Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jul 1908, p. 8

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URS seasremen { SUMMER PRICES ---- On all kinds of New Fur . Garments made to special measure, and we also have special facilities for re-dying repairing, and remodelling . old Fur Garments to the newest styles. John MeKay Fur Houss, 149-155 Brock St., Diamonds Make superb gifts and have what every present should have--sentiment and in- trinsic value. Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. ; Solitaire Rings, from $10 to as high as you care to go. Good. values in 3-stone and } five-stone rings. Spangenberg JEWELLER, and ' DIAMOND MERCHANT ; Offerings -- TH English Galateas Plain and Stripe Effects, in all the lat-- est shades, 20, 25¢ yd. | Plain and Fancy Chambrays 123, 15, 20, 25¢ yd. Summer In White and Fancy, $1.00, 1.50, 1.75 2.00 and 2.50. Ladies' & Men's Sum- mer Underwear : An Lisle, Silk, Wool and Cotton. Every size in all styles. .1of the Eastern Ontario League, ® lon TO CHANGE RULES, | Now the Law Prevents Players Going Elsewhere. . At the next meeting of the City League Bascball executive there pro mises to be something doing. At pre sent the rule regarding players says { that if 4 player is signed at the first | {of the season by one team he must! play with that team all season, and with no other. That means that if a player signs with a team and after a few games is released or leaves = the team he is out of baseball for the season, a® he cannot play with any other. In many cases this season players have left teams and have not played with any other. Un Saturday last "Alfie" Pierce played with the Victorias and it is understood the Emeralds have protested the game because he was signed with them at the first of the season. At the next meeting the rule will be under dis- | cussion and some of the members will try to- have it amended so that a player released from one team can play with another. -- Head The League. At present Napanee is at the head and looks well to wm it out. y defeat- ing Gananoque, in Gananoque, 6 to 0, on Saturday, they cinched their hold first place. Belleville is, second and Gananoque is third. "Hudnut's Violet Toilet Water," sold . fr Kingston at Gitson's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone (230. Four alleged pickpockets were run out of Montreal to-day after being a bweek in jail.<f FLY TIME. | You can pretty well tell whether a | man has Screens on his house the way he greets you in the morning It makes man good tempered all day {if he sleeps well at night. Enjoy the fresh | fair. 'Leave your dobrs open with Screen {| Doors on. Any size complete With | Spring Hinges, for $1 each. WINDOW SCREENS FROM 20c UP, FIT ANY WINDOW. is 'W. A. Mitchell, HARDWARE. Parasols 3 THE P.M. EDITION arrival of the o'clock, Cormick leaves u wife aml one young son. « v longing, no doubt, 1 arm, the shot WhiteIndianHead} | Suitings (36 inches) at $0c yd. ; Linen Suitings Plain and Stripe Effects, 15, 20, 25¢ yd. tance the man held hig gun right in- to MeCormick's abdomen second shot at him in the arm az he fell to the paves ment effect, twosin MeCormick's body, the shot, the other in Manger's right leg. schweig, sixty-three years old, a shoe maker, armed Barbara, aged fifty-seven years, a sleep, chooting wife was company for a vear's extension of the THE FOG FALLS DOWN AND DELAYS THE PRINCE OF WALES. It is Not [Likely His Royal High- ness Will Reach Quebec Until Hours After Time Set For Ap- pearance, PRINCE OF WALES: July 22.--Fog delayed the Prince of Wales, this morning. His royal highness was ex- pected to reach opposite Quebec, on the cruiser Indomitable, "by twelve o'clock, but although the pilot's office Québec, Thursday, July 23rd. ous tours of the islands, via the nar- row channels, 2.30 pm.; supper om board. Fare, SOc. Died At Sombra. R. Meck was notified, on Wednes- day, of the death, at Sombra, Ont. of his brother-in-law, Robert Stokes, formerly of Wolfe Island. A widow and nine childrem--eight of thém mar- ried--survive. sed was almost eighty years of age. He live a re- tired life. Wis brother, George, ve sides beside him. Has Likely Declined. Rev. R. G. Peever, B. D., pastor of the Methodist church, Ceaticook, Que., has been asked to consider an invita tion to the pastorate of the Central Methodist church at Windsor, Ont, for next year. This would seem to in- dicate that Rev. C. A. Sykes, of Kingston, had declined to consider a change. She I It was reported agroung this morning, that Mrs. ¥ Around Again. the city, rancis Duffy had died suddenly as a result of the shock she experienced when she re turnd to her home on Stuart street, Wednesday afternoon, and found her home in