i NE EMBROKE AT CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Grand Tercenténary Celebration July 20-Aug. 1. | QUEBEC, $10.00 Return From Kingston Tickets Good Going JULY 18 TO 27, INCLUSIVE Return Limit Aug. 3. EEKERS' EXCURSION Io MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- 5 WAN AND ALBERTA. 2 Good go Sept. 1st, 15th and 20th, and 18th good to return S80 iculars at K, Pr. or C, Py Office, bo Se "Phone, 50, . CONWAY, Gen. Pass, Agent, ------ BAY. OF QUINTE RAILWAY eaves union station, Ontario Pull BREWERY 0. Celebrated 'White I Invalid Stout Every Cork Branded Men LE fore] y ra, Deser- ay Na; . and Joints north. Rn points Hh route your Shipments via Bay of of Quinie Railway. For further particu. lars, w, DICKSON, Agent, "Special Side Grip Fares During Ber-Centenary Cele- 'bration, Quebec. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Will. sell round trip tickets from LEVIS to CECRIUDA . re sess einstein BBO ddttle Metis . .....iccone - es AR Dalbotsie ......... « - 8.10 St. Jobn, N.B. 75 Pictou, N.S. Charlottetown, 15.50 "rms eee 18.50 points on and Prince Edward wrote touate rates to all Intercolonial Pond Railways. duly 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. Good for return until August 3rd, 908. . ---- Montreal City Office, 141 St. James Street. General Passenger Department, MONCTON, N.B. TR EE 4 ACERT Tercentenary : Celebration, Quebec, P.Q. Say 20th to August 1st, 1908. Round trip tickets will be issued from Kingston at rate of $10. Good golag July 185th to July 27th inclusive all tickets good to return until Aug. 3rd, Low Rates to Pacific Coast and Return. Good ri until October 31st. Vancouver Victoria Rortiana Seatt San Ete. HB 101.10 San A yo ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, Paul, Winnipeg, Man. 5 ian MAR. ccna T8854. 05 y SANK. ee $39.20 Edmonton, Alba. .. .....$56.60 And proportionate rates to other points fn the Ugnatian Northwest. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the Camadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good going July kt, Aug. 4th and 18th, good to return with. wo days. For pullman * accommodation, and other infotmation, apply to J..P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts Quebec Steamship Gompany LIMITED. River & Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Oruises in Cool Latitudes tickets Twin Screw Iron SS. ¥Campana," with electric lights, electnia bells and all modern comiort SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at4 pm. 27th July, 10th and 24th August," 7th and 21st September, for Pictou, N.S calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Grahd River, Summerside, I 1.1., and Charlottetown, P.EL ett NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlot istown and Halifax, $8.8. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec fibth July, 8th and- 22nd August. Bermuda Summer Bxcureions, 310 and upwards, by the Twin rew 8S. "Bermudian,'! Baling 1 fortnightly from from June to bth perature - cooled by sea breezes 'seldom rises above 80 degrees. The t trips of the season Sealth and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quabec, tickets and staterooms apply to re. HANLEY, or C. Rick, Ticket Agents, Kingston ont. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co, ' LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS. tor Strs. NORTH KING. Commencing June 27th, leave K ston for Thousand Island points dai t Monday, at 14, 15 a.m. Returp- fave at 5 p.m., for Charlotte, N.Y. ort of Rochester), calling at Bay of Quinte Ports. STR: ALETHA--Leaves Mondays for Bay of Quinte Yorts, at & pw. aro information from YARE |S SWIFT Freight Agents, J, HANLEY, : & = "EIREPATHICK, Diekek BY | $95. 80| S. KIRKPAT- | THEY DEMANDED HONEY BLACKMAILER'S THREAT TOKILL WHOLE FAMILY. | Millionaire, Barren Letters Tei ing How: Each of His Chilazen Would Be Slain. - Munich," July 25.