Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1908, p. 5

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Rediices Fat T00K~DOSE OF POISON A Pound a Day'anp.biep Iv rovaL vic. TORIAN HOSPITAL. A Broker Who Could Not race , "Financial Ruin--He Was i ¥oung--Papers Secured in New ~~! Brunswiek. .Mantreal, July 29.--The death took ee, at "the Royal Victorian Hos- pital, to-day, of Victor Merish Gray, A welkkhown broker and member of ¥ the Montreal Stock Exchange. There though you may lose sowe fat iS every reason lo beliove that it WES result, vou will losé your health with it.| the result of poison self-administerel, Cases are numerous of fat people be-L with suicidal intent. Gray is a you . ) ng coming permanent invalids by the use| ane . of starvation diets and dangerous re-| 80 and was for some time partner ducers zr : with J. H. Dunn & Co., but of late Fat people ad well as others, should hasbeen ping business on hi p- realize that, as a general rule, there is | count... ¥ at 5h . 1 s his own a a remwdy for every defect of the human Puthe behieved to have been in- organism. Nature provides a remedy for | volved in some speculation deals nearly every disease. It is a law of the| which he could not see through, and universe.. This is true of that dangerous took oi rath h fac i 3 and uncomfortable disease--obesity, 0% Rosen, tather 4 an face financial Nature provides a remedy, mot from the! ruin. He was married only a couple dangerous drugs and biting acids ex-| gf years ago, to an Ottawa lady. She tracted from minerals, but from extracts was at their: swnmer residence, at Rosemere, at thé time of the tragedy, of fruits, plants, herbs and other organic materials which are harmonious to the Gray took the poison at a room, in ona, last evening. human system. Amo such materials there is known th a remwdy for obesity which has not yet £7 SORON; ; : besos universally aor. but the use t is said a syndicate of interests of which has alrsa resulted 11 en-| are about y » S - ormous benefit, and most probably in Tejegr oh wh jake ha Shu John / the saving of mamy lives. aph and limes, with a View to { 'This remedy is commonly called Rengo. enlarging and improving them. The cléke 'proximity of the general elec tions, "anil reports that liberals were trying to secure pupers, have, it is said, "inducéd certain people to step "The rate at which this remedy will re duce fat, and do jt harmlessly and sure- ly, is truly remarkable. A pound a day is ordnarily the loss recorded, being done by compelling perfect assimilation in withia View! to securing journalis- tie influence in New Brunswick. John MeKane is 'at present in Montreal. While he admits that negotiations are goifig om, he is reluctant to reveal of the food, and sending the nutrient anything. It is ascertained that new where it belongs. men will, at once, take charge of the The most remarkable feature of F 0 is that you can take all you want of it property in preparation for thorough organization, without runnfg the slightest risk of - harm. It can be chewed like candy and PITH OF THE NEWS. is pleasant to the taste. The. Very Latest Culled From All Many physicians, who before were at a loss to know how to 'cara obesity, are Over The World. Mrs. Thomas Berrigan, Ottawa, now prescribing Rengo with remarkable success. It is a great nerve-strength producer, affecting digestion primarily, and inducing a general exhilaration of mind and *hody. Wrinkles which appear found dead beside her bed. Drink caus- alae J. Fourmior, Hull, Que., killed tha electfig worss. wise, . in nearly every case of reduction of fat >» Us PP. BR gompany accepts the award where injurious drugs and starvation s process is tried, do not oecur where of the Conciliation board even it not satisfactory, Jengo is used. There is nothing * just as gond's as Rengo. For sale by all druggists at $1.00 per full sized box, or by mail pre- G. H. Fergoson, ville, has entered against' RK. L. Joynt. Kev. W. J. Hunter, DJ., has ac- Jud, by The Rengo Co., 8,832 Rengo ildg., Detroit, Mich. The company will cepted the pastorate of McLeod Street Methodist church, Ottawa. gladly send you a trial package free by mail, if you write them direct to Detroit: no free packages at drug stores. RAS, BEinpress of Ireland, C.P.R. line," from Liverpool, for Quebec, in- ward, at Point Amour, at 4.30 a.m, For sale and recommended in Kingston «by Henry Wade, Druggist. The Labrador coast has beegy swept by "a forth-edst hurricane which wrecked seventeen vessels in one har- REP LI opm, et ne teclte bor. oR eartburn, and Indigestion as real d a a Ek, T.