Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1908, p. 2

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PAGE TWO, Are You Up to the Mark? If not fecling as well as you should, do not make the mis- take of letting your hea'th take care of itcelf. Resort to Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. I. Loxes 25 cents. YOUR PARLOR Is to be furnished in the Autumn. Why not now and save 20 per cent 'on it, THE. TER-GENTENARY QUEBEC IS STILL CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. There Was Quite a Serabble at the Ball in Parliament Buildings-- The Prince is Very Affable. Special to the Whig, A Quebec, July 25.--The afternoon performances of the Royal Military College cadets, on the exhibition grounds, continues to be the sub- ject of admiring comment from press 71 people, and the announcement that they would again appear on the Id, Friday afternoon, gave genera) satisfaction, and drew a very OUR MIDSUMMER SALE offers i ments, in that mean MONEY PUT INT BANK to you PARLOR duced to $76 PARLOR SUITES, regular $100, UITES, regular $85, duced to § PARLOF dus ed to $6 UITES, $70, $55, regular 51. ARLOR SUITES, regular a to T. F. Harrison Co.| PARLOR Su ITES, regular duced to Over 50 styles on -the floor. A one size $45, $38, few odd sizes and half their price. of your room, CARPETS. Oileloths, Linoleums, CURTAINS. Shades, etc; £ hone 90. misfits, at nea: Always bring Yours, ly the large audience, The price of admission 81, and it is the one thing 'here for which everybody is willing to pay the price ungrudgingly. Following the fine work of the cadets came a series of performances by the R.N.W.AM. po lice dnd it certainly was a grand ex- hibition of fine horsemanship. The members of this fine police force from the North-West prairies are all six feet or more in stature, and their ex- cellent yppearance, together with the wonderful | intelligence of théir horses elicit attention and approbation ev ery- where. It was wonderful on the day of the ceremonies at the Champlain monument to see the mounted police use their horses in keeping the street clear. An intruding carter or wag- gon was warned but once to get out out of the way, and if he did not "|instautly obey a word to the horse - {was all that was necessary when it would take a sudden side movement "|and lift cart, horse and intruder clean over "to the curbstone. The crowd would at times surge forward and al- most block the middle of the street when the magic word would be spoken by the mounted constable in response to which the horse would rush wildly at thosé pressing into the portion reserved for the parade, and when all expected to see men, women and children trampled to death, this won- derful specimen of equine intelligence would suddenly stop at the point of some fellow's nose, when there was ¢ sudden surging back of the crowd to the proper hounds and the course was again clear. The horse would clamp |! the bit as an expression of satisfac- tion and there seemed to be a twinkle in his eye brighter with merriment {than that in the eye df the constable on his glossy back." 1 saw a mount- ed policeman's horse remove with His head a noisy, objectionable fellow that was standing on a box to the annoyance men behind him. One word from the mounted constable and the horse walked up to the noisy fel- low on the box, pushed his head for- ward and mowed him clean down. As riders I consider our own batterymen the equals of the N.W.M.P. and the B ol Are just the thing for your Verandah, made of thin strips ) Kingston Carpet Warehouse of Linden stained, Wood artistically all sizes in stock, R. McFAIL, ' PORCH SHADES. firm seat of an R.C.H.A. rider is due largely to being taught to handle one {horse whilst he rides another. The ceremonies of yesterday termi- nated in a state ball at the parlia- ment buildings to which 5,000 invita- tions had been given. The place was far too small. 