~In a erondid court the wink) an at Mumich, of Bernhard © Imblof," an'ex-postal sees' vant, aged thirt wo; for, attempted: | blnckmasling. of milliohire Bava- rian manaiacturer, Herr La | doviei. of goed and sus bt hoe. already Although perior education, served a sentence of five years for embozlement, ahd that he wrote to Ludovict, who Jn mort $10,000,000, demandiug" sum: from $35,000 to $500,000, oder of killing off his children one oy ong until his terms were agreed to of finally robbing the milliquaire § his own eyesight. Jmhol's letters, signed by a fl tious name, told how the 'death of each child would be followed by .a. demand for an additional $250,000 until all dive «children were killed. The millionaire was assured that no sort of protective measures could ward off his awful fate. Imhof weclared during vestertlay's examination that' he wrote the letters only to annoy and "lirighten the millionaire, because, "de- seers RAY or FADED IR fo its' NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY 0 matter how Jango it has been or faded. Preniotés a luxuriant gro of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positiyeiy, removes drut. Keeps hair Soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2)¢ times as much in $1.00 as 50c size. IS NOT A DYE. Philo Hay Spee, Cq.. Newark. N. J. 11 and 50c bottles, at druggists" JAS. B, ;McLEOD. Do not let the Jay : I ac ~ebdck oh Coal, P. WALSH. opportunity go hy to ole=Fing Scranton ne fe ANN ER SHOE POLISH is Wiwelcome ificrease in stock to every grocer. It is thie bést, quickest and blackest polish made, and the quickest and regdiest saller; Black and all Colors At vay fad arladyiis " sald dd There is nbthidk newer or MOIR ARRRRIASS: + We have a beautiful assortment... .in.. Solid Gold, Plain, chased and pearl set. Also 'some very prey styles in Gold '¥ ii SOLID GOLD BRACE- LETS, from: $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE. LETS, ftom $1.25 up. Kinnear &d'Estorrs Jewellers. 100 Princess St., King- Montreal to ait HL Corsican. safls --..July 24. Auge 21. Virginian sails ~ July 381, Aug. 28; Tunisian sails ... ..Aug. 7. Sept. & MONTREAL LTO HAVRE AND Corinthian sails _ Aug. oy Sept. 13, Pomeranian sai 1s CAug. 8, Rates of passage and full rma. tion may be obtained from HANLEY, Agent G.T.R., or U S. KIRK PAT: RIOK, Local Agents: ribose y | politieal spite my greater intelligence. 1 was compelled to work like a horse on his premises," and also because it was a matter of gossip among Ludovici's employees that despite his vast for- tune he was stingy. UNITED STATES TO BRITAIN, Address of Fairbanks--Reply Prince. ' Quebec, July 25.--In addressing the prince during the exercises Vice-Presi- dent Fairbanks, of the United States, said : Permit me, to extend to Quehee my hearty congratulations upon the dis- tinction which she enjoys in' the pre- sence of youre royal highness 'and upon the enthusiasm wigh which she has wel- comed yoi within her gates. It is, ine 'deed, a signal honor which you have done her. It is a happy circumstangpe which brings you across the sea. The event is one which will be long treas- ured among the annals of Quebec. The eyes of the western world ave upon "this historic city. The celebra tion of the ter-centenary of Cham- plain's founding of Quebec is alto- gether admirable, both in the coin- prehensivencss of its conception and in the excellence of its execution, and is 'an event which awakens interest not only in the Dominion of Cémada, hut in the United States also. From this point as a base intrepid "explorers blazed the ' pathway of civilization through itrackless forests and explored thé lakes and rivers in territory which is now -within the jurisdiction of the United States. "Names aséocia- ted with the early history: of Quebec ave |ahdmarks Jn our geography and are indelibly impressed upon our civi- lization. Three hundred' years is but a brief period in the history of England or France, 'but it is all the history of Quebec and all of Anglo-Saxon Am- erica. Here has been written an in- teresting story. Here have been wit- nessed the. victories