Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jul 1908, p. 5

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% > f DAY, JULY 20, 1908: | TYR debt Trom-1996 to the end of the last | NANT I the' government, 'was' dent to England || Tn 1n / fiscat year, including considerable sums | ta discuss the gi with the au- EN ITL > 3 i 8} for the Transcontinental railway and] i | thoritics of 'the Gui Kingdom, and: : t= -- "other lakge works, was 319,414 316. ox -- : j= 5 . age also. with resus that |. . EE is | ans per, year. of. 657,300, . of , * emtrely satislactory. . ' v MR. FIELDING TELLS STORY. Tull: head 'tf 'the' popula. THE - RECORD SESSION 5 1n both these cases it: Hus been he Oo. THAT WILL SHOR' LY BRE OF GREAT INTEREST. © # tio F yose from $499 i, AT AN END. sire oi my government that while ' ISSUED 8 i 7 in 1896, while it had ing properly for the' interests of . thy gone g ly ¢ sérl from 1897 until : dominion, the welfare of the emyire at!) ie a 1] + The Wastefulness of the Cohserva- March 315691907, it stood a Bazi The Airym From he Thrope. lnzge shold be Sen) emy.ire a TS Deseidunlh i soya Ea 3 : ; cellenc e gold and silver marking get will Cet fe tive Government--Progress_ census deparkment computel that | ; = : Made Under the Liberal G@March 31st Inst the poptilation of| Beneficial Legislation Passed. stimulate the manufacture of a su. |' Years Ago--Lieut,.Col. Hudon! +. . 2 vo iy pe Srament--The Country ' Gaile fdluin was 6,563,500, awd - if: that | Special to the Whig. Shia quality of fam articles compys/| & a Loyalist Family, ~~ These Wonderful Fruit Juice Tablets Are Now Use Ahead, and Public A 'nt was correct, the het debt Ottawa, . July, 20.--Parliament was. ec. ol the precious; me 8, and at, the | 2 Juevec d h sayy "*A_peint of i J a x a a Must Go: With It end was $40.40, us et 2 (prorogued, to-day, by Sir Charled (a0 me iil Frome the nublic | p, Shenton Tmutonical juicient sonia] ~~ Praised im Bvery Section of the Dominion : .. ; } a8 mservatives Oflice. | Fitepatrick, acting for th governor- | = o : At Tepresen ons.' ed in commection. witit visit of the : : Lg . ' Friday Hon ar or a Lh Ti, from a 1 the Spiel general Sottrary to carta, there Td wilt aadle i Juvenily Sein Hon. Dudley Lurleton, ha . EE ily -- ay . . : Aa ind Spe fe oO nSer-{ was no guard of honor. The military i : 3 ©. Sotxsties of : f " BEEN ~~ 2 Sriticlun 3 se mondial In the Youve EE TaD ava sat 18107 were a up an: Cartier Soars rr olfect the thabguition cetoton, Spt ae. \ Spd. Se A 25c¢. TRIAL SIZE HAS JUST PU JT OUT I) rat 0 . : s u lage Tr Vear > > ses of 12% 3 Ul ce of | A v - » cad 3 . Le : - J nd td Mosques yore of Ube HADES, Thr Ue "hen nd | tbe Sey ce 1 nl em dence oni and ots, conection hes] | JAAT EVERY FAMILY IN THE LAND MAY present government, he: said, $554, threexjinrtér" years of the present that their services would mot be re. | 2°complish their py a decoration, the insignia of uh order| . | : - GIVE THEM A TRIAL : 2 ' : 2h via dail 000,000 had been taken from the peo- | government the total capital and spe- | quired. The di' were _ {save the innocent ones from the 4 2 ple as taxation, an. average of $48,: | cial expenditure had been $162,542 277. ny to rR eg ay RO our evil influence of vifious : founded by Lord Uorchester siter the ; : : , ; Pialdi United States -inyasion oft Canada, - ' 000,000 yearly, Each day there wa¥'| That, said Mr. Fielding, was nearly as | were kept over for the cosine. The act restrgifing the use of to-| : ie RY " ' XK a ; i * : 3 i Habe g cerd- |. ; BY with a view to it vival, . : : collected from the people souiawhas Jorge as Bu special expenditure of miony. Consequently the incident has aso by Jouny sons will, it is hop- Bortinter ao vival. Barone) "Fruit-a-tives" have been a a the ackhowleds in the me over 340.0, as compared wit » 45, 4 he % ah ria not 'only had | caused some heated comment. so Jeti s sl a Arowing habit that is Lis maysty, and it' éxtreidely prob. | 81 success becausé\théy have proved | eal world and are known from ooe 000: in": 1696.. 