Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jul 1908, p. 7

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TRAVELLING. NOY RT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway REDUCED RATES TO Pacific Coast Paints September 15th, LIMIT OCTOBER 31st, 1909 Until RETURN HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO MANITOBA, SASKATCHE- WAN AND ALBERTA. 4th and 18th ; Sept. Good Lo go Aug. Ist. 156th and 29th. , 9 ickets good to return in 60 days. Full particulars at K., & P, and C. P: R. Ticket Office, Ontario S¢, "Phone, HV, F. CONWAY, | Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY Train Jeaves union station, Ontario street, 4 p.m. daily (Suudays excepled, fur 'Fweed, Sydenham! Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburm and all points north. 'To wmsecure quick despatch to Bannock. burn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ouatarfo, route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Railway. For further particu- | lars, apply to R, W. DICKSON, Agent, Phone, No. 8. Special Side Grip Fares During Ger-Centenary Cele- bration, Quebec. LATTE RAILWAY Will sell round trip tickets from LEVIS to Cacouna 3.60 Jattie Metis Dalhousie . St. John, NB il from HEADACHE | LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION * FORPID LIVER . BILIOUSNESS BEECHAM'S PILLS will quickly remove the cause of these disieising complaints and sasare health y action to every You wil feel like a new taking a few doses of for foe ng Pills. They id the rier of purifies, improve fhe Give Positive Relief - The excellen ts obtained by the use of Becchons Pils have proved them worthy of the confi- dence they enjoy. They have helped thousands and recommend SHOE POLISH The Public knows better than to take any substi- tute for 2in1. The dealer Fictou, N.S ¢ ha wrlottetown, sum merside Halifax, N.S. Sydney, N.S. I'roportionate the Intercolonial Island Railways. duly 18th--30 (inc.) 1908. 3rd, | pl nL Poa points on | Edward rates to all and Prince (Good for return until August 1908, I------ Montreal City Office, 141 Bt. James Street, or General Passenger Department, MONCTON, N.B. IZ [ETRE Kingston Civic Holiday, Aug. 10th 1908. Ro und trip tickets will be issued from King FIRST-CLASS Saturday, Sunday Sth Oth and 10th or before H'uesday ¥ returning Aug, 11th. Low-Jtates to Pacific Coast and] Return. until Octobe: 31st. $95.80 $101.10 NEW ONE WAY FARES TO CANAD- | IAN NORTHWEST via Chicago and St, | Paul. 1st 2nd | Class Clase | ----- $31.05 $21.00 ---- $23.00 Regina, Sask. $27.50 Edmonton, Alba. .. $387.56 And proportionate rates to other points in the Canadian Northwest. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS to the Canadian Northwest via Chicago and St. Paul, good" going July 21st, Aug. 4th and 15th, good te return with- | In 60 days. For. pullman accommodation, tickets and other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Cor. Johnson and OUnuario Stsy Good returning Vancouver Viewgria Portland Seattle San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego Winnipeg, Man. Brandon, an, Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED. | River& Gulf of St. Lawrence! Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | Twin Screw Iron SS, ¥Campapa," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- DAYS, at4 pn. 27th July, 10th and 24th August, 7th and 21st September, | for Pictou, N.S, callmg at Quebec, | Guspe, Mal Ba) Perce, Grand River, Spmmerside, PII, and Charlottetown, | P.ElL ---- NEW YORK FROM QUEBEC Calling at Charlottetown and Halifax, B.S. Trinidad, 2,600 tons, sails from Quebec 25th July, 8th and 22nd August Bermuda Excursions, $40 ands upwards, 8S, "Bermudian," | fortnightly from | | Summer by the Twin Screw 5,500 tans. Sailing New York, from i June to 5th | October. Temperature cooled by wea breezes seldom rises above 80 degrees. The finest trips of the season health and comfort, | ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms PREY, to | PA 1 | | tor | Us P. HANLEY, or CO. 8. KI RICK, Ticket Agents, Kingston Ont. