Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1908, p. 6

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Warm Weather and Vacation Shoes Have the Call Now. * * * Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 2.00. - Ladies' Whité Canvas Pumps, covered wood heels, $2.00. 3 ~ © Misses White Canvas Oxfords and Strap, $1.00 and 1.25. : Child's White Canvas Oxfords and Strap, 90c and $1.00. - Infants' White Canvas Oxfords and Strap, 75¢" and 85c. 2 Women's Chocolate Oxfords. $2.00, 2.50 & 3.00. Mengs Tan and Black Oxfords, $3.00, 3.50 & 4.00. Tennis and Outing Shoes. A big range to ¥ choose from, : Come for your Shoe Wants ¥ Good Shoemaking. i]. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. to the House of N ' . Xs "| - Theonty X remedy knows to a science which will positively cure lost manhood 1s " RESTORINE,* the marve!lous German Remedy discovered by Dr. Jules Kohr. Itis controlled in this count by the Dr, Kohs Medicine Company, a concerns which has the highe: standing in the medical world, This 'reatment haa cu thousands of men, young and old, when the best known remedies have failed. If youare suffering from disrases of the generative organs such as lost manhood, exhausts ing drains, nervous debility, the results of abuse, this remedy can and will cure you fo Shay cured. The headache, pir. ples, varicocele, gain in the back and failing memory, disappear complétely, in the worst cases in from one to two week's tredtment, We make the honest offer of 8 cure or return your money. Thousands of testimonicis, Correspondence treated si FIVE day" treatment sent free with a book of rules for health diet and advice. ' Our greatest successes have been those whe have failed with other tregtments, This remedy is \ gular) y used in the Frene Yd German armies, and eite fie idiers in these countrie. Write for sample C32 securely sealed in plain abe modsin ul - Address DR. KOHR MEDICINE CO.. P.0. Drawer U 234: "*atrech m---- rer OXFORDS FOR MEN. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last, lace, $5.00. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last, button, $5.00, Pat. Colt Skin, medium toe, natty last, lace, $4.50. Gan Metal Calf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Gun Metal Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty last, $4.50. Tan C.lf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Tan Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty last, $5.00. Chocolate Tan Blucher, wide toe, $4.00. Pat, Colt Skin Blucher, medium toe, $4.00. REID & CHARLES ! 3 1 PRANCESS ST. - KINGSTON. DESO E EEE ORE ER Beautify Your Home --ee-- WITH ----no- Varnish Stain. We sell the kind that, gives hard, durable, . and lustrous finish, Can be used for re- finishing everything about the home. TRY A CAN. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St [DO00000 O00 0000000000000 0CO0CO0O00OOL] - EE ~The most delicate and dainty sweetmeats are COWAN'S Maple Buds, MilK Chocolate, Cream Bars, etc. : Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. 4HE COWAN CO., Limited, TORONTO 135 Church St. Authors & Cox Toronto. Eet 1860 Our ability to help the afflicted, 1s NmiGless Our Artificial Limbs enable those -- who . have lost one or both T= legs--to walk, ride bi- cycle, and even skate, Other helps for Spinal Curvature, Un- united 'Fragtutes; and other deforma- ties, are made to order. If you are afflicted in any way, write us for the appliance to help you. . -- =z Surgical Aids to the Afflicted Trusses TE Our success in fit- ting Trusses: is phe- nominal, Yet it is not to be wondered at, For 48 years, we have 4 stndied, tested, examined, invented. To-day, we guarautee to fit every rupt: person with a truss, that is not only easy and comfortable, but also a truss that will retain the rupture. "ing the summer: visiting her OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What , People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. ofingemen Had Excursion. Melcombe, July 13.~Mrs. P. O'Hare and children, Watertown, are visiting Mrs. J. Donovan. Oscar Landow had a large barn raising Thursday. - Mrs. L. Thompson and children, Ogdens- burg, 'are visiting friends here. The Orangemen of this district celebrated by having an eseursion to Clayton. Miss Annie Gleason, Brockville, visited her cousin, 'Mrs. B. Gavins. A. Weart was in Montreal this week, uo ti © | Closéd His Saw Mil. Ferguson's Falls, July 13.--A large number of Ferguson's Falls people at- tended the picnic at Innisville on Sa- turday. The Sisters of Charity from the House of Providence, Ringatos are collecting around here now. Thom- as Stafford has returned from Quebec for a visit. Jackson Willows and family, Boyd Settlement, attended the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ~ WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1908. R. Berry Brockville, are uests of . H. Wa» James White, Gravenhurst. and Miss. B. Berry, spending -this week Powell. Mr. and rs. D. 