Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jul 1908, p. 7

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TRAVELING. KINGSTON ® PEMBROKE RAILWAY 1x colfEcTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Grand Tercentenary Celebration July 20-Aug. 1. - QUEBEC, $10.00 Return From Kingston Tickets Good Going JULY 18 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Return Limit Aug, 3. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. Good to go Sept. 1st, 15th and 29th, Aug. 4th and 18th. Tickets good to retin in 60 days. Full parviculars at K. & P. and C, P. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50, F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass.| Agent. -------- BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Tran, leaves d anion pation, Dutario street, .m. daily undays excepted, for ACID, LR Na - onto, Bannockburn and all points north. To secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points on tral Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- lures, appl ts R. W, DICKSON, Agent, Special Side Grip Fares During Ger-Centenary Cele- bration, Quebee. INTERCOLONIAL 2 V- NESTA Will sell round trip tickets to R 0. from LEVIS Cacouna set lan Little Metis Dalhousie . St. John, Pictou, N.S. ,. Charlottetown, I' E.I Summerside, PEI, Halifax, N.S. , . Sydney, N.S. . . Proportionate rates to all the Intercolonial and Prince Island Railways. - July 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. August 8rd, NB. ei 18.50 points on Edward Good for return until 1908, Montreal City Office, 131 St. James Street. or General Passenger Department, MONOTON, N.B. HDRES Tercentenary Celebration, Quebec, P.Q. July 20th to August 1st, 1908. Round trip tickets will be issued from Kingston at rate of $10. Good going July 18th to July 27th inclusive all tickets good to return until Aug. 3rd, Low Rates to Pacific Coast and i Return. Good returning until October 31st. Ne or $95.80 in i" 1 $101.10 Portland NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- Seattle San Francisco IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St. Paul. 1st 2nd Winnipeg, Man. ... Srandon, Man, Regina, Sask. Edmonton, Alba. ... 7 And proportionate g s to other points in the Canadian Northwest. "HOMES EEKERS EXCURSIONS to the: Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St, Paul, good gofhg July 21st, Aug. 4th and 18th, good to return with- in 60 days. : For pullman accommodation, tickets and other infotmation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Stes Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Oruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron SS. #Campana," with slectrie lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at 4 pom., 27th July, 10th and #4th August, 7th and 21st September, for Yictou, N.S calllng at Quebec Gaspe, Mal Bay, Grand Riv Sumuuerside, POEL, Charlottetown, i Perce, and ry NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, $.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th and 23nd August. Bermuda Summer Excursions, $40 and upwards, by the Twin Screw 8S. "Bermudian, 5,500 tons. Sailin, fortnightly from New York, from nd June to bth October. Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season health and comfort, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Qusbec. For tickets and staterooms appl to J: P. HANLEY, or C. S. KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS. Strs. NORTH KING. Commencing June 27th, leave Eling. ston for Thousand Island points daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return- ing leave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y., (Port Hh Rochester), calling atyflay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA---lLeaves Mondays Bay of Quinte Ports, at 5 p.m, Full tnformation from JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents, J. P. HANLEY, C. S. KIRKPATRICK. Ticket Agents. for | | | 1 | | London, June 25.--Ten thousand earnest and determined women, bent on securing the right to vote: at par- liamentary elections, walking the principal streets of London, in impos- ing parade, was a sight never before witnessed in the English capital. The procession was eminently nota- ble for its cosmopolitanism. French, American, German, Dutch and Belgian suffragists marched the--three miles uncomplainingly. Women of title--one, at least, indi- y connected with the blood royal --~walked with kitchenmaids; women of wealth, factory workers, nurses and shopgirle--all joined in emphasizing their one ideal. Many of the marchers had reached their .three score years and ten, and looked likely to reached yet another score. Two old persons--Mr. and Mrs. llaslam, both more than eighty-- walked with the agile step of yquth under the green banner of 'Ould Oire- land." "The proudest moment of my life," said Mr. Haslam, as he sxplain- ed that his great mission in life, "votes for women," began nearly half a centur? ago. Mrs. Despard, as grim and resolute as her world-famous brother, Sir John French, strode ont behind the gloomy banner of the Holloway "'mar- tyrs."" Enery step every glance she gave to right or left, seem- ed to say: "We want the vote, and we mean to have it--whatever the cost may be." The head of extended more than two 'miles start to finish the whole. A distinguished quartette they were--Mrs, Fawcett, Dr. Sophie Bryant, Miss Emily Davies and Lady Frances Balfour. she took, which from the procession, TNT ---- ----_ f RS R IfTLE iv 'k Fzadache and relieveall the troatiica ined t to a bilious state of the system. 