Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1908, p. 3

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Here are' bargains TEL I | -go with a'rush! Two Specials --FOR-- Saturday ™ » NO. 1. R cingde: & Ba Special, Ribbons in Morning for 22c, 10 O'clock. NO. 2. Special, Box Frills, 5 in Box, for 9¢, 7.30 O'clock. Morning special is an all 8ilk Ribbon, Dresden colors, 5} and 6 inches wide, and is worth 50c a yard. Our price for this sale, SATURDAY MORNING, will be 22c. | See Window Display Evening special is a pretty box, eontaining 5 of the best 10c Frills ever sold over a counter for 9¢ per box. We have less than 300 boxes and are the number limiting to one box to each person. Time of sale 7.30. All sales for cash. Pr ---- | -------- rumle y Bros. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last; lace, $5.00. Pat. Colt Skin, narrow and wide toe, natty last, button, $5.00. Pat. Colt Skin, medium toe, natty last, lace, $4.50. Gun Metal Calf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Gun Metal Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty last, $4.50. Tan Calf Blucher, narrow toe, natty last, $5.00. Tan Calf Blucher, wide toe, natty last, $5.00. Chocolate Tan Blucher, wide toe, $4.00. Pat. Colt Skin Blucher, medium toe, $4.00. REID & CHARLES 111 PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON. OUR MID-SUMMER SALE It's the quality and reas, sonable prices that makes it famous. Fancy Parlor Setts and Wood Settees, Fancy Shade Velour and Rug Couches; Parlor Tables and Music Cabinets, also Brass and Iron Bedsteads and Hercules Spring and Sanitary Health Mattresses tore open nights. Freight paid. ding Undertaker. 'Phone 147. at sale prices. S James Reid, The Lea -- Footwear! To Make Room for a Large Increase in Stock All Summer Footwear at 20 Per Cent. Off. A. E. HEROD, 986 PKINCESS ST. : -- Path, Outy vApril 24th, 1005, J. 0. HUTTON, AGENT. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Kingstoa. because the Canada Life has notified me that it has made a further reduction Mn my premium. This is what was promised, and fs now being performed. When an insurance company does this it is more than can be d of some others, and I am therefore -pleased. 1 have society insurd which does not compare at all favorably with that I hold in the Canada a I have an Endowment Policy also Wn the Canada Life, which has matured and been paid. This was a bonanza, as the profits paid were dmrge and more than satisfactory to me. . Dear Sir, -- To-day I am in good humor, Yours truly, nn voaa. The same contract can he secured to-day at tha Office, 18 Market St. J. OQ, WOTTON, Agent, ) 3 [THE SPORT REVIEW A HIGH HONOR TO WIN THE MARATHON. To-Day's Great Race at London--Canada, United States and Britain Each Had Twelve Competi- tors. To To win the, Marathon race is pro- bably ome of the highest honors at- tainable in athletic circles the world over, and Sherring carried off the palm of victory for Canada two years ago at Athens. Consequently Cana- dians have béen banking high on "he chances of Longboat, the Ingian won- der, who has recently acquired such fame. Although there can' be no pre- cise record for the Marathon race, ow: ing to the fact that the distance vdr- jes from yeur to year, it will net be out. of place to give the results since the revival of the Olympic games at Athens some twelve years ago. T were as follows : 1896, . Athens ; winner, Lones (Greece); distance 24 miles 1,500 yards; time, 2 hours, 28 minutes, 50 seconds. 1900, Paris; winner, Teati (France). 1904, St. Louis; winner, Hicks (Am- erica). 1906, Athens; The Course of winner, Sherring (Canada); distance, 26 miles: time, 2 hours, 51 minutes; 23 3-5 geeonds. This year the distance of the race is approximately twenty-five miles, 600 vards. The contestants started from Windsor, crossing the Thames . to Eton, and proceeding past Eton col- lege to Slough. They then passed: in turn Uxbridge, lckenham and: Ruis- lip till they reached Pinner and Har- yow. A 1,200 yards run parallel with the Metropolitan railway brought them to Sudbury, whenee they proceeded to Wood Lane vig Willesden and Worm- wood Scrubs, finishing: in front of the centre. grand stand at the stadium where the last one-third was run in full view of the spectators. There were in all .seventy-three enc tries for the Marathon race, sevenieen countries being represented, Of these only three--Canada, the United King- dom and the United States--had a full team of twelve, Sweden, with seven, being mext best. The other countries represented were South Africa ard Holland, with five each; Australasia, Germany and Italy, with three each; Greece, Denmark and Austria, with two each, and Finland, Belgium, Rus- sia. Bohemia and Hungary with ome each. Notes On Sport. Hamilton Times : 'I'hose metres that Bobby Kerr is rolling off at the Olyme piad are as fast as some of our elec- tric light meters. The Yankee aspersions on British sportsmanship are keenly resented in London. 