'Powell, Brockville, were guests of friends in this place on unday. Miss Alice Tennant has returned home from her school at Cedar Grove, Ont. Mrs. Nancy Tennant has returned home, after visiting in Athehs. -H. W. Powell spent the }3th at Merrickville, Congratulations to Miss Ollie Ten- nant and Miss Hazel Dickey, who were successful at the recent examin- ations. * . , Two Deaths At Maberly. Maberly, July 13.--A number of people have gone to spend the .day in Merrickville. Mrs. John Buchanan went to Westport to visit friends. An o'd and respected resident of this village passed away last week in. the person of George Buchanan) who had heen in failing health for about a year. Mr. Buchanan leaves a widow and grown up family of seven. In politics he was a sconsérvative and in religion a Methodist. Mrs. Frederick Bevin, of this place, passed away on Sunday last. She leaves a husband "and ° infant baby. The funeral service was conducted at the house hy Rev. C. RB. Clark and the remains ~ 'were laid to rest in White's cemetery, Bathurst, 'Miss Maggie Thompson. of New heamp meeting in Stittsville. The farmers around here are busy at the haying now; it is a very good f Charles Hollinger 'has closed his saw mill 'for the - summer, after a very successful season. Point Road Pointers. Point Road, July 14.--Rain is bad- ly needed for the grain and root crop. R. Stanton and W. Esford are engag- ed J. Barrett's for the harvest. Miss at N. the recent entrance had five to carry off the honor. Mucklewrath management, with estate is Looming. J. gaged with G. Crozer for vest. . Notes From Folger. Folger Station, July 13.--Farmers are starting their haying ond report the crop about the same as last year. A number from here attended the so- cial at the log school. Credit is due the ladies for their able management. P. Cameron has teams engaged haul- ing Gillies Bros' lumber to the sta- tion. James Simpson has finished his. new stable. «Mr. Johnson, Brockville, general agent of De Laval Separator company, spent a day last week with M. Moore, local agent. Blueberries are ripe Migain and the youngsters are having a good time on the Blueberry Mountain and report an abundant crop. Visitors: W. Burpham, from Maberly, spent Sunday with his fam- ily. Mrs. Burnham and Master Law- rence are at Marshall Moore's; James Simpson at M. Moore's, last Sunday. Marysville News. Marysville, July 14.--Mr. and Mrs, R. Rosevear, of Kingston, spent I'ri- day last with J. C. Meagher. Mrs. W. McKane and daughter spent the week, with her brother, P. MeAlpin. A large numba joined the pilgrimage to Ste. Anne (le Beaupre. Miss Annie O'Neill, of Toronto, is with her aunt, Miss Mary Dacey. All are pleased to see Mrs. C. Séanlan round again after her serious illness. Mr. and Mrs, Cummings, of Toronto, ' spent last week with Edward MeNeel. John Cud- lorn and sister, of Ingles, spent Sun- day with their uncle, P. MecAlpin. Miss Mary Traynor was at home to a number of her friends Sunday evening. last. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Meagher spent Sunday with her brother, Dn. Sheehan, Westbrook. The eréops in this locality are looking poof, owing to the continued dry weather. berries are almost a failure. lasp- Improving Looks. Sangster, July 14.--A severe storm passed over this vicinity on 'Monday night. No great amount of rain fell, but what did was vastly appreciated. Patrick Egan is improving the looks of his dwelling by erecting a new ver. andah. Miss Mary Burkett : after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. James Murphy. left last Monday for the west. Patrick and John Mur- phy spent Sunday with friends in Bedford Mills. J. D. Burs left, Sat- vrday for Brooklyn, N.Y., to yisit his sister, Mrs. KE. Murphy. Visitors: Missed Annastasia Connor and Miner- va Young, at T. Barrett's; Nicholas Murphy at I. Egan's; John Madden at Godfrey; John Sheehan ' at T. Rar- rett's; Jennie Bennitt spent Sunday with 'Bartley, Connor; Miss Kose Young at P. O'Connor's. Cross Lake Items. Cross Lake, July 13.--Farmers have commenced cutting hay. B. R. New- ton is rushing the work on his new house. Alphesus Keeley has returned from .Cobalt, where he hag beep for the last six months. Mr, and /Mrs. George Vandewater are stopping in Mis little cottage near Cross Lake for a short time. J. Vandewater has re- turned from Cobalt. Huckleberry pick- ing is the order of the day. Que a Jew from here went to Mountain Grove to the Orange celebration there. WH- liam Newton is doing some carpenter work for J. W. Brown, Arden. lion to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick loyst, a son. Mrs. Gillen, Madoc, is at her father's. Percy Detlor . intends stop- ping at Cross Lake, fishing for a short time. Visitors: George Loyst at Sid- ney Whitmarsh's. Miss M. Veeley aad Miss Kellar at William Newton's. School has closed for the present and Miss Sherbino has gone home to King- ston for her vacation. Caintown Tidings. Caintown, July 14.