Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1908, p. 6

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'"" PAGE SIX How to Get = Rid of Fat ww A Remarkable Discovery That Can uce Fat Harmlessly at the * Rate of a Pound a Day. * r # 'A Trial Box Sent Free. . WN quick, harmless reducer of fat, called 0, has come into popular use which 1 eclipses any (uethiod or treativent hemptofore used, ' ¥ou Eat Rengo Like Fruit or andy and Easily Reduce Your Fat a Pound a Day. H-- 4 COPYRIGHT: 1008," 'BY he Merry Widow |= wy By ALBERT-PAYSON TERHONE, eS epos wig hE 4 ' HENRY 3 Ww. "SAVAGE | | or had obediently fol- Pe Jolidon.and Natalie t Popofl's erders until they entered the summer house, | now 'wriggled forward in confusien on hearing the.ambassador's voice. Sr Te ooo. *I most surely did eall you, Mr. Nishf*veried Popoff. *And I told you 1 was*certain I saws lady, er, rather, a lady's Skirt, JispPORHIG a4 that swnmer 'house. - Whe | "BI don't kmow, your a ny trembiingly lled Nish. ~You ought-to know "scolded Popofl. "You: were stamding mearer the sum- | mer house than I was, Didn't you see | her ut all?" i 4 | engo is perfectly harmless, pleasant to take and it iw chewed like candy. It| at 8 abnormal tissue with unerring| accuracy, and causes a gradual, harmless but eflective reduction in weight, nnd without leaving wvinkles which are near- ly always present after taking drugs| and other dangerous waterials commonly called "'anti-fats.' There is nothing * just Rengo. For sale by all $1.00 per full sized box, as good's os! druggists at or, by mail pre said, by The Rengo Co., 3,332 Rengo sy Detroit, Mich. The Rs will gladly send vou a trial package free by mail, #f you write them direct to Detroit; no free packages at drug stores. Pot sale and recommended dn Kingston hy Wade's Drug Store. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little LivewPills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Simille Wrapper Below. Vey small and as easy 10 take &s sugar, FOR HEADACHE. FOR BILIOUSNESS, FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION er CURE SICK HEADACHE. SEER ©EEE COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good coal. We well good Coal, It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable; it's the best money can buy, and there is none better mined. We deliver ft to you clean without slate, prioes, Booth & Co, Phone 133. Fcot of West St. ie | PAIN -l in the head--pain anywhere, has its cansa in he head pain is blood pressure--nothing o usually. At least, so says Dr, Shoop, pnd to ted a little pink tablet. That r. Shoop's Headac! be Tablet~ ressure away from centers is charming, pleasin, 15 eet ful. Gently, Ji8lely, it surely equalizes the blood circ anhave 8 headache, itis blood pressure. painful periods with women, same ca Yoh are sleepless, restless, nervous, {t's bi bl pressure. That for Dr. Shoop'y "Headache ih minutes. aod the bists simply distribute 0c our finger, and doesn't it get red, and and pol you? Of course it does. It's con. ressute. You'll find it where pain % 8 simply Common Sense. 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Heauiche ng LP BATER O00 and | at the very bottom § | Ol We Maypole | a cake of soap that dyesand With Maypole Soap no uncertain results, streaks. The tired women's best --an Home Dye. MAYPOLE SOAP 68 roc. for Colove--zsc. for Black. \ Framd L. Benedict & Co., Montreal. world in Eogland. No mess, no trouble, | whisper. { clearly. jeac | "Yes, sir--yes, IT saw her, If T may | say so, but I don't know who:she was; I really don't. I"-- PE "Was she alone?' W "No, your excelleney,.not quite alone} \ | There was, if I may say so--there was a gentleman with her. 'At least he looked like & geatleman, but I didn't recognize him either." "Well, well, well>chuckled the am- bassador, seating himself in a garden | chair and eying the summer house with delightful intefest. "A little filr- tation, eh? Gone in there to whisper sweet nothings where no one+can in- terrupt 'em. I wonder who they arel Now, I really wonder! Mr. Nish, I would not for the world havecyou think I am the least bit curious. But--Fll just sit here awhile, for joke, and watch them come ost. I mean- time, Mr. Nish, you might. slip around to the rear of the summer {house and see if there is another doom there. If there is, you might Jock it. , Under stand?' ¢ "Yo-yes, your excelleficy ™ mumbled panic stricken Nish, scuttfing away among the bushes. The/ Httief clerk never paused until heihad {f To her he poured fo the . whole "Her husband il nev forgive her," she murmured, half erself, "He will never understand {hat it's Just a silly, harmless, ssentimen tal talk they're having." Memories of the ways o jealous Marsovian husbands {flashed finto her mind. In that primjitive faithertand wives had been beatéjr--yes, snd mur- dered--for less. Something moust be done, and done quickly." "Don't worry!" she consoled! the ter- rified Nish. "Say nething to#any one else. I'll get Mme. Ilopoff ont ofthe scrape if I can." Before Nish could'regfly shed hadsais™ appeared down a pathy leading toethe, rear door of the summé# r house, Meantime Popoff, hig curiosity" mass tering him, had left hig seat. Stealing forward on tiptoe, hed put his eye:to the keyhole of the wic B er door. He had scarcely ber §: oder this when Danilo, happening tod pass by on his way to the gate, paus Xd in amazement at sight of the Mars ¥vian. ambassador thus assuming the ro §e of Paul Pry. "Why, hello, old Ahap?" cried the prince. "What are y%u up to?" "Hush!" warned P¢ jpoff in an excited "A lady w Rent into the sum- mer house a few m Ilqutes ago with a gentleman. 