Underpriced White Wear caret 49¢ Per Garment. We are placing on sale this week a quantity of Ladies' White Wear, Gowns, Drawers, Cor- set Covers, and Petticoats, at the ridiculously low price of 49c Per Garment. This Underwear is taken from our large stock and placed on sale because it has beeome toss- ed and slightly soiled from handling, but will be just as good ag new after being launderied. Every garment well made and finished, neat- ly trimmed and excellent quality. Prices From 75c¢ to $3.50. Now Only 49c. See Window Display. Sh pe Ui Crumley Bros. For Picnic Parties We Can Supply You With All Your * Wants, Especially in Cakes and Fruits. A TRIAL 1S ALL WE ASK. R. H. Toye' s, 302 King St A GREAT SHIRT SALE. This time of the year you can use alot of Shirts. Now is the Time to Buy. We have the largest stock we have ever had. 60 Dozen New Shirts just in. Lo We Are Selling : SHIRTS" AT 45c " 45e 98e 1.20 148 $1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 and " 2.00 E.P. JENKINS CLOTHING 114 PRINCESS STREET. The place where the Big Sale is going on. "| past few weeks has heen erowded AWFUL ACCIDENT TO GANANOQUE MACHINIST. John Murchie the Victim--He Was Whirled ~ With . Machine to Ceiling--~Brong/ht to the King- ston General Nospital Gananoque, July 2l.--A very se rious accident occurred in the machina shop of the Britton. Hinge and Hasp Works = about 2:15 yesterday after ong of Gananoque's wost highly esteemed. young men, Jdolih Maurchie, son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Murchie, John street, will lose his left arm near the shoulder. The' details of the sad affair show. it to Bave been purely accidental. Mr. Murchie is the company's machinist and' was at work on an elevator for 'R. MéBroom's warchouse.. He had the large main for the concern and a piece of shalting habbited, it worked tight; he set it up amd ate tached a belt to a pulley on the shalt to run it for a chort lime to easd the bearing. ever, holt it to the floor, Some dif ficulty was experienced in getting the bel (an old one) to stay on, aml whither he got on top of the mae- chine to hold it dowm or to put the belé on is not Knewn but the helt wound round the shafting above, cat¢hing his left arm in its folds, and taking him, machine gnd all, to the ceiling. The young man threw out his right arm and: braced him- reli! against a beam on the upper floor, his head meanwhile striking against a brace and cutting an agly gash. The "belt broke allowing the machine to fall to the floor. arid was, during this time, being atfully mangled. The power was at once shut off and Messis. R. Chad- wick and J. Nolan released the un fortunate man and placed him on gq large box on the floor. Dr. Bird was at once called and did what he could to allay the sullerer's pain, and had him placed on the train at 2:354 o'clock for Kingston General Hospital. The bone of the leit arm protruded between elbow. and shoulder, and was broken between wrist and elbow. The young man's father, Robert Murchie, left a few weeks ago for a visit at his old home in Ayrshire,' Scotland. His: sister is a nurse in Watertown, N. Y., and his mother was visiting in Leeds township at the time of the accident. The injured young man is a minent member of the 1.0.0.F. C.OF., and also a member of the quarterly © official board of Grace chutch, also assistant librarian in Graee Sunday school, and the greatest sympathy is felt for him and the family. At an early hour Monday morning Walter TLasha, River street, while trolling in the waters adjacent to the town, had a strike from a large mas- kinongey which he successfully landed. The fish was four feet six inches long and' weighed a little over thirty-nine pounds. It was placed on exhibition at W. J. Belfie's, King street, Gananoque lun, which during pro- and the to overflowing with guests,'some seventy new arrivals having registered during the past week, is offered fof sale by its owner and proprietor, A, A, Welsh, Montreal. The old model school room in Stone street school is to he reseated and re- fitted for use as a regular class room. This will help to some extent as the rooms have been greatly overcrowded, there being no Jess than ninety in the primary room, E. H. Hurd, Charles street, posed of his gasoline launch to deon Scott, Stone street, Mrs. For- sythe, of Montreal, is the guest of Mrs. and the Misses Douglass, of Mon- treal, at their summer residénre, near White Calf Island. Mr. McMeehan, of New York city, arrived here the latter part of last week