THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1908. I GANANOQUE "NDIAN" ORPHANAGE BUILDING RECEIVED HIS LIQUOR IN TOBE BUILT AT ST. MARY'S. KINGSTON. OF-THE LAKE. But Was Fined All the ads Will Cost About $50,000--Chief Belleville Beat Gananoque at Contract Awarded fo William Baseball By the Close Score of Jcooartmey--Architect is H. P. Nine to Eight. | ' Gananoque, July 27.--Five young! Contracts have been awarded for the men of the town, for disorflerly con- DEW orphanage and novitiate building duct at the Arlington hotel, appeared 10 be erected at St. Mary's-of-the before Police Magistrate W. B. Car- Lake, hing street west, for the Sis- roll, on Satuniay afternoofi, and were ers of the House of Providence. The each taxed with a small fine. The building which will be erected from v + AT THE FAIR GROUNDS VICTORIAS BEAT THE IRISH- MEN In City Baseball League Match By 26 to 6--Gentlemen's Driving Club Put on Several Good Horse Races. On Saturday afternoon a large crowd of people were at the fair grounds to see the baseball 'match and horse races, and they were both worth [Patohing. The ball game wns all one- sided, the Victorias Winning from the Soft Shirts 3 CORRECT : Can be secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. Now the City Cloedl' is out of commission this will be When I met the Lampman on Fri- day night, he said he had been great- ly amused when he read the letter of 'thomas N. Doutney, the temperance lecturer, who said that the liquor li- cense law' was well observed in King- ston. "Why," exclaimed" the Lamp- man, a blind man could tell that the taverns do not keep the law. HI Mr. Doutney would just take a walk into Avoid substitutes. Abert ? Soaps Lid. Mfrs., Montreal. offer you the best selections at prices that will e you sit up and take notice. Buy your hot weathiér duds here and get your money's worth. + Hot Weather Sox, Try "Albert'" : Tale~--Violet Scented and Antiseptic. & YOUR PARLOR the Autumn. Why it. OUR MIDSUMMER SALE offer ihduo ] i th 11 fiel that mean' MONEY SUT TN Pin Sound the bail field. Is to be furnished U not now and save 26 per cent 'on ments BANK to yow, $100, $85, $70, PARLOR SUITES, regular duced to $76. PARLOR SUITES, regular duced to $72. PARLOR SUITES, regular duced to $61. PARLOR SUITES, regular duced to $44. PARLOR SUITES, regular duced to $38, Over 50 styles on the floor. A few odd sizes one holf their price. size of your room. CARPETS. Oileloths, Lmoleums, CURTAINS. Shades, etc. Phone 90. Always bring Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. PORCH SHADES Are just the thing fer your Verandah, made of thin strips of Linden Wood artistically stained, all sizes in stock, R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet Warehouse re- | Irishmen 26 to 6. The races were good nd provided great excitement for the lovers of horses, The grand stand was well filled, and a large crowd were ! This is the third matinee that the Driving Club has put on and every ong draws larger crowds, but deserves more people than have yet turned out to them. The track was in fine condition for the races. It has underzone a thorough course of treatment during the sam- mer, until it is' nowiin thé best "con- dition that it has been in for some seasons. The baseball diamond was also cut and rolled and was well marked out. In the ball game the Vics. had it all their own way from the start. In the first innings they batted Tilson out of the box, putting eight men around the bases, and in the second innings with Turcotte in the box they secured three more, Every man up seemed to get a good hit. The Vies. were in fine form, re-!doing better hitting and better field- re-lof ball re- and misfits, at nearly the Beeccereserecentecemnt We've all met the man who ""almcst" bought a piece of veal estate. when it was cheap, tha. is worth a fore tune now. That same man is likely at this time "almost" deter- mined to buy some property now, But he fears, as he did then, that valuéy have reach- ed their maxi ¢ Don't be in the "almost" class. Have decision. Back your faith in Kingston's future by real estate pur- chases within your means and you will come out a winner. Kingston is going to grow, and real estate here will in- crease in value as long 'as you live. Have you seen gains we are offering. McCANN'S, 51 Brock street. the bar- { .