Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jul 1908, p. 7

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-- 7 TRAVELLING. KINGSTONS PEMBROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Grand Tercentenary Celebration July 20-Aug. 1. QUEBEC, $10.00 Return From Kingston Tickets Good Going JULY 18 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Return Limit Aug. 3. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. Good to go Sept. 1st, 15th 'and 20th, Aug. 4th and 18th. Tickets good te return in 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P, and C, P, R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. 'Phone, 50. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train jeaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Sundays excepled, for Tweed, Sydenhami Napanee, Deser- onto, Bagnockburn and all poings north. Ta secure quick despatch to Bannock- burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- lars, apply to R, W, HICKSON, Agent, Phone, No. 8. Special Side Grip Fares During Ger-Centenary Cele- Will sell round trip tickets from LEVIS to 3.60 6.00 Cacouna ran Little Metis Dalhousie ..... St. John, N Pictou, N.S Charlott Summerside, Halifax, N.S. Sydney, N.S. - P'roportionate rates to the Intercolonial and Island Railways. duly 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. 3rd, . 70 15.50 PRR 50 all points on Prince Edward Goo? for return until August 1908, Ie -- Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. or General Passenger Department, MONOTON, N.B. RAND TRUN Tercentenary Celebration, Quebec, P.Q. July 20th to August 1st, 1908, Round trip tickets will be issued from Kingston at rate of $10. Good going July 18th to July 27th inclusive all tickets good RAILWAY SYSTEM Retupn. Victoria San Francisco \ $101 10 San Diego ! . or " Class Class - $34.05 $23.00 Regina, Shsk. And préportionate rates to other points in the Cagadian Northwest via Chicago to return until Aug. 8rd. Low Rates to Pacific Coast and Good returning yftil October 31st. Vancouver \ EE | $95.80 Seattle J / . Los Angeles NEW ONE/ WAY FARES TO CANAD- IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, Paul, 4 1st 2nd Winnipeg, on. --------301.05 $31.00 Brandon, Man. ---- 39.20 $27.50 Fdmonton Alba. ... .$55.65 $37.56 the Cdnadian Northwest. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to and St. Paul, good going July 21st, Aug. 4thiand 18th, good to return with- 60 days. 0 llman accommodation, tickets and other infotmation, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Stsy Quebac Steamship Gompany LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 88. *Campana,"™ with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at4 pm., 27th July, 10th and 24th August, 7th and 21st September, for Pictou, 8. callmg at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal nit Perce, Grand River, & ymerside, P.K.I.,, and Charlottetown, PEI I -- NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, B.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th "and 22ud August. Bermuda Summer Excursions, $40 and upwards, by the Twin Screw SS. 'Bermudian,' 5,500 tons. Sailin fortnightly from New York, from pI June to bth October. Temperature cooled: by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season health and comfort, ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms LBPIY to Jy P. HANLEY, or C. 8S, KIRKPAT- RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. for Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, SN 1,000 ISLANDS. . » rT Strs. NORTH KING. Commencing June 27th, leavs Eng ston for Thousand Island points daily except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. Return ing leave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y. (Port of Rochester), calling at' Bay of Quinte Ports. STR. ALETHA--Leaves Mondays for Bay of Quinte Ports. at 5 p.m. Full information from JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents, J. P. HANLEY, Co 8, KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents, y THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JULY 24 pr---- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. * 2 ---------- The Tidings From Various Poipts in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Fagle Hill Topics. Eagle Hill, July 21.