a Ck a i WEEP BNE WTO WE a Es " PROR FOUR VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Is it a Door? Is it a Boat? Is it a Carriage? Is it a Bath-room? Is it a'Stere front? Is it inside?" Is it outside? Is it dull and dingy? VARNISH IT WITH KOPAL Kopal is made a5 good as a varnish can be. It's for general use. It wears. ma---- SOLD BY sommmmnmmnnd Corbett's HARDWARE. In Tins, Half Pints, Pints, Quarts, &ec. Queen's {niversity and Colieg EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) The Arts Course may be taken with- out attendance, For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A, 3 Kingston, Ontario, 000000000000 0000000000 OPPORTUNITY. § Kingston Business College : Limited, Head of Queen Street. KINGSTON, ONTARIO Daily Wihig. FAULTY OFFICIAL UNIFORMS. Who designed the gmilorms now worn by the officers of the Kingston penitentiary ? One asks in trepidation lest he offends, and at the same time he is moved to recklessness as he contemplptes the effect, Khaki was ad- opted for army purposes because it was not a distinguishable colour, and did not when worn by the soldiery bring them out into bold relief and make them the marks of the enemy's sharpshooters. But the penitentiary of- ficers are not doing. duty on the veld and are not compelled to obscure are 30 much like the soil they tread. The colour of the uniforms is sir- ply hideous, espedially to those who * do indoor service, and their weight makes them entirely' unsuitable for summer wear. How is it that the gove n- ment's employees must be made un- comfortable by 'the uniforms they are compelled to don? Take the letter carriers, They are loaded down with mail matter, which they must carry, and they are encumbered in addition with great helmets and tunics that are heavy enough for winter weather pro- vided they were suitable, In the Am- erican cities one sees the difference in the treatment that is accorded ithe let- ter carriers by a considerate post- office department. The men are attired in light serge, and they wear light straw or felt hats, and they appear to be cool while in the performance of their duty. . If the men who doin uniforms for the Canadian government were com- pelled $0 wear their darling creations, like the letter carriers and prison . of- ficials, and suffer in the warm weather from them quite as much as from the work they have to do, there would be a reform--in a hurry. na umn The single taxers will be delighted with the success of the direct tax for themselves by wearing clothes, that] '." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC, ALMOST SPOILED IT LIVES ARE EASILY SPOILED. The young bank derks who came from Brockville to the penitentiary for a term of years, in expiation of their folly, may be a warning to others to {avoid their s'ns, but it is doubtfal. adveriture is very great,| Tn love of and it is remarkable to what lengths some men will go in the gratification of it. The young men referred to were s| not born burglars or thieves. They were brought up carefully. They had an environment which was calculated to inspire them unto honorable living. They had a bright future before them and a splendid start in bysiness. They allege that downfall dates from the desire to imitate Raffles in his won' derful performances. It requires genius of a sort to play a double part--a gentleman by day and a criminal 'by night. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde have many counter parts. They may not all pursue 'the same course, or be enamoured of the same evil ways. But they are deceiv- ing the people and themselves all the while, and detection does not come to all. Not long since a leading physi- cian, in one city was varying his practices by midnight epcapades of the most exciting, nature. In another in- stance a leading business man, and wealthy, was found to be a burglar with a most astounding record. In New York the most skilful pickpockets travel on street cars, the elevated or subway roads, attired in evening clothes. The Brockville men did not want what they abandoned. They indeed hid the things awey, and were finally giad to restore them to the owners. Mean- while they have had their diversion, and they have what it will be harder to part with than the stolen hooty, a brand, a mark, a bad reputation, Awgy from the old haunts, as strang- ers in a strange land, they will have to begin the battle of life afresh, and they may struggle to attain what most people prize highly, a good name and a clean conscience. But it is hard to rise, in life, to get away from old friends, old associates, old habits. Only those who have fallen know this and can appreciate it fully. : EDITORIAL NOTES. Bhere has been a great rush of Bri- tishers back to the old country, but not many from Canada. Please make a note of that. nie DAUBED WITH PAINTS ART. IST WAS USING, The Queen Mother Soon Got Onto What Was Being Done--She Has the Birthday Gift. San Sebastign, July 29.