ERE) CEL BILE LRM 2} UCR | Two Specials --FOR-- . Saturd NO. 1. Special, Ribbons in 22¢, 10 O'clock. NO. 2 Special, for 9c, 7.30 O'clock. Morning special is an all Silk Ribbon, Dresden colors, 5} and 6 inches wide, and is worth 50¢ a yard. Our price for this sale, SATU RDAY MORNING, will be 22¢c. : Box Frills, 5. in Box, See Window Display Evening special is a pretty box, containing 5 of the best 10c Frills ever sold over a counter for 9c per box. We have less than 300 boxes and are the number limiting to one' box to each person. Time of sale 7.30. All sales for cash. - CALIFORNIA - FRUITS PEARS, PEACHES, i i PLUMS, ETC. Waternielons, Bananas, Oranges and all Sam- mer Fruits. Finest quality ever shown. = Pianos. *Nordtotiner Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE, 159 Princess St. Friday and Saturday. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. ¢ 18 -- Boys' $2.50 Wash Suits, for All American, made from choice fabrics. $1 Men's and Boys' Straw Hats at Half Price. Men's and Boys' 'Suits ¢ AT OUR SALE PRICE 25 to 50%. Off. We have fold an immense arhalg "ot: "OlothioS during the last'two.weeks and still have: a lange range Ha © > x a to choose from at our sale prices. fr EER Come now if you want to save your money. E.P. JENKINS CLOTHING CO., 114 PRINCESS STREET. The place where the Big Sale i BEYER. CEE HE ATT BEINSE aM On Thursday a mugber of girls resolved to make a day of it, at Kify- stan Mulls, so Lright was the sun, 0 delicious was the air. Baskets 'were packed, and everything made ready for the outing and off the party rushed to: the wharf where the little boat that plies up and down Fetween the Mills and the city, lies. Alas ! Alas! She had just left. 80 down on the wharl sat the party to reflect on those mel- ancholy words '80 wear and yet So' far." Howevgr, evprything comes to her who waits, even 9f ids the retarn trip of a steamer, and by high noon the picnickers were on their way to one of the pretticst spots in all Cana- da. In the perty wire Mics Mona Koi ht, Mis: Gina and Miss Anna Fairde, and their yisitor, Wiss Bessie! Burgess, Miss Kate Smel ie, Miss Edith and Miss Daisy Ferguson. - -> - Mrs. Richard Hooper, gave a gills' tea, on noon, in homor of Madge: Petrie. Mrs. Hughes made the tea, tesses® miecees 'hélped with the fea! things. The wuests were Miss Jeun Duff, Miss Madelon Higging, Miss Le rore Hamilton, Migs Eva Martin, Miss! Margry Mertick god Miss Nathleen® Moore, of Stirling; Mics Gladys ton, Miss Claire Robinson, Miss Hilda Kint, Mis: Helin Gordon, Miss Muriel Shortt, Miss Gladys Ccon, Mics Doro- thy Goodwin, Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss Sylvia Coehirgne, Miss Aileen Fol- ger, Mis Busie Anglin, Miss Dorothy Hoopir, Miss Grace McLelland, Miss Helen Uglow and Miss Flora Aber- nethy. a - Albert street, Thursday after- her" nie'e, Miss W. St. Pietre and the hos - - There was a circus, yesterday, tiek- ets, to which, 'however, could not "be: secured by 'any but very wear rela tions, mothegs and such. 'The artistes in. the various" "thrillers" were * three small maidens, Miss Lorraine Shortt, Miss Marjery Gamsby and Miss Fl speth Shottt Jf New York. There wote understudys, too, and three dolls were made take part in daring feats quite outside the usual for 'them. "> o> -o- On Thursday Mr. Horace Lockett took a lgunch party 'to Milton 1 land, with Mrs. Lockett's niece, Mi® Naomi lrying, of Belleville, as guest of honor. "> There was a 'Dutch treat" Kingston Mills, yesterday afternoon, with Miss Gladys Coon, Mrse Adam Shortt's raison d'etre. - we picnic to puest, as