x y KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SOME MORE Discovered in Dickson's Home in + Brochuille. A Ring Returned by a Young Lady---Some of Accused Have Suddenly Left Brockville. From Our Own Correspondent, . I Broegwville, July 20.--And still . it [out for their capture. The preliminary comes. Another visit to Dickson's [hearing is still held over waiting sthe house, by the local officers, with Dick- {further recovery of the goods. son in company, effected the discovery { During Saturday forenoon three re- of a further quantity of the missing 'spectable Young men of Belleville, at- Jewelry. Previous vi its only showed [tempted to board the fast fright up a small portion of the stolen goods. [tram No. 90, when one of the young The officers passed over the boxes, in [men fell from the car and had his face which the jewelry was hidden on their | badly cut and ground in cinders, also previus visits. Dickson confessed his leit ankle badly sprained. They to the theft and promised, H taken stated they were on their way to to 'the house, he would unearth the | Quebec to the tercentenary. ; other goods which he had securely | Perhaps Belleville papers may have hitiden. He went upstairs to his moth- an advertisement calling for a stray er's room and in an old rag box he at. One of the latest "travellers to ar- unravelled the contints and out drop- [rive in town, although he did not ped five valuable rings stolen from [state he was on his way to Quebec, J. Lane's store during the spring. An- | was a Maltese cat taken from the top A DISTING He is the PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From -All : Over The World. Floods in Asia Minor have the loss of 2,000, The Germon emperor is seeking an alliance with Turkey. Fire did twelve or fifteen thousand dollars damage at Cobalt. _, Michael Toley was drowned bathing in the Don at Toronto. Archbishop McEvay laid the corne stone of the new St, Helen's Ht, Toronto. The Queen's Own, the Highlanders and the Grenadiers have left Toronto for the Quebec ter-centenary. hh Mpuntreal will ask the dominion gov- ernment to pay the cost of protecting the port from foreign disease. Geraldine Bassman; aged eighteen years, died while. being carried into t. Michael's hospital, Toronto. John M. Poole was brought. back to Toronto from New York ong charge of defftauding, the Farmers' Bank, One contestant was drowned and half a dozen others seized with cramps during 5 swimming race in the Chi: cago river, Attorney-General Foy has offered $200 reward for the arrest of Alexan der Rose, who, with six other prison- ers, escaped from Toronto jail, Friday afternoon. , C.P.R. traffic earnings for the week ended July 14th, 1908, were $1.407,- 000, and for the same week last vear 31,551,000. The mileage has increased to 9,52]. a 'GOODS caused ! Turkey to Be Included in the Ti Alliance. : A Paper Takes a Poll on the Question of Woman Suffrage---Stadium Prices Cat in Two. London, July 20.--There has been much making of great allianggs in the European press during the past week. is announged, from Paris, that Em- peror William's reply to the Anglo- Russian entente is to be the inclu- sion, of Turkey in the triple alliance. This assumes a willingness to commit himself upon the sultan, Abdul Ha- mid, which is quite inconsistent with all-his previous policy. He has pre- served his political independence, here- tofore, largely by his skill in playing Bgl isfco of Shel. = r=! Ste Yd then auother of | the : DIAL Tesidohas] He is far too shrewd a statesman to He | have any confidence in the disinterest- 1893, and |#dness or permanency of the kaiser's while Tp ab TE men and 49,042 women voted against it and 33316 men and 37,962 'wo- een supported . it; 25,885 men 'and 29,594 women voted for a limited franchise for women. i That Rudyard Kipling should have been taken for a German spy in tLincolnshire is his Nemesis in the best merited form, as he has done more than any one else to stir up the anti-foreign feelings of which the ri- diculous spy scare is the most recent consequence. Kipling was inquisitive about a new light railway: line run- ning to the coast, his spectacles, his sombre appearance and his gruff man- ner were sufficient to forward a re port to the war office. 