¥Kingsley has been chosen are symptoms only of A was correct the creat! » the sbeialists of * Vancouver candidate in eléction. Dr. on of that now very noptaar Bionooh . Shoop's Restorati Going direct alone A Princeton, N.J., despatch says the late Grover Cleveland's personal and ve. to SUCCong EA Ce inating accomplishments wore sver to real JEoperiy auigunted to $250,000 in value, ln The simplest, Surest and soa] Effective Way To Get Rid of 3 surplus Flesh Without Drugs. Hew To Prove It To Yourself Without Any Expense Whatever. The first thing not to do when trying tu reduce your weight is to take some' pl thing that contains a drug of any kind, ! or try to starve the fat away. The moment you begin to do that, you give a distingt shock to the entire nervous and digestive systems, and as in He wouched a liye M.P.P. for Gren- a cross petition by as their the forthcoming federal a and sallow % ion, try Dr. 0 complex tive--Tublets or Ian sos Ta Ji hat it can and will d sell and recommend Dr. Shoop's 'Restorati~ "ALL DEALERS™ 0. The. Soo. railway 'has placed an' or der with the State Free Employment Bureau for: seven thousand wen to he used in harvesting, Labor organizations in Ottawa de- clined to aid in welcome to Lord Ro berts. Umionism opposed war and aim- ed at universal brotherhood. William: Andrews, who conducted a lat store in St. Catharines for near- ly half a'century, died rather sud- denly, Wednesday morning. VicePylisident Fairbanks may ste Quit as president of the senate next March to reappear as ambassador to some important country abroad. At Father Point, Que., SS. Pomer- anian, Allan line, from London, in- ward, at HHO pm; twenty-six sec- ond, fifty-five steerage passengers. The horsemén under Rachid nhan, who is operating on the side of the shah, have pillaged the Russo-Persian high" school at Tabriz, destroying the laboratories, Magistrate Talbot, of the district of Ottawa, died of heart failure Tuesday night, the end oceurring about nine o'clock, just as he had completed sprinkling his dawn, George Taylor, the conservative whip, ig Toronto, expresses the opin ion that the genergl election for the pminion. house will be held in Octo- ber, on or about the 15th. The barns and outbuildings of Rob- ert McLaren, St. Catharines, were de- stroyed by fire, early on Wednesday morning. | The horses were got out, but several rigs were destroyed. The New Westminster lacrosse club will meet the Tegumsehs, of Toronto, at Hanlon's Point, on Saturday. It is believed the Tecumsehs will be the next to challenge for the Minto cup. All of the interested mechanical un- ions of the "C.P.R. voted, practically know 8 ub y Most conven A it cleanses iPr v c0., Windsor, Ont. + General Agents for Can PLAGUE OF FLIES. Cattle Sheep - Bitten to Death. Lisbon, July 20.--The Diario Noticias states that the advent of great swarms' of large black venomous flies of a species quite unknown and be- to lave come from Africa, has been followed by disastrous results at and other distriets near and lieved Rarcarena 1 ishon cattle and sheep at nuinbers of the flies have died, and twenty farm laborers who partook of the flesh of the sheep which "died in this way immediately showed symptoms of malignant poi- Large bitten hy Barcarena port of the board of conciliation. The leaders counselled delay and negotia- tions, The body of 'a woman was burning in-a bonfire in a vacant in Caliyer street, Brooklyn, on nesday. ' That the destruction of body was to hide murder seems tain. Some 87.401 aliens have taken out naturalization papers as British sub- jects in UCenada since the act went in to force in 1902; 7,278 United States subjects. were naturalized, and also 206 Japanese. At Rey Wednesday, the Toronio Argonants won their heat of the cizhts, defeating the Norwegian crew by a length. Lou Scholis, Toronto, lost his heat with Von Gaza, of Ger- many, in the singles, being beaten by a length and a half. Mclughey, the Toronto man who is running from Toronto to New York, reached the Y.M.CA. building, St Catharines, on' Tuesday night, foot sore and weary. He was given a bath and rub down and put to bed. Wed- nesday morning he was in better shave. and. struck out for the east. soning x Two of the laborers died shortly af- terward and five others are in a dying found ounce condition lot 0 BITTEN BY RODENT. o the cer- Woman in Hospital Because She Went to Rescue. Ogdensburg, July 29.