and defeats of war and the blessed triumphs of peace. lhe . battleships of three great na tions rest yonder upon the bosom of the Lawrence. The representa. tives of those assembled here are recalling past difierences, hut only to emphasize the 'present prevalence of 'a spirit of genuine friendship be- tween them of =~t powers Nations With Much In Common. It is with unusual pleasure | bring you greetings from the pretident and the people of the United States who rejoice with you in the progress you have made _in the manifold ways which make lor the strength and hon- or of a great ple. We are not in- dillerent. to are nor are you indifferent to ours. The blood of a common gneestry is in our veins, We belory in many of the same traditions and we have the same jurisprudence. Our standards of civilization are alike, Here, side by side, owing allegiance to different sovereignties, we are, in God's Providence to werk out our destiny. We wish you that contentment which comes from "the cultivation of the arts of peaceful industry under those institutions which are the guaranty of justice and liberty among men. The United States and Canada have {but fairly entered upon their careers. Fach has settled or will make vast areas either sparsely unoccupied where many their homes in, the future. Many millions will be added to our population and to yours. We have each made much advance in the scale b [of eivilization and are gratified with the progress we have made. Back of us lies a brief but honorable history and hefore us stretch illimitable op portunities. We confidently believe that we are each destined to play =a large and worthy. part in the pro- gress of the human race upon the western continent. We: have no rivalries except in the ways of peace. We neither covet the other's ternitory. "We covet only each other's neighborly esteem. We rest apon- a.common frontier 'more than five "thousand, miles in length. It is grossed gnd recrossed by instruments: lities to commerce which tend to strengthen our neighborly ties. There are no fortifications upon our frontier and no battleships upon the wgters which divide us and we believe and fervently hope that there will never be need 'of any defensive preparations between us: No Rational Reason For: War. As we. behold this majestic celebra- tion, in which representatives of dif- ferent nations participate. and witness the manifestations of a general frater- nal svirit amoung them, we are im- pressed with the thought that there's resort to war. Mav we not on this theatre of past confliats, surronnded now hy the im- fregsive monuments of pence, to hope that the widtspread move ment whith seeks to insure the main- tenance of peace among the nations no rational 'reason why nations should venture) of the world. without Sw x sword may grow in no distant day become tions. To. advocate measures for the niin: habe, of international amt to endeavor to substitute reason for 8 mot evidence ol any decay Tn the foutage of of nations, but it is the proclamation of the great truth that modern civilization is np a failure, "It is not substitute for force the all-powerfiil chamber of reason and dee liberation. There is such a Thing: us righteousness 'among vations. them take their difiérences into nice national courts of justice and let reason. and righteousness = prevail. Let nations by. every honorable means | which enlightened statesmanship might alone turns the relations" between the Uni States ae 8 of Tl Band obey af « fnilure if 3t * does] 19 and na muggest avoid an appeal ia that comet L We! have no need to fear: : that 3 5, ET £ Bene i i BREST Epo Pols 8 . 3 he fre 0 ¥ and Great Britain will ever. again. be Idisturbed. We have faith' to' hitioth £ that our. flags, 'which grace "this" tortie occasion and which mingle gether and salute each Plgins of Abraham, will never con front: each other in conflict upon ithe er land or sea. Prince Of Wales: Reply. the vive-president said: The king, whose eatnést desire i§ alt ways to promote the hest and opis The Prince of Wales in replying " oo £5! 