Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1908, p. 6

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CRIFICE SALE - 98c. ite Maslin Skirts, $2 to 3.50, for 98c. ite. Linei Skirts, $2 to 3.75,1 for 9c. Black Sateen Undershirts, $1. 754 to 3.00, for 98c. ; olored Print Wrappers, $1. 354 and 1.50, for 98e. White and Grey Corsets, 1.25 and} 1.35, for 98c. ~ 98c. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY R. Waldron. ' Sale of Buffets and China Cabinets This W Wook Solid Quarter Cut Oak, regu- Iar price $30 for $20. 1 Surface Oak, regular pri-e $25 for $17. : 1 Large Buffet, 3 mirrors in back, $30 for $25. Also a line of China Cabi- 1 nets to match, $14 to $25, in . solid Quarter 'Out Oak. The above are snaps. It will pay you to see them. ROBERT J. REID, 230 Princess Street. 5,77: The Fist Store Above The Opera House. Ambulance Telephone, TTT seseeee ASSL LLL 0S TEIN 'Warm Weather and Vacation Shoes Have the Call Ladies' White Canvas Stina, $1. 00, 1.25 ® and 2.00. : i Fadies' White Canvas Pumps, coverel wcod . heels; $2.00. ' Misses White Canvas Oxfords and Strap, $1.00 'and 1.25. i Ohild's White Canvas Oxfords and Strap, 90c¢ and $1.00. Infants' White Canyas Oxfords and Strap, 75¢ ® and 85c. ) Women's Chocolate Oxfords. $2 00, 2.50 & 3. 00. Mens Tan and Black Oxfords, $3. 00, 3.50 & 4.00. _ Tennis and Outing Shoes. A big range to choose from. Come for your Shoe Wants to the House of Good Shoemaking. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. RIE99 HITHER in 1.5 | sickness amongst horses here. 5 FRE DAILY BRITISH WHIG,: THURSDAY, JULY 1s, 1908. NES OF NEIGHBORS: WHAT WHIG IG CORRESPOND: | ENTS TELLUS. The Tidings From V Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Washburn Waits. Washburn, July 14.--The hay crop promises to be very good, considering the dry year. The Perfect Brick and Tile company has resumed - work again. T. Fisher, W. Woods and H. Patterson have purchased new bug- gies. 'Lhe recent visitors were: Miss Carrie Fleming, at her sister's, Mrs. A. Pringle; Mys. MeAulay and children have returned to the city; Mrs. Gilbert, of Kingston, at Mrs. W. Patterson's; Mrs. Hélfexty, Miss Helferty and Miss Parkhill at W, Woods'; Stewart Bell at B. Ball's; Miss Cook and Mjss Lyles at 'W, Elginburg Echoes. Elginpurg, July 15~The Epworth League has closed its weekly meetings for a couple of months. Elgin Stover is moving his barn. Leslie Clogg, To- ronto, spent a few days fat his fath- er's, J. Clogg's. Mrs. Curran has re turned from Emerson, Man. Miss Ma- rion Cordukcs is home from Clifton Springs. Miss L. Counter is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Tredrea, To- rohto, visited at C. Irvine's recently. Miss Ethel Reid is visiting. friends at Wolle Island. Visitors: Miss (¥Brien, Kin; stcn, at T. Allis.n's; Melzer Da- vey, Kingston, at T. Bearance's. rr---- Donaldson Doings. Donaldson, July 15.~The crops here are looking fine. Miss Nicholson and her two sisters, visiting at A. Cheat- ters' have returned home, The social at McKenzie's school was well at. tended. F. Bratran has purchased a fine driver. T. McMurtry has gone to the Hotel Dieu. ViSitors: Mrs. Hamil. ton, Kingston, is visiting her home here; Miss BE, B. Cheaters visiting her cousin, E. Jones; Mrs, J. L, McKen- zie and her two sons have gone to Smith's Falls; Mrs. H. Morrow is away to Smith's Falls; Miss A. Lyons vigiting her friend, M. McKinnon, has returned home, Moscow Matters. July 14.--There Moscow, much Miss of New York, to spend the Henry Sweet, is Patterson and sister, are expected here soon summer. Mr. and Mrs. Kenewick, Wash., were the guests' of Mrs.- Everton Vanluven, last week. Miss Lampkin is camping, With a par- ty of friends, at Chemong Park. An- other boy at Morley Huflman's. Mrs. W. Allen spent last week visitinfly friends at Wesley. About forty-five young people from this community met on the shore of Varty) Lake and spent a very pleasant aftggnoon and evening on Saturday" Miss Baker spent last. week at Forest Mills. Weeks end visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George!' Sharp, of Hawley, -and Mr. and Mis. Robinson, at Robert Asselstine's; Mrs. Leonard and 'little son, Clifford, at E. Meakin's; Miss Hambly and Mrs: Judge, at Milo Hufiman's. Picnic At Ardoch. Ardoch, July 14.--The people of St. John's church held a very successful piciic on the 8th. A large crowd as- sembled. The cake went for $38.23, the_candidates being Miss Beatrice Watkins, of Ardoch, and Miss Mary McLean, of Ompah. Miss Watkins be- ing winner by three votes. Prizes were given for the races. The speakers were Dr. 