<Mr. and Mrs. James Scott went to Brockville on July lst, Miss Iva Munn is visiting friends in Lyn. Mrs. Thomas Bryden and young son, of Galt, are visiting her" parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ten- naut. Mrs, Catherine White is speud- gon, 0'Connor, teacher in No. 2 school, fias tendered her resignation, greatly to the dissatisfaction of the people, as she was a general favorite, with the parents and children, and at! ¥esars. Davis, Stoness, Drew, Avery, examination she Ww. hag severed his connec- tion, after several years of successful J. Hamilton, and will go west to locate in some of the flourishing cities, where land and real Snider has en- the har- York city, arrived on Saturday to spend a month: with friends. Visi tors: Mrs. Thomas Buchanan at Mrs. Charlton's; Mrs. Arthur Charlton at Mr. Rigney's; Miss Purdon at John Buchanan's; Mr. Nurse, of Sharbot Lake, took the seryicé im St. Alban's church on Sunday evening. Mr. Alum preacliéd to the Orangemen on * Sun- day. Mountain Grote Notes. Mountain Grove, July 14.--The cor- ner stone of the new Orange hall was laid on Friday by Mr. Davis, county master. Over was placed on it. M.P.P,, Dr. Edwards, Gilbert and Richmond were present. * Mr. Sharpe and. family have bade farewell to their many friends here while Mr. Richmond takes his placo as 'pastor for this conference year. Mrs. Hughes, Kaladar, spent Sunday at the. parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. James Mills, St. Louis, are Visit- ing his father, who is over ninety years old. After spending a few days at home Miss Annie Godirey has gone to visit her sister, Mrs, Sproule, Dungannon. Mrs. James Rickey, Bar- riefield, is visiting her many friends here. Miss Bella Gentle, Napanee, spent a few days with « Miss Mabel Price. A. KE. Sharpe, photographer, Warkworth, engaged at his business for a few days here, has taken seve- ral views of the village. Mrs. A.W. Sanderson is spending her holidays at her mother's. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. Price a daughter. Mrs. Wood- cock, Alberta, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Crozier, and Mrs, William Mil- ler. A number from here attended the Orange service on Sunday conducted by Rev. Mr. Cox in the Anglican church, Arden. Farmers are busy! in the hayfield. "Raspberries do not seem to be very plentiful except in gome places, Visitors > Miss John- stone, White Lake, at A. McDonald's; Master John MeCallum, Tweed, at Mrs. M. W. Price's; Miss Nellie Clark, Mountain Vale, at Mrs. N. Clark's; Miss Dollie Cox and Charlie Cowdy at home. M.P., Paul, Revs. Cox, Sr -------- Bedford Township Council. July l4th.--Members all present. The reeve to have repaired the road ffom Salem to Devil Lake. On motion, Kennedy-J ones, Danicl McCarty noti- fied to remove dam made by him flooding highway within ten days or legal proceedings will be taken. That Mr. Lev repair Thompson road, the Hoppins = road, Green Bay road, and examine the Bedour road, with power to act. On motion, Scanlon-Jones, Mr. Kennedy to expend $10 on the Cothy road. On motion, Kennedy- Jones, Mr. Scanlan to put in culverts on the Breen road; that the reeve sup- ply tile for culverts fcr the different roads; that Thomas Asselstine be ap- pointed road surveyor for balance of 1908, Voted: Mrs. Myers, charity, $1; reeve, for tile moulds, scrapers, grate, ete., $13.23; for roads, P. Burns, $7; R. Fotester, $7; W. Brash, $3.50; C, Derbyshire, $3.50; J, Kirkpatrick, $5; Daly Dros., $3.75; J. S. Wilson, $1.88; 1'. Babcock, $2.50; M. O'Connor, $1.- 25: P. O'Connor, $1.25; and cedar, 81.- 88; James Kelly, 85; T. Hickey, Sr., $5: 1. Hickey, Jr. $5; F. Rondon, $2.50. E. Hickey, $1.87: B. Atwcod, $2.- 50; J. Kelly, 85; G. Fraime, $2.50; J: W. Bradshaw, $2.50; TT. Swerbrick, $4.38; R. Brash, $3.50; P. O'Connor. $2.88; J. Hickey, $3.75; P. Murphy, £10.50; W. Thompson, $2; John True- love, painting hall, . material, etc., 897.43; Misses Botting, $2; F. Rielly, cedar, $6.10; A. Bennett, cedar, $7.52; clerk, waiting on government engi- necr, $3. Adjourned until August 20th. The Homely Man's Lot. It's mine to be harried and jostled about With never a smile from a girl swell, Except from a few of the sex who are out 2 With charity lists or with tickets to sell. summer WORSE THAN ONIONS Bad Breath From Indigestion Cannot Be Overcome With Per- fumes. Ning-tenths of the offensive breath is a result' of stomach tsouble. It can- not be overcome by breath perfumes jor any other palliative measures. { If you have a bad breath; if there lis heartburn, flatulence and gulpings undigested food; if the