i Underpriced 49c¢ Per Garment- We are placing on sale Ladies' White Wear. set Covers, and Pettico low price of 49¢ Per Garment. This Underwear is taken from our large stock and placed on sale because it has become toss- ed and slightly soiled from handling, but will be just as good as new after being launderied. Every garment well made and finished, neat- ly trimmed and exceller Prices From 75¢ Only See Window Display. P-------- White Wear. dl this week a quantity of Gowns, Drawers, Cor- ats, at the, ridiculously 1t quality. 'Bold in Guilight Allaire Shorts, Qtterhurn," gave a delightful picnic to Kingston Mills on Monday. The party went dowh in a van and a carriage, and it was coniposed of Mrs. H. A. Betts, Mrs. Guy Gamsby, Miss Annie Mueck- Jeston, Mrs. Molina and Miss Ling"Mo- lina, Miss Archer and Miss Phillips, of New York, Miss Constance and Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Edith and Miss Cordelin Straubenzie, Miss Maud Betts and her niece, Miss Kitty Betts, of London, the hostess' two children, Al. Jan and Elsie, Mrs. Adam Shortt's little girl, Lorraine, and Mrs. Gams- by's Marjory and Guy. The raison d' etre of the atiair was Mrs, Shortt's visitor, Signorina Uopello, and the presence of artists, beth in song and with the brush, added to the plea- sure, Besides the guests named there were three whom their young / girl "'mothers'"" meant should enjoy the happy day, and they were the dollies owned by the three little girls in the party. Fishing, and successful fish- ing, was one of the features of the af- ternoon. Mrs. - leverly street, Saturday, for we Mrs. Joseph Walkem, entertained at tea, on Miss Evelyn Kerr, of Toronto. 'The drawing-room was gay with crimson rambler roses in great profusion, with feathery white Howers mingled with the bnlliapt blooms. In the tea room sweet peas made the air sweet, Mrs. H. A. Betts poured the coffee and tea, and Miss Constance Cooke cut the iees, the girls assisting being Miss Kitty Betts, Miss Mabel Browg- field, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick aml Miss Sylvia Coehrane. 'lhe guests in- vited were Mrs. _ E. PT. Taylor, Miss Elsie. Taylor, "Mrs. Jeremy Taylor, Mrs. John Cochrane, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Hugh Osler, Miss Gertrude Strange, Miss Mildred Cooke, Mish Nora Gordon, Miss Grace Hemnting, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Portia. Mackenzie and Miss Christine Cochrane. J oe > > Neadless to say, the crogmet party, in the park, did not come off, yester- day, as scheduled. » o oe to $3.50. Now 49c. aii Crumley Bros. "'Nordheimer Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK' Steinway Pianos 8 ART STORE, 159 Princess St. Hays jp» Heath Never Fails to RESTORE GRAY or FADED HA] iR to to its NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY No matter how long it has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth | of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positiveiy, removes Dan- druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 23 times as much in $1.00 as 50c size. IS NOT A DYE. Philo Hay Spee. Co.. Newark, N. I. 1 and 50c bottles, at druggists' | JAS. B. McLEOD THE. DOCTORS AGREE. Two Physicians Both Agree on the New Scientific Dandruff Treat- ment, Dy. J. Wash, good satisfaction in dandruff." Dr. WW. Wash., says that is cure 1 1S a germ it unless and you can't Newhro's Herpicide, the tion in the world that parasites, A delightful allays itching instantly; makes glossy and soft as silk. It is a dandruff destrover. Sold by leading druggists. Send (0¢, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, § and $1. Mahood, special a Spokane has family M. say Powell, of "Herpicite my given for Walla Walla, Herpicide all @ dandruff | it." Dandruff | vou can't Alhan, of "1 tind for it prescribe GQ claimed as shall disense and vou kill the the |Ing; hair sure destroys hair dre Every Woman R18 lutarested and shomid know \ about the