to enjoy a short outing at the camp of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lati- mer, a short distance east of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Westcott, of Al bany, N.Y., are enjoying a short out- ing here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles K. Wright, at their summer residence, Tremont Park. Mrs. Hemsley, of Ottawa, arrived during the past few days to spend same time with her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Baker, at her summer cottage on Tremont Park. Mrs. KE. F. Stoll, of Ashta- bula, Ohio, is spending a few weeks in town with her mother, Mrs. Wy le, John street, John LaRose, of To- ronto, spending the past two weeks heré with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John LaRose, River street, has return- ed home. Arthur Rogers, manager of the branch of the Bank of Toronto, at Dorchester, Ont., is spending his va- vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mra. C. B. Rogers, Stone street. Mrs. William Truesdall, King street, is spending a short holiday season with mlatives and friends in Lyn and Brockville, has dis: Gi- Furniture Repairing. Upholstering, repairing and re- polishing - furniture. A specialty of hotels, barber shops and store fix: tures. W, H. Whittingham, corner Bagot and Queen streets. Lord Compton, of the Royal Horse Guards, was - fined £5 and costs at London, for driving a motor in Re- gent's park bey ond the legal speed. A morning pajer is planned for Cm- cinwati, to he called the Mail. A com- pany capitalized at $250,000, has Felix Goldsmith as prime mover. S. A Good Nerve Tonic. Will act, not so much directly upon the nerves as upon the digestive func- tions, and the abundant formation of red, vitalizing blood. Nerves can't be fed on medicine. They can, however, be restored and strengthened by as- similated food. The marvellous act- tion of Ferrozame arises from its aet- ion over the digestion and gssimila- tive processes. you take' Ferro- zone the blood is purified, strength- ened, and grows rich and red. Then you grow vigorous, healthy and beau- tiful, ready for work, becanse you have the strength to do it. No tonie for the brain, blood of nerves: ¢om- pares with Ferrozone. Price 50o:, or To and found | He did not, how | Latest Private he lustre Sfpih the Pavilion free, and Marble ro Having moved to of Princess and Sher King and Princess streets. A COOK FOR SwaLy whee ait ing or Honing. WANTED, about 10 100 hand 12 15. giron Box oh og a ' Nature Sr Cansiti "any Hie lefg } SR fad COE Advantages. -ern continent,' says & 'writer in. hel Paris Weekly er de Monde." "She needs them, for, like Arg ating; she is one ofsthe greatest. ¢ ¢ countries of the world and will soon supplant the United States in the for- eign market, as the latter will only raise sufficient for the needs of her teeming population. While Canada's wineral resources ard not yet fully explored, she has coal in abundance, although her mines are « situated: at the extremities of her! téeritory. The Rocky Mountains produce ¢opper amd lead. But there are twa particulars in . which the dominion excels--the production of hydraulic foree and the means of water communication with the outside world. On these points we read : : "Nature has gifted! Canada with admirable means of transport. The great lakes give her the finest inland waterways to be found on the globe. To tell the truth, this' navigsetion of the great lakes by steamers of thou- sands of tons burtlen resembles much more ocean navigation than the or- dinary navigation of rivers and ca- nals, and is just as 'cheap.' Canada has one advantage over . even the United States in that she can utilize not only the great lakes, but: their outlet to the sea throught the St. Lawrence. Iti is true that navigation is at certain interrupted above Montreal by the rapids; but this so- lation of continuity is easily reme- died. The Ottawa, a powerful afluent of the St, Lawwence; is eventually to be directly conuected by a eanal with Lake Hurom. The ouly inconvenience attending the employment ol these wa- terways is that they ave frezep up in winter, and the vessels that arrive from Burope are obliged to stop at Halifax or St. John. But generally, instead of employing these ports of the maritime provinces, re- course is had to the American har- bors, which are situated nearer to the centre of Canadian life. In fact, it is during the winter that most of the trade between Canada and the old world is earried on. The hindrance to navigation created hy the frost of winter is certainly a disadvantage, but fails to check the industrial pro- gress of the country, a great part of which enjoys seven months of unim- peded water communication at an ex- Feotionally low cost, which is supple mented by a system of railroads which, thanks to the nature and even- ness of the ground; are hot expensive to build.' -------- HIGH UP ON BULL ROCK. Gale Did No Pamage--Schooner Taken Off. Sackets Harbor, N.Y., July 21.