Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jul 1908, p. 8

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WILTON PRESBYTERIANS Re-Open Their Church Renovating It. The re-opentd on Sunday. ---------- pn Si a tensive repairs. A new furnace ertéted in the basement, figured win- dows were placed throughout the building. beautiful window grected in memory of the late My Weng, The throughout. a Er --------_ CA On all kinds of New: Fur | Gartients made to specidl re, and wé also have facilities for re-dying ng, and remodelling 'Garments to the Ai the re-opening ser- of Kingston, was the preacher. Rev. Wilton, assisted in the morning ser- vice. There were large comgregations present. In the evening many were unable ta got into the building. The offerings amounted to over $300, L On Monday evening i garden party was held ou the church lawn, and there were over 300 paid admissions. The Orlesca band was in attendance, and réndered some fine music. AM- dressds were given by Rev. Dr. Mae- Tavidh and Rev. Mr, Williams. Booths on the grounds dispensed ice cream and dther delicacies. The proceeds of the garden party amounted to some- what over $100, ---- i STOLE FARMER'S MONEY. i she W. J. Trudell, Bath Road, Hunt- i For English Farmhand. On a afternoon W. J. Trudell, 'a farmer living on the Bath Road, | told the police that he had been rob- lbed of $31 by an English farmhand named Frederick Goodheart. The po- lide were at once put on the case but as yet have not succeeded in running their man Vo earth. YPrudel: stated that Goodheart worked for him about a year, and was a good workman. On Monday hé came to the city and when he re- turned hé Tduhd his tan gone. He did not know where he had cleared to, and was not much worried until he found 'that $31 had also disap- peared, and he at once suspected the Englishman of the theft. Trudell sue- ceeded in tracing the man to the eity | and found out that he had secured ga suit of élothes from a second-hand store on Princess stréet, but could not find him after that. Goodheart is only about nineteen, or twenty years old and has not been in * this country very long. He short and #tout in appearance, with rather light hair. He Would ss Be Blamed. A good story is being told on an ex-alderman, who, it happened, was up in the city buildings' dome a short timo before the fire broke out. When he heard of the fire he was quite sur- prised and told a friend of his being in the dome such a short time before. "Don't you tell that to anyone," exclaimed his friend in an awful whis- per. "Why 7' asked alderman. "Why, my good man," replied his friend quite secidusly, "they'll say you " set the place afire. ECOL PRNEIERNPO IDIOTS LS QO OL OL 149-155 Brock St., i, Kingston, Ont. BN Make superb gifts and have 'B® what every : present should I heve-sentiment and in- ! 'trinsic value, aa 5 Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire Rings, from $10 '% to as high as you care to go. ] fi Good values'in 3-stone and fivg.stone rings. had ¥ Spangenberg JEWELLER, aad ¥ DIAMOND MERCHANT ! LY | ME. i ix . i od ean pretty well 'tall whether a eS Bn has Screens on his house the way gre you in the morping. It makes . man. good tempered all day if he sleeps Well at night. Enjoy the fresh mir. Leave your do open with Screen rs on. Any complete with Hinges, for $1 each. | WINDOW SCREENS | 'FROM 20¢ UP, FIT ANY WINDOW. W. A. Mitchell, + HARDWARE. 8 1S VICE-PRESIDENT, the w onderipg ex: To Play Baseball. The policemen and postmen will play a gamé of Baseball on the cricket field, on Thursday aftetmoon. A col lection will 'be taken up and the pro- ceeds will bé given over to 'the Or phans' Home and the orphans of the House of Providence. The bloe poats will line up: Arniel, c.; Filson, p; Bateton, Ih; YP. Driscoll, 2b.; Davis, s.5.: (Hdghes, '8bh.