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co. LIMITED. KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, | 1,000 ISLANDS. Strs. NORTH KING. Ki daily 7 urn- | Commencing June 27th, leave ston for Thousand Island poms d «except Monday, at 10.15 a.m. ing leave at § p.m., for ChottarN N.Y (Port of Rochester), calling at Bay 4 Quinte Ports, STR, ALETHA---Leaves Mondays for! Bay of Quinte Ports, at § p.m. i Full jnformation from JAMES SWIFT & CO. Freight Agents, J, P, HANLEY Y, | LB: 8S. KIRKPATRICK, Ticker agents, - knows better than to offer a substitute if he wants to retain his reputation. Black and all Colors a ay Looseness of The Bowels. It is very seldom during the summer months that most people are not troubled with "looseness of the bowels." Sometimes it only goes that far, but generally it develops into Diarrhoea, Dysentery or Summer Complaint and has a tendency to weaken the whole eystem. When the bowels get loosened up in THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1908. A VERY CONVENIENT COTTAGE.) Designed by Charles S. Sedgwick, Architect, Minneapolis, Minn. » Beer that causes biliousness is green beer -- not aged. It ferments on the stomach. Schlitz beer ferments in our cooling rooms. We age it for Months Felors if gues out to you. No matter how great the . demand, Schlitz beer is never sold green. And Schlitz: beer i is pure--clean, filtered and sterilized; no germs in it. Yet it costs _you the' same as common. heer. 4 Call for the Brewery Bottliog. Messrs. RIGNEBY "&. RiGKRY, > Butors" 3 r Yicinit e St. Charles & + Rea Montreal. 3 ai Owners of narrow city lots often find | there are two large chambers, as well it rather difficult to secure the plan of | as one small one, all provided with a house which shall be both attractive closets The bathroom opens upon the and convenient, as well as adaptable to | hall, 'the plumbing pipes being brought the rectangular. piece of ground they | directly up from the kitchen. Such an possess. The one illustrated is pecu- | arrangement is more economical than liarly suited to the ordinary city lot, | where the kitchen and bath are on op- even one so narrow as 30-feet front as, | posite sides of the honse, exclusive of piazza, it measures 22x32 | . feet. The estimated cost, exclusive heating and plumbing, is $2,600. I'here a pretty piazza across the front, with Ionic columns supporting its roof. The gambrel roof gives an ap pearance of height and symmetry which | 1s most pleasing, and also gives the | much-desired closet' space for' the | second-story rooms, There is no waste space, the rooms are not large, they are con veniently arranged and easy of access. | The entrance, through a véstibule, opens into a small reception hall, from which the main stair leads up, with a small bay window lighting the landing. A great convenience is the basement door opening under this window. There is but one chimney--a central one--with a fireplace in the living-room, which also accommodates the furnace and kitchen flues The dining-room opens from the living-room with sliding doors, andl at the rear of the room is a cozy nook with a seat built around three sides In the frigerator sary piece { the r y accessible and dining-room NEWS OF NEIGHBORS f-- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. Sunday at vliinourg. Miss Bawden has returned to Ottawa, hay- | here with a short call. Fred. and Wal The Tidings From Various Points | ing a tew weeks at her moth-| ter Hoffman, sons of Rey. E. Hof-| in Eastern Ontario--What wd Mrs. gobn Taylor and | man, Berlin, Ont., have been ets The house is finished in hardwood in the first story and with painted pine in the second. Outside the narrow siding is painted a light green in the first story, with the trimmings white. The gable sides of the second story are light green, contrasting nicely with the dark green stain of the shingles of the roof. of | is CHAMRER 126X860 for although . 