-- The schooner Acacia is now high and day on Bull Rock Point, so that the waves did not reach her during the gale of wind on 'Thursday and ¥n- day. The wind blew from the north- west and the seas would' break on the oppesite shore, Her Cargo of coal is intact, and the vessel 18'in as gaod a condition as when she 'went ashore on the rock. The captain had purchased the coal from' the. insur ance company, so it is reported, andi he has sold a part of it to F. M Stearne, coal dealer © of this 'village, to be delivered at his dock." Capt. Cummings is pesitive that the schooner can be taken "from the rocks with bat little damage to her, which he will do as soon as the coal is lightered out! But §ér: the unior- tunate acéidént to the barge MeDon- ald, which was engaged in lightering, the wrecked 'eraft, presumably there would have been soide arrangements made towards the removal of the Acacia by this time. The 'McDowald is practically destroved. The fire, it is thought, originated from the boil- ers. Baseball On Monday. Eastern league--Baltimore, 5 Mon- treal, Rochester, 6; Providence, 0. Newark, 4; Toronto,' 2.- Buffalo, Jersey City, , American league--St. Louis, 8; New York, 3. Boston, 8; Chisago. 1. De- troit, 4; Philadelphia, 1 . Washington, 5; Cleveland, 3. 'National league--Pittsburg, Brooklyn, 3. Chicago, 5; Boston, Philadelphia, 4; Cincinnati, 3. rte Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Rideau King and Queen leave for Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- dav and Saturday, at 6 a:m., and for Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, 9. ~ 6; o six hoxes for $2.50, at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, "Canada his the best natural means| Lol transport to be found on the west: IRE IN: INSURANCE RISKS, 'goo ments. J Je JE poh 4 Co', bos (+ 4 THE OPPORTUNITY 70 FUHNISH estimates on ri Work, All Binge ton «oho : Piectrdian 200 "Wel street. yards or aig begga ge Yared. Lytle, Ca ress ahi #2" Hata Be." QUALIFIER Racy August 17th. _-- te R, H. Gray, = oR i S, ties SommiCe ys, sta salary, oy ee aor! nt, TEACHER FOR 8S, S. NO. 4, ERN- esttown, to commence duties after halidays. Apply, Stating salary and experience to m, Gaitskell, Sec. Treas., Collinge Bay, Ont: DRESSY . GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made 5 Galle- way's. e, price ni ar by ro pi ny 4 Brod "e., next to Bibby's Livery. SITUATION WANTED. PLAIN COOK. REFERENCES. Apply Miss Cross, 288 Johnson Si. GENERAL SERVANTS. SITUATIONS wanted for young ch and Irish gil. Write immedi ' Xhe Guild, 71 Drummond: St., Montreal, DOMESTIC SERVANTS, GENERAL ssi vgiits, cooks, ho aids' and ang 1 he py arriving BY bec Gth. mond St, fotun! il WAITRPSSES. SITUATIONS 'WANT: for smart. old-country girls, a July 26th: Also cooks and housémaids. The Guild, 71 Drum- mond. St., Mentreal. A JOB CLEANING ASHES our op other ture, etc. - fra oR om NOS. 77%. 9 ALFRED STRERT, ak; ide alee SUN COTTAG ea Janam, "0 1 ORE] CB Be , 96 Clarence LARGE AND , No, So 1 i rock "8 ie SIZED BRIG HP well ven! rooms, for the sum. mer Mm. nat inter~ tion of West, Ei Clergy . 174 BArT street, FR IM K RESIDENC i Bibisen street, B, ih twelve bath, Pete. En- om street. po i ping quire at 179 SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN JARD WOMEN" TO LEARN BAR- ber to aha oars oak HAP aes positions: win tant practice. weeks complete course. loge free. rile. Mojer Barber ollege, Toronto. 'LOST. GREEN PARROT, WITH RED head. Reward for its return to 38 Wellington street. A GOLD NECKLET AND LOCKET, with monog on one sie and dete on other, on Princess St., or Stirest Car. Reward for its return to 480 oi Frinoqa atreety tne -------- Na GOLD WATCH, HEART SHAPFD, with initials "J. R. I." on reverse side, attached (0 Swastika flver Fob, somewhere through Cricket Field to Maitland street. Ie ward at g office. Vi a | LX Fe in Lo nahh a Con- | a aotructions, Cata- OUR roLTOES MOR ding and av NonE SF y offers. at odwin'y Insurance porium, Mark et. Square. : Asdiinble val $61,187 3s tion he pokeyhold secnr the TE the r petty -- pages. jlctare rol old or oSiving siness gel rated, Strange oe ane Agen ts. have tr Haiti of all Pro- boy, HAIR, Tohous 'sear. w ou . Dr. El Nose, Throat Specialist. 