¢ Mullinger, 1.1; Me- Adoo, c.f.; Naylon, r.f. "Con." Millan will umpire the game, In Ling For Bishopric. Canadian Freeman We have received a handsome VYenir card commemorating the tyv-filth anniversary of the dedication of St. Margaret's church, Glennevis, Ontario. - 1he first two pastors of this parish. were Archbishop Gauthier, of Kingston, and the Bishop of Alex andria. If the present incumbent, Rev. D. R. MacDonald, wishes to es- cape their fate he had better seek another parish before it 18 too late. Back From Scotland. Day id Scott, "Johnson streét, has re turned home. after a two months' vis Murray, Cornwall, Ont.; | it to his friends in the north of Scot mry 8. Bell, Cha thai, N.B.; Mich- | land He was in London and witness: IP. Moisan, Qiebee City; Dr. A. D [ed the opening of the! Olympic games chonald, Ipverness county, N.S by King Edward and Queen Alexandria, : nd are residents of Baltimore, Mary- nd | and was also at the Anglo-French ex LUI is the desire of the officers and | Wemhers to reach every Canadian liv- | Right Or Wrong Hair. g in the state of Maryland, and The wrong kind is thin, lusterless 3 ve them become members of the so- and faded, or greasy and stringy. The y right kind is thick, glossy and of an 9 Canadian 'Society in Maryland --Let Friends Know. Fhe Canadian Soédiety of Matyland 2 Was" feeently fobmed, and élected the llowing officers . WPrecident--) ames J. Carmody, fonn- . erly of Montreal, Que MV ice-president--F, W, Ry of Kingston, Ont. SE freasurer--Dr. A. Colin Gillis, form- * $lly of Antigonish, N.S. E iNecretirv--Charles A. Mittleberger, EE Fal - . E rmerly of St Catharines, Unt. | I "Board of Pirectors--John Dixon, : ion, Ont.; Edward F Kirkness, amilton, Ont; Samuel B. Sherin, kefield, Ont.; J. A. Muisan, Quebec ty: D. J. P sou- twen- Jackson, form- position. epi aiin ty. FS Any resident of this city having definite color. The latter is ) fiends in the state of Maryland would healthy hair such as is always pro well to advise them to join this duced by the use of Dr. Dawson's Hair ty, andl for this purpose to tom Restorer. In bottles 50c., at Wade's icate with one of the officers above enifiancd. £0.) Touring Parties. { leven {drug store, i -- | Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. ] : 5 sare' visitor «| Rideau King and Queen leave for Iwo farge touting cars vieitCd th | Ottaws, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- ; Ee wo ol thed wv Fo D woke | 48Y and Saturday, at 6 a.m., and for ! - gar containg « F. De Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, pparty, and the other George H.lp day and Saturday at 615 p.m. Higmson and wife, Erie, Pa. I'he James Swilt & Co., Agents. rly tame into Canada at Rockport 8 ' vl md will go home via Buffalo, N Y.] 0 The Best Yet. "Romeo and Juliet," at The King uart. faa " rs x : : Jen Sent a Sua S0c. for al Edward Theatre. The best in motion wl pa ket, ht Caro kv. | picturs ever,_shown in the city, 1,500 oven que sket, at ovsky's. . | feet film. 'he Canadian Freeman tartly re | rks that "some of our civil ser | nts are so much stuck on them- | ves that a person would think that | oy really owned the building they Brock Tay- stu. the Before 5 small audience in street Methodist church Messrs. lor and James, Vietoria College dents, gave a capital review of i Methodist missions in Japan and : p gployed m. heightened the pleasure hy giving dito Wild Strawberry Compound." Buy limelight views of the: work and the PE buildings used. ibson's Red Cross Drug Store. § Perth, Ont., April 24th, 1905, 0. BUTTON, AGENT. - Kingston. J. ADA LIFE ASSURANCE + because the Canada Life has notified me that it Sir,-- in od humor, fh "Toduy 1 er -- This is what was promised, and made a further reduction 3a my premium. r now performed. When an insurdnce company does this it is more than be said of some others, and I am therefore pleased. I have society insur- which does not compare at all favorably with that I hold in* the Canada Wy Have an Endowment Policy also Wi the Canada Life, which has matured © ph * paid. This was a honanza, as the profits paid were large and more istac ' 0 wh. n satisfactory t n Yours. telly. : nn. Hoa. amne gontract can be secured to «day at the Office, 18 Market St. J. 