--The heavy rain last week is making 'the grain and DOWN AT QUEBES THE ARRIVAL OF PRINCE A NOTABLE EVENT. far west as Niagara and on his way back would call at Kingston and tase toe Thousand i:land trip. | gave him the British-American Hotel card, and assured him of 3 welcome in the Lime stone City, Lord Roberts was up- proached about bis trip west, and J am sure if our City council wili get busy, Kingston can get "Bob's" to {eall and tase the Yhoueand island | trip from our city. Try it, it is worth ja lifetime to see the sun-tanned war- th rior of an hundred hard fought Lat-' ; : thes. PASSES Were: General Pole-Carew and: otherg whepec, ouly n issuer, this afternoon giving all | an . ' | ten ci J i twenty-tive feet | nd taking the same trip an newspaper seats with I trust pep ny jour city of the chair placed 'at the disposal of {25.8 will rie to the occhsion in His Royal Highness the Prince of [co v/Bg and entertaining these dis- Wales, on the Ring's wharf. At 3.30 Hoguished en from the old land. p-m., the ludomitable amd Minotaur Ko hi Laurier enquired after hove ia sight away down the river|: mas <n, when 1 told him, as he sat amd a generul royal salute from all oi 8 Carriage that 1 was irom the the warships in the harbor signalled lt - ¥;- and particularly asxed after thé long looked for fact. The dear|,, x and the Hon. William Har- oll Union Jack was thrown out to Ly, 3.p, Sir Wilfrid received 'a mighty the breeze by a sergeant of the Royal Dyan all along the line of march, Marines, aml as the afternoon kissed E r th ha JiFince was cheered everywhere and caressed its silken folds, a lusty by the s iousandy of people who lined British cheer broke forth from the he way to the citadel. : . lips of 100,000 loyal British subjects| CO Sam. Hughes was in evidence lining the wharves, "streets and the Srerywhere and everyLody seemed to kills overtopping the silvery St. Law- [haw am: Ceremonial is dear to rence It was answered from ship to as ou and he knows how to do ship until patriotic enthusiasm was at if fo ing to the king's taste." the boiling point. Bands played the |p, 4 7.30 to-morrow morning, the 14th national anthem, soldiers saluted, ci-| Pmenty 47th and mn fact the whole vilians bared their heads, cannons | Col Gordon's division will leave boomed, angl everybody went perfectly |' ava camp to rehearse the grand wild in the mighty demonstration. Wale wle bh given before the Prince of The Indomitable and Minotaur cast! cs on Friday, on the Plains of anchgr in the river and the usual | Abraham. Every bit of detail will be Samplitientery calls were made ad | Joked._ out, well or Co Gordon and returned by the naval officers. Sir[° assistants, who will sive a goo Wilfrid Laarier, Lord Roberts, Ear] | ccount of themselves in the big bat- Grey and others went on board the | teticld demonstration. Indomitable and extenrled greetings to Brevitice revities. the prince, and exactly at 4.10 pm. the prince stepped ashore. Again the| Major Panet is here and looking fine but, oh, my, how busy ! cannons boomed, bands played and everybody cheered louder and stronger. | Col. Williams' tall form was visible The Whig's Correspondent Had a Few Words With Many of the Notables at the Celebration. Whig. > Special Press is a light crop in: this vicinity, The hay hee, at James Irvine's, last Thursday, was well attended: Reuben Pettfer is home from British Colum- bia to spend the summer; also Miss Fanny Pettifer, of Kingston. Thomas ed. The ball given by the Misses Marquardt