Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1908, p. 1

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Abraham. About fifteen thousand sailors passed before the reviewing stand. At the close of the review, his royal highness handed to the gover YEAR 75--NO. 178. nor-general the title deeds of the . = of Abraham and: St. Foy. A | royal salute of twenty-one guns was fired at the citadel, when the prince Naval Experts are later-iit for the review. ested In Her. At 1:30 pum., his worship, the may- {or of Quebec, gave a luncheon in {honor of his royal highness, the Prince iof Wales, at the Garrison Club. FROM ENGLAND TO QUEBEC IN | SEVEN DAYS. | An incident occurred, yesterday af- ternoon, while the big crowd in the | vicinity of the Laval monument was [waiting for the historical procession {to get under way, which created a great deal of enthusiasm. It was a striking proof of the entente cordiale which at present exists between France {and England, and as such it appealed | with peculiar force to the descendants Could Have Done Better But fad of the two nations, who composed in to Wait For Her Companion-- |2 large measure the multitude as- Prince Was Confined to His sembled. Through the middle of the : : jerowd came a crowd of between twenty Cabin For Part of Voyage-- and thirty French and British sailors, Sailors Ready to Desert. arm in arm, while some arms about each other's some >} had their neck. were Quebee, July 24 Naval experts are The F H much interested in the Indomitable, |? hi ie Yerch Sailors waved Brit- » 5 avs n 3 ail known in England as the "mystery [15% FOES anc the British sailors all whip," owing to. the secreey'. with {held aloft the tricolor of France. They which her recent construction has been cheered each other's flags and seemed surrounded. In appearance she is to he having the time of their lives. complete departure from the old bat : heir cheefs hought a ready response tleship, and is little more than a gun |. O00 the crowds which thronged the platform with all top hamper cleared streets, and theré was quite a, minia- {ture demonstration will all a of mutual good away ®0 as to give open sweep to her wans, aupable of firing or broadsile with a con 13,600 rs highting twelve-inch round fore aft centraterd steel old-time eliminated and in the place is the first time the steel trippd masts fore and alt, any part of which be shot away and the rest stad From a naval stamlpoint the the Imdomitable le esting than that the prince, as the first time of the Dread nought ships has been seen in North \merican walters Some three fires of of LUMBER MERGER rLAN. pounds project les minute Ihe Dealers Decide the Time Opportune. July 2. Leaders imdcustry drawn rom the United States, reganthing tentative masts and tops are is Not seen for | of the different Chivago, lumber parts of can conferred, plan mnterests, { vesterday Visit of n for the merger of the lunbe which for An five of the large lumbermen of Ameri- held at the Awlitorium was explained to have brought mnter i" ww hardly of one has been under consideration some time is ecting of a committee of twenty ca, which Annex, about A. J. | the leading merger, "There although uneler fog was ba four days were or agn and rough seas encountered the two warships, and it was thought no definite results for the Indomitable to at full speed, putting twenty-four-knot clip, she ran from the Minotaur, which esonrt her After entering the gulf the Indomitable loafed up. the bi herself, and was npt caught up to by the Minotaur until three o'clock Wed nesday moming. Had the Jodomit able not waited for the Minotaur, su would have made the trip in six in stearl of seven days, they having left Pembroke at two o'clock last Wednes day, thus taking exactly a week to cross the Atlantic to Quebec, the fast est time ever made by a warship over surh a course. Owing perhaps to the ugly weather, his royal highness wns not visible for | Butterworth Poisoned a good portion of the journey, and | Spraying Potatoes. kept pretty close to his qorta | Ont. July 21.--While not recorrt whether spraying potatoes with paris green, suffered from I de mer on Saturday, Bertram Butterworth, far from likely, he hay tof Foldens, was accidentally poisoned, many years al land but for the prompt use of a slo Mat fife on all "I mach pump would probably have died. with royalty aboarnl, not al WEING fp hand sprayer which Butterworth to all, is by the Sal re | was using did hot work well, and he presentative heing approached hy onels Cirted a nail in the end of the hose. f the crew of the Indomitable launch, The deadly siirted ir 1 his face with great force and he swal il of it. He soon be stomach pump was sum St. Louis, one of the proposed Freeman, of factors Inwt turn loose 50, in a in away said ! merger formed, have | ben for ome