----Mrs, Fox is receiving treatment at the City Hospital because a large rat bit 5 piece of flesh out of her hand. Sho had heard a commotion in the hen-cobp 'and on going out #0 investi- gate found the rat devouring a chick- en. Going back to the house she se: cured the cat and held it close to an openng. While doing this the nervy rat ran at her hand and sinking in its teeth bit out a chunk of flesh. Mrs. Fox then took a hatchet and succeeded in Killing the rat, after which she went to the hospital, where Dr. Madill dressed the wound. James The Prince of Wales, on the eve of his departure, hes presented to the peo 1 of Cenada a chair which le- longed to General Wolfe, : following the tvphoon night son of Chinese Wwefp drowned. typhoon "The Cause Of Stiff Neck... Usaally from sitting in a dreught. Nothing better than Neriiline=it re moves the stifingss, kil's® the puis. akes you well in a few minutes. 'For re sf rol Fe swellings. Tambago-sothing o His: to Evropedn' shioring woals Polson's Nerviline, try a lar s, 3c. bottle, : ' vessels were wrecked. to a man, to reject the majority re- | Reports from Canton say the scenes not yet been recovered. There is no of Monday y last are! heart-rending. Thou- residents, in the vicinity of Sydenham The} in its loss of life end dam- 0 to shipping eclipsed the typhoon of ther houses, whether for fun or for 1906. Returns received here show that|' 'keeps' is not known.' However, Miss was Ferris. would be obliged if the finder but that over a hundred native of her: opera glasses ~would - return THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1908. DASHED TO DEATH. ---- James Canney Hurled Forty-seven: Feet From Bridge. Fredericton, N.B., July 29.--James Canney, aged thirty six, was dashed to instant death "against one of the pers of the rew. stesl bridge being' erected across-tho St. Joh at lo iok.! eas? was employed by the Can- ada ' Founlry, kotonto, and while wheeling 4 truck lost his balance, and finding himself falling. made an at tempt to jump to tle pier t, save t sell. ANhen he struck the pler he was unable to retahn his grasp, and fll forty-seven feet, crashing head first against the bottom of the pier, and then falling on the rocks on the battom of the river in cnly & foot! and a half of water. ; HIM ANAANORNINANHN | wl PLOT DISCOVERED. ! Lisbon, July 29.--The government, according to the newspapers of Lisbon, has discovered and frust- rated a widespread re- publican plot for an up- rising, scheduled for 7Mues- day, the anniversary of the abortive Pevolt of - July 28th, which was suppressed EES w¥ iy ® J] w 3 ol Fil by 2@premier Franco. This annuncement follows a large number of mysterious arrests made during the past few weeks. POLITICAL CAREER ENDED. Will Never Re-enter House of, Commons. HON. JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN. London, July: 29.--The friends Joseph Chamberlain, who passed seventy-second birthday "last know well that his retirement from dctive politics ig final. There is ng hope that he may recover sufficiently gnee more to speak on a public plat- form or "to enter the House of Com- mons. ;' Since his withdrawal from Westminstér politics has hecome de- cidedly' duller, for he had oy great gift |- fatheapin me overybody 'up to concert pitch, of his week, MARINE NEWS. ---- The Items Gathered About the Harbour. 