'Lhe total expenditures : ra; provided more liberally The speech from the throne was|™ ously affec ng the health of many atls that all 'who' come -under 'the ust] thelr value in 'every Whether it | to Sa ; 4 had groges, rom "a ny She. pubic. sevice, Suto a large! phy he mt SS made out by ir Guy Lasleton wil [Was Constipation = or Billousness-- | order 100 gross (14,400 boxes). Jo <Hiyl 50h 3% mn I a of capital and cpecia) | Honofeble Gentlemen of the Senate; [se Inst. oe pene, oven | by decorated. | ij Headaches or Neuralgla--Rheumatism | time. Practically every druggist to $18 in 19078, or 105 por cent, | expenditure of the conservative go Sentiomen of the House of Com: | oravpile] HhEauson me adjoining re. | te sg? of medal has bem struck for Sclaticai--indigestion 'or Dyspepsia | general store In Canada sells them. Cash and bond obligations to . the | ernment. $115,000,000 were added to| MOMS: . public, tho effect of which was far. {for hot% of the tires branches, and| --Sallow Complexion or Eruptions on| The new trial box at 2¥e will amount of '$59,475,612 had been im ic. deht,' while the liberal gov-|. I 2m glad L am able to relieve you reaching, involving ina limited ar has been approved, though 'the official | the skin--Pain In the back or other in~ "Fruit-a-tives" more poy curred iin' éonnection with the Grand Wf. REQ dded only $19,000,000 | from further fattendance.on this long. sree all those countries having busi. | con for wearing them has not yet! dications of Kidney, Troublew"Fruit-a because' it gives everybody 'the iy ta ps Nery In 1596 the 7 to the debt, and had paid out of the | Protracted session, and I thank you] jess relations with thé United States, | come: the medal is to be the game tives™ have never falled to give the to try them, ' , - «of opdi revenue $143,000,000 for "the assiduity and care you havi [he crisis in the money . ¢ | for all except for the colors of the tell J 2 : net debt of thé country was $258, v reyen ,000,000, 3 money market that |, ' head i o. | promised relief. People tell about thelr ? pe 300,000, andl jon March 3lst thisyearf Mr. "Filfligr said the moral of the [8]*¢n 0 the unusually large number § oliowed, coupled with th diminished | F{o0%8- 'lie heads of each, arder. wilt] eures and write fo the company about | If You only know "Frulla-tives® $275,000,000, The present conditions [ Speech of Yhe member for North To-|©! imporfant subjects that have beer | alde of the crops in the prairie pro- | 1 eg ho o,2 Ca5p on their medals. them. Thus, the good news has spread reputation, the 3c «trial sige 0 1 intle cle. precluded the hope | ronto seemed to be that the govern. Sabguiteed for Your consideration. 2 inces, seriously affected the Years to Lady Dorchester is _the presi} ead that here was a medicine that actually | Y0U-t0 test them ut a very small y ' . * % meht hay red the 3, er ,» Satisia ory to note « | rea¥ing 70. r.t A ls : * y , ry ass. There a : : . + hat, the sath Obligations in soupy, Font. oth ha 8 mene a many excellent measures that havi mew Rr Yh Comadn hou) are gw shout five hunared persons, a he iit 51a mare tant wae Satisd ore dirge at is Praia tives Lim ed, ing ler Thi took issue: with Mr. Foste een passed, and which, it is hoped, }years. The present itlook | Dumber of them in the United States a" i a eo ts If your dealer dess ng Theruite than by donut. . This ad hot! Aue: with x outer on will prove beueficial to the people o!| or an Beit heal a esk Nhe are eligible for the decoration. | 8-HVes." To-day, "Fruit-a-tives" are! have both the 256 ana Fan haven, : ) B b p » , N J pe 2m k 1 5 fia : cf try waul@ dake issue: "I believe t} anada, real t . | the names of 'all have not yet been A ---- Bis,688, pd " tie, sven ul. he, chin iy hye in Re don pds Among other acts, attention may be itl, ite bored oducts of he soil discovered." wR al dd d il ont Sa ati ya the cost ' of | ment in the west we did not begin the Salle to the Me. itoba grain, act anc } of another long serics -of Eh ne tere}. 