'I'he local chief ~N MFOLK. distinguished the ter-centen- pinier peer of years of age. | | | The duke, one | visitors ats LX ary festivities =u Enaland. He Sis The duke owns a field, England, ant the city, bul his is at Arundel € was mgvor of 8 in t MUSLI affection for, him. constable made other diamond ring was returned from [of the truck of the tender of engine a lady friend of Dickson's who had |978, arriving here on the fast train accepted the ring in good faith. She |No. 4. The engineer stated that when voluntarily returned it when it was making his engine ready, at Belleville, believed to be stolen. Also the $85 he noticed the cat around the engine bracelet watch was discovered. This is [and tas much surprised to find the the property of the Canadian Express cat still with him. Needless to say the company and was stolen from the ex-|cat was all dirt and dust and much press car during the extensive opera- frightened after his ride under the tions of the organized band. It is be- tender, but it is a mystery how he lieved ll of the goods will yet be ri- "hung on. The cat is now in che Nd covered. Goods are turning up which Car Insrecior Kelly who found him\ were taken from other stores burglar- | and Kelly states he will be willing 1 ized during the past spring, Other give him up on payment of his-aonil | warrants are sti'l waiting execution. bill Kelly says ho has the eat which The offenders, being warned, have left Trode the longest distance on the truck town although strong hopes are held of an enivine., ED. TORONTO GIRL DROWNED. | + HE SUDDENLY EXPIR ---- The Death of a Grocer in Napanee on Saturday. July 20,-0n -- i Grace Holland Was in Bathing at | Kirk's Ferry. i Ottawa, July 20.--A sad drowning | Napanee, accident ocewred at Kirk's ferry. | moming death came, very suddenly, Grace Elsie Holland, a little girl Peter Gould, Centre He sixteen years of age, was in bathing | was about in his usual health in the with another companion, Dorothy An- | early morning, and opened up his derson; when she got beyond her | grocery ,store adjoining his home, in depth. The two were all alone, and preparation for the day's business, before the screams of the other giel | and returned to the house for his attracted attention the little one had * breakfast, when, upon entering the gone dpwn, § was a niece «I Col. house, he was seen to stagger and and Mra." Anderson, of Ottawa, and fall to the floor, and. before medical was here on a visit from Toronto, taid could be summoned he had ex where her parents reside. The body | pired. Hearty failure was the cause of was not recovered until last night. A | his death. number of rivermen from the Cascade Deceased was one of the oldest and grappled for it and lo-, most respected cating it, { He 'was aged | 1x months, | one daughter. (The funeral will take! You'll | this afternoon, at three o'clock, and wine well and be well, | to Riverview cemetery you take along Abbev"s Lf \. 8. Kimmerly, Henry and nt Salt, which cools the blood | N. M. Cambridge left, vesterday, for culates the liver. Quebec, to play in the 14th Regiment al The ter-centenary celebration at Saturday to street, succeeded residents of Napanee. vears and a widow and mn seventy-two ------ He leaves Great. ter-centenary place, at the well if Fun dine also, Savage fe rve and re band Mrs. J Seranton, Pa., M. Lapum and family, of are guests « fi first lord mayor of the city in 1806, and has taken great interest in the establishment of. 8 e'd University His gifts to the Cathelic church have Gen. Osman Pasha, commander of the Turkish forces at Monastir, = was assassinated in the barracks at Mon- astir by an officer connected with the young Turkey movement. | been enormous. '16 38 not seperally Waldorf 'Astor, the eldest of | known, for instance, that for years he William Waldorf Astor, was chosen as | has been building @ gredt cathedral conservative candidaig for member of |at Norwich, at a ¢o8t of hali a mil parliament from Plymouth, Eng., at | lion. the next general elections. The C.P.R. industrial department states that thre¢ new paper and pulp | Federation' of Labor denies that he «fablishments are likely to be the [sent a cablegram fo William R. witcome 'of negotiations now in pro- | Hearst, urging the latter to have the with leading capitalists in the { Independence League support Bryan United States. Jor president. ; son # Samuel Gompers; president of the CTeSs IN A YEAR Will Probably Take a Year to Dispose of Vast Amount of Clerical Work. Toronto, July 20.