Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1908, p. 7

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FOLLOW THE. MAJORITY Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. NY even-numbered section of Do- A minion Lands in Manitoba or the : Northwest Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be home: steaded by any person "the sole of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 460 acres, more or lesg. Application for homestead entry must | be in person by the _$pplicant ata Dominion Lande Agenc, ub agency. Entry oy proxy may, Oe aay be an Agency cn certain conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or ister of an intending homesteader. An application 'for cancellation must be made in person. 'The applicant must be &iigible "tor bomestead entry. DUTIES.--~(1) At least six months' residence upon' and cultivation of fund in each year during the term' of hree years. 4 (3) A homesteader may, if he so de sires, perform the required residence du- ties by living on farming land owned olely by him, not less than eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this requirement, (8) If the father (or mother, father is 5 Seteased) of a permanen ence on owned d solely by him, not less than elighLy (80) aeres in extent, in the Vicinity of the homestead, or upon a homebtead for by him in the vicinity, such home sleader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or _mother). (4) The term "vicinity"" In the two preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- ing not more than nine miles in a direct ine. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS; COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for Jwanty- one years at an annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more than 2,560 acres - be leased to one appli~ cant. Royalty, five cents per ton, QUARTZ.~A person Sghteen ears of age and over having ma iscover way locate a a Slain 1,600 feet Yo téet. Fee $5.00, At least $100. be expended om the claim each 8 or paid to the mining Recorder. When $500.00 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING CLAIM 100 feet square. Entry fee, DREDGING.<T'wo leases of five miles each of a river may be issued to one a plicant for a term of 20 years. . Rental, $16.00 a mile per annum. Royalty, 24 per cent. after the output exceeds $10, 4 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Inferior, N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advartisgment will not be paid for. The Northern Wood and' Lumber com- pany, cotner King and Place D/Armes. It will. pay you to follow their ex amgls, because, never yet has wooc been sold $4 4 cord, cut and delivered. ter cord. Lumber Ce., ABSOLUTE if the Genuine Carter's Must Bear Signature of Soe Trl Se¢ FacsSimiie Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy to take #3 sugar. CARTERS ror samacar FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN, FOR THE COMPLEXION GENUINE MUST NAVE MATURE. of tes | Purety vegetasie, CURE 216K HEADACHE. S generally, $5.00. -- danefit~ Yo i RAZOR PRICES : Uollcw round * $2.7 0. Double Concave for Extra Heavy ™ Beards £2.80 Pair in Leather Case $4.50 GASOLINE 18c. PER GALLON. Put in your tank at our doek. = Spark Colls, 'Spark Plugs, Colum- bla Dry Batteries, ete. in stock, REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd, Kingston Foundry.' Kazor Troubles Possible 366 Clean Shaves Every Year Get one from your dead'er on 30 days trial, with no obligation to purchase / Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 478 Broadway, New York, For sale by McKelvey & Birch, 69- 71 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W. F. KELLY & CO,, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence. I! you wish to be_ successful ate The GILLETTS PURE POWDERED LYE Ready for Use in Any Quantity. - Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street, CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE . business school, Hookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught by competent Sxperieiced teachers, ght classes. Enter at ates very moderat Por making SOAP, softeting water, remove lng old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets and i and for many other purpescs. A can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda. SOLD EVERYWHERE, COMPANY MW. GILLETT {aires TORONTO.ONT. + To weak and ai Way