2 A Pu ;Hudon, of . oti es visi Gravid k Pacific one day t be Spin inspection act, which, while | slenty and prosperity. : maton, late of the Royal Canadian 4 ne suslamn on hf ay ' ne Ents fH ai prosprthy Horse Aggillery, is a direct descendant : - vo ki 3 ' : enti in | Protecting the high standards of wes: It is ve ifyi . > ' ae make it $444,011,973. Taking into |=oon."" There' was not a sentiment in | PYO! : te ln. 1 8) 8 very gratifying to' observe the ; cl car . : sa 4 - a ation the current, temporary § Mr. Foster's speech that was not ex- grown grin, from inferior mixtures, §ratriotic' enthusiasm that has been of X a; I C8o-Cuibdinn faniflf that : . . J i » loans and funded net debt not pro- | pressed in 1896 by Sir Charles Tupper | * Tires tachi Amer the increase [aroused not only in all parts of the | uo oa to Britain in those stirring : vided for by sinking. funds, new loans Jor Mr. Foster himself. 1t whs the old, | Va'ue attaching to these standards. '| 'ominion but throughout the empire og a Ve, oi! rid ) : ar, arie- , 3 : t In response to an advanced public | it th oachi i totalling - $240,241,073 would he ne. | old story of 4he dreadful thirigs that | In and promo § winding" bf sheng. celebration of the Souillen Beam « ' i 92,216,797 must | were going to happen, but which never | 2Wuion, appointments and promo | ounding of the cit >hec azo Couillard-Dupuy, of Beaumont essary, of which $192, 97 u 2 ppe tions to the ciiil service will be made 1 ; ¥ ul icin, three Deas whee, who was a Srendson of raised ithin three years. Not- } did happen. wnired years ago |b iclo a . : a ' tistndifi o ricky Ee -- of re, - henceforth only after a competitive ex: | French at hig desis Poul Vouillard-Dupiey, Tha intter wy j AT ABE RNETHY'S trething, + the . government had au- aiBiuation Jn which those who exce lain. To add to the ory of the 2. Meson of Guilisuts Cauillard who - "thorized, #xpenditures and incurred ob 4 | while ye ae reward of merit, and f -asion, His Gracious Majesty the ki maT. is oe Guillimette;. daughter I ligations "thid dession totalling $175, X AT NEAR BY. * Roitik £ by Srations of the act _an has deputed His Royal Highneie the of ng b ebert. (ol. .Hudon would 386,681, of which $138,078,351 was government. ta ce. at the seaf' o | 'rinco of Wales to represent him oo | cidently be one 'of those Sitid leq i esti os | 2 government, its provisions mav late the int i . I'roneh Seigneur medal. main and supplementary estimates Montre; July 20.--The "16 interesting pageants that will be| Lr 170s Soeur In . : a : ) 3 1908-9," gupplementaties for 19078, | E-Piiny al. signa) station In 1783 Sir Guy Carleton, then gov Men's Oxford Shoes, : patent and tans, on be extended to 'the service through resented i i 00 fo $3 5 . | 3 resent, hy commemoration of the ' "or : 5 7 and the cost of supplying seed grain IR in the Stpaits of Belle Isle, ernor of Canada, founded an'order for : regular $5. for $3.75. out the dominion, ent. Th ' tas : wl svent, © presence also of represen- . : | d The aat reiising the dis sit a3 by pres those citizens who had -renuered: dis- t restern farmers," $2,850,000. i je y g t disposition o atives from France nd th 9 : y Nadi : { , "Mrs Foster complained that while | AT Jarchil Somununics, the public lands will, it * believed 'tates at the Seremonic] will S ited tinguished service in, preserving Cang- Men's $4.00 Oxfords for $3.25. thes gaverament had Deen pursuing an o dbmitablg, to-day as she weet with the hearty approval a Bh d with intense pleasuro by the eos I da i the Britis empire. He, divide ."" 