'uch a8 ness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Sida, &c. While thei" mom femarkable success has been shown in cding SICK Juwadsche, yet Carter's Little Liver Pie arh ¥(ually valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- wating thisannoying complaint, while they alse 'tall disorders of thostomach stimulate the wr and regulate the bowels. Even if they «uly HEAD Sahe they would bealmost priceless to th.cee who gaffer from this distressing complaint; but forte Bp cly their goydness does notend here, ana those Waoonve try them will find these little pills valu ble in so many ways thas they will not be todo without t! Bat after alleick ACH Ate bane id many lives that here is whore ®vmake ouf'great boast. Our pills cure it while Mers do not, Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small und gory easy to take, One or two pills makes desi. ey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe ég rge, but by their gentlo action please them. Inrvialsat25¢ents; fivefor $1. ¢ druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. | ) CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York} Nell ol 2 ad a -- ALLAN '~2i' LINE Montreal to Liverpool Victorian sails ....July 17. Aug. Corsican sails .....July 24. Aug. 21. Virginian sails July 81. Aug. 28. MONTREAL _TO HAVRE AND LONDON. weduly 18. Aug. 5 ....-Aug. 1. Sept. 12, and full informa~ tion may be obtained from J. P. HANLEY, Ajpent G.T.R.,, or 0. 8, |_KIRKPATRIOK, Local Agents. ___| Sicilian sails Corinthian sails Rates of passa STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON. 7.30915 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m, TUE 7.80--9.15 a.m. 2.00--4.00 p.m; 7.30-9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. S., Breakey's 6.809.830 a.m. 1.30 p.m. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p 9.151330 a.m: 5.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON :-- 8.80---11.80 a.m. 8.0055:30 p.m, 8.30--11.3¢® a.m. 3.005.300 p.m, WED. 8.30--11.80 a.m. 3 3 THURS. 8.30--1.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. Breakey"s Bay, p.m. FRI. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m, SAT. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8,005.30 p.m. SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.15--5.80 p.m, Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor's i . mg SAT. mm. SUN. MON,' TUES. oc, at' 3.00 p.m, me Table subject to change without notice. Boat and "fro * SUFFRAGIST PAR gave the keynote to calls at Garden Island going to m Kingston 2: Mrs. 'Fawcett and the "mortarboards" of their 'varsity, aud across: Davies' gight figure was thrown crimson sash that contrasted strange- | ly with the somber black she wore. i "Caps and gowns"' appeared in Bu ber to make'a 'varsity procession. Ome hundred and fifty graduates came from Girton, almost as many from Newnham, and' women who had wrest- ed honors from London University marched with them. "Brains are in the procession, sure- ly !"" exclaimed Miss Corbett, with a ving of pride in her voice, as she ran pp and down the lines to see that ev- eryvthing was running merrily on. There were "brains," indeed-<hrains and resolution. Mine. Sarah Grand was there, and Miss Beatrice Harra- den, whe thrilled the reading public with her "Ships That Pass in the Night." Miss Cicely Hamilton, the author of 'Diana of Dobson's," was followed closely by Mrs, Thomas Har- dy. the wife of the man whose Wessex 1 I» have become English classics. \ woman scientists, wos «© walked without i t procession. 1 dive ex and éostumes of the wo- Dr. Bryant wore and scarlet robes Miss a : Rit : Lf td bat: 17s. color. pinafore kaleidoscope of kiinono gowns, gowns ever-varying There were gowns, empire gowns, in bright white, and the latest dazzling hue of copper brown. There were picture hats trimmed swith the gavest of roses and hats bedecked with{ the fiimgiest of ribbons. The frgnt windews' "of West End dressmakers were here in moying panorama. : There were motor cars in hundreds and carriages drawn by high-stepping horses, Ordinary trafic was "held up," but -Superintendent Wells marsh- aled the stream of color through its fore USAND ISLAND PARK. WAS A GREAT SUCCESS. THO Ice Cream Social Held Recently at | More Cottages Occupied Than ix Arden. July Last Year. Arden, July Y1.--~The ice cream social'| Thousand . Island Pars, July 13.