THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1908. DR. SHILLINGTON | igh > There is a land of broad nse, : oy Of boundless wealth a henored # E, JAPPOINTED BY CANADIAN| =~ name: =~ EDICAL ts landscape dof e eye entrance, M ASSOCIATION. Its Jakes and rivers: give it fame; > fry A people of heroie blood The Organization js One of the Within its lengthened borders Oldest in Existence--A Journal ea: of the passing gears May Be Established at An| with truth its noble history felts. Early Date. The Canadian' Medical Association | In this Dominion, side by side, held its 41st annual session in Ottawa | In harmony and and there was a large aitend, Gaul, Celt and Saxon, in making" coffee right. But do your part 4 od m AI oo Soversign ha right, and you need have no fear of e results . {if parts of Canadas-The or e all are' Britons lo. " : "Chase San Sigg? R one of the da Ki in Canada And Britons we will ever'he; ~~ ~ a as long as you use. & born' and was formed in the city of Quebec | From north to south, from shore to DA Coffet. y gs : - ; 90 in 1867 and has held annual shore; * 7 ge ever since. It is the parent jcal | From centre to bounding sea. association of the Dominion and its 7a . a ¥ | 4d . . . oy 3 - . © Sh 1d danger or il, a; H ida POR POUR gf tag INTE gu due Sr sieante| { % u a 0 C oC constitution was introduced by which be found .: « ~ iL . y ' the work broadened and made To, bear the: wenpoha, ab RIeSAll ; 3 4 was more national in character. The Ot'| And face the tawa doctors had an entertainment | For God and igh i committee and the visitors were well "truth xt d looked 'after and given a very pleas: | We would not fear to tak ant time. The covention was held in | But boldly rally 'to the fight. k8t.. George's Hall and the net. : - ng Court «was also engaged for Rédquet Yet choose we not the gory deld, & Black Sateen Waists, 58¢. | |v zhbiion st emcimeon snd olh | yi Fase homme tl ach yi, . Fe : profession. Sir Wilfrid Laumjer ads The wealth of forest, farm and mine; Black Sateen Skirts, 98c. SYNOPSIS OF OANATIAY NORTH WEST MINING REGULATIONS; 24 A Few of the Tempting Prices : 500.0 been expended or paid and All Queen Quality and Ultra $4 stamped price Oxfords and Gaim may bé purchased at $1.00 en Pumps, it Tan, Black and Patent Colt Skin. Now ---$2.98. acre. : " pLACER MINING CLAIMS ny, All Ladies' $3 Tan, Patent Colt and Kid Oxfords. Now (SLACER MII CL W000; DREDGING, --Two leases of five miles of a river may be issued to one ap- ican for a term of 20 years. Rental, - «$3.75. 0.08 a mile per annum. Royalty. 2% Ch Jos cont after the output exceeds $10,- All our $3.50 Men's Tan and Patent Colt Oxfords. Now @ . WwW. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interfor. N.He--~Unauthorized pu on of -this to recover it after he:-had been prac- | Give us a good Canadiaf home tically given up by the loading doc. | . 'Neath Britain's. flag and Britain's | Wra nthe ut | A NOVA SCOTIA SCHOLAR. ppers health in families he argued was | $ cleanliness, simple food; and Proper | p. pnoyished Career of Dr, E, G. Bill tors of Canada and Burope. Rest, sim laws. ple food, and modergte exercise, Were | vo ot very clime and tongue rest. He advocated for people advanc- | phe ed im years at least one hour's sleep --Honored by Yale Uniyersity. Earl Gordon Bill of Wolfville recent the only medicitles that did him any "mi ures.) good and his splendid health at pres- Ouuuio, fing a home 'mid pleas : : . : 23 nie at may ent speaks eloquently in behalf of the We have rich treasures fo bestow, x 4 w Bloated: for _twentyo are a an THE BALANCE i : before midnight, and he severely criti- a EE OF OUR cized the dangerous habit prevalent [ly received the degree of .Doetor af About 15 pairs Queen Cu ality and Ultra Swede Buckle f . ] S among women of kissing when meel- | Philosophy in mathematics at the dressed the convention and made some: | Let others rank and title: seek . interesting references to his own through strife, the world's ] "Skirts, 4 rint Wash' Skirts, 48c. 7 " : } 4] Buck Sateen Wrappers, 58e. 3 : the convention a journal for the bene- TTR or - fit of the professica may be shortly he lave the Taaner, ofthe fee \ A 5 "QUARTZ.