'The schooner Ford River is loading feldspar at Richardson's. The schooner Clara cleared for wego, to-day, to load coal. The Steamer Burma is in the ernment dry dock for répairs. The steamer Argyle is at the dock ready to enter for repairs. The schooner Winnie Wing cleared for Oswego, to-day, to Joad for Crawlord. The steambarge Cardinal and sort are wailing to enter the dry dock for repairs. The steambarge Wassaga touched here for a pilot this moruing on her way to Montreal. The steambarge City of New York arrived at Richardson's this morning with grain from Cobourg, The steamer John Randall touched at the dry dock, to-day, on her way from Fairhaven to Westport with coal. M, T"."Co.: Tug Bartlett arrived from Montreal with two hight barges, and cleared for Oswego with two coal barges. The steamer Plummer touched at the {dry dock, this morning, for a pilot, | on her way from Fort William to 'Monttegl with grain Instead of running every other day {to Kingston Captain Visger, of the |Castanet, has arranged his programme up on Tuesdays and Satur- Os- gov- dry coal con to come days. Swiit's - Steamer Dungurn, (this morning; steamer Caspian, land up, to-day; steamer Aletha, from down, down |bay points; schooner Keewatin, clear- 'ed for Uswego. The hull of the steambarge McDon- ald, which took fire gnd burned to | the water's edge off Bull Rock, on Pillar Point shoré recently, and was abandoned, has been pumped out and the tug Phelps towed the hull into Chaumont, N.Y. Raising The Acacia. The People's Milling Uo, of Chaa- mont, N.Y., has barges at work wun- loading the coal from the wrecked Acacia off Sackets Harbor: Pumps have been placed on the schooner and a third pump has been installed on the barge Oom Paul which will st.nd by the wreck when an attempt is made to pump her out. The company's stenmer Little Muck will assist in the work. Given good weather it is The- | Heved the vessel can be raised with little ditliculty. Thieving On Queen Street. Tne valuable pair of opera glasses reported by Miss Almg Ferris as hav- ing been stolen from her home on Queen street, on Monday evening, have clue .to 'the thief as vet. Queen street and Clergy, have been bothered by some person or persons getting into | evening dance at the yacht club . night, left today for Montreal, to spend a» month with her brothers, Donald A. E. Patterson.' . - - Gold i Ti in The many friends of Mrs. R. Carter, West street, will be glad on. (hear that she has almost completely Guwili bt | recovered from her recent illness. 1 g { Mrs. Macleod and little daughter re- P turned home last week after spending SPF J. PB. Carruth- {Centinued from Page 2). -- -> - to a few weeks with Mrs. ers, at the Point. Mrs. Waterous, 'who wal visiting Mrs. F. Brownfield for 4 few days, left for her howe last Saturday. Mr. Stanley Cunningham wall turn home on Wednesday next. Last Sunday moruing a party of four consisting of Dr. and Mrs. fotts, Mr. Hunson and Mr. (live Betts ' of the Bank of Montreal, Stirling, came i n Ey eh : Mrs. J. D. Craig, of Ottawa, who down ta Kingston in br. Potts auto | pag heen visiting her mother-in-law. mobile. Two of the party; Mr. Han. FG Craig i rE etn 4 y a Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street, will Nr » ad Mrs H on hs day with go over to Cape Vincent on Vhursday ne a ert a etts, Ir." and to visit her father, Mr. J. M. Secob- and Mrs, Potts called in the. after belt ) uoon, and took< Mr. and Mrs. Betts | for a spin, after "which the party left 4 i, ii Bl. party A jolly party from Cape Vincent, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. N. White, for home, calling at Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Sackett, Mr, and Mrs. . re "This is the wife who knows full well For aching head or bilious spell, Whenever the stomach seems at fault Theres nothing so good ss Abbey's Salt. "The Tonic Laxative for the Family." 5 { raig's, lrincess Siréet, on their way back to Stirling, : Gillespie and Mr. Scobbell spent Tuesday in tdwn. Mise Mattie Betts returned. to her home in London on Friday after a very pleasant visit with her aunts, Mrs. Walkem and Miss Betts, at "Keewadin." Miss Bessie Gordon will not return home until next week. My. Arthur Martin, of the Merchants Bank, Hespeler, is expected home . on Sunday, and. will spend his holidays in town. > wr ow Miss Bessie Smythe entertained a luncheon party at the Country Club to-day. Covers were 'laid for fourteen. 