Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1908, p. 1

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KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1908. 5 we THE MARATHON RACE -. 50 ZZ [CRIME AT BROCKVILLE | » -- The Young Men Sent For Trial For Variom Robberies. = dend. ! l YEAR 75--NO. 171. Bishop Detter, of New The Interest In It Has Reached Fever... ii' = "| The lirst Saskatchewan provincial | {fair was opened at Regina. | eat. hak) | The elections in Saskatchewan are {set fof August 14th; nominations a { week Carli, { I It is reported at i Premier McBride may enter the fede- Brockville, Ont., July(21.--Yesterda / i » , , July 21, iy] XY morning morning before Acting Magistrate R. rym the engine hy means G. Murphy, the case of the King ve.lof a set of grappling irens near where it was learned it had been thrown in- to the river. They wera supcessful in an effort was Vancouver that | . : . a 1 # 2 od : | A Protest To Be Entered Against Longboat--- | -ov:x sc field. J bi ) 3 ' Bengon, Dickson and Roderick Eyres | W. G. Rogers, an old yesident of | came up for preliminary hearing. The "Tis Said The Canadian . H | im. | R. Gamey as their candidate for the | -------- | he Max athon course is in splendid condition. It 1s hoped that the metalling, now pro ceeding, will be completed before Fri- day. Interest "in -the race is reaching fever heat. Longboat is greatly fan cied and should he win it will be a popular vietory. 'The progress of the race will be signalled from the Sta- dium. ' 0 London, July . | Hungerford township, committed sui- | { eide by hanging. North York conservatives .want Delegate Opposes R. -- House of Commons. Moré clues in connection with the escape of the Toronto jail prisoners have been exploded. Lieuti-Gen. Wodehouse, governor of Bermuda, has been. appointed mander of the Punjaub. The Robert Burns monument, in the Allan Gardens, Toronto, was decora- | ted, by local Scotchmen. ! The degree of 1d.D. will con- | along Windsor road. After passing through a slough, the route winds over a couple of small hills and into a Leautifully wooded stretch for abot! two miles to Uxbridge road, This highway 'is full of twists and sharp turns, but the country is more open. Near Uxbridge station a sharp turn! takes the runmers into Park road,| where there are three hills, not over! com- | two young men were called upon to answer to three charges) first to break- ing into express car on No. 5, July 9th; second, robbing G.I.R. car 3312 in Grand Trunk freight yards, on July 6th; and, thiedly, the burglariz- ing of J. Lane's store last spring. W. A, Lewis appeared for tha pris- oners, and Mr, Donaldson for the G. T. R. The evidence was only a. repeti- tion ol what has already apoeared re- viewing the clues which led up to and the recovery of the goods. They pleaded guilty on all charges and were committed for trial. Mr. Lewis waived examination of the witnesses on the hooking it in about thirty feet of wa- ter directly in fromt of the power house. The father has agreed good the da to the boat and no charge will be laid against Eyres, In comection with the -robbery of Neill's shoe store, on Wednesday last, Geotge McDonald, a boarder at the Is.| land City boarding house, has been placed under arvest. A pair of ths shoes {aken from Neill's cellar were found in his possession. There j& no other charge against him other than having received stolen property know- ing it to be stolen. Warrants are out ferred upon Lord Roberts during his | coming visit to Toronto. - | The Japanese admiralty has decided instead of building new men-of-war to rearm their old ones with new guns. lr. Armstrong, inspector of asylums' began an investigation as to why the prisoners escaped from Toronto jail. MADAME FALLIERES, Madame Fallieres, the wife of {hel | president of we French repubiic, is qa | charming woman whose splendid in- telligenee is credited with having adkd- ed much to the brilliant success of her hushand's administration. She | variably accompanies Pres' dent lieres ¢n his important trips abroad 4 4, for the arrest of t the in con charges affecting the Grad Trunk : : ol two others in e Arp 1 Xa tion. with this afiair, } the men | 3 Eyres has also been found guilty of | 1S. inix.s hug 4 the theit of a gasoline engine and ly Sali = finely Wa nn and left £] boat, the property ! 