'I here was very little dancing and at the refreshment bar the scene was one of disgraceful confusion. Well-dressed, decorated ladies and genflemen fought for places and refreshments. Some secured saucers, cream dishes, ete., and indecently dipped them into the cream cans, and then consumed the cream without spoons. Forks were unknown by most and yet all kinds of eatables disappeared from plates in the hands of the swellest and best. Last night men paid $4 for the privilege of sleeping on the ground in ia tent with a meagre supply of bed- ding. An elderly gentleman feeling faint this afternoon turned to a honse for a drink of water and was fis up for for the same. It only fair to say that these minor ex- tortions are from those in the lower walks of life; the better class are generous to all. Seats in the grand stand to witness the pageant on the plaine to-uay sold at $5 each owing ¢|to the fact that the prince and his suite were present. There is some conflict here among the projectors of this celebration, due to the fact that there is two distinct celebration committees. 'The one is the Champlain committee and® the other the Battlefields' Commission committee and these persist in keeping their respective parts separate, and this persistence causes much annoy- ance and leads to the cancellation of many social side shows At the naval review this morning ac. 1s Res LESS LP LP ELLR LLL 00N ALMOST i & | 11. met the man who ' bought a piece of when it was is worth a for- We've "almes veal estate cheap, tha. tune now. That same man is likely at this time "almost" deter- mined to buy some property gg! automobiles, ® [all there, 5 did now. But he Tears, as he then, that values have reach- § ed their maximum. Don't be in the "almost" class. Have decision. Back your faith in Kingston's future by real estate pur- chases within your means and you will come out winner. Kingston is going to grow, and real estate here will in crease in value as long as you live. Hgve you seen the b gains we are offering. McCANN'S, 51 Brock street. bar- the was given the government { steamer Frontenac in which we fol- {lowed the prince in his tour of in: spection. I'he prince inspected from the quarter deck of H.M.S. Exmouth amid the boom of cannon, playing of bands and the cheers of sailors, ma- rines and spectators | Much of the success of this big cele- { bration is due to Col. Biggar, the director of transport and supplies, | who has had to make arrangements | for the care of 10,000 men, and it has {all been done without a single hitch. I: Just think what it means to provide teams and private cars for all coming | here as the guests, have carriages autos, with A.D.C's and orderlies | greet them and take care of them: ' | sup ply 1.000 horses, 500 carriages, 100 with a time table for and have everything on time {with a precision worthy of a fine clock | movement. Five vears ago we had no Ammy Ser §.. Corps, to-day we have one of 500 men and 120 officers, organizer on imperial lines, so that in case | war where Canada and the mother Hod participates, our men can do the luty of an imperial A.S.C. moved else- | where for duty. Col, Biggar got his | training in South Africa, HOW' S THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward p any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured b, Palle Catarrh Cure. HENEY & CO., I'sledo, 0. Wo 'the END have known ¥.J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- {lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligatlons made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally aéting direetly upon the blood mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. I'rice 75 cents per y Fille for consti press or to "Fare Sold by all Take Hall's Family J of | a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1908. and is one of the most efficient offi- cers in the Canadian militia to-day. Canon Starr is the guest of Col. Gordon, at Lamp Savard, where he will remain until about Wednesday next. Then he will visit Montreal, and expects to be home at the end of the week. Dr. Etherington, of =the board of health, wag a passenger on the same ship, nt enjoyed a most de.ightful passage on the Corsi- can. At De Salaberry Park everything is lively in the lines of the R.C.R., the R.C.H.A. and the Dragoons. The P.A M.C. and Major Kilborn are at this camp, which is a model of order and cleanliness. Col. Williams, Col. Burs- tall, Major Leslie and others are here and are enjoying themselves imunense- ly. At three o'clock, to-day, the offi- cers will give a luncheon, to which many ladies and gentlemen were in- vited. Major Kilborn was the duty of- fier, "to-day, at the hospital, and 1 must say he has the finest field hos- pital I ever saw in my life. The tents all have "flys"' amd are well venti- lated. They are lighted with acety- lene, and they possess an operating- room, which