'The guests included Miss Florence Cun- ningham, Miss' Nora Gordon, Miss Madelon Carter, Mrs. Karl Folger, Mrs. Hugh Osler, Miss Frances Sulli- vin, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Marie Carruthers, Miss Mulloy, Miss Bea Tandy, Mrs. Jack Craig, © Ottawa, Miss Kerr, Toronto, and Miss Marion Redden. - ew The engagement is announced of An- na Maie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott, Port Hope, to Mr, Charles Edward Jex, Cobourg. The marriage will take place quietly in August, o> - > " Mrs. Hugo Craig will entertain at a family party to-night in her new home cn Union street. "- > - A small all day picnic is planned for Thursday to the favorite spot, Le- moines Point. - > be the usual Wednesday to- POLICEMAN INJURED, - There will James Craig Fell From a K. & P. Train. Police Constable James A. Craig was the victim of a very séribus ac- cident, this morning, one that will lay him up for some time. He was stepping off the Kingston and Pem- broke train while it was in motion. Rev. Francis Kirkpatrick, Cardinal, | fe stepped on the end of a tie and is visiting his mother. his left foot doubled up under him, Mrs. E. Williams, of Hamilton: Mrs.) causing him to fall heavily to the W. D. Morris, Ottawa, and Miss Far-| ground. He tried to rise, but the ley Ireland, have been visiting with pain was =o severe that he could not Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Barrie | put his foot to the ground. Some street. durine the past few days. people who saw the accident hurried Prof. and MrS. Turk and children, of | to his assistance, and he was remov- Geneva, N.Y., will arrive here to-mor- | 6d to his home in a cab, where his row to spend a couple of weeks. injuries were dressed by a physician. Mr. and Mre. D. A. Cays, Barrie Upon examining his. foot it was street, leit, Monday, for the coast, | found that the ankle was badly where they will spend six; weeks' va- | sprained and the ligaments torn away cation. from the joint. The sprain caused se- vere pain until it was dressed by the doctor. Mr. Craig's companions were very sorry to hear of his accident and hope he will be around again soon. - o . Miss Annie Clarke, Division street, is visiting Mrs. Moyle, Picton. Miss Minnie Simpson, who has heen Miss Gildersleeve's guest for a month, has gone to Gananoque. o "oe . Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, leaves, to-day, for Bath, where she will summer till the end of August. Miss Kthel Lamb, Montreal, has re- turned home alter. spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. I. Lambert, Clergy street. F Mrs. H. Bates many friends will be glad to hear she has so far recovered as to be able to walk to the gate of her residence, Hales' Cottages. Professor Marshall and Mrs. Ram- Say.ave stafing at. Loughboro lake, leaving Miss Moore in their absence to keep. house at *'Blwhurst"" ; Mrs. Adam Shortt 'and little daugh- ter, Lorraine, lift, yesterday, for a trip to. Toronto, Hamilton and Winona, and, will bring Master George 'buck' when they return. i DEFAMATORY LIBEL And Sending Immoral Literature Through Mails. Heamillop, Ont, July 20.--Thomas Tg West Flamboro, appeared before the police magistrate, this morning, on charges of defamatory libel and sending immoral literature through the. mails. Edith Roley, twenty-one vears of age, and also a resident of West Flamboro, is the com- | plainant. She also alleges that she was keeping company with. Fisher amd that because she turned him down in favor of another man, he wrote let- ters about her, claiming that he had | been intimate with her. She denies the imputations and the case will be proceeded with on Friday, Fisher be ing allowed out on $400 bail. - ee Dr. and Mrs. G. Craig arrived yes- terday fram Hohoken, New Jersey, and will spend 'a few days with * Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Craig, West street. The jolly' crowd of girls who ' have heen camping at Mrs. Carruthers' ------------------ Point it sharing her hospitality, | HAS BEEN A COUNTERFEITER broke up their camp on Sunday Senn returned to town. { Mr. W. Harty, jr., took a party Bath" on Tuesday in his new | Fayetteville, Ark., July 29. His guests were Mrs. Hugh Osler, Miss " W. Blanchard, a