Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1908, p. 8

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Garments pion com, OEE EEIREEEERAES PRICES On all kinds of New Fur made to special | measure, and we also have | Special facilities for re-dying ¥epairing, and remodelling told Fur Garments to the newest styles. hn MeKay Fur Houss, : OI) EEE TITTTY O000) THES? M. EDITION i LET CITY BUILD HOTEL, the People. +The summer hotel scheme is to be t fitter time than the present, when the people can see what Kingston is miss ing by not only lack of a summer hostelry, but lack of ordinary accom modation for visitors and conven tions. For some time, plans have | been prepared for an hotel, and re- cently an endeavor was made to inter- est some outside parties, but until Kingston itself takes a share in the enterprise, there is not much hope of investment by strangers The latest scheme is for the city to take hold of the scheme itself, and the city council will be asked to again take up the matter. What is proposed is this: That ai by-law be submitted to the people, next January, for the raising by debentures of 875,000 for the purpoke of building a $150,000 ho- | {RICHARD BOYD, CABMAN, | Proposed to Submit Question to! i Of revived, and it could be dane at nol THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1908, GHNRGE ROT PROVEN NOT GUILTY. Soliciting Passengers on Folgers' Wharf--He Simply Answered a Question Asked By a Lady. Richard Boyd, cabman, appeared be- fore the magistrate, this morning, charged with unlawfully soliciting fares on Folger's whari, on Monday evening, on the arrival of the Cape boat. He pleaded not guilty to the charge. Police Constable Naylon was the first witness called, and said that when the Cape boat arrived he was on the wharf. Mr. Boyd's hack, con- taining a lady, was down on the wharf, and as two ladies came off the boat, Mr. Boyd spoke to them. Wit- ness said he would swear positively that he asked them if they wanted a hack. He then called his son, George, who drove down inside the gate and AN AUTO ACCIDENT. Vanderbilt May Tose One of His Legs. ips i | Shipping People Have Gone on a "a point of delay. below {two y rs ago, been Tour of Enquiry--Leaving Quebec For Their Homes--The Final Event, Queoee, July 29.--~Hon. L. Brodeur, minister of marine and fisheries, and a distinguished party of Montréal and e representatives, left this morn- ing for Crane lsland, to i t and olucially open the drole Drum canal. formerly this Brujedu bank was : e, With the bad bed, and only twenty-one feet depth, at extreme low water. Dred ing | had commenced slightly less than and the channel has en deepened to thirty feet av all stages of the tide, The width of the completed channel is pow over G00 feet, and it is hoped to make it 1,000 feet before the end of the present sea- FP en Bd VERT The prices are little enough to stir imme- Sle TeE TE tel. Jt is understood that the mavor is favorably impressed with the pro- position and will give it his support. It is likely the matter will be sub- mitted to the council in September. It is pointed out that the hotel should be no expense to the people, as $1 it would more than pay for itself. The debentures would be paid off year by year, just those of the water and light plants WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT. Paris, July 20 William K. Vander- bilt was so badly injured in an atte accident, near Poissy, to-day, that he may lose one of his legs, which was completely erished bw the overturning of his car.' The chauffeur also was dapgerously injnred, G. Winthrop Sands, a stepson of William K. Vanderbilt, was killed dn an automobile accident near Poissy, France, on' Wednesday morning. PERSONAL MENTION: ---- Movements Of The People--Whas They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Garrett is enjoying the sights of Quebec. George Keyworth, Burlington, spent Sunday in the citys Miss Mghel Stratiord, York street, left, today, to visit friends in To- ronto. Mrs. short friends. Miss Belva visiting Belleville. Miss Fthel Graham returned to New York, to-day, after visiting her sistcr, Mrs. J. E. Jones, Alfred street. Mrs. M. P. Nolan and family, Brock street, have returned to the city after a three wecks' visit with in Louyshboro. Miss Maude Betts very kindly gave her Sunday school girls a delightful picnic at Lemoine's Point, this afters noon. Private Smith, No. 1 company, 14th Regiment, injured at a fire last week in Quebee, is almost able to leave for'| Kingston. i Mrs. Merrin, accompanied by - the| Mises Cassie snd Carrie, Kingston. is} visiting her daughter, Mys. TT, H. Marshall, Belleville. Thomas Moore, who receives an im- perial service medal, is an ex-keeper of the hingston penitentiary, He serv- led