Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1908, p. 3

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25Per Cent | Our Store Will Bo A Shirt Waist Store This Week. July 13th, at 8 O'clock and All This Week. July is the Shirt Waist: selling month and we are going to make it & banner month in this department. Any Shirt Waist in. the store At 25 Per Cent, | Off This means your choice from one of the largest and best displays' of Waists, be- tween Montreal and Toronto. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT hats range from $1 to $2.50. Yours as Long as They Last, For 50c. a ams ey----------] ( CRUMLEY BROS. For Picnic Parties » We Can Supply You With All Your Wants, Especially in Cakes and Fruits. A TRIAL 1S ALL WE "ASK. R. H. Toye's, 302 King St EE -- A GREAT SHIRT SALE. This time of the year you can use alot of Shirts. Now is the Time to Buy. We have the largest stock we have ever had. 60 Dozen New Shirts just in. We Are Selling : SHIRTS AT / 45¢ 75¢ 98¢c 1.20 1.48 " ~---- 2.00 "" " Joie ON THE HOT} SEARCH FOR WOMAN IN , WILSON MURDER. - Philadelphiaw Police Admit: They Are Baffled, But Refuse to Give Up. Philadelphia, July the inquest at which the 'widow tes: tified and which failed to throw any light on the identity of the person Fwho sent a bottle of poisoned ale. to Dr. William H. Wilson, the police are searching clues through a careful ex- amination of fifteen hundred let found in the physician's home, 819, North Seventh street. Ope diffi culty in the way is that most of the letters are signed in a secret ci code and the police, will have t le in identifying the writers. De) Detectives have learned that | Wilson lived in constant fear of his life. On one occasion he was: badly frightened when some Italians walked past his house and peered in through the windows. The police say that the Italians had no designs on Wilson's life, but that for the last years of his life he was constantly haunted with fears of violence. According to the 'police, Dr. Wilson dreaded to be discovered by the hus- bands of the fifteen hundred women jn all parts of the country with whom he had corresponded about treatment. The police consider important the discovery "that the ""S" seal on the neck of the ale bottle was. not made with the letter "S" purchased especi- ally by the murderer. The "S" on the sealing wax on both sides of the bottle is much smaller and of an en- tirely different design from the initial bought from the Keystone Type Foundry and used by the murderer in his decoy letter to Dr. Wilson. When this* was established plaster casts were at once made of the "B" seal on the ale bottle, and an attempt will be made through all diemakers to learn from whom the seal was purchased. Every man on the police force will from now on be used to assist in solving the mystery of Dr. Wilson's murderer or murderers, as it is be- lieved a man and a woman conspired together to kill the malpractitioner. In line with this theory, the coroner's jury rendered a verdict that Dr. Wil- son came to his death through cyanide of potassiin "at the hands of a per- son or persons unknown." The police are not sanguine that they will be able to find fthe person who sent the poison beverage through their own efforts,/but hope to be able to draw the person wanted from under cover by some mysterious move that they will not divulge. OXYGEN SAVED A WOMAN. A New Cure For Peritonitis Has Been Discovered. New York, July 1bv.