Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jul 1908, p. 1

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I 0. 175. YEAR 75--N 'S THERE 27.~8ir Charles bil- | are | London, July ke, than whom few Englishmen : | better qualified to express an opinion ¢ on European polities, laughs scorn the idea of war between Germany. Lord mer's in the House of Lords, at the beginning of last week in which he said that the duty of" the Great|* and sch, Britain 1 g AWA Lord Cromer Sees a Deadly Crisis in Sight. Sir Charles Dilke Laughs to Scorn the Idea--- One Benefit of the Ter-Centen- ary. -------- ticle on t to | speech of Sir H. he : - R SCARE FAR OUT OF RANGE Before the Necessary Calculation Can Be Made. - Jerlin, July 27.+The scare in Great Britain, 'about the military qualities of | Count Zeppelin's balloon, will not be lessened by a statement, just pub lished hy Capt. Hilderprandt, of the German army, and one of the greatest ving authorities, who states the bal- loon, one thousand metres above the ground, is practically invulnerable, as it is impegssible to train a gym to the The London Times, in a leading ar- the ter-centenary, emphasizes he proud manner in which Canada wlebrated the event. . Referring to the De Villiers it says : 'If, as a result of the meeting at Juebec, the cause of South African mity is helped Canada could give no sreater hoon to the empire." The Irish University bill was passed S Sa- is al PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All : Over The World, The Arden flour mills and elevator at Arden, Man., were burned. Victor, Ross, a sixteen-year-old I'homas boy, was drowned. Premier McBride, British Columbia, will pot enter the federgl arennm. - Buron Von Ros:nburg had a thril- ling adventure with an avalanche at Banfi. Grand Trunk railway eéaenings from 15th to 21st July, 1905, $720802; 1907 $880,193; decrease, $159 491. Last year, Cobalt produced 10,000, 000 ounces of 'silver and 15,000,000 is a conservative estimate for 1908, The members of the Toronto regi- ments who 'went to Quebec arrived home yesterday afternoon. Fred. Dane, T. and N. O. railway' commissioner, received word of the death of his father in Ireland. Arthur Quesipel, a German, was ar- rested for theft from his emplover at the St. Lawrence market, Toronto. Lhe western wing of the elevator at the front of West Market street, To- roto, collapsed early Saturday mory- ing. Policeman David Shellard was held St. without EW HI Fills House With Gas, Wife Suicides. Policemen Light Matches and are Severely Injured in Explosion That Newark, N.J. July 27.--Twe police t men were severely injured by an explo-|t sion of gas on Saturday, while at- tempting to arrest a man who it was found later, had killed himself rather than submit to agrest gn a charge of ill-treating his wike, J The oflicers, Canrad Herman W. Krowsowski, had Nbeen|} summoned by Mps. Albert Bulz, who o t were hurled throu Rausher and! faces, hands. gud arms to admit As the heir repeated commands hem, they foreed the door. door gave way a flood of gas poured out. An instant later when. one of the policemen struck a match there was a ertific explosion and" both officers gh the door. Thiir were badly was found ling n a ceuch in the room. : urned. Bulz's Lody Beater { Clearing bail, charged = with Barbara Reig, found dead in the shel tir house at Irving Park, Williams- burg, N.Y. Michael Corcoran, lockmaster n the necessary angle. In addition, it most impossible to find the range This can only be done exactly by tak ing an observation at two, separate points and then calculating the con tained angle of the triangle thus ob- | Welland canal, and L. J. Cassanlt for tained. By the time this could = be!many vears housekeeper of parliamen- done the balloon would be far out of | tary library, Ottawa, have been grant. range, . ol jmperigl service medals; P ET Rg escriptions of the priso: old i 2 Baseball