for thirty-three years. Miss Pickle, of Toronto, the newly! | appointed superiatendent of nurses of | the Kingston General Hospital, will begin duty here next Monday. Mrs. J. P. Shannon, Albert street, | who has been in poor health for some time. past, left, to-day, along with her granddaughter. for Spencerville Mrs. M. J. Gale, Newport, R.I., and | her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Hunt, Wor- ter, Mass, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wright, 305 Bagot street. diate interest and when you have bought the garments and try them on at p, you will find the shaping correct and the stitching so well done that they will not have to ba madeover, as is so often the case with whitewear made to sell cheaply. WHITE SKIRTS, med 20 styles to select from. Prices range fro 69c¢, 75¢, 95¢, $1.25 up to 7:00. DRAWERS, 25¢ to $2.75. CORSET COVERS, 34 ; o20e to $2. NIGHTGOWNS, 50c up to $4.75. CHEMISES, 35¢ to $1.75. tarned around and drove out. Robert Cousins stated that he saw Mr. Boyd on the wharf, speaking to the two ladies, and then saw him get off his hack and call his son down. He was nog close enough to hear the conversation or to swear positively that he solicited the people. The first witness for the defence was Richard Boyd, who said that his hack was engaged before he went down 'to the wharf, by an American who is speruling the summer here 40 drive him and his wife and child down to the boat to get some stuli coming from the Cape. He was sitting on his haék, when two ladies came off the boat and, seeing someome in his hack, asked nim to call another one for them, which he did. "I never asked them to ride with me at all," said the witness, One of the young ladies who came off the boat was ealled and told her She said that she and a friend offi the boat and, seeing the walked over to it. They saw same one in it, and she said to My. Bowed, "You are engaged 7?' and he said "Yes; will I call one for vou?" Witness said she told him te deo and he called bis son, who drove them to their home. Mr. Bovd asked the witness if she was sure that he asked her if he would call hack, and she said that he asked her if she wanted a carriage. The magistrate said that ac of the unusual circumstances surrounding the case, that Mr Boyd being hired and the ladies com- ing to him first, he did not think that he could find a conviction. "I do not think so either," said Mr. Boyd, as he walked out of the court, son. The sweeping having heen made and found satisfactory, the lights have been lighted and gas buoy plac: ed and, at the urgent request of the shipping people, the miaister has de- cided to open this new canal at onpe. The change will 'be a great relief, as shipping will now be able to pass at any stage of water. ~ Vice-President Fairbanks, of the Un. ited States, left this morning, at sev- gn o'clock, via the Grand Trunk rail- way, travelling in that company's private car, "Violet." He was accom- pamed by General Murray and wile, and Major Mott. The Marquis De Levis leit to-day for New York, where he will embark on the steamer Latoa- raine, on his return to France. The Marquis Pe Levis Mirepoc and Count Bertrand De Montcalm, left, to-day, by the C. I'. R. Lord Roberts leaves to-morrow for Ottawa. He will sail for home from Quebec. The Royal Ca- padian Dragoons will leave to-mor- row at 7 p.m., and the R.C.R., To- rontg and London contingent, leave on Friday at 12 o'clock. The maritime provinte contingent make their depar- ture at ten o'clock on the same day. The finale in connection with the ter- centenary celebration will take place at the city hall, this evening, at nine o'clock, when Mayor Garneau will. re ceive the governor-general and lieut enant-vovérnor and tho:e who des're to call. The Associated Press of Quebec en- tertained, to-day, the many journalists who have come to Quebec for the ter- centenary celebration to a trip down the river as far as Murray Bay and return. 149-155 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. EEE CEE EREMEEEEOEE EEE 3 #, v . Diamonds Make superb gifts and have {what every present should bave--sentiment and in- trinsic value. : Buy here and you are sure of getting only the best. Solitaire Rings, from $10 to as high as you care to go. as Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price in the order and ready-made clothing department; also gents' furnishings. Look at dis- play windows. You can pretty well tell whether a man has Screens on his house the way he greets you in the morning. It makes i man good tempered all day if "he | sleeps well at night. Enjoy the fresh air. Led¥e your doors open with Screen | Doors on. Any size complete with Spring Hinges, for $1 each. WINDOW SCREENS FROM 20c UP, I FIT ANY WINDOW. 