time, considered. The met vesterday was the advisability timeliness of lannching the merger the present time. It was the among those present that the com bination he not made now, but that there be further discussion and inves- tigation. has been no plans was to | tative river consideration and being committee which are now and ant to confer on opinion | | SWALLOWED PARIS GREEN, While Ingersoll, tory does he 1 mn sea hoard the ship, is evidences] who whispered in his ear the query a ii hii to whether he had a suit clothes" to spare question was what Quebec was to get the prospect han Indomitable not to 4 ol-1 1 cond-hand | 1,wed a quantity ill the at once by the physician | moned GES HIS REASONS of The. next came and kind away of filling with hie of a place |, ed ! Appar in the next two ently the bunker 3,000 day work the coal tons of was taste | Deeds. | and Handed Over There was a grand tary review before his roval highnes the Prince of Wales, on the Plains naval mili of | DAILY MEMORANDA. : | Supports ing "Panicky Talk," Nebraskan. Hot Va., Ingalls, tormerly our, Lhe and and still heavily in in them other roads, to-day, that it will make littl to the railroads of the coun- is elected president this fall 1% he said, "there there in Vall for a and then {things will return to normal H Tait lis elected there ~yjll not be any dis- Mid-| turbance, but An fh month after elec- 4% | tion it will Tome ? the same thing, railroads A Slanght Of Sumner Black Sale July 24. Melville president Springs I of n and Chespeake of Horses, by rows | ig to-mor 1 Olffo | terested { said, | diferente railroads, Travel 10.1 Qa 5c. Sale advt Commercial in MOrrow, at Wa ldy derwear = and 5 n's Wi See who Hot Ap rates to oO Vincent nd try ertown, of Saturday, and Sund See Amusement Column for the four) Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- villes Waldron' MW Blouses and Draw Mills & Co Straw Bryan, will of time month 1 be a a up street s 2 Sale owns Skirts rs. Se advt Announce Hats George Summer wm next a " { See y ; so far as the are concerned, sve |with cither the winné: History. | Paft man, great man y jand of judicial témperament Ther: that he will pursue policies, but he will no talk as Roosevelt has done After all it Roosevelt's talking and not his politics that did harm. It must Ix {admitted that Roosevelt is wild for a States. He July 24th, In Canadian 1762--St. John's, Ne nd! De Ternvy 1883--Captain Mat while attempting to in the Niag 1905--A Domin QIHryY nto the was announced. z 18 nn Wise a wion taken : 1s the t \r by hew drowned | no doubt 1 Roosevelt rapids : was president of the United | has not vet sobered. | It is. nonsense to say that election of any. map will gyreck: the country Andrew A and Theo do Roosevelt put a strain it, and they were unable to affect bevond quick recoverd "One of my reasons f Bryan that 1 am tired « the panicky talk about his raising Ned with prosperity. Idon't helieve it I am Jenough still to want re great on Supporting yt heari election 1 hov and is SEALERS We Carry in Stock ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. our Anyhow, to try it see 1 believe that the moment the White he a sober and conserva Bryan entered House would statesman." hecome tive a Campbell Bros'., To-Morrow For bargains in summer hats powers," Gibson's Store, "Reudhitz Drug i Cross tin box housand mill hands struck in sympathy in {up in we a i "Plione For Every Variety of Dwellings, | Ton, Lots, Etc. Bombay have i Tilak, na ty including Fav Javan Bo been transported for six years Apply to sedition. i : SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and | f ord Roberts will be in ¢ SURANCE AGENCY, the 4th of August, X paper, a with - oo fo 5 » Sia Melville E. Ingalls Tired of Hear- the | y | Cusick the | Real [by his parents to Indians, sixty miles, has a reputation from for good strong seirdlitz powders, put had in unattended ) | parents under bond to care for the nationalist leader, who has for Ottawa on i investigate certain liquor convictions |bery at Jus! ae I 5 m-- ING Ogdensburg, {Leo Valley, org | church, who was federal authorities the required lights has' received a {the treasury dep that his case had | considered and that {had been decided ting circumstances [fact that Valley {the St. Lawrence lamp was out of {time the inspectors | was coming into the "dg have bed. This {the defect in his prc 5 ¥ was the first com here for And to Find Out If It Is Dominat- [Violation of the pilo® wules, though several motor boat owhers in the ed By a Combine--The Value | 1. andria Bay 1 i Ye hid to gle fing {0 com- of Preferences--The Foreign [ pay heavy fines -- rr ---------- | CHICAGO SHORT OF 2,000,000. Out \of "Canadian Cattle Embargo. HAVE A COMMISSION TO ENQUIRE INTO THE BRI- TISH MEAT SUPPLY. d "while Qn. that his 'the he Trade Greatly Advanced in ply with the regul the Colonies. London, July 24.