~The little Principe 'de nearly spoiled a surprise which King Alfonso and Queen Victoria prepared for the queen mo- ther's birthday, which was celébrated this week. As the queen mother would not sit for her portrait King Alfonso, each time he visited his mo- ther, was accompanied an artist, who was placed in A a position that he could paint unknown to the august sitter, The scheme worked well until one day the baby prince, who was stop- ping with his grandmother, discovered the artist's paint box, which had been left at Miramar Palace, opened it and covered himself with paint. The queen mother 'was much puzzled to know how ,he got in such a condition. She now knows, as the portrait was pre- sented to her on her birthday, on Tuesdaye: ' Lord Ro As A Horseman. Everybody in Quebec who has come in contact with Lord Roberts is re- marking on the wonderful activity and virility at he shows. Though ap- proaching seventy-six years of age, "Bobs" Bas all' the sprightliness and nerve of a man in the twenties. This was amply demonstrated at the big military review on the Plains. As the honorary colonel of the Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery, he rode at the head of the detachments from Kino- ston and Toronto, and when the bugle was sounded for the yallop past the prince, lie put spurg:to the fine char r- er ho was riding, and led his mén in a mad gallop nast the reviewinm point giving as dashing ap exhibition of horsemanehip as was seen on the Plains that day. Philanthropy gen generally draws the line at its poor relations. It's sometimes easier fo catch on than it is to let go. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1008. - -- KINGSTON ARTILLERY Gave a Musical Ride at Quebec-- To-Day. Special to the Whig. Quebec, "July 28.--There is a biz change in the weather .to-day. There is an absence of heat andithe wind is blowing quite hard, making the boats participating in 'the regatta guile lively in the St. Lawrence. Even the pig warships 'tug at their ponderous i and oceagionally rook and reel with - the gait of a man- carting a cargo of lager or Scotch and soda: The prince visited the farming school founded by Laval, tertained at' luncheon by . Selin- ary of Quebec. On the retarn the 'fa- mous Shrine of Ste, Anne; the Math- er of Mary, who became the Mothef of the Man of Sorrows, was vistted. The prince: made the outward ' trip in a spetial 'electric car, and thé rétarn in an automobile. Lord Roberts remigin ed at the Citadel throughout the day resting. On Saturday the officers, constitut- ing the permanent staff, were photo- graphed with Lord Roberts, and _ the pikture is certainly a good one. To- night the river will he the scene of a wonglerful display of fireworks from the naval boats and the night will' be made like day with such fire and light. Sky, shore and water will tea perfect chromatie crescéhdo and" the darkness will Le pushed back Leyond the mountaing by myriads of ascénd- ing flames of fire, and a multitude of variagated radiations that will aid the sky like a rainbow and kiss. the stars like an' gurora Borealis. To-morrow the prince: will plant a tree in Victoria Park, in the_moming, and in the afternoon there will ke a musical ride put on by 'B" Battery. In this there will not be oné non- commissioned officer mounted, nor a man who has seen more than two years of service. The officers want to shéw the prince and their honorary colonel what batterymen can do with léss than two years service to . their credit. There. will he several contesfs ? e- tween the RN.W.M.P. and our bat- terymen. I am pleased to be able to say that unless a change 'oconrs in 'the 'vresent programme, Bord - Roberts will "vigit Kingston. He leaves hére on' July vi wasen-| | 1t's a wise expended. fortable. 