Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1908. THE ROYAL | GOGIETY Esme pe = o> VERY ERY CLEVERLY DONE... me wo PASSED IT | AT: MINE Naval Officers' Ball. Over The World. HELD MEETING / AT avail Viee-Admiral Sir. Asheton Curzon | a MURDER CAS CASE OF MY.! President Cabrera of Guatemala has sucdess OF A F A BATTERSEA! STERIOUS TYPE. {not coniributed .to the reoublican CHILD AT ENTRANCE: i campaign funds, CX oy ; Fire in a school in Fittahurg, Pa., : , : ' This Is the Maid, whos quick to see y . Howe, Rear-Adwiral Sir John R. IN QUEBEC. Jellicoe, and the officers of the British S---- Atlantic fleet gave a ball this evening In Honor of Champlain--Lieut.. at the Parliament buildings in honor! g Ycung Woman Shot and In- i . Col. McNamara in Co g of the ter-centenary. There were about stantly Killed in Irving Square dren present and many were trampled Now That She Has Been So ra 5 Whene'er Digestion is at fault, ~ | | | i | . . housagul guests, ludi ll the of the British Naval and Mili. 10, thousaul guests, including = all the | . Park in Brooklyn--The Murder, | °% faith Successful--Other + . Battersea |. | She knows that nothing cise can be | official guests and the pageants per- At Reno, Nevada, Virginia Harned tary Veterans, of Boston. formers, 'The ball took place in the er Left a Difficult Case. I netress, and wife of Edward MH. South. News. 1 i " ! : : : So good for her as ABBEY'S SALT. Quebec, July 22.---The Royal Soditty legislative chamber, and the Joep. | New York, July 22.--A pretty young ©. the actor, has filed a suit for| Battersea, July 21.--The garden of Canada held a, meeting at figs. in the other offices i we thel oman, apparently twenty-four yeaps divorce. party, under the guspices. of the Bat- o'cloex this morn ng, in the conven.' frstitime the parliament id ngs | oid, neatly attired and of refined and The Allan steamer Virginian, from |tersea Methodist 5 choir, to have tion hall of Laval University in honor W¥ ornamented with bulb electric | was shot and instantly kill-{ Liverpool, for Montreal, was reported [been held last. Friday might, on F. of Champlain. It wa# attended by he: dedorations, and the gghernl effect was Square park, Brooklyn, | five miles east of Point Amour, at 7|Ball s lawn, had to fe postponed on governor-general and most of the of fime. . british. Freno carly, to day, by a murderer who es-| 8: a. account of the ram. The ice ream ficial guests to the tercentenary festi- Offi ers of the British, rench and caped. Every possible means of identi- George Parsons, Vaughan township, |was disposed of By the ladies on Sa- val. An address was read by the pris Chited States fleets were present, as fying the woman was made. Her = um-| attempted suicide, by driving a peg|turday night #6 the crowd of people sident and the presentation,of new ih well as the. official guests of the ter- brella bears the name of a New York | in the wall and hanging himself with 'gathered in she village. Another at- lows took place. » centenary with the result that the ball departmental. store. The body was | & necktie, tempt wil) 'be made to conduct the Lieut.-Col. W. McNamara, late of the was a, brilliant success. ' found in the boiler room adjoining In a clash betwen sheriff deputies, social this week. 3 L 18th Royal Irish Regiment, now com- the shelter house of ths park twenty | 8nd negro miners in Alabama, one of] The fecent beautiful rains have Makes every day a bright day. he Prince Of Wales. minates after the girl was slain, but |the former was killed and two injur-|gladdehed all hearts, even of those manding the British naval and mili< 3 : tary veterans from Boston, Mass., at] "The arrafigements for the arrivil of |e, okilfully had the murderer laid his | ed whos were unfortunate enough to have present quartered at the Auditoran. the Prince of Wales, to-day, aré as |,1ans the police admit that he left | Nicaragua and Honduras are on the |8 Aot of hay cut down. But the de- in company with Lieuts. LUrling and follows ¢ He will reach Quebec on the (§,. them one of the most mysterious | Verge of war because of the help given dight of those who were through hay- Clancy, had an interview with Lord |1pdomitable at two o clock, and will lo. oc" with which they have been call. | PY Nicaragua tothe Honduran revo ing and were wishing for rain to help Roberts yesterday who was very pleas- | Pe greeted with salutes from the war [oq unon to' contend in many years. lutionists. was beyond compare. a Pa k ed to meet fete The ol fy a ships and the citadel. Offigial visits i % The body of Joseph Lascelles, Hall, The recent horn- -blowings. i in the A served under ' "Bobs" during the wilt' then be madg to his royal high- Jubilant Over Rain. Que., who disappeared some days ago, [Papers over smart entrance pupils g . nessun the Indomitable by the gov- Keeleryill was found on Brewery Creek. He had [from other places, constrains us to eleryille, South African war. Among the visit < fi p i i ) ng the visit ernor-general and Lord Roberts, who July 20.--Farimers are |gnicided. / give ours a little toot also. One of ing veterans, there i wh ry i jubi! or » fine rai ' 8 Mere 48 One "Who Was en. ir followed by the premier of the + Jubilant over the fine rain we had on| _johy W. Boyd. Woodstock, is hLeing the successful pupils of our village day «d in the Crimea. Lieut. Urling, "or . « dS re ame i iF is attached to the British one daiiniom, {the Mpfesentatipe of She good Ty for ara. aL Tat roo Sed t B. Su, T0881, for rental of choo] - nde Alice Jamieson, Sangh AT ABE RNETHY'S. Jute at Boston, seevad all through the United States, the representative o crops. The potato' bug is givhis. the 1bou 0 feet of watepfront at Daw- A I of Tr. and rs. Samuel amieson, sitge of Maleking, and just two. days France, the lieutenant-governor of the i I i p i 1g tle IER the son, Yukon, This bright and clever little lady is Yelore peaco was dus imed ays provinde, and - the chairman of the mer ot 0 Jentint hie year. The Ontario government has receiv- [just nine years of age and has been : do. Wad J a £04 | io ttleficlds" commission and the offi Many om heve at ended $ ie Orange | od the first clock for royalty on attending school about three years. On Col. MoNema or stafl are the} c™ of the military staff in command nl ron toh oo . ig on ' the { Crown Reserve + mine, Cobalt, The | When Miss Todd assumed charge of ; . pr. CNomutw's stall ure the of the, military forces here. He | will Nad John R i ha His wow fut amount is $4,000. : our school, two and one-half years Men's Oxford Shoes, patent and tans, D.C.; Capt. Goodale, Major I Chariy land at four o'clock at the King's barn othe togneys oe lal R. L. Borden, the conservative lead- 880, Ace was then in the first book. regular $5 00 for $3 75 and: Capt. Wilcox He ction : Cte whe, "here an Hvar ol welbams i Mh Ba hs } J Sr der, wi Sohbest Halifax at the next For rapid Advaisement | in a Shid so g . dD i 'apt, x, d, C Iwill: be read by Sir Wilfri .aurier, | Sleeth, J , des gre genera electios Yeepinr Carle young who can equal ov beat this. ' fh 8 A; 45 Lawe, Hartford, Conn., after whieh . he will proceed to _ the | Praise for the good workmanship and qty iis can OR he ping Carleton Porhons the. plostentens fuure in Men's $4.00 Oxfords for $3.25. a a distinguished party from Bos- citadel, the streets to be lined with the comparatively short time the work Fran¢is Lasalles, director of the |connection with the little girl's . suc- "* 350 , " " 3.00. ton. The afigble' colonel in command was done in. A little girl has i i ton. ho o troops, $ 1. A little girl has come | pagednt, at Quebee,; has 'consented to |©e%% is that it has won for her a ) 18 young in years being on the good ; to stay at Erwin Caird's. Mrs. R. J. | he the guest of the Canadian Nation piano from her father, who had pro- One lot of Women' Ss Oxfords, regular $2. 