¥ "VARN ISH IT WITH X0PAL { 3 Is it a Door? | Is it a Boat? * Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a Store front? Is it inside? Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? 'ARNISH IT WITH KOPAL :Kopal is made as good 'as a varnish can be.' It's for general use. Mt wears.) HM | Corbett's HARDWARE. In Tins, Half Pints, Pints, Quarts, &ec. - Gold Bracelets A very handsome gift to present to a lady is a gold bracelet. There is nothing newer or more appropraite. We have a utiful assortment - in ! Solid Gold, plain, chased and pearl set. Also 'some i 'very pretty styles in Gold Filled. - SOLID GOLD BRACE- LETS, from $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE- TETS, from $1.25 up. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers. 100 Princess St., King- ston, Summer Fuel. Hardwood Slabs. own mill, right Good sound low price. for hot Sawn at our here in the 'city. body wood, at a They make a quick fire, meals. Try a load. 8. ANCLIN & GO. 'Phone, (6. Wellington and Bay Sts. Hayy's RESTORE GRAY or FADEI AIR to its NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY -- bh No matter how long it has been gry or faded. Promotes a luxuriant gro of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively, removes - druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2) times as much in $1.00 as 50c size. IS NOT A DYE. Philo Hay Spec. Oo.. Newark. N. J. 50¢ bottles, at druggists' JAS. B. McLEOD. J NO; YOU CAN'T EAT CDAL! But you'll find it just as necgs- sary as bread when it comes to cooking. Who wants to eat raw meats or Vegetables ? Nonsense, of, course. But sense--get good coal, the kind we provide Summer ,and Winter. Do you know the merits of coal from the famous Plymouth mine? Glad to. give information any time. R. CRAWFORD 'Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. Daily Wipi ally Whig. VERY DOUBTFUL POSITION. The attitude of the senate on the civil serviee bill was remarkeble, so far as the conservative members were concerned. They professed that the measure was pot cowplete in that it did not, 'at once, provide for a re form in all the branches of the ser- vice in place of only part of it. That is a defect, but it will surely be re medied in the course of time. A great transformation is being aimed at and it will take time, When the inside service has been regulated--when the army of officials at Ottawa, outside of those engaged in the house, who are strangely omitted from the- effects of this legislation--have been attended to there will have been gained an ex- perience of some value. 1t Will , take time to reorganize the public service so that it will represent efficiency, eco- nomy, and expert ~ administration. Eventually there will be something like business capacity exercised in every branch of the civil service, and it will be a great achievement. The members of the senate whe did not see perfection in the measure repre- sent a regime that talked of reform, at different times, that went through the farce of having commissions re- port upon it, that did nothing prac- tical and gave no evidence of their sincerity., Criticism to be effective has to be honest. ' Dr. Campbell, in the Dominion Pres- byterian, suggests that Queen's Col lege confine it attention to arts, and that with the £500,000 of new endow- ment it will have money :enough for all purposes. The science students now number nore than the arts' stu- What is to become of them? A WORD OF WARNING. It has remained for Fort William and Port Arthur to give public own; ership a heavy blow. It came about through the desire 'of one place to acquire the street railway which con: nected the two! The result is the as- sertfon of the chartered accountants who examined the accounts that in place of profits being made during the last filteen years, to the extent of $72,788.40, as the books of the muni- cipality: showed, there' were losses which aggregated $99,376. Moreover, it was shown that the road was in a very poor condition, that it was very poorly equipped, and that large sums would have to be spent upon them. In addition there was no allowance for wear and tear, and as the lesson in this respect has a local application a quotation from ithe report of the accountaats will be read with interest : 'Depreciation has not been properly provided for out of the cash revenue unless it has been applied in payment of the debt, or accumulated in sinking fund deposits, or investment securities, or as cash on hand or in increase or plgnt or Unless dents. entire replacement of the other assets of the business. this is done the time for heavy capi- tal expenditure comes with the origi- nal debt still in existence, and a bur- dqn is thrown' on posterity for