the - hal Kingston Nil's is lively with _pionic partics these days, and Ontarlo Park is a perfect Mecca for family parties, who take their tea wut by the lake shore. oe The eroquet have for its Taylor and field. - party next. week, will lodtesses Mrs, Charles Mrs. Frederick Brown: - Maleolhm atifl Mrs. - - Sutfierinnd, Farl Metlis Ferguson, harly picnic party "to Kingston Thursday afternoon. In it Robert Sutherland, and her two little people, Mise Bessie Smythe, 'Mr. Btuptt Sutherland, Miss Kathleen 'and Mr. Geéofirey O'Hara. | Miss Annie and Miss Kathleen Daly, Brock street, are taking a holiday at } [Gath. Miss Geraldine Daly, pf Mon- treal, "is with them. » Mrs. Robert Meikle, Clergy 'street, came up from her visit 'among the jflands, on 'Thursday, and is going on to Smith's Falls. > Miss Flsie and Miss Marjorie Pense had a delightful trip across the ocean to Naples. The steward of the While Star liner Canopic got up a special menu for the Canadiang, on Dominion day, and since landing weather and people have combined to make their way pleasant. Mrs. William Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick have been in Ive- land lately, end have been in lovely Killarney Mist Ginn Fairlie, Miss Bessie Burgess, will spend week-eid with Mes. C.V her summer Home, neat > -- "we Mrs: John Tairlie and arine Fairlie, 'Brock street, a week in Bath. Colonel and Mss. E. T. Taylor, R. M.C., left on Tuesday for Montreal, taking Miss Rlsie Taylor! who is very seriously il, with them. Their physi- cian accompanied them. Miss Alice King, Alice over on Wolfe Tsland. Mps. John Watson and riet Watson, Queen's College, from Portland, Mmine. Colonel H. R. 'Smith i homg from Ottawa, and has opened up his King streat 'house. > we we Mrs. G. F. Emery's two children are up from Ottawa, and are staying with Mrs. Samuel Birch, 'at Thousand lIs- land Park. . The T.X.C. Mrs. street, a family Mills, ¢n wore Mrs. oe Brock street, and the Ketchum at Gananoque Miss Kath- } will spend street, is Miss Har- are home carried a party of King: ston men to Gananoque, Jast night, for the. dance. Mr. Gamet and Mr. Warren Lockett were the hosts, of course, and the rest of the party con- sisted of Mr. Rruce Carman, Mr. Law- retice Uglow, Mr. C. De la Plant and Mr. W. Gourlay. from Rochester, did not come to town, on Thursday, as they' thought of doing. Mr. Yates was unable © tg bring 'his touring car across the lake as ho intended, the car ferry being ont of commission, and so the party wenf to Quebec by way of the Adi: ondacks. (Continued on page CUB book full of useful 2 free. Write for ®. Intgest investments, Cuba Properties Liinited, 5.) information 'on Fells how the returns wre obtained from small Bur-{: -Mvs. Mitchell, J Fabre and 504 Bank of Ottawa Bidg., Montreal, * SATURDAY, JULY #5 1908. -- SE ; g NEXT WEEK Eatire Chan of Pro- Sramme. FREE SHOW ey evening, at 8.90. High C 'Class lass Vaudeville = All seats in the Pavilion are free lor admission fee what- parties may oak of the Pavilion free by applying at 3 2% nig , At once. , PRESS WORK, AP. Kingston and Pembroke Railway Cor Company. Notice to Shaccholders. Srna THE. Shareholders of this YE held on DNESDAY. August next Company in am. for = She will da 3 he the: oof tho = ngston purpose of Rosi Dore ors on of © ther business. The Stock cols will close in New York on ar TORDAY, Tet day di August, 1908, at 1 Dh All books sell} be be Jeopsned on. T URSDAY, 18th y of August ARCHIBALD McNAUGHTON, aud a 'Tres y surery Kingston, July 18th, 1908. Mh POINT IROQUOIS SUMMER SCHOOL AUG. 3rd-9th. An inexpensive otltéig