E Be Our Summer Stock EEO Here are a few ite: CRC shopping here : XTR, ILAUNGH STRUGK SKIFF AND KNOCKED KED OCCUPANT INTO THE RIVER. tet An Aciident at Ganswoquiis Hotel Where Booze is Not Sold --Former Gananoque Girl Married in Toronto. Gamanoque; July' 20th.--A put- cident in broad daylight, happene here last evening at an early hour. it ac- FTiear As 1 Wm. Keyworth, Osborne street, was on his. way down the river in his skiff, while crossing the bay, he was run. into by Géo. Robson's launch. The boat wis badly damaged and Mr: Keyworth lapded in the river. Mr. Robinson was in his boat engaged in fixing the en- gine which was not working Jos right, when the accident occurred. He at once stopped his launch, got Mr. Keyworth out of the water and towed the re- mains of the skiff to shore, Mr. Key- worth being pone the worse for hs un- expected ducking. At St. John's caurch; at seven o'clock Tuesday mormng, Miss Adeline Char- Reduced Prices All Over : Our Store.' | has to be cleared out to make room for Fall Goods, and in order to do this' we are making big reductions on all Summer Goods. ns that will give you some idea of the money you will'save by Any Straw Hat (Untrimmed) for only/50c. Bunches and Sprays age. Fancy Millinery Ri duced prices. of Flowers and Foli- Remainder of spring stock, 25c. bbons at greatly re- 25 Per Cent. Off All White Lawn Wa 25 Per Cent. Off Dimities. Prints, Etc. Big reduction on M Also on Ladies' Wh Kimonas, etc. CRUMLEY BROS. Le mre en -------- 000 0000000000000000000 000000000 0AGO00000000 O00 0-000 ists. Muslins, Lawns, en's Summer. Shirts. ite and Linen Skirts, -0-0-0-0-0-0:0-0-0-0- J QO The most delicate and dainty sweetmeats are COWAN' Maple MilK Ch Buds, ocolate, Cream Bars, etc. Sold by Grocers and Confectioners. THE COWAN €O., Limited, TORONTO king ? Why Bother About Ba Especially this warm weather, when we offer you such a variety to choose from. Our ( The prices to buy. a 'akes and pastry are fresh every day. re suchas to induee you R. H. TOYE, King Be 0. AUT J. CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. King Dear Sir,-- To-day I am In good humor, because has made a further reduction mn wy pre is now heing performed When an insw can be said of some others, and Lam ance which does not eompare nt all fav life. I have an Endowment Paoliey also and been paid. This was a bonanza, as than satisfactory to me. The same contract can be secured to HU 1 UN, Agent. Parth, 1905y TON, AGENT. Ont., April 24th, ston the Canada Life E Rag notified me that it mium. This is what was promised, and anee company does this it is more than herefore pleased I have society jnsur- orably with that I hold in the Canada wm the Canada Life, which has matured the profits paid were large and more Yours truly, n. HOGA. day at the Office, 18 Market St. J. O. "ALUMINUM ALL, GRADES. Canada Metal Co LOWEST PRICES. ..Lt d. 31 WILLIAM ST. se + TORONTO. ONT waysfoll 2p ealth Never Fails to RESTORE GRAY or FADED HAIR to its NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY No matter how long it has been gra or faded. Promotes a luxuriant Tn of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positiveiy, removes drut. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- fuse all substitutes. 2} times as much in $1.00 as 50c size. . IS NOT A DYE. Philo Hay Spee, Co.. Newark. N. J. 1 and S0c bottles. at druggists' JAS. B. McLEOD, Who Coined The Word. Hamil He w Times, Dr. George Johnson, the former Do- minion statistician, claims in aetter to the Halifax Herald that he is the®orig- mator ®of the "All-Red" idea as applied thorough service from Great Bri- to the Orient and Australia. He asserts that in 1886, and again' in 1903, he issued pamphlets in which all parts of the British Empire were colored red and where Nella the expression "All- Red." * But « Johnson must