'nknown;. although they y of Mr. Brezeo of have betn given a hot chase they have WORKERS. . his town, When his guilt became evi- been 'successful in 'evadin arrest. M dent he tried to do away with theen-i'q 'y ° manager of' the B hock s , ol I - villa . branch of Neill's several shoe ¢ stores, and a clerk, R. Batterton. gine, by throwing it in the river op- posite the electric works. 'The boat | and lately 2 pues ; . ta. | had been mewly painted, white over | and latel the guest. of hing rd a ewly. pe . Over | were the only two witnesses heard against McDonald who identified the » , ¢ ° For the balance of 0, SEASON Ww shoes as those taken fromthe store. are. selling -the ted ward and Queen Alexandra of = Eng- |#Teen, and escaped detection by the ¥ . {land when her husband was entertain- | owner for some time but some of the week's i Rev. James led by British royalty. * 'Lhe president | fixtures were not altered, and this en- rl ks : . a superanduated Methodist | and Madame Fallieres have abled Mr. Brezee to identify it. he prisoner was committed for trial. Todas 5 £y es hg 4 hg Liddell's and "Old hI: \ Bleach" Linens at 20 Per Cent. Off Regular Prices. steep, and after them the London! Side Hill, which is the longest and | steepest of the whole course. After passing this, the road becomes guite narrow and no more than ten | men cap ran abreast. Un Eastcote! road, .at about the thirteenth mile, the road broadens, but still contains : \ { : The sultan of Turkey has refused t some sharp turng. The Black Horse! an of 1 € as o ic Ise g % (grant an amnesty to his mutinous of- wiblic house is passed ag the twelfth ficers and has declared that all. his mile, and 'then the runners are on Che- Fminteten ale traitors ey street. The Metropolitan railway is Aft i reaboel | Aiter rossed for the time the | 1» n Fo R : , i ver, tenth mile post. Then Pinner road, ; ih lied Lowlands lane and min refine Sheepcote road take the contestants the well-known Harrow hil. | sheepeate road leads to Wembly, where the course is narrow and crooked. On treatment for his deafnes Harrow which is nex ere] ne OF Nn iin ness: ; I ie onsiderabl . ext, there The Ontario lumbermen have decid- nay be considerable traffic to Le dodg- od to reduce the eut of lumber 3 } ed by the runners unless the way be eC. Jo recute the cut of umber in {oe leared f o™ : > © bush during the next winter by fifty cleared for them. Twenty-two miles of | "cventv per cent ' ) the course are now past. Two more D3 8 . along Old Common and the Stadium! : will bao plainly in to cheer the Edmonton Land campany for tired runners forward. The Great Wes. |2EgTegated 330 acres, at an average tern railway crossed mext, after! Price of $8 per acre. which the road has only one bend to! A St. Catharines fruit grower has the Stadium. One lap of the running rece Black Hand threat The track before the assembled thousands [writer would like 8500, but intimates and the great event will he dver. Then | that $100 would net be despised. President Sullivan, of the AAU, was interviewed and stated that he has handed in a protest against Long boat, adding : "Just to show we are right with our protest, Boyd, the Canadian delegate to the Olympic sports, is walking round with a simi- lar protest iw his pocket. The Cana- dian officials must protect their as we are trying to do." "Bobby" Kerr will win the final in the 200 metres Even the Americans admit this after Kerr's decisive defeat of May in their heat. It is stated that King Edward will personally start the Marathon Friday. A London Tewanima, the now favorite Longboat training. Burn has, not in- Fal- men was illness, second near One son on DOWN IN GANANOQUE, at Grimsby Park, and one daughter, both of whom are prominent in the social life of the first Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, minister of | capital of continendal Europe. justice, i8 leaving in a few days for Germany, where he undergo QUEER INSURANCE SCHEMES. ot Xoad, Tyburn Tuesday, from paralysis aa ast Arrivals and Departures Visitors and Townspeople. Gananoque, . July 