--A stall of fifteen | clared R. Home Smith, of the Nation is busily engaged at the National al ki estate is going very well," Trust company en the mass of cleri- added, * L expect it wi Work thitt" is' neceSsarv™Béfore thé three or four years before it 1s rights of the "Various York County posed of." Loan claimants under the judgments |" This mgans that though the first fcial" Referee: Kappele. can he dividend may be declared in perhaps a Officia ere PE little over twelve months from now, ascertained. In a month the final payment completing the forty ed that a statement will be possible] per cent, which the liquidator expects as to how it will be before this] to be able to pay, will not be made work is completed. for perhaps more than feur vears, "I think it will be a year vet)" some time in 1912 A.D. DIVIDEND of it is expect long or HOUSETOP GRAND STANDS. TO GUARD THE | PRINCE. | His Neck. It. of her par Quebec with mass in the Rockwell, | asilica and divine service in the Eng lish opened M: add slreet, | ents, M: Sperry cathedral John AAIIICIIIAIIIK | = | Ottawa, July 20.--Mrs. | Lyons met instant death ¢| in the Cross Company's #| store on Saturday. The woman had gone up in the elevator to the fourth floor and after the elevator had proceeded up half way she opened the door from the elevator and stepped out. She feli under the elevator and dropped down the shaft, landing on the hydraulic tank at the bottom. She was instantly DAILY MEMORANDA. House of Providence Iestival row aftetnoon Y.M.C.A. Events Grounds this evening See Amusement Column for the four Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- ville, Bijou Theatre--*The irl and The Spectre' The Girl Scar, or the Heiress and the Fortune Hunters" Travelogue, "Monte Carlo | Nice: and other resorts on the Riviera.' dllustrated Song by Fdgar Sommerby "Ain't You Glad You Found Me. ELEVATOR FATALITY, at Queen's Athlet The Clown with an | * ¥ hf # 3 " ® Ww July 20th, In Canadian History Champ! the capture taken England Earl of wwernor-General Canada for i 1846, London Sir Oliver 1903 second contest at f Canada and in favor of of Jouds schooner cutter redisty after risoner Elgin, G eight 1 ain of Mowat borng Died internationa st Ween annual Toronto the Unite the former 10 | ERE EERE REE EF BREE F FEE IHHHOIINK | -- | begun al Take Qver The Plant. Sault Sté. Marie, Ont., July 18. - | Following on the heels of the closing | |of the plant of the Algomg Steel com- | the story that jt will be | r by the Canadian Pacific | railway in to the Algoma | Central railway. The pending deal is | fone of the biggest ig many years. 1t | jis said that the Cdhadian Pacific rail SELF |way will take over the plant so that fin the future it will be independent of | the stesl rail manufacturers. ™ie plant manufactures nearly fifty per, cent. of | the rails made in Canada. | | ) Killed At Guelph. | Guelph, Ont, July 20+~Frederick| \s an employee at Hooper's | livery stable, driving a four-horse tal-| with printers to play baseball | as Muslinch Lake with Galt printers, i | from his seat, and both the hind wheels ran over him, injuring him so badly that he died | within a short time. His mother is ua resident of Wyoming, Ont. | | 1 Riel Reg 1892 seized 1899- rejected 1903 toba "Winifred" | "Rusk | | ibution British by the 1 Govern hy the Con elections. Ss nate or victorious in Man comes | pans pany, taken ov addition terson, We Carry in Stock ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. lv-ho was | | front & Struck By Lightning. Columbus, Ohio, July 20.--Mrs, F. Gugle. aged thirty-five and E Vigor, aged nineteen, were killed by stroke of lightning ing, while in camp nut Creek, seven miles umbus. John Gugle, aged four, onl child of the dead woman, ustained severe injuries from the lightning, but will recover. -------- Halton liberals nominated J D. Me€ivegor, farmer, of Trafalgar tow n ship, for the House of Commons. Controller Harrison, Toronto, had aspirgth-fo-the nominations | | Ca rl 0 on Friday even- along Big Wal wth of Cel For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. wii Re Apply to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN- SURANCE AGENCY. , -2- LADIES' BICYCLES In good running order. A bargain for cash, AT TURK'S Second-Hand Store, Phone, 705, '1 Ss | ing | man, obtained trol of Tin- | Fri the Madi- from just Quebec, July 20.--Precautions for the protection of the Prince of Wales Iwhile at - the citadel are going apace. Wires are being strung up all {the way from the foot of the cliff {as to enable a fire alarm to be rung in direct from the he will toccupy should occasion arise. Two | score poles in the citadel area would any other route f 20.