wonderful EU MARVEL Whirling Spriy \ The new Yarinat ryriope. Best ost conven. tent. Iy cleanses AES v other, but a md a an {lustrated LooK--pe op IE gives 11 pardaniars aud direotions in. yrlnabie to ee WINDSOR § PPLY CO, Windsor, ont. General Agents for Canada. wo Big GQ for unnatuce rnin or ulceration of mucous membrane Painless, and not astrt: gout or poleonous. Sold by » seat in plain pie y express, prepa We ore a Bote ' Quoting ant on Rr cure | damdrufl germ: | do that unless vou use | only prepara- | GW. | CAPT. SIMMONS HOME. | He Says He will Sail Again Next Season. William schooner yesterday | Capt | wrecked Simmons, of the Acacia, returned afternoon, from Harhor, N.Y., where he has the past two weeks, over- seeing work at the He states that he sold the vessel and coal to a | Chinumort Bay party. He himself will get $500 out of the vessel, which was worth $2,500. Capt. Simmons sailing by all At of hme, Sacket's been for vessel, he has nbt means. Living doesn't suit him he feels like a without a vessel. sail no more tRis meantime will look next year. Hav- says any the vear present, water he 'will but in the about for a vessel for done | ashore at all. duck However, out reason, ing | years, with no apparent chance. of ain reaching land alive, he has the conclusion that it is not that to perish in the bo 'er ag come to ortlained deen. In speaking of the wreck of the Acacia, Capt Simmons said it was the deck load of coal that heamperetl | the vessel, 14 interfered with the cen- | tre-boartl. The' stortn was a terrific | one, but if there had been only a | small load of coal aboard, he thinks { he could have guided the vessel "to safety he He Didn't Try. Hackenschmidt, the Russian ler, praised in Chicago the beauty the "Ameritan girl. "Nowhere, not even in Russia, are the girls so pretty," he said. "It | seems wrong and stingy that a man marry one of them. Every American, swrounded by all this beauty, must envy the snap that a friend of mine in Russia had. ' 'So you are engaged," a man said fto my friend, 'to one of the beautiful Vronsky triplets, eh ?' 'Yes," my friend replied. "'But how can you apart 7' the man asked. 'I don't try," said my friend." Great Hindu Feast. Dasera -- October-Novemher--is the soldier's feast in India. It commemo- rates the opening of the campaign of the great Hindu national hero--Ram --against the.giant demon--Raven. It kept. with great ceremony., The |soldier worships his weaponis at this | time, the artisan his tools, the agri- {culturist his implements of husbandry jand the weaver his loom. Animals {ave garlanded and decked out special- {ly at this feast. It was after this festival that kings ueed, in ancient |times, to go forth to battle, wrest- of can only tell them his and | The fwife's advice- {loses tt Lack of credit prevents some people | from living bey ond their means. average husband takes around the corner been through two wrecks in seven | Two events, a picnic with the Misses | Fairlie 'as hostesses, and a high tea, at the Country Club, had coldl watt flor perhaps more accurately, tepid "i liter, thrown on them yesterday, and jidi in't survive the dampening ecliect. - . The Yacht. "Cub tea had for iis hostesses, this afternoon, Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, Mrs. George Mackenzie, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Frances Suliivan, Miss Christive Cochrane, tandMiss Lenore Hamilton. > "oe Miss Kathleen O'Hara, Clergy street, organized a picni#, to-day, in honor of her brother, Mr. Geofirey O'Hara. R. W. Rayson, is visiting Mrs. in Ottawa. Spangenberg is a {welcome visitor from Denver, Color lado. Mrs. Francis Phillips, of To- ronto, is also with Miss Spangenberg, lJ ohnson street. Little Miss Gwenneth Merrick, Bagot |ktreet, has been visiting the Rev. B. 1. Byers, at Stirling for the past {week or so, and is bringing back Miss | Kathleen Moore, daughter of the late Rev. Mr. Moore, of Athens, for a visit. Mrs. Henry | University