would be a credit to the general hospital or I'Hotel Dieu. Al garbage is destroyed by an incinera- tor, the invention of Mr. O'Hagan, who was formerly sergeant-major at Tete Du Pont barracks. This de- stroys every bit of garbage on the camp grounds, but needs some means to consume the smoke or make it less objectionable. It looks as though we would have Lord Roberts visit us for sure in about ten days' time, and he will pro- bhably accept a trip to the Thousand Islands from the Limestone City. He said : *'I don't know your geography, so will have to trust the matter to my A.D.C., Col. Dennison." The bat- tery boys arc all wishing 'they eould be home to help give him a grand re: ception. The Prince of Wales went freoly around the streets in an automobile, unattended by escort or guard. But Col. Percy Sherwood is always near, and the city is full of detectives. The Thiel Agency, VYinkertons, Scotland Yard, as well as provincial and city detectives from all over. However, there is not much tor them to do, only about ten pickpockets have Leen landed in the whole week. Most of the pocket picking is done lejally--by hotels, Paine houses, ghd table board furmshers--and over these 'the army of 'Tec can have no control. Many are leaving for home, but many more are taking their places. Most oi the volunteer corps have left for home. Sir Frederick wa yesterday. Lieut.-Col. Massie, P.V.0., R.C.H.A. is the veterinary gtucer for the citadel having charge of the R. N, W. M. police, as well as all hoises used by the prince's staff. Capt. Panet, kingston, is A. Dc. to Gen. Otter, at the dinner, to-night. Capt. Lindsay, formerly of RWing- ston, is on duty at engineering bead- quarters. Ex-Cadet Carson is very popular among the military and' naval. cfficers here. ' R. J. Curscn and party of five are having a good time. Vice-Fresident Fairbanks of the Un- ited States, is very popular among all classes here. The popular carriage here is the French ' caleche," aud pronounced ""kelesh." It is an odd looking thing. but comfcrtable in riding. The spot where Montgomery fell 'is bein improved with egnerete work, and it is expected that a monument wil eventually mark the place. Sergt.-Maj. Bramah, "A" battery, says there has heen neither drunks nor absentees among the batterymen since coming here. The men are all on har ior. Major Kilborn expects to be home about August Ist, Sergt. Pateman ideal P.AM.C., officer. Capt. Claremont, at time "B"" battery, is here stationed. He was sent to Australia by the militia department to study military matters in the commonwealth. There is more talk of "B" battery being back again soon in Kingston Major Kilborn discharged fourteen sick men from hospital yesterday. The A.8.C. is staying in the rink in "Grand Alee,"' with Major Mozley and Mr. Carson in charge Private Smith, No. | company, 14th Regiment, is better, and will able to travel. Everybody in camp makes for a copy of the Whig. Major Kilborn gets it every day, and his copy is well bor- rowed through the day. An old woman here claims Plains of Abraham and threatens sue the city to recover them. "B" battery will put on a musical drive for the prince and party, on Tuestlay. The boys hope someone wil put: up some purses. The batterymen wi'l wrestle bareback with the R.N.W, M.P., and it is safe to bet our wigl win. The prince is in the best of humor. When he landed it was said he was displeased over some things which oc- curred en route, Everybody is battleships. The cadets right. Some of the costumes worn by those taking part in the pageant cost the wearers as high as $1,000, The 'market place, yesterday morn- ing, at lower town, was a sight, minding one of Normandy. Prices on the market are much same as in Kingston, but there more fruit offered for sale. Borden lt for Otta- their good be- is said to be an one soon be the to boys allowed to visit the are "pets'" here all ye- the is Jones' Falls And Return, 50c. Rideau 'King every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. James Swift & Co., Agents. In the Canadian Magazine fcr Au- gust tha leading article deals with the Indian tribes of Labrador, and is well illustrated. The author, Clifoid H. Faston, accompanied the late Leoni- das Hubbard to that frozen region, and had excellent opportunity to study the tribes. Other illustrated articles are "Encouraging Native Han- dicrafts," by Katherine Reid, and "A! Poacher of Remown," by E. Hickson,! being an account of poaching on sal- mon- ey in New Bruns i wick in |¢ LOGKL SPORT CIRGLES WHAT THE "BASEBALL 'TEAMS ARE DOING. * a-- The "Ty Ficking Up Some uld-Time Players--Meeting of Baseball Leéague--rhe Lacrosse Team in Good Shape. The lacrosse team had 'one of the best practices they have had insome weeks, at the cricket field, on Monday evening. About fifteen men were in uniform and they put in a good stiff hour's work. Capt. Singléton is fast rounding his men into shape for their game with the Belleville "Stations" on Ci.ic holiday. The local players have not lost asgame so far this season, and have 5 op quite 8 few teams. They Save 'played Belleville twice and have tied both games, the score being six goals each. This makes the Labor day contest even more interesting, Base. all Teams Working. All the baseball teams are stifl hard at work. © On Monday evening the C.L.C. and Emeralds were working out in separate ends of the cricket field. The Emeralds are securing the aid of some" of the players who used to play some years ago, on the old city league teams, when the Ponies first came into notice as a team from Regiopplis: College. A few of these players are still around and have not forgotten, the game, or have not let themselyes get stale. Such men as Eves, Nolan and a few others will make quite a change in a line-up. The Emeralds will play the Loses gn Saturday afternoon. There promi to be some . good games before league is finished, ' the Baseball League Exetutive. There will be a meeting of the ex- ecuti.e of the City Baseball League, this week, to consider many matters. At this meeting the handsome silver cups presented by James Baker and Walter Cusick wiil be presented to the league officers to put up for com- petition as they mee fit. The residence and playing rules will likely come up again for consideration, as they are causing lots of trouble among some of the teams. > ! Civic Holiday Games. The civic holiday committees are still at work, and the celebration here should spring a big surprise. Ev- erything will be of the best that can be secured in the country, and there will be lots of it. The committees on the different branches of sport are all working steadily, each trying to make his branch the best ever. If the weather is good a great crowd of peo- ple should be in the city that day. Waterworks' Coal Shed. The waterworks committee was call- the coal shed question. The city coun- cil referred the matter back to committee when itishould have adopts ed the recommendation of the com- mittee to construct a rcofless con creto shed. A shed, must: be erected for the coal supply. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trial box as a convincing test. Simply address Dt. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it freo unless I was ofrtain that Dr. Shoop Magic Oint- ment would stand the test; Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, piles, either external' or Large jar 50c. Sold by all druggist. Mrs, Henry Lawson and her daush ter, Alfleda, Sydenham street, left the city, to-day, to visit friends at Elgin- bury, Latimer and head of Loughtoro Lake. Ministers, hers, whose little exercise, tle 'Liver Pills biliousness. them. Roy Moore Gananoque: friends in the lawyers, tegchers and occupation gives but should use Carter's Lit- for torpid liver and One is a dose. Try to his home in after visiting returned to-day, city. How To Cure Running Sores, First wash the with warm wat- er and then apply Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. = This is sure to heyl the oldest sore and cure the worst burn in short order. No ointment 80 soothing, so healing and antiseptic as Dr. Hamilton's. sore "Kingston's Famous Fur Store.' FOR $5.00 Any Panama Hat in the house is yours for $5. Oaly a few lelt. Importers of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs, Princess St. r-- ARCHDEACON WRITES] HE IS ENIOVING LIFE AT| His Malady Prevents Him From suffered since December, ed to meet this afternoon to consider the bleeding or itching internal ¥ OCEAN SHORE. Be Doing Clerical Duty--Prince Edward Island is a Charming | of Skirts is convincing evidence "that 3 . Resort. Hampton, P.E1., July 25.--(To the Editor) : I see by a paragraph in the July Ontario Churchman, "that 1 am doing summer duty at Hampton." 