in the new hall was a de- cided success, and much eredit is due to the young ladies, in their under- taking. Mrs. D. Youmans, Denbigh, is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. P. Plotz. Messrs. Willie and Harry John are home from the Soo. M. Ready is on the sick list; also Miss Hazel Irvine. R. Ferguson has pur- chased a horse on Lane, Den- bigh. Marsh hay hunters are again {on the route. Picking huckléberries is the order of the day, Miss Katie Marquardt and brother, James, spent Suntlay at M. Ready's: R. Pettifer at R. Ferguson's, Had Narrow Escape. Arden, July 23.---JThere have been some nice rains, which have greatly benefited the e¢rops; everything looks fine; the country never looked hetter. The hay, thou h, of old seeding, 1s not much; is seeded will he a fair Sthat Kingston had materially changed erop. William A. Miller, who came {here to see his mother, hefore her : {death, which took' place recently, left man in the for Saskatoon, Sask., on Monday {last. On Tuesdhy Rev. J. W. J. An- | if possible, than before. The Royal|in the ranks® of the cavalry along the | Marines and 43rd D.C.O.R., Ottawa, | line of march. : | were on the wharf, the latter acting| Sergt. Bailsy is a busy ; guprd of honor to the Welsh camp. prince, who is honorary colonel of the| Sergt. O'Connor finds plenty to do. |drew, wife and family rived f) regiment. The prince, accompanied by| The Kingston battery boys will go | Berlin Ont., and are rein oa Lord Jobers inspected thet 13rd, af- | tb Petawawa beyond question, after | weeks with Tis uncle Tome: Rui or ch y ne - a 8 a a Ore ni 1 r » M : : ; So . rn recei i. nial to Hig stale te romans is over, this even [Scat mg "F the Sores of Grent | ] he | a 1 ! a ! -|Clear Lake. Farmers are busy hay- Sie Wilirid Laurier, tall, and digni-|in7, and a bi; storm js playing havoe | ing Two voun irls, daughters, r fied, atfired in the full dress uniform |with decorations and clearing the | spectively "of . om oh B: i Br of the Omler of St. Michael and St. [streets of sightseers {Daniel Mpsier, were Pot] Eh pnd George, and supported by the domin Our volunteer hovs home | Clear Lake yesterday Fr. De i n cabinet, marched up the |ahout Sunday. : [ea the 'boat Wat upset They, | prince's chair and the prince of pre- Private Stevens, 90th Regiment, of i hawever managed to cling to it y: nticrs proceeded to read the address of Winnipes, drowned in St. Charl s ri [drifted shorewards wher they ins welcomp. In clean clarion tones, wither, East Savard Park camp. about an (helped out by persons hearing thei the digtinet Pronthelation foe Wich hour ago. Was bathing with a bunch |cries. Both were nearly autor © 13 so famous when using the Eng-|( ings . y ti » | They are i i y 3 : he is 2b samous when using de R of Ring ton boys at the time of the They ure doing all right, but it was a Wales that United Canada joined in : RTO mum Re extending to him the greatest, graml s Fishi est and heartiest of greetings. Again Chale o8 Sas Fishing. in French--and what delightiul John's !ers in this hE he Ayr French--Premisr Laurier repeated the . are engaged at t ' : hes: vi They repor i address of welcome. "With every mark their haying. They report a good yield of attention the. prince listened to Newburgh, July 23 -- The lawn social | of hay. The recent rains have been of both, and .when. Lanfier = conclude) DY the ladies of St. John's church, on, [great benefit to vegetation and pas- Prince George of Wales read his ro- Wednesday, was a success in every |ture. The Opinicon Club House is fill- sponse in hoth Fnglish and French, The attendance was large and ed rapidly. I'he tourists report great and it would have puzzled the most |an excellent - programme, which in- (bass fishing, beautiful scenery and expert linguist to tell whether the na- cluded a maypole dance by twenty good sport. Dh. Anderson, Kingston, tive tongue of the prince was English