50 #ids of forty, and is proud of hi At the special command of | the St id | ] i l aha Tha | proud o! D3 prince of Wales, the guard of honor |X 8RCY has heen under. the weather, | gf exhibition in Torbnto. mised her one when she passed the nd 2. charge. The vetersns ni Iemaln a of 'a hupdred men will be furnished hy A slight cold, whieh a making : us Remains of Mrs. Millford, found in |entrance, but little thought she would 'a 3.00 for $ 00. ( y un we end of this week. ors, , rounds here. Mr. and Mrs. . 0 imi JET : . Phy A the 13rd D.C.OR., of Ottawa, of or A yrs. Job fereek at Aywin's Crossing, Ont. Seized [put him in for it so soon. He is at WwW y X hat the people of our great Cana- which the prince is honorary colonel. Banks visited at Secley's Bay, on with heart failure she" fell into the [present absent in the west, and did ; One lot of omen s Brown Oxfords, regu- chan west recognize that the tercenten Thisy s will meet the prince at the Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, William Dixon, water. and was drowned. not even know she was going to try 3 lar $3.50 for $2.50, Jr., spent Sunday at William Slfeth's.| The man called Enright, the examination--ghis year wharf. vl 3 . or . . Wo : Round! Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wellburn, pio Was S. J. Lake ol of the Granite One lot of Girls' $2.00 Brown Shoes, $1.50. ] y Everything is in readiness for : the A shot and killed by a com i i. * city councils of Vancouver and Victoria : : : Pittsburg township at Charle pRRIOn name ' ® . 2g . Lin oo arrival of the prince and the formal |, urg 1, Rh warles | "Crooked-Neck" 'Smith, at Montreal, | house, gave a complimentary excur- . ' w pe tl pi hele wis Hell opening of the festivities. The decora- | ¢ lark: he. yn Wes. Ande Knapp | is Michael Malone, Hamilton. sion up the luke in his launch Homer One lot of Girls $1.75 Black Shoes, $1.25. Evan sLrune amd ur. lewis Hail itions" 'are "complete and military | 87¢ daughter, Carrying ace, and Admiral Kingsmill, born i to about twenty of their friends re- . tive ra " y 4 3 v s ¢ in Guelph, : , 5 5 e ' n ar JeapicLive ly, to Quebec, the munic ipal- eafips are in readiness, the warships Robert Duff, Rockwood Hospital, | and spent: his Bo hond there, wo sinh, cently, including a picnic and shore One lot of Girls $1.25 and 1.35 Strap ity bearing the cost of their long trip. Kingston, at J. I Anglin's; John |ten the city council, accepting an in- dinner on one of the islands, which d Shoes, $1.00. I'he so gentlemen arrived in the city Eawience. and: the city is full to] re Sleeth and son, Francis, at Edward | vitation to the 'old home week. was greatly enjoyed by all. George ' . Yestarday snd are guests at the Cha- pletion with visitors. There is every Clarenee Howley with * his hay. Wil- The deal between the British syndi- Matthews has erected the frame of his : One large lot of Baby Boots, sizes 3 to % eau Frontepac, i : Sleeth s. or Be ¥ i i i Ww r ic i i 3 a indication that when his royal high- | andler Be nnett is helping | cate and owners' for the sale of the [new barn, which will be a fine struec- a » ey . r The 8 dD ness lands on Canadian soil he will liam Hoare an] Frudrieh Light have | Tilbury-Romney - old fields has 1, JJien | ture. C. Bennett is erecting his new J regular 60 and 65c; To clear, 50c. e Secon ay. be greeted by the greates ® bc arrived from England, to work for th rh. '1 1 o residence on Factory street, A * 3 5 Ac 3 greatest demonstra- r rough. 'Local men wanted $1,000,000 2 ; ) : W ) i 3 Guobee, July 21.