'The Mail publishes the opin- jons of representative people, foreign and colonial. Mr. 'Tasse, of Ottawa, says : 'We thought we were coming ton country where sport has been carried on with fair play, and we have not been disappointed." Kerr, of Canada, is believed to be 5 little stale as the result of too much work. He. has been running two races a dav for the past week, The 2,000 Y.M.C.A. ranners finished their run from New York to Chicago in 119 hours, 22 minutes for the 1. 000 miles. The Philadelphia cricketers lost to Middlesex at Lords by seven wickets. The Olympic sinigle sculls looks to he hetween Lon Scholes (Canada), Me- Colloch and Von Zaga. McManus has been released from the Montreal catching department. -------- Eels And The Searchlight. I'hiladeiphdy Record. Danish investigators have found a means of checking the downward mi- gration of. breeding cels to the sea, whereby it is hoped that a valuable food supply may be saved for the country, for these migrating eels when, they have once reached the sea never return to their native rivers. The method is simplicity itself. A large acetylene searchlight is placed by the river bank in such a position that its rays can be made to illuminate the comparatively shallow water, and it is found that by this means the down- ward movement of the fish can effectively chet ked be How Alaska Indians Fish. Correspondence Forest and Stream. 1 saw Indians on the Chileat fishing day and night. The fisherman walked along the bank carrying a pole on the end of which was a barb- Jess steel hook. Tossing the hook end of the pole into the stream he turned it so that the elbow rested on the bottom. Then he gently drew the pole back and forth, and when he felt a fish strike the shaft he knew that a {salmon was probably crossing over the pole, so he gave it a quick jerk, drove the hook into the fish's side and hauled it up on the bank. This" is called snagging salmow. nver Had A Conscience. "My boy, vou have saved my life," a young swell exclaimed, as he tried to wring the water out of his clothes at a well-known seaside resort, "Let me reward you." He thrust his hand into his trousers pocket gud brought out a three-penny piece. "There, my boy, this is for you; but don't spend it foolishly." "No, sir, I can't take it, sir," the boy replied, ss he pushed the generous hand aside ; "I didn't earn it." : "Why, you saved my life, boy !"" "Yes, 1 know; but it ain't worth three pence." Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis- play windows. Father Would Quench Him. "Hear me, dearest," implored . the young man at the door. "I'm all on fire !" » "Well," replied the sweet girl, 1'n call papa downstairs teé put yom out." oh wi Bargains That Are Bargains. At Campbell Bros'. slaughter sale of summer hats, mt ---- it HAmusements. | TO-NIGHT 8.5 2, Matinee, Fridayg Py 8.80, Free Show Friday Children's 1 Cent Day on Street Cats. il 4 3 $ THE PALACE .OF, AMUSEMENT. To-Day and Saturday, 2 and 7. pan. " The Masquerade Ball" Act 1.-- When 'The Cat's Away x The Mice Will Play.' ~The Deceived One." : Eat Other." Flirt." Eng 8. This is we joke. "The Magic Dice," (Beautifully Color- ed). Crosby and O'Connor's. Orchestra in attendance. illustrated Song--"Old Maid.'* CHAS. B, S, HARVEY, Mgr. "VAUDEVILLE, PIOTURES AND SONGH | ua Only Two More Nights To See _ ST. LEON & McCUSILK : In Their Laughing Success: "THE LAWYER'S BRIDE" PICTURES-- "Texas Tex." a thrilling cowboy scene and "Gratitude," a beauti- ful drama. FILL WEST will sing "T Ay Foo You"--The illustrations are beautiful, Children One Cent TO-MORROW after- noon. They will be admitted free nights if under 10 years of age and accom- panied by their parents. Special Trip Down the River Saturday, July 286 Per Steamer North King Under Auspices of Kingston COMM NDERY, C.0.K.(;. Adults, 50c.: children, 25c. Boal leaves Swift's Wher! 10.16 a.m, home at 4.45 p.m. A, J. ABERNETHY, H.C.G. ROBT; HENDRY, Secretary. AUCTION: SALE. MARKET SQUARE, SATURDAY, July 25th, at 1T o'clock a.m, Bay Mare, 10 years old, Gelding, (D.1.C.) 5b years old, ind and well broken, single and double. WM, MURRAY, Auctioneer. BOATS FOR SALE. Two Yacht Hulls, one new," other slightly used--with or without engines. Will sacrifice for immediate sale. poly to Kingston Boat Company, Yacht Club Yard. : » i vi To Contractors. Commercial Travellers'| CONDENSED ADVERTISING! RATES "'*sertion, 25c. ; three insertions; Lbe. ; six, §1 ; obe month, $2. WANTED---MALE. BOY TO LBARN PRESSWORK, AP- ply Whig office, at oncey MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND penses. eo good each locality with rig or capable of ling horses rT and _intro- duce ous gearazted stock and jes. No experience neces out your work for you. eX] tio rmanent. wT A N oakine: nufacturing Co., Ont. WANTED-FEMALE. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWOR for summer. Apply Mrs. J. "M. bons, St. Lawrence Park, N.Y. FOUR WAITRESSES, 4 GENERALS, 2 hb ids, 1 plain cook, at once. APP y Canadian Employment Agency, K, ckville. GENERAL SERVANT. REFER- ences . Apply to Mrs. K. M. Ireland, 188 ilia street, be- tween four and six o'clock, p.m. WANTED--GENERAL. y H ¥IRE INSURANCE RISES. GOOD companies, lowest Dies, fair sett ments. Jy R. C. be & Co. 1 Brock St. Telephone, 480. THE dProrruniTy TO FURNISH estimates on electric work: All kinds of work promptly done. . J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards or cellars, or other bagge, carted. Prices right. Apply to g Lytle, General Carter, 35 Main St. DWELLING, (BRICK PRF- red), with modern conveniences, location not above University Ave Appiy to T. J, Boon, 159 Wellington street. POUBRLE fer DRESS-MAKING BY THE DAY, BY first-clads American Dress-maker, cently from New York. Perfect fit guaranteed; 'Terms moderate. Ad- ures Box 'Mu, 24." Whig: office, DRESSY GENTLEMEN T™ GET their Spring Suits made at Gallo- way's. anteea to please. 181 Brock St. next to Bibby"s Livery. SITUATION WANTED. EMPLOYMENT BY AN , ENGLISH: man, who has excellent recommenda- tions and education. Not afraid of hard work. Apply to Whig office. for address ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR W¥LLIS, ARCHIEOT, OF- fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. WANTED, about 100 yards of second- hand 12 1b. iron rails. Address P. O. Hox 41, Gananoque, Ont., stating price per 100 1bs., delivered in Gananoque, or F. 0. B. Kingston. | BENRY P. SMITH, ARUCHITEOT, 1 ete., Anchor Building, Market Square. | *Phone, 345. A NEW SYSTEM. Fool-Proof Railroad Signal Device Invented. : ; There ave several good railroad sig lisions and wrecks continue to An automatic gl foolproof system is the thing needed, and the plaim now made that this has been attain- ed. At the suggestion of the! inter- state commerce commission the = New York Central is going to permit the test of an electrical apparatus that seems theoretically capable of meet ing the condifions stated" above! As operated in model form noyflaw can he digcovered in wf. ¢ 3 The Nycutt train ston, as the inven tion is called, is different from the present €ystem of hlock signals, which are operated after the train has pags- ed out of the block, settirigithe sig nal for any folowing train.» In thiy new system the track is testedian the block ahead of the train, ane is in constant communication' with sthe cab of the locomotive, so that the; engi neer can at all times tell the * condi- tion of the trgeks Any defect jin: the roadied in this Block, suchas an open broken rail, over-hanging 18 switch, a cars, a car broken away from a train, is automatically detected and made known, first, hy a red light in the in- dicator of the. cab, guitk, the blowing of a whistle upon the lotomotive. Se- condly, should the engineer fail . to obey the danger signal, the air-brakes will be set automatically. An im- portant feature in the system is that all switches are automatically locked when the train is in the block, se that it is impossible to open a switch in front of an approaching train, Each locomotive is supplied with: a. set of wire brushes which come in contact with the third and fourth rail when passing over them, antl in each loco- motive is also placed a small dynamo in direct connection with the steam turbine, generating the electricity ta control the valve, which is connected with the air-brake. And on electric railroads the power is controlled from the motors. The valve. is supplied with a magnet, the armature of which keeps it closed while it is being mag- netised. Should the current be broken in any way by a broken rail, an open switch, or the track become short cir- cuited by a car standing in the block the magnet: loses its power, afid the pressure of the air opens this valve, thereby allowing the air to rush out, setting the brakes on the rail: Unlike the present system, where the connection must be made to show danger, and should it fail imany way by the insulation giving out, or the galvanic