4 ' Bee our Somethin $20. Serges. Come, see. b "IT'S A BLUE SERGE FOR MINE." This is the thought of many a man when con- sidering what fo pay Yor a Bus a Summer Suit. No fabric gives ----. return for the 'money. No fabric is more dressy and none more. com- The new Blue Suits we .are o 'our pa- trons this season are just a little the best we have $ ever had to capture their trade. ° See Jue] Jmported Blue Worsted 'Suits,' 3 special, at $12.50. tany Wool Serges, $1 See our Fashion Craft Serge at $18. See our Semi-Ready Pure Indigo Serges, See our Special $8. 50 Blue and Black The nattiest single and double-breasted styles, the rigidly right fashion in Trousers, and a fit that'll worry the best efforts of the custom tailor THE H. D. BIBBY GO. Kingston's Only Strictly Cash and. One Price : Clothing "House. . ' Es The mayor| of Toronto is now de- bating whether he should sign the Hydro-Electric Commissioa's contract. Better to be sure than sorry. 25th year Canada's Lending Busi- ness Schéol, Practical, Progres- sive, Permanent. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, \ Tele- graphy, Civil Service. Special rates to the first registering before school purposes in Spskatchewan. The land should bear all the taxes, they contend. Mid-Summer Sale Ls OF ---- Men's Oxfords TWENTY PER CENT. OFF: > = | All Men's Black, Tan and Patent Colt Ox- fords, including Invictus, Walker, Whit-- man, J. & 7. Bell and Hartt Shoes. $4.50 now 3.60. : $4.00 now 3.20. $3.50 now 2.80. In the newer provinces this twenty-five can be tried as nowhere else. Sept. 1st. Write or call for particulars. J. i. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary; HH, F. METCALFE, Pregident. § 0000000000000000000000 Even the Canadian conservative WASTE OF PUBLIC MONEY. press cannot stand for the bulldozing One can recall the fuss that was of Canadians by the financiers of meade, aod very properly, by. the wharf London. There is a limit to their owners anid ocoupants at the foot of audicity. Queen street, because the sewer empti- ed into the water there some very of-{ If Ontario had a school law like fensive matter. Some of it escaped Saskatehewan--and a direct tax of from the gas department of the city, | 1¢. an acre for education--how things and the demand was made that it|would hum? 'The older provinces are should be carried out into the cur-|away behind in their educational poli- rent of the harbour. Some time was | cies. rnin, Ottawa Ladies' College (OTTAWA, Ont.) One of the best equipped colleges in the country. Academic, Ant, Elocution, REV. W. D. ARMSTRONG, M.A., D D,, PRESENT A Fall Term Opens Sept. 1. The Frontenac Business % » 3 » College, Kingston. ; High-grade courses in all com- mercial branches. The highest standard of any commercial school in Eastern Ontario. We are offering special scholar- ships to the first fifty "re stering for the new term. Bend or cal for particulars. T. N. STOCKDALE, 'Phone, 680, SS46088648004 Principal. PES RREEES ERE RRERY 's Cotton Root Compound. oho ren great 4 Uterine 1 Tonic, ar ¥ pam Goox Mepieivg Ba. TanonTe. C OA L 1, STRAIGHT FROM CART TO COAL BIN With little dust or dirt, Jess fuss, we can _ deliver most excel- lent coal in" any quantity you want, or can afford, fromx a half ton to a carload. Try our coal and our servike--of course you * know the ruling price and you will know that good providing for, the houschold dncludes the place- ment of your coal orders with us, RR. CRAWFORD Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. The path to success is paved with : good intentions that were carried out. spent in deciding te, what department the expense should be charged The complainants had a casé--that much was certain--but against the city or its electric and gas department ? The latest acquired utility \appeared to have the most money and it was mulcted in sixty-five per cent. of the cost of the work. Had any one who paid as much taxes as the light de- partment demanded an outlet for the unvalued products of his business he would have got it in a hurry from the city. The utility that could stand any amount of milking received pre- cious little consideration. The new Queen street sewer was built, at an expense of about $4,000, and the waste of the electric depart- ment conveyed beyond the ecomplain- ing, if not danger, line. But the nuis- ance goes on. Indeed it is under- stood that since the council adjourned its regular meetings for the summer the wharf owner has called attention to the presence of offensive matter and foul odours which must be re- moved. Here is the proof of what M». Campbell originally contended, that the trouble at. the foot of Queen street is not the waste of the light department, but the" sewerage of the city. It