On Saturday. | Chi ated of he a eid _in Fastern League--Toronto, 4: Balti- | mond robbery in Toronto, have }een more, 3. Bufialo; 8-1; Providence, 80. | received by the: po'ica and members of Newprk, 3-5; Montreal, 0-0. Jersey | the household will be notified. City, 11-7; Rochester, 6-5. { Harry FE. Hayes, of : the banking American Leagne--New York, 3; De-| firm of W. J, Hayes & Son, Cleveland truif, 5. Boston, , 3: Cleveland, 1. {was placed under arrest. on a warrant Washington, 2; St. Louis, 5. Phila- | from New Jersey charging cons iraey | in connection with a bond deal. The delphia, 3; Chicago, 12. National League New 1 Shiount involved is said te he $105, i i . in the House of Commons, on ih killing declared her husband had abused hec! and had threatened to kill her. When! the accident, it was learned that Mrs they reached the house they found Bulz had heen married heforg and that that Bulz had barricaded himself in a her former husban: also enced his life room, and when he did not respond to hy 'suicide. government to make provision be ' times "'before the® European conflict | turday, by 207 votes to "1J., amid which may not, improbably, be forced tvaud cheering in which the national- on us. before many years elapses,"" has | ists took a leading part. The bill the feelings of uneasiness [passed ite second reading on May with which many people in Englund 21st of this year. The general idea have regarded the outlook. Fou jof" the measure is to be found, hy time past there has ben an evident {voyal charter, two new universities in Ireland with headquarters in Dublin and Belfast. Dublin university is to composed of three constituted In the intestigation which followed Mor Fancy Muslins; The lot consists of Floral Muslins, Batistes, Zephyrs, Organdies, ete. ; also Check- ed and striped Cotton Voiles, Foulard Tissues and Cotton Chiffon Cloths. Reg- ular Prices Were 17¢. to 40ec. intensified SEVERAL DEATHS REPORTED. some i disposition to indulge in a war scare HE 1S © Han and the stories of German officers tra- velling in this country, gpying out the be HAIR land, with a view 'a future in- |branches, two of which, Cork and land, with view to a future Galway, already exist. 'The third new ion, have received a great deal of at-icollege will be founded at Dublin. The present Queen's College, at Belfast, is to constitute, the proposed northern university which probably will be call- ed the Uniyersity of Belfast, Parliament took the unusual on Saturday. This enable it dispose Visitors in and Out of the Town --A Devout Lady. Napanee, July 27,-Mrs. Thomas Jamieson passed peacefully away, ves- tertlay morning, after ah illness ex- tending over several months. Deceas- ed, whose maiden name was Jane Steacy, was born near Perth, Ont. and came to Napanee with her hus- band about thirty years ago. She was a devout Christian lady, a mem- ber of the Methodist church, and had many dear frimds in Napanee, who loved her for her good deeds. De ceased was abput seventy years of age. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. Simon Warmer, of Richmond hip," died, Saturtlay morning, after ap illness of a couple of months. De- ceased was about seventy years of age. He leaves a widow, but po e¢hildren. A brother, 1saac Warner, survives. The funeral took place, this morning, to the Western cemetery... Mrs. Eakins and son, Grey, return- od, last week, from a pleasant visit with her son at Port Arthur, Ont. Mrs. J. T. Soby and daughter, Miss Kliza, returned, Saturtlay, from a visit to friends in Hartford, Conn. Mrs. James Scott and little son, Cliff, of New. York, are.visiting her pavents, Mri cand Mrs 6s ATE M1 Fdelstein, of the Dominion bank staff, Naranee, has heen transferred to the Belleville branch, and leaves, to-day. to assume his duties there. Mr. Me- Lennen takes Mr. Edelstein's place in the bank here Mrs. L. S. Clark is visiting her sis- ters in Kingston and