to help. But with that way, two treatments, gust be combined. One is local, one is constitu. but both are important, both essential x Shoop! s Night Cure is the Local. hoop's Restorative, the Constitutional. The lormes--Dr. 8hoop's Night Cure--isa topleal. mucous membrane suppository JTomudy, while Dr, Shoop's Restorative is wholl: ternal treat. ment. The Restorative reaches 3 throughout the aniire system, seek! all tise, and all Blog a ar of sl » Day and ni any time. jPhone, 440; H. F, METCALFB, President. J. BE, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary: women, there is at least one HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated | WITH GLACIER The only substitute for Stamed Glass Artistic, Durable, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Vietor and Berliner 3 ramaphons; 'Will- inms' Sewing Machwme. Phoenix Fire! lixtinguisher : and a full line" of Musical Instruments, Music, ete. \ work while yousleep. Itsoothes od mucous surfaces, heals local while the Restorative, citement, gives renewed v or and Ambition, m ds up tissues, ey vigor, and energy. Take D: Shoop' Restorative--Tablets or Tio ai a general ton i . '0 the system. Por positive local Bol, rep Dr. Shoop's ., Night ere 8 DEALERS" The Grand Duchess isu (PSO mf full figares Many expert lady corset fitters have expressed their appreciation of the style, fit and lasting qualities of the Grand Duchess Corset. juand inflam. knesses and -------- The Old Cab Stand With a New Number PHONE 600. Orders promptly attend- ed to, day or night. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. Fhe majority of Kingston wood con sumers are buying their wood from in Kingston at our price, We do not deliver less than a guar. The Northern Wood and Cor. King and Place a'Armes Sts. SECURITY, Little Liver Pills. The "Night Cure", as {ts name implies, does its | 1 This design is intended for a warm climate. There mre three separate chimneys; affording a fireplace in the living room and and fireplaces in three chambers on the second floor. There is a small base- ae da ment under tlre kitchen portion, with an opportunity to put in a heater if desired. This same plan, with a good foundation and basement, under the entire housesand walls properly built and buckpinsteredA would be equally well adapted to a colder climate. The cost of the house as designed is $3,- 1800, exclusive of healing and plumb- ling. The size is thirty feet in width by thirty-five feet in depth, exclusive { of all projections, the first storey | finished in hardwood and the second istorey in Southern, pine, using stain {and varnish throughout, with hard- i wood floors The style of the exteripr treatment {is a little on the Italian order, with {low pitch roof and wide projected cor- {nices. The two principal chimneys, {one at each side of the house, are de- sighed to be carried. up on the ont- side, built of brick witli a small por- tion of stone. This house has all = of the conveniences and comforts that will be required for the average home, the large living room, with the plea- sant den opening out of it the columhed arch, can he treated many ways to make a charmine place | for home gatherings. The dén is suit- cd for a gentleman's reom or for: a WORK 15 COMPEETED ST. CLAIR TUNNEL FULLY! dining room | ELECTRIFIED. Important Feature of - Grand, Trunk's New Route From East to West of 'Canada via €hicago. The great work of installing electric power, and incidentally, electric light, in the St. Clair tunnel, has now been, | completed. The powerful electric loep- {motives now in use handling thirty per cent. more in tonnage each trip 7 and [unite it at thirty per cent. greater speed. > In view of the fact that on the 14th inst. thé Grand Trunk will open a new {route from Eastern to Western Can- fon vig Chicago, this announgement will be as interesting to the travelling. { public as it is gratilyjng to the Grand {Trunk management." The improve { me nts made on the Grand Trunk sys- ftem within the past decade are many i nd varied, but if one piece of good fw ork might be singled from the many | perhaps the electrification of the | Clair tunnel would be considered | crowning achievement of them all, Hereafter nervous people, who used to { fancy they could smell smoke when | the en gineer whistled for Sarnia west- | bound® or for Port Huron eastbound, can sleep sweetly while the great elee- tric