1 H 9-¥IX 9-2) o LHOON SHIA CHATMMRER 12-0Xi20 ar o O-11x0-01 ou X02! Nduoim § [ood SHIN r I, 1S 3 re- this neces- accessible large pantry there space by which of furpiture { 'ar porch The pantry is | from" hoth the kitchen On the second story FIRST FLOOR PLAN. is SECOND FLOOR PLAN. cutt.ng their early | whe for somo time have been away Bruee is still very ill | New Ontario, have returned home, gnd' w. will probably stay with their parents, | are | Mr. and Mrs. William John until af-! nm. ter harvest. Messrs, I. S. Martineau, | spent | Colebrook, and A. W. Ben amin, Yar- ker, favored a few of their friends| the binder grain. mrs. Iu. with but slight hopes or recofery. A. Taylor and ster, Miss Mae, spending the 'week at Lake Upc Mr. and Mrs. Rowpert Alison with >adie spent this way and you wish to check the un- natural discharge without bringing on | constipation, there is only one remedy | to use, and that one is Dr FowLer's | This | | remedy ie not an experiment as it has ExTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. been used in thousands of families dur- ing the past sixty-three years. When you ask for DR. FowrLeR's be sure you get it, as many unprincipalled drug- gists will try to palm off a cheap sub stitute on you. Miss M. Hopkins, Roseview, Sask., writes : "I have used Dr. FowLer's Extract of Wimp STRAWBERRY and | found it is all it is recommended to be for | | Diarrhoea and Summer Complaint. - We | would not be without a bottle of it in the house." Manufactured by The Milburn Co, Limited, Totogie, Ont. Price 350 SPECIAL IL NOTICE. To the I.adies fa Kingston I have removed to the former Board of Education rooms, Mon- treal street, corner Princess. Re- member the place. J ROSEN, LADIES' TAILOR. ALLAN "2" LINE| Montreal to Liverpool Virginian sails _. July 31. Aug. 28. Tunisian sails ., Aug. 7. Sept. 4 Victorian sails Aug. 14. Sept.'11 MONTREAL TO HAVRE ANY LONDON. Corinthian safle ..._ Aug. 1+ Sept. 12, Pomeranian sails Aug. 8. Rates ot ge and full {nforma~ jon may obtained from J. P. NLEY, Agent G.T.R., or OC, S. |_KIRKPAT TRICK, L Local al_Agents. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- --4.15 a.m, 1,004.00 0-89.15 a.m: 1.00--4.00 7.80--9.15 a.m, 1.00--4,00 Breakey's 6.30930 a.m. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m, 8.00---9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m. $.15~12.30 asm: 5.00 p.m. LEAVES KINGSTON -- 8.830--11.30 a.m. 3 bn, 8.30--11.30 a.m: 8.000 3 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8.00 IT HURS. 8.80--1,00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. HBreakey's Bay, 3 p.m. "FRI. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 3.005.830 p.m. SAT, 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.80 pn. |SUN. 9.45 a.m. 1.155.830 p.m. Sat --Special trip to Simcoe Island! and Spoor's dock, at' 8.00 p.m Time Table subject to change without ! notices Roat calls at Garden Island going to sud from Kingston p.m, Keri p.my WED, THURS., Pan. 1.30 p.ih. IM ON, 30 boa, ers. Mr. People Are Doing And What | Gladys have returned rom a vis it at | at the parsonage here for a few weeks They Are Saying. Lake Upinicon. kKucent visitors: Miss | antl are enjoying a month's outing in| vs morr-- taicaleth purtch and niece, Miss Ma- | this part of the country very much nel Burtch, city, damuel pLaxter and A series of missignary services will sister, Artimiss, Falls, at J. held at the Lutheran church on] Mrs. Saale Weir and Mrs. | Sunday, Aucust 9th. Rey. P. Beer, | and children, city, | Ottawa, will assist in conducting Miss Duntar, Mont- | them, Mis: Annie Marquardt, who has| Conalin, Watertown, | enjoyed a month's visit with her. par- Bruce s; Miss Shaw, Fel | ents at her old home, has returned to Shepherd s; Lite | Ottawa, to resume her former posi- aty, at B. €ol- | tion. Campbediiord, | at