22 Miss Me- Carney, of Prescott, spent the past week in town, the guest of Miss Me- Carney, at the Provincial. Miss Ger- trude LaFrance, trained nurse, gra- duate of the Auburg City hospital, is in town to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph La- France, Stone street. Mrs. Robert McCullough, hing street, is, visiting her sons at Fort William. Captain and Mrs. Owen, of the Salvation Army, who have been spending a few days with friends in town, left last evening Jor a short visit with friends in Kingston. Mrs. Dodds, of Ogdensburg, N.Y., is spend- ing some time in town, the guest of her sister, Mvs. Richard Wells, Pine street. 4 ; John Hill is having a ueW residence erected on his property on Wellington street.) Miss Beatrice Herbison, Pine street," spending some time in Toron- to, has returned home. Miss Minnie Landon, located in Owen Sound for the past few years, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lan- don, hing Street. : - . free, a handsome and complete Mrs. (Dr.) Snider; of New York, vis- Aransfér-pattern for' a' Waist, also iting here with her mother, Mrs. Wil- a Coupon, which entifies you to liam Truesdale, wing street, is spend- ay 13¢. pattern. PER Cory, ling a short time with friends and! re- n latives in Brockville and Maitland. Mrs. Wiliam DeGrafi, Rochester, N.Y, | Monthly Style Book for is spending a short time here with | 'ar * v 2 | August Now Ready and Free. her parents, Mr. and Mes. J, °7T. Green, at the family residence, "Cedar | Call and get w --A Te Knoll," Stone street. William Lewis, | Steacy's. Gamble is Extreme-- Some Experiences. Toronto Star. An caghsh insurance idea has been imported 1yto this country and ap-, plied to thy presidential elegtion. It 1s common in England for all kinds of business to insure itself against logs by possible events. ¥or instance London shopkeepers loaded themselves with purchases-.of goods in angicipa- tion of a great sale at the time of the king's coronation. If the king had died or anything had happened to postpone the corgnation ceremouies the shopkeepers would have ' lost heavily, and, therefore, they insured the king's life. They insure against any other accident that might happen to prevent prospective profits. This idea seems to have come to this coun- try in the matter of the coming pre- sidential election. A good many busi- ness men and. manufacturers that, the election of Mr. Bryan would be demoralizing, ahd they believe the election of Taft would be an imme diate signal of prosperity, 'Ihey 'are trying to get their mills in shape and run them and have a good supply . of product on hand to catch the first high prices of the boom. Believing that it depends on the election of Taft and that they will lose heavily on the election of Bryan, they take out in- supance policies with Lloyd's against Mr. Bryan's election. One manufac- turer has taken out a $100,000 policy. The insurance companies first quoted rates at twenty per cent., which is a bet equal to odds between four and five against one against Mr. Bryan, Afterwards rates were reduced to ten and one-half. The manufacturers and business men who take out this insur- ance do it with the idea ot saving themselves from loss if the election does not go their way. When busi- ness men are willing to pay so much money to {insure against the risks of Mr. Bryan's election it doe: not show confidence in the character of his pos- sible administration nor is it a good argument for his election cable says that Lewis American Indian, is for the Marathon, not sti king to English of it to A Battle Is On. | July 22.