--~The second day off tion, that this, , Canada's aldent Gt. Charles Clark and John Robb re-| and the Br ish offered $750,000. * Fergus Jardine has improved his . omen's Cloth House Slipper 8, 25¢, \ the tér-centgnary celebration was an'| has ever seen, and one"worthy of | SY ectively. David Sleeth has traded The Ottawa assessment department house bv a new roof and a' coat of % uneventful one, ' everything awaiting [what is really. the three-hundredth horses with Everett Caird J. BE. |is having difficulty js assessing. in- paint. The number of fishing tourists the arrival of the Prince of Wales, | hivthday of Canada. Anglin and wife attended the large | comes outside eivil servants They |from the United States, who have MANY OTHER BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK ; The accretions to the crowd in attend- Mayor Garneau, who will extend the | (1'ner party given on Big Island, by | have asked the king's printer for a |Deen stopping~at the Granite house, } y . ancg were very noticeable, every train | civie welcome to the Prince of Wales Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Lake, proprietor | list of salaries and officials, but it js | this season, has been unusually large. : ---------------- arxiving in the city bringing full quo-1 on Thursday, welcomed Prince Arthur | ¢! the Granite house, Battersea. Mr. [not forthcoming. : Rural visitors 'have also been very a tas of passengers, of whom many had [of Connaught to the city in 1006; ake took the party in his fine motor A giant porpoise at play ig the sea,|n\nerous of late, and include the fol- difficulty in finding accommodation in | similar' honer to that enjoyed by | his boat. Our cheese factory is doing | three- quarters of. a mile off the Tv- lowing : Dr. E. J. Lake and family, the "alteady crowded city. The per-J fulhibr, 'Moh.' P. Garneau, who as good work, this year; a good supply | beo Beach, Ga., struck down and kill of Kingston, and friends from Picton, formances, to-day, took very much |mayor, greeted the Duke of * Con of milk, and the best cheese that goes | ed the fifteen- -vear-old son of John B.|#! Dr. S. K. Lake's; TI. Duican, the shape of full-dress rehearsals, antl | naught on his arrival in the ancient [°P the market. Lovett 'yesterday. The body has Bot Queen's College, at Isaac Lake's: Miss the results were such as to show that | capital in 1870. heen recovered,' y ena Eby, city, at W. H. Jamieson"s; the state presentations will be wor- -- { Lady Sprained Her Wrist. On August Sth, Lord Roberts will Mys. Morley Day and friend, Harrow- thy of {the occasion for which they JFHE TUNNEL TROUBLE Bethel! July 17.--A. Salisbury and {spend several hours in Hamilton, and smith, at W. Kirkpatrick's; Mrs. T. wepé organized, The main attraction o> 3 . Walter Higgs attended the celebration will be entertained there at a. lunch- C. Hughes and Miss Norma, city, and for 'the crowd was the city itself "in | The Americans Rushing Work on |on Saturday at Roblin. About sixty | eon given by the militia: officers. From | M¥- and Mrs, Hyde, "of Rochester, at the naval guise it has been decked out Canadian Sel. rh of the neighbors and friends of Mr. | Hamilton he will go to Niagara Falls, Isaac Holder's; and Miss Ruth- in for the celebration. The great fea Chath - a 361 = Pa and Mrs. Salisbury spent a very en; | where 'ho. will stay 'on Sunday men, Klgin, and Misses Adams, New- tures were the first formal perform- Cle a og Ny July 22.--Herbert S. ioyable. evening last week dancing: The Western Elevator company Has a (boro, at (. Matthews'; Miss Georgia ance of the pagearts and the first per- | iements, 3 caused a panic among the "150 chil-| Her Father Must Buy a Piano 4 pearance, ed in Irving ary celebration is of a national char- acter, is testified by the fact that the are arraycch in order along the ' St ot hs -. | present | statute £4 Wi or She Mrs. Wellington Perry and Mrs. Fred. [total of 200 elevators in' Mingesota, | M- Ulmpman, Seefey"s Bay; at "3. formance of Felicien David's symphonic pre ie oN o a whi wis " [McWilliams spent a day recently with