Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jul 1908, p. 3

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Our Store Will Be ro Waist Store This Week. . duly 13th, at 8 O'clock and All This 'Week. aly is the Shirt Waist selling month and we are going 'to make it a banner month .in this department. Any Shirt Waist in the gtgre At 25 Per Cent. Off This means your choice from one of the largest and best displays of Waists, be- tween Montreal and Toronto. \ ee ---------------------------- WILLINERY DEPARTMENT | this These to Any Straw shape in department for 50c. hats. ramge from §1 $2.50 Yours as Long as They Last, CRUMLEY BROS. RIN FORE ) RRNITRIR WO. ced : | 4 Bd For Picnic Parties We Can Supply You With All Your. Wants, Especially in Cakes and Fruits. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. R. H. Toye's, 302 King St A GREAT SHIRT SALE. This time of the year you can use a lot of Shirts. Now is the Time to Buy. We have the largest stock we have ever had. 60 Dozen New Shirts just in. We Are Selling : SHIRTS AT " 45¢ N 75¢ 98¢c 1.20 1.48 $1.00 1.25 ° 1.50 1.75 and " "E. P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., 112 PRINCESS STREET. The place where the Big: Sale is going on. » lat, Brindisi castle, {| Normani week, when =</BETRED BY "BY MONEY] = WOMAN" "AND AND LOVER ON FOR TREASON TRIAL sili Accused of Trying to Secure For France Secret of Germany's Smokeless Powdér, 'Kiel, July 18--Fraulein Petersen and her lover, a German noun-commis- gioned. oflicer, were examined, 'to-day, bef a court-martial here on a charge of treason. 'Lhe utmost secrecy is preserved, as in all such cases, but it is believed that the authorities suspect Petersen of having. attemped to obtain for the French government a wi of the constituents of German smokeless' powder. Fr. Petersen was bora in Hamburg, where her parents kept a small inn, but has the appearance of a Parisian. She: is forty-iour years of age, but i | looks. much younger. She was employed as a governess, when suspicion was aroused by the liberal supplies of money which she received. Fr. Petersen declares her innocence and denies that she went regularly to: France to receive $125 a month for espionage. It is known, however, that she had 'meetings with French agents. THEIR CHIEF DISGUISED By Clever Trick Brigands Make Haul. 15.--Baron - Remondini bhanguet to his friends in the San . Vite district, one night this a gentleman dressed in hunting costume * appeared at the house and stated that he was tired and hungry, and asked [or the baron's hospitality. The ~baron straightway asked him to join them, and an hour later 'all present took part in a small dance. Suddenly headed by a sergeant, the sergeant, Rome, July was giving a six mounted carabineers, appeared, and calling the baron aside, said that he knew that the famous brigand, Suma, the terror of the San Vito digtriot, was within, and, point- ing- out the strange guest, declared tim to be the notorious brigand. The stranger was at once arrested and locked up in the stable. J The baron, thankful at escaping dan- ger, asked the carabineers to stay and have supper and then join the dance, which they did. In the middle of the proceedings, however, the cara- bineess suddenly drew revolvers and threatenen all present with death un- less they at once delivered up all their! money and jewelry. Those present eventually yielded up about $30,000 worth of valuables. The carabineers then jumped on their hordes and got away as soon as possible, taking with them the arrest- ed man, who, it turns out, was their chief, the famous brigand Suma, and the rest of the band were his follow- ers in disguise. FREAKS OF STORM. Many Deaths Are _ Reported Throughout France, Paris, July 18.--Seven persons have been killed by lightning in France within the.last twenty-four hours dur- ing the heavy thunderstorms which have occurred over the country. Lightning, yesterday, struck school at Provins, where about little girls were assembled, and though no one was killed, were seriously injured. A curious sight was witnessed in the lay of Cancale during a storm. My- riads of dragon flies were blown into the bav and drowned. Boats riding at anchor were invaded hy winged in- sects of every description: At Lisieux, Viscount de Marle, a prominent landowner. in the district was killed as he stood under a tree with some of the laborers on his tate. An avalanche of rock and earth, es- timated at about 40,000 cubic yards, has partly overhwelmed the village of Poatamafrey, Communication will be impossible for several days betwden Chambery and Modane. a 200 al- several es- ENGINE QUELLS MUTINY. Troops Break Out bellion. Paris, July 18. Telegrams from Brest report that a serious mutiny took place last night in the barracks of the Colonial