Mrs. R. L. lavenue, | Houston, i fi Miss Margaret Merrick left, for Brockville, to visit Mrs. 1 Brough, who is at her summer tage, Fairhaven, near Brockville. "> » Mrs, Joseph Power, street, and Miss Gertrude Power, gone to ( Qishee. Mrs. I. T. Best, her little a are yesterday, R. cot > Sydenham have and Peter- ¥nion street, visiting in boro. Miss Grace Hemming, "Martello Place," left on Monday for the sea. She will be home the lasy week in | August. { Mrs. A. CC. Johnston and Mrs. J. {L. Gurd, Montreal; Misses Annie |Swales and Etta Smith have been enjoying an outing for a few days at the Sutherland camp, at Dead Man's Bay. - we Mrs. R. from, the west down at their Man's Bay. Mrs. John Cooper, of been prevented coming to town soon as she expected, and the of her arrival is uncertain. Mr. Geoffrey O'Hara, of New York, is visiting Mrs. Robert O'Hara, Clergy street. Mr. O'Hara is very musical. Miss Maud Dutton, Sydenham street, left, yesterday, to spend a week in Coboconk wgth Mrs. Chafley, at the rectory. js Ry . Miss Gertrude Low returned, day, from her visit among the lands. Mrs. from Ottawa to II. Abbott is expected down to visit her people, summer home, Dead Toronto, hag as day : = ow» yvester- is- R. W. Brock has gone down the lower provinces. It is probable that Mr. W. Harty, {Jr., will set up house in the old {Britton home, lately occupied by Myr. fand Mrs. J. M, Campbell. | Mr. Russell Wilson, of Montreal, has [been in town this week. Dr. Patrick Kane, of Chicago, spenti {a few days in the city, this 'week, on {his way to visit his mother, on Howe Island. Miss Fowler, of Rfrford, has been visiting relations in town lately. ww wo. of Ottawa, . is Brock | | i | | Miss Bessie Burpee, {the guest of Mrs. John Fairlie, street" Mrs. Turner, Barrie street, hag | gone 3 of town for a little visit. | Miss Edythe Cooke, Alired street, |has gone to Manotick, where she will {be the ghest of Dr. and Mrs. Bolton, {for the next few weeks. | Mr. William Dunlop and Misg Jen- | nie Dunlop left, on Sunday morning, [to spend ten day¥ in Quebec and { Montreal. Mr. William Nickle gave a dinner party at the Country Club, on Mon- 'day, in honor of his cousin, Mrs, CIE, ONTARIO PARE) | Hm usements. TO-NIGHT 48 2:7 9% Matinee, Fridays at 8.80. Free Show word. ax, $1: one month, $3 High Class Show 1. New Moving, Latest Illustrated Bongs o Friday Children's 1 Cent Buy on St Cars. regt BOY TO LEARN PRESS #ORK, WANTED-MALE. AP- ply Whig office, at once. B1JOI oe. Wednesday and Thwaday Bey BIG DOUBLE BILL CHILDREN OF THE SLUMS, in 14+ acts, The Drunkard"s Home ; The Mother's Deathbed : The Brutal Father Stripping the Children ; The Pawnshop and nine other acts. THE BRIDE'S ESCAPE, m 16 acts, At the Church ; The Chase ; Over Hedges ; Through, Ditehes . The droom Trapped, and eleven other acts. Illustrated Song, by Edgar Sommerby, "Marie My Scotch Bluebell," camposed by Harry Lauder; EVERYTHING NEW. A711 the pictures shown are new in Kingston. THE KING EDWARD THE PALACE:OF AMIISEAENT. 2pm. 7 pam. PoDoy 2 aod ea Mov- 7 1 hour's Big Show, hg Pictures. "A FATHER'S GUILT" "THE MAGIC DICE" (Calored.) "At The Crossroads of Life" IL 1. USTRATED SONGS Childhood"! and. "Fhe Holy Oty.' CHAS. B. S. HARVEY, Manager, oc WONDERLAND 5c YOUR hry WORTH HERE ST. LEON & McCUSICK In Their Laughing Success, "THE LAWYER'S BRIDE" The Best Vaudeville Team That Ever Played This City. Latest Motion Pictures ILLUST RA' TR. SONG-' hat Might Have Been,' hy WILL WES Children ¥ Cent RE AFTER- NOON. Evening free if under 10 years and accompanied hy their parents. To Contractors. WANTED, about :100 yards of ageond- hand 12 lb. iron' rails. Address Pr. Box 41, Gananoque, Ont., stating price | per 100 1bs., delivered in ' Gananoque, or | P.O. RB. Kingston. Karl Folger. The other guests were: Mrs. Hugh "Nickle, "Miss Beatrice Tandy, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Knox, 'of TWO APPRENTICES TO LBARN MEN, AT ONCE: ON expenses. One 'baking. apy ly 34 once, to to Jas. J. anufacturing Co., WANTED-FEMALE. COMPETENT HOUSEMAID. APPLY in the evening to Mrs. Sullivan, Cor. King and Princess streets. GIRL FOR GENERA], HOUSEWORK, for summmer. Apply Mrs. J. M. Gib bons, St. Lawrence Purk, N.Y. COOK FPR SMALL FAMILY, where housemaid As kept. No w ing or ironing. Apply \ Whig office. FOUR 'WAITRESSES, 4 GENERALS, OuSsema. sqmaid. 