-A { patch, received here to-day. from Tp: {briz, says that, as a result of the | shah's refusal to remove Mutihid, the leader of the clerical party, a heavy {rifle and cammon fire began vestordas afternoon between the revelutionists {and the shah's supporters, a ------------ Canada's new mint began [Mork on January 2nd, till June 30th, J has produced 8313338135 in silver St. Petersburg, des as road, is his retired from the Murathon race. He arrived Satur day and jis well and fit. He train ing, and Crocker sess hie is a much better runmer than they thought. England does not concedeethe Mara thon te Canada. Neither does Sweden, or Germany, or Greece, and the Unit ates is a little dubious. Greec has a wholesome respect for Canada's prowess ever since Sherring trimmed up the" big race in Athens in 1906, and the Yankees know that Lawson, Simpson,. Cotter, and men of that ilk, United hingdom--F. Appleby, to say mothing of the great Long- | Jack, A. Duncan, GG. G. Beale, boat, are not te Le despised. England | Lord, J. Price, H. F, Barrett, F. or rather the Pritish Isles, ave = pin: Lhompson, E. Barnes, A. Wyatt, ning their faith to Duncan of the Sal- | Stevenson, W. T. Clarke. : ford Hargiets, Beal of London, Fred. | Canada--E. Simpson, H.. Lawson, W. Lord, a Yorkshireman, and Fred. Ap- | Goldsboro, G. Goulding, W. Wood, E. pleby of Herne Hill. Duncan won the | Cotter, F, Noseworthy, J. Cafirey, T.! twenty-two mile trial in 2.16, with | Longboat, G. Lister, A. Burn, J.| Beal only filty back of him, and Lord | Tait, third. United States--J. Forshaw, S. H.| . Ada, Hatch, W. J. Hayes, 'I'. I', Morrissey, | mén {M. J. Ryan, Lewis Jewannina, Roy Welton, Australasia--J, ken, G. B. Blake. South Africa--J. M. Baker, C feron, A. B. Mole, C. E, Stevens, G. Couloumberdes, A, and June The land sales of the Calgary is view is he Sihece ived a od § coin and $16,121.26 in bronze. the laurels and world-wide fame. BLOODHOUNDS ON TRAIL Bank Robbers Rouse Cashier Qut of Bed. to | Open Safe. Six masked not be opened. Thereupon two of the last | robbers Meyers to a mearby local woods and tied him up, the other four bank. While three of the gang waited Fouaining 8% she bank; to. jew . we Ail gang : + Meyers, however, managed to | near the bank building the other three | escape from his captors, and promptly | went the heme Cashier bi in aelire alarm, arousing the { Marathon Entries. | T. F. B.| Ss. Ohio, July 22 into took rode this place, late 90 pages beautifully fllustrated Course Of The Race. The Marathon race, which' of and with each number you peceive the events at the Olympic games is the chief? starts from beneath the win dows of King Edward's own private apartments in Windsor This has been prranged at the express wish of his majesty. Of still greater impor tance is the fact that the king him self will signal the start of the race.| Prussia--G. Lind. 1t is small wonder that the eventis so | Holland--W, iT. eagerly anticipated, and the honor of | Wosbergen, W. W. Wakker, W. F. winning it so deeply coveted when'the pissen, G. J. M. Buff, greatest of living monarchs takes such Belgiam--F, Cells. an active and important part in its Italy vl': Dorando, ¥. consummation. Leading away from the ca, Windsar Castle the Stadium, the Germany--I. Muller, F. Reiser, 1. Marathon track On' the | Nettelbeck, ! whole, it 'is winding, but fairly level. Sweden--G. Tomros, J. F g Into High street it goes and thence | J. G. Peterson, S. L Landgvist, .) -- =! Landgvist, J. T. Bergvall, J. G. A Lundberg, Austria--FE, Path, F. Rohemia--A. Nojedsky. Denmark--R. C, Hansen, J. F ~night, and attempted to rob the all sale. M. Lynch, W, V, to of Hef { and, arousing. him, compelled him to | citizens. The cracksmen jumped on go to the bank with them. They at-| their horses and galloped out of town. | tempted to compel Meyers to open thie | They were pursued in the darkness. Bloodhounds will be placed on their trail. The did mot ved in could | opening the safe. Castle. Greece tonlakis. Finland--XNieminon. Cou safe. The cashier, however, convinced { the men that the safe was equipped Braams, A. C. H.| With a time lock, that it The | sm-- -- -- -- The boys in the Y.M.C.A. relyy race | New York thousand minutes. robbers SHC and CORDOVA SOON FREE. Montreal, spending a few davs with relatives here, has returned home Mrs. William Ward, Montreal, visiting with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James McKellar, Garden street, has returned home, accompanied by her sister, Miss Janet MeKellar. Miss Hazel ldoyd, King street, spending part of her vacation with friends in Brighton. Mrs. Morrison and brother, T. J. Frost, Stone street, left during the past week for Vancouver, B.C. Miss Todd. of Belle ville, is spending) a short time with friends in town. is Mrz. John Lasha, Charles street, 1 spending a few weeks with her band at Chaffev"s Locks Miss 2. tha Sheets, of Ottawa, spent the | past week in town, the guest of { fun for the entertamment of cousig, 0. W. Sheets, Stone street, { tha United States battleship fleet, the ~ premier said that the United States, | Washington, D.