--When home Chicago, July smashed out day, winning the irom Gpnts, William Hudson, West son street, witnessing the play the a four-storey flat outside the park, became so enthusias- tic that he fell off the building and his neck was broken. I'he result legislation forbidding the "grand stands" which hang both parks. The owners of thie houses sell seats at reduced rates and reap a The park them un- of Hudson ker a ran on yg \ y game on S50 top ot quarters | be necessary by the wires. incident may in stringent | housetops | around | Troops standing {will line the entire route to be taken {by the prince from the wharf to citadel. "The soldiers will be in three divisions, equally dividing the route, {Gen. Cotton commanding divisic Col division twg, a Buchan division three. I'wo thousand yards of street line | have to be protected, and about thin {tv-six hundred The of troops, composed of composite panies, compose the regiments composite battalions who have never j co-operated in drill before, being small | sections of various corps, will, during the prince's arrival, be getting to one another's company in manoeuvres. elbow to elbow large harvest every season owners have '=o far fought availingly, but the death is likely to bring results. one, Gordon atl Gen SHOOTING AT SYDNEY. troops Charged With Attempting to rest Shoot Her Husband. Belleville, Ont., July 20.--Mrs. Wil liam Day, of Sydney, was arrested, harged 'with attempting to shoot her A few days ago Earle Fox was arrested, charged with attempt to shoot Day, but it now al- leged that the latter's wile, who was Fourteen guards of honor will 'he mixed up in the row, did the shoot- {used during the celebrations, repre- ing, but mAs ed Rar husband They] canting as many. city regiments. woman was before the magistrate and regulars won't pet much of a. show at leased on $1,600 bail. | this ( ---------- | The Prince of Walds'has asked that {a naval field day be\held upon the Plains of Abraham. and the crews of {the eleven battleships will take part. IAs for the military parade Gen, Ot- {ter has decided to leave it w Mh the laundry #nd stealing $9.50. The pei 2,000 troops to decide whether There oner claims he was enticed into the lis to be one or not. The route as place by Chinamen who desired proposed will cover Lower Town (the have revenge on him because hé gave (older French section), and evidence against them in a gambling | Town, and would mean a walk case two years ago. He says they | twelve miles for the men. In some ye- broke open théir own till, put the |spects and for some people the festi- money in his pocket, tied him (with a | vities mean a gamble. rope and called the police. { husband military I'd Says It's Chinese Revenge. Hamilton, Ont., July 20.--Thomas Lee Sing, Chinaman, was arrested on a charge of breaking into Lee Hing's to Wants Leases Cancelled. KILLED FAMOUS! BANDIT. Chatham, Ont., July 20.--In May, | is 1906, Michael Egan, Canadian oil Ruse Worked leases on the farm of | : : Capture. Joseph Simpson, in Tilbury East. | Mexico City, July 20.--Details ; of Simpson has issued a writ to set the killing of the famous bandit, Cen- aside the leases, claiming that they |obio Rodriguez, "ii Jorahado." and were now invalid, as no development (his two companions, Antonio and work was done by Egan. The leases |Policarp Reis, have just reached here. are valuable because adjoining them a |The bandits, charged with killing H. struck last week. S. Jones, an "American, and with many other crimes, were shot while {they slept. Three rurales, Booth, ithe trio, made a mock attack Clever to Effect Lig gas well was Booth's Prison Scheme. London, July 20.--General referring to his acceptance of the con-|hacienda near which the a Canadian prison, says he feamped. The latter took the on prison reform. "In a model prison I the bandits for five days, awaiting should hope to reform gnd save aslthe chance to catch the real well as punish," off guard, Aas robbers the | Upper ! of {ing his wife, and both times he has to the I | ! | It is\gith regard serious situation "which nmy arise at any moment that Austria would like to have an understanding with Turkey and the other powers. Austria's long standing ambition in regard to the Servian territory is not particularly keen at the present mo- ment and the other powers would not look with favor on 'any movement to take aggressive advantage of the ervian troubles, The executive the committee of [Olympic games has finally gome to the | {here some time ago, that the charged for seats in the stadium altogether hoped jpora