3.50 '" $ 3.00, course of wild and reckless expenditurd™] roach the sonst of w 3 £rn provinces more Ammed latel: f Canada, and will be accepted anan them mn 0 three classes: 'rene Seig- i : generally, and had singled out Ja : etoantand and the en- J a Ones ti she eincipal feu + idence of Triendshin on the part of tary ad ufihis of Nova Scotis, mili One lot of Women's Oxfords, regular $2.50 tte Rot i © eivi ri 9x : : 8 S SEW « e citizens o se y 4 e- Ja rs. 8 orue ale rin ths djeil suivive the {trance to the . strait. His take ap a second 'homestead with blics ; Be We great re to be hereditary to 'all "hineal descen- ; and 3.00 for $2.00. . underpaid ors of the service in the} oR Royal Sighngss, we Prince limited area, and also the right of Gentlemen of the House of Commons : | dante bearing the same 'mame. i » : : Bld In a Folsince. to. the insuraps of, ales, . t . ar he '| homesteader to actuire by purchas: |. thank you for the liberal provision | SF Guy carried the papers home for One lot of Women's Brown Oxfords, regu- comimission he doxlared that there had | ¥ Dundee and © Tr distin- the adjoining qharter section. It i 'ou have made for the public' service ratification of the Order of Gearge 111. lar $3 50 for $2 50 : never been any inthut te do anythin { - guished visitors to the ter- intended that the proceeds of thes Honorable Gentlemen of "the Sen to and the British parliament, 'but the| € . . yy asthe Yesult 'of the 8 ati arp on board. sates, "all in the first place bo se' | and Gentlemen -of the House uf |<rder nover 'materialized, This year One lot of Girls' $2.00 Brown Shoes, $1.50. mission' beyond a'ttempy i - BR IIIA apart as"a fund. for the constructior 'ommons : Let us earnestly hope Mr. Forsyth went to England to con- et . - ine ~ y the } Xn e or of a railwayoto Hilson Bay. hat when we meet again the present fer with Baroness Dorchester, who is © One lot of Girls' $1.75 Black. Shoes, $1.25. tain members of the x below 1 a elt. The oe The pmefdments to the bank act, al right -prospeets for a bountiful har. | S¥enddaughter of Sir Guy and_Baron- St rap Paws #'w'w wus ww - Te A Pe belt. I'he governminent, - he went on, : A, Ty " i + certai restrict 3 : ray ) or ie " O Ten y 3 = = had been kind. te the wrongdoer aml}' : w BTR. OF THE NEWS. lowing, under certain restrictions, ai | -est in ali parts of the dominion will [© 10 her own: right by courtesy of One lot of Girls' : $1.25 and 1.30 amazingly"Xind to: the wf mele ---- expansion in the circulation of note J wave been realized. prompting an ad- the lato queen, and asked <her "to, re- Shoes $1 00 L closing he moved a resolution' em- | The Very Latest Culled From All|[of the hanks during the period of the litional ypeason for expressing our | est of the king the privilege of wear ' ao 5 - a SIV "x Sing ; vear while the crops are being move eartlelt {hanks «to kind Providence | ng the recognitions of service Propos ] : * « " bodying the figures given, expressing Over The World will, it is considered, facilitate th | or the many leis i il bi dd. This Lady Dorchester, has dong, One large lot of Baby Boots, sizes 3 to ly the view.that in' regard to expenditures, Un dt that SirWilirid Laurier will . E N X Bp u < a m . lack CT inc iminny, a busi- coffe ir She electoral divisions ick Yansportation of the product his favored land. but se the Nise ip a lator : gajis regular 60 and GSe. To clear, 50¢., ness praidence and. pandering « to parti- | off Teromton 91 the iann lo ae SG 2 . tc-------- mg, she had not ha 1e opportunity ' 3 - . i - saw interests, it had been shown that The peace union is to be invited hy | Important amendme nts have bees An 1d Mariner Dead. of an interview. avr 1A Women's Cloth House Slipper 8, dsc. in [made to the act respecting elections Stephen . - EE Tyo, seventy-three years the 'mad and + reckless' financial parliament to meet in convention in e da . as Cv Nie Y ik course of the government was seridgis Ottawa, next year. which 3 XB Sowidents Post Mh old, passed peacefully away at his] » THOMPSON ARRESTED, . : . , ing thé. ic adit, und 'H =" Unget Macleod comniitted | move; effective; 0 , me, 14 a 'Street, de pounds wil S. . ly affecting thé. public. credi nduly . DE of cod compra ted the. voters and guard against the ex | Ome didn, Strgel, ou Monday Husband of Clerk Murdered Re- : MANY OTHER ' hurdening,- the country's resources, suicide on Sunday by shootitig him} the. A ] norning, after gu lingering illness. The and, if " perkistal 'in, would end - in'| self. 