Wisconsin, lowa and South Dakota. lt-|Knapp's; Miss Paul, city, at F. ode, "Christophe ColomBe," both of a fing on Evers Af fen he | Mpg, Wesley Curl. Mrs. Cranston, wh, [has just taken over the Northern Grain | Balls'; Mrs. B. Sheldon, of Essex, at which were well attended. In fact, the up the ee 94 0 o ho Bee stirring |g visiting her sister, Mrs. Curl, fell |company, of Manitowne, which has !James Hughes'; F. W. Vanluven and crowd at the pageant was a surprise a» hive on te in | if douse, Joy fu the other evening and sprained her [fifty-five country elevators afd two,| family, late of Kingston, and R. A. al to the management, close upon ten erhmord $ Py 1 a ed tea ge wrist very badly. Thomas Hamilton terminal elevators. $ Vanluven and wife, Smith's Falls, at thousand people attending. There Fieri en ing 1 per un and Miss Files, Newburgh, called * at At "London, Ont., one of the best]®: M. Vanluven's. was also a very large 'aiidience at the pe extended Mr. Salisbury's on Sunds swening. | known railway , i . Dr. S. Arthur, Sctanton, Iowa, ac- |@ y ~ . >. n . ot Yo of "Christophe Co. | the same rights and privileges to Ca- |: 8 ys op day evening own, rallway men in the countey,) iV hy his father, J. Ard Want Enamelled Dishes, Knives & Forks first performan ) ristoy padian. firms. But in. work of that: The evening was all that could he | James' Taylor, passed away in the a ' u i 8 a Li h Ft huts ' ' lombe." i: y T desired for the lawn social at .J B. | eighty-first r of go .. Tay-|latimer, called on old friends hege'| § p i | y ac Alréady' sufficient people have arriy- Rifd2 Canagla never Li a chance. Alcombrack's, Mr. Randall had the lor wa for yo his ue . odie, Tay last week. O. R. Sears, Montreal, Rope, Alcohol or Oil Stoves, Bachelor > erie . z . : . : 8 s Re A : : . aod to assure the succesy of the céle- heron con'raclors get ninety-nine |, ; 4 riunc of having a fine young | vears ah engineer on {he Grand |SPent part ol his vacation with his Buttons, and a few other things which this "ration, while enough are coming to : - parents here. Mrs. J. L. Sears' is chances where Canadian contractors | make certain that it will be mach visiting with her daughter at Thorn- get "only one. When the matter was {horse get its feet fast in a rock hole | Trunk railway. i i i rien . t : a. land it is hurt so badly they fear they A double drowning accident oceur- y . more than ordinary success. The main Ape he. Lubuil people mbvel wil have to shoot it. Miss Lizzie [red on Wednesday i afternoon, on burg, and Brighgon. The Orangemen 1g ue ar ware AE ¥ their forces from the Ameriemn sic ¢ifiqulty which has been 8&6 far ex- . : : i: 8 Yvdenks . 3 x A . of this place attended divine service or ce] was due to the breaking | to the Canadian side of the tunnel, {Manion is home from Sydenham. Mr. [Hamilton Beach, when two men Rare on the 12h inst and heard stron pe 106 § | > b ARIE [hoping to get as much' as possible angl Mrs. Luther Hawley, Hay Bay, drowned as the result 'of a scow sink- : . v. Mr. S a 3 2 down of the city water supply, a dif- : . Wee over Sundav visitor t J ing. «Une of the men is ld" Wil sermon from Rev. Mr. Shorten. Mrs. a : Year done before heing held up in the mat- Ver Sunday visitors a John |g. Une of the men is name ilson - ficulty which the city is accustomed Sn. ie 01 Tike] . Jayne's: and his home is in Chippewa the Sheldon rendered the solo, "I Walk er ie matter will likely remain as ? : With Him," ete, in fine voice. li the to, but 'which proved very annoying | "7 4 " ' ---------------- ther m ame Tr Montreal io | it is at present Ot sonal caine rom vontreal names of any visitors are omitted it |$ CARRIES IN ABUNDANCE! io the visitors. A reak Jlevelope) in Ad -- Could Not Pass The Examinaton. It is reported frora Mopastir that Varsial the main water pipes, las night, HAD FINGERS CUT BADLY. Youths Companion. the whole Ochritta district hal declar- [15 80 oversight. * : : . a Wiis Ble Sntifely suaponced J : . A dilapidated specimen of a man ed in favor of the revolutionary move- : supply. ifferent sections o y © | y 4 p ite ! ment. yn) . al Hine pd a supply-at intervals through While Trying to Save Lover From stopped] a Kansas ( ity merchant on ment Sroek Sand ae SIN Movements At Inverary. Mi Sl Tip it" tho supply was Suiciding. the shivet, one Moning, and asked for BE Copre ol at Remy ive il Inverary, July 22.