ry | Vis | conelusion, reached by the Americans prices are too high, and has made the reduction of fifty per cent. in the prices of 35,000 of the seats. It is that this will result in the drawing of a much than has hitherto gress of the games, The Express has polled its on the question of woman with the following marked the results : pro- mously all efforts to remove the Ca- nadian embargo. ! They sav it .wounld readers [involve Ireland in bankruptey. stifirage, Weekly despatch puts the question be- 60,043 fore the people as cheap meat or die. was none other takes cal agents that a forecast dissolved this year. by o m er than face another budget. larger 'attendance ; The Irish party will enquiries and elicited that the suspected person than the ultra-jinga imperialistic poet. Kipling does not relish being made ridiculous, as he himself with extreme serious- ness, but everyone except him is huge- ly amused. The unionist whips are warning lo- the general election will be fought on this year's register There is a fresh register every year, and consequently this official tip is that parliament will he It is accompanied the intimation that the licensing bill will he summarily rejected by the lords and the education bill also if it es to them, and that the govern- t will appeal to the country rath- the fact oppose unani- The STEAMBOAT WAR. Seeks to Keep Visger Boats Away From | . NY SI tandard ov 'Lhe old steamboat war of years' stiding on the St. Lawrence river tween the. Thousand Island Stegm- boat company and Walter L. Visgér was ' renewed, Saturday morning, when Harry Purrell for the steambout company, appeared before County Judge Emerson and procured a tém- injunction restraining Capt. ger from landing with the Castdnet at Fine View or taking on or leaving passengers at that resort. The claim is made that the Fine Made Home Run and Fan Broke: Militia Are to Have Busy Time of | View dock is a private dock and is leased by the steamboat comppny and consequently Visger has no right to {land there without permission of thé | park land steamboat company. No boats are permitted to land at the Thousand Island Park, on Sgnday, and conse- quently the passengers to or from the or take passage on Bun- |day, at Find View. | for | was threshed out will he used. |%0 the fourteen thousand | hand ev com: | and | the as ago the right of the to land at Fine View in the courts and rendered against them. The Thousand Island Steamboat com- pany, in the action just commenced, secks to another permanent injunction restraining them om land- ing there for all | A few years Visger boats decision was obiain time. ! Had Finger Taken Off. Hugh R¥an, son of Dr. E. Ryan, Rockwghd, suffered a very 'painful ac cident fon Friday afternoon, whereby the finger of his left ered at the first joint. "The young Yad was down on the wharf, at lum, and seeing a row boat ha second | coming in he went dowd tg help the occupants land. In trying to stop the { boat from hitting the wharf, his left used | hyand came in between the | the boat, } The | { | i i | ! { on the "Indian list" i ) wharf and and was badly jammed. The flesh was torn away, and the - bone splintered so badly that the finger had to be amputated at the first joint. ---------- Off On Suspended Sentence. Harvey Campbell, was tried before Col. Hunter, at the court house, on Saturday afternoon, and was let off on suspended sentence. He was placed in both the coun- ty and city, for one year. Campbell's trouble all through drink. When sober he is a hard working' ship ecar- penter, but when drunk he is a bad man. Twice he has appeared for beat- is been let off on a promise of good be- havior, Baseball On Saturday. league--Newark,! 2; Provi- Montreal, 2-7. Buffalo, 3-5. Jersey City, 2. league--Detroit, 5; Phila- delphia, 11. Chicago, 7; Boston, 2. Npw York, 1; St. Louis, Cleve- land, 1; Washington, 3. : National league--St. Louis, Philadelphia, 4-2. Boston, 6; burg, 8. . New York, 4; Chicago, Brooklyn, 3; Cincinnati, 4. mn ------------ Why He Disposed Of It. Thomas Foran, Clear Lake, recently Fastern dence, T. Jaltimore, American Pitts. sent out to capture Sold his tame bear to a Kingston gen- | a (tleman robbers were shipped to ! 