--A Liha etn years of . established in Canada. Dr. Montizam- | A" n ¥ ' Our Windows this week! show our determination not to" 3 1,500 1.500 bert delivered a very interesting paper carry over one single pair of Oxford Ties. { y Suse ash on the question of the preservation Recorder of health and gave many practical | Pumps, stamped price, $5. Now much to spread disease. He | ples gos Pr. Bill is one of the most brillians ten that all plumbing should be | Canadians that has ever attended Am- ho , blicati éaretully inspected by a municipal of- | rican universities; and Nova Scotia Aoout 90 pairs Men's Tan, Gun Metal and Patent Colt advertisement will not be paid for, ficial and all plumbers should be com- | has reason to be proud of sucha son, Oxford $4 Shoes. NOW = -=-=- =--==~ - , 1 rpelled to take nat fg aher vi | who will doubtless win greater id 55 pairs Men's Patent Colt, Tan and Gun Metal Shoes; the proper examination. e argued that | pawn in the futare in his chosen su best American makes. All $5 goods. Sale Price = - - -$3.97. 3 health and the means he had taken . . lack and' Navy Print green, The maple leaf and fleur-de-lys. hints on the subject. - The bagis of | active 'measures should be taken 10 [ject of mathematics. Dr. Bill is only ra rotates patio te prescription, ~~ Enough for all and much fo spare; 560 can be Jeased fo'one. is ing and parting andthe: promiscuons | commencement exercises at Yale Uni- TO BE SOLD AT THIS SALE spreading disease, and advocated a Federal health bureau to take charge of the education of the publie in re- exterminate rats, a great source of [94 years old: He was born at Bill- town, in Kings county, and is the son of C. R. Bill, collector of customs ab Wolfville. At 17 years of age he grad- 3 gross Lily White Shoe Dressing, regular 10c. Now --5€; b 'old Bracelets ® " 1S gard to proper sanitations and also | uated from Acadia University, having g ) ; Sy the establishment of the National Ra honors in a He J H SUTHERLAND & BRO 4 ¢ A very handsome gift Tubercujosis Sanitarium. | then spent a year at the Massachu- . . / ' B ' to present to a lady is The association will meet in Winni- | setts Institute of Techmology, Baston. The House of Good Shoes. Sond MH 2 gold bracelet. There pet nox} Year und br: R. J. Blanch, After spending another gear, in he ud 2Uhing_ seve or ard of that place was recommended | west, in en i i work, he wen hy o 4 aa i Bo no Nd for president of 1908. Br. AT, Shil- | to Yale 1a ROT Sige PPP 909 9999083 9FIIIVVINEPIISIIIIINIINIIN We ave & beatiful lington of Ottawa was appointed chair- | the full mathematical course. In 1907 | s==--======= -- re p------ man of the Committee on Medical | hg won the De Forest prize of $400. As & result of the deliberations of We love our country, King and Queen, t. ;Royalty, five cents per tony » kissing of children as canses that did | versity. For 98e¢. Each. J-- assortment in Solid Gold, plain, chased and pearl set. 'Also 'some very pretty styles in Gold Fi : sha SOLID GOLD BRACE- LETS, from $8.50 up. GOLD FILLED BRACE. LETS, from $1.25 up. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewellers. 