Ce. ------ 2 rox may samen wate, rarer, ny incorporate the School. of Mining as an integral part, or establish, for her} self, full' departments, with all neces pub- | sary professors and assistants, fully equipped laboratories .in the ex- Dal: | perimental sciences. The first of these tives con be easily ; fected; and 'mmiversity be put in the very. forefront 'of literary and} ahd practical, by a light change * in] creasing the indifference with which would leave her undenomingtional. THE WHIG, 75th ne 2 He EE CF re ra BE Pate. ns Bo Daily Wibig. MEDICAL INSPECTION, The Brantford public" school board has acted on the report made by one "| of its committees some time ago in regard to medical inspection, and has appointed o trained murse to make regular éxaminations "of the pupils in all the schools under the board's care. The "Expositor in commending the aé- tion of the board, pointa out thay "medical inspection i$ now being vi ecmfionly adopted jn the schools, not [VARNISH IT i WITH KOPAL Isita Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made as good as a varnish can be, It's for general use. It wears.. » SOLD BY . Corbett' % HARDWARE. In Tins, Half Pints, 3 Pints, Quarts, &c. work of the Presbyterian astembly, it is alleged, will go far towards in- creasing the 'indifierence with which its members regard the success or non success of the university. And why? '"I'he assembly has no care or regard for the future of the school, | and' so it must look to' its] own interests rather than to those of merely for 'the purpose of preventing Queen's, geek. its endowments . hy contagion--and in this respect the appeals to its own friends and gra- state has e résponsibility which it |duatés as; distinet' from - thoge of J: race cannot ignove--but to corréet in youth [Queen's, and'apart, from anything that jou any physical ~defécts which would] the university may do_or care. And otherwise mar the progress of the{na = person, can reasonably suppose child through fife." # | that this' can ténd to bring the 'two Medical inspection of schools i is com- | institutions into 'closer - alliance, even ing to be regarded 4s a neeessary fea- [if it does not drive them asunder. And ture of all up-to-date wolidoF systems. [certainly it: will not strengthen Queen's The bettér the subject or help in any way to make her more Epi, in- [complete as a university." and the more filly the |} vestigated the more imporfant this| This expression of discontent is work appears. The chief objection heard with very great regret. The that bas been urged do fav, is the ex-|future of Queen's depends upon the pense; but a small outlay in -dollars| consolidation of its interests. The and cents should eowit for Mttle in|spirit. of a great man, the spirit of comparison with the results obtained. | prinsinal 'Grant, rises up to chide ~ It is a grave mistake to think that. who would separate the School it is only the children of the poor|,i Mines from the university, or to who suffer from pliysical defetts which |get them in antagonism with each interfere with their healthy memtalde-| o They should occupy' the clos- | velopment during the school age. W.p oo 0 and they should repre- H. Allen, in an article in the curreht| ~. . 4 09 of management whose North American Review, points out | ims are one in every respect. that even in rural schools, systematic It is 'unfortunate that the Presbyter- medica} inspection .aisécedl quis, 0613 1am, assembly did not settle the future much 83 in he X . Ib of the collége at its recent session. H country child, while getting pleaty of it 'wands Ahe honor of directing a great fcod; is far from a dentist and a dec- ry id oy suffer a 'great. deal on institution it should, as it can,' endow decayed | 'téeth, adenoids, eye' strain Queen's fairly, and give its staff all and the like." Then the fact that * he the, advantages men similarly placed lives in an ocean' of fresh. air, does |" 8°. in connection with any other not always 'mean that'he breathes it|%cat of ledrning. at home andl in the school- -foom. Says Mr. Allen : "As for unsanitary. schobl condi- tions, New York atid sister cities have no apalogios to make to. rural dis tricts. | Unadjustable desks, dry'sweep- ing, feather dusters, shiny black- boartls,™ "harassing discipliue = that wrecks nerves, excessive home study, are not peculiar to great cities. Ina i --------, little western town, - competition be- Ontario has its grievance on the tween two sell-gaverning 'brigades 'for |boundary 'question--that Manitoba gets merit-points was determined. by the too big a: slice . of Keewatin. | When amount of home study; looking 'back [it comes to a division 'of the spoils fifteen years, I can see that I was 'en- hero is.