--Kemarkable re- sults attained in treating peritonitis with pure oxygen at Beth Israel hospital, have raised hopes that a way vhas been found at last to combat this dread disease, the same that earried off President McKinley, and which places the stamp of death upen niuety-five per cent. of its victims. A striking illustration of the effi- ciency of the oxygen was given yes- terday when there was discharged from the hospital Mrs. Anna Abias, a sufferer from peritonitis, whose case upon her admission was at first give! up as hopeless. Mrs. Abias was the first to receive the oxygen treatment. On the da when she was taken to the Hospital two and a half weeks ago, Dr. Wil- liam Seaman Bainbridge, the ngt- ed scientist, had been discussing' with Prof. Henry Mansfield Silver, the hospital's chief surgeon, a theory that oxygen, if tried, would ® prove a cure fot peritonitis. It was but an hour afterwards {Dr. Silver received the summons make a heroic effort to save the wo- man's life. - When he reached her side lie found she was suffering with gen- eral peritonitis and that her tempera- ture was 103 degrees. Seeing that the old method of drain. ing off the bacterial substance in the region of the peritoneum. would be without avail in her ease he resolv- ed to follow the suggestion given by Dr. Bainbridge. After the usual treatment had heen given the wound was so sutured that it left room for a small tube. This tube was connected with a tank of oxygen, which was run through water to! thoroughly purify it, and after the flow had continued for three minutes the tube WEs withdrawn. Mrs. Abias evinced such remarkable improvement from the very start that other peritonitis sufferers were similar- ly treated. There are now in. the hps- pital four other persons who were given the cure. 'All have shown im- provement equaling that of Mrs. Abias, and it is expected that when they. too, have been in the hospital for two weeks 'and a half they will be able to go home as well®as they ever were, that to Great. Fun at the tergntemary. You'll dine well and wine well and be well, also, if you take along Abbey's Ef- fervescent Salt, which cools the blood and regulates the liver. 1 ,000 Islands--Rochester. Stoners North King and Caspian love daily, except Monday, at 10.15 for Thousand Island ports, and at 5.00 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Roches Red, Itchy Skin Blotches. It is impossible not to feel repul- sion at the sight of any skin dis- fignrement. Blotches not® only irri- tate, but destroy ' good looks faster than even lavish dressing can over come. Moreover, there's lots of sense in the belief that a diseased skin is a dirty skin, and sufferers should keep this in mind, and use a sure remedy E.P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., 114 PRINCESS STREET. { ment | pear. at once. When Dr. Hamilton's Oint- is applied, the blotches disap- Invariably every pimple; rash and blemish is soothed away. 'To keep the skin 'smooth and soft, to remove undue redness, to take away lumps, there is nothing so efficient as The place where the Big Sale is going on. Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. Sold in 50c, boxes by all dealers, 16 Fy ollowing ay All seats in" Paves - this a admission eit] x, Cent dei ~ WANTED. Friday for se Moat 'received at the fle ons ved a uadsigned up to ° FRIDAY; : CAN ; 5 wn Ses SENDS HER OFFER BY MAIL. Girl Proposes at Man Accepts Her. St. Louis, July 16--Mrs; Fdna Cooper Hale, East' Alton, leap-year bride, proposed By letter becuse she was afraid that i she 'asked "L, - H. Hale, to hi% fate, to be hers, she might discover that she had not pop- ped the question to L. Hale at all, but to Hale's twin rt Miss Cooper took her' pen in hand and wrote like this : "Dear Mr. Hale: Will you permit me to express to you fhe deep respect and esteem which T feel for you, and to ask you; Yor the sake of our past happiness; to become my husband ? 1 have long wished to express this de- sire, but had not the courage My love is great, indeed, dnd wince it is for you only I feel that we could: lives a long and happy lifé together. Hop- ing for an early reply, I remgin, "YOUR SWEETHEART." Hale got it. When he called that evening he said something about it being so sudden, and Whispered "yes." BASEBALL RECORD, « The Standing of the Leagues To- Day. Eastern. League--1oronte, 1; Buffalo, 0. Frovidence, 3; | Newark, 1. Balti- more, 4; Jersey Uity, 1. Americun League--Cleveland, 16-3; New vorg, 1-2, vetroit, 5; boston, 1. Chicago, 3-2; Fh dadelphia, 1-7, Wash- ington, 3; St. Louis, 2, National League ~ Cincinnati, % Brooklyn, 6. 