--A departmental commission will be appointed shortly | : on the subject of i British meat | Census Fails to supply. The Daily Standard suggests, | as a solution of the Canadian cattle embargo question, that the Canadian government should breed steers for ex rt here under supervision or utilise Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island Cape Breton breeding grountls strictly protected against all possi { bility of disease. The president of the National Federation Meat | declared that the board of agriculture Population Above 1 00. Chicago, July 24--1he "Two wil. lion Club" is about to receive a se- vere shock. The school census of Chicago, which has been under way for several months, i8 now practically completed and the Gount does not {reach the 2,000,000 mapk, The exact fresult will be announeed the last of the week and will 'be shout 1,910,000. When the enumeratols were through | department [with their work and the @heckers were | which did not feel the of the counting up it looked at the start as lopinion. On the question the Ca- lif a phenomenal gam would be padian cattle embargo the federation shown, several hundred thousand resolution yrging the renmov-{above the 2.000.000 mark. But the / { eniumerat re failed to make good on House--Oi their preliminary réports. terdday, Winston Charchill, ii 2 of the Boal of Trade, replying to al question by Hon. Geofi winian | FROM S Howard, liberal member from Cuom-| berland, said that he was about to | hall appoint a departmental committee to] : engire far in what manner | i ¥ ' the He a) pw triton and Came the Winner of the World Ss Marathon. price oi_gneat in the United Kingdom | were controlled or afiected by any | combination or Lyms. | : A tarrifi reform comission memor to the Whig. : out that while trade July M.-P. Doran- now granting a pre- (do, Italy, won the Marathon. a: La ny vears | At the twelfth mile, Price, England, w thirty-eight per w foreign ™ Ws > . : was first P hoa . » trade with those colonies has increas- | ® is and Longboat fifth. Time, 1 IT cont. The British trade, hour 3 minutes 20 seconds. the colonial population,| At the sixteenth mile, Ford, has actually declined, while foreign | lish, was sedond, buticollapsed. trade has inoreased more than nine rer cent. per head, The memorandum intlicates the value of preferences whieh it ix possible that. the colonies could easily enlarge. SAVES TWO LIVES. | or as of I'rades | was the only government force ot passed a al In Commons, president the yes how and | Special andum points London, Eng. | with the colonies, has increased in cent, el per head of per Fng- Has Been New York, July #84iaThe body "of "the young git 'Who Wis Toiund dead in a ssmmmer house in Irving Park, in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, was identified as that of Barbara Reig, who: resided near the park. The identification was made by the woinan's mother and brother, who had seen photographs of the dead girl printed in newspapers. They said they were convinces the girl did not commit suicide and gave the police the names of a number of men with whom she was acquainted. The inves. tigation will be continued. | | Carlotta Nillson Rescues Children From Blazing Barn. Greenwich, Coon., July 24.--Miss Carlotta Nillson, the actress, who swnmering at the Squirrel Inn, saved {the lives of the two children of Mrs. IM. A. Sharkey, the proprietress of the {inn, at a fire here The two chikiren, Thaddeus, | five, and Elizabeth, age | playibg in the hay loft of the barn. A | pile of hay near the barn was set on llire from blazing rubbish. The loose {hay was blazing in a few seconds. young 18 aged were -- Drop In To-Morrow. And the bargains being offered in summer hats at Campbell Bros', aged ten, see lseized several lines of earthworks and JULY 24, 1908. LATEST NEWS Distant Places. THE WORLD'S TONGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- ' SIBLE FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Pte. Benoit; of the G.G.F.A., Quebec, died of lockjaw, Charles W. Stanton, a Toronto for- ger, was sentenced to two years in Central Prison. A special despatch from Tabriz, Per- gia, says fighting was resumed in that city on Thursday. Five alleged cases of Black escaped from jail at Fernie, finding the door unguarded. A plebiscite in Switzerland, hy majority of 100,000, has asked legislature to abolish absinthe. Thursday night a state dinner was given by the governcr-general at the Citadel in honor of the prince. Doubt st ll being expressed bv Toronto officials as to the nature of the reception to Lord Roberts. The Young Turk party threatens to seize. the municipal administration of Monastir unless its demands are grant- at Hand BL, a the 18 oa. Mr. Kyte and two children were poisoned, at Tilsonburg, by drinking buttermilk that had stood in a tin vessel, The Toronto Board.ol Education selected the site near Borden street, as the place for the new techmeal school. It has been learnsd that the seven {Fisonérs who escaped from Toronge jail, 'picked 4 lock with straws from a broom. A ten year-old child named Rogers was attacked hy a horse at Sweat- burg, Que., bitten in the face and dis- figured for life. Thomas Roach and Charles Roth are held at Buffalo, charged with smuggling Chinamen from Canada in to the United States. 