Ir ------ A Sweet Breath PERISHED IN-STORM, : mesoee rene [iE oS [3 i soy; h all be ensured by the jud hid se. a Very Dull. Red 3 , oy rervthing 3 ; . ' ! Wing, Minneso ood to denotes oy rything 15 well, 50 | ON BEDFORD BASIN. ap Ee ; IN BRIEF FORM. 4 like any ww little "ornery"" Deecham's Pills. A 'sweet breath two LOST LES SAILING : ho the sli; st indicati n. of the s t indicatio homelike, livable place, but a bit rest ve ans not working prop- Tha 1 : p seraggl- 1hout the ed, Then tome- Hiv. de not ferret te tah | Another 0 ¢ ET Matters That Interest Everybody ate ing icipa er ecupan of the Boat "Was : : 5 --Notes From All Over Tittle : body Jefe bequest ao Fai ial New White Cc Ol of Everything Easily Read | auditorium" brought a lecturer on $1 50, 1.75, and Remembered. esthetics. The graphic city attorney : Lack of work is driving aliens irom likened the town's little playhouse to New White Linon Coats, $3.75 and 5.50. the Theatre. Francais. The esthetics New White and Fancy Costumes. © the Usited States. 5 Rescued After Being in the { Beecham' S Water For An Hour. i | ! L 'Moutreal has contributed $50,000 "to | Man told about Chippendale and true Halifax, N'S., July 16.--Fremendéus Pil Is rain and electric storms passed gver Sold Everywhoro,. 1 <i orm. ¥ - B p ¥ 'tla art in furniture. He made the Red ders : old Everywher A boxes 23 cents, + [ple lost their lives while sailing on a : the Lue BY Saude fund, City bro- | Wingers shiver by explaining the influ- | New White Baro red Underskirts. - . / ence of environment, and the efiect of New White, Black, and Colored Heather. a -- Halifax yesterday. In the afternoon storm two very well-knowy young peo- | tediord Basin. They ard Miss = 1; 'na Roy, the seventeen-year-old daughter % THN ker, was stabbed and killed in his of- bof" ; : * 3 fice by J. H. Chandler. calor. and beauty on symmetrical de ersk of . E. Roy, a wealthy real estate eo ; "The. first steel RE wsiur. built ' by | velopment. Just look at the angle- bloom Taffeta Unde irts. mes, and Willigm Muir, Rhy sixteen 'private enterprise in Nova Scotia was | Worm, he said. The impulse toward - New Golf Jackets, White and Colors, $1 5 year. ) solo : afew uir, com- ¥ lawiched at New Glasgow, N.S. beauty was suddenly (ichaned in the to 4.00. - mb i an ail. oy s twelve-year: ! Los 'Angeles has sold: 30,000,000 in minds of public-spirited citizens who, po. old daughter axgutct, who was v : bonds to a New York syndicate, wd till then, had had burdocks.and dan- Great cut price sale of High-Class Sime wc D j with the i, Was. resc ued, after being in { can HOW complete ber water supp! Soligne in She Stout Janie. and wn mer W. ts still on. a off. On uleva Resu ais . 'Bee them. . 'the water™for an hour. t { Tne three young people had been in Bo 3 i » | "Nr Martin, of South Norwich, | --the Ciiie League. Its labors make. Shoe Polish am, 308% about an hour when a ter- charged with forgery, was released on | 2 etirring tale. i ji p f : rie squall came up. 'They tried to : . : 8 suspended sentence on the plea of his Weeds and dandelions began to dis- |. aT am i J Hy Fou for a place of safety, but the Co young wile appear. Many gentlemen Re gener: Dé a v id M. Sp en ce 2 0! came ur reable s 4 : 3 4 3 - A wise dealer will always ont: pe eh SAagcaale Gust af- "The White Mountain express cn the | °° Proportions implied inertia were k Ma 1 CL : = it - ized. All i oa: and =o last 8 New York, New Haven and Hartlord how) in She Jmgles ou helt Fremises The Leading Millinery Store, ¥19 Princess St. size ree were good swim- IE . he ewing down growths offensive to the ; A 4 &iais No i : 2 show his honest desire to era, hut, they had put en heavy rub- ; oh Com the ditch near Green- public eye. ttt bs ors ture " " " Ee : i wr clothing on account of the rain. ; a 3 brought out and oiled, Toothless serve you by giving what This entengled them and the two wii : * : Hn July 27th, the I'rince of Wades ! rakes were taken to the dentist, and te perished went down almost immediate will Pay a ih 1b re; etite Cap, 8 | (ha crusade 'of extermination was on. you as or. ly. Margaret Roy clung to an oar and sei ag TS French-Canadian vi age Just this side | i Flower beds appeared in front lawns. was nearly unconscious when rescued ? of Cape Toutmente, i F Ministers and children labored in v Goodness The bodies of the other two have not § : Temi o a a Well hliown a ! backyard gardens. The town was ; § vet heen vescucd. . dealer," who: died 'recently, ueathed | gwyke | The Junior Leagué, with the : ; to the British National Art Gallery, | public. school teachers . command, Look what's here! REGRETTED. ED INVITATION. | E. ARCHIBALD, POLE VAULTER. many fine pictures. | was enlisted. Stray papers were stiib- : A th ose prices London, July 16.