Br Re RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Grand Tércentenary Celebration ' July 20-Aug. 1. QUEBEC, $10.00 Return From Kingston - Tickets Good Going "JULY 18 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Return Lingt Aug. 3. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. are required for Pen-Angle Underwear. Buttons are sewed on to stay, which will be aboon tothe"single" man.--and the ife too. Good to go Sept. 1st, 15th and 29th, Aug. 4th and 18th. Tickets good to return in 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. an clr. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50, F. CONWAY, Cen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train leaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepled, for Tweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- onto, Bana burn and all points north. "To. secure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points om Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu-} lates, apply to It, W, DICKSON, Ageut, Phone, No, 8. FOLLOWED HER MOTHER'S EXAMPLE. AND KEPT DR. FowrLEr'S ExtRACT OF © WiLp STRAWBERRY IN THE HOUSE. Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Tessier, Sask. tells of her experience in the following words : "I wish to tell you of the good I have found in Dr. FowLer's ExTrAcT or Wp STRAWBERRY, Last - summer NEWS OF NEIGHBORS 1 and in others very poor. | rowsmith and Florida last week. Special Side Grip Fares During Ger-Centenary Cele- bration, Quebec. LR {TTY YE CYNIC Vas Will sell round trip tickets from LEVIS 3.60 Proportiouate rates to all Island Railways. my little girl, aged two years, was taken ill with Summer Complaint, and as my. mother. always kept Dr. Fowrer's in the house, when I was a child, I seemed to follow her example, as I always have it also. I at once gave it to my baby as directed and she was at once relieved, and after a couple of doses were taken was completely cured." f Dr. Fowrer's Exrtracr or Win STRAWBERRY imparts a healthy tone to all mucous surfaces, corrects and heals all forms of canker and counteracts all tendency to pain and inflammation, while it gives tone to the debilitated eystem when weakened by exhaustive discharges and fluxes of whatever nature, thus making it the best and safest remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Colic, Cramps, Pain in the Stomach, Sea Sick ness, Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus and all Summer Complaints. Price 35 cents. Manufactured by The T: Milburn Co., Toronto, Ont. duly 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. Good for return ®ntil 1908. August 3rd, Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. or General Passenger Department, MONGTON, N.B. HL RETR Tercentenary Celebration, Quebec, P. July 20th to August 1st, 1908, Round trip tickots will be issued {rom Kingston at rate of $10. Good going July 18th to July 27th inclusive all tickets good to return until Aug. 3rd. RAILWAY SYSTEM Low Rates to Pacific Coast and Return. Good returning umiil Oriobar 81st. Yiisouver ) $95.80 rr ane | $101.10 Portland Seattle San Francisco NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- JAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, Paul,' 2nd Class Winnipeg, Man. $21.00 Brandon, Man, Regina, Sask, .. 3 Edmonton, Alba. $5! 5 37.65 proportiona to other points fn the Canadian Northwest. HOMBESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good going July 21st, Aug. 4th and 18th, good to return with. in 60 days. For pullman accommodation, tickets and other infotmation, apply to ' J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor, Johnson and Ontario Stay (Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. River& Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes And Twin Screw Iron 88, #*Campana"™ with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at4 p.m. 27th July, 10th and ith August, 7th and 21st September, for Tictou, N.S callmg at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal \Bay, Perce, Grand River, Summerside, PEL, and Charlottetown, P.E1 Sn NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, B.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th and 22nd August, Bermuda Summer . Excursions, $40 and upwards, by the Twin Screw 8S. "HBermudian,'t 5,500 tons, Sailing fortnightly New York, from 2nd June to October. 'Temperature cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degreos. The fnest trips of the season for health and comfort. ; ARTHUR AHERN, Sceretary, Quabec. For tickets and staterooms apply to Jy PP, HANLEY, or O. S. RTRKPAT: RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, seein Cook's Cotton Root Compound perties. Municipal tures, received and S. C. McGill, Managing Director i) Beaver Flour is the best pastry flour, just as it is the best bread flour. It contains the famous pastry making qualities of Ontario wheat--with the strength and natriment of Manitoba wheat. For Bread, Rolls and Biscuits -- Cake and Pastry -- Beaver Flour has no equal. 