|inz than they have for some time, in (fact they were playing the same kind that they did last season, when they went through w thout a de feat. The Irishmen have not had game in some weeks and were a little off color. They were not batting up to their usual standard and their field- ing was very poor. Both Tilson and Turcotte went up in the air the form- er only lasting one innings. In the second innings Cotman re- ceived a poke on the thumb, and had to change his position. "Bob" Tilson going behind the bat, and Cotman going on first. In the third Burns, the third baseman took sick, and®was re- placed. The Vies also had two new men on. their line-up, Moore going he- hind the bat, and Frank Birch played ed first base in place of Fred. Evans, who was on the sick list. The teams went to bat as follows : Victorias--Nicholson, ef; Pound, s.8.; Appleton, 1.1.; Dick, 3b.; Gillespie, p.; Mundell, ri; McCartney, 2b; Moore, c.; Bruce, 1b. Y.L.C.B.U--W. Tilson, p.; Palmer, e.f.; Joyce, .r.[.; R. Tilson, 1b.; Burns, 3b.; Turcotte, 2bh.; Cotman, c.;: Sulli- van, s.s.; Coyne, LI. William Laird made a satisfactory umpire. > _ The Horse Races. The horse races were all keenly con- tested, every heat providing more ex- citement = for the spectators. The classes resulted as follows : Class A., Mile Heats. Syka Direct, (C. Horne) ........ - Stella Prince, (J. Bannister) ... Time, 2,30; 2.294. In this class Mr. Horne's horse took the lead in both heats and held it to the finish, winning by only one or two lengths, os 2 JX. 2 Class B.,7} Mile Heats. Easter Sunday, (P. Hallner) ra Hi., (Dr. Hanley) Alexander, (J, McCue) Time, 1.18 ; 1.12%. Class C., §} Mile Heats. Olive B., (C. McKay) Hal N., (J. Nicholson) Sunny Jim, (McAdoo) Tessie G., (Griffin) Time, 1.16 ; 1.16. Class D., 3 Mile Heats. Hubert, (R. Smith) . v Machinery Maid, (DD. Hays) Orphan Boy, (J. Cochran) Time, 1.18¢ 1.18 : Thony B,, owned by J. Bannister, wasg left at the post, as he would not score. Sporting Notes. Saturday . 6. Capitals, Montreal, 5; Corp- Lacrosse on 14; Tecumsehs, walls, 2. At Bisley camp the king's prize was won by an Englishman, Private Gray, who shot in the same target as did Lieut. Spittal, of the Canadians. Gray's score was 325. Spittal and Gray were tied at 286. War Minister Haldane presented the prizes. . Kingston Old Boys'. Huge ppsters have been issued at Toronto, announcing the annual ex- cursion to Kingston, August Sth. There will be a big crowd, to be in- creased at way stations, since excur- sions are few this vear, and none pre-! cedes this for weeks. The Toronto Club of Kingston Old Boys will meet at Dominion Business (pllege, Brunswick avenue, on Thvirs- | day evening next, when visitors fronf | Kingston will be welcome. { Lost And Found. ' | The gold and amethyst brooch lost by a young lady residing on West street, was returned to her on Satur- day, through a Whig lost advertise- ment. Jt was found by Misg Rea, | | Simcoe street. . Quick as d . - Lightning Nothing else known in nature or 3 | science compares with No- | bel's fulminate of mercury. | | We combine it in our prim- | {ers to get sure fire. Sure { | fire is what counts. Miss | fires or hang fires are ex- | tremely rare. . We test one out of every hundred primers before making the range test of { the finished product. For all makes of arms. Costs one-third to one-fifth less than duty > ESERIES DOMINION AMMUNITION and "1set up here for profession. {Dyspepsia Cure is the one certain rem- {lively corn causes much pain. The cure cured else could touch. {Painless Corn E young man who resisted Constable Thompson's efforts to arrest him, on Wednestlay afternoon last, appeared and received a fine of $10 and costs was already on the list, was brought up also, having been under the inthu- ence of liquor, and when called on to tell where he got the liquor, confess- ed to having got it in Kingston. He, however, got his fine for it in Gana- noque, On Saturtlay afternoon, the Belle- ville baseball team met the Garnocks in their first game in the Bay of Quinte League series. After quite an exciting game, victory perched itself upon the banners of the visitors, by 9 to 8. The