on the banks of the St. Lawrence. others, the stall 'inclides the Revll. Dr. Chown, 'the Revd. Piof's. C. E. Bland, B.A., B.D, 'W. M, Patton, D.D., Ph.D., and James Elliott, Ph.Ix Every accom- modation for those willing to lel 'the simple. life. Complete calendar cation to the Revd, Arthmry [roqueis, Ont. Ee lovely Amorig Wilkinson, ANNUAL MEBTING OF 0. appli fA A GOOD AL SERVANT. NO gz, RIVE, Cer. King and oe IS, Wl Foun WAITRESSES, 4 GENERALS, housemaids, lain cook, at once. Avnty Sunadian } loyment Agenty, AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED GIRL. "10 TO and well a bay rg Voars old. iy S. ne | Knox & Co. Princess street. A GENERAL SERV ANT. ences required. y M. street, Ireland, ikaw tween four and six o'clock, p.m. REF ER. Mrs. x, ts at hosin ma $15 per Shecimity WANTED--GENERAL. : LADIES' WHEEL. APPLT NS, corner Johnson and Gordon Sts. FIRR JNSURANCE RISKS, GOOD companies, lowest rates, i, settle R. C. Dobbs & 'Co. Lp Telophont, 480. THE OPPORTUNITY To FU [RES estimates on electric wark ww M of work promptly done. Electrician, 206 . Wellington et. loge. Dent. BAR, Pearbon: yards or cellars, or carted. Prices right. Lytle, General Carter, 85 COOKS WANTED. 4 A first class n@le 'cook' , and second cook, for 100 goutienien. Hoard © and lodgings free. x Roy, » pply to staff tant; 0; = tary College, K [Kdjutans, betore Augum. 15th, 1008; tauirg erwh. CH Q, 71-8613 3 BOATS FOR. SALE. Two Yacht HES, * slightly used--wi Will sacrifice for RO, wf to Kingston Boag Campanyy ¥acht | Yard. WANTED, abou 100 yards hand 12 Ib. irohirat. * Add Box 41, Gan "Onit., sta per 100 1bs., ea in G ¥. 0. B. Kingston: 3 THE KING'S AFRROMALL, Of Lord RoI? 'Boheme For Traihing Lads. London, July¥: ting the cadet corps and various lads } drill organizations of the empire, New | Zealand has sent, over representative to shoot for the Lord Roberts' trophy, the Lady Gwendolne Guinesse -aod the . Meath trophy, at Bisley, this year. Sergeant W. R. Friar, of the' Onohan- ga Public School Cadets, Auckland. He arrived on the White Star steam- er Runic, and is staying with the hon orary secretary of "Lord Roberts loys." It is thought that Canada will send a team. 'Lhe shooting "takes place in August, The king has writl ten saying that he is glad to hear the scheme for imaining the boys of the empire for purposes - of 'mational defence has made such progress recent ly. " a sthool hoy Saturday Only. Sliced ham, 25c.; "sliced bacon, 17c. Crawlord. B. A. Hotel 'Arrivals, 0, Orem, Oklahoma; J. NM. Eaz an, Brantford; Thomas Dale; Thomas J. Main, S. V. Adams) BM. Britton, J. 8S. House amd wife, Toronto; Caro line PF. Town, Ludlow F, Town, J. House and wife, Denver, Célo.; 1.8. R. Murch, Wallace A. Wilson, Sidney Wilson; Montredl; J: Redmond: and wiie, Winnipeg; ¥. 8S. Roreback, New York; R, KE. paws, H. Pocock, L. P. Macleod, London; TI. Oflill and wife, Otto Thom and wife. Marc Mat- they, St. Louis, Mo.; C. 4. Stam! ouch I*. J. Hughes, Chicago; G. W. Brown, Indianapolis, Ind.; Miss ' Carpenter, St. Paul; J. Renan, Ww. A. Rosebud, J. 0. N. Linden, W. E. Elis, P. H. Jones, 'Stephen Gotham and wile, Gotham childpen (4), Bos- ton, Mass; W. G. Squire and wife, Hartiord, Conn.; Mrs. Sak, H. Bic wingham, S. Stevens and wile) A. 0. Howard and wife, Hartford, Coumn.; Walter A. Wilson, Sidney Wilson, Montreal; A. W. Wallace amd 'wife, A. H. Allen, George Dety, A. A. Rob- bins, James Dérland, New York; P. wile, H. Diment, M. J. wife, Milwaukee; R..F D. B. Buchan:n, Col- Churchill, F. L. Hall, Jones, Swift Current, Jennie, Glendenning, Ma C. M. Tumer, Chicago; J. Binghamton, N.Y.. J. B. RR. 