motors swings them under the river irom one flag to the other--for the tunnel is now as clear and clean as a | mountain canon and as light as day. This new effort of the Grand Trunk to gecure its Share of the traflic be- tween the eastern and the western povince brings into active and ener- getic operation the. first real, keen, clearront competition between Can- ada's two giant railways for this bu- siness. The work of building the Grand Trunk Pacific up to the standard set by the builders will necessarily occupy some time, but the Grand Trunk man- wgement evidently does not propose to await the rcompletion of thelr western lime before going after their. share of; the business of the west. With their eplendid double track line from Uiehec and Ontario to Chieago, upon "which | fifteen million dollars have been ex- pended, they feel that theyjcan now put up a service which for speed and comfort will pot suffer by comparison with the best provided by the railways i the American continent. This contest, if it may be called contest, does not, of course, partake | of the nature of a rate war. It is not | war, but merely one of the divisions whidh try the mettle of railway man- agers and contribute to the excitement of railway life, if not to the "'gaiety of nations." | | The Wonder Of Wonders. | Is Campbell Bros' nobby two. dol {lar and two fifty derbies. Nothing to {equal them at the price. | ---------------------- | People would like to save money by not using it on things that are worth, | while, sq as to be able to spend it on things that are not worth while. There's nothing a woman enjoys more than telling how much better her husband's digestive apparatus works since she married him. Pay vas and electric accounts and save disdount. ' St, {cannibals on small library with books, desks, etc. The dining room, with . its spacious |pantry and kitchen arrangement, | forms a very attractive feature in the | front of the house.and opening as it | does with sliding. deors from -the liv- ing room. The chambers are. all "pro- | vided with ample closets and the | bathroom is roomy and well arranged, | 4 E1 LIVING ROOM 10 OXI < DIMING BM FOX d throush | mn | | FIRST FLOOR PLAN, CASNIBALISM NOT EXTINCT. ---------- Still Practiced in Interior of New + Guinea. Melbourne, "July 17#-Reuter's repre- sentative has - had an' intef'view with the hithop of New /Guinea, | who has 'given some interestitiy particulars of the 'condition of 'altans there. Asked with regard « to~ the prevalence of cannibausm, stber bishop sad : I "Cannibalism 1s; no fobger practised "along the coust Line, which is now quite safe, but inland "it stil con- tinues. Recently some extraordinary cases were brought a? our ' notice at the - headquarters, at' Samurai of na- tives having been killed and cooked in unusually revgliing Siregmstances, but cases of this sort aré only to be met with in those regions where the government has yet scarcely penetra- ted. i "During my last trip I found the natives very friendly. The magistrate with whom I was travelling informed me that during a previous journey he had come acposs raiding party, all arrayed in their ideous war paint, who were carrying' the bodies of four young girls on poles. Their heads had been. beaten in, and they were tied to | the poles by their wrists. : At first the showed fight, but seeing that the magistrate and © his police were armed with, rifles, they dropped the bodies and @scaped Jnto the jungle. The magistrate ordered his men to; cut sharp pointed stakes from the neighboring trees, with which they dug graves and interred the bodies of ithe victims." Speaking on the sabject of the curi- ous race of swamprdwellers, to be found in some portions of New Guinea, Jishop Stone ~Wigg said : "These swamp-dwellers have been wip- ed out by other hostile tribes, and when I heard last there was only one survivor of them. "These people lost the entire use of their lower limbs, owing to the fact that they were per- petually sitting in their canoes. They were formed as othdr, men, but their legs became atrophicd from disuse.' All To Go. All our nobby straw sailors are to go at greatly reduced prices. Will you [be one of the lucky ones ? Campbell Bros', the store that saves you money. he the down If Peary gets chilly on his trip can think how much pleasanter weather is than July weather | | here. AS "OTHERS THINK. | Everyone in Kingston