which Ne The evidence of the town's own experts show that large amounts for depreciation should be written off the construction accounts. No fund has been provided out ol take care of the corres- it péts no value. revenues to ponding amount of the debt." There is a depreciation account in connection with the _ water works plant of this city, but mot, we under- stand, in connection with the electric light and gas plants, and the warn- ing that comes from Fort William and Port Arthur should not be ;with- out its effects. » School issues are occupying a large amount of attention these days. Good) thing. The school board has not heretofore received the attention which was its due, Perhaps some sound re- sult will follow the gratuitous adver: tising the board is now receiving. WHY NOT BE FAIR? The criticism of the Mail upon the election bill is simply absurd. "Mr. Borden's fight against it," says our contemporary, 'has resulted in a vie tory all along the line, except in one particular, namely, the attack upon Ontario." Rather the courageous work of Mi. Aylesworth has been the means of protecting the electors of all the provinces from the evil designs of governments + which have not prac- tised what they preached. The re- forms aimed at by the minister justice have been secured. The Manitoba government has been the great offender, in placing the voters' lists in the hands of partizan officials and permitting them to act in a way 'which prejudiced the citizen- ship of thousands of persons. The of thin red line was justified, and it is now legalized, for the judges will do by federal enactment 'what olicials 06.1 had 'to do previously in an effort to correct the voters' lists and make them serviceable in an election. Mr. Borden did a service to the ernment to take action and so pave Wilfrid Laurier: . There was no similar sign 'of reform jn' New 'On-: tarig and sp a federal law will see that 'the electors there are not dis franchised as they ' were in a later logal 'eléction. any As forthe secrecy of the ballot the Mail says the attempt to destroy it has failed. Well, well. The clause in- serted in the federal law, putting it out of the power 'of thie deputy re- turning officer. to vitiate any 's vote, ig similar to 'a clause of a like effect. in the Ontario law, and when Mr. Aylesworth pointed this out he humiliated the opposition' and, firtish- ed their fault-finding. ze Our contemporary pursues Mr, Agless worth with relentless spirit, but te does not mind it. He is not in public life for the compensation and com. pliments it affords. He accepted a public trust, at the invitation of the premier, and he has performed his duty .without fear, favour or affec- tagn. EDITORIAL NOTES. Last year's grain crop reached 77,.. 000,000 bushels. This year it may be 125,000,000. It represents enormous wealth, The 14th P. W. O. Rifles will cut a dash when they leave to-morrow night for Quebec. You are going, of course, to see them off. It is estimated {Kat the late rains in the North-West were worth $15,- 000,000. How much are the showers of yesterday worth to Ontario East ? What difference should it make to school trustees how a meeting is call ed so long as they. attend it and there is business to do? Why should the people's representa- tives, who are attending to business, resign their seats ? That is the ques- tion which no one can answer. No 'word of the paved streets ? No. The days are passing and it will soon' be 100 late to do anything about the change or new depgrture for this sea- son. y The people of Montreal are sufferers from poor water and milk, Hence the awful infantile mortality. Life among the young is not held in sufficiently -| high egteem. Brantford is figuring on very rates for electric energy from the Hydro-Electric Commission. Huge profits under municipal' distribution are figured out--on paper, But it! is time this stage were passed. low Now it is the consolidated schools of Prince Edward Island' which Sir William Macdonald is aiding with spe- cial grants in order to keep them open. The idea is not practical, and, it does not appeal to the average elec tor's common 'sense. The dual system of electing local members in Toronto has been a great failure. Fancy 2,667 spoiled votes, and 1,479 declined votes. The best evidence that the system has been 'a failure and that Mr. Whitney should lose no time in cdrrecting it. Herealter the time to challenge resolution, which suggests an ad- journment of the school board, is when it is presented, not when it has been voted on and spread upon the minutes. Regularity of proceeding is a most desirable thing. ° SPT OF THE PRESS Queer Acting. London Advertiser. The conservative party calls itself the imperial party; yet