girls, was given by local and foreirn the champion fisherman krings in Lass or French. talent. Drief addyesses were given hy that weighs four' and one-half to six the rector, Rev. Mr. Spencer, Rev, M. |pounds. Miss Mi. B. Flemins is vigit- Sexsmith, the Methodist minister, and |Ing her aunt, Mrs. F. Gray, Hallville. Rev, Mr. Kennedy, of Bogton. The (Mrs. M. Dwyre and daughter Ella, proceeds were $58. Philipsville, are visiting Mrs. J. J. Rev. Me. Kennedy, Boston, and |Murphy; Mrs. J. E. O'Brien and Miss Rouse, Bath, were the guests of (daughte , Francek, are guests at Lock- Mr. and Mrs. €. H. Finkle on "Tues | master Fleming's: Miss May Henger- two | 18Y evening. Principal and Mes. Fal- son, Kingston and Miss Loretta Mur- of | coner, and son, of, Toronto, are visit- {phy, Brewer's Mills, are spending a France. | 8 Mrs. Falconer's parents, Rev. J. [few days with Miss Kdna Fleming ; Kildare {and Mrs. Gandier, at the manse. Mrs. | Mrs. (Capt.) Fleming has gone to \IIare, | o Shorey is visiting 'her son, J. E. | Ireland, young Montcalm being an al ] Cnt i at Railviio and Montreal to visit her indirect descendant of the great his- [Ory ani oft. ) 358 Mion { camyters, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. 0O- torical Frenchman, and Lisut. Wolfe a Thomson, spent Suh ay (ith : jou Brien The people of this vicinity are A Ee heer Marion Thomson, Se! by. . il. Fin le |p eased with the mail service carried British general. Both sat together on By tthes Eo P 'bor | by the R.L.N, Company steamers. The the visitors" stand and enjoyed the | Mrs. iam, Has, Re orc, | Sener Loretta with the superinten- wm perige TRe Ee ue siting Ae ae hter. Mys. : Heorge {dent of the Rideau canal, and party hy ula .y SNe mene Walker. } i elen Hertligton, Yee | on board, passed through here, to- ham together, yesterday, and said to Sunes, is the guest . Miss elen | gays on their way t- Kingston. Mrs. the. Whi ri NE in] e. aie of te arr + Wd oster, Ottawa, spent a few days hetl DL sble than 'herd 1e results of the emfrance to model | with friends here last week. s pe 0 iid wl {school examinations were announced ---- distinguikhec did when in | r. The 1 i . , the same ground contending for Pris {on Monday The following oo Rew : glorse Was Stolen. diction in this part of the western | Miss EE Conch Mise Mpr > Mb. St. Andrew's Lake, July 23.--The world. Lieut. Wolfe has seen service in | M tert. Miss G A 5 Fo PROM | farmers are all busy eutting their hay, the imperial army, and wears the | Tim thy Pomeroy (honprs) 0) Mice and report a much better crop than Egyptian medal 'and Khedive's star IK tie "Ei ? wd Miss yr E W) iy last year. A number of young people The Duke Norfolk had a hearty | Miss. H np Spe Tore to is i attended the celebration at Picendilly. laugh over his experience in hing- | Miss ip Wilson pr oy Shoo! hae closed andl "our teacher, stoh harbor in the '60 8, when he ac The post lice A be move] short Miss Lillian Johnston, has returned companied the present Kinz Edward ly Mr Re hf di y short- | to her home in Bath. A very pretty a o£ 2 art {ly to Mr. Ryan's building} next to the | wedding took place, on June 30th, VIL. as Priace of Wales, on his visit|drug store. Robert Doygran started | when one of our Jost popular young to the Limcst ine City, 1 asked bin if | the work of finishing thef building this | ladies, Miss Idifh Peters, youngest the, king really landed, and he said : week and it is understobd Mrs. Mad- | daughter of Benson Peters, was unit- of course . did and enjoyed den 'is going to put logk boxes in the | ed in martiage to MoGuire Beadour. hts of your city in a delightful building when fhe change The bride--received many costly and drive 1 his grace useful presents, which shows the high | esteem in which she was held. They will reside at Parham. Miss Maggie Kghedy is ahle to be around again, after a Jong illness. T. Peters gave the young people a dance in