'ites i relations between nations has éspecisls convey 'to you, 'Mr, vice-presiden the United States, and to your col leagues,' not "only a hearty wel but also a warm expregsion of bath to you ahd to your government, for your presence here on this auspit pious oceasion, Your presence is not merely an ih. dieation of your interest in this bration. It is-an outward and visible} sign 'of the friendship, concord and' 'rool will between ourselves and. tl great country which you represen with so much distinction. We think of the United Stats as' having given. ihe éxample es and courage. iu conquering am vating rb "anid Youndless prairt ies which now yield rich harvest: F unlimited wealth. at Wo 'vecogifes' 4h he prestlite URE proaatiice § oF the United States and France any i jo the | growth, to 'the Who arid of hip Be" | ; tween nections'! it in the Pr gress of "humanity > Tarpdly depends, and I hope antl "bi ig trie prot gress 'will eXpress "i more al more in years to dome. The high ideal 5f ugiversal Yieuice, and brotherhodd' may {se 'far Trem' reallz" ation, but, ev act that , promo harmony Rmd) nations points way towafd Sits' dttainment. This eclohration Xi it mnpeals to' Cénd empiré and 'to' the Whole world: 1 'therefore guicie to take my rart these memorable' dhys' in pay age to Chgmplain apd doing hor Quebec, Gown Of Braided, Linen on Rajah. The frock depicted shows an attrac: tive model in a semi princesse gown, The original gown was of pale blug vajah, the brauding done in soutache to match. The gown was_ joined at the waist line with.a stitched belt of the rajah, but . long princesse. lines were given by the use of. the braided bands wp each side of the frout and back. These bands, extended to: the bottom of the skirt. Deafness From Bathing. Philadelphia Record. "When the warm weather heats yous blood 'and - you long toishig:to: the cooling seaside, and plunge boldly in- to the briny, pause; hesitate, | cons sider," says. an eminent nose and eap specialist. "Observe: the numbers of bathers who, during the season; evince a sudden deafness, 'which' often lingers for weeks at a time and somefimes becomes a permanent trou- ble. "To :aveid this do two. t s. member the ancient instruction to wet the top of the head first, and neveg allow any cold water {o percolate to the drum of the ear. Many people do of cold to the back of the ear cause the delicate mechanism to pand sharply to escape. This is always followed hy Comes a serious matter. Another thipg fy desired me, as his icing | ¥hose sight is so defective that they Jer, county. Roscommon, was 101 years Re- Ho not know that the sudden application ! ox 18 under the rush of blood | {8 partial deafness, which sometimes be-# god Shes "upon 0 n ures | wil tainly ely : 40 t.an ag, of the facts, and gladly receive infor ot to, blind residents of on of {i (names and post co addrésses). Those under ' twen- ohne: rs of age, not deficient in oct Tend, free. from disease and yeigal inlomity, who are blind, or are imable, to read ordinary type.and attend a school for the , seeing with- out serious injury. to the sight, should attend the school at Brantford, which is 'maintained: by the proyincial gov: groment, for, their bepefit. A letter or st card, addressed. to the ;principal, will, receive immediate attention. ---- Common With .All' Womnien. sJInvaviably they suffer from, consti: ation: and should use Df. Hamilton's fut hecause they cleanse the system, regulate the stomach and boivels, {oe strong ruddy: health. Try - a oc. box of Dr.. Hamilton's Pills. x Long-Lived Family. Dublin, July 25.4Miss Jane: Hurley, who died. on! Thursday, at Ballintub, sige. Her father wai, 108 when he and her mother lived to the age 106. years. London Mayors to Visit Boulogue. vBondon, July. 26.