1 Jai ain cook, at onCe. Canadian ployment Agency, . Aphy Brockville. WANTED--GENERAL. GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD AND room in private family. Must be clean. A. Muller, 223 Princess St, INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD companies, Jowest, ratés, fair settle ments. Js R. as & Co., 109 Brock St. Boicphope) 480. FIRE » "Would vou like a comparfo, A nurse or a : Place but a sma Want Ad. They'll come---highest grade. TO-LET. street. all 1st May. Apply unfurnished Rideau. street. FURNISHED DWELLING, storage for Junigure, ete. 51 Brock NOS. 77 AND. 79 "ALFRED STREET, modern ovements, |e A.B. OR ROOMS, . McCann, Possession Cunningham. OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work, All kinds of work promptly done. . J. Bireh Electrician, 206 Wellington street. THE \ 'A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouy oF yards or_cellars, or other, carted. Prices right. Arply to to Lytle, General Carter, 85 DRESSY GENTLEMEN TO GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. Style, price and finish guar anteea to please. 131 Brock® St. next to Bibby" s Livery. A SOHOOL A TEACHER FOR PUBLIC No. 2, Township of Olden, County Frontenac. School to dpen after summer vacation. Apply, stating ex- perience and salary required, to Alired Chariton, Chairman School Board, Lovg Lake, Ont. SITUATION WANTED. COOK. REFERENCES. PLAIN 238 Johnson SL. Apply Miss Cross, BY GENERAL SERVANTS. SITUATIONS wanted for young Scotch and Irish girls. Write immediately, The Guild, 71 Drummond St. Montreal. ~~ DOMESTIO BER VANS SENBRAL servants, cooks, nurses, Scotch and Irish, a ie 71 Drum- Kelowna, B.C., 'Mr. James Farrell, and Mr. Karl Tandy. >. ee There have been one or two little bridges, lately, but nothing to dig nify with the name of a party. oe o> "oe M. Y. McLean, M.P. Mrs. McLean, are the N. F. Dupuis, University avenue, of the member, Their son will in a few days on a brief visit. Mrs. George Colpe, of Stockton, Cal. (formerly Minnie MeLeod, of Na panee), and Miss Madole, of Napanee, were visitors in' the city, to-day. Mrs. James O'Reilly and her bovs, of Cornwall, are staying Mrs. Cornelius Bermingham, street. Mrs. Octavius Yates, Albert went to Quebec on Monday. - - "o- p a { | for Huron, | guests My. and Mrs. a niece be here of | two with Barrie street, Colonel Pennington Macpherson has been up, from Ottawa, days, paying a Visit to the Misses Macpherson, . Brock He 'returned, this morning Miss Anita Fonwick with inv, Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick back, Ottawa, from Indian Head. brought Mes. J, Poyntz French. with her, as far . as. Torontey and Mrs. French has gone into hospital there. She is getting along vevy well indeed, happily. Mrs, Fenwick "has Mus. French's baby with her in Ottawa. Mr. PF. Crossley, manager of the Bank of Commerce, Woodstock, isthe guest of Ris sister, Mrs. . James Stewart, at her supe cottage and will be there for a forthight. Miss Marion Clark, Clergy street, has gone over to Rochester and Clii- ton Springs. for a few sisters, street, taking his in She -- -» Lake, - Mrs. town. My. WW. .H. of Picton. is 1 ir and Mxs., J. ll. Dolan, of ton, are coming to Kingston, Wie week, to spend the rest of Dolan's vacation with Mr. and a James Nugent, University avenue. Mr. Joseph W. Brown and wife, Guelph, are. visiting Mrs. Brown's sis- ter, Mrs. James E. Freed, Wellington street. MF. Brown is a school teacher in Guelph.: The Limestone City con- tains much that is of interest to him. | Miss Florence Perley will be up. | from