1. Blackwell, L. G. Macleod, Guthrie, E. Sinclair, TT. N. Mcrton, N. C. Ey 0. . Ve Brew and Praft and wife, umbus; W. H. Perth; W. Sask.; Miss nilla: Mrs. W. Davis, Myrick, Chicago; Pofghkeeps'e, N. Y.; London; 8S. N. Buffalo, N.Y Buck, *Cleveland. Saturday Only. Shiced ham, 20c.; sliced bacon, Crawford: 17c. EE | Another piece of Dickens', London, is being demolished in Fulwoods Rents, Holborp, * the shpllow bastment of which is said 'to hgve been the .ori- ginal of Pagans _thievesj kitchen, "It was also a rt of Jock Sheppard, but at an earlier date Francis Bacon lived in 4he building. Gillette safety Bizors and blades are sold in' 'Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stem. ~Ehaope 230, DRESSY CENTLEMEN a their Spring 'Sujte made at iGalle, 1Ag QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR. S. 2.~n connection + with Lord Roberts' scheme fot dfedera- | He is Cadet Color- | DWELLING, (BRICK PRE- fefveti), with © mbdern conveniefees,, Jocation pot above University 'Ave. Abpiv to T. J. 'Boon, 1890 We Bngron Sree! POUBLE To way's. Style, price and fini Anteea ts plese. 181 Breck' next to Bibby's Livery. QUALIF NE BD No. 4, a Or. to-R, H, Gray, Ont. THACHER, FOR 8. . 8S; . Duties Apply. Sec.-Troas., THACHER FOR S. S.. NO. 4, esttown, to commence "duties hblidays. experience to Wm, Gaitskell, Treas., Collins Bay, Ont. Sec QUALIFIED TEACHER, School Section, No. 14, for vemaindér of year. per annum. Apply 'to Wm. Sec.-Treas., Perth Road, Ont. 8 Township, « of Hinchinblooke, Dic to comm «Aug. 17h ie Goo! low, No. 3, "rowndhip & ot Ola Frontennc. ©] 'summer action." YA stating ex- périence an ¥y - required. Adfred Chariton, "Chairman Board, Long Lake, Ont. { School SITUATION WANTED. EMPLOYMENT BY AN. ENGLISH- man, who has ex®llent recommenda- Not afraid of and education. address to tions for hard work. Apply Whig office. DESIRES POSI- tion as housekeeper, useful compan- jon, or lady help. Experienced. Miss Gardner, Box 118, Gravenhurst, Ont. -- Se------ - SITUATIONS VACANT. ENGLISH LADY, N AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ME ber trade. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Help sccure positions. Will Sap, stant practice. Few weeks con lete course. free. Write Moler Toronto. shops. Uon- 1 structions. logue Barber | College, PRODUCE AND PRICES. of All Kinds of Goods. Kingston, July 25s Prices quoted te the Whig, fo-day, as fol- | WS © lo Flour and Feed--Flour, baker's, $2. 9% to $3.10; farniecs; 4 to $; Hungarign. patent, $3 to $3.20; oat- Hou and a oats, $4.40 to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.50 to ¥2.10; bran, $20 vo $26 per ton; shorts, 27 to $28 pe ton; straw, $12 to $14; hay, loose, $10] to $l; pressed, $16. * Kggsi--New lad, Me. Grain--Uats, 45¢. to wheat, $1; buckwheat, %0c.; rye, 73¢. to sbc.; peas, best, SUc.; mixed, 78¢. But ten--Choic creamery, 2c); farm- ers' butter, prints, 2ic.; packed, 23c. rolls, 23c. Meat--Beei, carcase, $9 to $10 cwil.; choirs cuts, 8c. to 17c. Ib.; pork, 10c. The Value were per dozen. 52c.; 80c.; $1; corn, case, be, to Sc. per lb.; cutlets, je chops, 0c. a Tb; Ib.; live hogs, $6.40, Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc. a skinned dighy herring, 200 per lb; whitefish, 12ic. a lb.; pike, Tg a lb. chinook salmon, 30. 