100 Princess St., King- and athjetio circles and has been for | ig the transactions of "the "A ery some 'years an enthusiastic promoter | Mathematical Society: Puring the of clean athletics, having identified | coming year he has & permanent in- himself particularly with the great | gtructorship at Yale, and will also winter Soon, hockey, being a great | give a lecture course in the graduate over of e game. | school. His success as instru k tutor has already given him very high | standing at this university, so much With priceless moving picture films | so that although he has been apked and data procured in the wilds, of the | to go to McGill University as teacher habits, haunts and activities of the | and lecturer, he was strongly urged to busy beaver family, caught for the | remain at Yale as a member of the first time in the history of nature stu- | staff. ' £ digs, sets of films depicti bird, ani- | Dr. Bill proposes in the course oO mal and' insect life and information | two years to gO to Germany an on the effect of music upon the deni- | Italy and further pursue his mathe- ona of the wild, Prof. C. R. Kellogg, | matical rescarches and studies. a New York naturalist, recently came | M---------- out of regions around the dail of | In the West. lakes, after a month's work far from ; i up the the haunts of mankind. The dark Bins ee eed. This region is the habitat of num | 4. 0o to the wet earth. The spows high erous large colonies of the interesting | up in the soft pale- blue sky shone ® beaver family. With bis special ap- | with a hard radiance. The little dew- Oils paratus carried far into the woods | grenched chapel and the wooden cha- where neither roads mor trails pene- | 1540 scattered at the forest's edge / trate, Prof. Kellogg set up his estab | (0 ked in the bright air. The only lishment, made friends with food giv- | L014 was the liquid ceaseless rush . Coal Oil : en the colonists, and was able to pro- | of 5 distant waserfall. i Lubricating Oils OF THE cure 'a most wonderfully interesting : i me on the nar- , 4 { An Indian passed G soline seri { moti ictures of the beav- | ov. hi f hi : . . » gq TN Wa Se Cait a3 pity tn and around | om SC "0% orto. For & mil | Anty Drudge Joins the Painters' Union. v $25 000 First Painter-- "We've called to inform you, Anty, that | We make a specialty of handling > 5 » Clothing Legislation. The new chairman is one | The past year he has been teaching NDO Ww DISP LA Y of the. best known medical men of the | in the university and also writing his capital, He is popular in military | PhD). thesis, which will be published : \ "the Amer} Caught Beaver at Work. IR. Waldron. ponds they artificially create for their | beast." I wondered if the earth had Union." Prices on application. dooryards. been more quiet and solitary for Adam, He caught them. tpting large and | 1 the midst of my wonder 1 came Second Painter--' 'That's becatse you told our wives how W.F. K \ to save us mone washing our white suits wi . F. KELLY & CO, y by washing our hite suits with South Cor. Ontario and Clarence, 'good sized logs, rafting them down | non an ancient dame, seated upon the streams with the sKill of river | "roeqy rock, busy with her needle. Fels-Naptha instead of sending them to the laundry. The suits last three times as long." * : asa drivers, adjusting them with intelli- | x4 4 Jittle distance "from her, just ' . RL Anty Drudge-- 'Thank you, gentlemen. That makes nine gence remarkable for dam 'construc- | " ta 1 path sloped abruptly tion, and photographed them at work | white s angled po thousand. feet be- unions I belong to for the same reason. The others GASO ng ] . ; C I are the machinists, printers, butchers, blacksmiths, : LINE 1 8c. on tree felling, Interesting experi- {raved a child pursing a doll. ments to get the effect of music on | lows -strayec. 5 looked up from her shoemakers, miners, railwaymen and plasterers." rr -------- PER GALLON. Put in your tank at our dock. the fur-bearing animals seen--mink, | 3 I called in a law otter, fisher, foxes, skunks, and even | vi i.e: "Rose! do not go too far away." bears--were made. The flute, "Prof. 1 looked. about me at the foreign Kellogg says, seemed to have the most grandeur of the seenery. 