0 sup-{animal had oh several occasions lately |sees great possibilities in the way of | posed recruits in, who travelled with {shown his natural instinct in spite of and on Monday bruin the limestone city. was The. his domestic training apd environ ment, so Mr. Foran decided that it was time to dispose of him, ' ' {other look, and in about half an hour {the man and the proprietor -- THE HORSES SHOCKED. They Came in Contact With a Live + Wire, What might have easily been a Tafal accident happened 'about ten o'clock, on Monday moming, at the corner of King and Union sipects. The trolley wire, at this corer, broke and fell to the ground in two pieces. The em- ployees of the company were soon fix- ing the break, and while doing so the ends' of the wire were dangling on the ground. G. Grimshaw, the citv board- walk patcher, was driving his team of horses down Ubiop street, and as he nearegy the corner 'the men yelled at bim td be careful and not touch the wire, but he did not hear them, >and kept moving ahead. He drove his horses into the wire charged with 500 |- volts. The instgnt the horses touched the wire théy were knocked to the I RFERX WILL REMAIN, EF RF Toronto, July 20.--Hon. Nelson Monteith will re- To=Morrow To make room for early Fall Goods, which are even now arriving. We must clear out every piece of Fancy Dress Muslins, Not one piece excluded from the price cut- ting. You have a choice of the best selected stock of Voiles, juards, Tissue And in Many Cases at Half Price . No Samples.. No Approval. All Sales For Cash. main minister of agricul ture in the Ontario govern- ment. James Torrance, who carried North Perth by over 200 majority over his liberal opponent, Welling- ton Hay, will becgme reg- istrar. thus giving the minister of agriculture his opportunity. F £ EEEXEEE EXER * x * » ¥ % | i FASHSISICIASIIIICIINISISICIICIINSE | E Y \ BORN. JENNINGS In Renfrew, on July 14th to son, HICKEY. ~In Mr. and daughter, LY.--In Toronto to Myr. and Mrs ly of Kingston, twin FLL ~At 261 Greene Avenue iyn, New York, July 14th Mr. and Mrs. Charles A daughter Mr. and Mrs. Syd. Jennings, a to a July 15th Renfrew, on M Hickey, Mrs, James July 10th, force Brook 1908, to Gill, a ground antl became rigid, until the | s wire was removed.' The driver jumped from his seat anil | was in the act of touching one of the horses, when warned notsto do. so. as it would mean instant death to him It was only the work of a moment to take the wire off the horses. hut it took quite a few moments to bring them around again. Both animals were frothing at the mouth, and their bodies were in a fearful state of perspiration from the electricity. The animals were knocked down in very awkward positions, and in getting up, one of them cut its fetlock badly. It was providential that Mr. Grim- shaw was not instantly killed as he sat' in bis seat drjving the horses; if the horses had not hit the wire it would hve hit him, or had he touch ed the animals as they lav on the ground it would have killed him. Af- ter about ten minutes the horses wer sufficiently recovered to drive along, but were very weak from the shock to which they had been subjected. F I F | 1 | Lost Money Found In Boot. 'A resident of Napgnee visited | the police station early Sunday morning and laid a complaint that he had been robbed of #18, while he slept. He said that he was sure that he had the money when he went to bed, but did not have it or could not find it }i when he awoke on Sunday morning: | He was advised to go and have an- | of the hotel came back to the station to say that the money was found. Before going to bed the man had put his] purse in his boot and it résted there quite secure umtil morning. It made itself Jelt, and this led to its recov- ery. The man was sorry for: the trouble he had caused, McCONBGHY ~REVELL.--At "Phone, 577. Summer Goods Sauce. MARRIED. ADY ~McKAY.~On July 13th, Cowan Eady, Renfrew, and Bella McKay, of Marlborough. IALLAGHER~KEMP.~At Portsmouth on January 25th, 1908 Mabel Kemp, ®o Emauusl Gallagher Renifrew, MeConeghy M., second Flower Archie F. Katie Reve July 15th, Braeside, ahd Jdaughter of Joseph Station.' r DIED. "YO. ~In Kingston, at Redan St. July 20th, 1908, Stephen Tyo, seventy-three vears 'uneral private, Wednesday morning. RAWLEY --Iu Kingston. on July 19th) 1908, Ann Rawley, aged seventy-one years. e "uneral will morning, Colborne Wolfe Islapd Trinity Church. quididtances respectfully attend, ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street, on aged on Tuesday late residence, street, (to "1130 o'clock Boat, and then to Fhiends and ac- fnvited to . take from = her place Soups, in fins and glass. Ns Sliced Dried Beef, in tins and glass. Samed a, Cann 5 Scotch Mackerel. ! California Soused Mackerel. California Mackerel, in Tomato: Lunch To rg Ox To Bong