1 am very sorry the item is not cor- rect. The malady from which 1 have y prevents my undertaking clerical duty. I regret this more, as some months ago the recto: of Charlottetown, PEI, and also the rector of the "Round Church" Halifax, both asked me to take charge of their ishes while they were T sent in England, attending the Pan- Anglican congress. 1 was most re- Inctantly compelled to decline both bind offers. There is no Church of England at Hampton; the cl.rzyman in charge of this parish for the sum- mer is Rev.~ Frof. Harley, of Kins's College, Windsor, N.S. He lives at the village of Crapeau, five miles from this place, where there is a beautiful church, in which the professor holds service every Sunday. This is #4 delightful spot, the home of the Hon. M. Smith, member of the cabinet of Prince Edward Island. Pleasant View Hotel has been lately added to and made to accommodate sixty guests. The house is about thre bundred yards from the ocean bank, with magnificent red sand heach, the delight of the bathers, The location is on the south shore of the island, near- ly midway between Summerside and Charlottetown, in the midst of a magnificent farming country, with scenery equal in many respebts to that #0 admired in the old country. On- tario people who have never teen on thia island, have no conception of the delightful scenes the islanders have lavished upon them. For the last day or two we have 'had copious rains The hay crop is abundant, and there is every prospect gf a bounteous har- vest. I only wish theie were more Kingstonians here to share the plea- sures and comforts we are enjoyino.-- W. B, CAREY, Archdeacon of Kinz ston. the C MODEL SCHOOLS OF 1908. Qualification Requisite For Ad- mission. Applications for admission to the model schools shall be made on.or be fore August 18th to the deputy min- ister of education, who will assignp|? the applicants to the different morel schools. Candidates for admission will be re- quired to submit with their applica- tion a certificate of having passed ome |? of the following examinations : 1. The district certificate examina- tion of 1904 or any subsequent year, the junior teachers' examination or the senior teachers' examination. The examination for entrance in- to the model schools. 3. The July examination for ent- rance into the normal schools with the required certificate from an ap- proved school. 4. The July examingtion for ent- rance into the faculties of education. 5. The July examination for . ent- rance into the normal schools of fac- ulties of education, or forty per cent. of the aggregaté marks in either of these examinations with twenty-five per cent. in each paper, provided that "in all such cases the candidate satis- fie" the principal of the model school that he is competent in the subjects of the model school entrance which are not required at the said July exam inations, The model schools for the eastern counties are at Kingston, Comwall and Renfrew. Poor Parson's Privilege. Presbyterian, 'I'he only DPreshyterian Kingston (n the ground these weeks is Dr. Maclavish, who, however, had a nice outing to Winnipeg amd assem-|! bly. 'The ministers of Andrew's and Zion, "laute viventes,"" are summer- ing in their cottages on Loughboro Lake, and the St. Lawrence, respec tively. When last seen the mioftter of Chalmers was shaping for the railway station in a new modish suit of gray homespun and a white chip hat, with his destination fixed for the next few weeks, on Georgian Bay, where he may give attention to the antiquities of the Huron and other Indian. tribes and to their prehistoric success in growing corn. The pulpits ape splen- didly manned by Rev. Dr. Torrance, Rev. R. J. Craig, and Professor Alex- ander Laird. minister of Heal Anything With It. They Ara fhe Best Values Ri every taste, Plain Blue, Greens, Mauves and the, New Banana Shades Tost asrived. | P.. J Headquarters for Camptie Outfits. Flakes of Dandruff on the i allar ly see in the ball room--a man's black dress-coat literally draff. | and certainly to observe. dicated. will some day cause baldness. destroying hair does more--keeps the hair "soft siant. pleasant toilet odor, 10c. Herpicide Co., sizes, special agent. ["conuzor TIME Can be 'secured from the Chronometer in Our Window. " Now the City Clock is out | of commission this will be very convenient. fn Our increasing and immense sale in Town. to captivate 'Tans, There are colors