stomach of | burns or smarts; if there is sleepless- 'ness, nervousness, headaches or any 'other symptoms of indigestion, use | Mi-o-na stomach tahlets and get svell. | A 50c. Lox of Mi-o-ng stomach tab- {lets lasts for a couple of weeks. and {will ward off a dozen mild attacks of { indigestion, while its continued = use {will give an absolute and complete cure, , G. W. Mahood has seen 50 many |cures made by Mi-o-na stomach tab- lets that he gives 5 guarantee with every box to refund the money if it pile, you are going to Quebec you will ng rat to'pay a visit to our need Alyy Y " "TRAVELLING G00DS DEPARTMENT" 'We have everything needed in the line of Trunks, Hand Bags, Suit Cases, Ete. © Truhks, $2.50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 8.00 to 15.00, Suit Cases, real leather, $5.00, 6.00, 8.00 tol15; a | See Our Special Leather Cases at $5. Imitation Leather Cases, $1.75, 2.00 to 3.50. Many st¥les of Hand Bags, real leather and "leather: lined, $4.50, 5.00; 5.50, 6.00, 8.00 to 15.00, { 1 2 Cheaper Grades of Bags at $2.00, 2.50. Made of Split-Grain Leather. Ud) HPENDABLE SSHOES -- OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager vw Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates, and is paid four times a year. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor, KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH, P, C. STEVENSON, Manager. mene rr nd China Cabinets This Week Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu- lar price $30 for $20, 12 $25 for $17. 1 Large Buffet, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. ; Also a line of . China Cabi- 2 nets to match, $14 to $25, in solid Quarter Cut Oak, : will pay you to see them, ' " ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. Ambulance Telephone, 577, The First Store Above The Opera House ee -- SECEECEE CEERI IRE RRC EPR BRRRER Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J.REES, 166 Princess S SUGAR Forms a large proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It to your interest and profit to use (especially for a the season being now on) BEST GRANULATED which is the well known Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining.' Ask your Grocer for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A, HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent, i Kingston, Ont., June 27, '08. J. O. HUTTON, Esq., Agent, Canada Life Assurance Co 4 ston, on ompany, 18 Market St., Xing. Dear Sir--Re my whole life policy No. 10,465 (With profits) in your Company--I am obliged for your cheque, being amount of surplus over premium, which is indeed very gratifying to me at my age to | know that I have no further premiums to pay, but continue to re. ceive an increased annuity each year, as long as I live, and $1,000. payable to my estate. . J Yours truly, JOHN LOVICK. 52 University A venue, Kingston, Ont. NG TO |=: BEC? {4 5 *{ other .. requirements com en aye purchased. acre. THE CANADIAN BANK x Ph 1 Surface Oak, regular price The above are snaps. It 3 il 3 jit » i : i i; i ji SE 25 NOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULATIONS, " QUARTZ. --A age and over ha may claim teet. nizing hecorders Sinan id expended on aid to "the .00 has been 00 an PLACER MINING CLAIMS 100 feet square. Entry fee, 00, DREDGING, Two, Jota of ive X licant for a - of 20 Ren tay, years. lo um. Royalty, 24 af! he 'ouput excogds $10,- \ Ww. w. Cory, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--~Unautho! publication of this udvertisemen paid for. 3 ly, t will not be American Oils : Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. _ Prices on application. South Cor, Ontario and Clarence, OOQA000000000000000000 COAL! The sudden chan in weather ought to suggest eo wisdom of putting in some good coal, We sell good Coal. t's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the best money can' buy, and there is none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom $ prices. Booth & Co., "Phone 133. Foot of West St. HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH GLACIER 'The only pubstitute for Stamed Glass by Artistic, Durable, Kconomical, D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. : High Grade Pianos at Living Pri Victor and Berliner Gramophone. Wilt. img' aoving Mach ne, hoenix Fire guisher ; and a full L M Instruments, Music, ete. ie af Manicy| I! you wish to be De Juccesstul ate Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, experienced and night s Slasacs: Enter at « vi Phone, €40, 917. moderate, H. F. METCALFB, P J, B CUNNINGHAM, feoretasy: ; Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. . CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num. Phone 490 OFFICE NO, 1. All orders promptly" attegded to night, or day, 'W.F. KELLY & CO., 4

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