batteries which operated it, the system nged only be broken to show danger, and. should anything havpen to thé apparatus. in any way either on the tratk or on' the'engine: the current would be broken and the danger signal set. In this system al the electricity is generated by the dy- namo, doing awav' with all the 'gal- vanie hatteries which "are placed in battery wells along the road, and are constantly getting out of order, nal devices, but most of them depend | so much on the human factor that col- | occur, | / POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- chant's Bank Building, corner Brock | and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212. | | | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice; second floor over Mahood's Drug corner Princess and Bagot Entrancé' on Bagot st 'Phone 608. BUSINESS CARD. CARPET CLEANING Sewin and Laying. Feather Beds and Bintows cleaned by steam. Il. Milne, 272 Bagot street. ELECTRIC Gib- |' Style, price and finish guar- |' Want a watchman for the bank, Who'll look out for th ief or crank ? Come place a Whig Want® Ad to-d ay, Secure a man-without delay. TO-LET. FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, storage for furniture, etc. McCann, 51 Brock street. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH modern conveniences, with or with- out board. Apply 178 Clergy St. ALFRED STREET, ovements. Possession B. Cunningham. NOS: 77 AND 79 all' modern im 1st May. Apply A. FURNISHED OR , om t. Lawrence and Apply to MeCann, 51 Brock SUMMER COTTAGE unfurni Rideau. street. LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX change Chambers, No. 118 Brock St. Apply to Geo. Oliff, Real Estate Broker, 95 Clarence street. LARGE well ventilated rooms, for the sum- mer : Residence," at inter- section of West, Earl and Clergy Sts. 174 Earl street; FROM OCT. 1.---BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve fooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc, En- quire at 179 Division street. LOST. LADIES' GOLD WATCH, ON Bagot or Johnson Sts. Suilable re- ward to finder, by applying at 885 Johnson St. A ABOUT 10 Camp. bow. DURING CALE, off Rock = Point Name of *"Minniehaha,"" on Findér please inform, or return to Joseph Hooper, Contractor, King- ston, Ont, SKIFF, days ago, A SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help sccure positions. Will equip shops. Con stant 'practice. Ca 1 instructions. Few weeks complete course. Cats logue free. Write Moller Barber College, Toronto. ---------------------------- , All bells at grade crossings are eon nected with the contact plate in that block. NOT A JOYOUS HONEYMOON. the Saddle Fighting For Freedom. National Magazine; The honeymoon of Garibaldi and his wife Anita was a campaign of brilliant sen fights that would have done credit to John Paul Jones. At its disastrous ending, when their ammunition was ex- hausted and it was time to take to the woods, Anita fired the last cannon shot, helped to lay the trains to blow Passed in THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV, C. W. CASSON. God's Favor. Nothing depends upon either the favor or the mercy of God. Let us at last rid our minds of the idea that God is to be moved by any petition or swerved from a just purpose by the impulse of a prayer. To speak of the favor of God is to impute the fault of favoritism to Him. To speak of His mercy is to assert that His kind- ness causes Him to cancel what be- fore Hig wisdom decreed. God works up the vessel and was the last over | the rail as the ship went to the bot tom of the sea. ~To the woods they | went and there began Garibaldi's greater career as one of the military | marvels of the century. In the service of Rio Grande de Sul, with military supplies always at the zero point, this picturesque soldier de- veloped a genius for battle, a skill in retreat, a persistence in pursuit and a patience in canip "that amazed the Brazilians, endeared him to his fol- lowers and made him the idol of An jta. It was a wap of magnificent dis tances and short ration. Hand-to hand fights with: the bayonet and 100 mile flights over vas} stretches of treeless plain and pathless wilderness were the lot of all who in those days rode with Garibaldi, Whether it was the heart-breaking. retreat--with privations and sufferings almost wn thinkable--or the tireless pursuits, only a little lees gavage in its gerrors, Anita rode with the general. At the end of one of the forced marches--a flicht of unusual length and great hardshin--Menotti was born. Twelve days thereafter the de: voted mother, the embodied spirit of the splendid trooper, was again in the saddle. With