76 Write us for prices on Feeds, Coarse Grains ; and Cereals Y T. K, Tavior Co, Lto., CHATHAM, ONT. y *Siloer Plate that Wears" pl Silver of Quality & For artistic charm, careful manu- ) facture, style and long wear spoons, knives, forks, elc., are b, unequaled. The standard of kh silver excellence for 60 years. % SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS { Tureens, bonbon dishes, rays, efc., Raown for Jeault and quality are made by the MERIDEN BRITA CO. ond. Sold in ti deg of strength---No. 1, $1; iio. \ 10 degrees stronger, $3: No. § for special cases, Sold by all drugeist: or seni Jrepaid on rece'pt Jf price reo pamphlet. Address: T) Soox Hemet 88. mone. CiT. dormerly Wi CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num. ber. Phone 490 OFFICE NO, 1. All orders promptly attended to night or day. THE FRONTENAC, LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. and Farm Pro. County De Devosi rel L allowed. oaned on Cit an Money Mortgages pu interest - " 1,000 ISLANDS. x y " ' Strs. NORTH KING. vommencing June 27th, leave Kings ston for Thousand Island points daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return ing leave at p.m,, for Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA-Leavy Mondays for Bay ot Quinte Ports, «ft 5 p.m. - Full information from JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents, J. P, HANLEY, C. 8, KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, Royal ALLAN 2" LINE Montreal to Liverpool Corsican sails ....July 24. Aug: 21. Virginian sails ...July 31. Aug, 28, Tunisian sails ..0 7.-Sept. Aug. 7 MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND LONDON. Corinthian sails Poweranian saifs Rates of tion weacAug. 1. Sept. 12) Aug. 8, and full informa- obtained from J. P, G.T.R.,, o# 'C, 8, HANLEY y v NLEY, t fx. KIRK PATRI Local Agents. v THE DAILY BRITISH WHYG, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1008. WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What " People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. N Notes From Glendower. Glengdower, July 20.--Farmers report that hay is very good in- some places Everybody was glad to see the late tains. Every- thing was drying up. There is a large gang of men working in Richardson's) feldspar mines. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Leeman, Glendower, visiting at Har. ri ; Mrs, George Timmerman are vis- ting at Sanford Leeman's. Anson Timmérman at, Sanford Leeman's. News From Kaladar. Kaladar, July 20--G. G. T. Ware, Tweed ggwas in town on Friday last. Mrs. fughes spent Sunday at Moun- tain Grove, the guest of her brother, Mr. Richmond. Miss Tompkins, teach- er, is spending her holidays at her home in Bath. Miss Fleming has re- turned home after spending a month with friends in Peterboro and Rose; neath. Ross Thompson, Mount H # spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Aellar. Miss Kimmet and Miss Brad- shaw of Marlbank, are visiting Mrs. Hughes this week. The tower on pinnacle has ben completed. Mr. Pryan is now in charge. A jolly par: ty of Yankee sports passed throuch here on Thursday en rout: to Bon Echo. Bluekerry picking is the order of the day. the News Budget From Arden. Aries, vuly "u.--come parties from the United States have come here for Lhey are occupying wal: am kile sg cottages on the shore of dorse Shoe Lake. Mr. Buell of Shar- wot Laae, 18 with them as guide. iisn- ag is good now. A parity from here went down to Pazls Lace for a few days camping. They are vel ert Cas- a lew weeas, tady, Lercy weilor, Misses Llama and] Lily Detlor, Nora Wormworth and Mss Roviuson, of Napanee, and Elias | Menim Wormwith, Mis. F. 1. Worm- with, Mrs. Waltcr Castady and Walter Castady, Mr. and Mrs. 8. ¥. Detlor. J. kk. Barer is balding a coacrete house. tamuel Barger has the coa- tract. Six ol the Lkoys from Capt. I ringle's company have gone to (ue: bee--t. Minck, W. ¥. Wormworth, A. Letlor, John Frasier, WwW. Ly. man, G, Mills. Mrs. Frederick Col: 18 very wick. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hinchey et William MclUregor's; Miss Lobin- son, Napanee, at B. I. Detlor's; Mr. and Mrs. George Vandewater gnd fam- ly at Mrs. Gerhard s; lsaiah Wocd is stopping at the Lake View Hotel. He is thinking of going west this summer, F. L. Wormworth has Leen appointed deputy division comt clerk by H. halt for a while. Mr. Hall has loare of ausence. William Miler of Susaatoon, is returning to his home in the west. He has been spending some weeks here. "Dad" Parks is looking Well again after his sickness. J. E. Hays has bought , fins pacing mare. She can go in 2.20. WHAT TO CALL IT. For a Name of a New Steamer. The Northern Navigation Grand Trunk route armounces the launching of a new ship this year, and has of- fered a mize for a name. She will run between Sarnia, [Port Arthur, Fort