--A «drizzling rain! Dunbar & Swnvan, Amherstburg, | { bed by umbrellas in the hands of zeal- nd 3 1 | Given to the Fleet to Visit New | fell at the stadium all the morning, have started 'to dynamite for dredg- | ous leaguers, removed, no more to of- Axe not dear! Zealand | and the attendance was less than on ing work on an island at the mown | fend the sight. a a . . [any previous day. Following are the (of the Detroit river. | The league becameiactive in the : | adi i i 1 btn nT Leulind, Jule 16-1 éofes this morning : Fifty revolutiomists in Mexico dre council, and overhe igns - were ban. in. Auckland are threat Discus throw--Second seolions com- {to be shot, and over a hundred others: ished. Garbage cans were placed at ening to hold a demonstration of the bined. © fnal Marion Sheridan. Trish | b re been sentenced from ten to twen- Fprocioal street corners: and protected unemployed as a protest against the i Ati an, 134 feet 2 inches: Giffin. ty years in the salt mines. hy ordinance. The searchlight of art public expenditures incidental to the | Amerie an. a Horr, American, [ he Pennsylvania Coal company is | was next turned upon those canker Fotuption' of the : Ameritan fleet. In ird. Sheridan broke his own Olym- Lighting a "blanket" tax, of 367 a foot sores--posters and. placards--that in- the House of Assembly. last night; soordd of 132 feet. | per acre AF each foqt in thickness: of ! sult thgpeye of the beauty-worshipper ne Holcomb, one of the memhrs Ten mile walk---First heat; Webb, | coal land in Luzerno county, Pa. on every hand. The chief philanthrop- {visit : oy ay a danger Hatt the [ England, first; second heat, Ww, Jamies Ta Stock, a liquor dealer of . ist enlisted the energies of the boys of i Si the Am Sean et mig ate ause | Larner, England, first. Peoria, 1, is dead as the result of : the Junior League by offering prizes | the United Sia 2 Spe uence on 100 kilometer bievele--Second heat, | sneezing while bunting. Follpwing the : to those who would bring in the motherland, 'He, therefor an an the | Me h, England, first. sneezing Stock suffered from a hemor- greatest number of posters ata speci J a ore, regretted Two hundred metres breast stroke |rhage of the nose. ted time. The young crusaders start- [Yat the invitation had been. given won by Holman, England. A horse supposed to have been sto. 'od out on their still hunt, and every " . Four hundred metres swimming race | len from Dr. B. F. Long, Mifflin, Pa. ence and telegraph e within city | FORSAKE MARKET * won b Taylor, United Kingdom; | only broke away, and when two little Jane was od. Pon the day set J i time, 5 1-5 berry pickers returned it he withdrew ' for distribution of prizes at the Car- | Owing to the Exceptionally High Sixteen-pound shot put, won by | his offer of a reward. negie library, the streets were alive | Prices Asked. Ralph Rose, America; distance 46 feet All the members of the government with boys, with arms full of signs, Chatham, Ont., July 16.-A house- | 2} inches. . will 'be in Quebec next week. Sir Wil- boys with carts groaning under loads [ key ers' combine is now in formation {irid Laurier and Lady Lamier ard to of them, boys with creaking wheel { | | | here, the ostensible purpose of which A FIERCE FIGHT. Ee guests of Lient.-Governor and Lady = barrows. The philanthropist made a is to bayeott, the alleged market com- . Jette, at "Spencerwood." | speech and distributed prizes, and bine which "bas forced the price of | Doukhobors and Police Have a| Wentworth county council offers ' there 'was abundant enthusiasm and §500 for the arrest and conviction of free lemonade. | commodities up to an unprecedented Struggle. i : : : anyone who caused the recent fires | Next we turned feverish eyes on the ficure In épite of a plentiful cro: « Tal A i " ry o : rd Mn gron, Yorkton, S#sk., July 16.