return played in Belleville, on Wednesday af- ternoon next. Napanee now leads in the league, with Belleville second and Gananoqué third. * The coal schooner Briton cleared for Oswego, for another cargo, on Satur- day morning. The law providing for the carrying of lights by motor launches not being obeyed to the letter in these waters, flagrant violations being of almost nightly occurrence. The law is undoubtedly a just one and in the best interests of public safety. A fine of $200 each has been meted out to a number of launch owners from Alex- andria Bay, apd iff such were to he- fall a few locaR® anch owners, they would have no one but themselves to blame for it. Work on Gananoque's cement walks is being pushed along as rapidly as possible, on King street, so as not to interfere with business to an unneces- sary extent. Mr. Dolan's gang is working evenings to finish up. It is expected both sides of King street, from Charles street to the bridge, will be completed during the coming week. Another large crowd in canoes, skiffs, sailing craft and launches, were to be seen on the waters adjacent to the town, all heading for Half Mpon Bay, about six o'clock last evening. The bav was literally packed, scores not being able to even get near the entrance to the bay. This novel Sab- bath evening outing is increasing in popularity every season, and if it in- creases much more the bay will eith- er have to he enlarged or seats pro- viderl on shore to accommodate those who cannot get in sight of the preacher, A special service of song was ren- dered in St. Apdrew's church, last evening, under the direction of W. H. Jackson, organist and choir leader. Miss Pearl Newvombe, of New York city, rendered "The Morn Eternal." A very severe electrical storm visit- ed Grindstone Island, about 4.30 o'clock, on Saturtlay morning, while the heaviest downpour of rain experi- enced there for years occurred. Corn grain was beaten down almost flat, and the water several dnches deép on many of the islam farms. Very little of the storm, how- ever, came this way. C. A. Joynt, V.S., of Brockville, has the practice of his 1s stood Announcement is made of the en gagement| of Miss Mabel C., Halliday, formerly of Gananojue to William KE. Murchison, of Toronto. The marriage '| will take place early next month George Gillies, accompanied by his two sons, Messrs. Clyde and Allan Gillies, left in his handsome tourin: car for Carleton Place, having spent a couple of weeks in this locality. F. H. Hurd, of Kingston, spent the week end with relatives in town. Eth. ¢l Purvis, Toronto, is spending a short time with relatives and friends in town. Miss Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Abbott, of Derby, Conn. are the yuests of Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott, Stone street, for a few weeks. Mrs. Stephen Boyce, Brockville, spent the past week in town, the suest of Mr. and Mrs. Cole, King street. Mrs. Shore, of Ottawa, spent a few days this week in town, in attendance at the funeral of her sister, Mrs. M. T. Wright, Charles street. Albert Wag- ar, night operator, for some time past at the Thousand Island railway office here, has left for Cobourg to take situation there. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Humphreys, Udora, Ont., spent the past week in town, guests of Mr, and Mrs. Webster, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bowen, Toron- to, spent the past week with friends in town. Miss Neal, of Seel:y's Bay,| spent several days during the past week, the guest of Miss Dorman, Ar- thur street. R. Millar, Brockville, vis- ited friends, here, during the past week. Henry Ryan, Watertown, N.Y., an old Gananoque boy, is svending a short holiday season, with friends and relatives in town. Mrs. A. W. Taylor. spent a short time during the past few days with friends in Kingston. Indigestion, Then These. Flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn, waterbrash, biliousness, consti- pation, loss of appetite, ete. These troubles have one cause and Day's edy for indigestion and its evils. Al- ways = gives prompt results. This pre- paration has digestive, tonic and lax- ative properties. Each bottle con- ains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store. A