'The revolutionists, at Tabriz, have are how holding the governor a - soner in his residence. Jacob Uohen and Abe Glick, of Boston, were sentenced at Quebee, to five years for pocket picking. "They were caught in the act. : The question of revenue will have to be considered by the board of gov- of the University of Toronto, owing to the influx of students. War Secretary Haldane, in a speech at Workington, said that for on which he did not need to the navy would strengthened year, The Thomson line steamer Arcola has been abandoned by the underwrit- ers. She went ashore at St. Paul's Island July 5th and was much dam- ernors reasons dwell, be next Miss Nillson, who was seated under « la tree, dropped the manuscript of [play upon which she was working {and dashed for the barn. The chil- wrt THE POLICE. SGORED {making for the door where the flames {ONE BANDIT KILLED AFTER | would envelop them. THREE DEADLY BATTLES. Telling the children to go back, Miss {Nillson seized a long-handled rake and. began raking the blazing hay te- ward her out of the barn, though the | | heat wa? scorching. In a short time | the children and the barn were saved {The fire department, which had been called out, arrived in time to th I of the blaze extinguished by | 7 ruests | | | | | Boston Terrorized By Foreigners Who Have Shot Down Many Citizens--Are Now Surrounded By Police. Boston, July 24.--After three dead- battles between three desperadoes and the police and citizens, one of the bandits riddled with bullets and | kilied, yesterday, while a second, ! lieved to be nsounded, is being search ed in the cemetery in which the Ireland | fight occurred. A third was taken in | the south wwe, All three were mem- | \ | bers of the band that has been ter- esterday, | torizing the Jamaica Plains district. : Fit | The band left behind it over its ( trail of a mile and a half, two dead | and eleven wounded, and was e¢ompos- of the most deSperate characters that have appeared in the streets { of Boston for several years. All- are {believed to be foreigners became The desperado Captured at the South Station was atout to take a train for New York. His name is be- lieved to Le Guiseppe Devico, and he is oe oe | last | | | was YEN be- | STOPPED CEREMONY, | Bride Refused to Go to | With Man. | Hamilton, Ont. 4 | tie love story came to light concerned Thomas seventy, and Miss tor July roman those being aged us eralad, y | ed i with Ye For they were employe fat the presbytery in connection St. Augustine church, Dundas, Fi ald as sexton and Miss Cusick sistant <housenceper, and they | warm friends. When Viear-General 1 some vears Laussie was ap canoeing, loutput of the metallic ores. was valu- aged by recent storms. J. €. Smith, of Memphis, Tennessee, was drowned in Buck Deer rapids, north of McDougall"s Chutes, giter he had assisted to save his two com- panions. The party was upset while August Eberhard, nephew of Mrs. Ottalie Eberhard, the Austrign woman wh was shot to death near Hacken- sack, N..J., on Saturday, and for whom the police have since heen looking, was arrested in New York. The minergl production for 1907 was valued at $586,183.4 compared with £79.057,308 in S22 185.023 ten ago. of Canada if, as | 1806, { and years The at $12,434,087. The non-metallic mineryls were valued at $31,217,000, and the Structural materialy and clay ed products at $12 Labatt Still In Jail. Ottawa, July 24.--~John H. Labatt, to nine months imprison- Magistrate O'Keefe, in De- cember, is still in the county jail here sentenced ment by Despatches From Near And ganis DISEASE OF OLD AGE. ""Macrophagocytosis,"" Treatable and Curable. 4 Paris, July 24.--Dr. Metchnikoff, of the Pasteur Institute, the noted spe cialist and student of the human or m, has discovered a new disease, which he has named "macrophagocy: tosis." It is, in popular language, the disease of old age, which, the student asserts, is curable. He says that a hundred years hence the disease will be treated like bronchitis and diph- theria are treated gnd cured at the t time. es Ai according to Dr. Metchui- koff, is an "ancient law" which press- es on mankind. His recent researches and studies prove that it is the dis eases of the intestines snd the sto- mach which shorten a man's life, We eat too much meat, and he points to those who eat vegetables, 1ruits, dairy produce--in short, those who partake of a cooling diet--and have grown old in years. ; However, in spite of the savants assertions, we cannot prevent old a from getting a hold on us. 