate Rev. S. Houston: ton, will go to Quebec for the ter-cen- tenary. Mrs. 'Charlotte Holmes, of Picton, known to manv in Kingston, fell in | her room at the hotel, and broke her anklo ummer residence, near we » or The engagement is announced of Miss of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stevenson, | Barrie street. to Mr. Frederick Orlan- do Harris, of Newark, N.J. 'I'he mar- raige takes place on August 5th. > see * Miss Eleanor Macdannell, of Toron- oy is staying with Miss Machar, at | "Ferncliff | BAIR [® Mrs. Bristol has returned to Hamil oN ton, from her visit to Mrs, Herbert | 3 PRINCE STARTED, B Saunders, Alice street, and has taken | #¢ » » little Miss Nan Saunders back with | 38 Portsmouth, Eng., July her: # 15.--The Indomitable sail- Miss Muriel King, Alice street, has|3y ed, this afternoon, for Mg {Susie Helen" St#venson, only daughter | THE NEWS OF * IN BRIEF FORM. ! Matters That Interest Everybody { --Notes From All Over-Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. ° Cheese at Stirling and Madoe, on Tuesday, sold at 11 9-16 The Union of Canada Dtunicipalitics opened their annual convention in Montréal, to-day. ; the total subseription from the city of Ottawa to the Quebec battefields jund amount to $12,000. establish a parish in Montredl. 8.5. Numidian reached Glaszow ; S.8. Hibernian, Corsican, reported in- ward at Point Armour, for Montreal. It is reported that the Canadian Pacific railway is to buy the Algoma wUentral railway from the, Lake Super ior corporation interests. The National Deposit Bank of Phila- delphia, was closed, by direction of the comptroller of the currency, and Milton C. Elliott appointed receiver. The Chatham city council gave the Salvation Army band a grant to fur- nish summer concerts in 'I ecumseh Pars, during the next three months. Trainer Sherring oi the Canadian Olympic team, bas an article in the London Mail, in which he picks tom i Longloat to win the Marathon on the 24th. i Benjamin Burchall, in Toronto police !eourt, said he could not support his three children, because he js a striking | plumber, and has been out of work for 'a long time. I Five warships of the international | fleet of twenty that will anchor in the stream ofi (Quebec during the coming ter-centenary celebration, have arriy- ted. They are all British. \ | Premier Whitney will occupy the speaker s chambers, at the Quebec { parliament buldings, as the guest of Premier Gouin duging the ter-centenary i celebration. Canon Paldwin, rector of All Saints' { church, Toronto, died Wednesday | mornjng after an hour's illness from heart failure, He was aged sixty- : eight years. { The cruiser Venus has remained at Cap Ca®e fo render assistance tq the steamér Portsmouth, ashore at that place, The Portsmouth 'is laden with coal for the fleet. A gasoline tank attached to a large { touring car belonging to W. H:. Gates, i Toronto, exploded in Detroit, setting fire to the car. The blaze damaged the car about $300, ! Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Asheton § i OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED Archbishop Bruchesi hus given per- mission to the Vincentian Fathérs to "Fruit-a-tives" is now a household word throughout Canada. From ocean to ocean these wonderful fruit liver tablets are used and praised in thousands of homes. No -other medicine, of late years, has made such an unqualified success with the whole Canadian people as "Fruit-a-tives," and in the compara. tively short term of four years. 