ONSPICUOUS IN A naLzhgon. and Shoulders ofa Septigman in Full Dress. f This is the thing you quite frequent. covered w io dan It must be amnoying to the' 'wearer, not a pleasant thing But dandruff cap be era- It is a germ disease that Hain the it and Newbro's Herpicide kills the germ, and stimula to a rich, abundant growtl Herpicide is a most accessory; of pleasing and cooling to the scalp. druggists. sample to. The Mich. Twe W. Mahood, Furthermore, Purthersi Your first oder, because we know that the satisfaction you will derive from that will open your eyes to the fact that you cannot do. better anywhere else than you can with ' You will find that we are not 'all sea' in our business, but thoroughly tA eine and watchful of the interests of our custom- ers, knowing that, by so doing, *We are really acting for our own ultimate bone. Ww, F. GOURDIER. Exélusive Furrier. Phone 700 Sold by leading Send in stamps for Detroit, $1. G. 50c. and 3 :G00D BARGAINS WEDNESDAY, WHITE MUSLIN. Suitable for-waists-and children's dresses. Reg- ular 8c, 10c¢ per yard. WEDNESDAY, 5c per yard. "DON'T MISS IT." Do not let the of lay mn a stock Coal Pp - rtunity our Fine WALSH. . HAVE YOUR Windows Decorated WITH GLACIER The 'buly "substitute for Statied Glass Artistic, Purable, Economical, D. J. DAWSON Successor to Dawson and Staley, '217 Princess street. High Grade Pianos at Living Prices. Victor and Berlinar ir Gramo hone: Will. iams' Sewing ork Fire Extinguisher ; Ly a neh 0. line of Musical Instruments, Music, etc. SPECIAL NOTICE. ---- ' To the Ladies of! Kingston : I have removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place, J. ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 480 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to go by to Scranton Black Taffeta Silk Just 100 yards rich Black Ohiffon Taffeta Silk, worth 75c. WEDNESDAY, 49¢.yd | Bleached Table Damask : wide, all | Regular { 72 inches pure linen. $1. WEDNESDAY, 75¢ per There are many who are afflicted with uleers, old sores or eruptions th,t do mot yield at. all to ordinary remedies. But they all yield to the positive healing action of Wade's Oint- ment. It cures eczema (salt rhenm), piles, catarch, dandruff and all sealy or itching eruptions of the skin. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store, Is A Real Companion. The August Woman's Home penion is full of delightful stories tome * of the authors are Temph Bailey, Juliet Tompking, Marion Hill, i Ruth Herviek, May Fisk, Clinton Dan- gerfield and Harvey J. O'Higgins. he stories are illustrated by Orsoh Lo- well, Ahece ' Barber Stephens, Char- lotte Weber-Ditzler and gther famous artists. Doctor Hale talks helpfully bout "Sleep and Re-Creation. "The arden in August," many recipes for summer salads, meats and substitutes : for"meats, are given. Com Get my "Book No. 4 For Women." It will give weak women many valu- able suggestions of reliei--and with strietly confidential medical advico is entirely free. Simply Jrejte Dr. Shoop Racine, Wis. "The book No. 4 tells 'all about - Dr. Bhoop's Night Cure and how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully ap- weaknesses, frAseasseR Tass see sens iret asraene $96880499040880008a8an night or day. 000000000000000000000 Comfortable Reading Glasses rr THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. chard Cartwright, Eon Farm Pros County Deben. Deposits aig Director. Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 6 o'clock sharp every night, v except Saturday. A. GLOVER. NewEnglandChinese Restaurant 351 King Street. Open from 10.80 a.m., to 3 a.m. best. | lace to an all round Ents of all all kinds on short. and Chinese dishes a So0soane The system which IT use for 8e- . termining the exact reading lens required for each case is based upon a scientific principle | which is right. 8. C. McGill, PL ETE I can refer you "ts stores of cases fitted by this new system to the entire satisfaction of those wearing the glasses. Sat ion is more to be considered Han =» slight difference in price, Dr. A. P. Chown ; is i i Set up or I can pi i gr is a by all druggists. . I. Carson's o 'Eganville races to-morrow, these the book. The Night Care|, Mrs. Kinuswell end small daughter,| 8% May Wax trois at!for Montreal, do it atthe will leave to-morrow, rds, yis M Mr, pod Mrs. AVI HALL, street, . Orr, and o

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