~The lord mayor and the sherifis of the city have ac feepted "an invitation by the mayor to The borough mayors of Lowmdon - are also to he asked. «Was the milk this mothing ? ; HOW'S THIS ? ~ We offer. One: Hundred Dollars. Reward for any case of Catarrh that capnot be sured oF Hall's Catarrh Cure, CHENEY Vy Co., Toledo, oO. We 'the under. d _bave . know. ¥. Js Cheney for the last 15 years, and le Tieve him perfectly honorable in all busi: pess transactions and financially able to ry out any obligatyns by his me : WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists,: Toledo, 'Hall's ata hh Cure :is_ taken acting -direstly = upon the blood mucous surfaces of the system. monials free. L'rvice 75 cents - por potsle. Sol ally Druggists Take god oy ui ily Pile fos consti- frozen in. the bottle pation: A CLEANLY AGE. Twentieth Century Incline Toward «Sanitation and Preventatives Nowadays scientists®heliove #hat in Cleatiliness lies the secret of preven: tion of diseases. : To prevent 'a cause. Just as unelean habits breed many diseases, so cazeless. habits will breed AD .. dmproper use of awmother's rushes, combs, eto. will surely cause , and in time, will just as cave baldness BON mioranie infection, nothing more jor less. TNewhro's germ, upuriantly. free from greade or substances. Sold by leading 0c. in stamps. for Herpicide Co., Detroit, sizes, 50c. and $1. G. specinl agent. disease, remove, the Herpicide kills the dand- and causes hair to grow Herpicide is ahsolutely other injurious druggists. Send sample to The Mich. Two W. Mahood, to watch is the shampoo. THe same dan, lies' here if the hairdresser is" either unskilful or careless. In rinsing ihe hair the spray should first be ap plied to the. top of the. head and gra: dually brought down to the nape of ---------------- Where It Is Cool. Cardiff. July : th 'magazine that the coolest place i the: parish .is.the parish church, "afd appeals to his parishioners not 6 for< A confidence man naturally has ot confidence in any man but himself. 'Guaranteed Cure :For Nothing on record is so certain as] "*Catarrhozone,"' recommended by ph sivians evervwa here, Kor cure get $1 outhit of Catarrhozone Irom your druggist. sure the neck, thus obviating the trouble: CE 25. ~The vicar of At eringon, Devon, announces in his par- Ps "i : get tliis fact on Sunday #fternoons. x -. Se ------------ A ------ Hay Fever: [ig § Hi. P. METCALFE, President. g) of s£# 2 : | LL sisit 'Bollogne-surder, on July 25¢h. § os dee 'All Our, Men's, S$ Pa mm. SR ni . Men' : won rts e's 330.0 , All Our ; Men vol A . «Women's Tan 03 Im ememsnm telah he 1 ee No. 7. Women's Brown Oxfords. Fopias 3 : < for a Wildes BN ER ener ar mma hme «aed p ain. No.:8, Women's Brown Oxfords. "Regular" Py for asmasirassw rane gms Ramses rn. ene n En wm; 2 0..9. Girls' $2.00 Biown " Qxlords 'and i Widows fae Abed. Arse dra RE. Ana. mines 8: El St sama Binsin yun hoo No. 10. «Girls Brown find | (Strap | 3 atte R 11. Girls" Brown and Black . Strap . Lf tewnwass wines was uiniy $ 13 pubs 3 Xo d J and i) R No. 12 to . LEE CR i 3 3 Fumnitore Sate Everything reduced from 10. to 0 250 Your tunity. bo: save money. This sale includes: a full 1 Car d Go. Carts. Couches from $4.60, 5 and up. Parlor. Suites (8 pieces) from $15 up. Suites (5 pieges). regular $25 for $20. RR. J REID, Ambulance, Gall 577. 230 Princess St. Pe ne of rior Want lnamelled . Dishes, Knives & 'Forks, 'Rope, ,Alcobol or Oil Stoves, Baghelor 'Buttons, and a few other things.which this Big Blue Hardware Store CARRIES (IN ABUNDANCE. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brook St 'OUR MID-SUMMER SALE It's the quality and rea. sonable prices . that makes it. famous. --Haney Parlor Setts and od iotteen, Fancy Shade Velour a ' ope Parlor Tables ug 'Music « Ogbioets, also Brass .and Iron Bedsteads and. Hercules Spring and Sanitary Health Mattresses at sale prices. Store open a nights. Freight paid. James, Reid, The: Loading Undertaker, 'Phone 147. ALL, GRADES. LOWEST PRICES. J, BR CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Canada Metal Co.,Ltd., Toronto. ONT "One Jar go.lot. of Baby: Boots, sigs 3 to 7. Sf DE rs I PUN BE I I A wa 0 pr