( July: 22.-- There is| Vith ita great sea power, while on | a good deal of quiet talk about the|'™ ndly terms with reat Britain, possibility that James Sherman may | Spends £500,000,000 in, trade anaually ) James Si pine 7 il comm | 28 Jansed, on acount oh 3 health, ol oe by Hang a » So he's eT | retire from second place on the repub- ha Bat Mbit ax " ga t the ? hit | liean ticket, In the event of Sherman | Cexsury por L Ruf rama y d whet y this | declining the nomination. the nation-| raves mm 1 re acibe. an 3 1 : Great Britain can have the | al committee would fill the p ,. | timp come + {© C vacancy . ; ol { Tn : Sh assistance » American fleet apd lhe difliculty of this task is such that | 25Sistante. of the Ametics 1 i : ' 0 tw ions wil s found fighting it can be said Sherman will not | the two nation I be 10 " " . | ceive 'the consent of his party . | shoulder to shoulder to preserve to nse s party ass : : ' Kise, 0 pa ASSOC | o ture generations the rights and pri- to withdraw, unless' health a . GE > due to all classes, | becomes such that 'tp remain on the! { ticket would endanger his life, i ern RECEIVED $3,000. °° one Chicago 2% L1Y hours between and Cov. ered the and Lhe stoned as . Blazi, A. Coc miles In Expects to Rejoin Julia "Browne - in Newark, Trenton, N.J., July 22.--J. Frank | Cordova, the unfrocked South River | pastor, who, according - to reports, ex- {pects to make Newark his home, will 'he released from prison on August 114th. Miss Browne, the choir singer with whom Cordova leaving wite and family, is with chuld in retirement Ocean wipd for Cordova, it is said, That | will join him on release seems | poo certain. Cordova refuses to dis- the matter, but {goon to be "happy."When released he have three months and eleven days. » | to emperor has commis- | Hamburg: to de schooner to re Meteor, German Max «sign a large racing place the American-built siX old. Commander iS narrow, Oertz, Svanberg, i 8 now year Robert Peary, to the Arctic ice-ficlds in quest North Pole, arrived at Belle Harbor, Labrador, the = steamer Roosevelt, yesterday. At Pittshurg Dr. E. killed and manager of the lraction DAILY MEMORANDA. of the 2.80, to now en Kureton. route of the America's Tour Isles, morrow Hand in night, gensen. See Amusement Column for the four Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- ville: Bijou eloped, BORN. RAY HBUN.--A¢( Trenton, on July 10th, to Capt. and Mrs.' J, E. Rathbun, a son. ii . = { HIGHS. ~At the "Tamarach's July 11th, to Mr, and Higgs, a son, " NASH.~To Dr. and Mrs: C, C. Na , 1 2 . : a he | 183 Princess St Kingston, on ett her | 21st, 1908, a son. | ARNOLD. --At Regina, 19th, 1908, to the | G. Arnold, a son | GRAHAM. --In Kingston, ,on Wednesday, nd, 1908, at 64 Livingston © Mr. and Mrs, R, S. Grabas, waiting his | her {Grove Macdonald Park on Thursday on at FIGHT SIDE BY SIDE NO LEMON PIE ; DESERTED. -- B Andrew Duquesne MeGraw I A. Me™" ow ' Supremacy of Whites on the Se Mller, on Pacific. TRL TOR el Auci land, New Zealand, July | In justifying the expenditure 'of hus- Ber- | instantly Moving Gan 1 H Boys Theatre--Dot of Swigen, Children The Bride's Song Scotch -- July 22nd, In Canadian History. 1812--Cien Brock sued a tion assuring the people of Caw Great Britain would defond her ayainst American aggression 1858--First pier of Victoria Montreal begun, 1896 Wedding Wales and Prince 1902--1mperial the royal assent them, | Physicians and ministers. 