Infantry. The mutineers, numhering twenty- eight, smashed all the furmiture of their dormitory, shut themselves up in the room, barrieaded the doors with the debris and sang the "Interngtion- alo" and the "Carmagnole." Appeals from the officers on duty proved useless and the colonel of the regiment was called. He had a hole cut through the' floor above, and with the aid of the garrison fire engine pumped water in on the mutineers un- till they were forced to=give in. They were marched off to the military pri- son more dead than alive. _ The mutiny is said to have heen caused by punishment inflicted on one of the men by an unpopular non-gam- missioned officer. in Open Re- Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and Queen leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- dav and Saturday, at 6 a.m., and for Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6°15 p.m. James Swift & Co., _Agents. Cover A Five-Cent Piece. With Abbey's Effervescent Salt. Drop this quantity in a glass of cold water. The slight acidity quenches thirst and keeps vou cool as nothing else will. « \ Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reddction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' fumishings. Look af dis~ play windows. _, Professor Carson Resigms. Winnipeg, July 18.--Professor Car: son, who has been in charge of tha dairying department at the Manitoba Aguisuftury! College, has resigned, Fo-Night--Free Sh NEXT WEEK Entire "Pro- RE FREE SHOW SHOW mviy Shire A High Class V. gh C audeville a TT a Song nia spteas Shari Re Mion feo Hrrh as P of HI eng pares by Srp at ofc er ------L PRIS at Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company. Notice to 0 Shareholders THE ANNUAL MEETING Shareholders of this oF * Books in New York, on SATURDAY Ist kt day of August, 1908, at 1 pm. AN will be re-opened on THURSDAY, both _-- of August ARCHIBALD McNAUGHTON, Secreta ry and Tre Kingston, July 18th, 1908, Market Tolls. SEALED TENDERS WILL BR RF- ceived at the City Clerk's Office, City Buildings, uatil 1 DAY, July 28th, inst., at 12 o'clo noon from. persons willing to lense the Market fees, and weighing charges of Market No. 2, for the tery of ome Year fram the first Monday in August next, Forms of tender may be had office of undersigned at the W. Wy SANDS, City Olerk, July 18th, 1908, (LE oi {i i Soe ms seANLL a: ing- or rouing: ADDI. Whig 'oMioe. AT ONCE. AT ROGKWOOD HOS. rn FOR CHNERAL "WORK. Must; bs good lain cooly No wash- Heferences req ly in the: Svening to Mrs Pix hw, 115 "WANTED GENERAL. PLAIN SEWING, J BY, ang me. AT home. Apply Bo i FOR NEXT SUMMER BY BY AN N AMERT - goa. 3 furnished McCann, 51 1 Brock surect, outa. 426, or 631 FIRE INSURANGE ls aq0y companies, lowest rates, fair ments. Jy R. ©. Dobbs "& Co., 109 Brock St. Telephone, 480. BreLuSivE AGENT FORTHE PALE: of the Periection Dust Pan; commission, fast seller. Sovereign Metalware Co. Limited, ronte. THE Or PORTUNTEX TO FURNISH estima on electric work. Al kinds ot i. pro y, done, J. 4. Bireh, Electrician, 200 ellington street. . A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF ards or cellars, or other i ny in St. carted. Prices Smt Lytle, General MAN AND FIFE, TWO UNFUR- nished rooms, With private family. No board. Would gp r vicinity near University and Johnson streets, Ap- ply Box "A. D.'% Whig office, BY to the undersigned der for Supplying Ered pan: Ln Building," Wil be received at office until 4.80 'p.m. on Monday August 24, 1908, for the supply of Coal for the Public Buildings throughout the Domun- ion. Combined specifications and endorsed form this office, -- Persons tendering are tenders will 'not be notified that signod with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanded . by an accepted cheque om a chartered bank, ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10. p.c.) of amount of the teader, which will be for- felted if the person tendering décline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to compl work 'contracted for. If the tender le not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any | tender. R. 0) DE SROCHPRS, Asst. Secretary, De tment of Public Works, pa Ottawa, uly. 15s oh . th Newspapers wil not he .pa lor is 'advertisement if they imsert it without tuthority from the a KEPT SECRET 10 YEARS. SEALED NBER + ADTVRESSED #*"Ten- for the Domin- this of tender can be obtained on application at considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and made payable to the order of the Hon- the the DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO QET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and. finish guar anteea to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby's Livery. TEAC HER, "OR SCHOOL SREOTION No 'ownship , of Kingston, for NO ate of year or longer as may be agreed on. Male preferred. Apply Jno. Simpson, Sec.