it opposes any measure of practical imperialism that emanates from the Laurier govern- ment, } a A Reform Of Note. Ottawa Journal, if the dominion parliament succeeds by legislation in lessening the use of cigarettes and chewing tobageo by boys, it will be doing something which will be remembered by every mother in Canada. Joe In Evidence. Montreal Herald. Joe Martin is going t6 rum, for parliament again. The popular im- preseion has been that Joseph was all in, "and it might not be wrong to suppose that a few fag ends of his old fighting spirit alone remain to identi: fv 'him. Railway Cost. Ottawa Free Press. The opposition leader has admitted that it was not his intention fo mis- represent the facts and figures. The conservative press coatinues ' to misrepresent the facts and figures. Why cannot the conservative press he as honorable as their party lead- er? A Sure Cure. Toronto News. "No drugs, plenty of rest and sim- ple food." This is the prescription which Sir Wilfrid Laurier .says emin- ent: physicians gave him five years ago. To this wholesome advice he at- tributes the fact that he is still tapa- ble of hard work. country in forcing. the: Manitoba. gov- IR the way fot 'the compromise which: Sir. |§ to know. if I didn't think the four trustees who flew' from the last gath- ering did not do a noble thing. I told* them "no, - tha four fellows should have remained seated in the nice ". $7.50 chairs supplied 'them in the board: room. g away and shouting" from - a distance will never give Ireland lipme rule, I declared, neither will it block the business of the school board, when all the other -fellows' remain. I think that the fleeing quartette' see that they madé a mis- take, though up in 'the Buckeye Club they shout for anything that sewors of riot, but I called them to Time for once. Again, T met the n on my way down town. He claimed that there wasn't enough tavern accom- modation. in Kingston for the travel ler, 1 ed. with him. "What's the use of . myiting conventions and tourists here," said "he, "when you can't give them: the shelter they de- sire, Let-us first. build a good. big tav- ern that will hold many people belore we whine any 'lonver about Cobourg, and other onehorse villages drawing large crowds of summer idlers." "And," said the Lampman, d® he bade me good-night, "Where is King- ston's contribution to the Quebeé Battlefields" Fund? 1 ses they need two 'million dollars; and I don't hear of a wed cent "being contributed. by the Canadian city which is next in 'axe to Quebec, which 'was "founded in 1608, and Kingston in 1673. They cal me a skin-flint and all that, but I'm Yoady to contribute . ten dollard to that patriotic' purpose." "I hope," said the Yonge int his pe ship the mayor, will see to it that the ¢'ty council makes a proper .gon- tribution." ~THE TOWN WATCHMAN. TIDINGS FROM ATHENS. Regrets Over the Closing of the Model School. Athens, July 16.--Mis. John Besley and little daughters, of Cobalt, New Untario, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Justice Robeson. Perley Cross has' gone to Chapleau, New On- tario, where he has a position as clerk in a large store. Mrs. Evertts and son, Alan, have gone to Butter nut Bay for the summer. Leslie Wyse, formerly of the Merchants' bank, here, spent part of this week here in the in- terests of an insurance company. On Saturday, the funeral of the late Carrie Luella Redmond took place. The deceased young lady was belpiul in church work and beautiful . floral tributes were sent by the Epworth League, her Sunday school class and the catechism class. On account of the illness of her fath- er, Miss Falkner has sold her millin- ery business to Miss Edna Steacy. Norton Scott is now sole proprietor of the bakery business heretofore known as that of Kelly and Scott. W. F. Earl has purchased "Sunnyside," at Charleston' Lake, and the family is spending the summer there. Mrs. C P. Bishop and son,-of Toromto, are at Breezy Point. Mrs. G. W. Beach is spending the week with them. The wodelite class of "07, .chaperon- od by Mrs. L. Stevens and Mrs. W. 4. Towriss, spent last week very enjoy- ably at Halladay's Island, Delta Lake. This week a party of modelites from other classes, chaperoned by Mrs. James Ackland and a Perth lady, are occupying 'the samee cottage. News has reached here that the Athéns model school is a thing of the past, and everywhere one hears expressions of regret that this is the case. Get Rid Of The Mosquitos. The "Mosquito Antitoxine Co." an- nounce a sure remedy for the mos quito nuisance, black fly germicide and poison ivy cure. It 'is a safe, simple and sure remedy, and no verandah or camp, should be without it. It is. a positive boon for campers and those who wish to enjoy their holidays, or a summer's evening out of doors. It is thoroughly reliable and prepared in the most scientific manner. Readf the company's announcemeny in our busi. ness columns. emp Se ---- Eight Miles An Hour Limit. The Hague, July 18.