'Whi death 'of Ris wile caused his seige of undue influence in electora leceased had been a patient sufferer . - cently,. Held in Chicago. ic disaste x topless. for / wee Chicago, July 20.--Edward, Ahomp- public disaster, ! 5 > n \ Xo a hice @ rom gangrene for many weeks, gad -hicago, July 20.--Edward,, Adhomp : Hydrophobia caused the death of The proposal to make a free gran cath CAINE HE Welcome Telos a. fa Son soa Mrs. a TAY 31. Wolt Not Coming. Florthde Aira." the "sxyoar-id of land asa" bouniy io the volun | [5h 0% 55 a welcome welewo from {soy busoen of Mes. Francs Ci Hon. Mp. Fielding described the re- | dangheer of Ralph Kirkman, a book- | teers who rendered valuable service k 1 4 lived here for many years and [strangled an her apartments' at 1242 solution as a famihar friend. He told | Keeper of, Brooklyn. Six weeks ago [the empire in the Pouth SSicican Wer | vas a well-known ship carpenter. He Michigan avenue, is locked "up "as a fable of the shepherd lad, }the gifl.was bitten by a mongrel dog. | will meet with hearty approval. worked gt his trade as long as his | witness, pending | further investigation the old T lucti ; T o : . a > rsey (i » reduction of the duty on drop |, EY u crime o y cried "wolf," whe Mrs. Josephine ' Fahoa Jersey City, he rex Y Si: oY healt ermitted., He was also a {into the crime. who so continually » R k ped letters in cities and certain towns ! : there was ;no welt that when the well Inline Fn in a power and fire- I . f the aren with |:nariner for years. Besides his wife, lis detention wus a surprise to really' did come his neighbors, whq {¥dgks fa ¥: AF 'hail in her shoe [and the en nrgere mL ot ne a ese. | Wo ons, Alexander and Stephen, and |1 hompson, who canie, to Chicago from had "been deceived 8q often, paid no [struck out a spark that ignifed pow- mn which the postags oh ns gra daughters, are left to mourn. The Minneapolis Monday night, without heed to his «cries for help. "It is not, jdet, kh ' anol pars Hay _- ted uneral will be held on Wednssday |voercion. It resulted from the sudden likely," he said, "that the wolf will *TJ* Dumond' vice-president of will, I feel, be much ag pre a oc . norning to St. Mary's eathedral. decision of Mspector Wheeldr, who, af- come fmancially "to Canada; so long-{:the Algom Bieel. company; gives a The: amendments Be cons . NL ter much questioning, concluded that as my honorable friend stays where ha | denial to the reports with respect to |land act, whereby 1 he Siscriming ton Baseball On Sunday. |, I'hompson was not telling the: truth. is, and 'wo on this. side stay where he | the orobgliitity, of the Canadian Pa- [against Canadian grown tobacco cres National , League--New York, 5: lhe inspector dispatched = Detective : y 5 Av : , ; distinctive labels used in cigars : hah , | ! ng (bara) SPplauee ¢ The wgwry bat Nay Shing over the Algome in by Higoneiite ne oh es oxigtoelt » 4, (sixteen innings). Bos l'zan, to Minneapolis, tq check up the ble member from North Toronto gal - f . ' a icag 9 Cincinnati, 4: Phila- man's statements. able Ful > . . . . Bava - é : been crying "wolf" for twelve years, Cardittal Merry Del Val, the papal |is confidently believed that | these Thompsén called ypon Assigtant : or 2 iu io his > g » act will have the am 4 a up : : p when there was no wolf; he had in- | secretary of state, is not un his usual aiiendsients to the a ime Eastern League--Providence, 6: Bal | ( hief Schuettler and inquired' into the deed become the prophet of gloom, ood heal he doctors have ad- [effect of improving timore, 3. Jersey 'City, 3-2: Newark, | details of the murder. lle was referred T iE he Key to The present government had not bed hi "take the Vicarello mine- home tobacto, bull proy of great 28, to Inspector Wheeler at the Harrison in oflice one mouth before Hon. Mr. [Ta benefit to that portion of our ag street - police station. The inspector g ~ - y ilk " i raged in that in- . EL iytiouy . 