flames. Fortunately there was no truth in the report. Mrs. Dufiy did suffer a little from ner- vousness, but was not seriously Ml, and was around all right this morn ing. . A. Marine Notes. It is fully expected that the car ferry Ontario will clear from the gov- ernment dry dock to-morrow mora: ing. It has been said that this steam which had no definite word of the cruiser Minoteur, expected her by one the Marconi 'wireless people were positive, at 11:30 a.m., that they were still one hundred miles down the | river and not likely to 'reach port till | three This may badly upset | the plang of the welcome and be a | hardship to the waiting troops. o'clock A POLICEMAN DEAD. He Was Shot By Unknown Thug at Early Hour. Niagara Falls, Ont,, July ~The Niazara Falls, N. Y., policeman, Mi- chael McCormick, who was shot. by an unknown thug, early this morning died at 3.15 a.m., at St. Mary's Hos- pital, whero ho was taken shortly af ter he was shot. Magner, his comrade, why, escaped with a flesh wound in the leg. is doing nicely. Althouch the en- tire force and many citizens scoured the entire district "where his assailant is supposed to have fled after he did the shooting, he has not heen apprehend- He ran down Main street in a southerly direction, passing into the state reservation from: between the In-' ternational and Cataract Hotels, and evidently made his escape! through the maze of bushes and shrubs, dodging from one to another in the dark. It seems the thug had held up| an Italian on the streets shortly be- fore the shooting and it was for this | the patrolmen accosted the man. Me- 90 ed. good A regular horse pistol was picked up yn the street near the last sight, with three chambers empty, be to the unknown hug, who evidently threw it away. ly one man did the shooting. When) Manger grabbed the man by the rights thug drew his revolver out Ji his pocket with his left hand and Manger in the leg. When Me- 'ormick, rushed to Manger's assis- scene, He fired a McCormick, which hit The three shots fired all took sue in the abdomen proving the fatal JEALOUSY CAUSED TRAGEDY. \ Shoelaker Fatally Wounded Wife Committed Suicide. Philadelphia, Jdly 22.--John: Braun- with a eobbler"s ham mer and a razor, attacked his wile, in their home here last night, and. thinking her dead, went to the back: vard., where he committed suicide by himself in the head His taken to a hospital, and cannot recover. Jealousy to have been the cause of the tragedy. is said WOULD EXTEND CONTRACT. Dominion Steel Company Applies to Coal Company. Montreal, July The, Dominion Iron and Steel company, it is styled, have applied to the Dominion Coal 9», special contract signed in this city om December 6th, 1906, by which the coal company agreed to give the steel com- pany all the coal it requived for the term of two vears at the rate of about $2.80 per ton. The contract will expire December 6th next. Chicago Trinis New York. Colorado Springs, July 22.-Just before 'the final gdiowrnment, fast night, the members™nf the national re- publican committee, in conference with Chairman Frank: H. Witcheock, voted unanimously to establish headguarters in Chicago instead of New York. | lows her to carry only 'police court circles before on er carries. excursions of 1,200 people out of Cobourg. Her certificate al- 600. The M. T. company tug Thompson will be next to enter the government dry dock. Afterwards the steamer Moieska, of Hamilton, will enter the dock. Who Has The Boiler C A lady who resides on Barrie street, is out after the baseball players who played in the Cricket field on Satur- day last. Before the game started, some one asked her for the loan of a pail of water for the players. Not having a pail handy them a new boiler full of ice water on the promise that it would be returp- ed after the game. Up to the present time the boiler is still missing, and the woman is very much put out. The police are on the lookout for it. Didn't Know He Was Blind. A funny incident occurred on Barrie street at hoon to-day. A blind man ran into a government official, and the other, not realizing the other's optic condition, started to whack him with his umbrella for such im. pudence in coluing with an official of his majesty the king. 'lhe blind man also had an umbrella and he wiclded it in an endeavor to smite his op- ponent, 'but couldn't see the attacking party and his blows hit only the atmosphere. Finally the king's officer tripped and sat down on the side- walk. The conflict then came to an end, and explanations and apologies were: made. Davis Dry Dock Repairs. The Davis dry dock will not be ready for re-opening until to-morrow. The work of repair, which at first was expected to occupy six weeks, has just taken half that time, and a good job has been dome. 