1905--~The ldaho State are 106 Pittsburg and vicinity are in the visited Victoria, B.C, Eighth avenue, Ste- | grasp of a suicide epidemic. Since the ie | { phen Penn, | 15t of July twenty-one persons have : Neither | tnded their lives, w hile a dozen others Both. enlisted last December 4 ! {he | UNSUe essfully attempted seli-destrut- We Carry in Stock is years old. They Constellation, June 25th, at tion. L . A 8 8 One hundred and eighty ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. Bill ¢ Slums (16 acts C188 says he expects Left Naval Training den and Company parks But Were Caught. Chicago, July 2 the naval training were arrested that was because no to them > were foundering their favorite food in a restaurant when a detective heard them talking arrested Associn- They thomas McGrath, New York, and MeReesport, ne Ship Hlustrated "Marh My h ye § t | mjured In an awjomaobile acewdent. y | N B iy 2 will served four It is stated in railway circles that a, Bluebell luebel + 4 years, Sask., Wilke on of July Florent I'wo raised general strike of the employees of the | oe mechanical department of the C.I.R. is likely as a result of the decision of the board of arbitration City Detective Richard kelly {clares that the use of opium in Pitts confined almost entirely gamblers, simmoral from Posse After A Thug. Essex, Mass., July Ope dred enraged farmers with Chief Police John Gibert, of Essex, are scouring the hills and woods on the edge of the town in séarch of a man who assaulted Mrs. Josiah Low in her home here to-day, and then began {to rob the house. Mrs. Low is {serious condition the result having befn struck several times the head with a club. The stranger was ransacking the house when Mrs. Charles Harding, Mrs. Low's daughter, who «as< in the vard, and heard her mother's screams, | 21st, 1908, Margaret Keeley, beloved interrupted him. He dashed ont of | vin ie of the late John Suundets. ad the house and disappeared in the |, 9 o'clock, Friday morning, for woods. Mr. Low, who was working | Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn ré- in the fields, was called. Mrs: Tow quan mass will : was given be sung for the res . . . z pose of her. soul. Friew and acy; medical aid, but her condi- tion is critical. " here the lation Both away vesterday reas8n they pie May Retire From Contest. Vina that procls da gubjeots ran a9 hun of declared lemon de was served Bridge at sy shi They themselves DIED. | SHERMAN .--At Rose Hall, Ont... on July 10th, John Sherman, ugod six- Lty-ofie years. DE PORCHERON --Af Montreal, on July 19th, 1908, Isaac De Porcheron, of Champlain, New York, in his seventy winth year. BAILLIE.--~At Barriefield, on Tuesday morning, July 21si, 1908, Milton G, Baitlie, aged fiity-five years. s Funeral private. SAUNDERS.--At Queen's Hotel, Jul} on burg to over | thieves, Princess Maud of Clark street 8 of Denmar of Charles Institute Act men who women, in a ol Press of tion as Povaun, of re on leit Boston. nineteen | ates his vileges hogs, big 8 tm pr and little, thoroughbred Yorkshire, iwere shot on the farm of Joseph W | Bowle. Woodstock, by order of the do minion inspector. Hog cholera had got in the herd. W. W. Southoun, | principal the a public schools, Colborne, has been ap eied ng. | pointed principal of the central schoo! centage due it from the O'Brien | at Fort William, at an initial salary A Rural Romance. { Welland. Ont." July: 20+ Miss Flop. | Unexpectedly Rewarded For ence Reichman amd Felward Sith, of | Simple Act of Kin Tees: Humberstone, both well known imWel-| Plymouth, = Mass., July, 22.--Mrs. Harvey Bartlett, a widow, Who makes land," were married by Rev. ® | : 1 k Brandon, Port Colbbrme, Miss Reich-| her living working the station $150,000 A YEAR. Provincial Revenue From One » Mine in Cobalt. Toronto, July 22,-The department lands and mi has received for ¥33.264.92, being the ol Guaintances respectfully invited to attend, (Troy, New York and Toronto papers . « » please copy.) Tobacco Smoke Poisonous. + - London, July 22.-The Iancei, BER which has already had something to RO. T J. REID. 5 say on "the 'toxicity of tobacco The Undertaker. 3 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, smoke," returns once more to the suh- ject. The smoke of the poisonous gas ~ carbon monoxide. . 4 BY It has been calculated, in practical experiments, that one once of to- Soups, in tins¥nd glass. 