1 + Foster raised the cry of "wolf, wolf, George Bepoel ' heakemos, pod r. tural popslaticn engaged in Count Puckler, Germany's notorious [did not view the story related by | f Vea rerna Ore pom, conductor, Carleton ace, | dustry. . . Jew -baiter, w Ww 3 Thompson in the § p lig s $- - ieaagh EE policy of Be a van left the track | The increasing Semmens for Improy- w iy a few months) ge bie "chief, Norvame Sih us, the his The Jewel : ; > , se C 8 t ities in a coun- : y 5 p28 y x v their predecessors, not having time to | on the Prescott branch of the C.P.R., od tran Ngitaton ded A o x rse-- | 22d his private affairs withdrawn | belief that Iharnpson. had no knowl- Cas Stoves are durable, put into effect their own policy. Con- }.« engipvmornimyg, near Ottawa. try so widely extended and 'so spars from: h« control and placed in the|edge of the cribne until he read it in . . tinaing, he said that while honorable fo" A the loons which started from |ly settled ae Whe dominion, i charge of a conservator, ' the newspapers, '1 hompson is held | § easily cleaned afd practi~ ' t ¥ 2 : > - > s z ott : : . . . . . . » gentlemen opposite were sgainet the SY. 4) oi an dicey to Sips the Foblic aie 8 ona jr the New Brunswick js to batrow £400,-| merely as a witness said the inspec- cally indistructible. Every axpenditures listance anc in | world s distance and endurance re- fi a . iil . 00 through the nk, of Montréal. tor. . s3pend} ures Ho Si ih wi ord. i- at Warsaw, Minn. The |past amply Justificn the Hho! ubel- John hole twenty two vears of | ~There is 4 bare chance that Thomp- & Woman who uses a Chicago 8 , e oe 8] o : Ro : : v re Po mt- 3 " ey bry : y i 1 Mr. Foster's motion, the moment it | Chicago Won 'both endurance and dis- Hee in the act that have been assent: age, was electrocuted in the auxiliary |son will pgove to be the mythical J. ® Jewel would not part with came ati f expenditures in [tance prizes. a: 10. . . lower plant of the Algoma Steel com-| H. Raymond, who registered with ae their hi eat, thor TE Lhe b tional transcontinental com- Ihe placing of the telegraph . and any, Nault Ste Mar. at oy yd Mrs. Thotopso, the Satieday previous ots if she could not get was changed. The honorable gentle- ssid WEA for tenders for [telephone sy Stem under the jurisdic- ing in contact with a live wire carry] to tho crime, and disappeared the fol- # another. See', them ia man from Halton wanted an armoury [the balance oi the construction work tion of. the TH] Way I onuray ing 2,100 volts, which he accidentally lowing day, when it now is reasome © working order at our at Oakville; the member for Marquette | of The eastern branch of the Grand | will meet with the hearty approval ob | hed. ably certain, she was strangled, wanted one at Minnedosa, - the medp- | T#unk Pacific, from Moncton to Win- |all _ classes in the dominion. The At Jackyale, .Ont., on Sunday, her for Beauharnois, one at Valld- }nipeg. . rapidly increasing number of applica- weorge Nunney, aged seventeen, a field, the chief whip of the conserva, Thay Nindnor five brigade succeeded [tions to the board of Soilway, Som- vard of the Catholic Immigration So- eS ts , i La Ts 2 fire der control, anil | missionegs involves the necessi y lon in as. d med He : efiplov- ' tive party had pleaded for an-| 18 getQag the fie under con , ani nh ciety, was.drowned. e was employ : : RN at Ot the member | there 45 uqw, no danger of the grand the appointment of additional num- ed with a farmer, and, with some com-| Will Attempt to Smother Fire at for East Elgin wanted a drill hall at | Stand going. The stabling room' bers on' the board. . panions, went to the Jack river to - Tampico. : : Aylmer, and the members for East trogen, Row" is entirely de- I'he extension of the time for the bathe. Mexico City, July 20.