1b. kippered herring, Yarmouth bloatérs, -40e. to ide. fresh haddock, 10c. ab, a lb.; red herring, 13c. 15¢. a lb.; trout, codfish, Te. 20. a lb; bullheads, 10c. a box; mackerel, 124c. a fb; logs, Oe. Ib; cisdoes, 5c. Jb.; 'blue- fish, 15c. a Ih. lake hotrth, 16c. a lb; finan haddie, 10c., 124c. lb.; wed snappers, 15c.; flounders, 10¢c.; fresh, salt water herring ss, 40c. to 0c. doz. en; fresh lobsters, 30c. a lb.; sea bass, 12}¢. a lb; smoked salmon, J0c. a Ib. Poultry--Chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per pair; turkeys, $1.25 to $1.75. Pruit--Lemouns, He « per dozen; or- anges, | 20e. to . per dozen; ba- panas, We. to as per dozen. Vegetables--Potatoes, new, $1.75 to $2: per bushel: cabbage, 0c. to $1 doz- en: celery, Sc. a dozen; parsaips, Tc, a bushel; turnips, 75c. per bag; beets,; 4 LADY SEWERS MAKE Nib Nings 308 CLEANING ASHES OUT OR Sippy te 8 4 "+0 Stating, 8 salary, Maberly | ERN- after Apply, stating salary and bom Loboro) y Salary S400 Ritehie,] iary a nd hse i) 'A TEACHER OR PUBLIC BOHOOL ; yn to Jata- | local | familiar human garb, barley, veal, by the quarter, 8c. to Bo per lb.; cats, 7c. to 13c., by car- to 13c.; sprog lamb, 6, per carcase, mutton, 10¢, per Ib.; S dozen; Atlantic sulmen, 30c. Ib.; salt Ib a lb; halibut,' hides, $2.50 each. perch, 30c. 2 dozen; frogs! MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY AND, »2 1} can be: secured Ads. to get in | trained | in Kin | Want Ads, vacant. to-morrow. TO.LET, HERAT il OP 0 FURNISHED DWELLING, OR ROOMS, orage for TO, te. McCann, 5 Brock strée WELL FURNISHED © ROOMS, {| modern eonveniences, with out board, Apply 176 Clergy St. NOS. 77 AND 59 ALFRED STREET, all. modern im roYSmonts, Po ist May. Apply A, B. Cunn STORE, tion, m. ddeau. otrdet. | OFFCR BOOM, IN EX. Chambe| No. 1186 Brock: St. 8 Geo, Clift, Real Es Ans. 5 Clarence street WITH or 'with- " EL COTTAGE, FURNISHED O unifPn CoTTAG Bt. Lawrenco on ply to McCann, 51 Brock tate promptly it you will use Whi Want © touch with | him. : o tell them of he + Eat An advertisegpent inserted in the Help a ed columns of the Whig will bring you the right mau man e army of well 'on the Whig tuations that are _ FOR SALE. ™O, GOOD HOUSES NOS. 60 A ? Apply A. 62 Wells Cunni on street. LOT, ON NELSON ST., NORTH op Princess, 100 'ft.x120 ft. Apply George Walker, 14 Nassau St., Tore onto. oy GASOLINE LAUNCH, FAIRBANKS engine, a new reverse gear. Perfect in avery way. Good reason for sell- ok. Hprijoulars, Marshall, at A. CU, napp's, Boat Building. . $1,800 WILINBUY A BRICK DPWEL« Ming, ght rooms, four ecees : land, on water's edj Nould exchange far . city property. A Sargath. v "ADHIY A F. Bond, 79 Clarence St, SPLENDID, NEW BRICK FRONT, ©» room house crete cellar, . hath and ciomt, 'hear é hy Bare Chas = Ber 9 NEL a well arnt mer Ne Heaton . section oh West, Sts. Va Earl street: LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT fh Clergy rv -eleetnie 171% Wellington St. MONEY AND BUSINESS.' OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF THROM QoOT. TBRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with rooms, including extension: hot water heating, bath, quire -at 179 Division street. building and contents than ot company offers. = Examine hom yo Godwin's 1asurance Pmporivn, Mark. et Square. adie bh LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND 'GLOBW Firo Insurance pany, Available assets $01, 187,215. In addition to ON AUGUST house, on Wallington street, $7 maneh. ater is. in | Chas. Bell, Real Extn + ¢ Wellington' street. : LADY'S GOLD WATCH, Bagot or Johnson Sts. ward to finder, office; 1ST, A FOUR-ROOM ARF ON Suitable - re- by applying at Whig which oy! ha for securdy oH ualimi 'Habillity of all the stoekholders. Fann and ¢i perty insured at lo rates. Before ng old or pew business gel rates from Si & Strange, Agents. 