258 POWER & SONS, ARTES, MER MAN AND WIFE, NO ENCUMBRANCE, partly experienced in farm or : hotel as care country, or will accept wo terms, takers, etc. Apply, stating Box "P.'"" Whig o ce. BUSINESS CARD. ELECTRIC CARPET _ CLEANING Sewing and Laying. Peather Beds and Pillows cleaned by steam. s Milne, 272 Bagot street. SMELLING SALTS EXPLODED. Girl Seriously Injured By Odd Accident. MpKeesport, Pa., July 21.--Miss Lida. Dull, was horribly burped about the face and hands by the explosion of a bottle of smelling salts,' while attending the funeral of her friend; Miss Hnzel Penny, who died: from the effects of carbolie acid, swallowed, ap- parently, with suicidal intent. The services were held in the home of the Penny family, and the room was very close. Miss Dull held the bottle of salts in her hand, and, fear- ing that she would faint, placed the mouth of the bottle to her nostrils. Suddenly there was an explosion; and the contents of the bottle, to- gether with dozens of pieces of small glass, were blown into her face. Her condition is serious. Cooling Drinks For Hot Days. With Sovereign Fruit Syrups and Rovereign Lime Juice in the house, you can instantly prepare any num- ber of delicious, cooling and refresh- ing summer drinks. Sovereign Fruit Svrups have the flavor of the fresh fruits, and come in all the popular flavors. About half a teaspoonful of Sovereign Lime Juice, added to a glass of iced water, with Sovereign Fruit Syrups, improves the flavor andi gives a more healthful drink. Caught In A Chain, Quebec, July 21.--~The first serious accident during the celebration hap- pened upon the French cruiser, Leon Gambetta. The chief gunner, Guedes Quartier, was lowering 'an anchor, when his arm was caught in a chain which almost wrenched it from its socket. The injured man was landed and conveyed to the hospital in an nee. Frederick Cook, headmaster of Tem- ple Colston school, was fined 10s, and costs at Bristol for beating with ex- cessive severity years. Virulent Hay Fever. Hay ever promises this year to he very severe and many are already suffering. The most Bantive cure is "Catarrhozone,' ! which destroys the germ and gives immediate relief. . Cures quickly. Sold by all dealers. Friday and Saturday at 615 p.m. James Swift & Co., te. $1 for two months' treatment, work, desire joint situation, town or} * a pupil aged eight} FOUND. THE CITY BUILDINGS, valuable small Drier, amber AV ERY | chant's Bank Buildi and Wellington WM. fice, 'Phone, over store, Bi Sar ues ae . Owner may have same by call- Jipe at, this office and paying for this notice MARRIAGE LICENSES. C, SS; KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. xB 4 w. . Ww, Chssof. The Power er That Saves. This is the clear distinction be- tween the liberal faith and: all others, ~ft holds that man has within him: self the power by whith he may over- come all evil and attain unto all good. It does not hold that a man must be saved by any exterief or suparhuman power, but that he bolds within his own human grasp the in- strument whereby le may become sovereign' over sin. He is: his own savior; and needs ne other. He can have no other, No one, not even Christ, can do more than to stir in to action the inherent spiritual force of a man. And this not only Christ, but any other man, can do. There fore, know yourself as savior of yours self and others. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beaton street, Boston, Mass., for the liters ture, ion. Cambined ficati ter het re ca' ies at be [ceo an accepted equ o rable to Minor yr ea PE equal to ten per cent (10 autont oh the tender Asst. Secreta - Department of Public hon Y hi a yu 5. Bly Hue : (4 by tt : fos ws pre -- advent be paid for thia|s FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Apply 79 Clarence street. THE PARMGRAPH "PULPIT | * Experience Teachoth" Mostly everyone has to learn at this school SWIFT'S COAL Will prove to you by EXPERIENCE ; to be the Pest you have had yet. Order now for néxt winter. ------------ JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen« tral & Hudson River R.R. At Montreal This Week. Montreal, July 21.--Lord Roberts will be the guest of. Robert Meighen at his Drummond street home, in the Thames in 13 hours and forty- seven minutes, : IRENE BRAT FS VR IPT RRL BR RO TR 2H ERY BT Fal REE