--The oil ALE 'cure for a fortnight. TAMING OIL GUSHER. Simeoe, . Prince. Edward and Victoria | Strove@iand "lgss estimated at abouty payment of a bounty on lead ores, William Lowery, thirty years of age, | gusher fire at Tampito is still raging, and Haliburton all wanted armouries | £5,000 . % ' and the enlargement of the conditions a Canadian and said to be from To- |but the flames have been confined to in their respective constituencies Ag Cte shooting skyward under which the bounty: may be earn- ronto, was drowned, Sunday, while [the one well by high embankments of When it came to harbors and rivers, | almos of a mile is planned to: ed, will, it is believed, stimulate Ts bathing on the river front, at De- |earth recently thrown up. An effort A the member for St. John city ap [replies he Mills building on Broad |growth of an , Important industry troit, by striking" head first on a|will be made as soon as the material PS " OUR MID-SUMMER SALE proved the expenditures there, andl street" New York. The tower will be jhe Province of British Columbia. i sunken pile when he dove from the can be accumulated to smother the fire ho 5 3 : : suggested more, Prince Edward I" er than the Fifiel tgwer, whosa | The Physica po Tew a hograc a | dock. _ by haulilig a large dragnet "made of 4 It'sthe quality and rea: #land members not only wanted addi. | steel shelpion pierces the clouds to a |tion following from the too roe US |, Excitoment is caused by the report | shat iron and rails, over the flames, i. 1 ; 2 ice that ke tional expenditures on wharves, ete, hgght «al; *®o Joet. ' : . of opium have long been recognized, that there is a serious outbreak of [Tyvelve fifty horse power boilers will RPA x sonable . prices INaxcs hut a tunnel to the mainland as wells ps Land's Daw Afliance is going to |and efforts have been made in 'all sma'lpox at Erie An, a popular sum- also help fo smother the blaze. ! / i it famous. Fancy Parlor + The member for Jacques-Cartier was | 6€ if the government is to be allow- | countries ; boasting of advanced CIV1- | ner resort, south of Chatham. Fous- ; 'Setts rand « Wood 'Settees opposed to expenditures in Nova ed to work the "Printing bureau on [lization to stamp out its use, except | teen cases of smallpox are reported 5 . 3 ees / : ) ly Scotia, but wanted money to be | Sundays, as it did yesterday and fre- [when prescribed for . medicinal pur- | 54 Shewbury, on fhe shores of Ron- Fire Among Correspondence. 4 a 2 Fancy' Shade Velour and uel lv 4 The employees| object [poses. The increasing consumption of | Jeau, opposite the résort. Montreal, July 20.--Fire broke out a of Rug Couches, Parlor Tables spent on the wharves at Lachine. ie RIO, y : a . . Pal x : . x Conservative members from the west," and { so B. one has laid information this deleterious drug in Canada has Joseph, Mealiff, in the employ of the | in the attic of the Grand Trunk rail- " --_ fi . who would, of course, all vote for | awainstithe d®artment. : {prompted the adoption of the act to Cavendish. Lumber company, was ac- | way's general ofice, on McGill street, _ ¥%, and Music Cabinets, also : ' : . ¥ 26 © y ee J cai . . . : y . My. Foster's resolution, were so wk Sa ievier, editog of the feetyain ite ue excep when author cidentally drowned in the Otonabe this morning, and for a time looked £1 % | Brass and: Iron, Bedsteads anxious in the interests of ,economy T o Post! London, Eng., and [ize vy "medical men. Gi ier, at Lakefield, while canoeing threatening. The blaze was among a 3 * pos, : d Hercul . Spri a that just the other. day they urged the, | ovmer of race horses, is accused by The issue of government anmuities with a 'companion named Brooks : lot of corfespondbnee of recent "years as . z \ an ercuies pring an Fovemment Tv hiv » all the grdly hs wile South African minin» {for old; age wil, it is confidently he- The Toronto police and jail officials | which had been stored there. How it Sie 5 1 Sanitary Health Mattresses elevators"in the west. (Renowed libe. {ml Ni alsd owns' racers. Joel |lieved, encourage habits of thrift and |report, as unsuccessful, their efforts caught fire appears to be a query at i J iat ral cheers.) alleged. that. Sievier attempted to | economy, seeuging to the holder some | to locate any of the seven prisoners present. Some damage was caused by ghts, Freight paid. : Wackmail hum to the extent of $25.