is bad enough now, but what will it be when the water is lower, as it will be by-and-bye? The city is not doing itself credit with its later improvements. They are not thought out as carefully as they should be. An analysis of the water at the foot of Queen street is said to have de- monstrated that the trouble was not the tarry substance from the gas de- partment, but the sewerage from the houses in a larger district, and that plied to the gas department could not end the nuisance. The cure has not vet been found. Some one has yet to use his head in determining what | must be done to end the trouble, ef- fectnally, and 'at what cost. Sooner or later, it seems to the Whig, the in- tercepting sewer along the front of the city must be built, and the waste of the city conveyed to where it can be impounded pending the treatment it should réceive before it is dumiped into the waters of the harbour. What is this? Special inspectors and detectives touring the province and testing the fidelity with which the license laws are being enforced. | They should come to Kingston. -- Prof. Jordan, of the Leland Sand- ford University, is serving on the in- ternationhl commission regarding the fisheries. He is regarded as a sharp one, and yet he has given as fine: a thing as there is in print on the Re- ligion of a Sensible American. The congervatives of North York want Mr."Gamey to run against Hon. Mr. Aylesworth in the next federal election. Mr. Aylesworth is in the old' land seeking treatment for some ear trouble, and is not worrying about what Mr. Gamey may say or do. The C.P.R. company thought it had out-witted the provinces in avoiding taxation on the main line for twenty years from the time they received the patents for their lands. But the branch lines were not ex- empted and Alberta collected Ilgst year ¥121,000 from the taxation of them. An The Independence League is now building a platform, and if Hearst's pen is allowed full play it will be a curiosity. By the way, did he not repudiate some branches of this lea- gue, which he spent his money in forming, and because they failed to do his bidding. He denounced hossism and he is a boss himself. Favoring The Rich, Ottawa Journal. An unusual robbery was committed, on Sunday evening. Five small boys formed themselves into store-breakers, entered Shore's hardware' establish- ment, 115 Rideau street, and decavwn- ed with articles aggregating a cons, erable value. ' While adriotness wa. being the case the scheme which ap-[Shown by the young burglars, they failed to cover up their tracks, two of the party being seen leaving the pre- mises. (The . boys are connected with the most respectable families in the city, and their ages range from seven to fifteen years. The charge agaipst them was given secret hearing at the police court, this morning, and further action in the matter was postponed until Thursday. (If they had been poor boys it would havebeen an open hearing and full exposure. It is time to eurb wanton crime of those whe are above want when robberies of this class oe our so soon together as at Brockville and Ottawa.) Two gold leaf cups and sancers giv- en with every pound of Royal tea, black, green or mixed. t Gilbert' 8 stores. ] CHILD KILLED BY MOWER. Feet Mangled in Spite of Mother's Efforts. Brockwille, Ont., July ~The three: ear-old dau thier of John Beznette, he resides Be rar Dekalb, had both feet cut off hy coming in contact with the knives of a mowing machine. The child's mother was on the machine do- ing the mowing, and took the girl to the field, leaving her on, a distant hill picking berries. Mrs. Beznette, while busily engaged with her work, was startled to see the child emerge from the tall grass directly in front of the swiftly-moving knives. Her efforts to stop the team were unavailing, and the child was precipitated oft the cut ter-bar. -- tee Indigestion, Then These. Flatulence, sour stomach, heart burn, waterbrash, biliousness, consti- pation, loss of appetite, etc. These troubles have one cause and Day's Dyspepsia Cure is the one certain rem- edy for indigestion and its evils, Al ways gives prompt results. This pre paration has digestive, tonic and lax- ative properties. Each bottle con- tains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug store, August Busy Man's. Appropriately prepared - for holiday reading, and possessing a nice balance between the gay and the serious, the August number of Busy Men's Maga- zine' will be found both seasonable