0. epARon it : : After was church was also painted vices, on Sunday, Rev. Dr. MacTavish, Dr. Williams, of the Methodist church, NEW STEEL STEAMER WILL BE BUILT BY CAPTAIN ROYS Wilton Presbyterian church was | For Service on the Bay of Cuinte During the past few weeks it has been undergoing ex- was As Well As the River--He Will Handle Excursions at Popular Prices. ? »! Capt. Roys, of the steamer Aletha, has had a most busy season. lm fact, he has had more requests for excur- sions than he could book. The Ale- tha has been plying in Bay of Quinte Waters a great deal this season, with an oveasional trip down the St. Law- rence. The genial skipper has had large crowds, too, .on every excur- sion. "Belleville 1s a great excursion centre," he told the Whig on Monday. "Three boats todk éxedrsions out of that city one day last week, and still thére were scores of people left on the dock. Fach boat had its full comple- ment of passehgers." "This winter," declared Capt. Roys, "I am going to build a larger boat. It will - he constructed of steel, and will be as safe and sound as human 'skill can make it. I will have a steamer capable of carrying 500 pass- ongers, and will then be in a position to handle the excursion trad® to bet- ter advantage." Regular prices and a genial skippbr have made the Aletha a favorite boat along the Bay of Quinte and the St, Lawrence river. The captain knows every inch of these waters, and his passengers are always sure of a safe trip when he is at the helm. S-- Marine Notes. The sthooner Maxwell is at the peni- tentiary with coal from Conneaut. The' schooner Burton, Gananoque, is fwaiting to get inte Davis' diy dock. The steamer Waterlily passed Monday night with freight for bec. The schooner Straubenzie un- loading coal from Erie gt the Lotomo- tive Works. The steamer Mississqoi hrought large load of passengers from Vintént to-day. : The barge Hiawatha, of the M. T. Co., left the dry dock tasday, after undergoing repairs. The schooner Mary Ann Lydon ar rived at Crawford's this morning with coal from Oswego. The steamer Alexandria was at Fol- gét's last evening 6h her way to Moa: tréal with passengers and freight. Swift's : Steamer Aletha, for densburg; steamer Caspian, down and up, to-day; steamer Rideau Queen, for Ottawa, this morning. Charles Joyner, Oswego, started work to-day to take the coal off the burned steambargé Robert McDonald and try to get her to shore to be repaired. The steambarge Hinckley is lying at the Kingston and Pembroke wharf waiting to tow two lumber barges to Oswego. The tows are coming from Ottawa. 3 The steamer Rideau Queen left Dav- is' dry dock on Monday evening about midnight had a very hard time getting through the bridge. She blowing for about half an hour fore the bridge was finally opéned. M. T. Co.: Tug Mary P. Hall ar- rived from Montreal with three light barges and cleared for Montreal with two grain laden barges; the steamer Stormont passed up on her way from Sydidy to Fort William with a cargo | of steel rails. | down Que- is a Cape Og- he PLANS CARRIED OUT. The City Building's Dome Was Not a Makeshift. The burned dome of the city build ings was not a '"'makeshift," as was sliggested at the city council medting Monday afternoon. It was a perfect structure, erected from the original plans of the architect who designed the dome in 1868 and whose design was one that has been 'admired dur ing all these forty-three years The original plans aré in possession of Power & Sons, architects, of this city. The late Johy Power, father of the present firm architects, * had | charge of the construction of the dome, and the plans have been with" the Powers ever since. The burned dome was erected in 1865, after the fire in the King street end of the buildings. A picture of the city buildings in 1888, just fiity years shows a lower dome than the one burned. gAt that time the clock was in the King street tower of the building and there were no cupolas on the main building oO! ago, B. A. Hotel Arrivals. I'. Adam Worth, Philadelphia; G. A. Brayer