'As an indication of the way they are selling it may be mentioned that several of the large 'wholesale drug houses are ordering. In 100 gross lots. That means 14,400 boxes of "Fruit-a-tives"" to' be retailel at 50c a box, amount ing to $7,200.00. No doubt there are thousands of people who have felt that they could and will remain so. furnace to buy. Its Bas=d upon the Juices of Pruit--*Fruit-a-tives" Has Made a Name For Itself In Every "Part of Canada at 50c. a box ALSO PUT UP IN 25c. TRIAL SIZE not afford to risk 50c just "Fruit-a-tives." To meet way "Fruit-a-tives" are now pu a special trial size which sells in order that every man, child may find out the benefit o splendid tablets. Go Whatever your trouble may Constipation, Billousness, Liver & Kidney Trouble, Skin Diseases, . matism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, aches, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, a-tives" will surely help you, Remember the new 28e¢ trial addition to the regular §0c us know if your dealer cannot both sizes. Fruit-a-tives Ottawa, Ont. * A... shows the Fused Joint idea in "Hecla" Furnaces No dust can escape through "Hecla" Fused Joints. © They are absolutely tight That is what makes the "Heclh" the safest and most sanitary upplies only pure and fresh warm air, without a trace of gas Quebec carrying the Prince 33! C. Carzon Horne, K.C.B., C.V.0., com- HAIR to its NATURAL | COLOR and BEAUTY No matter how long it has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth 'aylor. > »- « The hostesses nt Tuesday's croquet party at the park, yesterday, were of healthy hair. Stops its faMing out, [Miss Deacon and Miss Ethelwyn . Mo and positiveiy, removes Dan-[%al. Mrs. Noel Kent, Miss Gertrude drutf. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re-| Strahige, Miss Helen Iraser and Miss fuse all substitutes. 2) times as much | Maud Betts were the former's guests, in $1.00 as 5Qc size. Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. James IS NOT A DYE. Higging, -- Mrs, Franeis Macnee ang Phila Ha¥ Sev, Co, Newark. 'N. 1. Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes coming" to 1 and 50¢ bottles, at druggisee™ jhlay at dliss Mewat"s invitation. - JAS. B. McLEOD: There was a jolly Rich tea, at the Country Club, on Monday, the , girls taking . part being: Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Lil-* lian Kent, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Kate These People All Speak Well of Smellie, Miss Agnes Young, of Toron- to, Miss Deslie Dowsley and Miss Kathleen O'Hara. Mr. C. Constantine plsegymade one of the party. d > ee . Miss Lillian Lambert, Clergy street, organized a picnic party of about The Japanese Headache Cure. [twernity-five, in honor ¢f ker mother's The best remedy on the market for [vi itor, Miss Ethel Lamb, of Mont headache. N. W. THOMAS, | real, and all went down to Kingston . : | Mills s afterno Directer of Eastern Townships Bank, | lills this afternoon. Coaticook, Que. | we » I'he hostesses at the Yacht Chib tea, ' We have found them to be all that is | this afternoon, were Mrs. lva Martin, | claimed for them. J.S. McDONALD, | irs. T. D. R. Hemming, Miss Hora, * . Editor Pictou (N.S.) Advocate. [ Miss Grace Hemming and Miss Made- I have always been averse toheadache | m Carter . o - gone down to pay Miss Machar a visit at her island home. x % of Wales. The Indomitable Mi Miss Elsie Saunders, Alice street, i | % is expected to make a new 5 home from Toronto. {#1 long distanee record for *L we ww | cruiser Mi Mx John Taylor and. her Minotaur, acted as escort. Mi Rigas, od * ¥ A great crowd witnessed relatives in the city. & ar ? the d re. Miss May Smythe, West street, went a. e departure i ONE po Saimtone Ni peleniay, to | yo visit her aunt, Mrs, E. B. Stanley. g A Master LU Almon, of Montreal, is visiting Mrs. Howard Folger, West INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. street, .." Miss Emily Smythe is coming from | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Sv Clinton, N.Y., to Montreal, on Mon- | Reporters On Their Rounds. | | | war vessels. The som, | ¥ Brockville, are visiting day, and , will join Mrs. Robert Car-| When you need a cab "phone 600. son, and her party, and go on to| The 14th regiment. will be back from Quebec with them. She may return to {Quebec on Saturday, the 26th, Clinton by way of Kingston. William Swaine, piano tuner: Orders Master Arthur Wilkinson, of Mont-| received at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778. real, is the guest of Miss * Bessie In the 2.16 class at the races at Smythe, West street, Delormier Park, Montreal, May Wax ; Miss Etta Shith, William street, is secubed second place. having a delightful visit in British| Good rubber tired cab always when Columbia, and will visit Vancouver | you 'phone 600. i ( Scotin, on September 21st. | rive at Quebec on mander-in-chief of the British squad- ron landed at Quebec this morning to i present homage to Canadians The twenty-fourth annual sessio® of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada will convene in the legislative council chamber, Halifay, Nova A Pittsburg syndicate has purchas- ed Fighting Island from the owners, the Pelee estate, of Detroit, for $125,- 000. Fighting Island is in Canadian waters in the Detroit river, eight miles below the city. At Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. K. R.} Otis, driving a sixty horse-power au- tomobile, beat the Cleveland. Buffalo record held by a man. Her time for the distance of 200 miles was six hours and ten minutes. Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk railway, will ar- or dust. The "Hecla" is economical in the consumption of fuel. The Steel Ribbed (Patented) Fire Pots, which have twice as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot, draw a great deal of heat from the fire that in other, furnaces would be sent out of the chimney. Our catalogue tells more about these and other exclusive features of <*Hecla" construction. 59 Clare Bros. & Co. Limited, Preston, Ont. KINGSTON AGENTS: ELLIOTT BROS. July 24th, with Lady Rivers Wilson, and will remain at the ancient capital for the geéater and Victoria during July and August. |" "Tooth brushes," the kind that » » ye | won't wear out, are sold at Gibson's | A. Jordan and family | Red Cross drug store. | The man who éan invent a { Principal A. are occupying a cottage at East View Mrs, George Harcourt, of Hamilton, | railway car has a great future before and her little boy, are guests of Mrs. him, These days the dust of earth J. C, Farthing, Johnson street, |and 'coal makes railway travelling dis Mrs. D. Grimshaw, after spending a | agreeable, few days with her sons in Toronto, | t'abmen's phone, 490, | has left for Montreal and Quebec, with | A batteryman, sentenced to nine | her brother, Dr. Todd, of St. Louis, {months imprisonment for desertion, ! dustless j ors to the underwriters. ' number of hustling society church weo- part of the festivities. Capt. James Reid, Sarnia, Ont., has been erfgaged to go to the Atlantic const, where he will attemot ® re- cover .two ships which have heen wrecked and abandoned by their own- A thuroughly: © modern Y.M.C.A. building is planned for Tecumseh Park, Chatham, Ont., if the plans of a OUR MID-SUMMER SALE It's the quality and rea- sonable prices that makes it famous. Fancy Parlor