Collins Bay. H M. Deroche, W. P. Deroche, and Miss Eleanor Deroche left, Frilay morn- ing, for a couple of weeks at their summer home at Sharbot Lake. 8. C Warmer, Denver, Col, visiting his mother, Mrs. Sidney Warmer, brothers, Harvey and Clarence, couple of months Of the National .Democratic Com- mittee of United States. to invas tention. Lord.Cromer gave his ultimate for opposing the policy of government. He frankly firmed his belief that while the ernment was light-heartedly embark- { of sitting iny on ar old age pension scheme of lin order enofmous expense the country was |important business so that rapidly approaching the deadly crisis ment may be had this week for j summer holidays. rea 3; the af ov son present course was of adjourn- the o '"H Pittsburg, to to York, 2 KNOW OF NO CAUSE Mysterious Suicide of a Romantic Girl. Victim Left Note for Her Parents, Expressing Regret, and Then Jumped Into River. bh of an European war. HUGHES NOW WILLING. JUROR HELD OUT Wouldn't Mind Being Governor | Until Other Eleven Had Sampled Contents of Cane. A gentleman who once served on am Irish jury tells an amusing story of his experiences, the Dundee Ad- vertiser, When the hearing was over and the jury retired their room to consider their verdict they found that they eleven to one in favor of an acquittal, but the one happened to 'be a very complacent old gentleman, who rested his chin upon the bead oi a thick bamboo cane -and announced defiantly that he was ready to stay there as long as any of them. The fhgurs dragged on, evening arrived, {and the old gentleman obstinately 'held out. The other jurors wearily |arranged themselves to make a night {of it. From time time the old gentleman would contemplatively suck {the head of his Finally he fell fast asleep, and the cane fell heavily to the floor. Then the jury men picked it up and found to his surprise that How, and filled with whiskey Lhe thankful the cane round ontents, ther Slowly town- For Second Term, says to stood They are Yours To-~ Morrow at 10e i NORMAN Bo MACKS _ Chicago, July 27.--Norman BE. Mack SI "Bufialo, national committeoman from New York . was dhiosen chairman of the patfonal" demiocratic committee, ------------------ 3,000 LIVES. LOST. a= Montreal, July 27 A came suicide of » 'mantic ideas, but that she appeared Sa- (to be happy and fond of her parents. Tuesday night, however, she sud- denly disappeared, leaving in her bed- room a note,"on which was written : "Pardon me, my dear parents, for giv- ing you this trouble, but I have lost all pleasure in life." The parents say they cannot. ascribe any motive except that the girl had a romantic turn of mind. She was well educated 'and could speak eight lan- guages. to remarkable nature to light Telephone orders not b cepted. when the hody of found only a few hundred her own home, near the The teen-year-old turday afternoon x cane - young girl was in the river as from Mai- ning Ledin yards 1 riverside, was the ff Otto ski, an Austrian civil engineer Mr. Ledinski had only its. slumbering | { Beata. lifted the to |tria ineffectually watch, one ol Victoria, B.C., July 27. From Hong Kong news was received of tremendous loss of life by recent inunda- tions. Oven 3,000 lives were lost and many thousand rendered homeless. Many survivors were starving and river steamers were being sent with food. supplies for relief expeditions. An offi- cial report says hundreds of thousands are homeless and have taken refuge in the hills, where they are threatened with starvation. several villages were en- tirely annihilated when the West River overflowed. EXFHEF No approval. it was ho sonneuve victim Irish passed daughter Sales for cash. old leven good one daughter She had been educated in Aus father she had ro of it awakened he cked relieved and and cane and her Savs for a for GOVERNOR HUGHES owner N.Y July Hugh has issued a effect that he i personal mouth a his Saranae Ian, 2i.