Tr A AT, oo. BR see nadian Northwest | D REGULATIONS, on of Do 3 ge oe . By ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE * § i o + = 2 ' 4 S -. Pe ET: Aig gy ¥ COPYRIGHT, 1908," BY HENRY § Wal SAVAGE. & was a strange, dexterous blend of and west, of lissom oriental pos- cancellation must and of gliding, modern waits The applicant must be gps--the very poetry of motion. Noe Br homestead entry, 1) At least six months' first note until the last strain po and cultivation of the during term of Grasped Reptile, Thighing it Tree Shamokin, Pa., July 20.--Not look- ing. closely, but thinking shat a he copperhead snake tightly curled on eT Sigh RTT middle of the trunk of a fallen rosin And those prices the woods was a dark splotch « i a loo bark, Miss Ella Nover grasped it to Axe not dea re draw. herself, over the. tree. 3 was | - = dud F igA thrown into convulsions as she felt = be Sonf the snake wriggle, , En . Ina flash the reptile sank its fangs | : _ linto the girl and dispppeared. When NE i V 5 '1 . \ Miss Nover grew somewhat calm she r you the task of nding out discovered blood issuing from her : ] olidon was hand. fr Jove: with". . De. J Realizing that she had been struek J y H | f . cy Jon dor" ite | bY the snake she hurried home, her Slippers fo \ ! i you jhasam Tuas will jarm in the meantime swelling to twice * w, ® i | answered, "He co. yon its normal size. Physicians gre work- , £ | IaKty the Widow. Joli ing hard to counteract the effects of "Why shouldw't 17" queried De Jolt: [08 UL "© Lo don jokingly. '"¥ou told me to." "But--but you wen't, will you?" she pleaded. . "Why dow't y . at'me? Let the blood become impure or im- What are you.looking at? poverished © and the .nerves, which De Jolidon's eye had fallen on the draw their nutriment from the blood, " f | fan where it kay forgotten on the table. | apt to reply with pain. Rheuma- Tan Canvas Shoes, Girls and}! NH Vy " | "Phe fan you lest and that your |... ,euralgia, locomotor ataxia, Wiatea, : \ ir ihe | husband pocketed," he said, Handing | ,.4 other painful aflections arise from A t 85¢ | $1 00 l it to her, impure blood. Debility and muscular - * . > ---- -- ' 9 "Thank: goodness!" 'Natalie exclalm- | weakness has the same cause. The TSYAY 0un, Ov: Viiey TABS, COLT fe Er Vo ete. . ed, seizing it; then: certdin remedy is Wade's Iron Tonic "Lend. me a,pencil" « |Pills (laxative.) : & £ 5 . ' vieinity,. h perform his residence Mving with the father (or | term *"vicinity'* in é two hasagraphe is donasolie mene More, than nine miles in a direct OF CANADIAN NORTH. MINING REGULATIONS, ad Trent one years fy My - ' - 00 be hi f oo an set lor more thes! (Giy'ls' Shoes and , five cents per tong --A pJoteen, Sfhtetn foes fain hy 00. At fsist $100.00 iaust| In Dongola Kid and Patent . Leather Strap and Laced, wil been expended on paid and | Heel or Spring Heel, light an may be a ombiied $1.00 the cool for summer. ' ' Pia omn MINING CLATMS, generally, 5 At $1.25 & $1.50 square. Eatry fee, § DREDGING ~Two_ leases of five miles h of & river may be issued to one a : nt a term of 20 years. Rental, 110.00 ile per anpum. Royalty, 24 ¢ "after the output exceeds $10, WwW: W. CORY, | Deput, the Minister of the Interior, CE uthorized publication of th mt will not be paid for. The Cry Of Bad Blood. She wrote a;sentence on the fan di They are a great nerve strengthener -- JENNINGS, King lady went summer house with y words he had | and blood maker. In boxes, 26c., at H. 3 St. va pg nin eelly bencatiy tig thes > at the ball Hodes ding store. Money back if \ J » . wn » ba it to [not satisfactory. what sullen pride forced back from the | TEI: Sho. sigh, hauaing : Toronto Street Market. y the fan up to the light and Ther last dreamy chord and the oy ely up he Toronto, July 20.--Wheat, white, . bush., ¥le. to 53¢.; wheat, red, bush., music was hushed. Danilo and Sonia » started, amazed, as though from some ean-a=qutii abe Lo AIS: je.; wheat, goose, bush., Tc. viglon of paradise. The widow, fearful red. , to 80c.; oats, bush., 50c.; Larley lest by impulsive word she might Jo el he cried passionately. hush., 52¢. to B5¢.; peas, bush., Tbe; AASOLINE 18c. R GALLON. in your tank at our dock. Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum~ Batteries, etc. in stock, ZPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. wreck her plan of bringing Danilo to her feet, darted breathlessly away to welcome a new group of guests. The prince, left alone, stared after her, open mouthed. A clapping of applanding hands aroused him. "Bravo, bravo, my dear prince!" wheezed the ambassador, toddling for- "It is true--I am a dutiful wife. 'It I have been foolish enough to listen to your lovemaking, at least I have never encouraged it. I have always rebuffed. you for conscience's sake. I am a dot. ful"-- \ "Why remind me of the hopelessness hay, old, ton, $15 to $16; hay, new, ton, $10 to $11; straw, per ton, $10 to $11; dressed hogs, $9.50 to $10; butter, dairy, 2c. to 25¢.; butter, creamery, 20c, to 28¢.; eggs, dozen, Wo, to 2Jc; chickems, year-old, Mb. 12¢. to 13¢c.; fowl, per lb., 10c. to lle; apples, per barrel, $2.50 to $4.50; on- A hot weather suit costs very little money if you come to us. : See the Homespun Summer Suits at $6.95. See the Swell Grey Worsted 2-Piece Buits at ' ward | of my love?" murmured De Jolidon. | ions, per bag, $1.25 to $1.40; cabbage 3 W. Shirts, But is a deliguiul little danas "You may refuse to reciproeate it, but | dozen, 350c. to 60c.. potatoes, new, Hot eather Trousers, Hot ; eat her t my telling you"-- bush., $1.50; beef, hindquarters, $9.50 2 7 ; #13 hl 4 big nee in @ jiu Jitsu grip like that, or is | YOU cannot prevew to Sil: gel, Sorequart 50 Sr Lp : H. Ww. "But I After this evening we : hel, forequarters, $5.50 to. §7; Weathe ol Tr ita fashion that hasgome In since my hry SO mit again. - My husband beef, choice, curease, $8 to $9: beef, Hot pis : Tr ir Sade T, pi ad 2 io To All at 25 Per Cen t. Discount. ' By ng hd pile medium, carcase, $6.50 to $7.50; mut: a > w y - RONEY & CO., ton, per ewt., $4.50 to $9; veal, prime, 127 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. Sally & Youlden, Ltd. Jol & Youd, UG §} rine or romney X1 | Magic BAKING POWDER it is Pure, Wholesome and Economical SOLD.IN ALL SIZES. . I merican EW.GILLETT Soares TORONTO, ONT. ! Ww : il | : : \ «Oi 5 00000000000 0000Q00000Q TE RAR ; AN fl & ' Q - dv hk \ = . Pp Po LS ia six weeks cai 0 % gern UNDERWEAR || lil SA. fae om, ge and Mrs. s . : . Bryant, Belleville, has been plunged Lubricating Oils 2 Gasoline TRADE MARK. into sorrow, Six weeks ago a daugh- ter, Mrs. A. E. Fisher, passed away, in Winnipeg, and, on Friday, from the 's make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. same city came the sad news of the W. F. KELLY & CO, death of their eldest daughter, Miss outh Cor. Ontario and Clarence. per cwt., $7.50 to $9; lamb, s rings, per 1b. 13c. to 17e. "Three Swallows." + Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King." Oo OO IMPERIAL When you buy Underwear ask for the IMPERIAL GROWN ~ BRAND Every garment guaranteed. Dur- ability, comfort. Emma. ASHeat prostrates the nerves. In the summer one needs a tonic to ofi-set the customary hot weather Nerve and Strength depression. You 'will feel better within forty-eight hours alter beginning to take such a remedy as r. Shoop's Restorative. Its prompt action in gestoring the weakened nerves is surprising. Of course, you won't. get entirely strong in a few days, but each day you can actually feel the , 3 improvement. "That tired, lifeless, another. See them in Made only by KINGSTON ; p ) spiritless, feeling will quickly depart working order at our HOSIERY CO. LTD., Kingston, A 2 iN A % ; ? when using the Restorative. Dr.| J ont. A\ ) 4 ~h ; Raa Shoop's, Restorative will sharpen a store. . g ' ) failing appetite; it aids digestion; it |, will strengthen the weakened Kidneys | and Heart hy simply rebuilding the | worn-out nerves that fhese organs de- | easily cleaned and practi cally indisgructible. Bvery: woman who uses a Chicagb Jewel would not part with it, if: she could not get uz] EE J OOOO 0000000000000 Bi It you 'wish to be successful ats J % tend The YOO OO Kingston Business # College : ll Limited, bead of Queen street, iF : i & CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE | business school, Bookkeeping, J shorthand, typewriting, tele- y and all commercial | " thoroughly taught by R competent akpetisiced teachers, Hd Day and no a >O- 0 000 TOOVVOTVOCVO000000O> 000000000000 000000000 REAL ESTATE A Summer Cottages, on Wolie SEEEEENEEEER FINE | Island, to rent, furnished. PREREEYEEEEEL asses. Enter at very moderate; H H, Fy METCALFD, President: 3 A : | hea per goods from your owa dealer, made by the gston Mattress Co. 110 Clergy St: 2 a At entertainments this season the I ¥ t Houses and Lots for sale in the small; very easy to take: no pain; no "Were you looking for me?' he asked, er this evening I shall never"-- king has worn a blue frockcoat, ans Ci ak . A ALL GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. ity. griping; no purging. Try them. : none too civilly. "Natalie, you can't mean"-- mote than once a fancy waistcoat x 5 Wh & orte - - os : ' When you find the truth in your way C M tal Co | L 81 WILLIAM 8T, yBuy mp Fire Insurance | «vx awiiz rom MY CRAZY DREAM OF LOVE, AND I'M |vou may bo sure you aro on the, anada el ] os td., TORONTO, ONT "Only to see if you had succeeded | "1 do. This is the last talk we two with a white slip. : GOING BACK TO MAXIMS" wighg road, Mattresses ? oo ; yet in finding who the lady Is with shall ever have together," The Grand Duchess whom De Joliden is in love, She must | "Then," implored Dé Jolidon, "if it is he made to win him away from any | really to be our farewell interview, Are free from all crude and irrita- When you can get better and J . R. C.Dobbs & Co The old bore's feeble jest brought | Tusts me, 'This must be our farewell 4 : ! thn a hil il . FROM SHOAL LAKE MAN COMES THE FOLLOWING WONDERFUL STORY | ideas nf marrying the widow." why must we talk here in the garden, ELLIOTT BROS. "in - - ST. : pend upon. Test it a few days and be | a , . convinced. Sold by all druggists, COC EREreOC REE ERE Sa . ting matter. Concentrated medicine | only. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Very interview. Don't try to alter my pur | Danilo quickly back to earth and to a | 109 Brock St. sense of everyday surroundings. pose. I have made up my mind, Aft Typewriter, Headquarters. Mr. Robert Squires says:--*"I have spent over $3,000 in search for health § have travelled from T came to the conclusion that for "To, blazes with that and all the rest | Where at any moment others may come Is the opset of your silly plans!" shouted Daatlo, | to claim your attention? Grant me a full figures "Don't worry afhy more about the final half 'hour of your society all tb widow. It's no use, I tell you. She Is ysl Tet the talk be uninterrupted, Many expert lady corset fitters have going to marry a man dn spite t us sit in the little' summer house expressed their appreciation of the of us all! And" he went om bitterly, | over there. See-it is empty. 3 le goaded by the chagrin and abject dis- | ' They entered the little 'inclosed ar- style, fit and lasting qualities of the | appointment in Popoff's face, "I'm go- | bor. Jt was lighted by a string of Corset. ing to dance at her wedding." | Japanese lanterns, and two rustic Grand Duchess Lo "Going to marry a Frenchman, is chairs were at opposite sides of its she? yelled the distracted ambassa- ' round cenfer table, There was a door dor. "Preposterous! I'll find a way | at each end of the tiny room--an ideal of stopping it! And it is De Jolidom | spot for a tete-a-tete chat now that the . she thinks of marrying?' moonlight had wooed most of the | Phone 133. Foot of West St. rn that to me? I don't know 37 AEE RALISPPIRIRERRE Who she's engaged to, ANG |; - - a BEET PECEOCERREEOE DER a 2 COAL! ®! The sudden changes in weather t to suggest the wisdom of pu in some good coal. We sell Coal. t's the kind that out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the Dest money can buy, and there is none better mined. deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom | prices. Booth & COe s apparent. t so How strange itis that we often overlook or despise t successful pe "have the greatest and most tonic this it i pot as a Ay Sat Tot mail with name and Dr. T. A, Slocum, You's TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. All gists and stores i at 50 and $1.00 FB wid, Wl Mad I 8) . J i i J TT TONS EERE OEEEEE)