admit that he isnot a. first Nova Scotia to urge utilization: of the all-British route across America to China and Ja- pan and Australm. Ome. Joseph Howe used the same idea and almost the same words in Halifax as long ago as 1861, so that if Sir Wilfrid Laurier is a plagiarist from Dr. Johnson, Dr. Johnson must. be. a-plagiarist. from Joseph Howe, nt the 1 0 After earth to acquire a certain thing 4a sugprised to discover how little he (cares for it, he a man has moved heaven andj bonnean, daughter of Mrs, Charbon- neau, Stone street, was united im snar- riage to Thomas Nelson . The eere- mony was performed by Rev. Father Kehoe, before a few of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by Miss Ger- trude Bedarg and the groom by Thos. McLennan iver street, After the ceremony "the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's mother where a dainty 'repast was served. The young couple will take. up their abode, in Gau- anoque. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norman De Witta, Toronto, for many years residents of this gown, will learn with pleasure the marriage of their eldest daughter, Hazel S. De Witta, to James E. Aldom, of Toronto, which took place in that city Monday evening. Louis Pecor has opened up his new Temperance House in the old hotel It is expected a formal opening will be held in the course of a week or ten days, when some of the toe st temperance speakers of this section will be brought in to inform the general public of the needs and possibilities of such an insti- tution in the town, I'he coal schooner Briton, has had to be drydocked at Kingston for neces- sary repairs, On account of low water in Ganan- oque River, the local manufacturers were compelled to close their works l'uesday afternoon, a shortage "will doubtless be experienced until after the close for general repairs called for by the Gananoque Water Power Co., which will begin Aug. 15th. At a meeting of the executive com- mittee of Garnocks Baseball team in W. J. Wilson's ware-room last evening it was decided that on account of shor- tage of funds the game at Belleville on Wednesday would have to be defaulted. Ihe team will play an exhibition game with the Frontenacs at Round Island, Friday afternoon. the Canada Cabinet Co., of this town, has sucgeeded in disposing of the bal- ance of ¥ machinery, some to Kingston purchasdrs and some to Prescott, the last of it being loaded for shipment. Messrs, Jas. Donevan, Victoria av- enue, and Wm, Hazel; Sydenham street, are enjoying. a short outing with rod ih gun at Bass Lake, near Brewer's Mi Pitcher Phillippi, of Pittsburg, Pa, whe is spending a short holiday season at Jones' Falls, was in town for a Shot time . this week. W. T. Sampson spent sometime during the a few days in Kingston, David Wilson, Brock 'street, spent the past week enjoying the Ter-centenary dem- onstration in Quebec. Mrs. and Miss Norton, Reading, Pa. spent the past week in town, guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Shaneman, Tanner street, Mrs. Weeks, Eseott, spent some time during the past week. with friends in town. Miss Margie Pennock, of Ottawa, is spending a few weeks here with friends. Mrs. C. A. Léwis, wife of the popular manager of the Merchants Bank here, spent a short time during the past few days with friends in Kingston. Miss Pitcher. in charge of a young ladies school in New: Brunswick, is spending a short time here with her father, Rew, J. T. Tallman Pitcher, at the parson- age, Sydenham street. Miss = Mabel Carpenter, Wellington street, teacher in the King street school here, is spend ing her vacation with friends in Michi- gane Miss Nina Rogers, Charles sireet, is spending part of her vacation with friends in Brockville, at er MINERS FROM FAR NORTH. Demand For Ice Cream and Water- melons. Gold from the candle lit clefts of