Setts and Wood Settees, Fancy 8hade Velour and Rug Couches, Parlor Tables and Music Cabinets, also remedies on account of their being injur- | The dance at the yacht club, to- Mo | was released last evening, after serv. es Tani Lon ecgmmend night, wil bo wn attraction to wih | ¥5ic, timothy goer, Sing str, [208 Jot] ok evening, is ee S as - ostesses can take ¢ is s and : St . E and her mother, Mrs, V Camp- | charge. tle remedy. MRS, L. F. BAYLEY, lhe sure of them enjoying themselves. bell, of Baltimore, reyfirned from te Two men do not go astray. Mrs. Robert ' Gray, wife of the carriage manufac turer, is at the head of the project. handsome steamyachts, with Much of New Brunswick is as dry Brass and Iron Bedsteads and Hercules Spring and dns, street Every User Praises Zutoo. | honor of | ronto. home, on THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1868. President--Sir Richard Cartwright i Money loaned on City and Farm Pro perties. Municipal an County Deben | Svdenham tures Mortgages purchased Deposits | 1 ittle girls and gone s+received and interest allowed. | bas taken her littlergirls and Hh F : : . ol Teeth ark for nonth's S. C. McGill, Managing Director, | Jowh to Tremont Park jor a} A -- « | holiday. "Mr. MeKayv will go up and { down from town in his motor boat You can shave every day for two Mr. and Mrs Perey Schofield, of weeks with a "Gillette Safety Razor') Chicago. are staving with Mrs. Camp- for be. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Strange, William street. Red Cross drug store, Phone 230| Miss Jen Phillins, of Toronto, is for blades, | ting her aunt, Miss Spapge Shetock and Me. and Mrs, Henry BE Heleh, from Canton, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George I. Kirkpatrick, Brock street. ee ive Mrs. John McKay, 1 daughter, ic camring down the | her for a week's \isit | | treet, for Quebec, - - Mrs. Fred. I ] : : : ow" . Wy Vera, and Miss Lillian Taylor, | field: 'T. E. Evanzett, Prescott: J. L. . The serious. jlless of Thomas. Fyshe returned to Ottawa on Monday. { Lirllow, St. John, N.B.: A. 8. Howe, 3 reported from, hr 3M t a 58 Miss Bessie Gordon, King street, is! (angl ever, 0.: S. M.Thowson, bio] re aid aS go visiting in Dorval. . | Prantlord;.W. 1. Hoyle, Cannington; ot. Ve Fyshe was one of the Miss Mamie Garrett, Johnson street, | i. White, Port Hope; John FE. Fan. Ptdside, : : > i : ~ best known bankers in Canada, hav- is ing Quebec for the ter-centen- | ii ith * QGart i; DVS b Miss Day, Belleville, a graduate - pn ye is going to Wuebe nell, Whitby; Edward C. arbutt,, o., been for years connected with the ; a + 1 g | Picton: RR. R. Brett, Fssex: N. 0. Me- - Cort? » the smnservatory of Rie : { 3 ili Kirkpatrick and Miss | 81Y- > : p1aeson; ii, = r 7 EEE SNe Me TE Bank of Nova Scotia and Merchants Conservatory of Music, Toronto, i Mx : Ne ium A ihal) Leer visti: Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hill Macnee. | Oneston, Chicago;® John Ogg, Sheriff | Fk of Contin. A i kool 1 | > pe the Rev. Dr . | King street, and their little daughter.! Allan, Guelph: James A. Jaques, Ath- | i ment at © schoo oklo r cousin, ie A a nf conk | » . ¥ Jd A i » a} ho S \ ap { ok Dean. of Ely are going up, the end of the week, | (ne Ont.. J. W. Klauek and wile, Bui- { ducted by the W.S. M. of the rick, Dean : v nberg, feath took place i toco, n|John:on street. last, of { Miss Margaret Gaskin will return to out sixty vears. The de York, eek, and will take + ailing for about s © | Miss Aw whkin back with her for with general debility. a Hix Wee visit Simon | f will ke charge of the musical de Kirkpat | Splendid 1 church at C n, |gv street. of the late Rural Dean! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stua rector of the! «treet. with Miss Fdna, Mr. Garnett, | Mr. Warren and Mr. Horace Lockett, leave. to-day, in their of F 5 x ; Beele Plain Qu Miss Maud Bette, Saveries Aine de Beadpre, of Saturday even private purties on board, touched as tinder and rain is greatly needed. TH 2 To IRR Sanitary Health Mattresses ! nie tie Satu mg here, to-day, on their way down the Forest fires are burning in several |. . v . 5 *. al Pow an, on. o-. Se Miss Sara C. Hazlett," Brock street, | river hey will visit Quebec during Ho a pe Ww ithin Har le of St at sale pricss. Store open nights. F reight paid. atl, ae ? rr, ol 3 i i f i 88 | : + A ; : : . Th . . i velyn Kerr, o « is s Jeteling 3 ox Ria) with Mi ¥| the celebration During the past week John, N.B., there is a Lig fire which James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. "Phong 147. | Ethel Sproule, Westbrooke seven yachts have passed down on gtarted near Spruce Lake last week, y | "wwe : Miss Doris Kent, King street, is go- | {heir way to wuebecg.all from Ameri- a hes a Seven niles of terri . And? { On Monday a little farewell high tea | {0 down with Mrs. Walter Macnee can ports. Lo tory Wood's Phosphodine, was given at the Country Clb, With | upd Miss Norah, to Quebec, and with | Julia Lalonde, the young woman . Totomeat Tnglish Remedy. |Mr. James Swift as the guest of | thom will be the guest of Colofiel and tel ival ' who acts as the representative in ©. ne vm toe iho whoo honor. ' Mrs. Neilson B. A. Hote Arriva Ss. So ale Dr sentative Ju 5 D> n old Veins, Cures Nero. | ee PE James C, Hand, Sr., P. Horan and Mostrea ° bh Hi olman, the no OO [Sy ¢ and Brain Worry, Des: | My Adam Shortt, King street, will Miss Mabel Graydon, who has been | wife, Dr. Ira Whiting, Mr. Whiting, toriovs | hiladelphia oan Shark was, . f pir ic iy Hane ta) ta nioni. Sper eptertain- at a little ten to-morrow visiting her sister, 'at Rockwood Ho: -| Fred. Whiting, New York; O. W. Lew- to-day, found guilty at vio ation of 'rice $1 per box, wx fo One will please, six | . -- "oe pital, returned to Streetsville to-day. |is, Chatham; R. II. Cowan, W, C. Al he mau aw, snd on hi 8 Sentence was - ih eure, Bold by ll drogeiats ox mulled in | Mrs. M. Maudson, University avenue. Miss Victoria Morrison. of Toronte, | lan, Londen, Ont.: Ei H. Woodruff, doforted J a ew days 8 Jue re bu m : n ho Woad Med'c l i frie t : = ' 2d . rs Ee: Wavdel law *d that he saw no other altern- mailed fre. Tho W Mod cine Co. who has been visiting friends in Ro s the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ed-| Ithaca, N.Y.; Mrs. W. Waydell, New ma i hes wormerty Winds rd Famante. One | clester for the past two weeks, re er a at 'Rockwood House." | Rochester, N.Y.: J. PF, Hains. ¢ni utise than jo snd hes jo, Jail io We Judge, But You Endorse Our returned Monday. She Miss Coldre Clarke, of New York, | wife, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. C. M. ie. >. Jumpress o a brought Miss Laura Hogan back with econ Paving her aunt, Mrs. Wil-| Tumer, . Mrs. Tw Davis, Bingham. pected Jormiarrow, he eneries 4 dis- Judgment by Purchasing Cur Shoes. ¢ ~ * 3 . | ; a x : ruisher ass ars, liam Workman, Alfred street, a little | ton, N.Y; W. T. Mel oy and wife, He Ye a Reng. Puke po . x i i er ( rr. C. LIRR r, N.Y. C. BE. Bristane, Oak- hem Leg Lo 2 . . i an er av Tans. | Roclesty, NYL Wricht VW. Gra. Norfolk and other guests for the ter- A Neat, Roomy Toe in Tan and Black Oxfords, {or larie's camp, kay s. Lake and, < R. G. ny. ¥.G asx or io : The c : . Miss Hilda