R. sixon's. | Have A Fair Crop. Chan'ry, July Mrs. Dr, Dhilps, Josten, is at present visiting her par ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knowl- lhe farmers of this section have finished cutting their hay and M. Sherwood is at N.Y., visiting his Powers. Miss Alta, her par- 25 Jones be . taylors ; Witham Lemmon at A. real, Rector s; and Mrs, N.Y, at W. lows, at Milliard lings; and Mrs ton about report a fair «r wp. [Tes nt in Osweg go, Mrs. Gegrza Hughson, Mrs. McQ Hanley, | | | Ri¢ hard | | Chant, Edmonton, the holidays with sis ter, Martha sending is ; aty, | A Young Life Ended. R. A, Sheldon and son,|W- Taylor, Opmicon, spent Sunday, | Marysville, July 25--Much sympa Lawrence, have roturned from their|V nder his parents' wolf. Owing to the | thy is expressed at Marysville and nts here. | | trip through the Cobalt district. | iliness of one of the boys of the foot-| surrounding country for Mr. and Mrs | | { | | { | | | | | | | | i { ball team, Latimer was unable told. C, Meagher in the loss of their play the Elginburg boys last week, as] eldest Michael James, whose | intended. {«leath from tuberculosis occurred at the. home of his uncle, D. Sheehan, at | Westhrooke, where he went in the hope that a change would restore him to his former health. But despite the best medical treatment he passed | peacefully away on Saturday after- | noon. Until a short time ggo he had been a strong and active lad, 'the life of his home, and by his Kindly | Movements At Wilton. | Wilton, July 29.--J. Williams, is visiting his father, Rev. Mrs. Herbert Lapum is renewing acquaint Miss Smith, Hawley, is her cousin, Miss Gretta Mr. and Mrs, E son, Cha- Dh Wa ances | cago, | Williams. | tertown, | Wilton | ¢ uest of elstine | Newhurgh sythe's | misfortune | starting for day evening. | froth Watertown last week not | best of health and is now | from typhoid fever. Little | Parrott 1s threatened with [ Mrs. Damon Amey and Mrs. Lucas, of Maple avenue, are |riouly ill. Mr. and Mrs. B. grandchildren, Going To The West. 29.--The farmers are lall busy cutting their hay and report | \s- 1a much better yield than last year. Gandier, | Raspberries are very scarce. The pic » spent Sunday at J. For- |. was well attended last Saturday Mrs. Miles Martin had the | \¢ Farrell's lake, followed by a party to break an yi whe By the evening. William Byurove left disposition and Btror tay a ROC1# MO Spo on and renerous nature won the lawn social on Mon { on Thursday tor with a car- ag « na on John Owens arrived oad of ciccts in the! fOF himself many friends, especially in the reat 'west. He Some. fie among the zged, to whom he delight suffering) 3 6rg0g to take with Mim, one from ted to extend a helping hand or give Kathleer Dowdell od her a cheery word or Kindly smile. His a OWL an another rom . typhoic teorse Foarnier. Mrs. White i Mrs untimely death, at the early age of . eor se ournier. r € an rs. Denni Muir's. visiting here'for 'the * hagt twenty-seven years, has cast 5 sha- both se ont! it ned % their } Pas dow over the faces of all who knew B. Shib 2 her returned ar! Ome MM him. His mother, who has heen - h with their Dorothy Laan me Fharstiay. von Ruan! constant attendant at his bed-side the {and Shibley Neilson, leave to-day for "ih "her % 1 uchter Mis T Err {past two weeks, and his uncle, D. denham, where Mr. Shibley has af * Miss Liz; ¢ } M rric on ntti 5 Sheehan, accompanied the remains to amp on Weir's Landing. They ex- see. poe _ BE u's Pert} B a Marysville and on Monday at ten pect to spend the rest of the summer iil : TICNUS 1) in nh HOV. o'clock the funeral took place at St. ameron, Belleville, called on fiinds Mary's church, Marysville. The sol A Mr. and Mrs. J. Mensie scent amp" mass of requiem was celebrated oe sunday here. Percy Rice and sister, Rev. Father Michael Meagher, anid ws | pent Sunday 'at J. Dowd I's. Misses ,¢ tended by an immense throng of damie and 'Leng Ritchie, Bolinghrooke people of all classes and creeds, the pent Sunday here. sacred edifice being crowded to the door. The Brotherhood of B. of L. Back To See Old Friends. F. E., of which deceased was a mem- Denbigh, July 28.