--The Upper House of the Dutch parliament has. passed a law prohibiting moter cars from being driven faster than eight miles an hour in all inhabited cen tres. Relic Of Heathén Englan Fools build houses, lunatics enlarge and improve Cardiff, July 18.--A sandstone image of an ancient British goddess. has been unearthed at Keerwent.® -- 5 '| H. Morris' ' Wilbur was perfor Mrs, George loner, Be J. Webster. were . installed : NG., Mrs. R. J: E t, the ed by | P.G.S. assisted * by The : following Ki. S. Mullms; J. *! Chadwick; V.G., E, Bews; R,S., Mrs. William 'Linney; F. S., Mrs. ¥. Stole ] y I warden, W. Hawkey; JH Webster ; L.S.N.G., ; Meggs; RS.V.6., IF, McAvany; L.3.V. ti., KE. Waldie, Representative to grand lodge, Mrs. M, Harding. 'Lhe Unnanoque Yacht tlab held an- other of their popular dances at the club house last evening. Music was furnished by the Rees orchestra. Amon the new arrivals: at George | summer resorts, mew May sland House, are 'the fol- lowing Mrs, Warren ¥. Hamilion, Bristol, -Conn.; Aminette Turner, Baltimore, Md.; Rey. Dr. Carman, Miss Margaret W, Came- ron, Bermuda ; Mra. 1, F. Langdon, the Misses Adeline, T. Mollie, T, and Sallie M. Langdon, Mrs. J. R. Gibes, New York city; J. R, Marven, Boston; Mrs. Harold E, ins, Master Har old Robins, Ottawa; Miss Mildred Kennedy, Readville, Me. Miss Margaret McLellan, of New York, trained nurse, has arrived to spend several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mclean, First street. Mrs, Norris and daughter, Mrs. Gladys Norris, of Brockville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. V, Bullock, Charles street. Stewart Moote, Cleve: land, is spending some time in town with relatives. Mrs. Coyier and daugh- ter, Mrs. J. Shieids, Charles street, spending a few weeks 'with relatives in 'Wilkesbarre, Ya., have returned home.. ' Mrs. R. J. Stevens and son, of Del- noth © Abbott, and Mrs. Bethuel Be Wolfe, Sydenham street, for a short time. Mrs C. W. Coulter, of Syracuse, N.Y., spending the past week with her parents; Mr. and Mrs, James . Davis, King street West has returned home.. Mrs: .G. Bel- fie, Market street, spent a few days this - week with [dends in Montreal. George Townsend, Syracuse, N.Y. spent a short time this week, with bis brother, John Towngend, Garden street. C..Do Witta, of Toronto, is spending the week with friends and' relatives §n town and . vicinity. Thomas Hawke, Charles street, leit - -for Rox: ton -Pond, «Quebec, - where - he will remain a month with.the fizra 'wha fe cently. bought out the. brace depart ment from the Parmenter & Blk Manufacturing Co. Mys. He ph- ney, of Watertown, N.Y., returned home during the past few weeks after paying a two weeks' visit with her brother, Hugh McKanday, Princess street. Mrs. Keyes, of Toronto, who has been spending the past week with her parents, Mr. anfl Mrs. John Kee, Gar- den street, lias returned home. Capt. and Mrs. Owen, of the Salvation Army, lately located here, are spend- ing a few days in town with friends, prior to leaving for Sydney Mines, C. B., where) théy have lately received marching orders to go. Mrs. McDon- ald spending some weeks past in Kingston hospital, returned home last evemng. WEALTH IN OLD COAT. Man Paid 12 Cents For Gets $2,230. Copenhagen, July 18.--A farmer named Christensen, who lives bere, bought an old overcoat for 12c. two years ago. He recently noticed something hard in the lining at the back, and on re- gretfully cutting it open discovered a savings bows book with #2,230 cre dited. He reported the treasure to the police but they have not been able to find the original owner, and the money has been awarded to the laborgr. 1% Cheese Sales. Cornwall, Out., July 17.--~1,200 boxes offered. White sold at 12c.; colored at 12 1-16¢. Huntingdon, Que., July 17.411 boxes registered; sold 142 white at 12.; 66 at 12 1-16¢.; colored at 12¢. Ottawa, Ont., July 17.--Offerings, 580 white and 546 colored. All sold at 12¢. to 12 1-16c. -------- Gallant Rescue By A Priest. London, July 18.--~When a lad pamed David Gilchrist fell into deep water, yesterday, at Heleusburch pier, the Rev. Father Melntosh gallantly dived in and held him up until a boat took them both on board. ------------ Sunday Connections For Tape. Steamer leaves' 7.30 am. sad 4.30 pam.; 50c. return. a------------ it and Pay gas end electric accounts and sava discount. "By their faults ye 'shall know them' also applies to family trees. ta, are the guests of her parents, Mr. | until he To-day we re CR tailoring styles : . Regular 50c, 7g THE 1. D. a a a a ale aad a a a Load ROBBERY QUITE . EASY, ---- Accident Reveals Art Treasure Thief. 