Frightful Fire. Causes widespread sorrow--ilikewibe a is Putnam's. For fifty years it has corns and warts that nothing Ask for Putnam's xtractor only. Mrs. William Boyce. who has 1een visiting Mrs. J. Eastman, in Corn wall, has returned home. of $6.40. Another, as well as rece ive ing a light fine, was also placed on, the "Indian list," while another who game is to be plans prepared by H. P. Smith, archic tect, will be a handsome stone struc- ture, three atbragte in Aeizht, with basement, and will be ccounected with the present building, rupning out to- wards King' street, forming three sides of a rectangle with an open court in the centre. 'The building will be of semi-fire- proof construction, with wood elimi- nated where possible. Instead of using lath the walls will be covered with plaster board which serves both as a fire resistent and a deadener of sound. Fire stops will be placed around the walls on each storey, and white ce- ment wainscoating will be used in- stead of wood around the corridors. The building has been designed with a view to the safety of the inmates. Two large stairways, five feet wide, will be constructed of ornamental iron running to the top storey, and in ad- dition there will be an hydraclc ele- vator running from the basement to the top storey, nclosed in fireproof | ALL IS CALM. Constantinople, July 27. --The momentous act of the sultan of Turkey in pro- claiming the restoration of the constitution of 1876 has left the population of Constantinople unmoved. The people are not used to political freedom. There is skepticism regarding the durability, oi tne 'new era promised. FEXFEETF FEXXXFIREFIRIERER z 5 i walls : of reinforced cement. In the central court will be a combined fire escape and balconies, eight feet wide, running up to the top storey, and on the east end will be iron balconies, six feet.wide, having wide stairways. There will be no less than eighf doors opening outwards on the ground floor and the upper floors are provided with ample exits to the fire escapes. The chapel will he a hand¢ome apartment running the height of two storeys, and will be finished in orna- mental plaster work gnd with a coved ceiling. The interior of the building' will be supported on hrick walls, steel beams and iron columns with the steel beams protected with réinforeed work. The main buildin: will * face King street, and will have a stone porch and over this a conservatory for plants, with a balcony above. The roof will be covered with slate and the cornices will be of metal. The main roof will be surmounted by a cupola and a square stair tower with a battlement finish will connect the main building with the dormitory wing, which will face Ellerbeck ave- nue. There will Le doulle foors throughout with a hardwood finish. The building will likely be heated by steam, and with the fan system of forced ventilation. William Me- Cartney has been awarded the contract for the masonry and contracts will be awarded for the othér trades shortly. The building when completed is: likely to cost in the neighborhood of $50,- 000. No Soda Delay. We strive to give the best possible service at ouf soda fountain and this involves prompt attention. Those who come for our soda are naturally anx- ious to enjoy the, treat in store for them and we do not. keep them wait- ing. Quick, satisfactory service, clean glasses and superb soda at Wade's drug store. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily, except Monday, at 10.15 aan., for Thousand Island ports, and at 6.00 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester. -- At Brock Street Methodist church, last evening, a beautiful duet was ren- dered by Miss L. Rosavear and Miss Pearsall. H. B. R. Crais, oity engineer, has been asked to prepare plans and speci- ficationg for a cement bridge in Pie- ton. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store.' the tavern side «ntrances on Satur- day night, he would never again in- form the people of Kingston town that liquor is not sold here during prohibited hours. I have walked into bars myself on Saturday night, and seen drunken men there, too." And the Lampman is right. He takes his schooner of beer in the morning and is qualified to speak. So far as King- ston is concerned, the law might just as well be changed to read that bars may remain open day and night, and on Sunday whenever there is any de- mand for booze. ad > oe The Lampman reads a paper called the Calgary Eye-Opener. In fact, he is a subscriber to that journal, for he is fond of a piece of seandal, and keeps well posted on all the good things. However, he declared that he wonder- scandal sheet kept out of prison. "A policeman told me," said the Lamp- man, '"'that if a Kingston papcr pub- lished such, things as the Eye-Opener did, (it would be suppressed without delay and the proprietor and staff sent to prison. The fact that the Eye-Op- ener continues to publish red-light episodes, shows the moral egndition of the city of Calgary. There can be no public opinion there to amount to anything, and the place is evidently in need of the gospel." J. ww The Lampman was et the fire in the town buildings on' Friday afternoon. He saw the first smoke issuing from the town clock, and was a keen ob- server of the methods adepted by the fira brigade. "The brigade is not handled the way it ought to be," he declared. "I saw a couple of en sitting on a fire waggon, when they should have piven their horses over to willing hands and set to werk to help with the hose or encines. I know the fire brigade is rootly paid, and the citizens should not expect wonders from ga chief whose rosition is worth only $850 a year. The town can't get expert work done when it is paying only the ges of an ordinary mechanic to the hgad of its fire de- partment. There gfertainly were tacti- cal blunders at the fire, but .the chiel and a majority of his men individual ly worked well." "I had to laugh to hear the town knockers, including some of our influential men, criticising the firemen and saying they were no 200d," the Lampman said. "I noticed these knockers kept a good di-tance from the fire, se that the sparks wo1ldi"t get near them, but they ex- pected the firemen, who are paid at $1.50 a day, to climb up into the burning dome. The firemen had more serso than that." . oe , About ten o'clock, the Lampman and I reached the Buckeve Club rcom not fat from the old Kiri. In there they had been discussing the manner in which Nickle had been elected on June Sth. Both tories and grits were in the gathering. The Lampman was startled to hear a liberal say that it had cost the Kingston torus $33,000 at this election. One of the tories pre- sent informed the grits that the con- servative party would not have faced a trial had the electicn heen jrotest- ed. The member-elect would have Leen given orders to vacate the seat at once to save the exposure of appal- ling bribery. 'You fellows had the money on others occasiors," said the conservative speaker, "but we had the coin this time and we usd it too." we MARINE NOTES. Heavy Fog This Morning Delayed Lake Steamers. The schooner Winnie Wing, at Craw- ford"s, with caal from Oswego. The barge Mart Louise is unloading wood from Bay points at Portsmouth. The steamer Canadian is due at Richardson's with grain, from Fort William. The steamer Glengarry passed down, Sunday, on her way to Montreal, with coal from Fairhaven. \ The steamer Randall cleared to-day for Fairhaven to load coal for the Perfect Brick and Tile company, Wash- burn. The steamer H.-M. Pellat, Canadian freight line, passed this morning with grain for treal, from Fort William. The steamer Mojeska, of the Hamil- ton Navigation company, entered the dry dock on Sunday morning and left the down Mon- of Children's Sailors Reduced. You have your choige of our big stock of Children's Straw Sailors at greatly reduced prices during our Mid-Summer Sale. $1.50 Hats for $1.00 1.25 a 90 100 75 75 50 50 35 And 80 On. Importers of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, . Princess St. " € -- orts tawa, down, Sunday; steamer enough to get back on. Sunday night. She had a new wheel shipped. MT. Co.: Steamer Turret Court, Fort William, 78,000 bushels of wheat; tug Mary P. Hall, from Mon- treal, with two light barges; the barge Lapwing will enter the government dry dock for repairs. The steamer Rideau Wueen is in Da- vis' dry dock for repairs. She broke her wheel and received other slight injuries in the lock at Kingston Mills on her