1 recollected : attraction for. these animals, who fled | {44 five thousand miles separated mo In all households there is a deal of at the sound ofa violin. At twilight, | 50, England. And then miracle . ' en the. haaver families were about | 8 "HELE race camo home to my gJeaning and scrubbing to do at the end of the week. Use Fels-Naptha. It does the their spacious houses fringing the | ot nobody, and saw neither bird nor you are elected an honorary member of the Painters' Lubricating Oils of all kinds. > AND Spark Colls, Spark Plugs, Colum bia Dry Batteries, etc. in steck, REPAIRS PROMPTLY MADE. 'Selby &} Youlden, Ltd. Kingston Foundry. ) Big Reductions On price of Lawn Mowers. Ask for our prices before going elses "where. i A. STRACHAN. : IS NOW GOING ON IN ¥ ull Blast See hand bills for particulars and prices. Look for the Big Yellow Signs. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Ls Big Stata, Zanes Sale of Horses every Saturday, ang 'A (3 0. de 4 2 Fu 4 4% 4 3 to retire, he had no' diffieulty 'in draw- | y this unbandseled for- L Furnishing Goods |e hrsmsdinT 2h & demstng ds | woftly-plaved strains: of the fute, and | ol "World, the language, the love cleani il d k he house they would invariably retire when the | oo 4 the old sweet ow oe. solicitdde ng casi Ys an makes the 10uUsC violin was sounded. | and and Harold Begbie i The cleaner and brighter hk Y y Ho obtained valuable pictures in | |ondon Chronicle, : . . : : - . uotion, of clouds of basil, colored Fels-Naptha whitens floors, brightens Eo a tartul animal sounds, and Canadian Officer Dead. inted woodwork and bri he colors a am wondesiul. ania sods. and | | eat. Waller ¥ aith. Punjobits | WOrK and brings out the colors or wr ok birds. aly oe has ns i, i Jo iin ike upded in oil-cloth and linoleum. It cleans polish, ization ; a record. of the bull moose v oC i : civliation; a resord of the ball mente | 1, 12 see ded te ollowing day. ed hardwood floors and varnished surfaces 2 ia calling to hin dian Devil, the almost | The young. officer, who was 25 years without dulling. b ois ai | aman cries of wounded rabbits' and | of age, was the eon of the late Right . : Eo ). EY #9 | *! the prowling loup cervier. Rew. Richard Young, DD. BIT, It cleans and polishes windows, and : |S ee Evra" Tatrd Michael's Rectory, , Bog. the glass in china closets or bookcases. \ olf Hunter's 5 3 He was born at St. Andrew's Makes the gl hine lik i | dinatyires fer wolves killed i | nage, Manitoba, and oimed | the. akes the glass shine like sparkling crystal. a 3 " aa ' . made by 'James Macintyre of Qual Royal Masige Light Every woman knows that a porcelain sino, who has pesssnted a bil 10 the | bathtub is hard to keep white and clean. gmat of bounty at the rate of $15 a Fels-Naptha and a soft cloth keep it shin- AD. examination of. Mr. Macintyre's ing and spotless with very little work. Same gocount showed thatl some of the f tili ' » : Notes were, killed hofote Feb. 1. he or tHINng Or mirrors. on who e incr un - - Fh Th sha on Go be V1 And Fels-Naptha does all this in cold & > , but he { TEA pe ERICK or lakewaynt water, No need of fi¢. 10 eat water; and you don't need a scrubbin brush. Sounds easy, doesn't it? 'And it is as easy as it sounds, Try it in your cleaning this week. « Follow directions on the red and green wrapper, . work to make his elaim when revised 3 amount to about $1,000. the Bohai Dag. It is reported -that Indians up the . coast, who have learned of the im Tall Hay Fever Friends. 0 Ro» crehse in Hounty' on panthers: and | Let them know, if they have Hay wolves to $15 a head each, have taken | Fever or Asthma, that Catarrhozepet of Roney & 127 Princess Street Kingston, to the woods on a hunt, and it ds ex | cures permanently. - Relief is instant pected that they will isoon have a [and 'esults guaranteed in the worst large sum to collect from: the Govern- | cases. All dealers" sell Ontarrhorone] ment. \ for 81. Try it, 4