William and Duluth. It is in- tended that this steamer will be the largest and finest steamer in the Lake Superior trade, and her interior de- corations will be most elaborate and complete, The following are the conditions to be observed in this contest: "Name to consist of one not more than ten letters." "Tt must end in the line's character istic termination of 'le.' "' "It is desired that the same select- edd have some bearing on the history or geography of the territory she will serve "Ihe decision will be impartial committee appointed for the purpose, from whom the names of .the contestants will he withheld." The contest will be closed on 3lst and the decision announced August 10th, and a prize to the cessful competitor will be given of two round-trip tickets, 'including meals and berth, from Collingwood or Sarnia to Duluth, availdble any time during this season, or for a trip next year on the new steamer itself. All communications dressed to C. H. manager, Northern rany, Sarnia, and "Name Contest." A Prize word of made by an July by sue should be ad- Nicholson, traffic Navigation com- envelopes marked Drink With Satisfaction. Qur ice cream Soda and other bever- ages are made to please customers and to keep them pleased. 'The pur- ity of the materials, the cleanliness of the glasses and the prompt and at- tractive service unite to putour soda in a class hy itself. It is made for people who demand quality. Wade's Drug Stove. Committed For Trial. Brockville, Ont., July 21.--In the police court, vesterday, Benson Dick- son, Crown bank clerk, and his alleg- ol accomplice, R. Eyres, were on trial. 'Evidence was taken on three charges of theft, after which the ac- cused waived the preliminary examina- tion and were committed to stand trial before Judge Reynolds, in the county criminal court, on Wednesday. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Island ports, and at 5.00 pm. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. Gave Birth To Quadruplets. Kansas « City, Mo., July 21.--Mrs. Susan Turner, wile of Louis C. Twmn- er, of Argentine, Kansas, yesterday gave birth to quadruplets, three boys and a girl. The girl died a short time after birth, hnt the boys alive and apparently healthy, me STATE OF THE CROPS. s Sharpton. ; _ Sharpton, July 10.--While the soak- | was quite a draw- back to baying and dil much' injury to hay lying out, oh it was just what was wanted for the crops were getting very dry. The grain crop now should be good, if it' escapes rust, ete. The late grain isa great deal more liable in this way. it would be a serious blow for most of the grain sown in this vicinity was very late, some of it having been sown in Jume. is a great deal, of hay yet to cut. What hay has Hired help is not as dear as usual. The splendid price of cheese and the prospects of encouraging. While the number of dairy cows is considerably less than ter pasture and other more favorable condilions, the returns to the farmers are equally as large, if not larger. When Mr. Hanle; ts is basement barn completed it will be one of the doing Taylor and Son-in-law, Dr. Trousdale, Hartington, visited his nephew, E. Taylor. The Qisters of Charity, of the House of. Providence, Kingston, tending D. Karin, who was very ill, have returned. Visitors: Mrs. J. C. Wood, Peterboro, with = her sister-in- law, Mrs, E. Taylor; Mr. Stone, Mont- real, at W. Bell's; Mr. and Mrs. D. Babcock, Desert Lake; at W. Smith's. A young daughter at J. Redden's. W, » parts of the west is fits of the recent to : where the situation is v been housed is in splendid condition. ing. Perdopn re or, and growth is the principal feature. Wheat heads are filing pasture are most inp Profuse of heavy yields.. finest in the township. Mr. Clark is | cific railway, believes 25,000 Manitoba Harvest Too Short For Transfer--Crops Benefited 'By Rain and Outlook Continues Very Bright. Winnipeg, July 2L--Urain in all showing the bene- rains, and every- out in fine style, giv- usual concern is felt regarding the supply of harvest ds this y 3 last year, on account of so much bet- pi £4 between ands this year, Tw On- tario and that in Manitoba is likely to be shorter than ever d overlapping may interfere with cursions to the west. before, and ex- Willian 'Whyte. of the Canadian Pa- men are the carpenter. work. Josiah required jn the three provinces, and a campaign will be started early to se- cure that number. The labor situation he i likely to cause some anxiety before season is over. TIMBER FAMINE Been Here For Some Years, Dr. Fernow Thinks. « "We hyve been talsiug for twenty Hugadorn helped his hay. and is now working at Hanley's barn. hay crop is of job repairs. plus. Mr. Maxwell able horse. THE SPORT REVIEW. {Interesting News From the Var- ious Sporting Fields. The Canadian cycling third in the pursuit race, 'Holland and France, 1his Canada's second point. Detroit, on Friday, established Fhiladelphia's pitchers, and by 21 