last trip up, by coming in con: tect with the lock sill. Swift's: Steamer Caspian, down and up, Sunday; steamer Dundurn, up, Sanday; steamer Aletha, from bay Ot- North King, down and up, to-day; steamer Rideau King, for Uttawa, this morn ag. to-day; steamer City of Lake-On-The-Mountain. Tuesday, July 28th, steamer Amepi- ca makes a trip to this marvel of nature, 11 am., giving one hour there. Home 6 pam. Only 50c. Reef, Iron and Wine, Pay 'as you go, but ed 'how the proprietor of the western the magnificent rate of from $1.25 to) THE TOWN WATCHMANA4 Underwear, Negligee Shirts, Belts, Etc. "i P. J. HUNT, Headquarters for "W. G. R." Collars, } sizes. NIP IT IN THE BUD, + a First Appearance of Da: Forerunner of Future That such is the case has been con- clusively proven be scientific resepréh. Prof. Unna, the noted European skin specialist, declares that dandruff is the burrowed-up cuticle of the scalp, caused by parasites destroying the vi- tality in the hair bulb. The hair be- comes lifelpss, and, in time, falls out. This can be prevented Newbro's Herpicide druffl germ and restores the hair its patural softness and abundaney, Herpicide is now used by thousands of people--all satisfied that it is the most wonderful hair preparation on the market to-day. ' Sold by leading 10c. in stamps for Herpicide : Co., Detroit, sizes, H0c. and 81. CG. special agent. kills this dan- to druggists, sample to The Mich, Two W. Mahood, ' Send March Qut Lengths 27 to 42 in- ches. 'Regular $2.75. , Tuesday they go at $1.75 Each. . 15 White Silk Waists Nicely finished with al. Insertion, short isleeves. The price was | $2.50 and 3.50 each. TUESDAY they go at $1.25 each. White Wash Skirts White Lawn, Muslin Dresses All Re- duced in Price for Tuesday . NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. e Comfortable Reading Glasses The system which I use for de- termining the exact reading lens required for each case {is based upon a scientific principle which is right. » * * * " ° ° » ° * * ° . . o o » . * I can refer you to scores of cases fitted by this new system to the entire satisfaction of those wear ii he glasses. Satisfaction is more to be considered than a slight difference in price; Dr. A. P.Chown : "Phone, 848, 185 Princess St. © 0000 0ERSN0000000OOGRTES . ° Frank Smith, Ancaster, was assessed, ; $50 and costs for selling liquor with- "Our Own" j¢ make, pint bottles, 50c., at Wade's (has been proprietor of the Henderson Drug Store. out a license. Smith for some years House, in Ancaster village, which wus try to save [cut oft last Janmary along with oth- ers when local option was carried. 12 Cream Lustre Skirts I Smith Bros 345 KING ST. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Your first order, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes (0 the fact that you cannot do hetter anywhere else than you You will find that we are n ers. knowing that, by so doing, We are really ian for our own ultimate bene fit. W.F. GOURDIER. Exclusive Furrier. Phone 700 Do not let the opportunity go by to lay wm a stock of our Fine "Scranton Coal, P. WALSH. 'HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH GLACIER The only substitute for Stamed Glass Artistic, Durable, Economical, by D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Victor and Berliner Gramophone, Will- jams' Sewing Mache. hoenix Fire Extinguisher; and a full line of Musical Instruments, Music, eto, SPECIAL NOTICE. To the Ladies of Kingston : I have removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. CABS! The 'Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 490- OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to night or day. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richar Money loaned on Cartwright. portion.' Manlcipal and a Do received and ai. Deposiue 8. C. McGill, Managing Director.' Notice to Our Customers Sus. siore will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. iy up NewEngland Chinese Restaurant : 531 King Street. om 10. a.m. a.m. bee pace lo po 1 ua ia Chinese dishes esl notice. English and - specialty. 'Phone, 655. IF IT' IS TO GET A SINK Set up or a bath room installed. I can do it in first-class style and at the right 'price. Give me a trial. DAVID Hi es 64 Brock St