1 can' see them very There's tc much fluff in the But they'r¢ sitting opposite h other with omly! a little table be- een them. The. Vidy's bsck is to me, but ft somehojv looks familiar. The man is talking } as earnestly; as If he were trying to borrow money.. Now he's bending, across and kissing her band, andy vhe dousn't seem to unind. It's--why, Poless my soul, it's that fel: low De Jolidon? Well, welll Of all things! fNow, iffonly the lady would turn her! face sodl could see hexr'-- "Come away, sir!" begged Danilo, the why)le situation bursting wpon his mind. ' He caught Popoff's sleeve, but the am bassador shook him off. "Let! me alone!" he whispered. "Can't you s¢ e what it all means? It'means we'vey found the lady De Jolidon's in love ; with, the very weman we've both been looking for! And now if she'llf just turn her heads little I'll be able /to see her face, andqthen"-- "Ihen you don't kmowgwho she\is?" que ffed Danilo. "No. Bat I'lIl"-- "Iihen take my adviceland don't try to find out. Let well enough alome. Come away, old chap, and"-- "Nio, no! There; you pulled my head awdy just as she wassturning around. I'd {have seen her in another second. They're getting up. Maybe they'll go outiby the othersdoor,andthen I shan't be able_to know" who"-- "Let me do the looking™ suggested Danilo, "If either of' us.bas to play the eavesdropper I'll" . "No. It fs my 'place, tasserted"Pop- off. "But!T'll hettyou a 'hundred francs it's M'me..Nova.Kovitch.™ "It would bedike stealing ardrunken man's watch. I won't) take the bet Come away, sir,, and Jet the matter drop where it is. Forjyour own bap- keyhole. tw i | sore | "ri But Popoff was gnce more at the xey- hole. "They're standing up to £90," he re- "Now she's beginning to face this way. It's-- Oh, good Lord!" The poor old man staggered away from the door as though stepck be- tween the eyes. Reeling toa ¢ ir, he collapsed and buried his face his hands. . #No, no! It can't bel It can't!" he moaned. "And yet 1 could hardly be mistaken. My wife! And"-- "Brace up, your excellency!" entreat- ed Danilo in genuine distress. "Pull yourself together. There are people coming along the walk. Don't make a scene. Perbaps you were mistaken." "No; 1 saw her!" groaned Popoft. "My own wife and De Jolidon! And he kissed ber hand." #Oh, 1 dare say she was more kissed against than kissing!" Danilo observed consolingly. "But be careful, sir. A whole lot of people are within ear- shot." . «phen let them know the worst!" ried Popoff in a voice that brought a ber of guests hurrying to the spot. denounce her before them alll he bellowed, rush- C num Come out of there," { ing torward, "both of you! Come out!" He threw the summer house door | wide open and shrank back, incredu- lous, aghast. On the threshold stood De Jolidon and--Souia! "What--what does thls mean," gur- | glad the confused ambassador, "this tins change and" -- "You called to us to come out," re turned Sonia calmly. "May 1 ask what you gvanted of us? "gonial!" gasped Danilo. And through the: confusion of many excited voices she heard him and thrilled to the note of anguish in his balf stifled cry. "I1f--if Jt was you who were in there withi®\M. de Jolidon," stammered Popoff, "wh=re is my wife?" "Here 1 am, dear," answered Natalle, stepping out of the crowd, with which she had mingled after her hurried exit through the rear door of the summer bouse. "Here l am! What Is the mat. ter?" . "Matter enough!" cried her husband. "I'.could have sworn 1 saw you sitting in that arbor with M. de Jolidon." "My dear!" Natalie's exclamation was a trinmph of\shocked propriety. "ye was kissing your hand, I thought," went on the dazed awbassa- dor. . Thig\time Natalie moved away from him in'offended dignity, But Pbpoff f hastenedyto throw his arm about her and draw'her back. "1 was wrong," he asSured her--*a blunder of eyesight! I apologize! Pm, sorry. I"-- "I begin to understand, " put in Sonia, stepping forward in fear lest Natalie overdo her pose of virtuous indiguna- tion. "It seems that the Marsovian ambassador has done me the honor to listen at a keyhole In hopes of over- hearing my conversation. Sooner than | disappoint him, M. de Jolidon, will you please repeat to him just what you said to me in there?" De Jolidon understood. If Natalie was to be saved, if Sonia was not to be talked about, heroic measures were necessary. «] asked Mme. Sonia Sadowa," said he, "to do me the honor to become my wifel" Danilo stood motionless, his lips set mn a white line, amid the buzz of con- gratulations and laughter that followed De Jolidon's announcement. Sonia noted his agony and said joyfully to herself: "My prince, I think I've won! You'll have to