'Edwards, Kingston, and 'Mr. Paul, M\P.P., Tamworth. Rev. Walter Cox, Parham; Mr. Gillespie, Kingston, Rev, Mr. Clark, Maberly, and Mr. Lyons. The proceeds were about $250, Atdance was held at E. Babcoek's af- ter the picnic. W. Miller and Matthew McLean are home for the haying, from Allen's Mills, Visitors : Matthew Myer at J. P. Watkins'; Sek. Schieneours at P. Myer's; Gladys Godkin, Plevna, at R. Watkins'; W. Miller at R. Wat- kins'; A. Gilmour at J. P. Watkins'; Ix. Gilmour and daughters, Janet and Rilla; spent a few days in Elphin. Budget From Yarker. Yarker, July 14.--~The hay cut in this section is first-class, and the farmers are all busy now at haying. New potatoes are also good. Crops in general are a fair average. The fam- ily. of J. Ewart have gone into camp at Varty Lake: Yarker Methodist Sunday school held their affaual pic- nic at Varty Lake. Mr. Checkley, manager of the Merchants' Bank, spent Sunday at the cottage at Sye denham. John Fry, who left. here fourteen years ago, gpent a day here. Clarence Weagant, home for his holi days, had the misfortune to cut his foot while in bathing The Methodist church has godd strong choir now, under the able leadership of Mee. WH. Vanluven. Mrs. James Gordon spending a few days in Kingston. Mrs. T. Dalton and _danghter, Flor- ence, of Syracuse, *N.Y., are at J. O'Munra's. Miss Lily Montgomery is spending a week or so in Watertown, N.Y. Another addition to Yarker': Born to the wife of E. Snider, daughter. Miss Annie Stirk, of Ros- lin, and Miss A. Sutton, of New- burgh, were the onests of Miss Flor- ence Weagant. Miss Maggie Mont- gomery has returned to Kingston. Lilv Manion has returned hsme from Svdenham. Mrs. Frank Regan, of Belleville, is at J. A. Vandewater's. is a Reports From Wilton. Wilton, July 15.--On Sunday morn- ing, Mrs. Gibsen, Napanee, gave a very interesting and instructive . ads HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that casnot be cured gd by H Hall's Catarrh Cure. EY & CO., !'dledo, O. Wo "the SHEN gned have known F..J: Cheney for the last 15 years, and bhe- lieve him perfectly honorable im all busi- pess transactions and financially able to carry out any ob mi by his firm "WALDING, KINNAN & MARTIN, » Wholesale Draggista tarrh Cu tak Ay Hall's Ca Cain. int no dress on ihe Jabors 'of the WRAL. Bo Nethatins es ioe a w spent t t months in Saskatchewan ot sight the Presbyterian: service, ing, aid will eb vice, day. ; i will Ki a social on the grote next! Friday afternoon, owed hy a pr in the church in the §vening. isses I. Williams, of Torontd, and Wi , of Paris, Ont., are visiting at the parsonage. Mrs. Switzer has returned froni Syden- ham after a week with Miss Clow a other Mr. and Mrs. R. Miller. al ine | Misses Lake; Kingston, are at Erwell Miller' -- Mrs, Erwell 2 ier is visiting in Sydenham at her father's, B. Lake. Miss B. Harting- ton, is the guest of Miss Linda Bab. cock. Miss Grace, Smith, Hartingtan, is visiting at W beock's. Rev. G. Milligan arrived last ev at H. Mills'. The repairs on the Presbyter- ian church are nearing completion, the re-opening: services to be held, on Sunday, the 26th, of this menth. William Forsythe had the misfortune to lose a valuable three-year-old. eolt last week. In attempting to jump a | gate it caught ite\neck on a spike in the top of the . gate post, severing and tearing. out a font, ol one of the jugular veins. 'Mapy At A Picnic. "Plevna, July 14~A ping's Grove on the Sth inst., in aid of the English church at "Ardoch: danciig, baseball, races and made - the following guests," Revs. Cox, Clarke, Mr. Paul, M.P,P., Dr. Edwards, Mr. Stonness and Mr. Gil: sent. 'Mrs. nold, in New York state for a couple of months. ~ Mrs, Killingbeck and son came back with them. John, Douglas King, Sr., and son, Al who spent last winter in Cache Bay is} again with us, Hubert Elkington is home on his holidays from 'the survey on the G. T. P. Mre. Tooley, Sr., has retumed after visiting 'friends = at Perth. W. W. Pringle, road ingpector, passed through herg to-day om his way~ to the mountain. Mrs. G. W. Dawson and family, Ottawa, have arrived to spend the summer. Mr. Dawson is expected later om Visi tors: Mrs, Darby and daughter, Kiny- ston, at G. Ostler's; Miss Gussie Al- berts, Harrowsmith, at her parents'; Charles McGregor, Myers' Cave, at J. Godkin's. FRONTENAC'S METHODS. Manner of Considering 'Tenders Should Be Changed. Financial Post, Toronto. The county of Frontenae, called for tenders up till July 4th, upon an issue of $60,000 44 per cent. débentures, to liquidate an overdraft maturing at different dates between 1909 and 1918. Several bond houses refused to tender on this issue. One dealer stated tothe Post that he refused to tender b 'a certain man offered to. get them irrespective of tenders." Two other houses refused to allow their bids to stand when they heard that a bid was to be cousidered which arrived after the time set for closing of tenders. The number of instances in which many municipalities have failed to ad- hero to the eonditions set out in their call for tenders. have become altogeth- er too common lately. The 'manner in which they have accepted for consid- eration the tenders which they receive is becoming altogether too lobse in soma towns or cities in Ontarip. Some of the bond houses are attempting to put » stop to jt.and it is to be hop- ed that they will succeed. It will Le unfortunate for Canadian towns and cities if the consideration of tenders should ever become as loose~in ils province or ip the newer provinces a as is the 'case in the province of Qu In Quebec there are towns A ose. whi'hi have utteily queered their is sues by (to. - put it mildly), careless- ness in their treatment of the tenders thev have received in the past. Three rules should be rigidly adhered to by all municipalities calling for tenders : (1) Make the hour for receiving ten- ders identical with the hour fer cen: sidering them, (2) The clause, "The hig hest. tender not necessarily acéopted," should "nev er he made use of to give the munici pality the right to reject all bids so that in a few minutes or afew hours afterwards a bid may received and accepted slightly highep than the best bid refused. (3). It tenders are reected they #lrould be returned without being made known to the competing bidders. Erock For Little Girl. The accompanyinlf 'out shows a pretty frock for a little girl, the de- sign being practical for various ma- terials. Pink chambray gingham * was used for the little dress from which the sketch was made, the trimming consisting of handsome white batiste embroidery , and tucking of the: Fine white mull. This tucking was used for the yoke and underroves, and was finished by a little edge of Cluny, Ottawa Citizen : "Jack" "Williams, captain of the (0.AA.C, baseball team, A rfaces of Ye stem: Testi- mucous su monials fr ~ cents per) a sent bottl Sold b; eke Hall's Family y File or consti- | has: left for Maine, Where he-will spend his vacation. Williams may go back to Queen's in the fall, goodly number. from 'here; attended the picnic at Top-: About $200 was realized, There was i speeches lespie. The 12th was celebrated by the |. people hero at Sand Lake. The fife apddit drum' band of Beach Corners was pre-|- have returned home after being] in stamps With i its s opuacike clearness and aromatic of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee holds nce--a cup out a promise of deliciousness that is more than fulfilled in the driaki For unqualified perfection i in: coffee, be sure to order Chase & to pay a visit to our . If you are going to Quebec you will heed "TRAVELLING 6000S DEPARTHENT pr: We have everything needed in the line of Trunks, Hand Bags, Suit Cases, Ete. Trunks, $2. 50, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 8.00 to 15.00, Suit Cases, real leavhsy, $5.00, 6.00, 8.00 to 15. See Our Special Leather Cases at §5. Imitation Leather Cases, $1.75, 2.00 to 3.50." Many styles of Hand Bags, real leather and . leather lined, $4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 8. 00° to 15. 00, t Cheaper Grades of Bags at $2.00, Made of Split Grain Leather. J. 0. HUTTON, Esq., Agent, Canada Life Assurance Company, 18 Market St., ston, Ont. Kingston, Ont., 2.50. King- surplus ceive an increased annuity each year, as long as I live, and $1,000. payable to my estate. Yours truly, JOHN OVICK. 452 University A venue, Kingpton, . Ont. . THE OLD AND THE YOUNG THE STRONG and THE WEAK During the Summer Months are Subject to Sudden Attacks of Bowel Disturb ance Such as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Pain in the Stomach and Sume mer Complaint, and the Children get Cholera Infantuw and Cholera Mor- bus, OR. FowLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY is a perfect specific for all bowel com- plaints. It has been in use in thousands of families for the past _xty-three years and we have yet to hear a complaint of i$ not giving perfect satisfaction, Do not let an unscrupulous druggist talk you into buying a cheap substitutes Insist on getting