the child in her arms and her carbine at her back, she was in her usual place at the head of the column. Never Before. Have such bargains been offered 2y ave now to he bad at Cambell Bro#. slanghter sale of summer hats! Our idea of a romantic girl is one who sends" out invitations to her | elanement. - # Some people think they are in the manufacturing line because they make promises. : There iz still hope for the bachelor who reads the marriage notices, by laws framed in love, but laws that are absolute in their operation. The law-abiding soul gains the benefit de- signed. In no other way can it be gained. Seek not to gain God's favor; obey God's law, and His greatest gilt will be yours. Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. 4 ? MARK TWAIN'S STORY. -- How a Little Thing May Lead to Crime. Everybody's Magazine. Whether or pot Samuel Clemens knows it, ap agent' once called upon Mork Twain 'dnd sought to interest him in life' insurabee. At first be talked well; then, having exhausted all of his arguments he merely talked. Mark Twain yawned slightly, and be- came reminded as follows : "Some years ago in Hartford we all went to church one hot, sweltering night to hear the annual report of Nr. Hawley, a city missionary who went around finding people who need- ed helprand didn't want to ask for it. He told of the life in cellars, where 'poverty resided; he gave in- stances of the heroism and devotion of the poor. When a man, with mil- lions gives, he said, we make a great deal of noise. It's a noise in the wrong place; for it's the widow's mite that counts. Wj Heiey worked me up to a great' 1 could ha ly wait for" -him to get: through. 1 had $400 in my pocket. I wanted to giver that and borrow. mote to give. You i . see .greenbacks" in evi of the plat eve. i then, he kept ta ane talking. AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT | © FOR SALE. ™G, ht Nos. 80 AnD on etree! ply . Cunningham. . GASOLINE LAUNCH, FAIRBANKS engine, a new reverse gear. Perfect in every way: Good reason for sells ing. Particulars, Marshall, at A.C, Knapp's, Boat Buildings $1,800 WILL BUY A BRICK DWEL« king, eight rooms, four acres land, on girs A spe. Would skchange fos city pro y. rgaing 1 ¥ "Bond' 79 Clarence St. To SPLENDID, NEW BRICK FRONT, © room house, cone cellar, furnace, bath and closet, near Cit Park, house wired for electric Hghting Chas. Bell, 1714} Wellington" St. MONEY AND BUSINESS. UR POLICIES COVER MORE OF building and ¢od ta than any other company offers. Amine them at Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark et Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOB® Fire Insurance Company, Available In addition to po! 1 have for the unlimited liabilit the stockholders. Farm and cily pros perty insured at Jowpet possible rates! Before renewing old .or giving new business gel rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, hy securdly PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete., removed ; permanently, without scar. Twenty yours experi- ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, r, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemish Specialist. 258 Bagot street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 406 JOHNSON ST. SEVENTEEN roomed three-story brick house, eleven bedrooms, besides attic, marble washbasins in each bedroom, hot water furnace. Apply A. Fy Bond, 79 Clarence street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. | * Experience Teasheth" thig 0, Mostly everyone has to learn at school. SWIFT'S COAL Will prove to you by EXPERIENCE ; to be the best you have had yet. Order now for mext winter. JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Connection with Wew York Cen« tral & Hudson River B.R. Leave Kin dail 5.00 a.m, 00 oe pt- Sutagy Leave Kingston Sunday, 7.80 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Ts Vincent daily, 10.50 a.my .. y «. direct anections Capg Vincent to and trom all oma ia New York Sue. Through Cape Viue oa ow end round trip rate Kingston to Hucarta Tetuthing uw o and including Monday, $1.65 a went down, down, down, down--$100 at a clip-until finally, when the plate did come arg 1 stole ten cents out of it. It goes to show how a little thing like this can load to crime." A Famous '"'Bull'"' Vindicated. John Morley was dining with' Sir George Trevelyan, aud was chafing Lim about a famous "bull" of his uncle, Lord Macaulay. You remember it--the thunder. of the oncoming host. 1 and as he dalked it grew hotter and men grew -slespier and hotter, ' and we Woopier and. wleepice. My enthtiiasm |

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