-th couraging anaemic and _ over-ambiti- | there is the usual row, 20 Dozen Men's Summer Undermine Regeln: 0, aus. To clea, New ders, Phyllis Spencer, Chrissie Goodwin, Mary '{ 815.15 for St. Andrew's Cold Bracelets A very handsome gift to present to a lady is a gold bracelet. There is nothing newer or more appropraite. * We have a beautiful assortment in Solid Gold, plain, chased and pearl set. Also 'some very pretty styles in Gold Filled. SOLID GOLD BRACE- LETS, from $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE- LETS, from $1.25 up. Kindear & d'Esterrs Jewellers. 100 Princess St., FASHION'S FORM, amin Useful Gown of lk Orepe De 4 | Straw Hats, 50c. ' 60 Doz. Men's Straw Hats, vemuling 81, 150 values, To (Clear, New Price, 50c. THE H. D. BIBBY 00. 78-80-82, Princess. Sty, eit Commodore Oliver | . event. was well contested, ' resulting as follows : 1. Syde Gillies; a" ouse; «3, Reg There iL bea bi done onde | Dosehill at Grasshopper: Park on | when ' Napanee and the Garnocks will play the return game in. the. - of Qginta | ser- ioe Son'S fhe | est nd 3 "South wards ill play ¢ ar Scheduled | are in 'the 'St; Lawveonce soils s . -details- in nd sad; affair place .on . the: railroad near ns yesterday morning go fo prove that "the young 'man was under the influence "of~ liquor, * "He had cote up from Brockville, 'where he had been ip the hospital" for treatment, on No. 5, and. had sat down ori' 'the track to remove his boots," and" then "he - fell asleep. Mrs. WB. Jayee, of Toronto, who has: bean spending . a .week here with parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Kee, Gar- den street, has returned home. Miss Gertie Price, of. Brockville, -is .spend- ing. a'.cpuple of weeks with friends . in town. The . Misses Flora and. Unga King- FDITORIAL NOTES. Hon. Dr. Pyne 'has 'gone ww Eng- land to study industria traiging-- when' the teebnical sthools. are closed. He may want the outing more . than the information. Mid Summer. Sale Men 's "Oxiords TWENTY PER CENT. OFF. {id oe 2a k, Tan and Patent Colt Ox- jg Invictus, Walker, Whit ll and Hartt Shoes. We Are Offering 20 Per ==" (Cent. Reductions, On Men's and Boys' Suits. All afbe latest styles, and makes, and 0 PER CENT ON BOOTS AND SHOES, which are up-to-date in pre YEE NOTRE WY) ROY SIR SUS EY TN BT RY DR IR WI a U0 ee A:.gown 'of thin- silk, such as Indian or foulard or of 'crepe de chine in & dark shade; will be found iveéry us al Jor 'short' trips 'or shopping tours ing' the summer, and in 'the 'Acooih- panying :pldte such a gown is' shown: ---- All fords, inclid man, J. &' wv WWE WAL MAA AE Ar VAA ANE Ay Fo NAF AIF PIP wn A RAV ery Way, IAS RR GARIN A PANINI NGS In, si Mh Np Also a good stock of Fine Shirts, Collars, Ties and Summer #Hats. We' would Be pleased to have you inspect these at any time. ISAAC ZACKS, 271 Priacess street. (INTIS Itis reallytwo flours in one --an Ontario pastry flour and a Manitoba bread flour. Beaver Flour is a blend of Ontario and Manitoba wheats--makes the whitest, most nutritious Bread and the lightest, tastiest Cake, Pies and Pastry. AT YOUR GROCER'S. Wifte ws for prices on Beed, Coarse Graing & Gwmls T. K. Tavien Co. LOaTen, CHATHAM, ONe, 75 NO; YOU. CAN'T EAT COAL! But you'll' find \it just as heces- sary as bread when it comes to cooking. Who wants to eat raw meats or vegetables ? Nonsense, of, course. But sense--get good coal, the kind we provide Summer and Winter. Do you know the merits of coal from the famous Plymouth mine? Glad to information any time. R. CRAWFORD 'Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. give ous children to rob themselves of play, sleep and vitality. Many a' rural school violates : more Jaws of health '| than any city factory." Referring particulagly to the Man- hatten schools the writer points out that of the children reported for mal- nutrition, only 1451 elit of 1,400--less than one-sgventhr--hdd home incomes of $10 a week or less, while one-third had over $20 a week. The chief dif- ference that is reported Between the very poor and the comfortably situ- ated is that a larger proportion of the latter refused | believe that their children - could have any ailments. Children's physical defects. are, in gen- eral, traceable to methods of eating rather than to quantity or character of food, and not so much to food as to 'decayed teeth, and unsanitary school and home condition. The tendency in educational matters at the present time is towards the] practical and the useful. Under pro- per restrictions this is a healthy ten- dency and should be encouraged. The' vears of the school life are too preci- ous to have any portion of them wetted. Above all, the health of the children is too sérious a matter for trifling or indifference. The writer re- ferred to contends dor a national sys- tem of inspection. One