3 Paris, July 18.--By a lucky chance the police have discovered? the indi- vidual who stole a nwmber of statu- ettes, including ome of. Iris, from. the Louvre Museum, : A detective, quite accidentally, over- heard a dispute between a man a woman in which the latter threatened to denounce her companion as the au- thor of the robberies in questiop. The officer followed the man to his home in the Rue Cadet, and a few ingmiries established the fact that .he was. a habitual criminal of the mame of Julian Cruau. He was arrested, and readily admitted his eonmection wi the theft. He denounced as his ac complices a cousin named Emile Cruap and a Belgian named = Leon. 'Vavas- seur. The first expedition, he informed the examining magistrate, took place in October, 1906. At three o'clock one afternoon, clothed in long overcoats with capes, they entered one of the galleries in the Louvre looking on the river. Vavasseur and Emile Cruan advanced toward the monumental chimneypicce, where he himself kept a lookout. After a little while the two came back, and all three left. The booty, which was a statuette of lris, Rue de la Glaciere. Emboldenéd hy days later to the Louvre and took another statuette from the next gal lery, under the very nose of the at- tendant, who was dozing in Arm- chair, The day after Vavasseur tried to break open a case containing antique jewelry, but . the skeleton key used broke in the lock. ! By this time the thefts had been dis- covered, and a hue and cry raised, so Vavasseur took the stolen' objects from the shop, saying he was going to bury them in the woods at - art. Warrants were issued, and Emile Cruau was soon arrested. Ag for Vavasseur, all efforts proved useless.' was discovered accidentally in custody om a charge. of stealing legs of mutton at the Central market, The statuettes, which Emile declares had been packed up, and deposited with an old clothes dealer, have not been traged, $300 FOR BOXING MAN'S EARS. Belgian Has to Pay: Dearly (For Use of Fists. ' Brussels, July 18.--Somé# months ago M. Bugene Ysaye er to pay $1,650 a railway A ed that he had become nd er the famous violinist had boxed his kare: M. Ysaye was coming home with his brother, M. Theo Ysaye, from Ant werp, and it was étated that the as- sault followed a demand for tickets from the violinist, who was disturbed by the guard while asleep. An appeal was made; and the dam- ages were, to-day, reduced to $300, as it was proved that the guard's hear- ing was defective before the mssaulf Mayoress Wins A Swimming Race: London, July I8.--Mids R: Mark- ville, Mayoress of Camberwell, beat thirty other lady competitors, on Sat urday, in the open swimming. handicap ted by the Zephyr Swimming at the Stadium Bath, erd's promo Club Bush . ee -------- Premier As Sunday School Teacher London, July 18.--Mr, Asquith has 78-80-82 Princess St, was taken to a barber's shop in the | their easy success, they returned a few |! -day we rec several lines of New Brown Suits. Come in and try on some of the new comers. Tf we can't give you's made to order" fit and a "made to New Brown Suits, $12, 15 & 16.50. Special No. 1. Price, 2c. 7 7 Trin Hed pecial : .... Straw Hats, 50c¢c. TE oni Bw. an wd Ser i Bid BRA A 'No. | 60 Doz. Men's Straw Hats, regular $1, i 1.50 values. To clear, New Price, 50c, war ANTITOXINE. Black Fly Gormicids ~AND--. POISON IVY CURE Stop Scratching and Enjoy Your Summer Evenings. i 100 Per Cent. of Joy Added to : Wour Holidays, "Get an Outfit" before leav il or saa." to or write 4 ly! No campets' outfit is co without po Antitoxine, (b) Liguid Antitoxme, 3 fi spraying upon exposed sutiacen of Lody. (c) The Antitoxine reduced to T use u Xposed parts body, 8 ety on nes (d) The Antitoxine reduced to a powd- er in Ja container for use in bed- foots, ving rooms, verandahs or laves Full directions acéompan Outs tn Price, complete, $3.00. y i "OUR LIQUID GERMICIDE? Black Flies and tue more 2 ging insects sold only in lots. Price also $8.00, It but will prevent stin, biting. It ds reliable the tor ad with 'Germioide: n this ply can carried uy fishe ers in the pocket. IL dn company order. for The third vely reliable cure carry - for OISON IVY (Rhus Tox. i ): Ise. .will mot preveamt, but vill Se, Wilts us for particulars. Mosquito Antitoxine x complete es x , 00, oignd - ; - 42.00. ve EEE EAT ORDERS, d A ine, 4 oz., $1.00. 7 vin ream : 8 oz, 00. Lig pound 00, "abroad to registered Br bk CANADA. Get, Your Share. This is the season when Jou enjoy Wade's lce Cream He uiiost, The ice cream of pure cream, sugar ond , i and in abou itseld can to is