-- in tho town hall in aia of St. Paul's | Everything is in full swing here now. church, was a success, nearly §12 Le |All the business places are open and mg raised. Mrs. N. A. Hall's little | doing business, and more cottages are daughter has heen quite sick. I. H. I. |ocoupied to date than on any previ- Hal, Bancroft, has returned to that]ous year at corresponding period§ Tne place. Mrs. Ha!'l and™family returned {toboggan slide improved under new with him: We wish them God-speed in management is quite a draw these | warm days. The new baseball grounds The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's{under the management of Cooper and church meet on. Wednesday of this| Clark are also doing business. The new week. A great many from this place!grounds are situated on the east side celebrated at Mountain Grove on the'of the park on which was formerly a 10th, all having a good time. The meadow. There ars surrounded on the linner was served by the Ladies' Aid south and west side -by a canvas of Mountain Ihe corner stone screen and cover which protects sight of the Urange hall was laid by Coup-! seers from sun and rain, and also fur- ty Master, John Davis. There was a 'nished with comfortable seats for prosramme. Ex-Warden Henry many peojle. It is the intention of Urew was chairman. There were some' the management to have some of the cood speeches by M. Avery, M.P.; W,'best teams in the state here during s. Paul, M.P.P,; John Davis, County the season. Master; Dr. J. W. Edwards, the candi- | On Saturday a fine game was play- Jute for Frontenac; Rev. Mr. Rich- ed between vans Mills crack team, mond, Mountain Grove; Rev. Mr. !'and the Park Nine team, resulting in ox, Parham; Rev. Mr. Gilbert, Ar- favor of the latter after a hot con- den; Mr. Stoness and D. Cronk. the! test; 2 to 1. The fishing in this Orangemen realized quite a ol cum locality this season is unusually good, towards the building fund ot a new many fine catches coming in daily. hall. Divine service was held in St. The various steamers making the Paul's church for the Orangemen ind dai rambles pre carrying good Lrentice Boys of this place, some loads. During the past week the pars from other places® attending. Rev. has ben infested with eel flies which Prother Cox, county chaplain preach- ave still very plentiful. ed a very eloquent s:rmon. Huckleler- A commotion was caused here on { ri's are coming into town, and report Friday afternoon, when special Police says that they are quite plentiful. man Calvert arrested an aged man The merchants are shipping them out.jnamed Charles Shipman, charged with lack Hays and party made 4 trip to |violating a Pars rdinance which pro- Flinton, on Saturday. They report hibits peddling within the limits of having a good time. Edward Hays, the park. He is an .old gardiner and prosrictor of the new hotel on the |has no other means of making a live- shore of Biz Clear Lake, 1s very busy |lihoud. He was maltreated by the of- et present, getting ready for guests. |ficer when he resisted, and his! hand | "Bd" has 'got a fing house and is lo- | Was badly hurt. After Leing in custo- cated in a nice place very handy fo [dy several hours he sipned a paper to | the water. Fishing is good around {the effect that he would not tresoass } Dere, and parties are having great lany more and evas liberated. On Sat jsuccess. Mrs. (i. Garhard is buildin | urday he went to Clavton and procur- len addition to ber house. She is po- [ed 'a warrant which was piven to jing into millinery as soon as it Deputy Sherif Colon, pf Clayton, who comj sted. George Nugent hus the con- {came to the Park and arrested Cal- frac Dr. Gedd's made a flying trip|vert, who furnished bail. A trial will lio Kaladar. Visitors: Mrs. A. Hinck- Tke place in Clayton cn Tuesday, {ley, Elm Tgee, at her daughter's, Mrs. [When 4 number of witnesses from: the (laude William»s. Charlie Williams, [pat will attend. The aged veddler is Napanee, at W. Detlor's; Willard Det- [suffering considerably from his wound- lor and wife, Ohio, at his father's, ed hand. , William Detlor; Mi Florence Gen- Motor Loat races at Round Island dron, Toronto, is ting friends at |next week. Services were held in the | {Arden and vicinity. Harvey Scott of auditorium yesterday, morning and {Lake View Hotel, took a party to |evening by Rev. I. S. Sims of Cin- |Puzzle Lake. They report having a }cinnati. good time, catching a good lot cf bass. Mrs. Wal is, Kingston, is visit- ing at William MeGregor's for a few 'days. Some of" our hoys are poing to Quebee on, the 17th. Farmers sre busy with haying. J. E. Hays is contract- ing to cut F. L. Wormwith's hay on shares, or by the ton. He has a z crop. We are in need of rain at pre- sent. but crores are looking fine. Mr. Bradley, Frost & Wood's general rpent N was in town for a fow days at D. L.1| Wormwith's. Court was held in this heartburn, just as it relieves and rlace on Friday. His honor Jud se | cures indigestion, cramps, gas belch- Price of Kingston, presiding. There | ing and other ailments of the sto- was only a small docket. W, T. Hunt mach. No summer medicine half sp has been engaged as wine clerk at the [Food as a 25¢. bhoktle of