to 2. D. Karin off with Rumor has it that the short in 'many sections. T. Revelle has completed an extensive W. Vrdoman has bought W. Senith's place. Everything points to an abundance of fodder, al- though perhaps net a very large sur- lost a very valu- team was defeating scores major baseball league record for this season by making' 26 hits off three of winning. Cobb made tive hits, in- TT. BH. cluding two doubles and a triple, and 'got a base on balls. In trying for a record for the season, six hits, Cobb fanned. The report from England a few days ago to the effect that Cafiety, of Hamilton, was suffering with a bad attack of rheumatism appears to be without foundation, as he ran over the Marathon course, Friday, man with rheumatism. He says the roads over which the big race is to be run are very smooth and fast and he thinks he can make better time than le did when he established the record at Boston. Longheat is the man with the best record of. any gewmpetitor in the world's Marathon race, for he holds the 25-mile worlds record and on form he should - win. His time for the 25 miles is 2 hours, 24 minutes, 20 4-5 seconds. So it appears' that the man who beats him will have to be a marvellous runner and unless Simpson, another Canadian runner, who rumor says is the dark horse in, the race, finds some exceptional form Longboat should win. A London despatch says : van's protest ig absurd on the face of Canadian Athletic Club, of Toronto, to send Longboat to Poston to run an exhibition race with other mem- h#S of the club, all amateur athletes, in good standing in the C.A.A.U. 'I hese runners included Cummings, Pearce and Sellen, all of whom hold C.A:A.U: cards, and who competed re- gularly in athletic meets in Canada. There is absolutely nothing against, either Cummings or Sellen, the latter having been reinstated several years ago by the C.AAU : Get my It will give weak 'women many valu- able suggestions of * relicf--and with | strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The book No. 4 tells all about Dr. Shoop's Night Gure and suppositories plied to Write for is sold by all druggists. Mrs. H. M. Arnold died, in Brandon, Man. Deceased, whose maiden name was Miss Grace Webster, was the eld- est daughter of William Webster, col- lector of customs, Belleville, Prompt relief in sick headache, dizyi- ness, nausea, constipation, pain in the the side, guaranteed to those using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a Small price. Small dose. Small can be successfully ap- correct these weaknesses. dose. The ladies of St. John's chard Cape Vincent, held a very sucessful bazaar, at Oddfellows' hall, on Wed- nestday and Thursday evenings. The proceeds amounted to $3830. The more you know about tea, the more you will appreciate the delicate fragrance and delicidus flavor of "Salda'" Tea. The Nupanee Yacht Club will hold a race recatta at Deseronto Bav, on Wednesday. Yachts from Belleville, Trenton, Picton and Deseronto will participate. Lieut. Guy Burr, who 'was wounded fuly 10th, in an attack on outlaws at Cola, on the Island of Mindanoa, est in| it, ket. which is a pretty good jaunt for a | | arisen as it Two armies met ! Yet "Boék No. 4 For Women: Tin Montcalm's men are near wit hand, s 5 . ) Wolfe also falls : how these soothing, healing, antiseptic | "Who run 2" "The Enemy the book. The Night Cura | "Then God be praised ! Ere " 0, gallant Wolfe ! O, b pil. The former bearing vi Peace six years on this subject of a prova- ble timber famine, and some time ago I was assed where was that predicted timber famine. 1 sail, 'You have been aslees 114s on us already, for when pr.ces 1ise continuously at a rapid rate there must be a famine." Not an absolute absence of material, but an increass of prices makes a famine ; and the prices have rissn very steddi- ly, as you see. : "This more or less horizontal line," referring to a diagram exhibited at the meeting, "indicates the prices Le fore+1899, while this rapidly escending cutve represents the prices gince that | gear, and from the charactor of the | Brie you can seo that -th's iise in { prices will go on, as muy alse be pre- dicted from other data, | assure you. sEvery year you pay just ei ht pec cent. more for your wood than vou did the year before. Have you mo ia terest in that ? 