and wife, Rochester, NX; PB R.. Wilbur and wife, Brooklyn, N.Y. ; F. W. Vipond, H. W. Snetsinger, Mrs. E. 13. Hart, Miss Hart, 1. C. La Bou- tillier, Montreal; George L. Harding, Ruth Harding, Binghamton, N.Y... R. B. Franklin, D. Walter Bell, Pitis burg; T, P. Kelly and wife, Miss Mary Kelly, Miss Helen Kelly, Brockville; M. T. Fich, lthaca, N.Y.; Mrs. Fisher, Pittsburg: J. E. and daughter, Buffalo, N.Y; A, Bra- bait, Miss T. Wilson, Mise Wilson, New York: J. D. Pamerton. J. E. Samhigh, Ottawa;, Connor Meehan, Jossph Harrison and wife, R. W. Har- vison and wife, A, W. Grassett, .J. Milligan, Toronto; P. T. Toro, Cobalt; W. H. Henderson, Lon- den: Mrs. M. Williams, Cheney, Wash; Miss Johnson, Napanee; E. R. La- pum, Scranton, Pa.: Mrs. D. W. Hast- mgs, Syracuse. N.Y; T. A. E. Gor don, Dryden, Mich. Giré The Dome With Lights. On the new dome of the city build- ings, it is proposed to place several circles of eledtrie lights, that it may be illuminated an various nights, particnlarly in the summer. Mayor Ross would like to have a maple leaf in electric lights placed on top of the weathidr vine. Circles of lights might he pak around the lower edge of the beliry, and around the upper and lower rims of the clock portion of the dome, and the dials might also be surrounded by electric globes. The ad- ditiond! cdkt would not be Imrge, and the lighting effect would be grand. Is time that Kingston put on a lite tle more "outward lighting display, and here's a splendid chance of a be guning. = i was | lend Thomas | ° Wesley, wife! Rufus, E.| IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK; ---------- ANDREW CARNEGIE, + Inverness, Scotland, July 28.~An- drew Carmege, wife ahd their daugh- ter," Margaret, had a miraculous es- cape. from sérious injurivs to day, in the wrecking of theif touring car, whith was in collifion with another automdbile. The 'three werd badly shaken up and sulfered bruises shad sera techies: to i CITY AND VICINITY. a Coming To Kingston. Earl Grey will likely be in Kingston on Augist 18th, 19th or 20th. He sails for England from Quebec on August 21st. Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings, Look at dis- play windows. ' Appears On Wednesday, One of the cabmen will appéar he- foe the magistrate, on Wedaesday motning, charged with soliciting pas- seiigers on Folger's wharf on Monday evéning at the arrival of the Cape Viacent boat. Kingston Still Has Dome. Belleville Intelligencer. The dome of Kingston's city hall is in rains, caused by fire, but sé long as the dome of the Whig's editor is infdot the old Limestone City worry along somehow. will Will Take Six Weeks; Minager Folger, of the city light plant, expects the work of repairing the new gas tank will occupy . six weeks. It will be ten days mbre he- fore the tank is cleaned out and ready for the of cement it is to re ceive inside. coat Adjusting The Loss. To-day, representatives of insurance companies who carried risks on the city buildings, together with civic re- presentatives, went over the builll- ings to adjust the loss. Mr. Corey, of Poronto, and Williany Newlands, arch- itect, Kingston, represented the insur- ance people, and the city engineer and I. W. Power, the ety. Cars Off The Track. ten o'clock Monglay a Grand Trunk freight train. bound ran off the track at the west switch, near the outér station. The réar end of the was off the track and it was about three hours be- fore it was replaced on the rails. The fast trains east and west. at npon, were tied up, for some time, until the train was put back on the rails. morning About east, tram Let Readers Tell Us. 1i "Bobs" came herve, what great at tractions could we offer ? 1---The city council in native garb. 2 The "scoot" of school trustees. 3A trip by bicvele, under §h® lead ership of "Old Father Time," the fam- ous bookseller Readers in ited to further inform the anxious commander-in-chief of the Bri- tish amy. He Was Let Go. The adjourned case of Frank Dara- yeau, charged with being a frequenter of the disorderly house that was raid- | ed a few weeks ago, was up before the | magistrate this morning, and the pi- soner was allowed his liberty. 