--The lawn social Cc y - roc ' , ' oY rT a cash donation. "Mister," he said, |S8rians-were killed Arasia and |, Sheld Yery as ote scant. Petroit, Michi, July. 22.-While pre- |: pk eA rs tl thirty at Belpilciz : <x he. |at Sheldon erry's was a success, : Coming at such a time, the break inventing ' hes y en SA my Bole i a Dlatotive spire, I haven't had io y 8 Belpileia, both villages be Mrs. the water pipes caused much annoy- | (wombs; from committing suicide, by aw I ~ i . fol oe Ino ha month, More than 15000 employees of the Glen, of loronto, are spending a : ance, the Qotels being deprived of the Feoutting his throat, last night, Miss a py in Io Sin dard up, +1 § United States Rubler corspany. ase. couple of weeks among old. friends. | se------ -- ueual supply for their guests. This } Flora Cogk, Toronto, was severely | id' the oe rot wh , month, ciated with seventeen Tatton Seon br. A. E. Freeman and family will morning the position of aliairs was] wounded on thé left hand. Coombs ju | TAN Le merchant, hat is your oc Hed by tl ; : leave for Opinicon this week to camp. : ¥ « cupation ? trolled by the trust, have been made| po «i. Yor Eimer Shey worse, antl not only were visitors un- | a chef at the Hotel Oxford and, last "1 k i I ki I to understand that business conditions ree ere Srguson and met ep. able to get enough water for baths, | night, he returned to his room in-{1 ors In He pac Alog SoR80 when have improved by an official edict' herd have left for Quebec as have al- but in many hptels the position was | tovicatads I is said Miss Cook took San e any Hog to do. he Foot the CIR rial ths oat restorin | so Misses Ilda Hughson and St. Louis, so bad that there was not enough wa- | hisn to task and declared that she in- ' Ne Lie: ja ng department EN the old rate of wages "1 Messrs. Bruce and Jennings have ar- ' ter for drinking purposes. ° tended to leave him. Coombs locked Te in TN ue TOO. } Manv of. the 'visiting railroad mend at W. B. Toll's amd Ni Shend To Make Room for a Large Increase n ih TEN 5 v gearcitv a TL og . p n You can te ne, perhaps, how - . : some time rusticating the shores In the military camps the scarcity' the outside door and took a razor | many tegth a cow has on her uppers and their wives, who have attended |®© ¢ € on he ¢ ne in St k \ of water was felt much more severely. LL from the dresser and attempted to |. » the 'nnion meeting of the Brotherfiood 11 Loughboro Lake and Albert Johnston and Norman Free- sir. I never noticed The camp on the Levis side of the draw it geross his throat, when Miss | I Why es-1 : toad of Locomotive Engineers in Ottawa, iver was particularly fortunate, since | Cook grabbed him. The first two| |, oy " : are deserti he capi for hee, | HAN succesSiully passed their promo- ni 1 ; Ihat's too bad said the merch- | are deserting the capital for Quebec. | 3 m TT r they had 'the regular supply from the | fingers on her left hand were nearly s ey y : he attraction of a roval mrince's vis) OD Pxaminations at Sydenham High ant, putting his hand in his pocket x School. Mrs. H. McConnell is home town of Levis, while those relying | jenjnitated. She was taken to the ) . : it is too much for many of the Am- . : upon = the Quebec municipal supply | Emergency Hospital, where her wounds "The dime Pm going to give you an dels ) and will remain for a time. J. Shep- 4 would have been a dollar if