'Phone, TI AE, PERSONAL. HAIR, i MOL BIRTHMARKS warts, ete, BEY oven : without sear. : permanent! he Twenty years" ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Throat and Skin » ving . PLAIN GOLD AND AMETHYST and West Sts. to this office and receive reward. GENTLEMAN'S KEL WATCH, on Friday, at Lake Ontario Park, from the car to the bathing houses, Finder please return to, Whig, office; and receive reward, ON OR ABOUT Brephy's Point, or in town, effect, Office. 30TH . JUNE, on Steamer America a gold bracelet, Reward hy returning to A SKIFF, DURING GALE, days ago, off Rock Name of '"'Minpishaba," Finder please inform, or return | Joseph Hooper, Contractor, ston, Ont, THE E PARMGRAPH POLAT Unita REV. C. Ww. "CASSON. i To Understand Jesus. | H you would 'understand Jesus you must have the sume freedom and faith that characterized this religious { experience. 'lo one who is bound by 'an creed, pattering words whose mean ing is not comprehended, Jesus must fever seem mystical and unreal. His words ave clothed with the strange {and the supernatural, making hun | one distinctly appart from those in But when one aside the and daring on the entecprides of the becomes a comprehendable Only 'aus can his life real ABOUT on shares his liberty, casting trammels of the aceepted to set forth spirit, he comrade. as, he was. Beacon street, Boston, Ham., for the literature. 30. pet peck ; onions, Be: | per ib. green "onions, 0c. dozen; carrots, T0c. per bushel. Wool, washed, sheep dered, 15c. to 16ec. per lb.; 5c. per 1h.: Ib.: 'hides, No. 2, Great Clearing Sale. Prévost, Brock street, has made & great reduction "in price in the order | and roadysmade clothing départment; also gents' furnishigs. Look at dis play windows, Saturday Only. Sliced ham, . 26c.; sliced bacon, 17¢, Crawford. : ) gi The London bedtd of trade has de clined to enterigin the tion to prepare a new print act applicable to copyright acts with a view to remedy - Jing the injiry to 'the trade through 'airthars having their hooks Arioti 4 ne the United States instepd of Great Britain. brooch, Monday night, botween Emily Finder kindly neturn | AT buckle this 10 Point Camp, to King- Ii "inspire; only thus can we know him Address, Rev. C. W: Casson, at 25 skins, fresh, 75¢.; tallow ren- deakins, 50c.; veal skins, 7c. per Ib.; hides, No. 1, de. per], Ae. per Wb; horse a, Monday, Eye, -~ Nose, Blemish Specialist. 258 Bagot street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 406 JOHNSON ST. SEVENTEEN roomed three-story brick house, eleven bedrooms, besides attic, marble washbasins in each bedfouts, hot water furnage. Apply . Fo Bond, 79 Clarence street. BUSINESS CARD. ELECTRIC BSewin, CARPET CLEANING and La¥ing., Feather Beds and liows * cleaned 'by 'sted, H. Milne, 272 Bagot street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 8. I A rok ISSUER OF Licenses, 43 Sy Sty | * Experience Teacheth"" Mostly everyone has to warn aL this school. - SWIFT'S | | COAL Will prove to you by EXPERIENCE ; to be the best you have had yet. Order now for next winter. i S------ JAS. SWIFT & CO. Thousand Island & St. Lawrence River Steamboat Companies In Counection with New York Con- tral & Hudson River R.R. - ---- § ve Ki except RS NET Sunday, iit Sunday, 7.80 a.m. and and. ELE Vingant dally, 10.50. ay y direct connections at Capy Vv t to and from a points in N yin State. Through 'sheeper Cars vol : Lo re Kopi oy B good Pu Sa returning up $1.65. ! A call is invited for all of al manufacturing and | Special work "such a {ing avn mowers (we the only | machine in the city beh on repairing sewing machines ring. a '