1 have given your case every consideration," said his worship, "'and after careful thought, "it is just a question whether you come under the legal head of a frequenter of the house or not, and 1 am going to give you the benefit of the doubt. You area young man yet and it is your first appearance here, so I hope it will be - a warming to you." ! Married In London, Eng. The marriage of Capt. Alexander Adams, late K.E., of Kingston, Unt, and of Cairo, to Miss Catherine Mary | Fox, daughter of the late C. E. Fox, | master of equity, Bombay, and "nidce of Viscount Falkland, took place, on { Thursday afternoon, July 16th, dt St. Thomas' chureh, London. The bride wore a white satin gown and tulle veil, and the four bridesmaids . wore | white lace and net over chiffon, with | touches of blue, and , white picture { hats trimmed with La France roses. | Capt. Frith was best man. The hon- Dorit. otdand Black Watch 19eK Mac The Great Millionaire Had Mira-| 1 -- 'LOCAL NOTES AND a IN ; : Occurrences In THU City" Any Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Kead And Re: membered. This was a het day. Cauttiets » phose; 4ov. © Come to St. Likes lawd sotial, August ith, band in attendance. : Miss Ethel Dupuis, bivison street, left to-day, for Bath, to visit fritnas. thant owame, pikho Lule. Utdérs' retéived at MeAuley 8. 'Phone 778, It will be probably a week before the insurance award on the city bud: ings is made. EP. J. nenndély, of (thé steamer Frockville, spent Sunday at lis home in Portsmouth. "Lhe thirst quencher," : Cota Cola is dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross Diwg Store fountain. erbert Beecher, Ordmance street, left, torlay, for New York, where he will visit relatives, H., vibningham, piano tuner from Chickering"s, Leave orders at Mo Auley's book store: A meeting of "the waterworks com- mittee has been called for this after aoon, at four o'clock. Miss Jesse McCann, Kingston, is spénding a few days the guest of Miss Florrie Milne, Woodstock. The steamer Aletha took about two hondred and fifty people to Ogdens- burg, N.Y., this morning. a '"1angletoot fly pdper." The sticky kind is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 'T'hone 230. : Miss Mabel Millan arrived, from New York, Monday, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs, "Con" Milldgn. Hear the Fum, a wonderful musical instrument, well played, King kdward Theatre to-night. Lord Rebérts writes that he cannot see Beileille veterans. But Belleville veterans can see him in Kingston. Miss M. Brown of Syracuse; N.¥., and Mrs. L. B. Spencer are up from the islands for a few days' stay in the city. Un Monday afternoon, twp keys on a string were picked up on Princess street, and were taken to the police station. In the Vancouver case of King vs. Walkém, leave to appeal has-been dis- missed by the privy council, England, with costs, Larry U Hara, wife and family, of Syracuse, are in Kingston, where they wil spend a few days before returns ing home. Henry Merrick, post office inspector, Kin ston, was the est (§ his ne- phew, W. E. Brough, Brockville, for the week end, Miss Blanch Woodrow, Bagot street, has returned home, after spending a few weeks with relatives at Thousand Island Park. John MeKay Uo, inténd to open a branch store shortly on Princess street nearly opposite Steacy & dry goods store. - ¥ lex- points large number of passengers from andria Bay and intermedigte to the city to-day. : *"I'ry Snap" removes grease from vour hands like magic, Sold at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug 'Store. J. P. Cordukes, a récent graduate of Queen's, Iéft, to-day, for Ottawa, where he has secured a good situa- tion in the topographical survey de. partment, The Duke of Norfolk showld come to Kingston, and its good citizens would give him the welcome he was denied when here with the Prince of Wales in the sixties : Shakespeare's grand