vou ¥ L . | herd, after an absence of ten years, is el ent. were cast upon the resources of the bwere dressdd « and Coombs locked up I hadn't. niled in vote examination." -- : B08 : river and such wells as they could F She will not prosecute. LAN a 1 Yo f : home again visititig the scenes of his oWever is difficulty 8 ------ Ss ER WEN S hovhood. W, Johuston is remoghlling, find However, this difficulty wa | The Woes Of Hard-Up Millionaires PASSENG BR WEI T CRAZY his tok. D. Stoness is Fi the ended, and gradually the city water | . KILLED | ¢ ' supply was resumed, first in the lower T9' PASSENGERS LED. | Louis ie Te Fl ournil I; . Exciting Time on Train Coming work. Mrs. A Harte, 2 Saskulche | 3 B S * millionaire x i yo 18 spending wee with her sis- nd then in the higher districts y 18 hare- tim In Lhe . From St. Catharines. wan pe a ® aon » i z dnp K By the Disaster to a German ,lony at Newport affected Stuyves. Niagars i July 22--The pas-|ter Mrs. W. J. Arthur. Dr. and Mrs - 9 ani e 8. : Las LE i ° Niagara 8 22. » as- | . el Steamship. 1 Fis rofoundly. He almos . T p p Se > are 3 "IN n Q Franc Stea msh Pp --1t is re {2 3b protquindly it ol Bins. sengers on No. 8 Grand Trunk ex-|>- w. Arthur, oi Beranson, Pas ne 286 PKINCESS ST. The Rain Held Off OI es a . [wel : 8 It. jus press had an exciting time Iwtween spencung a shor ime at the home of ne Rain He . ported that nineteen passengers are {sailing for Europe. I'he rich coi- St. Catharines 'and the Fall Fran- | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ar: "wp . v heavens ¢ N " * ot. Latha 8 * Falls. "14 3 loo much water in the heavens and {killed aboard the wreck of the Ger- |tagers, he says, are not paying cash aD Sabello, tickoted through to thur. > > © ina threateng ste: shi ¥ is ic is Hor di wpendi ss. The si 4 : . i---- too little in the city mains Are » wd man steamship Annubis, which is |for ordinary expenditures. The situa France, became violently insane, tear- to make the day an unfortunate one pounding to pieces on the rocks off {tion . is truly deplorable. As My. ; fi his clothing and stabbing him Broke Record for the celebration. While (the city California, between Santiago and | Fish observes, out of his wide ex ne 0 Thy bic ahh nife TD the. ab- : i Jule 92 Ths C I Visi suffered through the short supply of San Manuel. Four tugs have been | perie nce, it is harder for a man hav- ad n \ oy > nine wounds, one Livespool, S I 3% una pa Forms a lasge proportion of every housekeepers supplies. It will be. fluid, rain came dawn in big drops | gespatched from this city to rescue fing 2250.000 a year income to come oomen, ah "Phe 'hassongers. nol be siéamer Aisi tania Das broken her to your interest and profit to use (especially f preserving fruit several times during the afternoon: | (hs imperiled people. A terrific = sea {down to $50,000 a year than it is for [30 5 ol 'did el ail He wa Sust ran Tec Sh Judgystown, ove the season being now on) BEST GRANULA which is the wells : r N . 8 ) » FS] on , re and when the crowd were seated on'lis running and there is great danger [the $15 a week man to come down to |'™ 8™Med a straint hapds. The com: the Jong sourse. Ble 1 Bany flook | Imown i the stand at the pageant grounds at hat the wreck will go entirely to '210. secured by the train hands. The co lightship on July 15th, at 5:56 p.m., five o'clock it seemed only a matter of pieces : : | pany's physician here attended him. | 4nd arrived off Daunt's Rock on July : : ; - | . He -had American naturalization pa- [20th at 14:33 pm. Her time in tran- few minutes before the downpour | : se ; ne] 533 pm. » an a oN eh) The on Ry. ; Double Bill At The Bijou. pers, which sec ured his admission to sit was five days and thirty-seven wou . ee Two picture dramas of unusual | Americay territory. where the authori- minutes. surprising manner, however, and the a : . the 11 I 1 lot I A rg of : lm . . swrlormers and their costumes were Atlanta, a. 20, we [length and completeness will ke pre- [ties took charge of him. The Lusitania is still thirty-two ™ o the drenching that would have meeting of the Atlanta Baptist Minis- | sented at the Bijou, to-day and Thars- minutes behind the record made by A h 1€ yen, I ae Hall way ters' association there was a chorus day. 