--Acting (f n | farm produce prices have been extra- tider instructions from the provincial {in Ancaster, where local option farm: ! river front and beheld what gave re- ' | ordinarily, high. Houseke pers have, | oovornment. to have the Doukhobor | oS are losing buildings nightly. | newed courage--rows upon' rows of i i ® : While loading a car of ties at Ren-( dilapidated boathouses and fish . * y ie This weman was ill, blue, and | accordingly, agreed - to hoveott the | =: sicher q dia © , discouraged, Cured by Lydia E. | (iiig instigutions in favor of the Hglenders = the Arcatin aun -_ nie, William* Malone was killed and shacks. Here were new fields to con- Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound. | grocery stores. na to make a raid, | last. night. [James Warmington, James Butler quer. These vamished to limbo. The . Mrs. R. Gentleman, 1093 St. James] etc teens don . hen. ten constables of the RN.W.M. 'and R. McCary, Englishmen, and J. river was filled in to make room for a C T t 4 ? Street, Montreal, Quebec, writes ta | Five Years For A Burglar. under Sergt. Vickery, armed with [Tynejuka, a Russian, were injured. leyee park. The railroad was per- Om or a cS Mw, Pinkham: | Port Hope, Ont., July 16.--Ajter * » warrants to arrest six men and wo- | A Quebec wan, W. E. Simpson, pur- | suaded to build a new depot. This } : "1 suffered from a severe female four-hour session hefore Policd Magis- | men, proceeded to carry out' their or- as the first. set of Canadian ter-. now overlooks a park, made beautiful i 3 i weakness, and extreme nervousness. trate Holland, John Malvea. » Belle- | ders. 'The - Doukhobors fiergely. resists Jgentcniry stamps for sale in Toronto with a shore drive. It has a retain- A hot weather suit costs very little money if you and was blue and utterly discouraged. ville crook, was sent. to penitentiary ed and the whole band of sixty, in (oe Jorning. A.M. Woodley, Toron- , ing sea wall of concrete a and_moulded come to us. » fog. five years on a charge of attempt. numbér, turned to the assistance of |to, 8 stamp collector, purchased the curbs pl the same materia Je. pa, ** Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- | d : A v | rate the city; a : : . ed burglary. He with a companion, [the twelve, A pitched battle was [second set. { is at the gateway of i She Sebiee See the Homespun Summer Suits at $6. 95. Desi "was recommended, and "after | taking several bottles, I am not only | ¢ : 3 { leading up from it Jaws ..uelan, alse of Belleville, then fought between. the police and | Two men. lost their lives by drop- | leading 3 ten auf Harold Chibeti's oo . -- the Doukhobors, during which the | ping into' boiling: oil in. a fice that avenue of approach. On it is located See the Swell Grey Worsted 2-Piece Suits a cured, but am an entirely different woman, and on the whole a healthier : : . y» civic centre," consisting of the woman than before taking your valy- ; Tuésday morning, and, when alarmed latter Made free use of sticks of cord" throka aut htc Iricutt, Col. shipping Be a Hae] Cr egic li- $9. 75. > (Wn ar md rs wood or whatever weapons were at | station in the Santa Maria oilfields, Br on able medicine. {by Corbett, drew a yun and threat- » a I a . le brary, and federal post office, and "Every woman who suffers from any | ened: to shoot. Whela ained . | hand. After three hours' fierce strug- [on Thursday, and which is still rag : i : | an remained out p an an . = | there is m for more. And the end . form of female ills should not fail to try 'side on watch. A fierce collie dog | gling the police effected the arrests ling. Se : ¢] the ge N or not vet ! Hot Weather Trousers Hot eather hirts Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Com-|had been chloroformed and was foun and overpowered the balance and | Dr. Wilirid C. Kierstead, pastor' 'of | 15, nol. yet. "No, nh Yor simi ' » pound." all but dead in the dining = room leaving a strong guard at the camp, [the Baptist «church at Woodstock, NBs, | There is an ope wig or A i Sh at . : : x HC X eturne ; > ve , Ee} f dhs its | wave of Improvement in gaton, H, W h Ui d H W h H : FACTS FCR SICK WOMEN, | he rear door had been, left open for returned - Yorkton with the twelve {has been appointed fo the chair of {Last year