placer claims in the Hamma and Nazina districts, from Gold Bar creek in the Klondike and from the thousands of "lays" on winter diggings in the Nome district, dug out by hand and cleaned up at the end of the sluice boxes in fhe good old fashioned "sour dough" way, has not been brought to Seattle this spring, but is coming by the $50,000 pokeful 'when the first steamships, ar- rive from Nonie, Latér vessels 'arriving from Valdez will bring the first dust from the new gold fields in the upper Copper. river country, and by fall it is estimated be tween $30,000,000 and $40,000,000 will be added to this year's Seattle gold re- ceipts from the north, Eleven years ago July 17th, there landed from the old steamer Portland at a Seattle dock less than a hundred rough coated, bearded miners from the Klondike and in the "outfit" there was more than a million dollars in the yel- low dust. The naan with the big poke was in command of the squad of lucky ones who came down the Portland's gangplank and quietly chasél away in carriages to the fashionable downtown cafes to order great thick beefsteaks and all the trimmings. "It's a little early yét for the big in- flux of miners from the north, bringing the gold from the gulches just as they found it" said Jack Burton at the Black Watch Chewing Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. | & oom 5 wes em Amis High Class vaudeville' New Moving Pictures. Latest: Illustrated Songs. olny Children's 1 Vent Day om Street BIJOU #0 5 ets. "Wednesday and "hursday--h ets, All New BIG DOUBLE BILL ax New "DESERTED IN NEW YORK" A fine Melodrama in 12 thrilling ats, in |. which "The Old Ojd Story" is repeated. "WICKEDNESS AND RE- MORSE,'"' or "Victims of 'An Oid Man's Love," an -exeiting tragie-drama, by Pathe Freres, Paris, in 12 acts, "The Hard Luck of & Pajr pf Tramps, ap unusually Jong and amusing Comey. "SHE WAITS FOR HIM DAY BY DAY, Peiligrated Song by in: Somerby. bc WONDERLAND bo ZELDA MARSTON, Contortionist Is making a big hit this week in: het wonderful . act. EXCELLENT DANCING Two good. Corbedios: a | Méving Pictures. "OH, WHAT LUNGS." "WOULDN'T IT TIRE YOU?" 1908 'Song Hit; beautifully "illogtiated. Children 1 Cent TO-MORROW. APFTER- NOON, COOKS WANTED. A first class male cook. and second couk, for 100 gentlemen. Board ' and lodgings free. Apply to staff Adjutant, tary College, Kingston, August 15th, 1908, Q, 71-3-%1.) Royal Ont, stating terms. befor: (i, Diller hotel 'recently. Burton arrived Monday on the steamship Jefferson, which brought upwards of a million dollars mn gold from the north. "We had three men aboard that I knew brought more than $100,000 each, but the money was in drafts and cur- rency. The purser's strong box carried more gold than half a: dozen men could carry, and in the mail shipments, un- der the protection of Uncle Sam, there was enough to pay the salary of John | D.. Rockefeller for a year or more." Old time Alaskans say that the day | of the individeral miner's poke is about gone. Time was, they say, wheén all the gold: that .came out of the Yukon valley 'was brought to Seattle in "the leather bags of the miners and sol to the melting shops. Then a United States ussay office was established. and | to | the miners found. it necessary "mush" up the hill to Ninth avenue, Jut even these improvements over the old time way of handling the golden product of the creeks and gulchés of Circle, Birch and Eldorddo were. forced to the backgrounds when thé miners began shipping their gold to Seattle by mail, When the first, steamers ' reach here from Nome it is expected that the price of ice cream and watermelons will be boomed considerably. This is the state- ment of old time "sour doughs" who assert, 'backed by evidence, that® men who have lived all wintér on bacon and beans in the 'north have a hankering for ice cream and