may go so far with safety as to say that as the state makes attendance at school com- pulsory, the state showld see to it that the school conditions are as fav- orable as it is possible to make them for mental and physical development. to THE FUTURE OF QUEEN'S Prof. Dupuis, in Queen's Quarterly, presents strong views upon the situa- tion of the university, mow that the Presbyterian assembly has pronoung- ed upon the guestion of separation and declared that the institution shall remain 'under denominational govern- ment. The professor recalls the cir cumstances which Jed to the founding of the School of Mines. The hope wag that it might become am integral part.of the university, and the action of the assembly has extinguished it. The School of Mines is affiliated with Queen's, for the purpose of getting degrees for its students, but it could {heen be affiliated with any other college for the same cause. No trustee or professor of Queen's has any control over the school and cannot have it while _it is the recipient of govern- ment aid. "If Queen's is to become," continues Prof. Dupuis, "what her friemds wish her fo be, or in many cases ignorant- ly suppose her to be, a great and complete university, she. must either oo ! The commons will need a great fumigating after the session. There will have to "he something besides the incense' the opposition has been burn- ing at the altar of scandal. Judging of late reports as to cur rent tarifis for service and accommnio- dation it will cost something to visit Quebec and see the pageant. There is always money in the crowd of sight- seers. . Parliament, go far as the opposition could 'make it, was, during the ses- sion just closed, a school for scandal. And the idle talk of parliament is be- ing continued _in thé conservative press. Now it _is the Toronto World that wants publicity in connection with | Boronto University affairs. Sooner or later Mr. MacKay"s ideas will pre- vail, and without any one referring to them as heresies. Manitoba métaphorically weeps be- cause the whole of Keewatin, 320,000" miles square, was not given to it. "The spoiled child of confederation" is the manner in which Manitoba has been referred to by the Hamilton Her ald, and the expression As an apt one. H. F. Gadsby becomes the editor of the Canadian edition of Collier's, and his originality will have full oppor- tunity, for its expression. By the way is Mr. Hapgood, the editor of the Amegienn edition, of the same paper, Canadian ? . Collier's appre- af without regard to nation- ality, { Helps To Purchase Organ. Ottawa, July 17.--Andrew Carnegie has 'responded to the request of an acquaintance of the congregation of St. Matthew's church, Ottawa, by sub- scribing 81,250 towards a new pipe organ, on condition that the remain- der of the .cost of the organ is raised by the' eahgiSRation. The organ is to cost 40 Just Plain Comms. ° Your corns sre no different from other people's corns. If you haven't able to cure them its because ou haven't used Peck's Corn Salve. big boxes, 15c., at Wade's drug store. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduetion in price in the order and 'ready'made clothing 'department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis. play windows. Outing Hats. ation here with her parents, Mr. and Dempster, King street west, Mins Maud Rarnes, trained nurse, of St. Luke's. hospital, New York city, spending a two. wedks' furlough here with _her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, Princess 'street, has retarned to her duties. Mya, Frederick Robinson, of Seaforth, . spending a Week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis, King street, has returned home. Miss Georgina Elder, of Kingston, is spending. a few weeks with friends and relatives in. town. Miss Dorey, of London, Eng., is the guest lof Miss N. Hiscock; Stone street, Miss A. Belfie, of « St: Joseph, Mo., is spending her vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bel-" fie, Market street. TO HAVE A PARK, Picton Will Seek to Get Centrally Located. Picton, July 17.