Ottawa, to-morrow, and will | spend a day or so Miss Bessie Smythe, Bath, visit Mrs, Legg. Mrs. H. A. White, visiting her sister, on her way to | Aubrey to Rowan- | | { of Humilton, is | Mrs. D. E. Mun- | Black Plog { with her cousin, | "of Calgary, July 26th. The Guild, mond St., Montreal. SITUATIONS WANT- old-country girls, Also cooks -and 71 Drum- WAITRESSES. ed for smart arriving July 26th. housemaids. The Guild, mond St., Montreal. MAN a WIFE, NO ENCUMBRANCE, partly experienced in farm or hotel work, desire joint situation, town or country, or will accept work as care takers, etc. Apply, stating terms, Box "P.,"" Whig office. MARRIAGE LICENSES. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF 8. 43 Clarence Sty Marriage Licenses, C, Brock street, Saturday. > dell, til and will be here - Mr. Stuart Sutherland will return, the end of the week, to Gore Bay. Mrs. J. D. Craig is going over to her old Cape Vincent home, the end of this week, br the beginning of next. Mr. Briar Tandy, of Edmonton, is the guest of Mrs, Thomas Tandy, Clergy street. ! Dr. and Mrs. William Nicholls, Clar- ence street, have twp visitors with them--Miss Nora Balfour, of Lindsay, Mrs. Nicholls' cousin, and Miss Mae Beare, of Port Perry, her niece. The visitors are being entertained, this week, by their hostess. Mr. Munsdle, Miss Mundle, Lois Percival, of Kemptville, Misses Ora, and Marjorie Dowall, of Brooklyn, N.Y., were guests at the home of Mrs. John Chisholm, Queen street, last week. The party Were delighted with their first visit to Kingston. Miss Florence Chisholm friends at Kemptville, where and Miss and the Mc Josie, is visiting she will 406 ery LARGE change Chambers, OFFICE Apply to Geo. Broker, 95 Clarence Street. well wer dn section of Sts. Joutiluteq ROOM, rooms, 174 Earl street, FROM OCT. Division 151 roms, includi ot water heat quire at 179 Division street. SITUATIONS VACANT. with IN EX- No. 116 Brock St. Clin, Rea had 1.--~BRICK RESIDENCE, street, extension bath, kitchen, ete. MEN A N eixbt F ber tr stant Few logue will practice. weeks com free. WOMEN TO LEARN Graduates earn twelve to dollars weekly. Help sccure ui & rite M ul ~ College, Toronto. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. roo! eleven snarble washbasins in eaci hot water JOHNSON 8T., three-story bedrooms, furnace. A SUMMER COTTAGE, 5 FURNISHED oR Abily to McCann, 51 Brock Estate LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT for She sum- inter West. Earl ag Clergy twelve En! BAR- Con- inst Fuctions. Jata- course. oler attic, bedroom, ides pPly A. Bond, 79 Clarence street. 'BUSINESS CARD. Barber SEVENTEEN brick house, Fr, ELECTR Sewing and and 10 Pillpws CA RPE T Laying. Feather cleaned by steam. CLEANING Milne, 272 Bagot street, LOST. PAIR « chain A LADI Bagot ward 0LD attached, ES' co RIMMED * Tuesday. ward for return to Whig office. aie ------ on LD or Johnson Sts. by applying at 385 to finder, Johnson St. GOLD on ot Car. NECKLET with monogram on one sie and date on Princess Sp her, AND WATCH, GLASSES Re Suitable re LOCKET.| Beds H. ON ., or Street! Reward for .its return to 430 Princess street. REV, On or fi CASSON. m of and position the Infin gt ighteousness. veal to vou the fact been born heir to a princedom, lived many years in ignor- you not you hac ance of the fact, gard it vou, God, heritage, : My. Gospel. My gospel is the good news that ev- an is divine and ite Fat, Ii 1 as good far grander scale. very birth and being ! giving you the wer, er would born in sovereign and partner with in every work 5 were news.? Prince that you the his mature in child bis of able to re- re had after And this is exactly the gospel of good news that 1 have to bring tor you, only on are vour due by virtue of "your position. Address, Rev. a you by As such 1 hail reverence that is C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. remaig for a few weeks. - we Mrs. Waterous, of Englewood, New York, is the gnest of Mrs. Frederick Brownfield, Wellington strect. Miss M. Neilson, of Conway, is the guest of Mrs. Leonard Clements, King street. : Miss Phyllis is home from the Mr. and Mrs. * Francis Cooke, of Kansas City, are expected, to-mor- row, to visit Canon and Mrs. Cooke, Hazeldell."" Colonel Arthur Strauwbenzie son are expeetarl here soon, to visit Mrs. Van Straubenzie at "Kirk: Jeatham."'