'Ihe only thing to do is not to grow old before our time. In order to stay young, therefore, we mast observe a careful end methodical hygiene, regulate the life, work moderately, both physically and mentally; avoid viclent emotions and excitement, live in the country, eat sparingly, and let your diet be vegetarian rather than meat, sleep sufficiently, abstain from alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco, and avoid as much as possible contagious diseases. But. asks the Parisian, is the game worth the candle ? How can one live these daye without the excitement of attending the Automobile Grand Prix, without playing an occasional game "petits chavaux" ? And again, one must live in the country, even in the winter, and throw away the pipe and forswear tea and coffee ! MARRIED HIS STEPMOTHER. ar Young Massachusetts Man Has Created a Sensation. Worcester, Mass., July 24.--Clement. W. Kirkpatrick, a well-known young Springfield man, wed his pretty young stepmother, the ceremony heing per- formed by the Rev. Mark A. Denman, of Memorial church. Mrs. Kirkpatrick was Miss Stella D. Morris, of Hel yoke, 'before her marriage Yo her pre- sent husband's father, who died two years ago. She was his third wile. After their wedding trip, the couple are to return to the bride's old home. She is wealthy, extremely good look- ing and twenty-nine, her husband be- ing three vears her junior. The mar- riage has created a sensation. Capital Will Be Increased. Chicago, July 22 Following closely the United States reversing the de- cision of Judge Landis in the gov- ernment suit against the Standard 0il company, of Indiana, The Daily News SAVE "Bankers who have close affiliations with the Standard Oi! company state that that organization will soon an nounce an increase in the capital stock of $100.000.000 Ly £3500,000.000, making a total. capital stock of $600, 000,000." LIVE BY. THEIR WIT PETER AND THE PICK. POCKET AT QUEBEC. Chief McCaskill Has Amusing En- counter With Polished Scoun- drel. Quehee, July 24.--Naturally there are people of every shade of society in the city at present. Not only are there swarms of the of nobility, swarms of high functionaries of church ard state, and swarms of tourists from many lands, but there all kinds of gentlemen. who live by their | wits, as saving 1s hese i from polished and cultured | pickpockets to professional | and not a few of the familiar of © Montreal streets--the halt, {ame and the blind--are now here fively plying their trade. Wednesday morning, when the ple in the Chateau Frontenac flocking to the windows to witness the arrival of the Indomitable, one dis on the decision of court of appeals, scons are vary looking LHe tadgers, hghees the ac: peo were Labatt charged with sending threatening letters to Hon. H. R. Em He was arrested by the dos | | mir police, pleaded guilty to the | ! charge, and received sentence Prison sentenced to six months and over | sent to the Central prison, To- was merson on are pointed successor to Mgr. Heenan, Miss left, and it was not long before Fitzgerald followed her to Hamilton, separation being too much It was then arranged that they be marred. Fitzgerald proc wed a Li d it was decided to have eheral Laussie perform the cel lemony. Just when® everything | going alony swimmingly the |} | tive bride backed out, her excuse ling that she not {the ocean, the unders that they were to live in Ireland whey | | charged with murder," haviug been identified by four men, as one of the | three "shot up'® the saloon Tues- | day night. Still another man was taken info | custody, yesterday, whom the officers thought might be another member of | the gang; but later proved to be { Hugh McDougall, a former elavated iad pmpley ee. | -------------- for who | | {him \ | should | Tuesday | cense, { Vicar-G w yrospect he Held For Swindling. Washington, July M.--Miss Frarices | Caspar, formerly of Rochester, N.Y., alleged to have swindled a large number of women in this city, Balu- imore and other places out of thou- sands of dollars by representing her- |self to be a prosperous book agent land inducing her victims to invest in |a book schenmie, has been held in $5,- 000 bail to await the action of the | United States grand jury. During her shrief stay in this city che is alleged io hdve obtained abouv £3.500 in adilition to carrving on her {operations by: correspondence with { persons living in other par | country. obtained more than $100.000 from Raltimore seven vears ago, for which she served five years in prison. EE Cross ny ot | i bw | they were united. ---------------- RESCUED FROM INDIANS. White