--Gover _-- -- -- EEEFEREFHERER { moment, and | to Vv EEE EXRFEER Marjuette, Man., conservatives nom l inated Dr. Roche, M.P., for the com fons again, Peter Ball, Canadian trade commis- ioner, died at Bermingham, Eng. af- er an operation. He was in wuelph, in 1562. At Hamilton, Ont orest was Jentral Barnes, of The town of Telschi, in the govern- nent of Kovno, Russia, is afire. Spe ial trains with troops and appliances wave been dispatehed from Libau. | The Ontario and Manitoba Flour Mills company, with a capital ofl $750,000 hus been incorporated to car-| on a grain and mill ng business, ! not statement the the pelted him cofld not governor, Market Revives On A Case. New York, July J. R. Burton reports : The momentous de- velopment for many months was the decizion by the United States court of appeals at Chiongo, reversing the mul- ing of Judge Landis and overthrow- ing the line of ,240,000 imposed uppn the Standard Oil company for violations of the law jn aecepting re bated from the Chicago amd Alton railroad. ' At first the far-reaching significance of this decision did not the financial community, but later its mfuence was felt to a marked extent in thg general stock market. Not only did prices for all classes of securities enhance still fur 1 : . ther in value, but there was also les g ; | ' Saduatt rs wil bit Ottawa. greater activity . on both the New oth Hayes the American rummer.|yok Stock and Consolidated Stock who won the big Marathon race and > . : x Ixchanges Although the panic . of Hefferon of South Africa who finished] | ot fall was not caused this tre J it in the pockets of his neighbors second are former Canadians, this 1 : : . mendous fine, it went a long way to- last time he saw the bill gives ( anada five out of the first ward precipitating the sacrilicing of y vears ago. He it seven to finish. : : stocks and bonds. London and other | hous Hes will never 2 I'he Prince of Wales visited the foreign financial centres were particu again. The dollar bill wijl E rench Canadian village of St | larly shocked, and' it is, therefore, na- | any more taxes for him, chim, on Monday, and lunched at the|yyral that. since trinl has heen | build or brighten" pry™more in | DIED. 'Juebea \ Seminary, at the Chateau orderétd, confidence on the part of in-| the community. He it | THOMPSON --At Bellevue, Petit Cap. Mgr. Sbarretti, greatly re- | out of the usefulness to himself and 18th, Joseph S the papal delegate, arrived to attend stored. It was but to 'be expected | bis neighborg when he sent it to the | Seventy- fth year the and lunch. that President Roosevelt would order mdil-ordér house The moral is plain. SHERMAN, ~43 Jos his attorney-general to again proceed | Trade at your home store, where vour 8 . sixty-one years. with vigor against the Standard Oil | BROWN. At Ernesttown, on July 22nd, and | ary Augusta Hrown, beloved wile | of PB. Sharp, aged forty-one years, | eleven 'months and twelve days. in | 1) ROBERT J. REID. "| ' The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. ICED announcement, my jthen arose AAAHTKAIRACIAR II ACHHOIR * willing to waive changin' £ Vs, A -) SAVAGE TOOK IT. he have that reasons which | moind ! | vately most to say nother Democratic Sovereign. Anotl D cratic Sovereign Louise *3 EAE Kansas City, Mo., July 27.--Charles Savage, a negro, was arrested here, charged with stealing | a mailpouch in the Kansas City Union Station on June 6th last, containing $50,- 000. The pouch was sent fromi Los Angeles to a New York City bank. Postoffice inspectors assert they have postive evidence against Savage, and declare that he has buried the _ money, intending to recover it after his release irom prison. HAHN wnother vied tion consider i #3 nomii re-elec and re will born for *% FFE¥ES and loved times the u much fe win popularity. the of reign he to people whom he saw windo hing Frederick Queen both ¥ cept and stand RE Denmark it ot very much al in kin, out | BORN. | ROBINSON --At Qunanogue, on July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robs k | inSon, a son | SEELY.