and appetizing. It is full of good things from cover to cover. A gra- phic character sketch of Sir William Macdonald, and what this well-known Canadian millionaire philanthropist is doing for practical education, will be read with interest, as well as other o iginal contributions. At Burgside, S Almelo dk Alexandra Helena, beloved "wife of James Wats son, passed away, on Monday. De- ceased" was the youngest day bar of the late Jwlge Logic. of Hamilton, and sister to Mrs. T. ~ Reynolds, of The above cut shows tae King street end of the City Building in 1860. This portion of the building was burned in January 1865. Its tower contained the city clock. In the cut can also be seen the drug store now occupied by W. W. Gibson on the right hand gide and the building at the Corner of Brock an?! King streets. now occupied by the Northern Crown Bank. Alongside the centre building are the Market Chambers. ------ 30th, and will visit Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton and Niagata Falls, Ont. Then the trip will be extended as far as Banfi, Alberta, to allow "Bobs" to see the sublime scenery of the Rockies, and the great, broad prairies that stretch far away to- wards the setting sun, where the red deer wanders and the buffalo plays with nature, fearless of molestation. Sir Thomas Shaughnessey, of the C.P.R., has secured Lord Reberts' consent to a special train trip through our golden west. Of course he came out on a C.P.R. steamer and will return on a boat . of the. same ine, and when the suave persuasive Irish railroad man began to exercise his persuasive possibilities « on the susceptible little hero of Kandahar and an hundred other fields of glory, every other consideration was made subservient to the plans of Sir Thom- 18, and many a city will be disap- pointed in not seeing Roberts, whilst others who hardly dare dream of see- ing him will enjoy the privilege. On his way back to Quebec he will take in the Thousand Islands and Kingston is included among the places to be favored by Britain's - field marshal. We must decorate and trim the old eity until it is gay with glory and brillignt with bunting. Cut out the speeches and addresses and just jump! tell him we are glad to see him, and then prove it. The conventional ceremonial of re- ceiving addresses, etc., 'is sickening in Men should look for this, Tag on Chewin Black Watch The Big Black Plag.. Brockville. the extreme, and "Bobs" is ot much on the big fussy pretentions public de- monstration involving himself. He is getting feeble and signs are abundant- ly_ suggestive of the fact. So let us arrange to give Lord Roberts a sen sible reception, and one that he will asm and common sense. The battery |! will 'not be home, the R.M.C. will be closed--and he wants to see the col lege--but we can get a mounted es- cort from the 4th Hussars as we did for the Japanese Prince Fushimi, and with our own 14th and 47th, we can make a very nice military display. One of the longest and prettiest boats in our harbor éan be secured for the occasion, and a general holiday declared in the city. He will, no doubt, come in on the C.P.R., as he will be travelling via this road throughout his westérn trips, and this would land him near the city hall. A platform erected in 'the market square for the benefit of addresses and re- sponses, would make it possible for everybody to see our distinguished vis- itor. An effort will be made to se: cure from Capt. the Hon.' D'Ornay, H.D.C., and Col. Dennison, an opiniog as to the character of the demonstra. tion most acceptable to Lord Roberts. | Petawawa Camp Staff. Ottawa, July 29.--ihe staff for Petawawa camp is ag follows: Camg commandant, Col. T. Benson, R.C.A,, and umpire, "Lieut.-Col. C, E English, R.C.A., C.LRS.A, D.AAG., Capt. Commandant R.S.AL chief instructor S. A. Heward, R RC.GA; _umpiye field Lieut.-Col. H. E. Burstall, R CHA. ire heavy, Major G. K. Poole, R. CAs Neo. 3, H, Co., RC.GA; gun nery instructor field, Capt. E.. Dee Panet, G.I.R.S.A.; gunnery instructor heavy, Capt. J. E. Sill, R.CA. nn Gy R.S.A.; medical officer, the senior P. AM.C. officer; veterinary officer, Vet: erinary Liput.-Col. J. Massie, P.5.0., Army Service Corps officer, Lieut. A. DeM. Bell, C.P.A.S.C.; ordnance offic: er, Major A. H. Panet, C.0.C,; pay master, Capt. J. F. Foulkes, C.A.P.C. Shame Killed Him.' " ' New York, July 29.~Charles G. Hor ton, serving a sentenge on Ar lent use of the mails, THE SAWYER SHOE STORE long remember, both for its enthusi}