DR. Fowrer"s. Price 35 cents. Manufactured by The T. Milbum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. C. W, Brown, Grand Harbor, N.B.. writes: "I consider Dr. Fowi~ er's Extract oF WILD STRAWBERRY to | be the best remedy for Summer Com= plain, as it cured me of a very bad case, I can recommend it highly to any one." NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE, Every Calamity, No Matter How Great Has a Definite Beginning, There are, no accidents in nature. The avalanche that witheut a mo ments warning rashes headlong dow the mountain side, is not .an aceident For years previous tiny aton®--have been crystallizing, and adding their minute weight to the mass: which left its buss when the sccumulagion reach- ed a certain point. Neither is balduess an accide nt. The infinite, smally small germ which. i PER ba Dry Ba Spark Colls, -------- OASOLINE GALLON, -- Put in your tank at our dock. Spark Plugs, Colum- tteries, etc. in stock. REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. © . Selby &! Youlden, Ltd, Kingston' Foundey. The only subs Princess street. Victor and Berli iams' Sewing Extinguisher; Instruments, ' Artistic, Durable, D. J. DAWSON Successor to. Dawson and Stall 217 HAVE YOUR Windows Decoreted WITH GLACIER: titute for Sipined Clase Economical High Grade: Pianos at Liy iner Tne anda hn line of Musica 'Music, etc. Orders promptl ed to, day or nig The Old. Cab Stands iF wits, With a New Number PHONE 600, nt. hor um the cause of dandruff and' baldness, feeds silently and long before the, re- sult is seen. The small germs which thrive on the scalp and which are the eause of bald- ness and dan druffi cannot. exist, how- ever. when Newhro's Herpicide is ap- plied. Sold hy leading druggists. Send 10c. for sample' to The Herpi- Letroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. W. Mahood, special agent. cide. Co., and 81. G. the make Some péople" think they are in manufacturing line heeause they { promises, ALLAN Victorian sails Corsican. sails Sicilian sails Rates of tion ma: HANLEY, A KIRKPATRI Montreal to Liverpdel (i: uly 17. Aug. 14, ly 24. Auge 31: Virginian sails . LONDON, duly 18. Aug. 9. Corinthian sails . Sept. 12, Aug. 1. June 27, 08, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Wit. sen round rip tickets from LEVIS to . Cacouna .. Summerside, Halifax, N.8, Sy! néy, N.S. 4 Fropértionate rates to all points on the Intercolonial and Prince Edward Island Railways. "July 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. 3 add lor return until August 3rd, , Montreal City Office, 131 St. James Street. , General Passenger Department, MONCTON, N.B. RE TS Tercentenary : Celebration, Quebec, P.Q. W1§ 20th to August lst, oy Td he tickets will be issued fi at rate of $10. Good going J vA "ish Sine, em 10 July 27th inclusive all Dear Sir--Re my whole life policy No. 10,465 (with profits) in your ie Company--I am obliged for your cheque, being -amount of over premium, which is indeed very gratifying: to-me at -my age.-%o{- know that I have no further premiums to pay, but continue: .ta rei fa until Aug. 3id. Low Rates to Pacific Coast and v = Return. joc "dood Wh until October 31st. = | $95.80 ee" 1 $101.10 NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- IAN-NORTHWEST via Chicago. and St, Paul, | San EE) 1st Clase res we ae $B 1 08 mgs on $0, 06 -- ------ .20 4 Clase imnipeg, Man. 31. 00 Jrandon, 28.00 Sask. 27.50 Eton, Alba. $565. 7.66 And REcpofiionite sate Totes to other 3.5 in_ the dian . North HOMBSEEKERS EXCURSIONS to adian Northwest via Chicago and S%. Paul, good going . July 21st, Aug. 4th and 18th, good to return with- in 60 days. For pullman Accommodation, tickets nd other infotmation, apply to t J. P, HANLEY , Cor, Johnson and On Stes Quobac Steamship Company iverd Gulf of St. Lawrence mmer Cruises in Copl Latitudes Twin ; Iron "Campana, with eta lighe, ic bells and ail modern comfort SAILS FROM MO BAL ON WON. DAYS, at 4 p.m., 27th July, 10th and 24th 'August, 7th and' 21st & for Pictou, N.S. calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, rand River, Summerside, P.E.I, and Charlottetown, P.E.L NEW YORK KX FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown snd: Halifax, 2,600 tons, from Quebec 35th July, 8th 'snd' 23nd August, ARTHUR "AHERN, Secretary, NLEY, of C 81 Ticket Agents, Kingston flatts Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinto to AT- "KINGSTON, ON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS. wid ® HH Strs. NORTH RING.

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