the civic improvement of eat er Un erwear, of . eat er osiery Fl } 5 IL > a-®alfe Totrént. Chief Bond located | Prisoners ese were at once brought | economies and philosophy in the Uni- eo p : ) or thirty years Lydia E. Pink- rén ng. loca before Inspector Junget and each sen- | versity of New Brunswick nd, will : movement of a few ladies made. a =: . ham's Vegetable Compound, made {the men, ahd, after clever work with 1 i * impri ot ae Ci f good impression. More paint was All at 25 Per Cent Discount Mal Is found hev tall tenced to «ix months', imprisonment probably accept. . . from Toots. and herbs, has been the |Malyea's oots,. found thev tallied The six women. immediately. after ve. |" A Buifalo, N.Y. i oration i | used this spring than ever before, and standard remedy for female illg, | vith marks in the house. Whelan will ceiving sentence, were quietly' de- | vi rd . de vy smImgTation dents the houses have a better appearance, and has 'positively ¢ ured thousands of be' tried; to-day. snatched in waggons to Canora on fio = Hood Sng oh Soue houlevards sud fretts are neat: Y women who have been troubled with an their. way to Prince Albert jail. - Tho. | : 2 . 5 ® ier, not: many, but enough to call a * Chi s \ Y : ey Ret ! iinamen in a launch at the entrance 8 th displacements, inflammation, ulcera- etired "Minister: Shot. siv men will leave early to-morrow lof the harbor. The launch came from | S00 start. See on King street, the Dab tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Metuthen, Nol, uly 16:~F. B. B. {morning to he distributed throughout ithe direction of Canad { handsomest, most presentable thor- 1127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. whiodic pains, i ka he, that be Prickett, 'a retired minister. of ithe | the. different jails in the province. | X nace. . | oughfare, the borders of weeds be- ' : p ais I oli pao he, a i a. Methodist opal church and form- | This is a part of the Ey oh ne { When Rev Frederick Boumeville, on {wean sidewalks and house which a 1g-down feeling, atulency, inc 188~ or resgryler of the borough of Metu: |. a hm Hermen © | his return from BEurope to his charge, few minutes' work of each resident tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. babe ak i oi see the effect on those left behind, and | ;, Chicopee, Mass., was presented | ] 3 Then th Ww hy don't yo try it ? chen, 'was shot down and killed in the (js thought to be the beginnine of the it} i $1,500, he refused t | ¥ould destroy. hers, Lhe street sar Mrs. Pinkham invites all Sick Street mear his home. Archie Herron. | breaking up of the whole band, [ta > thet 3 a i | tracks growing crops of hay are an . accept, saying iat people' out ol i indefensible disgrace. There must be a SOIOTOEETEEREEEEEOED : s charged with the shooting, stood at | 1 women to write her for advice. { work needed it more. { limp civie control when old men are She hi Te : the head of the stairs in his' home HAD ONE FOOT SEV ED. : io nb Cayolnidina e pts, guided pousands. to with a drawn revolver when the off . ER [ai hiald Cherty, of Cambridge, TIL, ! oo) cutting away the smallest weed The Key to E Sapam . : . Yasir} himself after having fired upon mn " : liers t Id him he w ul he taken dle ad George Marks, Brockville, Was | |; Net 3 Javieg Sred I pH ut the rondside, and a wide growth ware, no matter how many he kill : Eos La dy a : olf grass and stalwart weeds are in Lyin Track. | Swanee she ' : Ganano = Ee A very sefious jon 11 he ont te ave tl % their tenth vear of growth untouched Hh uid . A | guarrel between the couple over a at hig right hand, with dead trees or accident, happencd this morning on eirl refusal to become his wife: td : ; | i {parts of trees as an accompanying rderl 3 the 'I housand Island railroad, about | - p------ ienal of dist A « © v conduct un 1 Va once on ; : signa 0 distress . : : walf a mile north of the town. As a1 s I \ 0 0 | THE DECISION REVERSED. The people that spend fnlly hali & tenced to ten davs ' - 3 3 the local train was coming in from . ; . Biviemse th . , million in imposing public huildines | meeting the ° regular train, Engineer | phere Must Be a New Trial In have 'an alternatifer pride. They fail II Jewel | od Two years ago, while Mr. Pricl tt was recorder, Herron was fre * Silver Plate that Wears® cont] arraigned before him for dis Silver » For All Occasiofis No better gift can be suggested than a dainty piece of silver marked : in, Wimizeg, Man, July 16.