Robinson, Queen! street, | ham, J. A. McLaughlin, hv. J. Hag- © BiERaIY SoleRrabion: 1 Re Oe eEROR. dressy men, in hot weather. St. Lawrence | gart, J. W. Tromanhouse, F. C. Arm- a Hera a Ppa ee aide-de-camp river shore. | strong, Toronto; Wm. Ketcheson, L. son R an EE Ba miss py Professor Fowler and Miss Annie |B, Cooper, E., C. Spracue, Bellasille: The oman Catholic miss on D owler, Union street, left, to-day, for | H. A. Laird, J. Potter, A. Finlay- Chippewaran Laks, Athahasy + Wha jo. ° ® s Metis. | son, Thomas Jzzard, Jchn J. Reid. W, tally SE TOYSe a a hv oie 2 . ( ; Pl 837 Major and Mrs. E. N. Mozlev will | J, Bartley, D. J. Dickson, H. Wallace 2ll supplies anc wenty dog same, « 286 Princess St.--The House ° Qility-- one A "Flmhurst,"" from Batter- |g : CB. Woadley. NM al: ¢. While in flight from the burning build- return to mhurst, rom batter- | Stroud, C. E. Woodley, Moutal; C. | J Se X rnin : : sea, on Saturday, and will then leave |B. Allan, St. Jehn"s, N.B.: J. D. Me. ing, two priests, Father Poitrias, in " ( : 'Toan, Weatville N.S: Charles*R. Me. : charge, and assistant, were, rowed > | Ce . - : | Dara'd, Sherbrooke, N.S: Col. Cole, i Smith's Landing, on the Atha- : ; ies Birkett and her little | Prockville; James A. Robb, Valley- Pasta Hver. ' We Can Supply You With All Your Wants, Especially in o kes and Fruits a Sa EE A TRIAL 1S ALL WE ASK. vod ] ] Mi Ethel Lamb. of Montreal, is the | to Reed Bay, on the upper end of | fa'o, N.Y.; R. 0. Barter and wife, id Pasties, r nti ' i i, oto loy to be ple weet i Mra "Thomas Lambert, Cler- | Wolfe Island. - { Chicago; J. 8. Sterloek and wife, | 1 stori Pe os 2 a. oa as » * oye S, 1 ' I ae rhe ha Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Syden-| Tandon: J. A. Tully," Petertoro: Re p. | ane Sosied . yi ng a en s ' . or bam street, was called to Montreal at| Gilt and wife, lichmond, Va.: George !'Taveloguetat the Bon, oda) and ' { : nocn to-day, owing to the serious ill-| Kino. Cernwall:. Rev. A. E Burke, to-morrow, with an interesting talk | see pin 1 e soap is a high- | expested to Sald in Kingston only | gasoline launch. XTC, for a few davs' « Red Cross drug store, | cruise among the islands, * making oenry Ashley, a four-vear-old boy, | Thousand Island Park headquarters. Cid at Ogdensburg. N.Y .. of. lo k-jaw, | Their guest, Miss Alice Kearns, of To- contracted: by stepping on an old can. |ronto will accompany them. he maiden n of the late Mrs. | . . . Mrs. Hugh Osler and Mr Harty came home, from Toronto, . . i ---------- Beware of cheap and worthle§s imi- 8 ) T, ness of her mother, Mrs. Moison. Princo Fdwerd Island: S. H. Palrer, by talph Tatton Jones. : ] : - - ow. Masih | Boston, Mass. | ; Mr. H. Uglow, of the Merchants'| \ ap - - ds ¥ v Bank, Stratford, who has heen spend- | Hon. My. Monteith save the provin- j tations of the Gillgtte Safety Re Nordheimer i teinway ing his holidays at home, has gone gia] government has purchased half a zor." The genuine sillette 12.50 \ . ke 2 back to Strauord, I million white spine seedlings from' Ger- | in giingston at Gibson's Red Cross Pianos . ; anos Mrs. Walter Macnee, -Union street, 'mang for its forestation scheme. . pi store. £2 : Rely & ris and her family, will leave, on Friday,| "Gillette Sa oty Razors" are sold in | 3 r. Scott, of the firm o ely Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART 5 g William {for Quebec, and after enjoying the i Kingston at Gibson's Réd Cross drug Scott, hakergy Athens, has purchased , 3 » TORE, va on ~ fete: there will go on to Metis. store, * his partner's share in the --~ Heville, was Saman-! v Parl ane of Napanee.