3 story came hack, visit Hopkinson left today ona to Hamilton, to visit Good values in 3-stone and five-stone rings. Greenleaf, Kingston, is Mrs. George A. Barragar, of SO, : Spangenberg JEWELLER, sand § DIAMOND MERCHANT a friends on count of 'W. A. Mitchell, HARDWARE. FERRI ORDERED OUT. BURNED TO DEATH. - Hague, July 29.--The Netherland government has ordered three battleships and three cruisers to as- semble in the West Indies to be in readiness to de- part for Venezuela on short notice, ™ 3 IAIN Smith's Falls, Ont., July 29.--Fire destroyed the home of Robert Howard, a C.P.R. conductor, this morning. Two of his little children Dorothy, aged five years and Cecil, aged four, were burned to death. The fire 'was caused by the ex- ploding of a coal oil stove. HASSISIEISIICISIICIIIIG W # We ® + + Made From Fine Quality - WhiteSwiss Lawn » a i i * ¥ FAILED TO GET DIVORCE. BEEF ERE EEEXTEEER $x x Olive Currap Sued Husband--He Was Given Decree. a, N.Y. Times. for a divorce and then have 15 After American Fishermen, J. W. Taudvin, game and fish over- seer, accompanied by Henry Halliday, the Wolfe Island inspector, made a trip to Reid's Bay and other waters in that vicinity on Tuesday. They found » number of Americans fishing without icenses, and as a result of their visit provincial treasury -.wil be $26 icher Many Americans are fishing vithout taking out the necessaty I more the fault of the guides than of the visitors, who are usually ivnorant of Canadian fishing regula tions. The overseers, however, are do ing their full duty. So far Mr. Taud- in has collected over 2460 'in license fees, which is believed to be a record amount for this locality. Nir Watertown To sue a decree entered against her ~that | the 'experience of Olive Curran in her action against Wellington Curran, of this city, to whom she was marpied at Napanee, Ont., April 26th, 15U8. |The case was heard by Justice Wat- {son M. Rogers, who rendered a deci- sion for the defendant. Mr. and Mrs. Curran had one child, Fiwood Curran, who resides with plaintifi. She alleged that acts of adultery had heen committed by | her husljand in this city, but named Ho co-respondent. It appears from the c@mplaift that the Currans never The steamer America brought a ljived together. large number of passengers from Alex-| Mr. Curran set up a general denial andria Bay and . intermediate points |of the charges and alleged a counter to-day. | charge, naming David Walker, of Can "Cooling and refreshing," Cologne, ada, ad co-respondent. in the long green bottles at Gibson's Red Cross Prug Store. | A mgeting of the Old Boys' commit- | tee will be held in the city council | The Prince Would See Them Made chamber, this evening, at eight More Solid. o clock, ] be ti . Good rubber tired cab always when wn. oh July. > oi a . ¥ ales a Sp best dome it is possible to put on the | YOU phone 600. x Lo Times od profoundly moved buildings,"" he "Ih will be a Cabmen's phone, 490. wo s he was. peo lly, move a i fi itv." Col. Gordon was in command of the |by his experiences in Lanada A great advertisement for the city." He Bn ng Vg vs The vie ip' lvision, on Tuesday, that lined the|tt ; Iso strongly agreed with the Whig's|¢ : y, HW : . : eesity 'reased of ti I the the belfry of the streets to lav good-bye to the Prince |the absolute necessity of increase i Wi : cas : Wig : » the people of Great dome should be outlined With eleetrie a lr sustaitied. by his Je oe eas of the ights H. Cunningham, piano tuner from [conditions and opportunities In Cena- Chickering's. Leave orders at Mo |da, as well as the other great colon Avley's hobk store. jes. Tha unbounded hospitality made Another small audience listened hii wish that Canadians in England missionary addre and limelight | were not #0 much swamped in the views on 'Chinas? by Messrs. Taylor | vastness of London's social life. The and James, in Queen street Methodist prince hoped that efforts would he church, last night. made to overcome this, and strengthen 4 "They go well together," camp' life] the social links which grow more mm- and Bovril. All sizes Bovril sold at | portant every day. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The Sons of Fngland, of Belleville, and friends, some 300; came to King- ston this morning. A goodly number {went down among the islands and others visited old friends iu the city. re Some are elaborately trimmed INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. withs panel of Embroidery and Valenciennes Insertion, and back finished with cluster of tueks and insertions, Others made with beautifully ~ embroidered fronts and tucked in yoke effects. Also 'WHITE LINEN TAILOR-MADE WAISTS Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By 2 J Reporters On Their Rounds. When you need a cab 'phone 600. William Swaine, piano 'tuner. Orders | received at McAuley's, 'Phone 778. On Friday, "A" and "B" batteries to Petawawa their annual camp. Fruitatives, 2¢ Red Cros l the Ir v censos Fenwick fou go Gib- * "Phone and 60¢., at son's Drug Store. 