--David Livingston her, aftended the funeral and about wow of Rainy River, Algoma district, forty of the members preceded the wit for Many years a resident in this hearse on foot a distance af. two nunicigality,', and one of the first set- 'miles and carried two bheautifut: floral ders in this part of the country, is wreaths, one from the B. of L. F. E. pending a few weeks visitng old" and one from Miss Marshall, Belle riends here. Harvey and Willie John, iville. 'Ihe following acted as pall bearers : Messrs. James Topping, Alex- ander Campbell, Robert Acton, Pa- trick Lynch, Vincent Lynch and George Cornish. Deceased leaves to mourn his death besides his father and mo- ther, one sister, Mrs. J. B. Seanlin, of Moor Lake, and two brothers, John and Frank, at home, in | | Althorpe, July the | | in Calgary for farming pur: hased thomas | ley, | there. \aTE. Inverary Tidings. Inverary, July 29.--1he many friends of Mrs. Bruce, sr., are sorry to hear ol her serious illness. A. Lake's child i better." Thomas Arthwm on Tuesday drawing san and gravel for his new stables. Dr and Mes, S. W. Arthur are back again after spending a week in Boston. Hardy Teepell is engaged building a Icottage for Dr. Ryan, on the shores of Loughboro Lake. Frederick Fer guson and Elmer Shepherd have re turned from. Quebée. ~ Miss Lizzie Bar low has returned to Kingston after | spending a week at W. J. Arthurs' Amdng the recent visiters are : Mrs W. Rector and daughter, lda, Water, town: Archibald Haggadore, Odessa; Clarence Kmberley, Yarker; Messrs, | Bruce and Jennings, Miss Bessie Chap man, Kingston; Earl Lake, Battersea; Filmer Shepherd, Preston Gibson, T Gordon and John Campbell, Inverary lat W. R. Tolls'; Miss Norma Elmer, | Kingston, at T. Thompson's. considerably had a bee Ministers, = lawyers, teachers and others, whose occupation gives but little exercise, should use Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills for torpid liver and biliousness. One is a dose. Try them. The straw that breaks the camels back usually gets the blame for: the weight of the whole load. News From Latimer. Latimer, July 2%. --Farmers ar: aloat through haying and are busy HERE ARE A FEW GOoD | SOK oe) SHOE BARGAINS Girls' Strap Shoes, spring heels, 1 and 3 strap, sizes 11 to 2, regular $1.25 for $1 00. Women's Brown Oxfords, regular $2.00 for $1.50, Women's Brown Oxfords, regular $3.50 for $2.50. Women's Brown Oxfords, regular $2.50 for $2.00. Girls' $2.00 Brown Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, $1.50. Infants' Strap Shoes, sizes 3 to 7}. Special value, 75c. Women's Black Kid Lace Oxfords, sizes 4 to 7, regular $1.25 for $1.00. Baby Boots--Special value at 65e., sizes 3'to 7, 50c. Women's Cool Slippers for the house, Cloth and Carpet, 25¢ and 30c. Women's Ceol Leather and Prunella Slip- pers, 60c, 75¢c to $1.2 See Our Special Leatied Suit Case at $5.00. PENDABLE 2ESHoES -- DEERE REEEE PREECE EEEERE) CHICAGO JEWEL GAS STOVES The Key to Economy The Chicago Jewel Gas Stoves are durable, easily cleaned and practi- cally indistructible. Every woman who uses a Chicago 5 Jewel would not part with it, if she could" not get another. See them in working order at our store. ELLIOTT BROS. DERG EEEEEEEE COSCON DETE --_-- PES ED Ee PREREE [88 77 PRTRCESS ST. The St. LawrenceSugar Refining Co., Ltd MONTREAL Manufaeturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from Cane A p-- Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." D. STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. RECEEREEES O00 000000000000 03000 Evangeline Ganong"s G.B. Chocolates Always fresh. The finest in the city. A.J. REES, 166 Princess St OO0O00000000000000000000000000000000 ALUMING

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