--At North July Tth, to Mr Seely, a daughter | TIERNEY.--At Adolphustown, on July 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tieroey Long Reach, a*son BI.GAR.~At Souris ! 20th, to Mr. and Elgar, (nee Minnje anee), '& son LEMMON .--~In {are { De- in Angus , Alexander ¥¥ 1s the | although sentenced to one DAILY MEMORANDA. Seé Amusement Column for the four | Moving Picture Shows and Park Vaude- [Wad willey | At { used thought, goes too vear FEFEFFHES¥ prison, for robbing $5. ¥% EE F Caledonia, ; iledonia HHAISICIISIIISISIIIIIIG * beginning his send for a astle Islands, Wednesday, | through the enstle yard to come and of Br | chat with him. Then, in the Ferien, would take strol with Alexandria Bay s to a crowded place near Greatest summer residence, called the "Dan rio Trouville," which is fre juented ies cing S Frederickghurgh, on and Mrs Phletus Remember St Searc) light Excursion, Aug. drd Grand tour July 20th, under Auspices Methodist Church Str. p.m. Polger's Wharf. Jowed half an hour at Bijou Theatre Motor-Boat Races Funny Dreams Fxtraordinary the James EXRFX ERI FY « Monday evenin ¢ | from the ws passing Gone Forever !! vears ago, in Weber county, Utah, a fasmer put his initials on a | dollar bill. Next day he went to. Og den and spent it with a merchant. Be fore six months had passed he got the same dollar back. Four times in three years the bill back to him produce, ahd three times he heard of the | dawn upon . SIX ek have a I princess al- ening the | his ih a Man., Mrs Embury, July Harvey Nap on at ( ry 26th, Win ge, to son Kingston, July 1908, at the residence of Mr Hazlett Royal Militarw Colle Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leminon, a of Salt Hydroplane Dramatic n merby by ¥EFXEFEFFFF sty shop pcop.e, and speak to for of The thece | to a mail-order that bill | never pay will ltomes came FoF HY 1-| evervone. in Aa RI RA Ro & ¥ x 2 & & 443 $ « TTT MeComb, was te aged twenty out of Saturday he R. Montreal, one Colored by Edgar Elbert R. Ro young pharma Killed a trouble Ala., well-known shot and instantly I hompson. Fhe young woman. Man., lightning men on the farm were standing in At was bertson, cist, was Albert V. over a At Virden, two hired in- | Brook. 1hey doorway of a William Heffernan, twenty-five old, of Elizabethtown, N.J., died hospital from paralysis, brought from being struck by a baseball A commission of United monetary experts are to make a spe the Canadiar Birmingham, a MARRIED, EATON--LAUDER.--On July 2ist., John Harvey: Eaton, to Mary Winnifred Lauder, both of Ficton years, drowned aca at ugh g reach the shore, Carlton Flint, New York, speeding automaolin N.J., and died on S Rose on sent 27 History Canadian took In lish July th, 1768 --Fng 1.ouisburg 1 88Y-- Prince to the Duke 1889--Thy team the in the Montreal 1903--The an agreement Pacific Company for the construction oif transcontinental railway. ! The International Institule School Workers held a conven Toronto. eet ---- | SELF SEALERS We Carry in Stock ALL SIZES. ROBERTSON BROS. a good swimmer could old Jog- possession Wales noted physi- | Was never | knocked down at Sea his 4 Louise of a Lo kiHed of E the of Fife Montreal A NOW Staten international defeated the, cian, of was Atk contest sent entirely on in July his Rossmore, Thompson team 1b | hy ke bright, Island of se at from vestors abroad will be stable. Hall, Ont., Sherman, on med Juries. aged ink In New York robbers secured worth of jewellery, diamonds | of and gold by blowing open with dy- the safe of Thomas J. Dunn years ir or Grand about reception { dollar buys most anvthing, and where {vou may get it back Again | "boost" your own town. Partenonas + from Glasgow, | - Father Point; 8.8. Pretotian, | S passed Father Point. | real ¢ outward; . S.8. Pomeranian passed | Wales visit. Point Amour, inward; $.8. Grampian | The bBdies of two unknown men reached' Glaszow; 8.8. Sardinian clear- | were taken from river and canal at ed at Havre for Quebec. | Montreal. new 1905 Sunday tion in a * company. { nanute & Co. In a desperate battle between Mexi- | m ' ; ; near | cial examination and | banking system. sol- | + William Baxter's young son was SHOVEL VS. REVOLVER Train Robber Got Worst of It---Had Drop on Engineer. States RAN INTO CANAL. 