watermelons that nothing elsg can satisfy. Next to re cream and watermelons the miners demand fresh green vege- tables, young omions preferred, and then later qn perhaps, they become learned in the mysteries of cauliflower au gratin. Rich and juicy beefsteaks stand at the top of the list and clam chowder is not far behind. By the time the men from the glacier- bound gulches become acclimated they turn from these enjoyments, carefully examine their 'bank accounts and then buy a tickét on a. railroad to visit "the old folks at home." CRIME IN ALASKA. Money of Much More Account Than Morals. Selling girls into' an existence worse than slavery before they are fairly in their teens is the hideols traffic engaged by Indian mothers in Alaska, and the laws of that country are powerless to stop the infamous custoniy or punish the depraved creatures e ed in the busi- ness. Sb says. Mes: - B, Repro Ids, who has spent many as in, Juneau, Sitka and Douglas She £yen says the unnatural mothers are Rot invari- ably Indians, but of all mationahties. "Conditions are $ hle in the parts of Alaska h 1 Wisited," said, Mrs. Reynolds. "Women unblush- ingly sell their daughters just as they would 'a nugget of gold of ® team of dogs, and the traffic has reached such proportions, and has heen engaged in to such an extent that the moral'phase of it is lost sight of. The bargains are made openly ig gnder the very noses af thé territorial officers, "Occasionally a girl whose nature revolts against such. a: bargain resists. have in mind one, who, in spite of the wicked life led by her mother got something of an education. When she was fifteen years old she rebelled when her mother told her that she was offerett a big sum for her, and that she would have ta: leave home. "This disobedience infuriated the woman, and shestried to force the girl to yield, The child was rescued, how- ever, and is now filling an honorable position in an eastern state. Club wo- men at Sitka, Juneau and other parts of Alaska are taking this matter up and we hope to put a bill through con- grass that will 'remedy the ferrible' conditions." . Sah ) "For the bath," Toilet Ammonia, ! or Violet Ammonia. Sold at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone 230. 1.500 Ibe. of Wiarton creamery but- ter sold last week in Kingston, Mili- bo TRATES First insertion_io: 8 lo a sceutivy word. Mini 25¢. ; Ay six, $1: obs "shonth, WANTED-MALE. APPLY JOHN TWO SMART BOYS... McKay's Fur B use. BOY TC LEARN PRESSWORK, ply Whig office, at oi NURSE, . TO TAKE ENTIRE eharge of two children. ,Argly Mrs. De Bury, Royal Ticats College. . ONCE, oun ia DINING-RUOM. Ila, . one housewaid,- two als, Ene cook. IigheSt wages paid. Ap- Canadian ° rockville, Ont. FIRB INSURANCE "RiokE oap Smnanies, West ra =e wants. Ji Te Dobie Go Brock Sv. Felophone, 480, THE OPPORTUNITY 70 FURNISH estimates On Aleptuis trie work. 4, ii. xinds ar ton atveets A JOB CLEANING ASHES ouT OF yards or carted. AP ly Lytle, n POUBLE DWELLING ferred), with modern conVeniences, location Hot hove Univ paity Ave Apply to IT, J; Boon, 159 We lington streef, i A AT 4 rd, or Prices right. General Carter; 85 (BRICK PRE- ae. DRESSY' GENTLEMEN ™ OEP their Spri way's. price and finish guar dnteed 181 Brock at, 0. please, next to Hivhy: s Livery. 3 QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR School Section, No. 14, fionoron hy for remainder of year. Salary per annuti. Apply te Wm, Nitehie, Sec.-Treas., Perth Road, Ont. SITUATION WANTED. DAY, BY YOUNG Apply 229 Earl S€. EMPLOYME INT BY AN man, who has excellent recomunenda- tions 4and education. Not afraid of hard work. Apply for address to Whig office. WORK BY THE married woman. LADY, DESIRES POSI- house keeper, useful eompan- Fxperienced. Miss 118, Gravenhurst, ENGLISH tion as fon, or lady help. Gardner, Box. Ont. SITUATIONS VACANT. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade. , Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Hélp secure positions. . Will equip shops, _Gon- stant practice. Careful instructions, Few weeks complete course. ' Cata- logue free. rite Moler Barber College, Toronto. MEN WANTED. RELIABLE NEN IN EVERY TOWN- ship: of the Counties of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, who have sone knowledge of farm stock, to canvass for the Vatérinary Science Association. Salary $100 per month. Apply by letter to eterinary Se¢ience Association, Whig office. Kingston, Ont. ARCHITECTS. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- Queen and Bagot streets. ART HUR fice, Cor, Pr, SMITH, ARCHITECT, Anchor Building, Market Square. 345. HENRY ete. 'Phone, ARCHITECTS, MER- uilding, corner Brock s. 'Phone, 212. POWER & SONS, chant's Bank and Wellington® stree WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second floor over Mahood's Dru, store, cofner Princess and Bago! streets. Entrance on Bagot strees, 'Phone 608. LAK LOST. 30TH. JUNE, AT| Brophy's Point, on Steamer America | or in town, a gold bracelet, buckle ! effect, Reward by returning to this | Office. ON OR_ ABOUT GOLD SAFETY PIN BROOCH, WISH- hone and pearl, Sunday, bert St. and Macdonald' Park. er communicate with. Mrs. 289 Albert St., or Whig office, receive reward. a Value Of The Crop. Toronto World, A wheat crop in the west of 120,000, 000 bushels is looked for by bamkers in touch with western wheat conditions. This would mean at 75c., a_total of $00,000,000. The outyield is expected to be $30.000000. Barley is estimated at 25,000,000 bushels. which, at forty cents, would mean $10,000,000, Ths with flax, etc, promises a total crop value of $1.40.000,000, and the expecta- tion is that $50,000000, will. move the grain, Unless the farmers hold the grain for high prices, the banks and railways promise to move the crop with- ont difficulty. and A Very Timely Yell, Cleveland Leader, The students of an eastern college grew so reckless in their behavior that the professor thought to improve their conduct by a lesson on morality. They listened with due submission and humility. In course of his lecture he said: "My young friends the floors of hell are paved with champagne, auto- mobiles and chorus girls." He was hor- rified to hear one of the students say in a sepulchral tone: "Q, Death, where is thy sting? : Receipts In Royalty. Hamilton Times The Ontario Government has received $4.000 royalty irom the Crown Reserve Mine. The Mail and Empire says that had Ross been in control ne royalty would have been obtained by the Pro- vince. Has the organ forgotten how bitterly the proposal to charge royalty was opposed by the Tory organs, and AP-p Employment = Agency, | Suits made at Gallo ENGLISH- . himsell for eternity, in consideration ora me=hafilé, place a he British in Ontario. They all rely on the employee, the Buyer to If you witht + a sténographer, or clerk, or a salesman, Want advertisement in the y "You will have the choice of the best ones the British Whig to tell them of the best situations that'aré vacant in Kingston. J as it supplies: the news of the day, so also is it noted -- pointing the' way for the employer to get in toueh with reach the seller or in short it-is the most efficient method of filling the wants of the citzens of Kingston. It is noted for it's reliability and for the faet that no advertisement of a misleading or doubtful nature ean éver have access to itggolumns. ® TO-LET. 466 ALBERT ST, POSSESSION Sept, 1st. Apply to rR Carnovsky, 670 Princess Si. NO, i WELL-FURNISHED __ ROOMS, |WITH modern conveniences. with. oF! er * out board: Apply 1te Clergy St Sk, NOS. 77 AND, 79 ALFRED a. all modern improvements, Possession 1st May. Apply A. B, Cummingham, SEMMER COTTAGE, FURNISHED BY the week, or month, on St. Lawrence and Rideau. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock Sty BRICK improve- McCann, 321 UNIVERSITY AVE, dwelling, 8 rooms, moder ments, Apply to J. 8S. R. 51 Brock St. LARGE OFFICE ROOM, IN EX. change Chambers, No. 118 Brock St. Apply to Geo. Cliff, en. Estate Broker, 95 Clarence Street, LARGE AND MEDIUM SIZED BRIGHT , soguell we ventilated rooms, for the sam- m "Fhe idence," inter section of West, Earl and Clergy Sts. 174 Earl street. FROM OCT. 1.--BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, etc. Ene quire at 179 Division street, PERSONAL. BIRTHMARKS; HAIR, MOLES, permanently, warts, etc. removed ; without scar. Twenty years' experi- ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Kar, Nose, Throat "and Skin Blemish Specialist, 258 Bagot street. BUSINESS CARD. ELECTRIC CARPET CLEANING Sewing and Laying. Feather Beds and Pillows cleaned by steam. Ii. Milne, 272 Bagot street. WANTED TO STEAM OR GA For SALE, HOUSES NOS, 60 AND Apply A. B, TWO GOOD 62 Wellington street. . Cunningham, LOT, ON | [VELSON_5., NORTH---oP Prineess, 100 ft. x120 ft. Apply to or TN George Walker, 14 Nassau or- onto. LAUNCH, FAIRBANKS new reverse gear. Perfect in every way. Good réagon for sell- ing. Particulars, Marshall, at A.C. Knapp's, Boat Building. GASOLINE engine, a LAKE, ALL to the tender, Piligon- ISLAND (C., SHARROT mineral "rights. Patented Edward Law. Address, with to Wm S. Law, Box 208, burg, Oht. MONEY AND BUSINESS. po -------- ov R POLICIES. kL ouEn MORE: OF building er ag other ers. hee' Rmpor 'them at poriam, Mark. Som i » ails act G Avail itton ory ad OREN A Aun TL 187,215, whi the holder have 1 securMy the unlimited liability of all the No Farm and city pro | perty {neuen at lowest possible | rates. Before 1dnewing old or giving new business gel. rates from Strange & Strafige, gants. ZX hone, 568. LIVERPOOL. Fire 1 asse FOR SALE OR TO RENT. SEVENTEEN 406 JOHNSON ST, roomed three-story brick house, eleven bedrooms, besides attic, marpio Washhasins in each hedroom, hot wafer furmace. Apply A. Fe Bond, 79 Clarence street, MARRIAGE LICENSES. S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. C, RENT YACHT. SOLINE, ABOUT 40 TO 60 FEET. H. M. JOHNSTON, 98 Notre Dame St., MONT THE HE PARAGRAPH PULPIT REV. ot w. a SHON, The Price Of Heaven. It is very doubtful if heaven is worth. the price that the. chureh has thus far demanded. It has meant prac- tically the 'voluntary submission to servitude, --servitude none the fess Ve. catize kindly in its purpose. 'Christ has bought you with his blood," it has declared, and if you wish to be saved, you must accept the terms of purchase and consent to be Lought. Does not the free soul repudiate any such wontract ? Can any man sel of his evading the rightful penalty of his sins, and. retain any part of his manly self-respect ? Who wants heaven at such an ignoble price ? Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature, + POINT IROQUOIS SUMMER SCHOOL AUG. 3rd--9th. An inexpensive outing om the lovely banks of the St. Lawrence. Awong others, the stafl includes the Revd. Dr. Chown, the Revd. Profs. C. BE. B.A, B.D, W. M. Patton, D.D., PRIN, and James Eiliott, Ph:IL "Every secom«} modation for those willing to oad i REAL. THE BEST OF IT COAL Order 209 for next Winter. It costs nothing to do so, and in- sures your Coal. . JAS. SWIET & CO. River Steamboat Companies In Connection with New York Cen tral & Hudson River R.R. Kin ineston day: Sacent Busia aia 200 p. . Sunday: 7.80 a.m, and Vincent daily, 10.50 a.m Leave 5.00 a. ve 4.7 Toove and 6.15 », Mak simple life. Complete 'calendar on how much pursuasion it took to induce '+ Whitney to adopt it? cation to the Revd. Arthue Froquois, Ont, £ Wilkipaon, aor tor ism' banks; © oe Eh TE aa ETE GR PPR PORN E SRI Ee Rear He rey B Thousand Island & st. Lawrence -.