Has Right to His Own Opinion. While everyone has a right to his own opinion, yet it is Wise to always consider what others' think and profit Lby it. Nothing makes life so miserable; or interferes so widely with the useful- ne:s of the average person, as indiges- ato. as well aq very aulamimtly located. A screened balcony will offer .an added interest to all house-keepers, both as a place for outdoor sleeping, as well as for the airing of bedding, A suggestion for color-treatment is a light bluish gray' for the entire jbody, with white for sash and a good moss green for the roof. CHAMBER HEX 10 soXxia0 CHAMBER eX 180 SECOND FLOOR PLAN. Twenty«Five Cents. Buys' a man's nobby lightweight hat at Campbell 'Bros'. ati 5,600,000,000 living organisms have been found in a piece ot, cheese weigh- ing. 114 02. The We know other typewriters of all kinds and we know that the L. C. '| Smith has every improvement and every feature that any of them has--AND MORE. We waht to place an L. C. Smith Bros." Type- writer in your office AT OUR EX- PENSE, and have you compare it part for part, feature for feature, with any other typewriter. We will let the typewriter speak for itself. "All we say about it and claim for it will be demonstrated by the machine 1tself more con- vincingly than we could tell it. Then we want to leave the de- cision to you. If YOU want it then we will sell you one on favor- able TERMS, or if you already have a machine: we will take that in part payment, THE TEST OR TRIAL WILL NOT COST YOU A PENNY. Tals is the way we sell typewrit- ; it is 'a good, , honest ing It has mot a weak link in the chain of fairness. tion, and it is well for us to give fair consideration to what others think dbout this remar! kable affliction. G. W. Mahood is positive that in Mi-o-nn stomach tablets he has an absolute cure for indigestion and the! many disagreeable symptoms that fol- | low this disease, such as distress after, eating, coated » tongue, bad taste in; the mouth, diminess, flatulence nd} neryousness, s He sells Mi-o-na with pugrantee' or money back. ligves in it and so may you, satisfaction | He be EASTERN DEAL - NEWMAN & SPRIGGS ELECT RIC Co, * 4 aaten. BE WALKER, President : bik Tae, Gu mp | Rese Foneian aus . KINGSTON CORNER OF KING *. 0. STEVEN ' . PERFECTION ALL GRADES. Standard Visible Writer We do not belong to any trust 'and nobody dictates the PRICE we sell at or HOW we shall sell. That's OUR business. We sell our machine strictly, on its merit, All the writing on the L, C, Smith is always in sight, and direct in the line of vision. The WRITING LINE IS INDICATED, and the PRINTING POINT IS POINTED OUT so that the L. C. Smith is just WHAT WE CLAIM --a perfect VISIBLE typewriter. The typebar and hanger are the heart of a typewriter, that means they are the most vital part--g weak typebar means a weak type- writer. Show us a typebar-tear- ing that is narrow and has no wearing surface, and it tells us that un hard wear such a Cd writer will not retain its alignm- ment, and sooner or later will get out of order. On the L. C. 8, Smith the bearing is wide and the bar heavy, and will stand years and years of Bard work! a Typewriter Supplies for all makes of machines. Rented and}Repaired--all makes. J.E.Ferguson Company, ERS, 205 QUEEN STREET, OTTAWA GENTS: .Canada Metal Co. ill You Try An L. C. Smith Ty ypewriter ING AT OUR EXPENSE. cost you a penny to Ehoquns dnd if 08 te if "Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold BRANCH, pap Zzgm i Ta ngeline Ganong's G.B. Chocolates i. Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St "Phone 58. COWAN'S | COCOA (Maple Leaf Label) Pure, nutritious and easily digested. THE COWAN ©0., Limited, JORONTO | 4. ALUMINUM LOWEST PRICES. Ltd.."rSxonte, Then again, with the L. 0. Smith one machine is equipped to do all kinds of Work atte writ- | ing, invoicing, billing, tabulatingn iif tting, without the ribbon and happen anything that iter can do 'the L. C. smith do--and more. You can lift the platen, or writ- ing cylinder, right out and put ia another in a second. You can write is two rolors, and you do not have to touch Your HbhoR from the time You put it in Ah machine till it is worn out. many mars, and. do. them and 8 And remember THIS 18 ma- chine we want te place S ha mar office for trial and tion It doesn't try it, 0 Typewriters gi Ri yy

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