Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jul 1908, p. 7

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© ae == ye 100000000 CEOOOTOOO00COOL ; wy Anty Drudge as Peacemaker. Mrs. Newlywed--"It" 8 your clothes I am washing as well as mine.' Mr. Newlywed-- "Well, if they can't be washed without 3 dirty." Anty all this steam and smell in the house, I prefer them Drudpe--"fush, you silly fledglings. Harry, you A down 'to the grocer's and get some ete soap. Nellie, you throw away that old- fashioned laundry soap and work. the wash-boiler, and wash the Felg-Naptha w way, Then you won't have steam, odor or | | | When housecleaning comes along you'll find Fels-Naptha just as superior in cleaning and scrubbing as it is in washing clothes. Wash your floors with Fels-Naptha; it whitens as well as cleans't It will take dirt off varnished surfaces "Without dulling the varnish; brighten dingy paint and bring out the colors in oilcloth and linoleum. It will remove grease and stains from carpets, rugs and curtains as well as a professional cleaner can. And in housecleaning with Fels-Naptha, hot water and hard scrubbing are not needed. Fels-Naptha acts It is fatal to germs. Full directio as a disinfectant, also. ns printed on the red and green wrapper. FLUE-CLEANING --a dirty, heart-breaking job. FLUE-CLEANING --a clean, record-breaking job. ri THE FLUE DOORS Situated --on some furnaces. Situated "doubly," same distance {rom each other, same distance from feed Furnace. door--on "Sunshine "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE : WVAAAAAAAAAN VAS VAIN SNA "singly" over feed door Operator can easily clean every bit of soot out of radiator. THE OPERATION Fire put out, smoke-pipe pulled down--on some furnaces. Fire stays in, smoke-pipe stays up - "Sunshine " Furnace. 2unshune "SUNSHINE" ADVANTAGE : Furnace can be cleaned out any time in season without trouble, * fear of chilling the house." dirt, or LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG LEMMON Always fresh. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58, 00 0000000000000 Q00000 : MClary's i | of - ON 7 VANCOUVER ST. JOHN, N.B. HAMILTON CALGARY & SONS. PEOPLEERIE EEE RRR TRICE CPEPOP REOERERREH Evangeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates The finest in the city. SEER TERETE ® 0000000000000 000 50000 TYGHT RAN ON SHOAL NEAR GANANOQUE BUT | THE ® DarLy BRITISH | WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1008. WAS RELEASED. It Had a Party Aboard--No Ezx- Liquor Places--Baseball Team ! Defeated Yankees. am went down .to Thou- sand Island Park, yesterday afternoon in Funnpell's launch for a game with the Park nine, taking revenge for their recent drubbing by winning in a good exhibition game by a score of 7 to 3. A United States launch, with quite a large party on board, ran on a shoal near Ashton's Island, and was practically high and dry for a con- siderable length .of time, every effort to get off beings unavailing. Finally a launch from Gananoque seeing the mishap, went to their assistance and managed, with difficulty, to release them. The stranded launch was not damaged to any extent. The local dry-goods merchants, gents' furnishers, milliners, merchant tailors and bankers = are all keeping the Wednesday afternoon citizens' holi- day. The local boot and shoe dealers: and grocers would not enter in with the rest. The half-day will be kept through this month and next. Grace church, Gananoque, "has been ' tension Will Be Granted Shop | fre the guests of their brother, i 24 this week. Gananoque, July 16.--The Garnecks' | Mr3. Clarke Allen, Main street, for a {baseball | short |days in Kingston. r Mrs. Baker, of" | "Mrs. Orser, of Toronto, is spending THE SPORT | Reid, King street wast. ot wast, Thomas G. Davis, of ihe inland revenue depart- ment, Loudon, Ente is Setuling Some. time in town the » guest of daughter, Br. J. J. and Miss Davis, Stone street. George Gallop is en- joying a week's outing at Sidney Saitin' s, Gananoque Lake. John Parke; of New York, add Pr." Joseph Parke, of Philadelphia, Pa., A. King street, for a 'short Mis. Galbraith, Lon- - and IN THE AMERICAN. Fred. Hickey a Trial-Toronto Fans Are Dissatisfied With , Manager Kelly. Parke, don, Ont., is the guest of My, for the resignation of Manager time. Freeman Cowan, man- Sing for 'ager of 'the Gananoque bolt works, {spent some time during the past fow and th in. Sho 'Buffalo, N.Y., arrived in town early | league for over a week. (this week for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Alired Parke, King street. week in the American basebal some time in town the guest of her |the Ti sons, Parker Orser, Garden street, and Rev. A. R. Orser, Sydenham street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKinley, of Clayton, N.Y., are the guests of Mr. land Mrs. Joseph H. La France, Brock istreet, for a few days. ark? in Cumibmt-- Who Has Eczema ? There are many 'varieties of eczema or salt rheum, all' of them usually | stubborn in yieldibg to treatment, 'but all of them positively curable by the use of Wade's Ointment. The re- medy is guarant 10 cure eczemes | (anit rheum), ulcers, piles. catarrh, dandruff, and all 'scaly or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25¢.," at Wade' s drug store. the focal fans will have to start and talk football and hockey, even weather®is warm. hivtin with . is third, with 308. Lenox, of Roch- ester, is fourth with .301. Francis Burke was wounded while wrestling with "Sam" Perrin, at the Halifax railway depot, on Monday. When he died Perrin was arrested, charged