his new barn, last week. Chester Kennedy re- turned home from Stralake, after a short absence. \ Miss Frances Killins returned home from Harrowsmith, af- ter visiting friends there. George Campbell had his horse and buggy stolen, last Tuesday night, at Picea- dilly; they were found the next day {in the vicinity of Kingston: Visitors : | Mr. and Mrs. William Shillington amd | Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin spent Sundav {at S. Martin's, Yarker; Abb Barr ami sister, Rertha, at T. Butterill"s: Miss i as he will Le ion to NEWS OF NEWBURGH. Social By St. Church Ladies. ' oh Lawn way. Was Well Engrossed. The address of welcome was made by ox, of Montreal, and reflects credit on a Canadian enyossir. It was bound in red morocco and was indeed exceedingly beautiful. On stand unique in the Bertrand Montcalm of Paris, and Lieut. Wolfe of County visitors there were characters person 18 of more ancestors ot we new is made. P. D. Shorey is visiting in Canifton Miss Ballard, Madogf is visiting her brother, Henry Ballard. George Wel banks leaves this week to take in the ter-centenary at Quebec. Dr. i.orne Ryan, of New York, is visiting his father, M. Rygh. Percy Patterson, | who has been [attending school in Kingsville, the/last year, arrived home on Thursday Aast. He left on Wednes- dav to join/the steamer Caspian, on which he his secured a position for the summér. Master Gordon Storey returned irom the general hospital, as | Kingstoh, last week. Thomas Hamil- ton is/confined to the house throu~h [illnesg'. Mr. Sexsmith, Selbv, spent Sundav at the parsonage. Mr. Oliver | and Miss Oliver, Tondon, are the | Susie Shillington and Miss . Lillian cnests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nesbit. | Thompson spent Sunday at Angus Miss Limbert is visiting Mrs. W. 8S, { Melood's; James Coulter, at S. Mar- Waeonr, Tamworth. Robert Shorts, | tin's; Bruce Henderson, Murvale, at a a ay 31. Ase. 28. Rochester, N.Y., spent Sunday with |.J. Shillington's: Purse Trousdale; Tunisian sails Aug. 7. Sept. 4.}|his parents here. | Sydenham, at G. Killing': Mr. and MONTREAL TO HAVRE AND . Mrs. Fdwanl Carl, Verona, at W. LONDON. the carriage assured since that day, over forty years ago, amg if he would come and see us anil bring the I'rince of Wales, we would give him the welcome of his life. Ritting in front of your ecorrespen dent was Lord Falmouth, who was in Kingston last werk, and made th» trip among the islands. Lord Fal mouth said he ¢ nsidered Kinston a paradise at the gateway of the great river St. Lawreme, Wolfe To See Us. Wolfe said ke was going "ALLAN "25 LINE Montreal to Liverpool | Corsican sails -July 24. Aug: 21. it | | { A Panacea. Louisville Courier-Journal Old Peleg Brown, of my native town, | was a fellow who'd never whine, { He used to say: "Fer a perfect day vest gimme a block of pine." : He'd forgot the strife of this life. 'and the pain 'that a bears Through the simple aid of blade, for he'd whittlé cares Shillington's. -- Bath School Did Well. Bath, July 23.--Mrs. Patterson, of Vancouver, BCS, who has been visit- earthly [ing with Mrs. A. B. Rowan-Legg, left mortal on Thursday morning for Muskoka. a whetted John Forrester and Frapk Keller, also away his the Misses Maggie and ith Forres- Corinthian safle ....Aug. 1; Sept. 12, Pomeranian sails .... Aug. 8. Rates of and full {nforma~ tion may obtained from J, PF. HANLEY, Agent G.T.R., or C. S, KIRKPATRIUK, Local Agents. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON. 7.30---9.15a.m. 1.00-4.00 p.m, TUES; 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m,| J 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. | Breakey's | his plan when 6.309.830 a.m. 1.30 p.m. | down: 1.00--4.00 p.m;| When the world seems blue 1.00--4.00 p.m. |- Triends untrue, and you 9.15--12.80 a.m: 5.00 p.m. spondent. throes, Just vou find a seat in a cool retreat LEAVES KINGSTON :-- and whittle away your woes. 8.30~11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m. | 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.30 p.m, | WED. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m. | THURS. 330-41.00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. | ireakey"s Bay, p.m. ks Q FRI. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m, | dock, at Sam. | SAT. 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00--5.80 p.m. | giving two hours SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.15~-5.30 p.m. | Fare, 35c. Sat Special hp 10 mare Island | atic solet to change without | Some folk are so busy trying to get notice: a living that they haven't time to live. z think of this wholesome] distinguished Peleg Brown | man might adopt] your cares refuse tol Oh, I often kink that And 1 believe each WED. THURS, Bay FRI. SAT. SUN. | your | de-! and have MON. TUES. Excursion To Ogdensburg. Aletha will leave Swift's} Tuesday, July 28th, | at Ogdensburg. Steamer Boat calls at Garden Island going to and from Kingston root crops look more promising. Hay | Irvine is having his house re-plaster- , , 1908. immense. Our July Clearance Sale "Makes Good" Eve Printed Claim, and Offers Even Greater Values for Saturday and All Next Week. This is, by all odds, the most successful Summer Clearing Sale ever car- ried on in Kingston ; and no wonder. The price reductions are simply Offering to you, each day, goods of style and quality at prices that cannot be equalled in other stores. - Just Received a Shipment of 120 Ladies' Muslin Kimonas Well made of best muslins . in newest shades and patterns, banded with white lawn. All sizes. Regular price $1. On sale Saturday C and all next week... 450 Yards Mosquito Net- ting. Thirty-six inches wide, best quality, « green only. Never sold before at less than Ge: yard. Take advantage of this saving. On sale Sat- dc i urday and all next on paper, price, fe. paper. Good quality Safety es 6 to 10 assorted On Sale 2c dozen on paper, worth 5 cents. On Sale, 3 for §c 900 yards Val-nciennes and Imsertion,. Rerular 5c. yard. On Sale 2c 200 pair Black Cotton Stockings, siz: worth 15¢. and On Sale per pair 10c Big Savings on Ladies' . Fancy Hosiery 20 pair fine cotton openwork stockings, colors, tam, black and grey. Just the thing for this weather. 'Regular price 25¢. On sale Saturday and all next week... 2 Pair for 25c. 75 Linen Table Cloths to Clear Size 60 x 104-Threequartef bleached, fancy red bor- der and fringe all round. Regular price $1.50. On sale Saturday 98¢ and all next week... sizes. Regular Pins, all sizes, 1] La inch each, On Sale, 3 Iace Fd.ing Regular 20¢. each. oo Pad Hose Supporters, On Sale 560 Yards Cambric to Clear Good quality cambric in all wanted shades including grey, blue, pink, brown, yellow and others. Sold all over at Se. yard. On sale Satur- 5 c day' and all next Long Lisle Thread Gloves at 25¢ Pair y Ten dozen pair to clear for Saturday and next week, White only, sizes, 6§ to 7% Regular price H0e. 25¢. pair. On sale Satur day and all next week Great List of Notion Savings The" "Leader Sheet" Toilet Pins--810" 500 Boxes "Roscan" Linen Thread, 4 spools in each box, colors black and grey. Regular price 20c. box. On Sale 8c Ladies' Fine Lawn Handkerchiefs, hali- hemstitched hems. Worth be. for 10c Men's Silk Bow Ties, all latest shades. On Sale Sc splendid elastic used. Regular, 35¢. pair. 19¢ 65 Men's Suits to go at 0 $4.89 This lot represents the balance of about a dozen different lines, of dark and light all- wool Tweeds, made to sell at $8.50, $10 and $12. Materials are domestic and imported Tweeds and Worsteds in good patterns. You will find among them all sizes from 34 to 40, Yours Sat- urday and all next 4 24 week....... we DAY, August 1st. last. A Clearing Lot of 29 Men's Wash Vests Including white and black striped duck, linen colored duck, and others. Broken siz Regrlir prices range