5 Sliced. Dried Beef, in tins and bacco when y smoked in the form of & por mine June man's father objected on the grounds | lunch room here, two years azo saw a for the three months ending {of $1,200, and will assume his new'| that his daughtes not of age, | sick woman sitting in a train as it 30th. - At this rate the income of the|ysition after vacation. | However, the couple mede haste, ang | Stopped here. She made her as com- province from this mine alone means| The national track and field cham- | When the head of the hice arrived at] fortable. as possible, brought her a between $150.000 and $160,000 PCr pionships, which were = awarded to the spot where they were spending| cup of coffee, refused payment for it The percentage twenty-five | Halifax city by the C.A.A.U., will be| their honeymoon the bride showed him and fixed her up gs well as she could per cent. of the value of the ore # ipeld on August 20th, under the au- | the wedding. certificate. { Mrs. Bartlett has received a note of pit's mouth, less expenses of miming spices of the Maritime Provinces Ama-| ~~ =---- -- : | thanks from Mis. B. Lilley, New York, teur. Athletic Association. Baseball On Tuesday. fend a ¢ rtified chegue for $3,000, "as | Lord Roberts \will be in Toronto on American lLeagwe--St. Lonis, 19; 8 small remuneration for vour He will be | Boston, 2-3. Washington, 1: Detroit | thonghtial, tactful kindness to a wo- regiments | 4. Philadelphia, 4; Cleveland, 2, New| Wan distress. York, 3-6: Chicago, 6-3. | National League 8 Pittsbhure, 2.) | Prooklyn, 0. Cincinnati, 2; Philadel 3. Chicago, 0; Boston, 5. St.' Daily was year, is Get Your Tickets Ready. Boston, Mass., July 22.--Passengers |Aygust 5th, 6th'and 7th between New York and: Boston will received by the three city within eighteen months be travelling | of the infantry: and ride. through the | in airships 'operated by American streets at the head of the Queen's aerial * navigation companies, accord: Own, of which he is honorary colonel. ing to an announcement by Charles J.! Chairman Mabee, of the railway | Glidden, the automobilist, who has commission, in dismissing a Grand {recently become an enthusiastic bal- Trunk Pucific application to lay a} | cigarettes, oives 2s mich as one ring se i} . . ito four ints 'of carbon monoxide From King's Private Mines. | gas, while the same amount of tobae- London, July 22.--A despatch to the! co smoked in a pipe gives from two phia, 3. Mail frqm Entebbe, Uganda, | nd a quarter to five pints of the pas. Louis, 2-3: New York, 4-1, states that two shipments of gold, | The symptoms of monoxide poisoning i Tivalued at X300,000, have passed | resemble in some respects those pro- loonist. Guaden saysa company, gpur line on a street. in Winnipeg, Twas Another. Man. through Entebbe, from the Kilo mines ' guead by an immoderate or chronie {mission to incorporate which was sail the rights of municipalities to] Berlin, July 22--The angowncement | in King Leopold's rrivate domain. .in] indulgence in alcohol. . SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN- | granted, yesterday, by the corpora-|control their own highways would be from Badhauheim, Germany; that | the Congo Independent state, from : SURANCE AGENCY. «tions . commissioner, will either | protected. Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky, who com- |V hich foreigners are rigorously ex- i dirigible balloons or aeroplangs. = Its | manded "the ill-fated Russian fldet 1 cided. ¥ | purpose will be to manufacture and | "Red Cross Worm Powders," easy to | that was annihilated by the Japanesa | : 2 LADIES' BICYCLES {operate aerial devices and to establish | take and very effectual.' Sold only at!in the battle of the Sea of Japan in | In good running order. A bargain for aerial routes for the transportation of { Gibson's cash, AT TURK'S Secopd-Hand Store, freight and passengers in the United | Phone Red Cross Drag Store. May, 1905, had died there the night | Cita\' hones 705, i. oi id 14 States, Mexico and Canada, I Green peppers ni L. a For Every Variety of Dwellings, Lots, Etc. win Le I fp Apply So per Some British sailors got into a row _|in an vptown, tel, af ehee, : me was knocked down apd severel B. S. Harvey will sing "Thé Holy Kicked. by ~ nnd » A cold Stun ha} ie -imut wily or preasy. "Sold at Gibson's Red «Sfopeg 1 Lis : use iHustrated, at the King Fn Theatre, to-night and sto-mor- 230. of July 19th, from heart trouble, is | Wa | incorrect, row * at Carnovsky's,

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