230. Get A Dome Architect. A prominent citizen, who is an ad- mirer of fine church steeples, domes and towers, declares that it is the duty of the city council to engage one of the best dome architects that can be got to outline the plans for the new city buildings' dome. He will give $100 towards the expense if it is a question of cost 'Let sus have the 25¢. THE SOCIAL LINKS. said, From A Second Plan. Alderman khiott still cdaims that the burned dome of the .city buildings was a makeshift, and says he has the | information from several old citizens who knew thd conditions at the time. While the burned dome was made from plans drawn by the English architect, yet the first plan provided for lar er and more expensive dome. These plans are not to be found now. The dome destroyed last week was built from a second plen made by the saw archi tect, and was later done over for The clock and beilry. Minto Cup Goes West. "The Minto laerosse cap, for the first time in its history, goes west. At Montreal, on Tuesday afternoon, New Westminster defeated the Shamrocks, by 6 to 2, and won the round by 12 to 7. The westerners clearly proved their superiority. The Shamrocks are not as strong as last year, nor are they the best eastern team. There will be bitter and vain regrets on 4 to the part of those who are hesitating to take immediate advantage of the excep- tional offers we are making during this JULY AND AUGUST LINEN SALE. ' 0000000000000 E00000000 0000005000000 000O00OON i3 Splendid Bargains For This Week: irs Ladies' $2 Kid Blucher Ox{urds, extension soles, . THE SUETAN IN TEARS Over the Granting of a Constitu- tion to Turks. Constantinople, July 29.--Now that the first rejoicings over the constitu- tion, granted to Turkey by the sul- tan, last week, are at an emd the people are beginning to discuss the future. Already they are clamoring against those high officials who were the ghuses and injus- Public opin- a8~ 1f present indications count for anything, to be Double Bill At Bijou. A programme of moving pictures | twice the usual length will be present | ed at the Biiou to-day and to-morrow. | The programme includes a powerful melodrama, "Deserted in New York." 3 &n unusually amusing and well-actad | responsible for : comedy, "The Hard Luck of a Pair of [tices of the old regime. Tramps," and another thrilling tragic ion is demanding a clean sweep, drama, "Wickedness and Remorse," oripecially of the palace officials who are "The Vielim of an Old Man's Love." | identified with the days of "person A These pictures are oi; more than usu-{ryle." 'The sultan, it is now know ally perfect quality, and nope have | broke into tears at the conference n been. shown before. Edgar. Somerby [Thursday at which 'it was decided to will sing, "She Waits For Him Day [grant a constitution. by Day. 3 - Rideau Lakes And Ottawa. Brockville And Ogdensburg. | Rideau King and Queen leave for Friday, steamer America; 3 am. Ottawa, Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- calling at ,Ganarogue anid RoekPort|dav and Saturd vy, at 6 a.m., and for both ways! Returning, leaves ( ns- | Clayton, N.Y., Tuesday, Wednesday, burg, 3.30 pam. 350c. * t¥riday and Saturday at 615 p.m. ------ Jewes Swilt & Co., Agents. "Peet. Tron and Wise' a tonic and stimulant, in hot weather. we. at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 9 commercial equilibrium is soon established ; that means that the markets of the world will soon demand their right- ope patent leathér trimming, all sizes, $1.65. . = 30 pairs Ladies' $2.50 Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, mediam sole, all sizes, $1.60. 60 pairs Ladies' Dongola Blucher Oxfords, Suh turn sole, soft and fine, all sizes, 1.25. " 12 Bargain Tables Fall Genuing 8 €00000700550900950000000000000880900004 Fey , 43 ET ful prices. In the meantime prices are at rock bottom. R. Waldron. The ¥.M.C.A. Events. The events for tonight's contest at the Y.ML.CLA. Held are a 'pole vault and half mile run. The score of the six leaders are: S. Ladiley, 290% points; « G. Davis, 2854; R. Fdgar, uy; D. Fleming, 217; H. Edgar, 215; F. Parkhill, =ua. 0000000000000 0000O0S ees S000U00000000000F0RG0S * For An All Day Sail. Take the steamer America Friday, 3 am.. for Ogdensburg amd interme diate points; home early; meals on board, Fare Ye. return, pure. .of all soaps, made in aly Red Tt is the most "Conti Castile soap," Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Cross Drug Store, 4 Seseeseeveee

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