-Treas., Uataraqui, Ont. A TEACHER FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL io. 2, Township of Olden, County Frontenac. School to open after summer vacation. Apply, stating ex- perienchk and ired, to Alired Charlton, Board, Long Lake, Ont, SITUATIONS VACANT, iF YOU WANT HELP OF ANY KIND, or if you are in need of a situation, write us. We have on hand a number of domestic servants, also. good farm laborers, and others. Address The Canadian Employment Azency Pu Box; 858, Brockville, MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly, Help sccure positions. Will equip shops. Con: stant practice. . Careful instructions. Few weeks complete course, Cata- logue free. rite Moljer Barber vr College, Toronto, SITUATION WANTED. Meantime the Curious, Watching "SN Husband Visits Wife. Fitchville, Coun., July i8.~Who) says a woman cannot keep a secret? Here is one who has ten years the her husband sealed her lips. This 'announcement has kust been given to the newspapers, first on Nor« wich, then in New London : "PALMER-DAWLEY--On July 6th, by the Rev. J. Chester llyde, Frank Emerson Palmer, of Fitchville, and Helen Gay Dawley, of Nogwich." Immediately Mrs. Frances Gay Daw- ley, the "bride's" mother, issued cards announcing the wedding on "Wednesday, July 6th."" Of course, Connecticut is not Missouri, but peo- ple here instead of saying, '"'show me," remark "1 want to know." Such inquisitive persons at once recalled that July 6th this year fell on Mon- day, not Wednesday, also that the Rev. J. Chester Hyde has not been pastor of the Quaker Hill Baptist church since 1904, but has been preaching in Maine. So the inquisitive: persons quickly learned that on July 6th, 1898, Frank Emerson =~ Palmer, then twenty-four vears old, and Helen Gay Dawley, then twenty-six, journeyed by unpre- tentious trolley car to Waterford and were married, members of the Rev, Mr. Hyde's houschold actine as wit- nésges. Young Palmer's family had objected to the voung man's mar riage only be- cause they. considéded his income in- sufficient to take a wife; now all his relatives are reconciled to the match; such unexampled' silence has won not only their admiration, but their ap- proval. Mrs. Frank Emerson Palmer, of ex- cellent family, was a public school teacher at Norwich, and the funniest thing is that for : ten years the in- quisitive persons.whe "want t' know" have heen watching the husband visit his wife at her mother's home and saying: '"T want t' known when they'll marry ?" Saturday Only. Cooked ham, 23¢.: breakfast sides, 15e. Crawford's. bacon The Emperor of China, Tsai-Tien, has been ill for several days past. It is impossible to ascertain what his malady is, becanse western medical science is barred - from thes imperial palace. > Kellogg's TOASTED Relieves fatigued stomachs --and tones up the whole kept secret for | most important event | of her life, her marriage: But love fon | EFBRENCES. PLAIN COOK. BLA Johnson St. /BY Apply Miss Cross, { DOME: ISTTO SERVANTS, GENERAL servants, cooks, heusemaids and nurses, Scotch and arriving July 26th. The 71 Drum- mond St., Montreal -- Irish, Juild, ARCHITECTS, ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY ete, 'Phone, P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square. 345. POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. "Phone, 212 [I ) Place a Whig Want Want an artist for your school Either free-hand or mechanical ? perhaps some one te teach Hist' ry or things botanical ? Ad. and find Teachers good of every kind. - TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, storage .for ture, ete. 51 Brock street. NOS. 77 AND, 79 'ALFRED STREET, all modern im EO Possession Ist May. Apply ingham, SUMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED OR wnfurn y on 'St. Lawrence Rideau. Apply to MeCann, 51 Brock OR ROOMS, McCann, LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX- change Shalthers, No. 116 Brock St. Apply to Cliff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence street. LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT well Yentijated Jooms, | for the sum- mer Mn at inver- section of Test, Far) 'and Clergy Sts. 174 Earl street; PROM OCT. 1.-BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve * rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. En- quire at X79 Division street. | PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, removed ; Permanently, without scar. Twenty years' expe ence. br, Elmer J. Lake, Eye, : Nose, Throat' and Skin icmish Specialist, 258 'Bagot street. IMPOUNDED. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, oP. ce, second floor over Mahood's store, cormer Princess: and streets. Entrance on Bagot 'Phone. 