speak, soon or late, now, and when you do"-- "And Marsovia loses the twenty mil Tons!" Popoff muttered, recovering his self possession and somewhat belated- ly remembering his country's needs. "Prince," called Sonia mischievous- ly, "I haven't heard your coungratula- tions yet. You don't look as happy as you might at the news." "Happy! echoed Danilo, with a scornful, mirthless laugh. "Why shouldn't I be? Accept my congratu- lations, 'my paternal blessing and any- thing else you choose to levy on me for. My own motto is, 'Love when you may, propose seldom and marry--not at all!' "Let me tell you a little fairy story: There were once a prince and a prin- cess. They loved each other. But the prince was poor and dared not tell of his love for fear of being thought a fortune hunter. His silence made the princess angry. So she went and prom- ised her hand to another man, and they all lived miserably unhappy ever after. And the moral of that stupid little story is that I'm sick of respect- ability, and I'm awake from my crazy. dream of love, and I'm going back to Maxim's, and you can wl go to--Mar- sovia!" "He loves me! He loves me!" panted Sonia under her breath. + CHAPTER VL At Maxim's AXIM'S after midnight -- the show restaurant whither sight- seeing Americans and other mach®ne made merriment they solemn- ly believe to be a part and parcel of true Parisian life, On the night of Sonia's garden party one group of men and women who en- tered the jolly restaurant were so dif- ferent from the usual habitues of the place as to in for not a few amused glances their neighbors. They were 'Mme, Natalie Popoff, Mme. Nova Kovitch and Cascada and St Brioche, The visit was Natslies idea. She had heard Danile's wild speech of goodby to Sonia and his announcement that he was off to Maxim's. Hence 1 the ambassador's wife, with a feebie yearning to atone in some way for the false position into which the widow had been thrust for her sake, had re- solved to follow In the hope of securing a word in private with Danilo and getting matters right again. Natalie bad not confided her plan to her husband, and now as the party were ushered to a secluded table in an Falcove she glanced at the riotous.scene about her with a deliglited nervous- ness. The delight vanished suddenly, however, and the nervousness waxed to a panic fear as a familiar voice smote upon her ear. Popoff had just come in and was standing not ten feet away .from the secluded table where his wife sat trembling. "] want to see Prince Danilo at once," he sald to the head walter. "Has he arrived?" "Not yet, sir," was the reply, "but he will be here very soon. There is a supper party waiting for him over there," waving to a tableful of gayly appareled girls with tired eyed men. "Really!" exclaimed the ambassador. "I'l just join them till he comes.". He toddled off to the distant table, where, to Natalie's jealous eye, he seemed to make himself at home with a phenomenal ease and quickness. He was scarce seated when Danilo strode prince noisy greéting. "Why, hello, your excellency!™ cried Danilo. a monument of respectability like xonrself to wander inter (lo be Continued.) LEFT TO NEIGHBORS. in. The i table, rose to give the "This is queer company for | plain. It merely aggravates thirst and is apt to > uptdl the stemagh Lime Fruit J vice fi the ford' of a delicious limeade, cools; refreshes and satisfies. thot It is the ideal thirst quencher--mixes with everything (except coffee). ~ . Order by name--""'Montserrat." Canadian Agents : . 9 NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LIMITED. {aan Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD You shake down the ashes --not the coal-in the *Hecla" Furnace GE JEJE i --" 3 Qi 1 You don't have to shake the whole fire to get cut the ashes around the edges of the firepot. You don't shake down a lot of good coal with the ashes. You don't have to use a poker at all. ah aPpligation fog, tainuglintion: sum be person. applican mus proerey for homestead en DUTIES. --(1) At _-- sie months" cestdence upon and cultivation of the und in each year during the ik of hree years, (2) A homesteader may, sires, perform the ties by living on Sed olely by him, mot less than eighty (80) acres in extent, im the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will uot meet this requirement. (3) It the father (or Juother, lather is deceased) of a permanent residence on ar land owned solely by him, oy 1 Tha Ly (80) acres in extent, in A Vigilsy o the homestead, or pon a ho en vicinity, such home~ for by him in ti steader may perform his own residence duties by living with the father (or mother), (4) The term 'vicinity' in the two preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- ng not more than nine miles in a direct ne. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH« WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL.~Coal mining rights may be leased for twenty-one years at am annual rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more tham 2,660 acres can be leased to one appli~ cant. Royally, five cents per ton, QUARTZ.--A "person eighteen Ls of age and over having' m may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1, A At least .