--Twenty front of him, near&the bridge, the ' : 14 July 16.--A cable was re- | sible to strangers, of ragged streets. | fe | I { E | | | i ."" » | i Tor | ROGERS BROS t thousand dollars in. greenback loose | form of a man lying on the track. He | I'oronto. a " ' i i. | lv tied up in brown paper, was Ina | immediately whistled, down brakes aud [ceived, to-day, by Messrg, Lee and | TE ats Pal. : | R | the privy | An Obstinate Colonel, | | i | $20,000 Parcel Left on Truck. Joseph Courtney noticed directly. i Action: see the mem incomes a Gas Chie ate durable. \ easily cleaned and practi~ cally indistructible. Every woinan who uses a Chicago sles el would not part with if she could not get ie See them in wo:king order at our store. A ---- lon a truck dn the train I of the { avorsed his engine, but too late. The | U' Vonoghue, saying that Knives, forks, spoons, efc., so Lanadian Pesifier Hundreds-of people engine passed over the legs of the uu | oun: il had given judgment in iavVor | Philadelphia Post. o : | of the Sheet Metal Workers' Union in | Lol. Denison, police Magistrate marked have a reputation for € : fortunate an, severing one foot ep . . ; it : | th action brought by the Metallic | Toronto, has a local reputation for | { i artistic charm and enduring quality, an R #1 She yom apecial oxo} sfon trains and on the regular trains { tively and part of the other. | | SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS | " pe : an : ( ass ne i | Roofing © any, . > ans ce Dishes, tea ea trays, coffee sels, ekc., nassid hy : ; he man was at once picked up and | Roofing company, of Toronto The ; dispensing justice in his equity mill ¥ be marked jit a tecond look. Evemtuallv the con-|, a. oo comfortable as possible by | tL gr ; : r MM RIDEN BRITS Co. tents of the package were discovered Conductor" 'William' Chapman ands | count of misdirection. It will upset | tricacies of the law. The colonel is clons consignment was hur | brous ht to the pavilion here, where | the verdict of 300, given by the highly respected in the community. | rig i wstination | Dr. Bird was summoned and ban | trial court .in favor of the roofing Ev ery man gets equal and exact THE FRONTENAC | daged the 'wounded' Timbs Tele. | company against the Toronto union, ! justice in hi§ court. Sometimes - the 'a Rcork a a rh ¢ . ' Vers sCisi LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | | Broke: Collar _ Bone Saving Hat. | phoning for an ambulance®o meet the [its oflicers and the Internatkenal !lawyers appeal from his decisions, | Union. Ji the roofing company wishes | claiming they are not based. on the Ottawa, Julyl6.--A peculiar accident | train at Brockville he was at once E TT id PRINCESS T ESTABLISHED, 1863. happened to John -Aylmer, eldest son |sent to the general hospital. His . ] LLIO BROS., ST. A over again. | defence in a case of some moment " 5 Si i i " 'honer 3 lay Je name is George Marks, and hi + President--Sir Richard Cartwright. | of Lord Avhner, on Saturday. He na 8 ge Mi , is ra ; a " 0000000000 Money loaned on City and Farm Uro- | had heen attending the races of -the {home is in Brockville. He has been In the original fiction, which was | appealed once, and kept on appealing pertics. _ Municipal and County Deben-| pi... "Canoe Club and was returning | working for Dolan & 'Sons as finisher | SOMME nced over three years ago, the {until the court of Just resort was il nae, Veposits home, when a puff of wind raised hi: Jon the granolithic walks here He {roofing company asked for damages: | reached." The colongl came into his 9 @ > . 16, i x y 8 : . a . 1 » A i i ines: i ps i . hat. He put his right hand up quickly [had been at the junction with some for interference with its business and {| office one morning and was met by a « C. clrill, anaging Director we hich xdaear when he heal friontls whe wers leaving and net for a perpétual injunction restraining | legal friend. o 0 £ has oe ar, wl t oe 1s : Ve 3 : She Te a sharp |erac! His collar-bone had [caring to wait for the train, started the members of the Sheet Metal Work- Good mening, colonel," said the A Lover's Plaint. | sunpyed in the aet of raising his ard, | for Gananoque on foot. Further de- fers' Union _ fram picketing their pre. friend; "1 must fongratulgte your % : FY mises. Judge" McMahon then decided lordship this morning: 2 OUR MID- UMM . Baltimore Amerikan t i . Ral. Tian ov M¢. Aylmer is confined to his home a are. merely conjecture. | : My 1} has (wo soft blue eyes } 3 =< {in favor of the company. 