'Children of the Slums' is a Aged 80, Drowns. the Mauretania on this course. ind disas § y 3 ET. ei a Ha er oh Ta dh ; : Jr eo ; : through there was a light shower, and of cheers. lien, Dr. JoeB. Whit y Pathe ha ray while the comedy of Smith's Falls, Ont., July 21.--Thom ee . | Redpath's Granulated Sugar is the acme of sugar refining. Ask those in the front of the stand scamp- | pastor of the 'Secon x = ist Shurch, bi go eS ap bs bXCite a as Farrell, aged eighty years, is be-| "All rubber bathing caps," at Gib-i your Sroees for and see that you get Redpath's Granulated. J. A. ered back for refuge under the roof defended John D. Roc efeller. hunt red warty laughs. These pictures | tov] to have committed suicide, last] son's Red Cress Drug Store. Phone] HENDRY, Local Wholesale Agent. in the rear. The rain, however, lasted "John--D Rockefeller has always fare of such unusual length that the night This morning his "coat, hat, | 230, * We rear. he rain, however, las Sia $4 disor, A. ia Via . ght. 1g g t, p0. : a ri minutes and the perform- heen a good Baptist " he declared, management 1s compelled to omit. the | yanking stick and pair of spectacles | A Toronto young lady, who has vis- Da yD nt on without irterruption. "and a good philanthyopist. 1 think | travelogue Edgar Summerby 8ings | were found near what is known as the | jted Belleville several timés, and who "The first performance of the mili- it is abominable the way he is tra |Harry ider's frmouy sang, "Maris, | asin, and at five o'clock his body |is the daughter of a former Canadian duced. We all know that Mr. Rocke- |My Scotch Bluebell. was found. The deceased lived among | publicist, now deceased, is soon" to tary tattoo, given by the assembled !¢ a wr 3 1 ny "nos , t . i feHer is not the demon he is painted. . hi: children, but of Mate had been vis- | wed a Relleville professional m . x "Ces 8 given this evens . 3] ou NY, . 3 a € vi. OIESS10N. an. Lanadian, forces, was give Sir W. R. Cremer Dead. iting in - town Mr. Farrell was =a PEARS, PEACHES, ins on the grounds of the Quebec | . ; tant 1 « gv > Cheese Markets. London. July 22.--8ir William Ran. | ioneer of this section. PLUMS, ETC. Amateur Athlétic association. Prae v yO a ae tically all the troops represented at Campbelliord, Ont.. July 21,--1,025 da!l Cremer died this morning. ¢ 5 es the ter-centengry took part in the mili- | ferad; all sold at 11 5-Se. | was 'born in 1838. Sir William Ran- For A Delightful Trip. § Watermelons, Baba : xi 8 i ; Spr ne . \ sare mem- |. Take the steamer America's tour of taty paceant, the various detachments Stirling, Ont., July 21.--75 offered; da'l Cremer 'was for many years mem Take the steamer , A 500 men each. 400 sold at 11 7-8e; 230 at 11 18-16¢. ber of parliament for the Haggers-| the islands, Thursday, 2.30 pm. 50c. mer Fruits. Finest quality ever shown. On THRursday the troops will all as- | town division of Shoreditch. He was | i Fer T q 4 ' semble on the Plains of Abraham fot "All rubber bathing caps," at Gib- founder of the inter-parliamentary | "Toilet Totions"" and toilet waters. n HH. T Y a rehearsal of the royal review. On' kon's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone conferences, which have met in vari-| It pays to buy them at, Gibson's Red the conclusion of the parade the troops 230, A {ous places since 1888, Cross Drug Store. 'Phone 230. m Gibson, Mrs. Downey and" son, | % : ) 000000000000 a ER ------------

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