- {provision for declining, years. who escaved from the jail on Fridav.| water and the loss of the correspon- . ' ' h Mr. Foster's Machine. 000. "4 Ga = ; {| The sphject of immigration from John Oldacre, hurglaf, was shot. in dence may 'cause some incomwenience if James Reid ' The Leading Undertaker. Phone 1 Mr. Fielding proceeded" to expose The lumber piles of Western Canadn {Japan has received much attention | Montreal, by Detective Robert Car- | it should ever be needed for reference : . / » Mr. Foster's method of 'pilin op "1 ave facing a: famine. as the result: of during the year, and it was deemed penter, of the Canadian detective puFposes. . ures, showing that time piling vo & the plan of the railroads to devote desirable to send' one of my ministery | bureau, who was Watching (in a store. : ERE dae: 1 C1 all available" running stock to mov-|to Japan to discuss with his ma-| The withdrawal of several pationg | Felt Di ; Fell Dead. \ Ea. . aed Wi ---- ad ing grain crop, -estimated at 120,- | jesty's ambassador = at Tokio . and [from the Olympic games before the ~ Waodsthek, "ont. July 20.-D. C. 6 { )BA LT N W " paid. 'With regant. to the debt of th 000.000 bushels. The lumbermen are with the Japanese authorities, the ad- [end of the week ig threatened as a re- | Richmond, aged and highly respected . » £ country, the record of the present gov wiithle 18 gef 'enough lamber to sup- |Fissbility. in view of the local condi- [sult of dissatisfaction over the manage- resident 'of Woodstock, having lived | ; s cenuient, far from being 'what = Mr. | PTV th demand, and prices have risen [tions in this 'country, and other rea- ment. : 'here over half a century, dropped Re Chambers-Ferl and Mining Company, td Foster had pictured It Twa of the alarmingly. 3 ; sons, fo reatricting such' immigra- {| The stables at the Windsor race 'dead, Saturday. He had eaten his hh miz B Go ad yite. oo' that Now most gratifying character. Contrast: Jie. the- frefghter Chippewa. of the [tion. 1 am glad to know that a sa- {track are in flames, this afternoon. |breakfast «and complained "of feeling a feet and in very rich orn oa hat Vis known as the 0 Ben vein ing it with that of the Yast conser: Clyde line, was pounding on the recs tisfactory arrangement has been | ef- {and spreading to the grand stand. little dizzy. He! got 'up from the | over the O'Brien into a of Montauk Point, life-saving station fected and I feel assured that. the | The horses were all taken ont. [table.and immediately collapsed, be- rSfimenced thay § ship un in the hat rriistation, he Dofuted ot 10 Estdya NaN; on' Sundav, twenty. terms of the agreement will continue | Our idea" of a romantic girl is oneiing dead of heart failure before doc-. bi ' 3 , i" ' a {to bé {faithfully cprried out. fwho sends out invitations to her, tors arrived.- He was formerly in the |' The initial prin of Chambers-Ferland stock is ; Q four men were takén ©ff her, hy tives added to the debt $118,135.000, : '¢ : das G A : : : t Ruy ST ; 3 an average of six and a half millions- "amPing party, the members of which | "An 'arrangement with regard to im- ,elopement, shoe. business here, and lived retired'| will ibe taken-and information given nt the oi -m mi % er ; J : -mile dash i . igration from India having also be- | A confidence' man naturally has H ) ; LE A tw 4 For ond Ny the had made a fourteen-mile dash in or- gration aving 'also be- | ide ly no for years. He leaves a wife and seve- ' i per annum. ~The nét increase to th Come desirable, a representative of confidence in any man but himself. 'ral daughters. : d 0 HUTTON, 18 Mverket Street, Ki / - der io take part in the rescue, i

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