. Colonel Straubenzie's com- Short, "Uhderwood,' islands. and his AUG. An inexpensive outiig on banks of others, Chown, B.A, BI simple life. the St. he Revd. WM. and James Ellfett, modation for those willing to Complete calendar on. appli- cation to the Revd. Arthur Iroquois, Ont, Lawrence, the staff includes the Revd. Dr. Prol's. C. Patton, the BE. POINT IROQUOIS SUMMER SCHOOL Hh 3rd-9th. lovely Among Bland, D.D., Ph.D. Ph.D, Every actom- lead mand is up in Bermpda and Mrs. Stranbetzie and the rest of the fam- ily. have leit for England. The Rev. J. O. Crisp, will spend a day, in Quebec, way to join Mrs. Crisp, at next week. Portsmouth, on his Halifax, o> - Fggagements announced : Miss Mary Louise (Mae) MeGannon, Brockri ld, to Mr. E. E. McConmick, Alberta... The marriage will take place early in September. Commercial Travellers' Special Trip Down the River Boal leaves Swift's home ha oe p.m. BERNETHY, Whar! noo King, Under coMMA NDERY, el ildren, 23c. 10.15 a.m, A. Rodi AN . Secretary. Brennan, * B.Se., Mr. George Erie Herbert H. Been- younger son of Mr. pan, Ottawa, to Mids Viviaw BE Clogg, BA., daughter of Mrs. J. R. Clogg, Montreal. The marriage will take place in August, PRIVATE SALE ON AND AFTER JULY 22ND, and. Division streets, the Corner of household * O'Donnell. effects of the jate Bryon the Wilkinson, Saturday, July 28 North' A LIVERPOOL, TWO GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 AND 62 Wellington street. Apply A. B, BRICK SWELLIkG, CHOICE on Albert » a plow eation, Vir. Forage? Seo Othe: 169 BEAUTIFUL GASOLINE. ; LAUNCH, sound, 22 feet by 44} railings, searchilght, Thronto tion give, good condi three wicker i versible: propeller. A Chinneek a Ont. oe . MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES coNE ) MORE building and contents than any other company offers. BB them at Goodwin's' Insurance Emporiam, M et Square. une- LONDON AND GLOBH Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for secur®y the unlimited liability of ail the stockholder. ' Farm el party, nau al Before i PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete. removed : Perinateft 1, without scar. Twent ence. Dr. Elmer J. Nose, Throat and Specialist. 2568 Bagot ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. ARCHITECT, Market Square. SMITH, Arch' Building, 45 HENRY ete., 'Phone, POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floor over Mahood's Dru store, corner Princess and Bago streets. FEutrance on Bagot street) 'F hone . 608. THE. PARAGRAPH PULPIT | * Exporionce Teacheth" Mostly everyone has to learn al this school. SWIFT'S COAL Will prove to you by EXPERIENCE ; to be the best you have had yet. Order now for next winter. JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen= tral & Hudson River R.R. Leave K on oy . Sun s.ooave nga y. except day, Leave "kingaton a, 7.80 a.m, and 4.30 p.m. Cape v incent daily, 10. and ri p.m. ¥, 10.30 a.m direct 7 Tenders for Coal and Wood. TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THB City Clerk will oe received up to noon of the 3rd day of August, .Jroximo, for 100 tons, 'more or less, of Anthracite Coal, and 10 cords, more or of Hard Wood, 4 feet long and ome cut, to be Setivered in such quantities and in plas at the City Puilaings fy "Fire Hans, rd W. SANDS, City Clerk. July 22nd; 1908, Be 3 YOUR SUMMER COTTAGE. Ham plece of good Gard Fon Meslay ae omens fof haces from Hi J: M AS, SOE I St. "Phone, 570. . EE -------------------------------------- j 3a the. easiest thing in the world for a bachelor to engaged 'to a, young widow; all has to do is to! give her half, a show, .'