$100,00- must thes claim each year oe wining Recorder. 00.00 has been expended on paid fio other requirements complied with the claija may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. PLACER MINING OLAIMS Eamerally, of five miles 100 feet square. Entry fee, $ each of a river may be issued to one ap i he 80 des dence du- and owned if the had The ¢Hetla" Triangular Bar Grate allows you to shake just the part of the fire where the ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals. Naturally, one grate is easier to shake, than four all geared together. That is why people find the HECLA "no trouble to look after,"' Fused Joints --a patented <"Hecla" feature--keep the house free of gas, smoke and dust. Write for free copy of our new catalogue which describes these and other special features. Clare Bros. & Co. Limited, Preston, ont. KinasTON Agents: ELLIOTT BROS. THE CANADIAN BANK 000 Left to Women. Ballston, N.Y., July 21. ampunting to « S1L,O00,000, accu mulated by shrewd] investments stocks, bonds and real estate by the eccentric bachelor brothers, Thomas M. aud Alexander J, Gilchrist, West Charleton, who recently within a few wecks each will be distributed unique plan: which {hey shortly before their death. containing the provisions been admitted to probate While the brothers did not forget their relatives, the bulk of their for- tune was left two old women, friends and neighbors, who lived next door to the Gilchrist brothers. Sarah E. Young and Margaret EE. Randles are the fortunate' ones, and to each of them was left £20,000 Thy get the homestead fagn and personal property and are to share in the resi due of the estate, ver died other, to an formulated Ihe will has just of according to also The Outlook For Hay. from the swrounding country indicate that the hay crop this year will be light. The absence of rain at a critical period is respon sible for this condition of affairs, The the past few weeks, while greatly beneficial to the grain crop, however, too late for the hay the largest landowners Island states that his erop will last year. A Pitts- burgh farmer claims conditions are the same with him. The fact that there is no old hay in the country it having been used to overcome the shortage last year--will be the means of stimulating the price this fall Farmers are advised to pay good at- tention to their corn, as it will he especially valuable as fodder this coming winter in the absence of cheap hay. The reports rains of came, One of Howe as light as he On Sunday second Graham, morning Ralph Graham, son of Mr: and Mrs. R. J. Belleville, passed away sud denly. The deceased, in his sixteenth vear, had been ill for a couple of days with an attack of quinsy. 'Baby's Own Soap Best for Baby, best for you. Avoid substitutes. Albert Soaps Ltd. Myvs., Montrea:, Try "Albert" Tale--Violet pines" of ic. fo. ld an J tourists flock and whose dizzy, "Property Valued at Over $1,000,-| A fortune | ol DREDGING. ~Two_ leases iplicant for a term of 20 years. Jremal, 10.00 a mile per annum. Royalty | per cent after the output exceeds ho) | a aE \ 000. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 WwW, W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. TORE WON. GASOLINE 18c. PER GALLON. Put in your tank at our dock. | OF COMMERCE | | B. E. WALKER, President | ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager | Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 | Reserve Fund, = 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS *= banking business. Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of. their Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAI this way with equal facility. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STH. P, C. STEVENSON, Manager, Accounts may be opened' by mail, and monies deposited or withdrawn in 115 Spark Coils, Spark Plugs, Colum- ba Dry Batteries, etc. in stock, REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. Selby & Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry.{ sm EE ---- Health in every cup of COWAN"S PERFECTION COCOA Very nutritious and very digestible. Give it to your: children and drink it yourself. THE COWAN CO., Limited; TORONTO OXFORDS FOR MEN. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last, lace, $5.00. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last, button, $5.00. Pat. Colt Skin, medium toe, natty last, lace, $4.50. Gun Metal Calf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Gun Metal Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty ry $4.50. Taa Calf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Taa Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty last, $5.00. Chocolate Tan Blucher, wide toe, $4.00. Pat. Colt Skin' Blucher, mediam toe, $4.00. REID & CHARLES. American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of Bandithe Ixbricating Oils of all Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO. South Cor. Ontario and Clarence, « Scented and When ooking for a policeman Tok in 'the safe places first, 111 PRINCESS BST. KINGSTON. '

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