1 hiladelphia, 8; St; Louis, 1. New York, 11; Chicago, 0. Pitts. burg, 3; Boston, 3 ir. 0 Standing Of The Leagues. Eastern League--Bufialo, .568; Pro- vidence, 551; Baltimore, 548; Newark, 507; Toronto, 500; Montreal, 486 ; Rochester, A464; Jersty City, o84, American Leagu e--Detroit, £95; St. Louis, .582; Cleveland, 564; Chi 557; Philadelphia, «500; Bogton, 43; Washington, ,390; New York, 367 National League--Pittsourg, +595; | New York, .590; Chicago, .554; Cin- ton; ,449; 377, * brooklyn, .387; St..Louis, TO TOUR ONTARIO. Start on Round of Province August 20th, Ottawa, July 16. ier will make a tour of Ontario be- fore he goes west. That is' the an- nouncement given out in liberal cir- cles. The premier, who, it was" an- nounced, would spend a few. weeks at Arthabaskaville . after... the Quebec fetes, will, it now tums out. return at once to Ottaws, -wind..upza.num- ber' of outstanding. matters -inchuding the. appointments to the railway com- missioner and-the re-organisation of the cabinet, and will start otf an a tour of Ontario about August 20th. Then he will. probably go; west; and should return, to Ottawa about the end of September, when the deci sision will be reached as to.whether.it is to be an election or another session; PARLIAMENT TO HAVE SAY. Graham Promises No Charter Will Be Granted. Ottawa, July 16.~According" to a statement made in the house by Hon. G. P. Grahem; 'there is: novimmiediate likelihood of the government granting a charter to the St. Lawrence Power company to dam the St. Lawrence river, near ¢ Corwall. Mg. Graham, while admitting there were two. sides to the 'question; definitely assured the house ' that the: government: hag no idea of taking any step to comynit the country té the schémewptil parlia- ment had full Gpportunity of discuss- ing it, and expressing approval _or disapprotal. of uit. el Bell Rock Budget. Bell Rock, July 38-~Phe farniers ate very busy dt haymaking this week. Rain is_very badly needed here: Mrs, H. M. Boyce and family, Milivauker, Wis., are visiting hf mother, Mrs, Martin. Rev. G. Churchill was calling on friends here last week. Miss Goldie Sanborn is at home for the holidays. Mrs. G. M. Sanborn and: daughter, Olivia, will spend a month with friends in Trenton, Frankfort and Warkworth. Visitors: C. G. Yorke and sister, Miss Edith, Verona, and Miss "Jessie Duff, Toronto, at J. Pomeroy's; Miss Finn, Wilkinson, at J. Timmons'; Miss Lottie Clark, Mosd- cow, at Frank Clark's; A. Lawdbrook, Verona, at J. Yorke's: Rev. GG, Churchill at D. L. Amey's. Took Terrible Revenge: Marysville, Gal', July "16. -- Seekiry revenge because his former partners drove him from a Western Pacific rail- road camp, twenty-five miles from Oro- ville, Gus Adolph returngd t6 ~~the camp, last evening, killed two of his former comrades, and tried - to -shoot three others, who fled. The murderer; escaped: rr ------------. The Montreal Central Park . ¢om- A SOBER, nAGEIVE Ja po Fire, Departments | NDEN NSED RATES First insertion le. a word. ie con cen $1: one WANTED--MALE. A CLERK, AT HENDERSON'S Grocery. i WANTED AT NCEE HAVE room: for a good cary rads. and not aida Bi 'mé reference i our qualifications, etey * Gilbert, © k Grocer, . WANTED-FEMALE. A HovSEMAIL ABPLY IN THE A COOK FOR i FAMILY, ing or ironing. ed Whig. a GIRL. TO ASSIST Wrrs Toa Ax lk p A in @ 2, ugo Craig, AT ONCE, ot St. West.' AT d ROCK WOOD Ho8. ) «Reference Toquired. ply to Matron. A good ted. WOMAN a Sotacre T ORDERS FOR Cantida's best Catalogue, instructions, ; Eo girl, A wiih rere ver only a St., WM oronto: WANTED--GENERAL. FIRE, INSURANCE RISKS. companies, lowest rates, ments. J; R. C. Dobba Brock St. e, Goon - pottle- & Co... 10% FOR NEXT SUMMER BY AN AMERL can, residence, mouths. . 