Polson's Ner- Royal Hotel. v jviline. their new home. Grove. | i | good | score v is 5 « Effort is an unknown principle to the man who is "constitutionally tired." In some reform movements the lead- ey would fit in better as a follower, How To Cure Heartburn. cause of hiccoughs and heart is fermentation on the stomach. ica] relief comes from Nerviline, ch ciires the condition which cau The {hur Foweelt 1s. 17uss Emi and princess at green, pastel blue-;trobbed indignantly as the procession | | | . * WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1008. ADE AN IMMENSE SUCCESS. | vies and Dr Saohie Bryer - men were striking. / They formed an! li ing banks with wonderful sagacity. Still, it was a powerful tribute to womanhood that London should halt its command. Motor omnibuses swept by. Private motor cars had to break their what patience they could muster. The hand that rocks the cradle had swept ordinary routine aside. The 700 banners. and were, of course, a great feature of the show. Never have such banners been seen in the London streets. They were works of art. The Florence Ninghtingale banner, which preceded the nurses, received the e Z The We know other typewriters of all kinds and we know that the L. C. Smith has every improvement and every feature that. any of them has--AND MORE. We want to place an L. C. SmitK Bros.! Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. All we say about it and claim for it will be onstrated by the machine 1itsell more con- wincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the Ge cision to you. If YOU want it 4hen we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine we will take that in part payment. THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. This is the way we sell typewrit- ers ; it is a good, fair, honest way. It has not a weak link in the chain of fairness, " i journeys, and wait with | bannerettes | It bore the word and at the sight old sol- | diers saluted and bared their heads. Every great town in England, same {in Scotland and a few of Ireland™had {its banner--gaily painted with suf- | fragist mottoes and emblems. : ™ The reception of the demonstrators | by the crowd was varied. There was {little cheering, save when. clusters of | women in sympathy with the move- {ment waved their handkerchiefs | and { shouted in chorus, or those on the {balcony of the Lyceum Club threw {down a shower of roses on - the pass- |ing pageant. > | Few men jeered or scoffed. Fewer | broke into ribald abuse, But the wo- hg mérched on, oblivious to them tall. They were pleased, gratified by the | pageant they had provided. "It was indeed magnificent," said Mrs. Faw- {cett in her speech in the Albert hall. {"It was a glorious triumph, and, bove all, it showed how deeply in earnest we women are." \ |greatest . notice. i "Crimea," | i Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust and nobody dictates the PRICE we sell at or HOW we shall sell. That's OUR business. i We sell our machine strictly on its merit All the writing - on the L. C. Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision. The WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the L. C. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM --a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. % The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital part--a week typebar means a weak type- writer. Show us a Jfypebar-tear- ing that is narrow and bids no wearing surface, and it tells us that under hard wear such a type- writer will not retain its aligm- ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers sad REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GILLETT'S no more than the inferior adulterated goods, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, Will You Try An L. C. Smith Typewriter? Then agam, with the IL. O Smith one machine is equipped to ™ do all kinds of work--better writ. ing, invoicing, billing, tabulating. figures, stencil cutting, wituout touching the ribbon and heavy manifolding anything that 2ny Wpowiter ean do the L. C. Smith p do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ ing cylinder, right out and put ia another in a second. You oan write in two solors, and you do not have to touch your ribbon from the time you put it in the machine till it is worn out. You can all these things, and many mor$, and do them better than you can with any other type- writer. WILL YOU DO THIS? 'And remember THIS IS the ma- On the L. C. Smith the bearing! {s wide and the bar heavy, and] will stand years and years of hard workl, (rid v LOCAL 'AGENTS: NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECTRIC CO., chine we want te place in your office for" trial and examinatior AT OUR EXPENSE. It doesn't cost you a penny to try it. Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Typewriters Rented and}Repaired --all makes. J.E.Ferguson Comp ~ EASTERN DEALERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAW/ any, 79 Princess St., Kingston, 1

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