1 mean has the public in general no interest in the forestry question ? It seems to me that they have. Everybody must have an iater- because it touches his poc- "There is another peint I wish to make, namely that, while before 1899 prices went up and down from year to year, but on the whole remained level, from the year 1899 prices of all grades 'of wcod began an upward course. What is the reason? . . . . . The explanation is simple. In 1899 the data collected by the United States census regarding supply and demand of forest 'products became known, which showed that in predicting this timber famine we were not so very far out of the way. "Not supply and demand, but know- ledge of supply and demand wakes 1T ces, and the trouble has teen in the past the absence of knowledge as to our timber resources, and this lack of knowledge still works against our work of reform. Dhring the list fow years tho knowledge has increased and the result has been that prices have became known that the less 'than had bein sup- supply was posed." --Dr, . E, Fernow; dean of Sully the faculty of forgstry, University: of Toronto, at annual meeting af Cana- it. The C.A.A.U. permitted the Irish- | dian Forestry Association, 1908. WOLFE AND - MONTCALM--(ON THE PLAINS OF ABRAHAM.) ---- : By Rev: W. W. Weess, Bishop's Mills, mt, Lo. on Quebec's embattled height . r in deadly fight, T'wo nation's struggling in their might, Contending for supremacy. Immovable, in grim ar ray, The British stand without dismay, While on the French rush to the fray With fierge impetuosily. like a rock 'Wolfe's warrdors stand Then at their leader's loud command They sweep the plains with musketry. The foemens ranks their bullets rake, They halt and reel then quickly break, Few fighting still for Montcalm's sake, Who now is wounded mortally, '"They run !*' one cries; he asks, in glad surprise ; y, Si." the man repiles, Behold, they give way everywhere ! I die in peace," Says Wolfe as now his pulses cease, -- And passing time will but increase HY fame for dauntless bravery. The wondrous value of the prize Was hidden from the victor's eyes, Whose genius great and bold emprise Fixed half a mew: world's destiny. Nor scarcely less renowned his foe Who to the grave rejoifed to go he had felt the fingl blow Of yidding up the cijadel. ave Montcalm'-- tory's palm, Yet both their names we now embalm And blend in honored memory. Calmly the dove" of peace looks down On the historic plains and town w death gave Wolfe a fadeless crown, And Montomim immortality. Peace to our heroes now at rest! Peace to our ancient city blest | French and "English to each breast !----- . Good will to all humanity ! year ; bold pioneer ; whose coming Hail ! glad ter-centenary Hail ! {oat Champlain, Hail'! Prince of Wales, b ere SE Two rases greet hn unity. "Banish Your Catarrh. The comfort of having a clear head has died from his wound, is worth while and to be 'entirely free from catarrh 'is 3 i tant. Wade's Ointment gives quick re- much more impor-.| Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. lief in all eatarrhal troubles and re- gularly used, will eure. Also cures eczema (salt rheum), boils, pimples, old softs, Sead head, piles, dandrufi and all s or itching eruptions of the skin. 4 big boxes, 25¢., Wade's drug store. A quiet wedding took place, Wednes- day, at the home of tl ride"s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Robert- son, Cape Vincent, when their ter,-Fannie, was married to Riley Bil. born. Waldorf Astor has doRated $5000 to the children's fresh aie Tad, of Low | don. at Messrs Rlgney & Hickey, Dis- tributors for Kingston and vicinity. D&B Ries & 3 ve Montreal. go | Where Shaking § is Respectable A Draft off furnace deme, with ne other assistance, Is powerless to overcome the dust nuisance In shaking time. Only surplus dust rides of [tself above the fire, Great. bulk descends into ash-pit, and unless legiti- mate outlet Is therein provided, dust will escape through ash -door slits and Inte operator's face. In ** Sunshine" Furnace the legitimate dust outlet Is pro- vided. It's a great big dust- : pipe running straight from ash-pit to dome, thence to chimney. When big pipe damper {is opened, all dust in ash-pit ascends to dome; then, when direct drafts are opened, all dust passes up chimney, : Always the elean and quick Write to us for dust route in "Sunshine" "Sunshine" testihonial Furnace -- via grate, to pan, T to dust - pipe, to dome, to 5 } townsfeople. chimney, to open air. VANCOUVER M<Clarys a HAMILTON LEMMON & SONS. =3 ae Pp Sy i LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG 1, CALGARY Summer & Furniture Sale Everything reduced from ]0 to 25%. Your oppor: tunity to save money. This sale includes a full line of and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces)\fromr $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. R. J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St, © START. THE DAY RIGHT BY BEATING SHREDDED WHEAT for breakiast with milk or cream and a little fruit. It is a muscle-building food, easily digested by the most de- licate stomach. Puts Vim and Vigor into tired nerves and bra ins. . Sold By All Grocers weary : tr MecCuy Bros..& Company advise | Jeet and i. sich ore on hat is over the into the La commenced both: ways on the vein, and a car shipped in about three or four w. from the run in hood of $50. The initial price of - ill ibe taken and information givem at pr J. 0 SUTTON, 18 Merket Street, Carriages and Go Carts. Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.50 = ET ------,L.