'Phone, 326, or THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, kinds | of work promptly dons... F. i hres Electrician, 6 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouUT OF yards, or cellars; Avg by or . Prices Sait Lytle, General Carter DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spin Suits made 2h Gallo way's. St - price an n guar anteea to ¥ please. 1381 Brock St., next to "Bivbys Livery. TBACHER, FOR SCHOOL SECTION 0. 6, Towns of Kingston, for reaidnr of year or longer as ma. i eed on. Male Preferred: | Apply Sha- impson, See.-Treas., taraqui, Ont. A' TEACHER FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL No, 2, Township of Olden, County Frontenac. . School perience and salary required, Alfred Chariton,' Chairman School Board, Long Lake, Ont, o LOST. BROOCH, 15 PEARLS GOLD WATCH . m Thursday, July rewa on this Office ng same cinnati, 525; Philadelphia, 486; Bos- ( on | --Sir Wilfrid Laur- | 4 school for A MONOGRAM PIN, WITH INITIALS "R.- 8..." and a 'shamrock set, ) with pearls. 406 Brock st / SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- | + ber trade" Graduates earn twelve to | eighteen: dollars weekly. Help secure | positions. Wil equi shops. Con- | | stant practice. Careful instructions, Few weeks complete course. Cata- logue .{ree. vite Moler- Barber College. Toronto, SITUATION WANTED. COOK. REFERENCES. 238 Johnson Si. BY PLAIN Apply: Miss Cross, DOMESTIO SERVANTS, GENERAL servants, cooks, housemaids and nurses, Scotch and Irish, arriving July 26th. The © Guild, 71 Drun- mond .» Montreal. NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. Wiliam = L. MoLaughlin, who has been principal of the Burritt's Rapids the past seven years, has accepted the principalship of the Mer. rickville pubic' school. Harold Bellamy, Carleton Place, aged four years, fell into the river and | was, drowned on Tuesday night. Lhe dwelling house on 'the farm pio- perty owned and occupied by W. Rob- ertson, 3rd tine of ~ Ramsay was de- stroyed by fire Tuesday morning. itis supposed that the origin of the fire was a defective chimney. . Bert Bishop, a graduate of the Smith's Falls High School, has left | on a bicycle trip to Winnipeg. He ex- pects to cover the distance in less than a month's time. On Monday, Joseph Devlin, aged eleven, son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Devlin, of the 6th line of Drum- mond township, fell from a hay way- gon, the wheels of which passed over his body, inflicting injurie from which the child died. 5 The Nelson, B.C., city council has in- be and next Sunday mountain time stead of Pacific coast time will adopted. The hard roads at Quebec will net be noticed if you have Army Service foot powder, 10c. a tin. Sold in Kingston at Gibsjn's Red Cross Drug Store. J. Russell Stuart has formally res ned as inspector of Stratford it. and a minute made by the board of his efficiency. There's such a thing as a man in- juring his own business by insisting on being absolute boss. A Minister Who Knows. Rev. Myr. Blanchard. of Clairmeunt, knows what he says in stating the only sure cure for hay fever is Ca- tarrlorone. "For twe months of the years for ten yéars 1 suffered, Catarrhozone cured - me so perfectly that the disease Jas a 1s retumed. Others in my been hess perma pany hase sold for $190,000, 2.044 suburban lots: a es | EE ere | yo anand oats the measure. | wanted, eCann. 