60 LOST. TKT"RERRIER, WHITE, WITH brown spots. Any one harboring same after this notice will be prose cuted, Finder please return 0 this Office. HELD IN PRISON. Refuses Him Permission to At: tend Parliament. Berlin, Juiy 15.--In the recent tions for the Prussian diet Herr Karl Liebknecht, who is now serving a sentence of eighteen months' incarcera- tion in a fortress for publishing an anti-militarist pamphlet, was returned as social democratic deputy for the eleventh Berlin district. Herr Liebknecht accordingly applied to the Leipzig supreme court, which condemned him, for leave of absence, such as it is customary to grant pri- sopers serving sentemce in a fortress, in order that he might take his seat in the diet. 'the court abruptly re fused the application. Some indignation has now heen ee aused in radieal circles by the fact that the imperial chancellor, in reply to -a telegraphic appeal from Herr Liebknecht, likewise refused to in- tervene, elec- ---------- Was Short $18,653.17. Fredericton, July 18.--Auditor Miller who >was engaged to audit the ac- counts of the crown land department; reported 'that he found the shortage of the late deputy survéyor-general Flewelling to be $18,653.17. Flewel- ling, who committed suicide early in May, made an ante-mortem statement |in which he set forth that he was short in his accounts to the amoung of twelve thousand. ------------------ New Track Is Ready. | 'Smith's Falls, July 18.--The 'C.P.R. dotble track Hetwenn Smith | Falls and Kemptville will be put " | operation next Monday. By the mid- 'die of August it is expected the line "from here to Finch will bein use, ""Kasagra," the gentle laxative in | Be: and 50c. bottles, at Gibson's Red Crosg rug Store. | | new NUT MARE, ONE HIND AND foot white, little white on © Owner oan _ha alter Jamaggs. Point Road. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. JOHNSON 8T., SEVENTEEN roomed three-story brick . house, eleven bedrooms, besides attia, marble Washbasing in each bedroom, hot water furnace. Apply "A. Fe Bond, 79 Clarence street. 4006 |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. The Use Of Religion. Granted that you have the right and true religiofl, the more important ques- tion remains--to what use are you putting it? Its mere possession gives Vou-na_merit. To what wise and use ful end are you directing its generated energy ? Aré you interpreting it into terms of social helpfulness and human uplift ? Are you using the wisdom and the strength it has brought £5 vou in solving the problems of the ig- norant and oppressed about vou? Does it result in your "manufacturing a more honest article, in your giving fuller méasure, in your being a better mant and doing a bettet deed ? 1f 50, your religion is of worth. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. B RECEIVED UP for the pur- TENDERS. Ve 2 to to FRIDAY. Jul 24th, at the » Light Pia rT tions may be had at the office Works, pd Queen street. Kingston, Ont,, July 17th, 1908, of the De A; GIVENS, Chairman. of the Brick chimbey |. = FOR SALE. nd ne "Eon? e! reet. Cunningham '»Yy SINGLE BRiok pwmrLiG, © SON TAPDLY IIo. J Ban Wellington street. qn, LONG ESTABLISHED, ND A Ah THAT scales, gram' warehouse and dwelling, all located on 3° above referred to Be Eno the Downey propert selling, party NeAving. town. . reasonable, and suitable to pu er. For particulars, apply up "to July 256th, to Mrs, E. . Bartlett, Napanee. MONEY AND BUSINESS. = OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and contents than any other cowpany offers. Examine them a Codwin's Insurafice Emporium, Mark et Square. LY ERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Kvailable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the pokieyholders hay for secury the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and cil. perty insured at lowest , possible rates. Before renewing old 'or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents.' 'Phone, 568. BUSINESS CARD. BLEOTRIC CARPET _OLEANING, and Laying. Feather Beds pr iNows cleaned by steam. Ii Milne, 272 Bagot street. "gq MARRIAGE LICENSES, 8. KIRKPATRIOK, ISSUER: Ma Licenses, 42 Clarence ' Exparionce Teacheth Mostly. everyone has fo learn ot thid school SWIFT'S COAL: Will prove to you hy EXPERIENCE to be the best you have had yet. Ordéd now for next winters - JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Stéamboat Companies + In Gounction with New YorkGeis teal & Hudson River RR. a 5.5800, Kinguon 8 p.m. Leave Kingston bd, 7. 30 a.m, a1 4.30 p.m Leave Cape Vincent daily, 10.50 ath 5 p.m. y direct connections to and from all outa in , Yorkt sleeper Cape yi Oo. " Sunday, Monday, $1.65. THE FRONTENAC Money isn't everything, but it often makes goo . as a substitute,

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