'What is the provocation 7' That 'look in mine with lov | . mn ---- ! a E t, Fhe rl Te "Haven" t you seen the morni 2 Foy ' . Md when they shyly toll. their tale "Gillette Safety Razors' are sold ing St. Lawrence. 'el in- bliss above azh \ 3 i oul x . bb . at 3 br ngston at Gibson's Red Cross drug Julia Ditto Young, Author of Bar- Rt Te So Tortie, 150 [paren at iieon a or a ige's ont la sen leads mann he wath of op | Red vour Judgment in. th. eau are e fro er side ore. a } y rg: 3 " And: seem to suy Kod Fou some near, At Oakville, Ont.. the death occurred : to he i: ¥ivers . Prince ™ pre sign, 1 So-and- So. : \ it. famous. ns Parlor y to' you bette S." Muy Br whose breast ine stubborn, prejudiced juror has "Well." the colonel replied, as he ky. 4 . Setts and Wood 'Bettee I't WO . wn € on hursda®y of the late S. att Magnificent, upon there Ma latt gleams { for a time blocked the wheels of jus- drew off his gloves, "1 still believe I'm Sy A : ight." «, |&] Fancy 8hade Velonr a My 1 1 ' APRIOE »mh i e firm of lady has a lovely mouth, senior member of the firm o A vesture rich past speaking, dazzling | tice. right aht. Full of sweet," childlike Wiles, 1 'mstr tanners and, leather ve : / & Armsttong, f the. tow pig a s Cheer up. fa_six months from now EL Bs 2) gems Rug Couches, Parlor Tables pen . That's on vde Kc dhtor High s only made for laughter light manufacturers, and one of the town Of molten gold silver, and a blaze For Kisses and for smiles Qi mingled d'amdnd and, sapphire rays, -- |.you 11 Ba chopping Ice off the sidewalk Forget It. vg ha = and Music Cabin ; : Put near it is another mouth most prominent eitizens. He had bee: Hark why 1 lovia thee !" Thy most noble] instead of buying it. Full furnished with 'fangs white, ill for the i P i or some months. name Detroit Free Press. 77 = ' Don't go kicking ai the heat, y gf Brass and Iron Bedste And so ATo 110 iss n ave ] rl dare not kiss my love, mm Untg my thought long years ago he- I'll get a bite. = 5 A : y Yo ? cadne ' : Forget it. ~~ 5 i Don't go cussing down the street, rd PF and Hercules 8 a The swegtest utterance that lips could 3 io 9 And ins I find the t¥pe in thee . Remark- Mop your eo hit and smile, $ . Cl eg Sanitary Health : e 088 Ss of all I'd have thy human namesake be, H 0d Wi This yeathers just i os vs y Oh, future gran k recio 1 OC s and sa < h, may. the future grant this precious] able for ot tocler int ¢ while atsale pricss. 'Store open nights. Freight paid. dames Reid, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 1 the pac ©, ho one giving judgment grants a new trial on ac- | with no especial regard for the in- damages it must begin the-suit all |law!as it stands on the books. The ~ - | Like thine may rise above ignoble TOASTED i 1 Is your follar soaking wet ? strife, -- . May it benefic 7) calmly flow, r Selman Forget it. , : Ba Cérn a es > Majestic, ample y its borders grow i It's no cooler if you fret, 3 s---- ¥ good to think that In gracious green, --and may ood Forget it. N g mg His chosen ones there wills be of actions sow Bear the weather like a man. Throw away that palm-leaf fan, fay LE : . > : 1 course as thick, St. Lawrence stron . Bi 3 preferred creditors with the Lord. Is a welcome change'from he a Pp easing Take life easy whila you can, Upon first acquaintance the devil porridge and other break- As aru the topaz dimples strewn . o'er The bi Forget it. dey 8 are th flavor. ig black seems to be a pretty decent sort of a fasp foods. The flavor is "" ; = hing the We man who persis s mn fallow. : inal : ; - 2 I \ i : So jascinatingly PIFFER Conti Italian Castile soap ia high? plug chéwing tobacco. truth for. the purpore "of hearfiig kis rich minprity doesn't wore ENT! , o Sold in Kingston enly . 67 own voice. is anite likely to cay many much over the troubles of the poor class soap. majority CR EY ot Gibson's Red Cross. drug store. u disagreeable things.