success, 'Romeo and Juliet," at The King Fdward Theatré to-night. D¢n s miss this im- mense (reat. The en at work on thes finr pole in Maalonald Park, should have it com: pleted soon. The flag will have to be hoisted thége for thé Old Boys' cele: bration, on August 12th Talcum powders, bathing caps, sponges. Buy them at Gibson's Cross Drug Store. Some of the aldermen have qualified for the fire brigade after their work at Friday's city buildings fire, Ald. Elliott is nursing a sprained thumb as his shars of the injuries received. Good rubber tired ¢ab always when you 'phone (00. ' Canon Starr, who reached Quebet on Friday, was appointed chaplain to the brigade in camp, and on Sunday con- ducted the drum-head service and made an inspiring address at Savard Park. "Poison fly and Red pads."" The kind that kills is. sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Phone 230. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Williams and a purty of friends from Brockville, were guests of Mrs. Charles Spooner, at "Willow Dale," Glenburnie, coming up to Kingston in Dr. Williams' gasoline launch. The engagement announced of Mics (lara Louise McCallum; daugh- ter-of br. KR. 5, MéCallam, of Smith's Falls, Ont., to Johm McNeil Forbes, son of Dri _R,-E. Forbes, of Bonavis- ta, Newfoundland. ce cream made from pure cream is Store fountain. The steamer . America brought a large number of passipgers from Alexandria Bay and intermediate points on way to Glenora. Quite a number were taken on here on the up trip. Mrs. R. J. Bowes, accompanied hy merly of Kingston, sailed from New York last week on the steamship St. Louis on a trip to Burope. While abroad they will spend their time chietly in London and Paris. Mrs. Thomas Hareld, of Vanfouver, arvived on Monday, to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. . Cochrane, Yrontenac sirdet, after twenty years absence from Kingston. Mr. Harold will errive latex in the season. The spiral tauglefoot flv catcher is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store: 3 . , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pidgeon anil danghter, Miss Mabel Pidgeon, of Port. Huron, Mich; also Miss Daisy Acheson. Detroit, Mich, are the guests of Mrs. R. P. Pidgeon, 103 Stuart «treet, on their return home from the ter-centenary celebration, Steacy's | Thy: steam yacht Castenet brought a | a bd : The Hoeusekeeper's chance, ss than ustal to pay for igh grade Irish Table Linens and Towels. Present needs will wisely be filled from the following lists : Unbleached Table Linens 60 to 72 inches wide, Special values at 25¢, 35¢; 45¢, 49¢, 60c, . Pure Bleached Irish Table Linens Direct from the makers and at prices that will convince you of the economy of buy- ing now. All widths from 64 inches up to 90 inches, and 'the, prices are 49¢, 60c, 69c, 75¢, 85¢, 90c, 99¢, $1.10, 1.25 up. Table Napkin H In a great vaviety of designs and sizes, and at sqoally good values. $1 per dozen, 1.95, 1.50, 2.00, and on up through a long list to 7.00 dozen. : LINEN TOWELS Plain Linen Towels with hemmed bor- ders, 10e¢, 121c, 15¢, 20c and on up. "0 Hemstitched Towels, 25e¢, 35c, 4% and up. Hueckaback Towelling, 10c, 1 20¢, 25¢. Crash Towelling, 4 special makes that have given great satisfactionih the past. 8c, 10e, 124e, 15c¢. , 4 # Ld Turkish Towels for the Bath, Plain White Terry, and in the Brown Shades, 25¢, 35¢, 45¢, 50e, 7c. dispensed at Gibson's Red Cross Prug| Tuesday morning, on her| her daughter, Miss Pabiine Bowes, for-|' ssdsssdessstvsen e000 secsensesevisnssasensd . ; : en oy wo ed ~ or T 40 pairs Ladies' $2 Kid Blucher Oxfords; patent leather trimming, extension soles, ~all sizes, $1.65. : : 30 pairs Ladies' $2.50 Chocolate Blucher Ox lords, medium sole, all sizes, $1.60... 60 pairs Ladies" Dongola Blucher Oxfords, light turn sole, soft and fine, all sizes, $1.25. ria ; 12 Bargain Tables Full Genuine Snaps. « PYYTTLY 0508000000900 Beessesseese his Week 0000000000090 08000000000000R00RGRY

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