Child's Parents Gave Away to a Trike. Vancouver, B.C., July N . South, superintendent of the thil dren's Aid Society, who has returned from the north, reports the recovery dof a white child, who was given away Him | ly | Port Essington. The Indians fortunately left the reserve for the fishing grounds and Mr. South located the poor lad in a dirty shack, The court placed the the | | | ale) he. robH- last boy. y The Toronto police are inve ing another cine to the diamonj tice Riddell's Feld) The Dominion Allisnce will ro! { near Bridgeong ts of .the Miss Caspari admits having a ronto. but through the prison being Hull, a number have had to be acvom- | modated in the county jail here. Yes- five for from To- 1 ronto, but Labatt was not included | among the number. His term expires in September and he will pro- whole sentence in the | terday were sent early bably loeal jail serve his ------------ Who Will' Get" Them ? |. Quebec, July 24 --There is a good deal of talk about honors that will be bestowed by his royal highness before he leaves. It is likely that Mr. Gouin, premier of Quebec, and Mr. Whitney, | prevhier of Ontario, will be knighted, {1t is said that Sir Wilfrid Laurier will Ibe offered a. peerage. I" It is also likely that some of the battlefields commissioners will be knighted, including B. FE. Walker, To- | ronto, noi need the public be sur | prised if LC, M. Hays, of the Grand | Trunk. and'William Mackenzie, of" the | Canadian Northern, are also honored. Ran Away From Home. 24. --.James Rooney. | Rrodkyille., July § toot. rank Towers. aged Rightecit years; : pleen: |righ all of oronto. were on. thei § Hoe court slate. The boys clay | thoy leit their homes an hed on a blind baggage here, T were all remanded for one week, Lo and Doth are here for the celébration. ph Smith, Fdward Wil I were Rafe] tinguished-looking personage, who in the most affable way had been assist ing a number of ladies to get a good view, was observed by Chief McCas- kill to be helping himself to other people's property, or, in pther words, engaged in the vulgar task of pick- | pocketing in addition to working off the most courtly amenities. "Peter." las he is known in Montreal-now a {distinguished-looking gentleman in frock coat and top hat--went up the pickpocket and said : "Yon had better come with me ! "But, my dear sir," responded pickpocket. "Really, what can mean; don't you know!" Af mean,' said Peter, in a menacing whisper, "that I'll knock your head {off if .you don't come with me." The man succumbed immediately, and followed Peter as meekly as a lamb. Two other pickpockets were ar; rested in the unatean during the | morning. They simply have nd chance {to ply their trade, for detectives are levervwhere. to the You Promotion For Admiral. London, July 24--The Hon. Sir, Assheton Gore Curzon Howe, vice-ad- imiral of the North Atlantic fleet, is {shortly to be appointed as admiral of the Mediterranean fleet. One Dollar. Buys a nobby $2 straw sailor at Campbell Bros', big slaughter sale of dsummmer hats. Buy Abber Salt. 'Cross Drug Store. pe. er: of dog SATURDAY] Ladies' Fancy Belts New York's latest (Rit and Silver Belts, decorated with and large gilt 75¢., to $1.00, povelty, beautifully coloréd designs buckles, at Ove. New Wash Belts Embroidered Collars Novelty Neckwear | Children's Wash Dresses Made of Print, Chambray, etc, both Whe and pretty patterns and well made, | sizes run from 2 to 16 years. SPECIAL PRICES, 0c. to $2.75. Duck, § Colors, : White Sunshades & Fancy Parasols at Reduced Prices. © he regula good value, at SALE PR 60c, and 90¢, 380. and 5dc. fers Dressmakers, Attention ! Just to hand and SATURDAY. A great range of high class Trimmings. These are exclusive and in many cases there is only enough for one dress, We on view invite your inspection. * MARRIED. SHERMAN---SWEETMAN --In ngston July 22nd, 1908, by Rev 1. D Whitmore, Mamie, eldest daughter Thos. Sweetman, 196 Rideau St A. B. Sherman. ROBERT J. REID. The Leading Undertaker. Phone, 577. 227 Princess street, ICED Ki I flavor our specially fragrant You will find Requires a ta be really good, Own Special Blend suited for this purpose. Price 35 the pound, Just cents Jas. Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. 2 LADIES' BICYCLES In good running order. A bargain for sash, AT TURKS Second-Hand Store, 'Phone, 705. DOG BIT GIRL'S LEG, Woke Her Up and Saved Her and Thirty Boarders. Pittsburg, Pa., July 24. Failing to awaken Mary, the housemaid, with his whines and barks early in the day, Jim, the house dog at the hotel of P, A. Finn, 7,336 Frankstown avenue, fis nally bit the lower limb of Mary, which protruded from the side of the and this awakened her to the ledge that the house was om fire, With Jim and a baseball bat became Ys the j Sth

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