from 81 to $2. To clear on 49 Saturday and all Summer Braces, next week elastic, 35¢c es. elastic web Five silk ce Doe. Honeycomb Outing Shirts Cuffs Collar attached, cream only. Nice and cool'for this warm weather. Splendid * and washing quality. Six- es 144 to 16. Regular price $1. On sale Saturday and all next week... 5 Cc You will lose if you need these | and don't buy now. Zz Remember that this Gigantic Clearing Sale positively ends SATUR- Take advantage of the SAVINGS while they Phong No. 844 left on Wednesday for the cele- Miss Ada Topliff ter, bration in Quebec. is visiting friends in Kingston. 'The social and dance given in the town hall, on Tuesday evening, in aid of the public library, was a success, the sum of $26 being realized, In the results of the recent entrance examinations the Bath school shows up well. The whole number who had tried all pass- ed successfully. Great credit should be given to the teacher of the en- trance class, Miss McEwan. A. B. Rowan-Legg, manager of the Northern Crown bank here, has received orders | to leave for another appointment. His | many friends will be sorry to see) him go. W. Gordon, of the Spadina! branch, Toronto, takes his place her Miss Annie McDonald, Stella, is visit- ing Miss Fern Grant. mer Sharpe {has been sick during the past week. {Bath baseball team expects to play the Cressy team on Friday. Miss Fannie Forrester has returned fm visiting friends in Napanee. W. E. Topliff putting on another storey to his shoe {shop, which adds to its appearance |very much. The Davy Bros. are doing the work. muss Maggie Smith, of Stella, is visiting at Mrs. Thomas Baker's. Mrs. K. Mclaggert and Miss Burley, of Brighton, are visiting friends here. 18 Drink With Satisfaction. Our ice cream soda and other bever- ages are made to please customers and to keep them pleased. The pur- ity of the materials, the cleanliness of the glasses and the prompt and at- tractive service unite to put our soda in a class by itself. It is made for people who demand quality. Wade's Drug Store. Of Course He Didm't. Philadelphia Ledger. 'The papers are afraid to say jany- thing," sneered the first citizen. "Some people don't feel that about it," replied the other. run for office ?' "No, but 1 wrote a letter roasting some fellows that needed roasting, and the paper didn't print a line." "Did you sige your name ?"' "Certainly not. D'ye think I'm a chump ?" way "Ever Get Off The Beaten Track. By taking the America on her fam- ous tour of the islands, Saturday, 2.30 p.m.; 50c. . Be Wise, : To your own interests and attend Campbell Bros'. slaughter salé of summer hats. TR The Montreal Stock Co. LLLLLLLLLLLLLL0L00L000400000000000800 Pumps, stamped price, $5. All our $3.50 Men's Tan and Sessa. AA ESAS Arc ssn anna rad ana Aoout 90 pairs Men's Tan, Gun Metal Our Windows this week show our determination carry over one single pair of Oxford Ties. \ - A Few of the Tempting Prices: All Gueen Quality and Ultra $4 stamped price Oxfords and Pumps, in, Tan, Black and Patent Colt Skin. Now ---$2.98. All Ladies' $3 Tan, Patent €olt and Kid Oxfords. 80 Princess St. 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Greceri | All Our Oxfords Must Go not Now $2.25. About 15 pairs Queen Cuality and Ultra Swede Buckle NOW ~b-sa-es «==ceee=-$3.75. Patent Colt Oxfords. Now and Patent Colt Oxford $4 Shoes. NOW ---=- =-c-ca = s-ccccce - - = -$3.00. 55 pairs Men's Patent Colt, Tan and Gun Metal Shoes, the best American makes. All $5 goods. Sale Price -\- - -$3.97. 3 gross Lily Whité Shoe Dressing, regular 10c. Now - -Be. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The House of Good Shoes. SUGAR Forms a large proportion of every ho to your interest and profit to use ( the season being mow on) BEST known : Redpath's Granulated Sugar our Grocer for and see NDRY, Losal Wholesale 1s the seme of that you get ;

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