leader in social Kerr, Miss Nabel Brownfield, Mr. Karl | litical and religious afiairs in this Tandy and Mr. James O'Reilly. community for fifteen years, and J. C Miss Bea Tandy leaves the early | Wilconson, were bound over to the part of next week to spend 5 few days [federal grand jury on a charge of visiting friends among the islands. i At the hearing before and | Teatler:in Sovial, Political 'and to Religious Affairs. yacht. Dr. L. po EE United States Commissioner Nathan Mr. Brier Tandy will return to Fd- | B. Williams, Wilconson turned state's monton next week, after 'spengling his | evidence and testified that Dr. Blanch- holidays with his mother, Mrs. Tandy, | are, although the superintendent of a Clergy street. Miss May Smythe is expected home on Saturday. Dr. ¥. Etherington returns home on Sunday from his trip abroad. - - "oe Mr. Ellis Anon is now the guest of Mr. Jack Farthing. Mrs. George E. Perley passed through Kingston, to-day, on her way to Bath where she will spend the rest of the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Aubrey Rowan-Legg. Mr. A. E. Bogart passed throuch Kingston to-day on his way to. his home in Newmarket. He has been visitine Mys. Wilkinson, at West- Boston, 2. mount, Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, 2. Philadelph- Miss Nan Patterson, Union street. } 1-1: St. Louis, 0-3. EE -------------- ---------- TT palit | large Sunday school, had been a coun- | terfeiter for fifteen years. Wilconson | says he became associated with Dr. | Blanchard in making spurious money [ about five months ago, but never | knowingly passed any of it. | -- | Baseball On Tuesday. | League--Jersey City, 3 Bufialo, 10; Baltimore, 1. Newark, 6. Providence, Eastern Montreal, 0 Rochester, 7: | 6; Toronto, 5. American League--Cleveland, '5; Bos- ton, 3. Philadelphia, 2; Chicago, 0. Washington, 2. St. Louis, 1. National League--Pittshurg, 2: New York, 2. Cincinnati, 4; \ : PEARY'S SHIF, THE ROOSEVELT. The good ship Roosevelt, th which Lieutenant Peary has already started on his first lap toward the North Pole, is interesting - both from its destination and also because of the wonderful manner in Canada's tunity to save money. Carriages and Go Carts. and up. Parlor Suites (3 pieces) from $15 up. Parlor Suites (5 pieces) regular $25 for $20. 18 MOST STRONGLY MARKED BY THE Growing Time weg of 1s TELEPHONE SERVICE THE BELL TELEPHONE GO. OF GANADA affords Service with 100,000 Subscribers po An Extension Set on Your Desk 3 1-3 Cen per day. : Exchange Connection costs only 5} to 10 Cents per day. SPECIAL INDUGEMENTS for Rural Line Connections. Over 300 Rural Systems now connected. particarnrs 1HE CONTRACT DEPT. Consult OR H. W. SNELLING, Local Agent. For Full "Summer Furniture Sale Everything reduced from 10 to 25%. Your oppot- This sale includes a full line of Couches from $4.50, 5.50, 6.560 R.J. REID, Ambulance Call 577. 230 Princess St. css -- OCO0000O0CODOTIO00 ampers Want Enamelled Dishes, Knives & Forks, Rope, Alcohol or Oil Stoves, Bachelor Buttons, and a few other things which this Big Blue Hardware Store CARRIES IN ABUNDANCE. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St. i i OUR MID-SUMMER It's the quality and reas sonable. prices that makes it' famous. Fancy Parlor » Setts and. Weod- Settees, Faney' Shade Velour apd "Rug Couches, Parlor Tables and Music Cabinets, also Brass and Iron Bedste: and Hercules Spring a Sanitary Health Mattres at sale prices. Store open nights. Freight paid. James Reid, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone 147, which the ship was constructed. The Roosevelt is a vessel which was built on original lines laid down by Lieutenant Peary Himself. | Her sides are sloped in such a manner that their angles do not of- fer any opportunity for the tremendous ice floes of the Northern ocean to grip the vessel and crush in her hull, as has often heen done to snips constructed in the ordinary manner. The beams which stretch out to support her hull are marvels of strength, and her bow is built so as to crush its way through ice fields where ordin- Nordheimer Steinyay | Hr ¥ them. ary ships would be immovable.

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