'The Davis com- pany was assisted in the building of a cofferdam. immediately outside the gate, under which the break occurred, by a government dredse. Outside the dam a couple of lines of piling were driven. Between the dam and the pil- ing a filling of cement was placed, making a good, solid, water-tight wall. The entrance is considered to be in better condition than ever. The re- pairs cost the company, $1,200, be- sides three weeks' loss of the dock. DETECTIVES HERE. Looking For Boys-Who Broke In- to Bonded Car. Two members of the Grand detective force are in the city looking for the person or persons who entered a bonded car here not long ago. The railway force have been working on the case for some time but have not succeeded in landing the offenders. Suspicion points strongly in one di rection, and stronger than ever during the past few days as a few of the gang have skipped out. Some of the members of the gang have figured in similar charges and if they are caught it may go hard with them. STONE WALL STOPPED IT, A Motor Cycle That Made Great Ss . New York, July 22.--A Tribune spe- cial from Great Barrington, Mass., says : John Gilpin's ride, in fiction, was duplicated, to-day, and that with all the modern improvements, when J McCarthy, 4 telephone collector, vot started on a motor cycle. that he could not stop and covered fifty miles before he finally ran the machine into a stone wall. MeCarthy was Frarniny ap full speed and got a friend ed at a clip of forty wiles an hour, Sir Montague Allan Elected Fancy Colored Muslins at 5 Price. IR. Waldron. | Louisville, Montreal, July 22.--Sit H. Monta- gue - Allan has been elected to the board of the Roval Trust company, succeeding the late Sir! Robert, G Reid. Sent Up For Six Weeks. Windsor, Ont., July 22.48. Miller, Ky.. arrested while at temgting to steal some goods from a etore. has been sentenced to six weeks in jail by Magistrate Bartlett, nt 8 S$ Harvey will sing "The Holy ire.' illustrated, at the King Exi- ward Theatre, to-night and to-mor- row. . Wild Strawberry Compound is sokl at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. > 4. Groen apples at Carnovsky'ss every turn of the wheel, At it," at Hoisatonia, turned into way. MeCarthy America makes another of her fam- the lady gave Trunk | to ride the machine. He tura:d it on| to start him off, and the machine start- | with MeCarthy yelling "stop it, sto} At Housatonia, McCarthy turned into ---- W. H. Godwin is Out of Danger] Though Still Ill--People Are off Holidaying--Many Visitors Here. Miss Marie Mills, Kingston, is visit. ing friends in Brockville. ' Sir Richard Cartwright in enjoying his vacation at "The Maples." Miss Hazel Ostrander, Picton, is in Kingston for a week's visit. Henry J. Tarrant, Watertown, N.Y., is spending a week with [riends in the city. Hon. Witliam Patterson, minister of customs, is on' a week's visit at Pie ton. Mr. and Mas. W. A. Mhyhew, Garle. ton Place, are spending a few ddys at Kingston. Mrs. W. H. Lake, Picton, is in i Kingston, owing to the serious ill- nes of her nephew. Mrs. John Perryman, York street, was removed to the General Hospital on Tuesday in James Reid's ambu- lange. : Mrs. W. A. Hughton and daughter, Miss Grace, of New York, are visiting their sister, Mrs. W. H. Smallridyge, Earl street. v Mrs. W. H. Sauva and little daugh- ter, and Miss Evelyn Leahy, of Oleve- land, are the ghests of their sister, Mrs. Fiiwin Beaupre, Printess street. Albert Dunn, Pasedena, California, i§ visiting = friends in the city. Mr. Dunn. is an old resident of the city. He is a son of ex-Ald. William Puan. W. H. Godwin's condition shows marked improvement and the danger point has been passed. e suffered from a Severe congestion of the lungs. Doctors' worked over him for three hours to stay the disease and secure | him relief. The death, occurred at the House of Providence, on 'Tuesday, of Anna Cassidy, of Larkin Station. The de- ceased, fifty vears old, had ween in the linstitution for some time. The re- mains were sent to Larkin, where one brother resides. Nelson W. Wilkinson, Toronto, {gone to Halifax, where he takes 'the position of city editor of the Echo, {the evening edition of the Chronicle. Mr. Wilkinson, a son of the news edi- tor of the Mail, has been connected 'with that paper for about six years. ! ------------------ has INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. 1 Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up 8v Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a cab 'phone 600. J. W. Oldfin & Co., "phone 515. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders Agpeived at McAuley's. Phone 778. Good reliable tooth brushes are the only kind to buy. Sold at Gitsou's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. Cabmen's phone, % C. B. 8. Harvey will sing "The Holy City," illustrated, at the King FH- ward Theatre, to-night and to-mor- row. . Cunningham, piano tuaper from Chiskering"s. Leave orders at Mo- Auley's book store. They give you strength and new life in hot weather. The genuine Blaud's Iron Tonic Pills, 100 for '25c., at Gih- son's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. The hoping Gentlemen's Driving Club is for fine weather next Saturday fob its matinee at the fair grounds. A baseball match will take place in connection with the matinee between the Locomotives and Irishmen. It has been finally deecided by liberal executive not to protest Kingston provincial election. Good rubber tired cab always when yon 'phone 600. "An amusing sketch, "The Gasolene Prairie Schooner; in Scribner's, shows how on a stage route in the South-West the automobile has sup planted the old-fashioned stage coach in the long runs across the desert. 'A Son of Dreams," by Casper Dav, a new writer, is the story of an heroic figure among thé miners in the coal regions of Pennsylvania. the the ------------------ KERR LOST RACE. A South African Runner Made Best Time. London, July 22.-The 100 metre, (109.3 vards) final, was 'won by Walker, South. Africa, in 10°45 se conds; J. "A: Hector, University = of Virginia, second; Mery, Canada, third; N. J. Carmell, Ungpersity of Pennsyl- vania, fourth. = G. 8S. Dole, Yale University, won the final in the catch-as«watch-can wrestling, defeating Slim, England. Beautiful weather greeted the con- testants at the Olympic games to- day, and the attendance wgs large. The first event was the runn'ng broad jump, Cooke, United States, won, first seetion, with 22 feet. 104 in- ches. defeating Bellah, United States, Salich, Hungary, and Bleden, United Kingdom. Section defeating 92 Kelly, United States, won Hearne and Bellaby, United Kingdom ; distance 23 feet 3} inches! Section 3--Iroms, United States. bkoke Olympic record with jump of 124 feet 5 mches. | Section 3--Won by Bricker, of Can- jada, with 23 feet 3 inches. Irons, Chicago; Kelly, = New. York {and Bricker, Canada, qualified for the {finals. | In the first heat of semi-finals, 200 { metres, Kerr, Canada, beat Hamilton, {United States in 22 2-5seconds. | Cartmel]l, United States, won second {heat in 22 2-3 seconds. Cloughen, United States, won third heat in 22 3-5 seconds, aml Hawkins, United Kingdom, won fourth in 2235 seconds. ---------------- HAS NOT BEEN DISCUSSED. Afloat Circles. A special to the Whig from Quebec saves : "The rumor circulated through Camp Saverd, that Cols. Gbrdon and Hemming are to be moved to Otta- wa, and that the command at head- quarters are to be changed to Otta- wa. with Col. Hodgins in charge of Kingston, is absolutely without foun- dation: in fact no sach change has A Rumor in Military 9 . WHAT IS GOING ON IN CITY |} CIRCLES. he wr SAF AH LW en's Light Cool Underwear The proper make of Balbriggan Underwear that will give ser- viceable wear and is easily laun- dried. Shirts with long or sh sleeves. Drawers have the trou- ser finished bands. 50¢ Each or $1.00 Suit UMBRELLAS Men's Umbrellas, good serviceable covers, strong frames and new and distinct handles, at $1, 1.25, 1.50. With alot more in high class covers and silver mounted handles at $2.50, 3.00, 3.50 up. Ladies' Umbrellas, Excellent coverings, mounted in durable steel frames, handles of natural wood, silver or pearl. $1.25, 1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. Children's Umbrellas 50c and 75e \ UMBRELLAS RECOVERED You may select any covering out of our as- soytment of New Silk, Gloria or Zinella Cover- ings, and have yolir old umbrella quite as good as new. 0000000000000000000000000000008:90 | been discussed in militia oouncil," = : NORE SPECIAL BARGAINS AT THE. LOCKETT * SHOE STORE "SUMMER SALE. A lot, all'sizes, Ladies' Dongola Blucher Cut Oxford Shoes, Patent Tips, Turn Soles, worth $1.75. Now ---$1.25. LA lot Ladies' White Canvas Blucher Cut Oxford Shoes, Leather heels. 'Regular $1.50. Now a mae =na$31.10. A.lot Ladies' Chocolate Dongola Kid, Blucher Cut Oxford Shoes, worth $2.50. Now »- ««---~ nnn nen »nnnafl E60: Another lot, worth $1.95. Now »--- . awe $1.35, A lot Misses' Chocolate Kid One Strap Shoes. Regular price, $1.25, Now «pecasmnnen--= "a. wy Another lot of Black Dongola, with Patent Tips - - - -85¢. Twelve Bargain Tables loaded with Summer Shebs Black, Tan and White, at sacrifice prices, to clear them out. 2900000009009 00900008 290000000000000009040 em. we . { 2000000000000000000000400000000OEIORRsIUbINY CTC 0 000000 ORTIITE 0000000000000 00

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