51 Brock ---- 621, ; Oth. Winder witl so A decided to put the clock on one hour, | aes Of many em 'have the Gpportunities of all kinds that are ddvertised each day in the Whig. Employers have the choice of ce of help, employees buyers ns the choice of articles, renters have the choice of ey ; in short, 110 matter what Hor, it is safe to say that you will find of the Want Ad. -eolumns of the Whig. If you don't find what you want, make your wane will doubtless have it filled before the ds y's sun sets. Jomare Joo tby a known and you HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc, removed ; without | i E Tent Reviunoutiv, fre" Bier Call Bom Specialist, 258 Heo street. BUSINESS CARD. CARPET CLEANING, Sewing =e Laying. ther Beds Milne, 272 Bagot street. ' / r TWO D HOUSES NOS. 60 AND 62 o Seagton street. Apply A. B, SINGLE BRICK DWELLING, CHOI CR AN ENDOWME roLIcY. SEVERA premi rn first-class co: AL pews i, y LE, car his once to Anat x 8, it MONEY AND BUSINESS. buil and oni than any hor Examine compa Godwin's Ano iu a et Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Neilavie asses $61,187,915. In addi ip tho policy holders ny the unlimited ~Taniity oS the stockholders. Farm all perty insured at west aible rates. Before Tehewing old or Stans | F Row business get rates from Strange, Agents. 'Phone, sos; OUR P LICIES COVER MORE OF|. 1 {dose Es Pd y coal Nurstiouse. office nt oulee: rok located on lota above referred tala Io marl Known as the Downey propert for selling, party lea SOR eT reasonable, and suitable to purchas- +. For ulars, a up. to Suly to Mrs, E. M. Bartlett, Napanee. TO-LET. ISHED DWELLING, OR: forage for Turn furniture, ete: Z OOM, ann ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, - ARCHITECT, OF. fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, vte., Anchor Building, Market Square. "Phone, 845, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, chart's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. WM. NEWLANDS, \ROAITEGT. streets. trance Bagot street, 'Phone, 608. IMPOUNDED. CHESTNUT MARE, ONE HIND AND one fore foot white; little white on forehedd, Owner can' have same by paying sit R06 Walter Ruttan, Barriefield Point 'Road. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. Ya . W. 'W. CASON. What Is The Bible ? The Bible is not the divinely in- \¢pired, absolutely infallible, letter-per- féet revelation "of God to mankind. All men with any pretensions to | scholarship and common sense are | compelled to take this view. Rather it is being regarded as the humanly written history Nof the religious exs periences and evblution of a certain people. It contains folklore as well as fact, and deals in historical state- {ment. It reveals what an ancient | people thought of God and felt' of God, but it is. not the only medium Hirough which the'living God reveals f to the people of to-day. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the Literature. _ " Farms For Sale. [25 A choice farm of 175 acres, 3 miles from Kingston; two good dwellings, first-class bank barns, soil, rich clay loam, tile drainage, valuable Orchard good wells and never failing brook. No better farm in the County. Would sell pl | Monta NOS, TRARD wo YY LT ST, Sa Ail oat: streets. | SUMMER COTTAGE, ) FURNIS unfurnished, | Rideau. Apply to MoGann, 51 Brock LARGE: OFFICE (ROOM, IN EX. a hafie SPs inbers, No. 116 Brock St, Pp] Geo. Cliff, Real Estate a er, 9s Clarence . LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT well ventilated oom. for the sume mer Wn * at inter- section of West, Eel "and Clergy, Sts. 174 Earl street. FROM OCT. 1.-~BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. Ene guire at 179 Division street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. A Satisfied Customer Is the best advertisement a busi- ness concern can have. Swift's Coal Has, for years, satisfied all it's customers. Are you one of these ? C. / tn, Jamess Swift & Co Thousand Island & St. Lawrence "River Steamboat Compagies | In Connection with New York Cen« = Hudson Asn Rivas R.R. Kingston a dnllzy except Sunday, and 2.00 p.m. Eri Sunday, 7.30 a.m. sod "Vincent dally, 10.50 a.m; 68. An "All-Day"" Serie, crop and all at once if desired. If you We have about 40 other farms on our list managing in prices, from. $1,000 to 15,000 E55 It is tod ne Kemi Holman th wai

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