8.8. " nar The extreme nationalist element Montreal does not like the Pripee of Rochester, N.Y., July 27.--~Edward. S. Bartlett, president of the Trebert Gas Engine company, ac- companied by Miss Geral- dine Tumilty, daughter of a wealthy Plymouth-avenue family, and driving a new automolgile, mistook an alley for a main thorough- fare and drove at full speed into the Erie Canal. Both were drowned. reached can troops und Papago Indians 3.8. Hibernian, Barstow, Col., nineteen Indians two soldiers were killed and five diers wounded. HE RESCUES A SUICIDE Loops From Car Into River After Her Daring Night Storm and Rescues Her. HMAEKEFFEER ERE RE wr ' Requires a gpe 1y fragrant flavor to be really good Yd will find our Own Special Blend Just suited for this: purpesé; ' Price 35 cents the pound, " $ Jas. Redden & Co.. * Hundreds of thousands of people he wa¥| gathered at Hyde Park <n Saturday, toland heard temperance addresses. The | 97.--A nervy distance. Wandell, covered as | robber tried to hold up the Ashland | by ie Tals FevOlver, was shout 1 anit o Chicacc & {comply when Gustav 'a e, nis re- { protee ngs came 0 an end wi o ; --- . : . Battin train on an uy hit the highwayman a heavy | passing of resolution demandinsz| New York, uly 3s Yoliey | was 2 fark he. could not wee the girl, Appletcn Junction, a mile and a half blow with his ec al scoop, knocking the | that both houses of parliament pass | car was speeding Sough . ie ¥ oO i but le sun LJ rt or vol mo- north of here. 'the train had just passe revolver from his hands. Paple was|the licensing bill without delay, . | and darkness ae x Me DEY Bios H fow feetsnway na he ne a orm h od the junction when a masked man swinging the scoop for another blow | Charles Heficron, who ran second in the Hackensac aoe mn Ketly rosa | Bried "fot He io " i. agen ae. lie climbed over The tender into the cab|when the man jumped off the train! the Marathon race, enlisted in "E"| Miss Louise dg sutldenly ator |p pe i ny lo. die. of the: envine, from the platform of| while it was running twenty mils ap | squadron of the South African' Con- and leaped froin the fang par to g : g perately to the blind baguage, where he had been hour. There was a large sum of gold! stabulary, at Brandon, Man. He gave the waters below. James Importers Of Fine Groceries, : davis, the!end her life in the murky waters, ihe - g Lots, Etc. ¢ hidin Revolver in - hand, he 'com-|on board from Chicago to St. Paul. his age as twenty-three, and his oc- coniictor, saw the girl make the leap conduelor lwought her to home. Fhe 2 LADIES BICYCLES ol the city, including Farm Janda, in tiaided Lomis Wondell. driver of the {and it was treasure the man was af | cupation farmer. He was born at New-' and the next moment hg, too, sprang | girl sai at she had been the vietim| Jo good running order. A 'bargain for entern Jana the best location f $ v | Apply to neine, to stop the train, uncouple his| ter. A posse is searching for the high-|hury, Berks, England, and his mother i "o He an ee o Fgh of an Anlathunate Fove s alais - op Brad ? id ) a 0.1 2 et : cos § 'hen Davis struck the water he ; 2, 'Phone, 705. SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE and IN- lives in, London. . SURANCE AGENCY, Appleton, Wis, July ' oy a For Every Variety of Dwellings, x engine, and run up the track a short jwayman. a a

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