with murder. . Before death Burke made a statement that Perrin was not to blame. Taylor, the sensational Suita) ol plays A REPUEL ICAN LEADER. er, who was whitewashed by LU. in general session, wil! play with the Caps against Toronto Tecumsehs Saturday, as will also !Johany) Powers, who - has been prevailed To get into this game in the hope of preventing the Indians from nailing down the cup. Pitcher Frederick Rickey, of the Park Nine, of Toronto, will be given a trial by the Toronto Eastern league baseball team. He will be in uniform this week, and will, if he shows form, be either held here or let out with a string to him. ' Hickey is playing in the North Shore league, and has seen service «in the Kmpire. Beattie, of Canada, won the asso- ciation handicap clay bird shooting, scoring. twenty-nine kills out of a possible thirty, in London, Eng. In the contest for the Dewan shield the Ealing Club scored forty-five kills and the Parkdale club, Toronto, forty-iour kills, out of a possible sixty. 'Kwing, scored nine out of a possible ten. It 'is stated in Berlin that it is doubtful if Hackenschmidt, the Rus sian lion, will be able to resume wrest- ling. One consequence .of his recent illness "was an' operation which left a temporary . paralysis - of the left hand. An affection of. the ute, which is now eighteen months old, still Very painful and shows little or of improving. The winning performance of Kugent Bros." lsmalian,' at Windsor, « this week, establishes a Canadian record of 3:01 1.5 for a mile and - three-quarters. She was only a nose in front of Dun- vegan at the end, the finish being won- derfully close for a race over-so great a distance of ground, this being the given a fresh coat of paint on the in- side and otherwise rehabilitated, and repairs to the stone work of the cor- 'ner tower also effected during the {past week. Charles A. Watt, Pine street, is re- presenting Leeds lodge, No. 201, A. I". & A. M,, at the annual convocation of the grand lodge of Outario, which {opened at Niagara Falls, yesterday. , C. Skinner has disposed of his handsome motor launch, 'the Wawa, to an Ottawa purchaser. License Inspector Frederick H. Taber, of Morton, was in town dur- ing the past few days, and it is un- derstood that the shop license holders whose time expires the end of this month, have been making great ef- forts to better their present condition, but to no purpose. Mr. Taber emphatically declared that the present board of commissioners for this dis trict would not take any action whatever. In consequence, if any- thing is done, as rumor persists . in saying it will be, it must come direct- ly througly'the department at Toronto, and in Such case the temperance ele- ment of the town will know where to place the blame and how to remedy it Miss Marjorie McGregor, of the Star amusement hall staff of singers, has returned from a few days' vaca- tion spent in Kingston. Miss Ewing, the staff of the high school, spent a few days this week in town, coming from her home at Carleton Place, and leaving last evening for a trip west, Mrs. Charles Adams, of Kingston, 18 longest journey on the flat at any Canadian race meeting this year. I i $ FIVE DAYS WITHOUT FOOD. | onecian race m a ¥: ww 1 Starving Italian Picked Up in a Small Boat. Montreal, * July 15.--A remarkable story has. been brought to Montreal by the grain hoat Alfred G. Marshall which has just arrived in port. While the Marshall was crossing!' Lake Ontario, a small Loat was sight- ed. On drawing cleser it was found to be occupied by a man in the last stapes of exhaustion, He was taken on hoard the steamer, and nursed back to life, and on the arrival of the steamer at Ogdebsburg, he was hand- ed over to the immigration authori- ties. Here thy trouble, however, was that the authoritics would mot take charge of the man unless they knew where he hailed from. No information could be got front the man except that he was an Italian. He appeared to have been adrift for aiout five days without fc od and thera information ended as the poor fellow could not answer any questions, as he appeared to te in- sane. : The captain of the Alfred G. Mar- shall had therefqre no course but to take the unfortunate men over to Prescott, where the -same trouble was rxperienced. At last the authorities decided to send the unhappy Italian to Moptreal, and yesterday an interpreter tried to zet him to answer some aue: stions, hut all in vain, as the man is clearly out of his mind. At present he is in cus- CAKEWALK SPLITS ' CHURCH. Pastor's Wife and S. S. Superin, tendent Danced It. " Pittsburg, July 14.--There is trouble in the Elben Evangelical Lutheran church at Elrama. Last week a lawn fete was given by the congregation. One of the features was a | cakewalk, participated in by the young wife of Rev. Wilbur C. Mann, 'pastor of the church, and William Atkins, superin- tendent of the Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Mann looked on with ap- proval while his wife and the super- intendent were going through the movements of the cakewalk, but some members of the congregation gasped. William Ralston, secretary of the congregation, took his wife and fam- ily and went home, and next day gave notice of his withdrawal from the congregation. Others were equal- ly shocked, but many younger and ties more liberal members believe that no harm was done. There was a row after Sunday's ser- vices, in which Rev, Mr. Mann and his wife were 'asked to leave. Mr. Mann refused to resign and has been informed by some of the mem- bers that. unless he does he will be ousted. . Pain will depart in exactly twenty minutes if one of Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets is taken, Pain any- where, Remember ! Pain always means sending some time with relatives in town. | Miss Jean Haines, of Rochester, | N.Y. spent the past week with friends in town. Missi Nash, of New York city, spent the P#&t week in town, the | guest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert J. AT DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTION, congestion, blood pressure--nothing else. Headache is blood pressure; toothe .he is blood pressure on the sen- sitive nerve. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets--also called Pink Pain Tablets --quickly and safely coax this blood ressure away from pain centres. Pain- ful periods with women get instant re- lief. 20 Tablets 25¢. Sold by all druggists. j . A bicycle policeman in New York chased and climbed aboard an auto- mobile going beyond regulation speed, and found the driver dead in seat. tody in Montreal. Pain frome indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. EMERGENCY DANGER When a Harsh Catarrhal Cold Fastens on the Breathing Organs a Life is Threatened. There are times when a Hyomei outfit is worth a life and having it at hand will save a life, no safer pre- Toronto Baseball Te Team Will Give | Toronto baseball fans are now how- | Detroit and St. Louis have been neck American baseball | Detfoit's wonderful work Sk js She past || I league | is attributed to the great hitting of f igers, if the his |g cre. ng re : ele We age it for nT Coy roan ; you. No matter how great the demand, Schlitz beer is never sold green. hs And Schlitz beer is Pa & Acts like a Charm in 'DIARRHOEA ......L oi ping - DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. s The best Remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effecteaily cuts short all attacks of SPASMS. Is the oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chiorodyne is a Yiquid taken 'ia drops, graduated accord . It invariably relieves fe Wind © creates a agesiiing to ala calm alla, tat the al 0) Grvitdhin of le opera's sys hw all other Hihedies Tas leaves INSIST ON HAVING _ Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. --a NS grr 4 The immense success of this Remedy has givea rise to maay imitations. N.B.~Every bottle of Genuine, Chlorodyne bears oa the stamp the name of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros. & Co. limited, Toronto. C-0-0-0000 0000000000000 SPRING UNDERWEAR - MARK. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Do- inion Lands in Manitoba or the Northwest - Provinces, excepting 8 and 6, not reserved, may be home steaded by any person the sole head of a family, or male over 18 ydars of age to the extent of one-quartet on, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for ion entry must be ma nb, tte, fe licant at a or "LGR A ney or Subragone " IMPERIAL CROWN Entry by proxy. ma, owever, be m aut Agency on certain conditions by the BRAND mother, son, daughter, brother or ister of an intending homesteader. Every garment guaranteed. Dur- ability, comfort. An application for cancellation must be Made only' by KINGSTON in person. The applicant must be sfigible Tor homestead entry. HUSIBERY CO. LTD., Kingston, Ont. REAL ESTATE TRADE IMPERIAL When you buy Underwear ask for the residence upon and cultivation of the lund in each year during term' of hree years. Ha A homesteadér may, if he so de Porton the required residence -du- wy living on jsrning land ow 'olay £7 him, not less than eighty (80) extent, in the vicinity of his nt Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement. (8) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of-a homesteader had I et residence on farming land Bacar aon os AP ex: n vic n a orn A for by dim in . vicinity, such olitered slender may perform. his own. residence duties Yivinig with the father (or mother). (4) The term "vicinity" in the two ng paragraphs is defined as mean- Fd not more than nine miles in a direct Fi I 2 BF e. * $ SYNOPSIS ©F CANADIAN NORTH- ire nsur ance WEST MINING REGULATIONS, ------ 3 COAL.--Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more 2,560 acres can be to one appli- cant. Royalty, five cents per tony QUARTZ.--A aden ours and over haviag. mad age may locate a claim fost by 1500 $100, each O-O-O0O0 000000000000 he Summer Cottages, Island, to rent, furnished. Houses and Lots for sale in the. City. feet. Fee $5.00, At 1 It you wish to be sy 8 Successful. at. Kingston Business Colle t $1.00 an PLACER MIVING CLAIMS s 2. R NING LAM et Bil ~Two leases of five miles each of a river issued Deputy of the Mintster of the Interfor, N.B.--Unauthorized oo advertisement will Bot ba paid paid for oi caution can be suggested than calling at G. W. Mahood's drug store "and getting a supply for use in following cases. 2 a child shows the first sign of Aoife breath of Hyomei through the by will check the trouble perman- ently. When through catchino cold you seem to be choking up, difficulty to breathe, pain or soreness over the lungs and other symptoms fof Pneu- monia, the instant relief from Hyomei air is marvellous. It penetrates quickly to the inner recesses of the bronchial tubes and lungs where no liquid or moist medi- cine can reach. sents tnusual wheezing and oppressed breathing, Hyomei will bring rest, complete outfit $1. ; When an asthmatic condition pre- | American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline To make o pucalty of ot hasdine dealer, on Wolfe

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