--Soldier boys to the number of forty, of Prince ¥d- ward's gallant 16th, in command 'of Capt. Jarvis, Miliord, left, on the steamer Caspian, this morning, en route to Quebec. They 'will spend the day in the Limestone city, and join the composite regiment under Col Sylves- ter, of Lindsay, and proceed to the historical citadel city. Capt. A. S. McDonald; Consecon, will- be senior subaltern of the Prince Fclwarders, and Capt. 8. Gilmore, Picton, junior subaltern, t * The Gafette comes ofit, this after- noon, strongly advoeating the pur- chase . of a site for a public park. President Davison, of the board trade, is. so enthused with the sugges- One Tuesday night, to talk over the mat- ter, with.a view to securing. the pro- fronting Main street. farmer, lies' in a critical condition, with little hope of recovery. He was in the loft of his barn, when a board broke and he was throyn to the ce- ment floor. The crop outlook has changed little Rithin the week. Rain is badly need- ily speaking, a perfect i of waggons filled with peas are going to the cauning factories which are working full time now. The late varieties are a_good crop; but are scorched and parched in growth for lack -of raiu. . fields of toma- toes and corn are looking healthy, and many blossoms and 1 fruit ready on the sformer. would seem to point to a bumper yield. Hay is be- ing cut, apd some farmers have good stout timothy, but the evop is far be- low average, and a shortage of hay is again looked for this winter. Bar- ley, rve and oats do not seem to be syfiering to any great extent. -------------------------- deen Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau. Kine and -- ry Soe Ottawa, "Monday, Wednesda, dav and Saturday, at 6 a: m., ' and for Tuesday, Wednesday. From 25¢. up at Campbell Bros'. James Swilt & Co. Friday "and Bata gt; 675 p.m. of | tion that he has called"a 'meeting for : perty adjoining the public library, and | ow, a Prominent Hillier | ot: | In black, dark blue, brown or dark blue gray the design would make - up with excellent effect, the mode] being in dull wedgewood: blue crepe de chine, trimmed with narrow bias folds. of the matérial, and small buttons also made of ithe crepe. The yoke was detach- able, and was of fine white. washable net and cluny beading. PASSED THE ENTRANCE, The Successful Pupils - in Napanee Schools: Napanee, July 17.--The following are the . successful pupils at Napanee for the entramce to the collegiate: Leo- nard Brown,. Wilbert. Card, amphet Clark, Karl Denyes, Grant' "Dickins Hatold Dupree, Cecil Foster, Douglas Ham, Stewart Johnston, Arthur Joyce, Zine :Joyce, Ray MeConachig, James Moleod, Harold Mouck, Harry Oliver, Hugh. Perry, Harold Pringle, Harry Rikley, Davis Robinson, Arg thur Smith, Clare Snook, Jack Soby; Clayton Stevens, Maurice Stratton, William" Trum: Jour, . Wilbert 'Vander voort, Percy Vriooman, John Walsh, Ada Asselstine, Agnes: Bellhouse, Ada Brown, Bessie Clark, Florence Brown, Gertrude Clark, Carrie Cowan, Jennie | Dudgeon, Kathleen Greer, Hattie Her: rington, Myrtle Killorin, Hazel Knapp, | Lillian Lake, Hilda Mo(reet, . Grace | McKim, Laura Mellow, Mabel Milli Hazel Parks, Lottie Parks, Jennie Me: Taggart, Minnie Rankin, Edna Smith, Olive Storr, Ella Unger, Fdith Van- dusen, Nora Waller, Maggie White, Blanche Williams. Mrs. Readman, Toronto, is 'spending & week with her brother, .G. A. Ble- wett. Frank Blewett, barrister, Lis- towell, is also the guest of his { brother, G. A. Blewett. Mr. and Mys. W. A. Rose leave, to-day, for a three ! months' visit. with their daughter, i Mrs. C. V..Sale, in England. Mrs, ©. J. Nichols, Boston, (formerly : Bella | Pollard), and her sister-in-law, Mrs. 0. A. Nichols, New York, are the ! guests of the former's mother, Ms. i John Pollard, Dundas strest; Get Your Share. - This is the season when you can renjoy Wade's lee Cream'. Soda to the utmost. 'The ice. cream is made of pure cream, sugar and flavoring. 'The - syrups are made ftom juices of selected fruits. The glasses: carefully washed, rinsed and polished. Everything in and : about. the fountain © is cleanliness itself, Wade's drug store. Es A Message To Rockefeller. New York, July 17.--<Amone ; the congratulato messages received by dohn D. Rockefeller on. the recent oc- casion of "his | sixty-ninth birthday were the following lines ffom the pen of the Rev, George Thomas Dowling, D.D., rector of St." James' Episcopal church, Brooklyn. Cling to of still : ae aa a ; HELE Garner all joys that tl ve Ag And prove every year Dr. Deis Before . becoming * an Episcol Dr. Dowling was for twelve years Rockefeller's pastor in the Eaelid. ried, andlived in ; rity now 3.60. "$4.00 now 8.20. $3.50 now 2.80. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE 'Beantify Your Home : WITH Varnish Stain. We sell the Kind that gives hard, durable, and lustrous' finish. - Can be used for re- finishing-everything about the home. TRY A CAN. MoKELVEY & BIRGH, 69-71 Brock St Foot Wear We Judge, But You Endorse Our Judgment by Purchasing Cur Shoes. A Neat, Roomy Toe in Tan and Black Oxfords, for dressy men, in hot Welder, A. E. HEROD, . 286 Princess Ste=The House of Quality--Plione 837. "SEWED $1,140 IN SKIR By Nurses. Qaxing For Patient. bakict Mi jn Nr Ha sii i 140 be bills when a rad Totpital, St Lous undressed She is sixty-five 3 South Second street. She worked in a Found factory snd saved the money fron her gos, Hor meighbiors notified the Avenue Baptist church. Cleveland.